vanessagaraffa · 2 years
Final Rationale
Starting my thesis project I had many ideas but there were none that really stood out. I finally came up with Idea of an app that benefited mothers struggling with postpartum depression and all the negative symptoms that come with it. I came up with this idea when my cousin went through ppd and there was nothing that us loved ones could really do for her besides be there, support her and push her to get better. She eventually went to therapy and started meditation classes, which was the number one thing she found helped with her symptoms. This is where the idea for an app that focused on exactly that came into play. 
Nova targets mothers who are struggling with postpartum depression or have been told by a doctor or therapist to experiment with the app. Nova helps mothers cope with their symptoms of postpartum depression through mindfulness and meditation exercises, and journaling strategies. Within the app, mothers get the chance to fill out a survey and from there, depending on their answers, they will be given specific exercises that help them with their feelings and symptoms. 
Over the past semester, I have been getting feedback from teachers, friends and family and have been taking it all into consideration. I have also been working alongside a group from the IT program and the Capstone projects to bring this idea and prototype to life. It was a great experience and awesome thing to watch my prototype become real. 
Nova not only features exercises to help mothers and their symptoms of ppd, the app also features a journaling section where mothers can express their thoughts and exact feelings each day. Mothers can then go back and see their growth or for some, to go back and show a doctor or therapist. Nova is a great outlet to relax, breathe and open up. 
When creating the app, I had my cousin in the back of my head. She is someone who does not open up easily so being able to talk to someone and try new things was hard for her. That is also what is so great about Nova, it is an app only for yourself if you choose. No one has to be around, no one has to look in on your progress, it is solely for you and your growth.
I decided I wanted to include happy, yet soft and subtle colours that stood out and brought life to the app, but still got the message across. Purple is very calming and it is one of  the main colours used with the brand Nova. I decided to include illustrations within the app, to not only add some more detail but also to help navigate through the app. The illustrations are simple, yet include the brand's colour palette and stand out with a more happy feeling. 
Overall, I believe that Nova is a successful thesis topic and brand that benefits mothers from all over. I never really knew how many people postpartum depression affects after childbirth but this research and project has opened my eyes to this issue. The quality in idea and design is something I am proud of, and is something I hope to continue and expand after school. 
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vanessagaraffa · 2 years
Here is the link to the Nova prototype. Take a look and enjoy!
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vanessagaraffa · 2 years
This is NOVA
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vanessagaraffa · 2 years
This is NOVA
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vanessagaraffa · 2 years
Final App Design
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vanessagaraffa · 2 years
Status Report in Depth
Week 2
Deliverables Estimated Time Actual Time
First time meeting with Capstone group 2 h 30 min
Meeting with John 30 min 30 min
Start Layout ideas for the app 5 h 2.5 h
Overall, I definitely overestimated my time for this week. I thought that the wireframing and layout planning would have taken me long, by overall, I think I had a vision in mind already, so this process was easier than I expected.
Week 3
Work on Brand Guide and start a mood board 2 h 45 min 
• Continue prototype - continue in XD 3 h 2.5 h
• Meet with John - Review and update 2 h 45 min
Again, I think I overestimated my time for this week. I think I expected further revisions from my meeting with John, and I wanted to complete more for my brand guide but I ended up just setting up the file. 
Week 4
Prototype - completed 40% 5 h 3 h 
Weekly review with IT group - make any updates 1 h 1 h
Sketches - for app illustrations have been started 3 h 1 h
I did overestimate time for this week. At this point, my prototype was not as far along as expected. I made necessary changes with my IT group, as well as started initial sketches for my illustrations but did not take those any further. 
Week 5
Finish Brand Guide 4 h 1 h 
Meeting with John 1 h 1 h
Illustrations - still working on 5 h 2 h
I was very busy this week, so I did not complete as much as I wanted. I did not finish my brand guide in week 5 and there were not many revisions from my meeting with John. 
Week 6
Weekly meeting with IT group 1 h 30 min 
Illustrations - starting to be added 2 h 1 h
Process journal - updated 3 h 30 min
I ended up adding to my brand guide this week, as I did not complete it in week 5 like I estimated. I plan on adding further elements to the brand guide. I started added my illustrations into my prototype, but I think I thought I would have been done them, but as of right now, I only have half of my illustrations completed. I definitely overestimated myself.
Week 7 
Weekly meeting with IT group 20 min 15 min
Continue illustrations 1 h 2 h
Get feedback from friends and family 1 h 45 min
This was a pretty chill week, I did not do much as I was busy with work and other school projects. I wanted to get some stuff done before starting reading week and placement.
Week 8 - Reading Week
Prototype continued and revised 3 h 2 h
Illustrations match progress 2 h 1 h
Meeting with IT Group 1 h 25 min
I found that my illustrations were taking longer than expected and at this time it did not match the progress of the prototype.
Week 9
Prototype continued and revised 3h 2h
Illustrations continued - match 2h 2h
Brand Guide - stationary 2 h 0 h
I did not end up doing the stationary for the brand guide as I decided to focus more on the navigation and prototype
Week 10
Prototype navigation in progress 1 h 1 h
Illustrations continued 2 h 1 h
Meeting with John and revisions 1 h 1 h
My meeting went well and I did not have many revisions. I continued to focus on the illustrations.
Week 11 - Placement Starts
Prototype navigation updates 2 h 0 h
Illustrations continued 2 h 1 h
Brand Guide finalized 3 h 0 h
Unfortunately I did not get much work done this week. I had started placement and I was quite busy and wanted to focus on starting that and getting settled in.
Week 14 - Final Evals
Prototype finalized 1 h 1 h
Illustrations finalized 1 h 1 h
Process Journal and Brand Guide Finalized 1 h 2 h
I finished most of the prototype and brand guide in weeks 12 and 13, however I had a bit more work to do for the process journal.
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vanessagaraffa · 2 years
Status Report Explained
During these first 6 weeks of the semester, my overall goal was to start creating and navigating an app prototype for Nova. As well as finalize branding and include it all in a brand guide, and design illustrations to include within the app prototype. Within my weekly status report, I think I overestimated the time and thought things would have taken me longer than they did. With that being said, I often found myself pushing deadlines because these certain components were not taking me as long as I thought they would have. In the end, I ultimately think I got fewer things done than I wanted to because of that issue, but I think that I am still at a good spot in my overall project, and I am happy with the outcome so far. I have designed over half of my app, and I am still meeting with the IT group from Conestoga, who I am working with to bring Nova to life. I have designed half of the illustrations that will be incorporated into the prototype, and I have more than half of my brand guide completed.
Overall, I think this first half of my thesis has been a learning curve and an eye-opener on my time management skills. In the upcoming thesis status report for weeks 8-14, I have now outlined the things I need to get done in a better-timed way, as well as more accurate hours, now knowing the pace that I work at. Going forward, I will be in the works of finalizing my prototype and navigation, as well as the project with the IT group. I will also be finalizing my brand guide, by including further elements like stationary and other applications. I will also be continuing illustrations that will be incorporated within the app, including the meditation and mindfulness exercises. 
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vanessagaraffa · 2 years
Weekly Status Report
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Weeks 7-14
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vanessagaraffa · 2 years
Weekly Status Report
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Weeks 1-6
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vanessagaraffa · 2 years
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Here are some of the in app illustrations used to help navigate through the app and to help define and explain the meditation and mindfulness exercises!
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vanessagaraffa · 2 years
Nova Stationary
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Here is Novas stationary, which includes our business card, envelopes and letterheads!
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vanessagaraffa · 2 years
Nova Brand Guide
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vanessagaraffa · 2 years
Site Map
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App site map.
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vanessagaraffa · 2 years
App Wireframes
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These wireframes lay out the app and all of its features and components. Anywhere from the sign in page to the meditation and survey page.
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vanessagaraffa · 2 years
App Inspiration
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Here is a mood board of other apps that focus on postpartum in general. Whether that be focused on emotions, journaling, fitness, meditation or nutrition. I will be able to use these other apps as inspiration and what to do, as well as focus on what looks good and what doesn't.
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vanessagaraffa · 2 years
Type Explained
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Both Barricada Pro and Sofia Pro are used.
Barricada Pro is only used for the Nova logo and is fun and bouncy looking. It brings life to the logo with its curved and rounded edges and shapes.
Sofia Pro is used for basic text. It is simple, but easy to read. For an app that is used to calm, relax and help mothers, Sofia Pro is not super large, overwhelming or in your face, which can bring more stress and anxiety.
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vanessagaraffa · 2 years
Colours Explained
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Nova’s colour palette includes a variety of colours that represent space and the Nova star. These colours include English Violet, Jam, Wild Orchid, Lavender, Goldie, Grey Green, Black and white. These are fun and bright colours that definitely work well together and stand out.
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