vick-anthony-blog · 7 years
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For our third date, we met up at the 57th St. train station and made our way to Central Park. We entered the park around 5pm and kept walking further north for hours, and found a really cool path through some bushes and I promised Vicki that we'd go on an adventure in the woods, but there were fences blocking the path. Instead, we simply went around the path and ended up at a big castle structure overlooking half of Central Park. I tried getting Vicki to pose for my camera but that bum reserves her good looks only for my eyes, I guess. After that, we kept walking and found a giant lake with people running around it. Being the fatasses we are, we took a detour so we don't make the runners jealous of our walking abilities. We kept walking farther and farther after that. Why does she go through so much walking just for me? No clue. Anyway, it was getting dark so we just found a nice, quiet place on the baseball fields and laid my towel on the grass. We sat there for hours and talked more about life, from Vicki's first twenty seven boys that weren't good enough for her to my social awkwardness as usual oops. Only when we made our way home around 11 did it hit us that we sat there for several hours. We kept stressing out about whether her parents were gonna kill her when she came home but, luckily, her mom picked her up and joked a little about Vicki coming home at midnight on a Sunday. Get yourself a girl ready to risk her life just to sit with you on a tiny towel in a cold park for hours on end. - Anthony 04.17.17
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vick-anthony-blog · 7 years
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Today I had plans to eat Dim Sum with my family and one of my mom’s old teachers. Normally I don’t make plans if I have something else to do, even if it only took up part of my day. But after our very successful first date I was eager to see my now boyfriend, and jumped at the chance to go on our second date only three days later. We arranged to meet at 3:30 and during the entire breakfast exchange, all I could think about was replying to Anthony. Unfortunately I had to refrain, for using your phone at the table is kinda rude. Yay for social interactions. Then my sister surprised me with a bomb saying that we were going shopping after dim sum, so I was stressed about being late to my date. Long story short I got home around 2:30 and quickly curled my hair (have to look not like a bum once in a while!). Thankfully I was driven to the station so I wasn’t tooo late, but to no one’s surprise Anthony was there way before me. When I arrived to the Forest Hills station, I had no idea where to exit. Anthony had specifically said the south exit, but I traveled both sides of the station and they both said North. With my yolo motto, I just exited the one I was closest to and looked around for him. He didn’t seem too annoyed at my inability to navigate the simplest of directions, or at least he hid it very well. I sent him a picture of my surroundings and waited in anticipation. This bitch had the audacity to sneak up behind me, sending my already pounding heart into a larger frenzy. Anthony led the way to lunch and showed me a bit of “his-hood-but-not-really”. Me being the impatient little shit I am, I completely abandoned my cute plan of our first hand hold (I was going to ask him to hold something and when he held out his hand I would just give him mine), and I just signaled for him to hold my hand. Oops. At least it got the job done. So we walked around and arrived at Shake Shack AKA the love of my life. Anthony somehow got me to agree to eating at Bare Burgers instead. I swear, this boy has some voodoo power over me??? It took me a while to pick my order, which will be a reoccurring theme, but I finally got it down. Anthony called the waiter over, who was really quirky which I thought was cute. Something else I thought was really cute was that he ordered for me again. Considering we’re both not a fan of talking to other people, or remotely good at ordering (wocka chicca moca), it was sweet of him to pull the smallest of gestures. As we ate, I listened to him tell me about his family. Beauty and the Beast started at 4:25, so when the time was nearing and I still wasn’t done with my burger, Anthony started giving me periodic reminders to hurry the fuck up, but nicely. Thanks to my slow eating -wowza do the flaws ever end- we had to rush to the movie theater. Like the sweetheart he is, Anthony had already bought the tickets online so all we had to do was show the dude the barcode and off we ran into the room. We got decent seats near the back in the center and proceeded to watch the trailers. When Emma Watson first showed up I was fangirling over her face, I mean, look at her face. Anthony pretends to cover his eyes and goes “I’m loyal!!!” which was really cute. But c’mon, it’s Emma Watson. We watch the movie while holding hands here and there and leaning on each other etcetc. Both of us made a bunch of comments all throughout, just giggling to ourselves. When the movie ended, we didn’t bother sticking around for the credits. We decided to walk around a bit so he could show me more of Forest Hills, which I quickly fell in love with. There were a bunch of options for desserts, but we ended up opting for Marthas, which I had never tried. One purchased Oreo Cheesecake later, we continued our journey and headed into the Forest Hills Gardens. The weather was so lovely and holding hands with the cutest boy was a small plus. We ran into his best friend’s brother which was kind of awkward since I stood there as the two exchanged small talk. Eventually we came across an empty quiet park and sat down on the wet grass to eat our cheesecake. I don’t even remember what we talked about because conversations always come so naturally. We kept kissing each other on the cheek and I noticed each time it got alarmingly closer (YEAH I NOTICED). Anthony finally grows a pair and kisses me, cue the explosions!! Another milestone crossed, and it was only date two. The rest of the night was kind of a blur. We played truth or dare which turned into truth or truth, which was just us pulling questions from terrible apps and repetitive websites. Eventually around 9, my dad called and we figured we should get going. So together we walked back to the station, taking detours of course. It was nice to enjoy the night environment in such a beautiful neighborhood, all while having cutesy conversations. At some point Anthony gave me a piggy back ride -no idea how he convinced me to do that either wtf. We arrive to the station in a bit and take the R train, discussing our unreal date. 74th street came all too fast and soon enough, we went our separate ways. - Vicki 04.16.17
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vick-anthony-blog · 7 years
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- Anthony 4/13/2017
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