voidedlux · 9 months
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voidedlux · 9 months
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voidedlux · 9 months
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voidedlux · 9 months
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voidedlux · 9 months
You are not always going to have the inspiration to write. And that’s okay.
      You are not always going to have the energy to write. And that’s okay. 
          You are not always going to have the time to write. And that’s okay. 
Real life and health are more important than RP. Remember to take care of yourself. Be kind to yourself. And, please, never push yourself for the sake of this hobby.  Real life and health are more important than RP.
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voidedlux · 9 months
The feeling of Milo wilting under her touch burned in her chest and she released him from her loving grasp, the last thing she ever wanted was to cause him any sort of pain. "I can't stop you if you want to leave me. I can't force you into something you don't want." Anastasia wouldn't try either, she wasn't that type of person. "But — you don't give up on real love, Milo."
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Emotion hit her eyes and tightened her throat. Her head shook in defiance of what he was saying. "I wouldn't do that to you. I mean what I say, always." Maybe she was a rare person in the world since she kept her word and followed up with actions. Sometimes she didn't know how she still stood with how much the world tried to knock her down. "You don't trust me, do you?"
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the tenderness of her touch was almost too much to bear. he wanted to run away from it, hide from the wishful look in her eyes begging him to stay by her side. he didn't trust it, how could he when it had all been destined to fail from the beginning? it was different at the start, when the end felt so far away but milo couldn't handle any more heartbreak in his life, certainly not from her of all people. "don't make this harder." for a man of such perceived strength and intensity, milo seemed so small with his face clasped in her hands, his body seeming to try and close in on itself to take up as little space as possible. "please. don't— don't give me false hope. i can't take it, i just can't."
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voidedlux · 9 months
Truth be told, sex had always been sex, and the pillow talk that ensured afterward had always been lighthearted. This was different. Despite the way their bodies had connected earlier in the night, it seemed the morning hours were for intellectual and perhaps spiritual connection. Given that she was a living mystery, it was an odd place to find herself in, and she supposed it was a good thing the questions were one-sided. Teddy wanted to be seen and known and Talia could give that to him, and the fact that the interest wasn't returned it made it easier for her to keep her secrets. It kept him safer as well.
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"I think it's the quickest way to insanity," Talia responded thoughtfully. "It can be consuming wondering and worrying about how you're seen, thought of, and perceived. Insecurity and self-doubt would mangle the uniqueness of you." And by you she was speaking generally. There was something special about him, it was why she lingered and inquired and sought more pieces of him. What she didn't want was to taint Teddy. And that would inevitably happen if they saw more of each other. An easy smile formed on her lips as he pressed his lips to her knuckles then rested her hand on his chest. "Is your heart racing a little or do you have a higher resting rate," Talia somewhat teased. When she leaned forward she took his chin in her gentle grasp and pressed her lips to his.
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"i would have liked that too." he said softly, the shyness free from her voice finding its way to slip into his. sometimes it felt hard to imagine a person he'd feel completely comfortable talking to, one whom he wouldn't feel like he needed to perform for to a certain degree. maybe that was just what being a person was, though he'd never felt particularly good at doing that either. it felt good to have been able to slip into such a meaningful conversation naturally, without the need for pressure or prompting. talia seemed to know exactly what to say, not to make him feel better per se but rather to encourage an interesting dialogue, the kind of pillow talk that he wasn't used to but enjoyed greatly as an academic. "i think there's human curiosity there, but you're right. i don't know if any of us would be happy with how we are perceived in the eyes of others." he hoped that he'd made himself desirable in her eyes at least, that he felt fine to be concerned about. gently, he reached up and curled his nimble fingers around her wrist, bringing her hand down from his hair so he could press a kiss or two to her knuckles before bringing it to his bare chest. he wanted to offer some kind of meaningful response but he couldn't, not when her words had touched him so much, the gesture would have to be enough to show his gratitude.
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voidedlux · 9 months
The thing about Talia was that she loved a little danger. Mind games as well. The probability of being caught and called out was tantalizing and perhaps enticed her actions all the more. Plus, she truly enjoyed getting a handsome man flustered. If only because it meant he'd fuck her harder the moment they were alone. Whether people believed it or not, there was always a motive behind everything she did. She may have been as calculating as a notorious killer even if she actually wasn't one. Hence the strong suspicion she often fell under.
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"I'm a dessert first kind of gal. Also afterwards as well," the thriller writer smirked up at Antony. "I love a good feast. Don't you?" Her fingers pressed in on the muscled shape of his ass and Talia gave him a good squeeze. "But almost nothing beats a good ride." Given their near foot in height difference her hand easily slipped lower and snaked around his upper inner thigh from behind, the tips of her fingers barely scraping against his balls before she pulled away. "You're not afraid of getting caught are you?" The question was accompanied with a smirk as she backed away, one slow step at a time. "There's an empty room at the end of the hall. Meet me there in a minute."
Antony felt Talia’s hand traverse even further south, encompassing the curve of his rear in a touch that usually came only from someone in the most intimate of settings. By all rights, considering the eyes that could be upon them and the potential ire of his superiors, Antony should’ve stepped away or told Talia to stop. Instead, he did nothing but remain standing firm, the touch of her hand on his arse prompting the slightest stirring of his cock on the other side of him. With such movement, Antony knew he’d need to go somewhere private before long, else risk sporting an evident, trapped erection in public. As if reading his mind, Talia whispered an offer too good to turn down.
“A whole meal sounds very intriguing, delightful even…” Antony murmured, his tone as low as hers yet with an undoubtedly aroused huskiness about it. “I’m sure you’re very well placed to recommend just whether it comes before and or after a good ride, as you say,” Antony added. To his credit, his manner both in posture and voice held like he wasn’t being so sorely tempted, yet just after speaking, he couldn’t help but continue with “We should find somewhere private quickly, else we’re going to be caught very quickly, all thanks to your touch…” 
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voidedlux · 9 months
"Wait, what time is it?" Still a little sleepy and groggy as though it were the crack of dawn, she sat upright and looked at Finn. "I'm pretty sure you have other shirts."
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"Anything I ask? Then I ask to keep this shirt. Thanks, babe, love my gift."
open to :  f ,  21 + muse :  finnigan  tucker ,  24 , computer  science  college  student  &  drug - dealer .
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' you  look  sexy  as  fuck  wearing  my  shirt ,  baby girl . . .  but  i  kinda  need  it  to  go  to  class ,  ya ' know ?  lucky  for  you ,  imma  give  you  something  in  return .  anything  you  ask . '
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voidedlux · 9 months
"What is it you're striving for?" The blonde couldn't resist when her curiosity surfaced. Sunny was unsure if she was allowed to ask questions but he seemed so soft and easygoing, encouraging even. "Do you really?" Unfortunately, she had no real idea what that looked like for her. It always seemed like some pipe dream and now it was being seen in her future. Too good to be true?
The confirmation should've backed her up a step or two, instead she felt herself just wanting to be closer, even as he joked. A nervous smile cracked and Sunny nodded. He seemed like a trustworthy guy.
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A blush tinted her cheekbones and a bashful smile appeared on her lips. "Are you sure you're not performing a love spell on me right now?" It was her attempt at teasing, as she found she wanted more of that touch. Of the way he rubbed over her knuckles. Blue eyes shifted from him to the books on his desk and Sunny watched as his fingers flipped through pages. "Yeah, I just want to get rid of him," she assured and edged closer to his desk. "What could I possibly get out of revenge?" A little closer now, Sunny was standing before him. "Do you... need anything from me?" She wasn't even sure what she wanted him to say.
Damien raised a brow at her words, though his easy smile stayed resting upon his lips. "You must be very wise beyond your years, Sorella." he said with a quiet hum. "I fear that you are right about being comfortable, but we should all strive for more, no? I know I certainly am." he offered a shrug, his dark eyes practically glittering as they stayed locked with hers. "Happiness is something you can achieve. I see that in the future for you."
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"Si, the devil," he replied with a spooky voice, waving his hands. He usually found that the teasing helped people to relax. "I promise he's not quite as scary as you probably think." he added, running a hand through his hair. In fact his father had always been quite lovely though they didn't have many interactions.
He let her explain her idea, humming quietly at the thought. "To make you undesirable? I am not sure there is a ritual or curse that could make that possible. You are too lovely." he continued to tease her, brushing his thumb over her knuckles before letting her hand go to quickly flick through one of the many books on his desk. "But if that is what you so desire we can make that happen, I believe. We'll make him forget all about you." Damien hummed to himself as he found a spell that may work. "You are sure you wouldn't want any revenge? You deserve that at the very least." he tempted her one last time as he sat back against the edge of his desk.
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voidedlux · 9 months
"And I'm so perfect," the Swede rolled her eyes. It wasn't that his stresses and anxieties didn't matter. What bothered Ebba was she could feel this push away "My life isn't necessarily put together either." A sigh left her, if he only knew that's she'd had to flee her own country and change her name.
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"That doesn't make you damaged," she fought back. "I'll learn sign language. I'm going to go through it with you. Eventually could also be a long time. Who's to say you wont get tired of me by then?"
"That's not what I'm saying at all." He replied, quickly followed by a deep sigh. "Of course I do."
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"And you of all people should know there isn't anyone else I want. I just want to make sure you know what you are getting yourself into." Ryan stated, "I'm damaged goods and far from having my life together. Do you honestly want to spend the rest of your life with a man who will eventually be deaf?"
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voidedlux · 9 months
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François Arnaud + Ana Ularu in ‘The Man Who Was Thursday’
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voidedlux · 9 months
— ❝ hear me out... a one-night turns into forever romance. what if 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐚 and 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐛 are not friends, not even acquaintances — just two people who met at a mutual friend's party, had a one-night stand and went about their lives accordingly. never to speak or interact again. at least that's what they thought. about two months after their night together, 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐚 learns that they are pregnant and reaches out to 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐛. some back and forth later, they agree to raise their child together but as more than co-parents, wanting to try to give their soon-to-be family a chance.
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voidedlux · 9 months
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Sharon Stone as Catherine Tramell in Basic Instinct (1992)
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voidedlux · 9 months
When y’all are writing is there ever a point when you’re like “if someone does not lose their mind over this specific bit right here then what am I even doing?”
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voidedlux · 9 months
With a smirk on his lips that he was intent on trying to hide, Simon leaned forward and snatched his bottle of beer off the coffee table between them. "Oh, really, no company?" Feigned confusion was the most he could muster and he did feel a little bad when he witnessed her mortification when the realization hit Olivia.
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"You don't," he bit into his bottom lip and shook his head slightly, chuckling some, "you don't have to be quieter. That wasn't my point." This was becoming awkward very fast and he was working on coming up with the best way around it. "Jealous that you were enjoying yourself that much," Simon answered. "And... if you'd had someone over I would've been jealous that they got to be apart of that."
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At first she didn't know what he was talking about. She had just had a night at home alone, and a quiet one at that. Was he talking about her tv being too loud or something. But when he mentioned company, her smile faded. "Oh god." Covering her face with her hands, she was mortified. Was she really that loud? She thought she was pretty quiet considering. "I uh... That's because I had no company last night..." She swallowed thickly. Olivia could not believe she was even having this conversation. "I'm sorry. I'll be quiet next time." Brows knitting together, she looked back up at him. "Jealous? Why would you be jealous?"
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voidedlux · 9 months
Truthfully, the blonde wasn't entirely sure why she was so skittish. How was this any different than being on camera? At least if someone came upon them and watched now, it'd be a known number and a low one at that. Sure, her brother might freak out, but it was hard to care about that as Maxine did away with her bra and took her breast in her hand. "Okay," Noa breathed, "I'm being silly. Sorry." The woman's beautiful face was cupped in her hands and she pressed her lips to Maxine's. She shifted on top of the other woman, needing to feel some friction between her legs.
maxine had also heard the sound in the distance - but she didn't pay too much attention. "we'll be fine, love," maxine said, continuing to push the other bra strap off of noa's shoulder. "your brother won't find out." once both bra straps were off of noa's shoulder, she laced a hand around the other woman's back and unhooked the bra. once she discarded it to the ground, she cupped a breast with a small hand, her thumb circling noa's nipple.
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