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Different. Special. Rain snorted. Before the research facility she came from was destroyed, there were dozens more of her in cold storage. If given the same parasite, which was in no short supply, you would have an exact duplicate of her... Different? Special? Hardly.
Rain didn't bother to burst Bela's bubble by explaining, though. There was no point. All of that was gone now.
"Scientific reasons, huh?" A small, unreadable smile tugged at the corner of her lips. She skated her thumb along the flat side of her Bowie knife. "I've crossed paths with a lot of people and things that have wanted that." As she reached the tip of the blade, she pressed the pad of her finger against it, drawing forth a bead of blood. "But I don't just give it away." She sucked the blood from the cut, which quickly healed itself.
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"I don't often get the chance to talk to someone like you."
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Rain didn't exactly understand Matt's level of incredulity. Well, she did sometimes get reactions along those lines, but the way he said it indicated that he was certain he already knew her personality as well as her name, adding to the strangeness of the situation. "Yeah. Not at all."
While she tended to have more pacifistic tendencies, Rain could acknowledge that that wasn't exactly an option against mindless, bloodthirsty monsters that could easily turn her into one of them. "I get it." But when Matt told her that she needed to learn how to use a firearm, she still grimaced slightly. "Right. Okay. Keeping distance is preferable when it comes to these things."
One of the zombies he shot down was in an R.P.D. uniform. "Maybe he's still got a gun on him." Rain decided to approach the prone body. There was indeed a service pistol still sitting in his holster. She gave him a little kick to make sure he wasn't going to move again, then bent down and reluctantly took the weapon. "So, how do I..." just by the way she was holding it, it was apparent she didn't know what she was doing. No trigger discipline, "use this?"
Not calling somebody by the name they preferred was a pretty fundamental level of disrespect, in Rain's opinion. She hated it when people called her Larraine, so if he preferred Matt, she'd call him Matt. Simple. Nemesis obviously wasn't a name he chose for himself. It was a name chosen by people trying to make a living weapon.
She was right about him being a super soldier. And apparently, he hadn't even signed up for it. "God, that's terrible... I'm so sorry, man," she said sympathetically.
It often felt as though Umbrella owned everything. A good portion of Raccoon City's population worked for them. Or rather, people in this facility, apparently. Rain still needed proof regarding that. But regardless, she could believe that this was all about money. How twisted.
She took note of the fact that Matt basically referred to the tentacles as though they were their own beings. "What, do they have minds of their own?"
So that was supposedly all she was around for...? Tests? All of this was disturbing to think about. And confusing. If she was a clone, how much of her past was real? Did all the people she knew actually exist at any point, or were they nothing more than false memories? How similar was she to the original Rain? "Is that the only difference you've noticed?" she asked after a beat. There was a bit of comfort in the idea that she wasn't an exact copy. That there were differences. But were those programmed into her, too? Was any part of her authentic or real? It had to be. Or she wouldn't be willing to entertain all of this, right? Good god.
Rain covered her head when Matt raised his chain gun to the sky and opened fire. As soon as the short-circuiting noise reached her ears, a sort of nervous anticipation started tightening in her chest. He wasn't remotely full of it, was he? This was real. Well, it wasn't real. It was all fake. That was the reality. And when she was greeted with that black, rectangular, glitchy spot in the sky? Well, there was no arguing with that, was there? Rain watched as a panel fell and struck a Honda parked in someone's driveway. "...Alright... I believe you," she uttered following an uncomfortable silence, during which she tried to process everything.
She was a clone. In a simulation. Made for testing purposes. Holy shit. How was one even meant to process knowledge that huge and crazy? Now was definitely not the time to spiral, so she did her best to not think about it much harder for the time being. There was no reason to linger in this destruction any longer, and she did want to see what lay beyond. "...Lead the way."
[From Good Rain] The chaos that had overtaken the simulated streets finally seemed to have settled down. Rain thought that she might finally have a moment to catch her breath, but then found herself blanketed by the shadow of a massive figure.
Nemesis lived his life in a sedative-induced haze, whether he was asleep or awake. Most of the time he was kept sedated to the point of being knocked out, but even while awake, it was as if his mind was lethargic or something. His personality, the parts of him that were Matt instead of Nemesis, were buried deep, half-asleep, too tired and distant to take control. All he could do is watch through his own eyes as he did things he didn't want to do, killed people he didn't want to kill, because he was ordered to. The controlled parts of his mind went on autopilot once an order was given, and his body moved without him wanting it to. It was like being an unwilling passenger in a car driven by a homicidal robot.
Being recaptured after Raccoon City was his absolute worst nightmare. Why couldn't he have just been killed by the nuclear weapon like other normal human beings? No, he had to strangely regenerate, his virus-permeated form only spurred on by the radioactivity and too focused on survival to allow him to die. It hadn't been bad at first... Oh, sure, he'd grown tentacles, and he was a few inches taller than he'd been before. Maybe more muscular too. Had his bones gotten thicker? But regardless, he was alive and free and could do whatever he wanted. Until Umbrella caught him with a trap they'd laid out for him...
And that was that. He was taken to some cold-ass place in Russia, under the ocean and the glaciers he used to advocate to save as an environmental activist, and re-enslaved. He had a vague sense of who he was, of what had come before this. It came more to him in dreams than anything else. But for now, he just couldn't seem to take back his autonomy. Without Alice to help quite literally in beating some sense into him, Nemesis felt forever doomed to repeat simulation after simulation, killing innocent people again and again.
He hated the New York testing environment. Before he'd been plunged into hell, he'd been a nature lover, a camper, a hiker... and frankly, the smell of gasoline, metal, rubber, and city funk was something that had become downright triggering to him. Not to mention the hulking creatures with massive nails and spikes through their heads he was sometimes made to battle. Axemen, they were called. Gross, he thought, and yet he felt sorry for whoever they used to be.
So at first, when he'd been released into an entirely different simulation with blue skies, green grass, and the occasional pet dog running around, Nemesis thought something had changed for the better. But... no. He recognized these streets. They were the suburbs of Raccoon. He could almost walk to his house from here... Not only that, but they had him hunting down innocent people again. Why? Like, what purpose does this serve? Of course I'm gonna be able to kill these poor people, what does this prove?! All he could do was watch in horror, unable to stop seeing the world through his left good eye and Umbrella's orders and ticker data through his experimentally altered right one.
During times like this, Matt tried to distract himself so he didn't have to face the reality of what he was being made to do. It helped that he always felt foggy, like he was asleep and couldn't quite wake up. It was easy to just let go and be a passenger when he couldn't even hold a coherent thought long enough to-
Wait, I know her!
Nemesis stopped for a moment when he saw the woman. The sight of her was like glass shattering inside his mind, breaking windows and letting in air and light where there had only been a dark void before. It hurt, the sudden flood of memories, and it was anything but coherent. Flashes of people he knew but couldn't remember the names of, glimpses of the Hive, creatures and sounds and screams... It gave him a headache, breaking Umbrella's control on him for a second time, but it was the best pain ever. He felt like he'd woke up after years of slumber, dazed but in control.
Lowering his chain gun to his side, Nemesis clomped over to the woman as his visual overlay courtesy of his retinal implant identified her as Rain Ocampo. Rain... The name came with another traumatic flash of memories, and Nemesis didn't get his hopes up. Rain was dead. He remember now... he had killed her himself. It was something he'd seen in his nightmares a multitude of times before Umbrella had leashed him again. It was one of the worst things he'd ever had to do, shooting Rain. So this... couldn't be her. Unless...
Nemesis knew the testing environments were populated with clones because Umbrella considered them expendable stand-ins for "real" humans. It was incredibly sick, even if the technological advancements that had created them and the environments themselves were nothing short of amazing. Oh man, now he was pissed. They cloned Rain? Really? What the fuck, Umbrella, seriously?!
As he got closer to her, he knew this probably wouldn't go well. He looked like road pizza. Actually... most roadkill looked better than he did at this point. But he had to try, nevertheless. Even if she was just a clone, she was some part of Rain that was still alive, and that meant something to him. "Rain...?" he asked, hoping he wouldn't scare the shit out of her...
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"Depends on where you hit." Rain left it there. They did need to keep focus. She already spent way too much time thinking about what would happen if she turned. Again. Claire, Carlos, or someone else in the convoy would be able to put her down. Simple as that.
At the mention of L.J. smoking more than his fair share of the pack, Rain rolled her eyes. "If he does that shit again, I'm gonna throw hands with him," she muttered. She'd tell him to exercise some self-control if it wouldn't make her a hypocrite. Self-control? Real funny, Ocampo, since you have some dogshit anger management skills.
She put her supply bag back on and nodded, quietly leading Claire back over to where she found the storage room. A large shelf barred the set of double doors. Rain dumped the remaining items on the shelf onto the floor, getting into position and waiting for Claire to give her a hand before pushing.
Once the room was unblocked, Rain pulled her gun and flashlight out of her belt, listening closely for any noises on the other side. When there were none, she pushed open the doors and scanned the vast area inside. They'd definitely be able to find what they needed here.
However, they weren't alone. A tattered work polo was visible between a stocked set of shelves. As it began to slowly move, Rain looked up to see the head of the rotted figure wearing it peeking between some boxes. She quickly took aim and fired a shot, nailing it above the ear.
[ HERE ]: the sender taps the receiver's shoulder to alert them to their presence (for Claire?)
Claire jumped slightly as she felt the tap on her shoulder, swinging around with her gun drawn, ready to attack should the worse be behind her. Though she was soon letting out a sigh of relief when she saw Rain standing there. "Jesus Rain, you couldn't have said hi or something so that I would have known it was you," she replied, letting out another sigh, "you nearly ended up with a bullet between your eyes."
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Not far outside the clear glass cage, a door slammed shut, causing everything to rock slightly.
Rain trudged through the heavy snow, making her way around to the back of the transport van. The air was bitter cold. She hadn't bothered bringing her uniform coat, though. The temperature didn't affect her much anymore.
Heaving a sigh, she tugged open the back doors, allowing light to spill in. These types of assignments were far from her favorite, but she never outwardly complained about orders. "Hey, lady. You finally awake in here?" She carefully observed the figure up against the wall. Her retinal implants could bring up no preexisting file, nor could they identify what the woman was. "You better be. We're gonna be waitin' here for a while."
send ⛓️ to capture my muse.
Bela jolted back awake after what only felt like a few brief seconds, breathing fast and jagged. She remembered fighting Ethan Winters before everything went dark.
The blonde took a deep breath and looked around. She was trapped in a box with four glass walls. Had the man-thing defeated and somehow put her in here? But where was she exactly? It was too dark to tell. She also couldn't see any cracks or openings in the box to swarm out off. Her body was still too cold and stiff to swarm anyway. What the hell happened to her? Frustrated, she punched one of the glass walls but not even a single crack appeared. "Can't be..." Bela murmured, her shoulders sagged and leaning against the wall, she pulled her legs up and hugged them to her chest. "That's not real...."
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Good to know there was nothing particularly big or disgusting nearby. Still, it was important to keep a move on and avoid more encounters with the undead unless necessary. "There's no good reason to keep standin' here, then." Rain pulled open the door of her truck and climbed back into the driver's seat.
After turning the key in the ignition, she paused. "If you need a ride to somewhere safer, I guess I wouldn't mind takin' you a lil' ways."
"If you don't want a gun aimed at ya, then don't be comin' anywhere near my truck." Rain maintained steady aim with her pistol. "You ain't gettin' cut any slack just 'cause you're not rotted to the bone. You're makin' my damn skull vibrate from all the way over there, so I know you're infected to hell and back. You better tell me what your deal is and what you're doin' here."
"Woah, hey, relax. There's no need to do anything stupid." Siren raised her hands up. She eye the woman, trying to figure out how much of a threat she really was. Why Siren didn't have the best opening, she could likely get away and escape if she needed to.
"I can promise you I am not infected. If I were, I already would have taken care of it myself. Now, why don't you just put the gun down, and we can talk like adults, okay?"
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"Right..." Rain replied slowly. Flickering lights were nothing special to her, but Eveline's words and dark laughter were definitely a bit of an unsettling combination.
Rain took another long sip of her coffee as she waited for the lights to return to normal. "...And how exactly do you make that happen?" She glanced over toward the front of the diner, making sure none of the employees were paying any attention to them. "What kind of stuff do you make people do?"
Eveline wandered she'd survived ethan killing her she felt horrible for what she did to the baker family...... prehaps she could start a new life
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Following the destruction of Raccoon City and Rain's subsequent decision to leave Umbrella over a decade ago, she had been bouncing between multiple private military companies and counterterrorism organizations.
At the moment, she was in between jobs and spending her Saturday night getting some fresh air. There was a nice scenic overlook of the city Rain was staying in that she happened across. She seated herself on the lone bench and tried to relax...
...Until she heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps from somewhere behind her. Her first thought was that she was probably either gonna need to deck someone or make conversation, neither of which she was in the mood for. She straightened up, glancing over her shoulder in the direction of the noise.
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I'm gonna take a short lil' hiatus. You guys are still welcome to send me/tag me in things, but I won't be replying to any in-character stuff for the time being <3
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also ..!!!
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Rain glanced up with a quirked eyebrow, though only briefly. "The hell's that supposed to mean?" she asked, entirely unsure how to interpret the remark.
The whole village was a strange place, but outsiders like herself tended to stick out despite that. She was well aware. And she was no lost tourist or average human, either. She was a clone made in a lab. Infected with a parasite different from the gift the village leader had discovered. "Someone like you" could mean a thousand different things. "I'd prefer a lil' more specificity."
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"I don't often get the chance to talk to someone like you."
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Rain's entire body tensed the minute Moira started touching the wound. The process wasn't pleasant, but she sucked it up and got through with nothing but clenched fists and a few sharp inhales.
She returned Moira's gaze. After a beat, she gruffly told her, "Thanks." Getting back up off the floor proved to be a bit of a challenge, and despite what Rain wanted, it was for the best that she leaned on her while walking.
At least she didn't need to be carried.
"If more infected come our way, I'll pump 'em full of lead... As long as you can keep me upright." Rain let her rifle hang from its sling, switching it for her pistol.
A day before the true start of the Raccoon City Incident, she was on the verge of death from a T-virus infection. Her chances were slim, but she survived despite that and since then, had been infected many more times over by different types of B.O.W.s. She had the scars to prove it.
The thing that bit her was an ugly, almost featureless creature. Aside from its fang-filled maw, that is. Rain had never seen it before, so she didn't know if it transmited via bites. However, the persistent sensation of having fire ants crawling in her wound certainly didn't bode well.
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The insult to Rain's nonexistent acting abilities caused her to roll her dark eyes. "Thanks," she replied as dryly as humanly possible, continuing to limp down the dimly lit corridor.
"I can—" She was cut off as she was forced onto the floor, a surprised grunt leaving her lips. Another sharp pain went through her leg, indicated only by the grimace that briefly twisted her features. She glared at Moira from beneath her brows. But finally, she stopped protesting. She probably wouldn't have been able to get back up without the aid of something or someone, and her only option right now was Moira, who clearly wasn't going to let her do so before dressing her wound. "Fine."
The lower half of her pant leg was almost completely stained red. The bite was pretty bad. She gritted her teeth and did her best to bear the pain as Moira got to work.
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“when i get outta here… think i’m gonna get laid.”   requested by weytani
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You’re all going to die down here.
Resident Evil (2002), dir. Paul W. S. Anderson
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Yeah, you like how I taste, don’t you?
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Send 🫂 to just hug my muse. No reason. Hug them.
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Describe your muse on anon and my muse will say if they would date them or not.
Bonus: Include the basic details: gender, age, height, likes, dislikes, hair/eye color, race, and anything else my character should know.
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