watchthoseteeth · 9 years
Eventually, the chill that had rushed to his head calmed down significantly. He was about to take another taste, much carefully this time, but stopped himself at the presence of more warmth. Germain had been getting used to this a little bit more so his face didn’t flush up as ferociously as before. He did try to cover up an embarrassed smile though, as his head sunk slightly into his jacket.
“O-o-oh! I g-g-get it! That’s why it’s c-called ice cream. Cause it’s icy.”
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He felt proud of his observation despite it being very obvious. Akira’s words were reassuring though as he leaned into the cosplayer’s hug.
Laughing in a situation such like that seemed impossible, even more when you are Akira and wants everyone to suffer and wallow in the depths of hopelessness… Still, he felt something different for that boy. Akira could feel that he didn’t want that one to suffer. For the simple reason he didn’t know what ice cream was until that very moment, the lavender-eyed male noticed that Germain had went through hard times in his short life. Maybe he wouldn’t need to fall in deep suffering… He may be the one who inflict it as his Cerberus, his hellhound and accomplice. That would be lovely. They would cuddle a lot.
In response to the boy’s brainfrost, the cosplayer hugged him closer, sharing body warmth, placing a kiss on top of his head. Their bodies were now very, very close. Probably Germain could even hear Akira’s heart beating.
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{♣} “You dork, it’s ok. You just shouldn’t eat the ice cream so fast, otherwise it will happen. Here, it’s fine. You’re with your captain. Your captain will protect you. Your captain is your best friend forever.”
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watchthoseteeth · 9 years
I’M BACK... Kinda
Okay so I’m trying to get more active since it’s been a while since I’ve actually been able to participate because -insert personal reasons,- but I will try and get on more often now.
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watchthoseteeth · 9 years
Temporary Hiatus
I'm going to be gone for a little more than a week. Currently, I'm going through a mourning process so I don't think that I can RP while I'm doing this. Thank you.
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watchthoseteeth · 9 years
Oh god, Germain had never felt happier than right now. Closing his eyes, the boy leaned into Akira’s body and smiled slightly. He felt like he might cry. He didn’t get the chance to do it as he opened his eyes to see what these popsicles were. Germain was extremely excited to see what these tasted like.
Once Akira had ordered the frozen treats, Germain slowly emerged from Akira’s hug. He didn’t really want to, but he also really wanted to eat some. Grabbing one of the treats, Germain looked up at Akira, then back down to the popsicle. Grinning widely, Germain copied the cosplayer by saying, “F-for friendship!” With that said, Germain took a slightly hesitant taste.
He had no idea what he expected, but he sure as hell didn’t expect that. His eyes widened with his tongue still on the popsicle. It took him a second before he began to devour it. The dog trainer regretted that immediately as he felt his mind freeze. “Cold! C-cold!” Finally stopping, Germain gripped the side of his head with his free hand.
The reaction of the boy was priceless. That astonished face combined with Germain’s cuteness really made him feel good. That made Akira go behind the boy, put his arms around his neck, resting the hands gently on his midsection and the head above the dog trainer’s. Caressed his clothed belly a little as he watched for their order.
{♣} “For us, I’ll pick popsicles. They are ice cream in a stick, which make easier the transportation of it. Oji-san, please, two Sea Salty popsicles!”
Clearly not liking to be called oji-san, the person went down and took two units of the thing and then got the due money from Akira. The cosplayer gave one to Germain and then hit the other’s popsicle with his own as he held.
{♣} “For us friendship to last forever! Kanpai!”
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watchthoseteeth · 9 years
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watchthoseteeth · 9 years
Germain had been planning to go and check on the old dogs at the nearby shelter, but halted quickly. That boy... He was wearing a shirt with English on it! Rushing over to him, Germain began to ask in Japanese, “Y-y-your shirt! It’s English r-right?”
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There is a small child wandering around no campus. Wtf.
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watchthoseteeth · 9 years
Pssst. I have no threads I need to write. Like for a starter?
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watchthoseteeth · 9 years
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Sorry for phone camera quality. Super quick doodle of a lil' Hibiki~
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watchthoseteeth · 9 years
Bored as heck, who wants a really quick drawing of their muse?
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watchthoseteeth · 9 years
“O-okay!” Germain grinned lopsidedly at the girl. He just wanted to make sure that she didn’t have any difficulties on her first day here. At least she seemed comfortable with her own capabilities.
He tried his best to understand what she was saying, he really did, but since he had no idea what religion was, the whole thing flew over his head. The boy didn’t want to seem completely clueless though, so he just nodded his head. “I get it! But I w-would think there would be a l-lot to know if it’s y-your talent after all.”
“Nope, I’ve got them.” Wilburg said almost instantly, flexing her arms as if to emphasize her point. “But it means that I’m an expert on the old anglo-saxon religion before it became Christianity as we know it today, I know more about how it was when it was a pagan religion…not that there’s a lot to know though, honestly.” she shrugged.
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watchthoseteeth · 9 years
Name: Drew or Tao Birthday: December 18th Ethnicity: White Gender: Non-Binary Preferred pronouns: They/Them Sexual orientation: Pansexual/romantic Occupation: High School Student (Author? Kinda?) Hidden talent: Voice imitations and can do the clover tongue thingy Relationship status: Single (Too many cute people. Stop it you cute people) Eye Color(s): Hazel Hair Color(s): Dark brown Height: 5′5″ Weight: 160 lbs (I think??) Scars: Behind my left ear (this story is too long to even put it in here) Mental illnesses: Depression and anxiety Physical illnesses: POTS (Fuck these words: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Sydrome) Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw (aka Raveclaw *dubstep plays*)
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watchthoseteeth · 9 years
Germain wanted to say something about wanting to know, but he actually was getting more excited when he didn't know where they were going. The suspense was building. It especially picked up speed at another kiss from Akira. Germain’s attempts at trying to keep his face a normal hue were still failing. It also didn't help every time that Akira called him a cutie either.
He didn't mind though. The dog trainer was loving every moment of this, and was just excited to be with Akira. Once they had finally made it to this supposed ice cream place, Germain noticed how many people there actually were, and started to freeze up slightly. Germain didn’t know why he thought there wouldn’t be others, but now that he knew, his face paled. He allowed Akira to pull him up to the counter. The boy was interested in the ice cream, he truly was, but the people began to make him more and more nervous.
His inner workings of paranoia halted as he heard Akira speak. Whipping his head to look up at him, Germain’s eyes widened.
“Friends f-forever? R-really?” First it was ice cream, now it was the promise of being friends for eternity. All of Germain’s previous worries had been flung out the window. “Y-yeah! Yeah! Let’s get that! L-let’s get that!” He realized how eager he sounded, and decided to town it down a little bit.
“Um... I m-mean... We should g-get that! It s-sounds nice... Hehe...”
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{¥} “What will be the fun of going to a new place if you know where it is? I know, but I won’t tell you now! Hahaha! I want the cutie to get more and more excited!”
After saying those words, Akira leaned down a little bit and placed a little kiss in the boy’s cheek, then he restarted walking showing the path to the place where they will have the ice cream, never letting the other’s hand go. The path was a bit long, but, after ten minutes, they finally managed to get to the comfortable ice cream parlor. There was some minor crowd there, however tables were still avaible. Quickly they had gotten to the counter, the cosplayer showing the other the ice cream pots and they did so.
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{¥} “See? This is ice cream! Hey, we should have that one right there: Sea Salty! There was a game I like dearly that made me believe one thing: when people share sea salty ice they become friends forever!”
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watchthoseteeth · 9 years
((Oh dear god I’m so slow with replies, apologies! _ _||| Homework is annoyiiiiiing. *whine whine, complain complain*))
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watchthoseteeth · 9 years
“Mmm hmm.” Germain mumbled while drinking. “Much longer th-than I have too. Some of m-my friends have already graduated t-too.” He contemplated calling them his friends, because even though he liked them, he still wasn’t sure if they liked him. Holding the cup with both hands, Germain ran a thumb over the rim of it. “Y-yeah. Have you b-been able to take a break since you’ve b-been here?”
"A-ah... Um... D-do you want s-some of this h-hot chocolate? I-it's... Um... Hot... And chocolate..." (i hope that its okay if i do this even if they havent actually met ^^;)
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"Sure, I’d love some. Thank you."
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watchthoseteeth · 9 years
bold what applies to your muse: flaws edition !
feel free to add more.
easily scared | whiny | repetitive | selfish | arrogant | easily excitable | too silly | stubborn | blank minded | overly cautious | loud | easily bored | untrustworthy | disloyal | manipulative | over sensitive | possessive | clingy | obnoxious | gullible | annoying | judgmental | tactless | merciless | unlucky | soft-hearted | sarcastic | reckless | paranoid | unsophisticated | pushy | self critical | smart-ass | infamy | solemn | erratic | prideful | boring | impulsive
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watchthoseteeth · 9 years
“Sorry that I h-have to ask, but I don’t r-really know what all that m-means... I-it’s not because it’s obscure! It’s just I d-don’t know many th-things to begin w-with.”
Looking over at the mythologist, Germain noticed that he probably should have offered to help her in the first place. Those bags might be heavy. “Um... D-do you want me to carry some of th-those for you?”
“I’m the new SHSL Old Anglo-saxon pagan mythologist….it’s a mouthful.” she said and began walking down the hall, adjusting her hands in her bags as she did so.
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watchthoseteeth · 9 years
I can do this. I can do this! Germain chanted inside his head. He wanted to be able to go out with people and not continuously blush and be embarrassed. This time, he felt that he might be able to do it. Keeping his breathing stable, Germain managed to calm his heart down to the point where his face didn’t burn bright red.
Gripping Akira’s hand as if it were a life-line, Germain grinned excitedly. The way that Akira had described it made Germain even more eager to get going. “A-alright! Where is th-this place anyway?”
Akira placed a kiss on his forehead and held the dog trainer’s hand, caressing it a little as he looked down at him. Their height difference make it funny for them to be together, but, at the same time, it was tremendously cute. Akira started walking with Germain, caressing his hand as doing so.
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{♣} “Let’s go, cutie. Your captain will show you the route from our bounty: Ice Cream!”
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