wavystones-n-bones ยท 5 months
Hello, I'm a new member of this app and would love to participate in any way! I mov3 a lot so it's difficult to make friends and keep in touch with them when I inevitably move ( AGAIN).. I'm a straight white/Peruvian mixed man in my late 20s who has a good job and goes to college for my masters in behavioral sciences. The only thing that keeps my mind off the constant stress of my job/schooling is the generic version of Desoxyn(iykyk). I currently live in the IE, cali. I can't seem to find any (girl) friends that have similar "interests" ๐Ÿ˜‰.
As you can probably imagine, I am writing this right after a very thick shot!
I'm looking forward to meeting and getting to know some of you!
This is the process!
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