Come Well
My name is Abbey and I am the founder of this lovely little project! WELCOME! Or … Come well.
First and foremost, here’s a portrait of me below. It’s important you know what I look like so that you can decide now whether you trust me or not based on my choice of shoes (I know, I wouldn’t either).
I grew up on the Sunshine Coast, Australia and am currently living in Chamonix, France. You’ve probably heard of Mont-Blanc? Yeah. That’s my pin drop.
I am a qualified Nutrition and Naturopathy Consultant, and in my third year of studying my degree in Sociology of Health and Wellness. I love what i’m learning (I witness people’s disbelief when I tell them that in person so you aren’t the first. But, truly!).
It’s taken me 25 years of trial and error and error and error to begin realising what I want out of life. Cliche perhaps, but I want to do my best to help others. Sitting in an office waiting for people with troublesome digestion to reluctantly come and visit me doesn’t seem to ignite a fire of ecstasy within me. I would never neglect those who seek my advice or help, no.
But what I really want is to hunt unknowing victims down and manipulate them into an improved understanding of their own bodies, their minds and their motivation for self-care. What a predator.
Growing up I was always (hyper)active - ask anyone! I thrived best when practicing a healthy amount of physical exercise which varied depending on my mood that season, of which there were many.
It was a cross-pollination of water sports, non-contact team games like Netball and full contact therapy like Rugby League, Water polo and also, conveniently, Netball.
My mum (who you can see below) alongside my hometown really influenced my lifestyle choices, and I dare say they inspired my intrigue of Health and Wellness. Growing up on the warm Coastal beaches I was always grateful to have influence of the ocean in my life. Now, living in the mountains I can’t believe how lucky I am.
Anyway, that’s enough about me.
I know you’re thinking Yay, another self-invested blogger. *Insert eye roll emoji.*
But actually - aside from writing in first person - this is really the most you’ll hear about me. I’m really here to talk about us - society - since I consider it the most important thing.
Okay, i’ll still find some opportunities to talk about me as well.
Why a blog?
Because why not?
Blog’s are free (for you), accessible to the larger majority, and my favourite - interactive.
I have been a professional writer for the past 5 years. And egotistic perhaps, but I believe I have a lovely ability to convey my point quite nicely. If I can use this “skill” to share what I have learned along my travels to a better understanding of predominant health and wellness. Why wouldn’t I share it?
Wholeness: a genre I may very well have created. I’m not sure. But it’s basically the same as Health and Wellness, I just want to be different where I can.
You’re thinking, how the fruit are you – a blog - going to do that?
To which I say, thank you for asking, and not swearing. There is no use for those obscenities around here.
We’re on the search for sustainable improvements of inclusive health created by accessibility to non-biased, well rounded, wholesome information.
And the more communal, the better.
Oh we don’t have those!
But goals? Yes sir!
These goals, are actually totally obtainable - Well She Writes hopes to inspire people to begin with the basics:
Understanding THE fundamentals of Health
Learning simple ways to improve your nutrition
Inspiring ways to make exercise fun
Finding mindfulness wellness practices
Having the accessibility to information
All of which I believe come together to collectively create a rather appetising understanding of WHOLENESS.
Just like everything else, Health and Wellness are subjective too.
So discovering what applies to you comes from understanding your own health first, and knowing what demographics you fall into.
What is included in Wholeness :
Physical Emotional Intellectual Social Environmental Financial Occupational Spiritual
Including the ways growing introspective wellness also grows extrospectively… wait, did I just make up a word?
But, consistency with wellbeing and the overall desire to be nice to yourself can have a much more sustainable influence than we realise. The domino effect allows our own beneficial choices to also benefit those around us.
I want to believe the reason we choose the more popular, less healthy choices for ourselves is simply because we aren’t given all of the equitable options.
But we can start looking for them, no time is greater than the now. Just like an easter hunt, but instead of eggs we’re looking for the truth.
Thank you
Thank you for coming to my page, I’ll be posting all sorts of content here until I get a concise understanding of what people like to hear. So please subscribe below! And always let me know.
I will leave my thread open to comments, questions and rebuttal at all times. We all have room to learn – if you disagree with any of my studies, views, opinions or posts please let me know.
Here to help, not hinder.
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