wfstliiexkk · 2 months
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Thinking out loud about The Apothecary Diaries #19... and my observation on how many have expressed disdain about Jinshi's muted reaction in rushing to get treatment for Maomao's injury. How could he remain so calm when the one he cares about is unconscious and bleeding? Why was he not running out of the temple with Maomao in his arms, flailing and yelling for a physician? Why was he not more distressed about it? Anyone would have lost it upon seeing their loved ones hurt like that, would they not? And to that, I'd like to offer this for consideration: Jinshi isn't just anyone. He is the Crown Prince. And to add an extra layer of nuance, consider also that Jinshi, attending the purification ceremony as the Crown Prince, meant that all eyes were on him that day.
Even undercover as an eunuch, Jinshi takes great care in conducting himself with the propriety expected of his role, only ever letting his guard down with a select few whom he trusts enough to have his full immaturity on display. In all likelihood, Jinshi has been made aware of his status and the politics of the palace since he was young. It's not a stretch to assume that the allegiances and loyalties of people who serve the palace are constantly in flux. Everywhere we turn, we see politics at play; amongst the court officials, the Emperor's consorts, and even the handmaidens serving their respective mistresses.
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In earlier kerfuffles, when it came to protecting Maomao from being bullied by the handmaidens, Jinshi would approach it in a way that his actions would not be seen as favoritism towards Maomao. Jinshi also didn't cry when he was seeing Ah-Duo off, and would only allow himself to be vulnerable when he was alone with Maomao. In every situation where we see him acting in an official capacity, Jinshi is always conscious and careful about how he is being perceived. So it goes without saying that appearing as the crown prince that day, Jinshi knows his every action is being watched and scrutinized by the people around him. Any move that could be potentially perceived as "weakness" or "unbecoming" of a successor to the throne could start rumors that might reach the enemies of the state, who could use that intel to sow discord among the common people or persuade disgruntled officials to turn against the current regime. The fact that the crown prince's life has been targeted only serves to remind him that there are those actively plotting to destabilize the kingdom by causing massive panic and chaos. Jinshi knows the weight of his role and cannot act impulsively in any situation, even if it's about someone he deeply cares about.
When we consider the above, it would be understandable why he showed as much restraint as he did when it came to what had happened to him and to Maomao. He's used to putting the needs of the country above his own all his life. To step out of the temple maintaining the dignity of royalty after an assassination attempt has just been made on him sends a message of defiance to the ones who were most certainly watching somewhere. And while sullying his hands with the blood of a mere servant girl might send some tongues wagging, Jinshi's composure and quiet indignation would cement his position not only as a man befitting of his lineage but also as a man not to be underestimated. Just something to think about. p.s: As much as I think Jinshi is seething with rage, I kind of feel he would still hold back on the death sentence when it comes to meting out punishment to the guard who was only doing his job, let alone when it's about a servant's disobedience towards a ranked official... so maybe Jinshi could still spare his life and throw him to the gallows or something. That won't matter anyway, since Lakan will probably use his connections to see that he will not live long enough to serve out his full sentence RIP get wrecked!
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wfstliiexkk · 5 months
Bungou Stray Dogs Wan!
The following is the most up-to-date list of all the Bungou Stray Dogs Wan! chapters! 
[LAST UPDATED: August 6, 2022]
This list is subject to change. I will be updating it from here on out! 
@tricoloured-cat​ is currently uploading the most up-to-date chapters.
[You can use this list to find specific chapters or to just enjoy at your own pace!]
Keep reading
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wfstliiexkk · 9 months
Thinking about teen Dazai asking teen Chuuya to help him with this new tactic he's learning (controlling his heartbeat). An hour later Kouyou walks into Dazai lying flat on the ground and Chuuya with his ear pressed against Dazai’s chest as he yells "NO you're supposed to do dot dot dash not- dude you lost the rhythm again it's too fast CALM DOWN"
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wfstliiexkk · 10 months
i like how dazai holds chuuya's coat on this art cuz it always falls from chuuya's shoulders before fights and here dazai catches it
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wfstliiexkk · 10 months
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wfstliiexkk · 11 months
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Me too dazai, me too
Gay, Gay, Homosexual, Gay
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wfstliiexkk · 11 months
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wfstliiexkk · 1 year
Stardew valley: my character
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Мені подобається, як щоразу, коли Ілон Маск загрожує знищити вщент твіттер, я згадую, що у мене є тамблер і починаю тут активізовуватися.
Якщо чесно, у мене вже навіть немає моральних сил переживати - коли були перші новини у листопаді, я була повністю морально роздавлена тим, що твіттер (моя перша нормальна соц мережа) може бути знищена, а зараз.... вайби "згорів сарай гори і хата" :")
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wfstliiexkk · 1 year
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New Crybaby🌺
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wfstliiexkk · 1 year
ну що
заново опановую тамблер🚬
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wfstliiexkk · 1 year
тамблер крутий тим що тут можна текст зробити різнокольоровим І ЦЕ ТИПУ ВАУ??
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wfstliiexkk · 1 year
mfs be like “this’s my comfort character” and it’s a character that never saw comfort in their life time
(yes regulus kinnies i’m talking about you)
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wfstliiexkk · 1 year
#вульфстар #wolfstar
щось типу замальовочки?? можливі помилки
сіріус скільки себе пам'ятає любив солодощі. тільки-но випечене печиво? прошу ще! мати-прости-господи дозволила трохи шоколаду? вона не помітить, якщо сіріус візьме трохи більше.(помітить). о, хтось відмовився від десерту? він не пропаде.
сіріус скільки себе пам'ятає любив солодощі. в гоґвортсі він мав змогу пробувати нові цукерки, випічку, холодні десерти. але найсолодшим чомусь опинився ремус. в ньому все було... ідеально. його гарячі обійми, бархатистий голос, м'яке волосся, з ремусом можна поговорити про що завгодно), з ремусом почуваєшся в безпеці(яка ж іронія, клята доля), у ремуса завжди було щось смачненьке з собою і ремус... це ремус. муні. і звісно, муні скаже, що гультяй ідіот, раз називає його солоденьким, зате гультяй, сіріус блек, не збреше.
сіріус скільки себе пам'ятає любив солодощі. їх зазвичай залишають на кінець. але ремус був для нього першим.
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