willbeckvr-a · 2 years
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“Let’s stick to getting kicked out without the getting arrested thing,” he shrugs. The fact that Wyatt had gone through the effort of becoming a teacher was lost on some people. Wyatt wasn’t exactly known for being a bookworm. He was bright, sure, but sometimes that brightness got him in trouble.  Too much light shining to let his peers look away. Similar to the way Wyatt finds himself getting kicked out of a bar or getting every person in the party to do shots with him. He’d yet to dim. “I mean it’s like a dollar at the dollar store. It’s probably made from chemicals or some shit that’s like super easy to get. I think aluminum for this can is a little harder but I don’t question the dollar store’s margins,” he says, giving too deep of a stare at the can. “People love silly string so they make it happen,” Wyatt adds with a grin. “So does that mean you’re in or are you going to go home and sit in front of the TV and cry to your Hallmark movies again?”
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“That’s probably the best idea.” Will reasoned with a nod. Best to not risk the paychecks from their respective jobs either. At the same time, Wyatt was clearly one to know to show anyone how to have fun when off the clock, always coming up with entertaining ideas, the latest from getting kicked out of the bar due to silly string was a highlight of that. Made for an interesting story. “I wouldn’t think to question the dollar store at all. So this is going to become a regular thing to go buy a bunch of cans of that or have you just found anything you can buy there and have brought it to the bar before?” Will mused, as he honestly wouldn’t be surprised with either scenario. “Yeah, ridiculous that the bar didn’t like the silly string.” He jested as a result of what had happened earlier. “Ok shit, can’t deny those Hallmark movies are addicting…I don’t think I have any other choice so..you already have another strategy in mind for a Plan B?” Since Plan A didn’t end that well.
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willbeckvr-a · 2 years
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Framed (Richard Wallace, 1947)
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willbeckvr-a · 2 years
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willbeckvr-a · 2 years
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“You came back? So you’ve been enduring this on and off for his whole life?” he wonders to the other man. Kai wasn’t a native but he was coming to like Westerly, despite some of the townies that caused the trouble. Having come from New York City, it was very different all-around. Whether it was the lack of the buzzing all day and all night or the lack of quality bars that had more of his personality in it. He’d found one— one that he’d clung too more and more the longer his marriage kept getting shittier. One hand on the bar, the other on a bottle, trying to hold onto something. “I heard that there was some sort of competition for idiots going on around here. Maybe people are cooking their decks. There’s probably some better bars— not around here. I just like not taking an Uber or asking for a ride but that—” he points at the latest shenanigans of a girl attempting a weak attempt at a handstand. ‘Yoga,’ she keeps saying. Yeah, right. Kai’s done plenty of yoga and her falling all over isn’t going to go well. “She’s going to break her neck. That’s not the kind of event I like having at a bar. I prefer a live band or something, Or I guess it won’t be so bad having someone to suffer with. You’re not going to start doing handstands, right?” he shrugs.
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“Yeah, I’ve been back for long while now. I’m guessing you’ve been lucky to be spared this?” There was no way that Holy Water had been this bad before, at least according to him. Then again, he was someone who had a backwards work schedule since returning to town compared to most others. He preferred it though and it was an opportunity that had come along, unlike nothing or having no idea what to do once he made the decision to jump across the country to Los Angeles. “At this point? I wouldn’t be surprised if that was an actual competition happening.” Will mused to his company’s remark. “You might be onto something though, scouting out another bar sometime.” Especially considering the latest track record of what he’d been witnessing, a brow raising at the latest ‘yoga’ spectacle going on. “Definitely not the best idea and watch, this place will end up being liable for that injury and then we’ll really be stuck.” He shook his head and grimaced. “Would prefer the live band too. Sounds like we could run this place better. And no, I doubt any amount of alcohol would make me do handstands. Are you going to start doing any?” 
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willbeckvr-a · 2 years
starter for. open.​​ where + when. the park, november 13th.
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It had become a Sunday ritual to spend the morning at the park with his granddaughter. Jo had the chance to sleep in, while he and Marie walked to the nearby playground after breakfast. As the weather changed, he wasn’t sure how much longer they’d be able to spend their mornings like this without freezing. The coffee in his hands helped keep him warm enough for now, as he watched Marie climb the play scape and shout for him to watch her go down the slide for the seventh time. Sam enjoyed the peacefulness of starting his day like this, though the serenity had been brought to a screeching halt with one word. The loud squeal of his granddaughter saying “Puppy!“ pulls his attention. He spots her just as she’s hoping off the playground, coffee cup abandoned on the park bench as he moves to intercept her and the dog she’s spotted.
He manages to get to her before she can go barreling towards someone’s poor unsuspecting dog and potentially create chaos in the once serene park. Marie was still learning she couldn’t run after every dog she saw, no matter how cute they were. “Sorry,” Sam immediately moves to apologize, now standing with his granddaughter on his hip, confused as to why he stopped her. “She’s a dog lover.” A small laugh comes with his words, hoping they hadn’t caused a stir. 
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Every now and then, Will’s neighbor would always ask the same favor to see he’d walk their dog when they would be out for the day. Considering he primarily worked nights, the schedule tended to work out and in return, he’d usually get some kind of food, so why not? Going out to the park for the duty had always done the trick and worn his temporary four-legged companion out. As the dog happily sniffed around the grounds of the path, Will was occupied casually checking his phone, at least until he heard a loud exclamation nearby, seeing a small girl come bounding forward in their direction, clearly showing interest in the dog he had on its leash. Running after the kid not long after, Will immediately recognized Sam and gives him a nod in greeting. “Hey. I mean, she can pet him if she wants.” He doubted the actual owner would care anyway. “Taking some time off of work?” Will asked, considering he was aware how busy the town’s notable chef could be with Stone and Ivy.
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willbeckvr-a · 2 years
She wonders if they’re going to be awkward like this forever. Selfishly, she hopes that isn’t the case — she and Will have been through so many milestones together and he had been her friend, not just her partner and she hopes that one day they can at least be around each other without feeling like they’re both counting down the minutes until they can get away from each other. She offers him a small smile in return of his own, nodding at his comment and rolling her eyes a little. “Yeah, they know how it hit us when we’re down, huh?” She nods her head towards the closed restaurant with a huff. “How’ve you been? It’s been a while.”
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“Yeah, figures. — I know of a few places that might still be open downtown, don’t know if you get over there often or not.” Will casually shrugs, even if it was a ridiculous sentiment with the fact that getting around different areas of the town wasn’t difficult. And who knows? She could have been there more often than he’d known. But then again, he more or less went out of his way to avoid these run-ins. What could even be said at this point?  “It has, hasn’t it? But you know, I’m alright, still doing the late shifts at the Inn.” He decidedly recounts. “I bet business is booming for you and your family still our on the waters?” 
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willbeckvr-a · 2 years
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“You want me to tell a bunch of high schoolers that their teacher got drunk and practically started a riot in a bar,” he snorts. He can hear them now, thinking that it was a good thing. And maybe it was a fun thing but it’s probably not a good thing. But Wyatt tended to live somewhere in the gray with his impulsivity. “You, my friend, are a good person. I appreciate you backing me up in this hypothetical mess of a situation. — And the real one. The crime scene is a little messy,” Wyatt smiles, shaking his head. Of course, while this might be one of the times that Will had found him here— it wasn’t his first rodeo. “Duh. I am not one to be unprepared,” (yes he was) “Why? Are we going to another bar to silly string the patrons? Because I’m all in,” he asks, pulling the can from his jacket pocket. “I’m all in.”
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“Just saying, if you need extra favorite teacher points with them then it could be a way for you to get them.” Will suggested to his friend, giving a casual shrug. “Not that I’m trying to get you fired at your job or anything.” He mused, as he knew how much and how rewarding being a teacher was to his friend. And respected that. Then again, Wyatt had just gotten kicked out a town bar due to silly string-ing the entire place, so maybe it was a fairly decent suggestion. “Thank you, I’m holding you to those words, you know. Whether I’m backing you up in these hypothetical situations or actual ones.” Will nodded, before lightly laughing at the fact that of course his friend had extra cans of silly strings. “That is what you want to do, isn’t it? While you’re already on a roll? — You just decided to stock up on a bunch of this stuff one day?” 
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willbeckvr-a · 2 years
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Kai snorts. The acts get old? Hell, they were old when he was back in college. He’d gone to community college before heading to university so he’d at least missed watching the other freshman making fools of themselves. At least by junior year some of them had a little more humility. Kai attended parties, sure, but he was always the guy that lingered by the bar, enjoying the crowd watching, talking to people here and there, drinking on whatever shitty beer that was available. He hadn’t exactly been one of these college kids. “After so many times? I think one was plenty. If you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all,” he shrugs. Maybe if the bartender stopped serving up shots like it was the Fourth of July and not a random weeknight, they would have a little less ‘woo’-ing. “Yeah, I live a couple of blocks down. This is one of the closest bars so I come here and I suffer. Endlessly. You?”
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“You can say that again.” Will mused to the other man’s remark, nodding. Even if he hadn’t been a part of life at college, he’d still skipped out to Los Angeles for the hell of it during that time period, and had seen more than enough while he lived there, just like the ridiculous scene currently at the bar to mirror the experience. Although, he certainly agreed that it was a funny scene to at least witness, though the establishment being exceptionally packed lately was more annoying than anything. “Nice. I don’t live too far down either. Been back a long while now.” Maybe too long, yet he had no inkling or reasoning for leaving again as he had before. “Also agreed on that one. Figures this has to be the closest downtown bar near us. I have no idea what’s going on lately that it’s been plain insane in here. We’ve probably suffered here at the same time before and didn’t even know it.”
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willbeckvr-a · 2 years
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Holy Water isn’t maybe the bar that Kai would choose to have a stone’s throw away from his apartment in downtown Westerly. In fact, if the housing market weren’t so bat shit crazy he’d probably have a house as far away from this fucking bar that he could manage. Thankfully, it’s not so busy tonight– although still busy enough to make Kai cringe. There are a few drunk girls falling over themselves nor are there dudes screaming– scratch that. There’s one guy screaming over his shoulder. While he stirs his drink in front of him, alone, he purses his lips. What a life. But as another person joins him at the bar, Kai sighs. “Thought this place wasn’t going to be too busy tonight. Unfortunately, we’ve got the Three Stooges in that corner about to fall over. And then we’ve got the fucking rooster yelling over there. Really brings the dive bar ambiance, doesn’t it?”
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The local downtown dive bar was all too convenient and that fact could easily get on Will’s nerves, since it seemed to be the one that was constantly suggested and favored over and over. Seemed to never fail on that fact. And when it came to the nights off he did get, there were only so many excuses he could continuously think of to get out of the usual meet-ups there. Though honestly, he couldn’t complain all too much as it was close to his place in town at least and could easily walk to get there, so Will agreed to make an appearance. When it was his turn to go up to the counter to get the next round of drinks, he found himself amused by the other customer’s remarks about the surroundings, attesting to them as well. “Sure does. Those acts get old after you see them so many times. — You live around the downtown area too, right?” 
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willbeckvr-a · 2 years
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“Okay I’m not trying to get arrested,” Wyatt smirks. As a teacher, Wyatt had to toe a fine line. A line that tells you that you’re going to lose your job if you continue to dance on the bar and spray silly string into people’s drinks as you spray your adoring fans. He’d only hit a few glasses along the way, it wasn’t like he ruined everything quite yet. But coming out in handcuffs would’ve done that. “Nope don’t ask and I won’t have to lie to you in case I do eventually get in trouble— you have to be one of my character witnesses who reminds everyone I’m a boring math teacher that does math and has never gotten kicked out of more than one bar before,” Wyatt explains. However, he’s not sure that Will could get through a character witness testimony without obviously perjuring himself to make his friend look good. “Only if you’re coming along. It’s no fun to get kicked out by yourself. I prefer to get kicked out with friends.”
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“With the arrested part or not, you’re going to have quite the story you know if your students do end up hearing it.” Wyatt could even end up with the ‘coolest teacher’ title to them, if he hadn’t been already. But Will knew that his friend was a natural at his job and wouldn’t do anything to purposely jeopardize that. In fact, there weren’t many who could successfully deal with high school kids on a daily basis and Wyatt made it look easy when Will had no idea how he was able to. “Got it. I have your alibi story down for you as a character witness, don’t worry.” He’d vouch and Wyatt was well aware of that. Even though I have to say, the silly string was a nice touch for you this time.” He mused. Too bad the bar managers didn’t exactly think the same when his friend was only trying to get a crowd further amped for the outcome of a game. “Guess I don’t have a choice at this point.” Will jested. “Do you even have any of that string left?” 
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willbeckvr-a · 2 years
Brenna scrunches her nose at Will, “They’re not the celebrities,” she clarifies. “A couple of my neighbors are, though.” Not that she had ever actually thought about approaching Kimmi or Theo about events at the hotel, not wanting to cross that boundary but.. She tucks their names in the back of her mind just in case. She laughs, “You could go steal it from them. I totally see you as a karaoke guy,” she continues on, not really meaning it. “Exactly. That’s the whole point of new hires, isn’t it? That and keepin’ us fully staffed,” she agrees with a shrug. “You find time to hit all the stands? I think the only one I’ve managed to avoid so far is bobbing for apples, and I’m gonna be keeping it that way. I always sucked at that.” 
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“That’s a relief, you had me worried for a minute there.” Will mused. “Oh, right. Well, at least you might have back-ups if you ever need it.” He shrugged, honestly if she even told him what celebrities she was neighbors with, they likely wouldn’t ring a bell for him. He’d leave the Hollywood expertise all to her. Even living in LA for a rather short while, Will didn’t keep up with any of that. “Seriously? If you mean after that many drinks like they have had? Then..maybe.” It would likely be the only way he’d even attempt karaoke. “I knew you’d get it. And yes, I’ve managed to get around to most of the food stalls. — But again, after that many drinks like those girls? You might surprise yourself.” 
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willbeckvr-a · 2 years
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Baek Sehee, tr. by Anton Hur, from I Want to Die but I Want to Eat Tteokbokki
[Text ID: “To tell the truth, no one was looking down on me except myself.”]
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willbeckvr-a · 2 years
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Oliver Jackson-Cohen as James in Surface (2022) episode eight “See You on the Other Side”  
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willbeckvr-a · 2 years
“I need you to be honest with me,” Helena said regarding the person nearest to her, pulling a face of absolutely seriousness. “Do I smell like lobster? Maybe beer? Because I’ve showered three times since the incident and I don’t know if I’m having like… hallucinations or if the smell is still there. I want you to picture this with me – it’s almost closing time down at grand ole Captain Lobsters, I’m the only person on the floor, even though the seafood gods have said ‘fuck you specifically Helena, enjoy a packed house.’ But whatever, I can handle it, industry vet or whatever. So I’m minding my own business, carrying way more than I can possibly handle because I want to go home and I’m too confident in my abilities, manage to perfectly hit the smallest spill – and I mean like, someone dropped half an ice cube and it melted small, totally fuckin’ bottom out. I’m talking feet above my head, seven cups and two full lobster dinners flying through the air like I’m some goddamn Ringling brothers juggling act. I think I blacked the next few seconds out, or maybe it’s a concussion – not important. What’s important is a come to to a restaurant of horrified faces, covered in beer and crustaceans. All that to say, if the smell is sticking, I’ll pay you to help me load a U-Haul and pick my new city.”
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The mention of Captain Lobster’s already had Will’s attention, after all, that particular restaurant in town was the place to go for lobster rolls, when he had the chance that was. And with his work hours at the Inn, it could prove pretty difficult more often than not. Still, Captain’s was a favored place for food. Though as the other continued on, this was quite the story so far. “I honestly think, anyone here, even tourists, are pretty immune to all those smells, I personally wouldn’t waste your time with a U-Haul.” He suggested, even if his input was of someone who had been Westerly born and raised. At the same time, Will could get when bad days could occur when on the clock and the situation that had been described already seemed like a perfect storm on the making. “Besides, can’t blame you if you were the only person on the floor. Anyone would probably be the same way with wanting to just go home at the end of a shift. — was it ever found out who had dropped the ice cube?” 
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willbeckvr-a · 2 years
auggie did not expect the low, gravelly voice answering him and when he straightened up to look at the tallest man he’d seen so far tonight. leaning against the bar, leveling up an eyebrow at this newcomer, auggie realized that the bar was even more packed than when they arrived. “i am an overly charming man with really good hair,” in responded in lieu of an answer to the man’s question. maybe the barman was just pitying him, but he did hinted at a phone number, so maybe auggie did have some kind of charm to him. “tell me what you drink, i’ll get it for you. you can’t go to work without some liquid courage, right?” he patted on the guy bicep (the only thing he was reaching at his level) before flagging the barman. 
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“Must be what’s working for you. Clearly you’re the favored one on their list. I don’t even know what’s going on right now?” Will once again glanced around the overly-crowded bar, as if asking the other beside him if he had any idea as to why it currently seemed that way. It was a bar and it could become busy at any moment, but from this particular time period he’d found himself venturing inside, the establishment wasn’t usually this packed. “You’re right though. And this is the closest bar near where I am in downtown..I’ll go with an old fashioned, thanks. I appreciate this, since I don’t even think they saw me.” Will watched as his company easily received the bartender’s attention. “Feel free to get another for yourself too.” 
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willbeckvr-a · 2 years
Willa wouldn’t say that she actively avoids Will but truthfully, she kind of does. It isn’t because she holds any bad feelings towards him or that they had ended on particularly bad terms all those years ago, but sometimes she isn’t entirely sure how their lives fit together anymore or if they do at all and that in and of itself is a strange thing to wrap her head around. They had been important to each other once — ‘you never forget your first love’ , her mother has told her a million times — things are just different now. In a way she has never tried to figure out. She blinks at him, “Huh?” And then it dawns on her that she’s still rubbing her forehead. Her cheeks heat up and she drops her head to her sides, a sheepish though somewhat awkward smile tugging up on her lips. “Oh. Yeah, I’m alright. Just… one of those days, you know?” She shrugs, sure Will doesn’t want to hear all the details about her day that she, honestly, doesn’t want to give anyways. So she pivots the conversation, “How’ve you been?”
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Considering how most relationships could tend to end, it was alleviating that the way he and Willa’s had ended wasn’t as downright terrible in any manner. The fact that theirs had spanned over a number of years in the past and she had been with him through many significant times in his life had just left a lasting mark. Everything had changed on a dime, time moved fast, and essentially trying to avoid Willa for the most part seemed what was best. Even if he really had no idea what that was or what that even meant to her at this point in her life. It hadn’t been his place for a long while after all. And so when encounters such as these did occur, Will never knew where exactly to even begin. Although thankfully, Willa just seemed alright from her painful encounter with the restaurant’s door moments ago. That was really all that actually mattered. “That’s good. And yeah, I get that.” He offers a slight grin, nodding at his ex’s answer of chalking it up to just being a rough go of a day. “As long as you’re ok. — I’ve been better, on days when Salvatore’s doesn’t close early.” Will motions towards the entrance again, figuring she could also say the same.
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willbeckvr-a · 2 years
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Living in one town for his entire life had its ups and downs. The ups involved knowing the people around him in the bar, hearing the hums of the familiar voices and feeling the feeling of home. The downside was getting kicked out of the bar for starting a non-stop chant for the baseball game on the television. One that resulted in barstools going other places than the floor and people on the bar. Not to mention the broken window and the silly string. Admittedly, he did bring the silly string. The celebration had continued though, even after the bartender ordered Wyatt out, to which he obliged. He stepped outside, wrapping his hands into his sweatshirt pocket, a sly grin lingering on his lips. It had been worth it. And he’d be back. They couldn’t keep him out for too long or part of their income would be gone— and all of the fun would be gone. Even if sometimes it ended in some destruction. Looking up as he entered the parking lot to the incoming guest, he gave them a grin. “Just a quick warning— I might’ve caused some trouble in there and there might be glass on the floor but,” he pauses, pulling a piece of silly string from his hair. “It’s mixed with silly string, too. So like fun glass. Think about it. Anyways, it wasn’t me. For sure. But the Phillies won so that is cool. Big win.” He holds up his hands around his mouth, breathing out between his hands, to mock a crowd cheering. 
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Due to the regular overnight hours he worked at the Inn, Will usually couldn’t attend many usual co-worker meet-ups at the bar, but when one did fall on one of his days off, he decided to show. Footing towards the main entrance in the parking lot, there really wasn’t much of a surprise at all as to what, or who, was outside, clearly having already been at some party inside. “Tell me something I don’t know.” He mused to his old friend’s remarks, already enthusiastically explaining what had occurred inside the business. “I’m shocked you actually listened and you’re not still in there.” Will added before lightly laughing at the sight of the silly string. “Do I want to ask where that came from? — You know what? You’re right. Definitely not you and I wouldn’t have guessed.” He nodded in accordance with Wyatt’s jest. “Thanks for the game update, that was helpful.” As the victory chant followed, it was rather easy to put two and two together from the previous story that was being shared. “So, you off to silly string the town for the rest of the night now?” 
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