When you're an artist at heart but stick figures are the only thing you're okay at.
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Best song ever. So heart felt, so touching. Perfect!
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"When your parents think they are so boss they come into your room, and when they leave they left the door completely open."
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How to Get Your Students to Hate You
1. Give Homework on weekends. 
2. Give a lot of homework, then make it due for the next day.
3. Be sarcastic and mean.
4. Don't let them go to the bathroom.
5. Have a favorite that you publicly treat better. 
6. Get the entire class in trouble for one kid talking. 
7. Give super hard pop quizzes.
8. Don't teach, and give really hard tests.
9. Don't do your job at all. 
10. Be a hypocrite.
11. Ignore them. 
12. Eat in class, but prohibit your students from eating in class. 
13. Yell at them for packing up when there is 2 minutes left. 
14. Yell at them for being late, even though you know that their class is located at the other end of the school. 
15. Deduct points from quizzes, homework, etc. for the tiniest mistakes. 
That's how you'll end up getting nothing for teacher appreciation week. 
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"Sometimes I think teachers are just bored, so they become temporary sadists and threaten to give us detentions if one kid talks because, it makes so much sense that out of the mouth of one person, is the voices of the entire class population. So, why not?"
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Teacher Logic.
*The most reckless, selfish, worst behaving kid in class starts talking*
Teacher: Okay, if one person talks, then all of you get in trouble.
*It's up to the most selfish, reckless, worst behaving kid in class to shut the fuck up, if not we all get detentions
Because it makes so much sense for that selfish kid, who doesn't even care about what happens to him, to behave for our sake. Obviously if one person talks then the rest of the class must be talking!
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You Know You're
You know you're fat when you are short of breath after walking up the stairs. 
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Parent Logic.
Child: Mom, why are you giving my little brother my private snacks?
Mom: Because, you guys have to share and he wants some.
Child: But, I'll run out.
Mom: I'll buy you more.
*Takes like a year to buy more after little brother ate all*
*Child starts eating one of little brother's snacks*
Mom: Don't eat your brother's snacks, they'll run out. It's not fair that you eat his food and then he won't have any left.
Child: -.-
Let's give a round of applause to Parent Logic.
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"At the end of the day, we're all in the pursuit of happiness."
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Mom: Billy, clean your room, we are having guests over.
Billy: I had no idea they were staying in my room. Good to know.
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Parents Logic
There is an Earth quake
Parents: It's Billy's fault.
Computer stops working.
Parents: It's Billy's fault.
Hitler tried to wipe off all the Jews from the face of the Earth.
Parents: It's Billy's fault.
Parent Logic: It's always your fault.
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Parent Logic Part Two
Mom: Honey, I think the computer isn't working. It's frozen.
Dad: *Stares at Mom*
Mom: *Stares at Dad*
Both: It's Billy's fault.
Mom: Billy, you're grounded for messing with the computer.
Billy: But I never touched your computer!
Parent Logic.
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Parent Logic.
Mom: Billy, I called you twice, why didn't you pick up the phone?
Billy: Sorry Mom, I guess it didn't come in.
Mom: Yeah, right. Billy, you're grounded.
Billy: But, I'm telling the truth!
Mom: No you're not. I asked you and you lied. You did get it, you just didn't feel like answering.
Parent Logic.
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Having your Mom blame you for crap that you didn't do. Most frustrating thing to happen ever.
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