winterinpanem · 2 years
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𝘒𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘈𝘭𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘢𝘯, 𝘉𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘯 & 𝘗𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘙𝘦𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘈𝘭𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘢𝘯
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winterinpanem · 2 years
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ADAM DRIVER as JACQUES LES GRIS The Last Duel (2021) Dir. Ridley Scott
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winterinpanem · 2 years
Winter In Panem: Master List
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(Listed Alphabetically by Author)
@alliswell21 - Mistaken Gift Swap; Mistletoe Venom
@chele20035 - It’s Maggie’s Fault; Later; A Twisted Christmas
@damndonnergirls - Odin’s Hanging Tree
@dianaflynn22 - Mistletoe And Majoram
@drivebyanon - Snow Storm For A Broken Heart
@everlylark - Home For The Holidays 
@hutchhitched - Whispers Of The Past
@jlalafics - All That I Want (story art piece); Snapshot
@kleeklutch - Christmas’ Return To Panem; Traditions
@knittingkatniss - City Outtake
@lifeisshiny - Dibs
@marry-me-mellark - Silence In The Snow
@mega-aulover - No Room At The Inn
@mtk4fun - Just Like A Hallmark Movie
@norbertsmom - Last Minute Christmas Shopping
@notanislander - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
@superchocovian - Unexpected Holiday
@thegirlfromoverthepond - Wooing Grinch Everdeen
@thesagaciousowl - Christmas Eve (Crazy Girl)
@titania522 - The Mass Of Angels
@whowhatsitwhich - Real
If any of your submissions are missing, please let us know and we will add them to the masterlist. Thank you!
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winterinpanem · 2 years
I finished it!!! The last chapter was posted today so go read!!!!
The Black Knight’s Bride!!
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So I took a little bit of this…
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A lot of that…
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 and a lot of plot…. and so far I have five chapters posted!!! Enjoy!!!
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winterinpanem · 2 years
Part Two of "The Great Panem Christmas Bake-Off"!
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Summary: Aspiring baker Katniss Everdeen finally gets her chance when she's chosen for The Great Panem Christmas Bake Off. Too bad, she's already managed to piss off the famous baker and Bake-Off judge, Peeta Mellark.
All I can think about is cookies.
Those goddamn hot chocolate cookies.
Yes, I’ve grown up at a bakery and have had every cookie ever known to man. However, that was a long time ago. I was ten when my father turned our small mom-and-pop bakery into the conglomerate that it is now.
I can still taste the bittersweet chocolate mixed in with the saccharine of the marshmallows. They’ve opened a hunger inside that I barely recognize. A memory of carob brown cookie dough and freeze-dried marshmallows being folded so carefully by a delicate hand, the bowl being cradled against a full breast—
“Peeta!” I look up from my computer screen to see Rye, my older brother, bounding into my office like a puppy. He works as our media coordinator and is the reason that I’m actually on the Bake-Off. He thought that it would soften my image. “Why so serious?”
Rye walks over to my side of the desk, looking at my screen where our latest numbers are displayed on an excel spreadsheet.
“Looks like we’re still rich,” he says with a wide grin. “Wait, what’s on this tab—”
I reach for my mouse to close it out but am too late.
“Oh, Peeta…” Rye tsks. “Looks like you have a crush on a girl.”
Read the rest on AO3!
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winterinpanem · 2 years
Holidate Me
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Author: @jhsgf82​ 
Prompt: Modern Everlark AU best friends to lovers. One of them takes the other as the trusty “back-up date” to their holiday office party. Everyone assumes they’re a couple. While taking their date home, they realize they don’t want to go back to their own place alone and feelings come to a climax 😉 [submitted by @jedimandy​] 
Rating: T
Summary: Lonely hearts Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark attend the office holiday party together as each other’s holidate. How will the night come to a close? 
Author’s Note: Thanks to my boo, Stephanie @evestedic​ for her wonderful input on this one as well as the lovely @daydreamsandcaffeine​ ______________
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winterinpanem · 2 years
A Christmas Winter Wonderland
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Author: @daydreamsandcaffeine
Card number and prompt: Card 3 - Winter Wonderland
Title: A Christmas Winter Wonderland
Rating: G
Summary: Katniss and Peeta find themselves at France's Capital of Christmas. Set in my unnamed van life!lark universe.
Word count: 526
Author’s notes: Written for @talesofpanem, this little drabble is inspired by the Christmas market photos I've been seeing on here and Instagram, a chat with @shewakesupwiththesun, and by my own limited experiences of European Christmas markets (Strasbourg, the Capital of Christmas, being one of them). As always, a huge thank you to @jhsgf82 for beta-ing<3
Driving around Europe seemed like a pipe dream when they first tinkered with the idea of traveling in a van, but now here they are in Strasbourg, France.
Their family and friends thought their plan was a little absurd - why navigate a continent they don’t know, in a van, during wintertime? But Katniss and Peeta insisted. They wanted to see Europe in its wintry glory. Plus, they had the internet to blame, or to thank, depending on how you look at it. YouTube videos and Instagram posts of the Christmas markets and the holiday decor blanketing the towns won them over.
So that’s how Katniss and Peeta find themselves at France’s oldest Christmas market and proclaimed “capital of Christmas” or as the neon lights at the entrance state: “Capitale de Noel”. It’s only fitting that the day they’re here is when the town is dusted in snow. They stand at the entrance of the market and are mesmerized by the sights, sounds, and smells of the ongoing festivities.
The archway that beckons them is well lit, bright white lights against warm yellow. Stars of varying sizes run along the arc, and two teddy bear shaped figures sit at each end. When they look past the arch, more lights are strung throughout in colors of red, green, blue, yellow, and white. Snowflake lights hang from the trees. Lit angels and gingerbread men hang high above the pathways. The stalls themselves have garlands and warm glows of their own. As Katniss’ and Peeta’s eyes wander to the picturesque buildings around them, they see garlands and streamers and Santa hats and banners of stars and hearts. A building or two has garlands made of cuddly teddy bears and boxes of presents with little trees at the occasional windowsill.
Excited chatter of children in awe of what they see fills the air; the little ones stretch their arms out attempting to point out the teddy bears or snowflakes or gingerbread men or other visual wonders around. Carolers sing Christmas classics in melodic harmony. Vendors are more than merry to talk to customers about their offerings. Clicks of cameras and shouts of what may be “say cheese” in varying languages can be heard throughout. Laughs and joyous vocals are abundant.
In unison, the petite brunette with a French braid hanging over her shoulder and the broad muscular blond with his unruly curls take a deep breath, inhaling the smells that waft its way over. Scents of evergreen, peppermint, and holiday spices tickle their noses.
What lies ahead of them is an absolute Christmas themed winter wonderland. Pictures and videos do not do it justice.
While excited, Katniss can’t help but feel a little overwhelmed, her senses overloaded. She takes another deep breath, readying herself.
Peeta stretches his left arm out to Katniss, and she enthusiastically grabs hold of it with her right. He gives her hand a squeeze which automatically makes her feel better. He looks down at her, eyebrows quirked and a smile on his face. “Together?”
Katniss grins back at him. “Together.”
Hand in hand, they walk into this Christmas Market wonderland, eager to take in what it has to offer.
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winterinpanem · 2 years
Everlark Advent Calendar
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@everlarkedalways day 4 a pita baked Christmas creation... So I chose cheese buns... Katniss's favorite treat.
Unfortunately they're never around long enough to share with others. So a small bet arises between Katniss and Peeta. But can Katniss keep away from temptation, given her current predicament?
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winterinpanem · 2 years
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Day Three: Family Jammies
“Do you like it?” Katniss asks, holding the folds of her new nightgown up and giving a girlish twirl on the bedroom rug, making the skirt fly out and swish beautifully.
From the bed, Peeta smiles and holds out a hand to draw her closer, kissing her knuckles as she crawls up beside him. “This is the same fabric as my new pajamas,” he says with a smile.
Katniss shrugs and tugs thoughtfully at the dark green sleeves as she says, wry and soft, “The seamstress had some fabric left over — and I thought we could match, like old times.”
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winterinpanem · 2 years
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Day 4
A Peeta baked Christmas creation
A fruitcake. No one in District 12 should turn their nose up at a fruitcake, yet some do. There’s been too much time that’s passed since the district was desperate with hunger. As much as some may oppose this baked Christmas treat, Katniss adores when Peeta creates it. It fills their home with the scents of fruits and spice, yeast and sugar. And it reminds her of another loaf on another day. A loaf packed with fruit and nuts. It reminds her of love and hope. So she eats each slice and kisses Peeta with sugar dusted lips.
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winterinpanem · 2 years
Dr. Mellark and Mr. Hyde -Part 3!
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🥀 An Everlark Drabble 🔥
Summary: In London, Dr. Mellark visits Katniss to check on her. In a professional way. And for no other reason. 
Thanks again to everyone for the comments and encouragement! Thanks @jhsgf82​ @endlessnightlock​ @sparklingdust4612​ honeylime08, mrspeetamellark!
Rated: M
Part 1 Here
Part 2 Here 
Inspired by The Hunger Games and the Jekyll and Hyde musical. Canon-typical implied violence. Unbeta’d.
Tags/warnings: implied violence, bruises, prostitution, adult situations 
Katniss wakes to a jolt of pain in her ribs. She pushes herself out of bed, groaning. Slowly, she swings her legs onto the cold floorboards.
She remembers the warmth of Dr. Mellark’s living room, and the way the light of the fire reflected in his eyes. He’d looked at her with a sort of innocence, as if it were she that was the angel. And that’s why he’s dangerous. 
Katniss dresses in a long-sleeved dress to cover the purple splotches on her skin, and braids her hair as quickly as her tired arms will allow.
She has to skip breakfast because it takes her so long to get ready. When she finally makes it downstairs, the club’s nearly empty, and Spider is in a foul mood.
“You’re late,” he snaps, appraising her with his green eyes that always remind her of the scales of a snake. “Get to work.”
She pulls a face when he turns his back.
She makes round serving drinks, flirting with customers, but when one man tries to pull her on his lap, she can’t stand the pressure of his fingers against the bruises on her hips. How the hell is she going to pull off the evening performance?
Dr. Mellark is striding towards her, and the sight of his broad chest takes her breath away. He is as handsome as ever, but as he approaches, she sees the exhaustion in his eyes.
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winterinpanem · 3 years
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Merry Everlark
Day Two: Everlark Gifts
Katniss decorating her gifts with things she found in the woods.
Peeta secretly putting more and more gifts for Toastbabies under the christmas tree.
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winterinpanem · 3 years
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Day One: Everlark Stockings
The hearth crackles like autumn leaves under a brown boot as Katniss sets the family laundry over the fire screen to dry. She smiles quietly to herself as she arranges her embroidered wedding stockings next to Peeta’s brown woolen ones. They’d been thoroughly ruined this afternoon when he’d tramped through the dark and the slush into town for butter from his family bakery, but the trip was well worth it, because now the scent of meltingly fluffy biscuits to go with a rich white gravy is wafting from the kitchen and making her mouth water. She can hear her husband humming to himself, an off-key rendition of their hearthsong. With stockings by the fire and song in the kitchen, the cold of winter stops at the doormat and up in the eaves, and though it storms and frosts, it can’t come in.
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winterinpanem · 3 years
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Anyone who thinks icing cakes at the bakery wouldn’t have prepared Peeta for the Arena clearly hasn’t seen a Bûche de Noël cake.
Happy Holidays/December, and thanks to everyone who posted something at @yuletideinpanem - you all got me in the spirit to make this silly thing! :)
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winterinpanem · 3 years
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Katniss mentions that there were quite a few times she resorted to eating pine bark in the past. I think Peeta would want to replace those memories of hollow days with something decadent and fun, so I imagine he would make these cute little cookies for her, and restore the appeal of evergreens to Everdeen.
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winterinpanem · 3 years
Advent Calendar FicRec 2021, Day 1
Snowstorm by @rosegardeninwinter
A Hunger Games everlark fanfic written for the prompt:  “No games, canon. Just a good, all time favorite “it would have happened anyway” story. Maybe throw in snowstorm trope to make it seasonal?” Super sweet and cozy - perfect to get this advent calendar started! 😊😉
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winterinpanem · 3 years
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Merry Everlark Christmas!!!
This is an Everlark / THG Ugly Christmas Sweater pattern for your phone
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