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Ra-Horakhty sails in the sun-barque.
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Low Energy Devotional Activities and Ways to Connect with the Gods
Let's be honest, religion and consistent practice can be HARD, especially when you're chronically ill, disabled, mentally ill or neurodivergent. This is a list of lower energy practices you can do to connect with your Gods when you're having a rough day.
Pray. You don't have to say the prayer. You don't have to do the full cleansing and offering. Just think about the prayer. It could be as simple as "'Deity Name', thank you. I'm thinking of you and appreciate you."
Dedicate any self care you do to the Gods. You've got to take meds? awesome. it's now a devotional activity.
If you can, light a tea light candle. You can think about who you're dedicating it to as you're lighting it.
Tell them about your day. Have a simple conversation with them (again, this can be in your head if needed).
Offer some water! Water is a great offering if you don’t have the energy to cook, collect or buy something.
Incense is also a great offering because you can light it then forget about it and your house won’t burn down (if you follow regular safety measures). 
Resting. Your deities want you to be okay. Dedicating your rest to your deities is especially great if you feel guilty for allowing yourself time to heal.
Turn on a video of someone reading mythos! 
Put on a deity playlist. There are plenty of pre-made ones on Spotify. 
Veil or bind your hair! Whenever I’m low energy I’ll throw my hair in a ponytail and bind it that way. It doesn’t have to be extravagant. 
Make a Pinterest board for them!
Post on a digital altar! There are plenty of discord servers that have digital altars and temples. You could also make a devotional Tumblr blog. 
Change your phone lock/home screen to something that reminds you of your Deity.
I hope this is helpful to anyone who needs it! Take care of yourself first and foremost. If you don't think you can manage something on this list then thats perfectly fine too! you're not a bad person for not being able to do something spiritual or religious. Ultimately, these things are not a necessity. Don't stress :)
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I wonder if there is any Heqet worshippers on here.. I’ve been looking for other people who worship Her, but can’t really find anybody 😭
I would like to connect with Her at some point. It sucks that there’s very little info :(
Please interact if you worship Heqet!
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Hi again! I added some more Green Knight material to the folder I shared with you. Here's the link again in case you needed it. Have a nice day! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1o4ebdzDAPe1OkOBqUVz2nDXzVAf4Jf-s
thank you so, so much 🖤
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For those of you that do ancestor veneration, remember that just because you like it doesn't mean your ancestors will. Do with this what you will.
- Erika, The Clumsy Witch
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Wait no this is such a cool idea I wish our scrabble board wasn't packed up rn cuz I'd be experimenting sm if it was
anybody ever thought of using Scrabble as a vetting divination practice? like, asking for a sign and getting the letters to make words in return?
cause I asked while playing Scrabble yesterday and got several words as confirmation from Cernunnos
I dunno I feel like Scrabble is something the divination community is sleeping on
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don't be afraid to offer 'unconventional' things to your deities. i literally just gave mine some of my dr pepper. you'll be fine they won't smite you down or whatever
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Beginner witch tip: Beware of conflating "has a mean attitude" or "has an edgier practice than me" with "knows a lot and should be listened to." Being mean and edgy tells you nothing about someone's magical knowledge/skill. All it tells you is that they're mean and edgy.
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Erotic Mysticism While Kemetic
What is your position on Kemetic godspouses? What is your position on the KO’s and other Kemetic temples’ and communities’ stances on godspouses? Why?
So to be completely honest, I do not have any idea what the KO's or Kemetic temples' stances on godspousal are. My experiences with the Kemetic community are in a predominantly informal setting, and I've met plenty of godspouses during my time as a Kemetic practitioner. In fact, the people who introduced me to godspousal outside of the hatred on TikTok were Kemetic godspouses themselves.
I think there's plenty of historical precedent for things like godspousal, and plenty of evidence that things like human/deity relationships were at least acceptable in mythology (though the validity of that in Kemetic mythology in particular is something that's questionable with my current frame of reference and knowledge, syncretic beliefs from the same time periods that were obviously accepted by the Kemetics so, I'm apt to believe that in some ways at least some Kemetics back in the day were chill with the idea of mortal/divine relationships).
I also think, at the end of the day, it’s not expressly prohibited by any Kemetic doctrine as far as I know, even if it’s not expressly condoned either. And for me, that’s enough to be at least tolerant of it if not outright supportive of it (which I definitely do my best to be, even if sometimes I don’t understand things lmao). As long as someone isn’t harming themselves or others with their godspousal, or using it to hold themselves above others, why, at the end of the day, should I let it affect me? It’s not part of my practice, and I doubt it ever will be (never say never tho lol), but it’s not like I have any reason to shit on it?
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I got institutionalized and am flat broke w no way to cover rent. I got dx w schizophrenia. I had a miscarriage and got phished and drugged/recorded by my rm. I am. Not well. I need 1150. I just got out and am w my dad. Help me.
Venmo: tominova
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No they're right actually and they should say it.
The lefts descent into obsession with identity politics means all these boys get from these spaces is essentially being told they're inherently monstrous or will grow up to be so.
12 year old boys are not evil. They're children. And they're susceptible to manipulation from these fucks on the right who have sadly correctly identified that large swathes of the left will ignore and shun them. People turn to extremist factions when they feel ignored and dehumanised.
A 12 year old boy online isn't going to be able to read the nuances in your uber ironic but not really actually ironic "all white men are inherently trash" hot takes. They're going to take that at face value because they're 12 and that's what 12 year olds do. And they're going to feel angry, rejected and judged by your words. And then fucks like Andrew Tate get to swoop in and tell them that you're wrong and start the ball rolling on that indoctrination.
If you're an adult leftist and you honestly think teenage boys possess the wherewithal to purposefully follow dangerous Misogynists like Andrew Tate in order to "preserve their own privilege long term" then I'm sorry to say you're too far gone and I'd suggest logging off and actually trying to have a conversation with a kid who is vulnerable to the grooming of these uber misogynists and treat them as a human being instead of a reflection of an identity you've boxed them into.
You may tick more diversity boxes but you are still the adult. Start acting like it.
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"You can't magic away your mental illness and trauma" and "magic can be a great tool to help manage mental illness and trauma" are both true statements. This isn't a black or white issue. Something can be super helpful without being claimed to permanently cure you of suffering.
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The phrase, "There's no right or wrong way to practice Heathenry," specifically means, "All practice formats are valid."
It does NOT mean, "There's no such thing as poor methodology."
Just because there's no wrong way to practice doesn't mean there's no irresponsible way to practice.
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✨Polytheism Asks!✨
What’s your least favorite myth?
What’s your favorite myth?
What pantheon(s) do you worship?
Who is your least favorite ancient poet/philosopher/old guy who said “smart” things?
What’s your favorite snack to share with the gods? (Curtesy of @luminarycanary)
Do you pray daily? If so, do you have a prayer schedule?
Do you do any rituals or celebrate any holidays/festivals?
How often to you make offerings, and what is your most common offering to give?
How many altars you you currently have up, if any at all?
Have you ever made a travel altar?
What deity do you think your taste in music best represents, regardless of who you worship?
What has been your favorite interaction with a deity so far?
What is your favorite devotional act?
Would you say there’s a certain “type” of deity you follow? Or are you more broad, without rhyme or reason?
Have you ever worked with a deity? 
Have you ever been to a religious site (for your deities)?
Do you have any UPGs?
What is your favorite way to communicate with the gods?
Do you just worship deities, or do you worship heroes, spirits, etc. as well?
What’s something new you want to try in your worship?
What would your ideal practice look like?
Have you ever received a dream/a big sign from a deity?
Are their any new deities you want to contact?
How do you define devotion vs worship?
What is your favorite symbol of your deity(ies)?
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