witchingowl · 5 years
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witchingowl · 5 years
Bird Symbolism
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So I was looking out my window and saw two birds and the idea of making a list of symbolism associated with types of birds came to mind. My mom always taught me if you see an animal -especially if they are doing something out of the ordinary- you should take it as an omen. So here’s a list of some basic birds, some of the associations are personal but I hope you like it!
Blue Jay-the truth will be revealed, high energy, playfulness, clarity and communication.
Cardinal-hope, joy, good health, some associate them with angels or deceased love ones, passion and warmth.
Crow-often associated with magic and witches, transformation, power, intelligence and mystery. 
Duck-friendships, new friends, happiness, good fortune and protect against negative energies “water off a ducks back” :)
Dove-peace, harmony, joy, love, might be telling you to break away from a toxic situation, think positive, often associated with Aphrodite or Jesus or Angels
Eagle-power, leadership, freedom, adventure, breaking free.
Hawk- common as spirit guides, courage, protection, and awareness. 
Hummingbird- I adore hummingbirds and often associate them with faeries. Creativity, joy, love and beauty. Can be a sign that you are moving too fast in life and need to take a break.
Magpie-Magpies represent duality because seeing them can be really good or really bad, I know it’s confusing :/ Seeing a magpie can be a good luck omen and new oppurtunities will appear. They also represent illusion and trickery, maybe someone is being a two-faced friend to you. 
Owl- wisdom, associated with the goddess Athena, intuition, spiritual exploration, change, observation and intelligence.
Raven- associated with the nordic god Odin, mystery, magic, fae magic, knowledge, mischieve, and can be seen as a death omen (but can also mean change) 
Robin- luck, prosperity, good things will happen, joy and your hard work will soon be rewarded. 
Sparrow- associated with Aphrodite, new love and relationships, fertility, team work, time of productivity and stop procrastinating.
Stork-long life, prosperity, fertility, new life, wisdom, take time to relax, motherhood and luck.
Swan- also associated with Aphrodite and Apollo, gracefulness, beauty, music, poetry, creativity, loyalty, and long lasting relationships.
Vulture-death, cleaning up other people’s messes, renewal, patient, use your resources and be perceptive.
Woodpecker- hard work, take advantage of new oppurtunities, attention, progress and determination.
Tip! If you are repeatedly seeing a certain animal or have a strong liking to an animal it could be a way a spirit guide is trying to get your attention (or that animal is just really common in your area lol )
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witchingowl · 5 years
some people have a lot of translations of the Bible and I wonder if having different tarot decks is kind of similar. different ones for different purposes, insights, etc.
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witchingowl · 5 years
Witchcraft & Meds
For everyone with mental and physical stuff that they have to take medication for! I’m both mentally and chronically ill and take a LOT of meds each day. There’s so much negativity about magic and meds, so let’s find a way to incorporate both into your life! <3
Pill bottles:
Charge the bottles (while empty), the bowl you place your dose in, or your pill organizer in the sun or moon
Decorate them to look more witchy! Don’t cover up important labels. [X]
Draw sigils on the bottom to help minimize side effects and so you don’t forget a dose!
Use empty bottles for anything witchy (spell bottles, herb storage, etc.) [X]
Place crystals or herbs around/on the bottle
Use color correspondences - doodle on the lid or bottom
Keep in cool pill boxes
Whisper an enchantment or blessing over them for desired effects (easy to swallow, less side effects, doing their job, etc.)
Think or say an affirmation with each one (I say so many affirmations a day!)
Take with (drinking safe) moon water or infused water.
Also use a cool cup, could be decorated, covered in sigils, using color correspondences, and more!
Coat your pills with honey before taking them to sweeten up your life
IV treatments and injections (no needle mentions):
Listen to witchy music
Draw healing/soothing sigils
Keep crystals in your pocket or bag
Bring infused water with you (if using herbs, check for interactions)
Bring a spell bottle/sachet to your treatment for good vibes, quick healing, minimal pain, and the like.
Sigils on the band-aid!
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witchingowl · 5 years
Divination - Taco Bell Sauce Packets
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I do not take credit for this image. Image can be found here.
So I might have been weird when I started doing this but I wanted to share with everybody as this form of divination has helped me to some extent while I was on the go.
So basically, when I used to eat at every Taco Bell in my city and haunt them to the point where they’d be like “Damn! You again?!”, I would get a fresh batch of sauce packets. It would act like a combination of tarot, pendulum and the Magic 8 ball. 
Three ways (possibly four depending on the reading) to decipher them. 
1. Color only
2. Labels - On a scale of Verde to Diablo, what level is the situation?
3. Sayings only
4. Combination of all three (if possible).
I’m also aware that Taco Bell stopped offering the Verde sauce (We should go threaten them with insanity!). Here are some alternatives -
Use a green marker to randomly mark the packets before drawing them.
Use a ketchup packet instead (If any are available). It gives the same feel.
It could be any packet really. Just as long as it doesn’t feel out of place when you reach for it.  
Draw them from a bag or opaque container while asking your question.
If I was doing a reading based on color only -
Verde - The green light. A definite “Yes” answer. Growth.
Mild - Maybe yes. Maybe no. Indecisive. Do I want to do it? Do I have to?
Hot - Caution
Fire! - Don’t do it! A definite “No” answer.
Diablo - Research the situation first. Find the truth in it. Can also be interpreted as needing to banish something.
How I’d interpret the labels -
1 Verde - No worries. Easy going. Your own pace. Least stressed.
2 Mild - Lvl 1 - Novice. Beginnings of something. Slow paced.
3 Hot - Lvl 2 - Intermediate. Not quite easy. Not quite hard. Steady pace.
4 Fire! - Lvl 3 - Advanced. Difficult. May struggle. Fast paced.
5 Diablo - Lvl 4 - Extreme. Holy Muffin Froster! That’s tough! Reconsider this option. Highest stress.
Here are some examples of how I’d interpret the sayings - 
“Let’s run away together” - The Fool card meaning. Innocent, possibly reckless and beginning something new.
“If you never do, you’ll never know” - Go right ahead with the situation! Take on that job, do that craft, take that class, do something for the community.
“I’m a people packet”. - Are you a people person or do you need to work on your social skills?
“I’m in good hands now” - You’re safe in your current situation or safe with a certain person. Trust your instincts.
“I’m just doing this between films” - Do what you need to do to get by but don’t forget to take care of yourself in the process.
“I’m not just another pretty face” - There’s more to you. Your skills, motivation, passion and knowledge!
“I’m taking the day off. See next packet”. - It’s okay to rest. You’re only human. Spoil yourself. Hang out with friends. Get a massage. Eat out. Do something that’s not in your normal schedule. Self love, baby! ♥ 
If I were to decipher both color and saying same time (only a few examples as this will not work with every packet) -
“Why not?” - (Usually the Mild packet). Go ahead. There’s something creative in this but be aware.   
“Sound the alarm!” - (Diablo). Your red flags may be popping up. All the more reason to do your research on the topic to decide whether or not you should go through with it.
“ —Blank—-” - (One of the orange packets. Can’t remember off the top of my head) Make what you will of the situation but be aware. “Will you marry me?” - (Orange packet). The Lovers card comes to mind. Would you like to partner up with another person in a project/relationship?
Taco Bell sauce packets are more of a “Which ever way makes more sense of the situation”, kind of reading.
Happy eatin…crafting!
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witchingowl · 5 years
Chants to Charge Crystals with Intent
I find it easier to charge things with intent if I have something like a chant to focus on, so here you go
For psychic stones
Clear of mind, clear of sight
I can see the future bright
For power and catalyst stones
With your power fuel my spells
Hopes and dreams and wishing well
For emotional healing stones
Take what’s broken, make it whole
Heal all the wounds of my soul
Grow again straight and true
Bring all that’s good to full bloom
For manifestation stones
As the Magician to me reminds
The world is affected by my mind
To my thoughts it responds in kind
I’ll go forward at my best
To north, to south, to east, to west
Let all my hopes be manifest
For plant growth stones
My garden is green
My garden will grow
This I see
This I know
For physical protection stones
In this place I am safe
With this stone I am safe
As I go I am safe
As I am I am safe
For emotional protection and depression dispelling stones
Darkness, sadness, anger, hate
Sorrowful energies be dispelled
Fragile feelings of love and light
Will be protected safe and sound
For self love and healing stones
In my heart and mind I know
The strength to love myself and grow
For grounding stones
Water cleans me
Fire burns in me
Air holds me
Earth supports me
Spirit moves me
And I am free
For luck and success stones
Luck, power, success I find
I can make the future kind
For sleep and good dream stones
Dreams be kind, dreams be sweet
Let me have a gentle sleep
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witchingowl · 5 years
The Magick of Booze: A Correspondence Table
This is my own personal correspondence table for the use of alcohol in magick. It may not match your own usage of alcohol, but if you like anything you see, feel free to adopt it. Some of this is based in what the alcohol is made from, some on its history, and some of this is based in personal experience or associations. This is not about alcohol as an offering, but the usage of it as a spell component. The list is in no way exhaustive and does not include mixed drinks or brands. Just your basics.
Distilled Spirits
Absinthe: (Air) Useful in protection work. It is especially useful for safe astral travel. Using it to draw sigils for safe travels on one’s body before leaving it can keep away nasties in the meantime.
Gin: (Earth) Useful in spells promoting good health and is good as a binding ingredient for other alcohols’ properties. It can also be a good to use if the caster of the spell lives in poverty and this is pertinent to the spell in some way.
Rum: (Water) Useful in money spells or spells for gaining other material possessions. Rum can be especially useful in a spell involving an underhanded motive or intention, especially if the results leave you with more as a side effect of the spell’s main goal.
Tequila: (Fire) Tequila is all about timing. Perfect, exact timing. It can be used in spells involving punctuality, appointments, or decision making. It can be used when something has to be done just right, as well. Never use it for something involving the past or anything about the future. Tequila is always for the present, and in this moment, as they come issues.
Vodka: (Fire and Water) Good for strength and courage. Lifting yourself up by the bootstraps and carrying on with what needs to be done no matter how hard it is or how tired you are. Can be used in spells involving getting through difficult times, motivation, pushing forward, finishing projects. Shit’s gotta get done? Vodka.
Whiskey: (Water) Whiskey can be used in spells to promote change, usually when change is unwanted by someone else. It helps bypass interference and bring the change about in ways that which opposes it does not immediately notice.
Brandy: (Earth) Brandy can be used in love spells, especially those for preserving pre-existing love. It can also be used for attracting a long-lasting love as opposed to a fling.
Fermented Beverages
Beer: (Earth) Beer is used in spells involving the home, family, and the past. It can also be used in spells involving practicality vs desire.
Cider: (Earth) Cider is used in spells for harvesting what you’ve already planted. It helps ensure that the things you’re working towards are successful and your effort is not wasted. But you must put in the effort.
Wine: (Earth and Air) Wine can be used in spells for health, stress relief, and blessings. It can also be used for spells involving standing on your own and independence.
Mead: (Air) Mead can be used for spells involving inspiration, study, education, scholarly pursuits, the arts, and oratory issues. It can also be used to sweeten the temper of yourself or someone else.
Sangria: (Fire) Sangria is good for happiness spells, celebrations, and anything involving good times and fun. It is also good for spells meant to broaden horizons and promote new experiences.
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witchingowl · 5 years
To Have Someone Contact You
You’ll Need:
New embroidery needles
Yellow candle
If you wish to hear from somebody, firmly push the needle into the center of an unanointed yellow candle.
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When the eye of the needle is flush with the wax, inscribe the person’s name on the candle.
Concentrate intently on the person contacting you and light the wick. Let the candle burn out.
(The person usually calls before the candle burns halfway)
Found in Everyday Magic by Dorothy Morrison
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witchingowl · 5 years
♠️♦️How to Divine Using Playing Cards ♥️♣️
♥️Ace: home or close environment. Could represent a visit, travel or a change of address.
♥️King: an influencial man, someone who has the power or ability to do something good for the querent. Money, wealth, success in love.
♥️Queen: A trusted woman. Someone knowledgeable and faithful. One who always plays fair. Trust, honesty, friendship.
♥️Jack: A good friend to the querent, someone close, a cousin or confidant, someone they have known for a long time. Friendship, relationships (usually family-related), and gathering or celebration.
♥️10: A good card: means good luck, can counteract bad cards around it.
♥️9: Harmony, prosperity. Also known as ‘the Wish Card’. If surrounded by bad cards, these can represent obstacles that need to be dealt with in order to get the fulfillment of the wish.
♥️8: An event, a celebration, a party/wedding ..etc. Some sort of ceremony that is already in the works, or is being planned.
♥️7: A card of disappointent. Usually indicates a partner or other person failing to keep their promises. If this card comes up when dealing with some sort of plan, expect that the other person will back out.
♥️6: Warning card. Someone may try to take advantage of the querent. Also, the querent is being used by a close friend or partner.
♥️5: Indecisiveness: The querent’s inability to make up his/her mind on a subject. A tendency to make and break plans with others.
♥️4: The bachelor/old maid card. This card represent someone who is too fussy in their selection of a partner. Someone who, by their picky nature, is destined to remain alone.
♥️3: An unwise decision, made in haste and without proper background information.
♥️2: Success, often beyond the querent’s expectations. If bad cards surround, there may be delays in reaching the goal.
♣️Ace: Indicates wealth, fame, and having many friends or acquaintances. Also feeling well known and being able to receive certain perks due to good looks or social status.
♣️King: Represents a very good friend. A lifelong companion, someone who can be trusted and counted on during times of need and sorrow.
♣️Queen: Represents a wife or girlfriend in long term relationship for a man. For a woman, represents a sister or good friend, someone who shares a lot of knowledge about the querent.
♣️Jack: Represents a good friend, one who uses a lot of flattery, but only to make the other person feel better. Someone who is good at cheering the querent up.
♣️10 :A card of happiness and good fortune. Can also represent a long and fun-filled journey.
♣️9: Trouble: Represents arguments with good friends. A loss of a relationship, a dispute that will remain unresolved.
♣️8: A sense of desperation. An urgent need for money.
♣️7: A card of good luck, if other favorable cards are around. Success if there is not interference from the opposite sex.
♣️6: A partnership card. Success based on mutual goals and friendship.
♣️5: A marriage card, or the beginning of a long standing alliance.
♣️4: A danger card, showing misfortune or failure. Supposed friends getting in the way, or turning against the querent.
♣️3: A sign of a second marriage or even a third. Or an engagement with someone, then a marriage with another, after a friendly separation.
♣️2: Bad luck. Being let down by those around. Opposition from friends and family. Do not count on others.
♦️Ace: an important message. A letter or package/gift arriving, the contents of which are very important.
♦️King: A bitter rival, a dangerous competitor, for women it can mean an abusive man or a deceitful lover.
♦️Queen: A flirtatious woman, one who will interfere in plans. Gossipy, very attractive to males..able to get away with things and interfere in situations.
♦️Jack: A bringer of bad news. A selfish person. Not dangerous to male querents, but problems for a female one.
♦️10: Money. Money being the driving force of a journey or partnership. Greed.
♦️9: Adventure: A move in the hopes of advancement.
♦️8: Country life, travel and marriage late in life. The querent’s life is too hectic at the moment..a need to settle down and get away..but being unable to do so at the present time.
♦️7: Bad luck on an enterprise or idea. A man who is unreliable, a gambler or drinker.
♦️6: An early marriage, but an unhappy one..and one not destined to last. A second marriage would also be unhappy.
♦️5: Prosperity, long enduring friendship. Pride in family. Success with children.
♦️4: Quarrels: Forgotten or neglected friends and family. Situations that have been brewing and now come to a head.
♦️3: A card of disputes and quarrels. Lawsuits, legal actions. A sign of separation or divorce.
♦️2: A serious love affair, resulting in a marriage or interfering with one depending on surrounding cards.
♠️Ace: Bad news, loss of someone close, possible death to someone near, or an illness, miscarriage, etc.
♠️King: A man who will cause problems in marriage or relationships. One who will get in the middle, divide and conquer..and then destroy.
♠️Queen: A cruel woman, one who interferes. For women, a betrayal by a good friend. For men, a woman who will use them for their own gain.
♠️Jack: A person who hangs around and gets in the way. Not a bad person, but a lazy person. One who will get in the way of progress. Takes and takes, but does not give back anything.
♠️10: A very unlucky card. If near a good card, it can cancel it out. If found with bad cards, makes them twice as bad.
♠️9: The worst card of all: Illness, loss of money, or misery. Even among the best of cards. Defeat, lack of success:
♠️8: False friends, traitors, someone who will betray. Most of the trouble can be avoided if caught early on. Examine all relationships closely.
♠️7: Sorrow and quarrels. Avoid arguments with friends. Let them “win” for now.
♠️6: Much planning but little result. Hard work, without much profit. Discouragements.
♠️5: Success in business or love, after much time and hard work.
♠️4: Minor misfortune: A short illness, a temporary setback.
♠️3: Unhappiness: Misfortune in love or marriage. A loss of pride and hope. Do not dwell, move on in life.
♠️2: A complete and forced change. Sudden change of location, relationship or a death. Bound to make a big difference in the coming months.
GENERALLY: ♥️HEARTS: Emotional, symbols of pain and suffering.
♣️CLUBS: Friends, relationships.
♦️DIAMONDS: Difficulties, money problems.
♠️SPADES: Warnings.
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witchingowl · 5 years
Tarot Cheat Sheet #1 - Major Arcana
Tarot Cheat Sheet #2 - Wands
Tarot Cheat Sheet #3 - Cups
Tarot Cheat Sheet #4 - Swords
Tarot Cheat Sheet #5 - Pentacles
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witchingowl · 5 years
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witchingowl · 5 years
Red Light, Green Light, Yellow Light Spread
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Just thought I’d share my personal favorite 3-card spread. It’s usually a good one to use when you need to know what to do–or what NOT to do–in a given situation.
Card 1–Red Light: Exactly what you should NOT do in the situation. Alternately, STOP. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.
Card 2–Green Light: What you SHOULD be doing. Go ahead. Do the thing.
Card 3–Yellow Light: What you need to look out for. Areas of your life where you might need to slow down or pay attention to them. Things to be wary of.
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witchingowl · 5 years
Tip for fellow stoner witches:
Smoking pieces of lavender or rose petals is safe (in small moderation of course) when mixed in with your weed. You can smoke rose before/during love spells, glamor/beauty spells, etc, and lavender is good for meditation, sleep, calm, whatever! Visualize yourself taking in and absorbing the properties when smoking it!
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witchingowl · 5 years
🌿 herbs and weed 🌿
✨🍃✨For my weed witches, here are the herbs that I absolutely love to mix with marijuana ✨🍃✨
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🍂 If you’re witchin’ on a budget and getting stoned on a budget, here are some herbs that you can roll with marijuana in order to 1) use less weed each time! And 2) feel witchy as fuck
(On top of that these herbs feel amazing to smoke)
🍂 Mint (any kind) 🍂
- decongestant !
- clears your respiratory passages
- tastes yummy and fresh
- the most convenient (i can always find mint) and my fave for regular use!!!
🍂 Lavender 🍂
- increase of linanool ( a terpene) which can be : muscle relaxant and anticonvulsant !
- lovely smell
🍂 Holy basil 🍂
- helps reducing stress and anxiety
- reduces cortisol levels (stress hormone)
🍂 St John’s Wort 🍂
- relieves depression
- relieves anxiety
- stabilizes the mood!!!
- STAY SAFE!! @queerwitched pointed out that: “it can be dangerous to ingest in any form while youre on certain medications such as antidepressants and a lot of common ssri’s and even some migraine treatments. it can cause serotonin syndrome among several other ailments that can be really really bad so make sure that if youre taking any other drugs you always check if there are any interactions with any drugs, alcohol, herbs, or even foods that might be significant.”
🍂 Passion Flower 🍂
- increases the high
- amplifies psychedelic effects of marijuana
- Passion flower mixed with marihuanilla + marijuana gives a totally different high! Said to be more lucid and energetic
🍂 Chamomile 🍂
- great insomnia relief
- stress relief
- veeery relaxing
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witchingowl · 5 years
Tarot cheat sheet
Major Arcana
The Fool-Beginnings, Risks The Magician- Actions, manifestations The High Priestess- Hidden knowledge, Secrets The Empress- Resources, Abundance The Emperor- Boundaries, Order The Heirophant- Education, Lessons, Unity The Lovers- Love, decisions The Chariot- Progress, determination Strength- Managing situations, endurance The Hermit- Searching, analysis The Wheel of Fortune- Fate, Luck Justice- Decisions, Balance The Hanged Man- Waiting, sacrifice Death- Transformation, Rebirth Temperance- Negotiation, common ground The Devil-Restrictions, Indulgence The Tower-Unexpected failure, breakdowns The Star- Hope and guidance The Moon- Anxiety and deep emotions The Sun- Growth, Recovery Judgement- The past, second chances The World- Success, completion
Minor Arcana
Cups- Water Element, “I feel”- How emotions rule over and work within the meanings of the cards.
Ace- Love, Beginnings Two- Partnerships Three- Celebration Four- Boredom, longing Five- Loss, sadness Six- Peace, reconciliation Seven- confusion, possibilities Eight- Departure, leaving behind Nine- A wish coming true, contentment Ten- Happiness, family Page- Opportunities, Chances Knights- Emotional and dreamy influence Queen- Intelligent and intuitive influence King- Charismatic and Wise influence
Pentacles- Earth Element, “I have”- How possessions rule over and work within the meanings of the cards.
Ace- Money, success, beginnings Two- Decisions, balancing finances Three- Showing talents, chances Four- Stability, hiding Five- Financial loss, chasing Six- Generosity, supporting Seven- Potential with work Eight- Money coming, building success Nine- Comfort, success Ten- Inheritance, something lost Page- An offer Knight- A dependable influence Queen- A genorous influence King- A prosperous influence
Swords- Air Element, “I think”- How thoughts rule over and work within the  meanings of the cards.
Ace-  Success Two- Stalemate Three- Heartbreak Four- Rest, overwhelmed Five- Conflict Six- Leaving conflict behind Seven- Theft of positivity Eight- Restriction Nine- Anxiety Ten- Endings Page- Intelligence, alertness Knight- A opposing influence Queen- An independent influence King- A strong willed influence
Wands- Fire Element, “I desire”- How desires rule over and work within the meanings of the cards.
Ace- News, beginnings, fertility Two- Making plans Three- Travel Four- Freedom, rest Five- Stong opinions, fights Six- Victory Seven- Work, effort Eight- News, attack Nine- Stress, suspicion, strength Ten- Burdened, work Page- A message, understanding Knight- A motivational influence Queen- A creative influence King- An expressive influence
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witchingowl · 5 years
green magick for the home
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an apple can be used for a simple house blessing; cut an apple in half, and eat one half in your home. place the other outside, in the backyard or front porch, as an offering to good spirits for protection and warm energy.
bay leaves can be placed in the corners of a room to banish evil from it and protect those within it.
a cactus can be grown near a house to offer strong protection; even stronger protection is gained by planting cacti at all for corners of the home.
planting catnip in the garden, or hanging it above your door, will attract good spirits and good luck.
chamomile can be sprinkled about in the home to break curses and unwanted spells cast on or in the home.
cilantro brings peace and harmony to a home.
clover can be sprinkled around a home to banish unwanted spirits.
garlic can be hung in a home to bring its inhabitants closer together.
ivy plants can be hung to deter unwanted guests.
lavender can be burned and its ashes sprinkled about to cultivate rest and tranquility within the home.
orange peel can be placed in windowsills to bless the house with angel and sun energy.
peppermint can be burned as a smoke cleanser to remove illness and negative energy from a new home.
a sprig of pine can be hung in the home to bless it and its inhabitants.
sachets of saffron can bring happiness to the home.
thyme burned or hung inside brings good health to its residents.
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witchingowl · 5 years
Negative self-talk (whether spoken or thought) is literally:
directing harmful energy toward yourself.
putting energy into a version of yourself and your life that you hate.
intentionally or unintentionally wishing yourself harm.
Negative self-talk is literally hexing yourself.
Be kind to you.
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