wolf840 · 6 hours
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wolf840 · 10 hours
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theres so few trans men in the past because theyre all fucking buried as women😐
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wolf840 · 10 hours
I pay $2000 dollars a month to live in a 900 square foot box.
I delivered $120 worth of fast food to an 8 bedroom house in a gated community. In that hour, I earned less than it cost to buy myself a frozen pizza and toilet paper that night.
My account was overdrawn. I was charged $35 for being $2 short.
Didn't have the money to pay for new car tabs when they expired -> $250 dollar ticket.
Rent was submitted by the due date but processed two days after. That was an $180 late fee.
I was discriminatorily fired because my self-harm scars are "triggering to others," and I "abandoned my job" after being harassed about it. Yeah, sorry, you should've stayed in the abusive work environment, bit your lip, and merrily carried on if you didn't wanna be fired. Oh, and also, you don't qualify for unemployment now.
Don't want to have to tell a future employer your dead legal name while job hunting? $200 filing fee, $150 record request, a court hearing, and 3 months of wait time for a name change.
Just reach out to the family that abused you. Reach out to the family that abused you. Reach out to the family that abused you. Reach out to the family that abused you. Reach out to the family that abused you.
Disability payout is awaiting approval. Oh, sorry, the wait time is 6+ months for a response. Yes, we know that you're already legally disabled. Yes, you still have to wait.
Did you miss a credit card payment? Well, shucks, gonna lower that measly score now. Don't worry about how it's a qualifier for apartments, car loans, and mortgages; it certainly won't negatively ripple throughout the rest of your adult life.
I still have my things - my knickknacks and toys. For now. The fact that you haven't sold them is a sign that you simply aren't trying hard enough... did you know that? Times are tough! It's time to sell everything replaceable and irreplaceable. Things are just things, right? You must have nothing left before you truly may have help.
I can't quite capture the feeling I'm feeling.
You must have nothing left.
It's awfully expensive being queer, poor, and alive.
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wolf840 · 10 hours
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This is for the support of Gaza's Municipality Services - which help ensure clean drinking water, waste collection, debri removal and sanitation services - life saving services to run a state - reader I imagine wherever you are or how lacking the municipality services in your city is, it's not worse than Ghazza.
Currently it's only at 11% - please donate -
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wolf840 · 13 hours
A Man Who Lost Four Fingers Has Built Highly Articulated Prosthetic Fingers, All Controlled By Wrist Movements.
Engineer Ian Davis built his own mechanical prosthetic when his medical insurance did not cover the cost. His prosthetic functions without batteries or electricity. In early 2019, Davis lost four digits on his left hand due to a work accident, prompting him to create the prosthetic
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wolf840 · 15 hours
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wolf840 · 15 hours
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wolf840 · 16 hours
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wolf840 · 24 hours
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so apparently Minecraft did this thing where people submitted their own builds to be made into steel structures that would be used to regrow coral in coral reefs, and one of the ones that got selected is a fishwolf, so now there is an actual physical minecraft wolf mermaid hybrid at the bottom of the ocean saving the coral reefs and i am living
(full video here btw)
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wolf840 · 1 day
“By the usual measures, Biden should be cruising to reëlection. Violent crime has dropped to nearly a fifty-year low, unemployment is below four per cent, and in January the S. & P. 500 and the Dow hit record highs. More Americans than ever have health insurance, and the country is producing more energy than at any previous moment in its history. His opponent, who is facing ninety-one criminal counts, has suggested that if he is elected he will fire as many as fifty thousand civil servants and replace them with loyalists, deputize the National Guard as a mass-deportation force, and root out what he calls “the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country.””
— Joe Biden’s Last Campaign
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wolf840 · 2 days
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'Not delivering' is the reason Republicans desperately elect worse and worse people.
Republicans have hit such rock bottom, human garbage like Trump and MTG are the Party.
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wolf840 · 2 days
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wolf840 · 2 days
The Pacific Northwest is fucking Perfect
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wolf840 · 2 days
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Tomska going hard on Twitter again.
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wolf840 · 3 days
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wolf840 · 3 days
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"Capitalism allows you to follow your dreams. Socialism forces you to give up your dreams."
Yeah. Keep telling yourself that.
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wolf840 · 3 days
I think one big reason why we don't consider the stars as important as before (not even pop-astrology anymore cares about the stars or the sky on itself, just the signs deprived of context) is because of light pollution.
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For most of human history the sky looked between 1-3, 4 at most. And then all of a sudden with electrification it was gone (I'm lucky if I get 6 in my small city). The first time I saw the Milky Way fully as a kid was a spiritual experience, I was almost scared on how BRIGHT it was, it felt like someone was looking back at me. You don't get that at all with modern light pollution.
When most people talk about stargazing nowadays they think about watching about a couple of bright dots. The stars are really, really not like that. The unpolluted night sky is a festival of fireworks. There is nothing like it.
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