woozirubies · 2 months
I just want to be a kid again, rocked in my mom's arms. Crying that I scraped my knee, but she's whispering how I'm a brave girl and it will be all better soon
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woozirubies · 2 months
I wish someone loved me like I love tjem
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woozirubies · 2 months
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Okay purr pussy pop
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woozirubies · 2 months
I wish I didn't feel like a burden to others that I wouldn't killthem with my presence or make them feel like shit but whoopdedoo
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woozirubies · 2 months
No because I wish I could see how people see me so I don't have to be constantly thinking how they see me
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woozirubies · 2 months
People say they understand me, but they don't understand how bad it got. I use to play board games by myself and make my toys the best parents they could be
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woozirubies · 2 months
I wish to look at my popcorn ceiling and see the glowing sticky stars falling off it, I wish to look to the side and see my walls still painted yellow, and I wish to see the toys littering my floor once again. I don't wish for a babysitter that would watch me while you went to a concert, I don't wish for my parents to be arguing while I sang into my toy microphone telling them to stop, I don't wish for when I'd beg you to play with me and you would say you were too busy, I don't wish for when I was so lonely I'd talk to my toys.
I wish I was younger, but older at the same time.
I wish I knew how to talk to others without feeling so afraid
I wish I knew how to ask for help without feeling like a burden
I wish on silly things
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woozirubies · 4 months
There's that bitch omori again -basil
Happy Birthday Basil!!!🌸🌸🎉🎉
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woozirubies · 4 months
My talented girl🩷
"There's something out there. It's calling me, and it's calling you too.."
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woozirubies · 5 months
"I remember your reposts, they use to be so sad all the time!" And you didn't say anything to me. You said absolutely nothing to me. You left me there and I will always and forever remember that.
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woozirubies · 5 months
I write again 😋
Sat across the room from the most breath taking girl she's ever seen. Completely infatuated with her, daydreaming days where they would fall in love. Tracing her blonde hair with her eyes, watching her freshly manicured hand write down notes on her notebook. Suddenly snapped out of her train of thought, "lily, do you know the answer to number 5?" Making her scramble a bit, quickly stating the answer. Feeling her face flush from called on so sudden. Glancing quickly back at the other girl..who is already looking at her. Immediately lily looks back down at her paper, her heart is absolutely racing. Too afraid to look up again, not wanting to show the blush that's spreading across her face.
After class (switches pov)
Iris looks up across the room, still sat in her desk. Noticing the girl with red hair across the room, packing up her things quickly. Her long red hair falling down her shoulders, as her bracelets slightly dink against the desk. She's already moving to leave the classroom, but iris is quick to stand up as well. Finally deciding to just go for it, "lily?" Lily is quick to turn around, seeing the slight pink hue is evident across the girls face. Whispering a quick, "yeah?" Iris can't stop the butterflies spreading through her stomach, clearing her throat and speaking again. "Do you think you could help me with the math later?” Theres a pause of silence, before lily quickly nods. Leaving the room, but Iris can't help think she's awfully cute.
Though, the meet ups become more and more often. Meeting in the library everyday after school, at the same desk everyday. Slowly after each day, they are getting less and less work done. Giggling and laughing is heard from that table everyday after school. Both of them trying to secretly hold hands underneath the table, but everyone knew. Everyone knew that they were in love with each other.
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woozirubies · 1 year
vernon + dropping you lunch at work
'what you're doing, sunshine?'
you smile, quickly looking around to check whether someone is looking at you or not. it wasn't frown upon to answer the phone during work hours but you didn't want anyone to see you smiling and blushing while speaking to your boyfriend. 'i'm stuck on that report i told you yesterday, trying to finish it now. what about you?'
'heading a bit early for a lunch break. i know you are working but can i come over because i miss seeing your face?'
that's why you didn't want anyone to be near when you're speaking to vernon. he always says things like this, things that make your heart first stop and then start beating two times faster; things that make you giggle and your cheeks turn the color of tomato alarmingly fast. you didn't know how you got so lucky to have such a sweet boyfriend and you were thankful every single day. 'you'll be here in ten? i can come down for a little bit.'
'i'm actually already right in front of your building.' vernon shyly admits. 'come down, please?'
'vernon!' you notice some of the coworkers starting to cast you glances and you quickly stand up, rushing to the door.
'what? i got you coffee!' he sounds too happy for you to reprimand him on not warning you on his arrival.
you shake your head, smiling. 'okay-okay, i'm waiting for the elevator.'
'woah, is it all because of the coffee? i see why i'm loved.'
'i mean, it is coffee.' you murmur, trying not to laugh.
'true,' vernon easily agrees and you know he's smiling right now. 'anyway, what's up with that elevator being so slow? i miss you so would you pleaaaase come down?'
you laugh openly this time, not caring if someone else will hear you. 'i'll be there in a second.' you promise before disconnecting right when elevator's doors open.
vernon and you just started your internships and luckily your buildings were not far from each other, resulting in him always meeting you at the end of the work day. you feared for your relationships when internship will start but turns out you had nothing to fear of; vernon is committed just as you to keep the relationship healthy and going and it warms your heart how easy it is with him, how it always has been easy with him. you rush to the exist, fumbling with your card to open the door. vernon is standing not far from the main entrance and you for a second, admiring him. your boyfriend usually prefers more oversized and comfortable clothing, but it's a wonder how good he looks in simple black slacks and white shirt. he looks bored but the second he sees you bright smile lights up his face and he opens his arms, inviting you in. and how can you deny this invitation? you want to run into his arms but there are guards around, so instead you walk in a fast pace towards him, grinning when he hugs you tight.
'hello there, beautiful.' he pecks your cheeks, leaning back. 'here is your coffee and here is your tuna bowl with soy sauce.'
you gasp, squinting at him angrily. 'you promised not to do that anymore! you can't buy me lunch every single time!'
vernon simply pushes both coffee and salad bowl into your hands. 'how much time we have?' he asks, smiling at your pout. 'don't go around with that face or someone will snatch you up!'
'stop,' you lightly push him, grinning. your cheeks heat up and you take a sip of your favorite drink, closing your eyes in a bliss. 'oh, this is heaven.'
vernon's eyebrows rise high and he chuckles, amused by your behavior. knowing how you're not a fan of pda, he settles for gently pulling you closer by the waist, kissing your cheek once more. 'i love you more than you love coffee, you know?'
god, the things he does to your heart. you turn a little, meeting his eyes. you know he is being absolutely serious, stating things that sound as a joke in the most vernon fashion ever. 'i love you more than i love coffee,' you mumble quietly, clutching at the drink nervously.
vernon smiles and leans in, slotting your lips together for a quick kiss, grinning when you start pushing him away, alarmed at the pda. 'vernon!'
he laughs and you two stand together, discussing your plans for the evening when after five minutes vernon sighs in dejection, checking his wrist watch. 'i need to run,' he mumbles, obviously not happy. 'you took yesterday's chicken in a container with you, right? don't forget to eat your salad as well.'
you nod, reaching up to fix his hair. he smiles, looking at you lovingly. 'you eat well too.' you say, hugging him for a goodbye. 'i'll be out at six, you'll wait for me here?'
'always.' he takes your hand in his, drops a kiss there, making you blush. 'have a good day, sunshine. i love you.'
'you too.' your cheeks hurt from smiling so wide. 'and i love you too.'
'more than coffee?' vernon asks, letting your hand go.
'more than coffee.' you confirm steadily. more than anyone or anything else, you want to add but hold back. but he knows. judging by his sparkling eyes and gentle smile - he already knows.
a/n: literally dragging myself out of the writer's block with this cute little thing. check out my other works here - nini
tag list: @woozionascooter @smalliechelle @jaetaimjadore @yeow6n @pearlygraysky @a-wandering-stay (let me know if you want to be added!)
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woozirubies · 2 years
[3:50 PM]
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imagine picking up a book from jun's nightstand and flipping it open to the page you assume is marked by a bookmark - except it's not a bookmark, it's a dried flower. it's the flower you had placed in jun's shirt pocket on your first date.
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woozirubies · 2 years
txt when they see their s/o tired or sad
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Pairing : ot5 × f!reader
Genre : fluff🎸
Warnings : txt are s/o's bf, Established relationship, tooth rotting flufff!♡(∩o∩)♡, bit suggestive if you squint, nthg more Ig.
Author note : this is my first post in here! Kinda nervous TT, but babes interact with me, I'm nice I swear <3
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꒰⑅꒱ soobin 𖦹︎  !  𖥦 𖥻 ִ  ۫  
He's the type to get sad looking at you tired and worn out. "baby what happened?". Such a softie boy friend,would ask you to come over him like you are a baby or something (you a baby for binie tho<3). Makes you sit on his laps and breathes slowly over your neck, it's surprisingly calming you down. He Intervines his hands with yours and appreciates you. "baby you did great today,let me take care of you". He would carry you to y'alls bedroom by bridal style and places you on bed soft like a feather. Positions your head on his laps after hearing you whine, "baby! Stay with me, don't go anywhere~". "I won't princess". Soft kisses over your faces, hovers on top of you and smiles at you (you did pass out), spoons you like a little one and whispers all comforting things in your ears "you were so good for me, my pretty". he'll wait for you to sleep T-T.Pets your hair till you sleep, but big bunny collapses on your tummy in the middle while you were sleeping and you both would spend a cuddly night just like that.<3
꒰⑅꒱ yeonjun 𖦹︎  !  𖥦 𖥻 ִ  ۫  ּ
"jagi what is it?! What's with that longing face", yeonjun surely hates to see you sad and would do anything to keep you happy. After getting a negative feedback from your company head,you really became sad and thought all your hardworks didn't made it worth. While you ramble all these to your cute boyfriend, he has a worried face plastered, Junie Pouts and is angry. "why the hell would that bald head make my baby sad?! Does he ever knew how much my darling worked for it?!", you actually adore him so much, a grin passes your lips seeing him act all cute. "baby do you want me to cook? Since you look tired let's eat ramen? oki?",you nod as a response.After a while you can literally smell his cooking, your impatient ass can't wait no more and stepped in to kitchen and there's yeonjun, a messy baby trying his best to make you happy,he is clumsy af istg T-T. You ran up to him and back hugged immediately."w-what was that darling? Were you hungry? Just a minute". He would turn around and stare at you with stars in his eyes and feeds you while peppering you with kisses on your soft lips after each bite. "There you go another one jagi", you're already feeling full but you needed his kisses so you didn't stop him. "I hope you feel better now jagi".<3
꒰⑅꒱ beomgyu 𖦹︎  !  𖥦 𖥻 ִ  ۫  ּ
You were missing your boyfriend to death, and you felt a little tired because of your period. you hated this feeling, not having beomie around. You quickly called him and he answered. "what is it my love? Why my baby sound so down?". Caring ass mf T-T would ask you ton times if everything's good until you open up. "u-uhm I just, miss you beomie and, a-and my cramps hurt so bad baby!" you finally told him but you felt kinda guilty for disturbing him on his work time. "open up the door in 10 minutes". He's the one feeling guilty the most right now, he was so broken to hear that from you and poor baby questions himself if he's the best one for an angel like you T-T. He buyed lots of chocolates on his way and hugged you tight not thinking about anything. You brush him off by whispering "i-im dirty!!". "you didn't bath? Wahh" he first makes fun out of it just to get spanked by you on his chest playfully. He actually doesn't care at all,he throws up all the clothes and bags,putting a sweat shirt and pants on. He carries you to give you a warm bath. You already are feeling better seeing him after a long hours of time but he washes your hair and bathes you in warm water and kisses you in the middle. "Is my love feeling better now?" he asks holding up a mug full of water up your head. "yes love!" you said beaming him a bright smile. And ploof!! He poured 'em all on you. "AHH CHOI B-BEOMGYUU"- <3
꒰⑅꒱ taehyun𖦹︎  !  𖥦 𖥻 ִ  ۫  ּ
Taehyun is a worried baby too! He would become extremely overprotective sometimes.
After a tired ass day, all the college lectures you bought were mentally haunting you, you hate that feeling. you want your boyfriend,you want to see him down bad. You decided to send him texts after overthinking for a long time.
CONTACT NAME : Tyunie ♡(∩o∩)♡ (•)
You - baby! Where are you
- I miss you
- so bad! T-T
Tyunie ♡(∩o∩)♡ - on my way love.
- I missed you more?!?
Next thing you knew is Taehyun is there next to you but sadly you were too tired so you slept on the couch sulking on the cold air (were you rlly sleeping?). Taehyun sighed "I'm late?",pouty kitten proceeds to carry you to the bed to make you comfortable. "I bet you know how cute and lovely you look while sleeping" he said nuzzling your nose with his. He sure missed you too. Bitch wasn't sleeping at all and you miserably failed to hold back your blush and bit your lips. He throwed you up on bed and said "I knew it, so you weren't sleeping all this time baby?" he said looking at you and got himself on the bed too. You nodded and played with the hem of his oversized t-shirt and you were getting comforted by his vanilla fragranced sent. "t-tyunie! I really missed you!" you sighed out, screamed literally. Taehyun can see how tired your eyes looked, he slowly patted your head and said "me too,i missed you more" with an exact opposite tone,it was mild and deep. After sharing an eye contact he moved closer to you and asked whether you felt cold and you nodded as a response. "Get inside my t-shirt love", you were still thinking what he meant by that. But he soon pulled you inside his oversized shirt and his nose is literally bumping yours. You forgot all your soreness in minutes, he gave you butterflies. "t-tae", "sush love! Let's sleep like this" he shushed you up with a kiss on your lips. You never have ever smiled this bright before he got into your life<3.
꒰⑅꒱ hueningkai 𖦹︎  !  𖥦 𖥻 ִ  ۫  ּ
Hyuka notices everything just by your eyesight, boy knows everything about you. He has been gaming with his maknae gang from this morning. "baby there your coffee~" you sighed. "thank you baby!" he said taking off his headphones. "Ohh are you at yn's house?" Beomgyu asked,"As he should,take care of her nice huening" Taehyun continued who was struggling to turn on his Mike for minutes. "haha I know hyung" hyuka sipped on his coffee. And noticed that coffee tastes awfully sour. He then remembered your tired face while you placed the coffee on his gaming table. "a-ah hang in there guys!". Huening rushed to you, very worried! Boy is in panick!!T-T 'cause you were perfect in every thing you do,it was not something you do usually,he sensed your discomfort. "baby! baby!" he was searching for you everywhere in the hallway. "huening what happened?!" you answered him guessing the urge in his voice. "A-are you okay?" he cupped your cheeks and lifted your face up to look at him. (he's tall af T-T) "i-im fine baby! Just.." you started. "I'm sorry love", "B-baby i-", "shh! Come with me", "NO! Go play with your mates I'm totally fine love" you lied. Huening thought it's useless to argue with you 'cause you'll keep denying his company. He carried you to his room and made you sit on his laps and calmed you down with his hands running up and down your body, "huening you really don't have to, you know-" you were a bit feeling bad for ruining his gaming time. "don't you worry my darling,i'll win this game while I win your heart,just sit on my laps and cuddle what belongs to you". If he wouldn't stop this, you'll definitely have to whine crazy!. You hided your head inside his arms,all curled up tiny in his embrace. "Do you know how beautiful you look? Right now, this moment, I wish you'll always be mine" he said staring deep down your soul. "s-stawp!" you giggled and brushed his hair softly.He smiled like a golden retriever T-T. "Kiss me then" he said still smiling at you placing his forehead on yours..
"H-HEY CAN YOU HEAR- OH MY!" taehyun exclaimed after trying to turn on his Mike for many times. Poor boy probably forgot it again-
Y'all both are a beautiful blushing mess, were you feeling tired anymore? Absolutely no. you for real needed some attention.He proceeded to kiss you and you couldn't stop him, nor you wanted to.<3
"Taehyunie let's leave for now can we?", "we actually should-".
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You reading this, yaur! you. I love you <3
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woozirubies · 2 years
txt - small things with them ✰
loosely based on their natal charts! mlist. g: fluff cw: food mention.
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if you don't think he knows you like the back of his hand, you are wrong bestie
he'd be so attentive, he'd instantly know when something is bothering you
he'd get whiny if you don't pay enough attention to him
and he'd constantly steal your food sorry dude
he'd make up for it by being the biggest sweetheart known to man
listens to you and your worries always and at all times
would probably just pick you up and throw you onto the nearest surface to cuddle if you are comfortable with that
is always touching you in some way in general
just likes to keep you close bc it makes him feel warm and at ease :'(
compliments you all the time but gets lowkey offended when you don't do it back
tell him he looks good you punk >:(
he'd give you fashion advice all the time
like you just walk out of your bedroom and he goes "wait i have a cardigan that would go so well with your outfit hold on a second--"
would literally rummage through his closet for hours to find you that one cardigan (what a man amirite)
has the softest look in his eyes only reserved for you, whether you're looking at him or not
always looks out for you and feels so so protective over you
can't control his smile when he hears you giggle or laugh, he just finds it that contagious
always holds your hand when he can
would get you your favorite food or smth he finds and reminds him of you </3
sometimes he's just a bundle of pend up energy so he'd just take it out on you in forms of cuddles and kisses sry not sry
he just can't contain his love what is there to do ??
says the most heartfelt shit at most random times
but also bombards you with pickup lines to make you flustered :/
anyway wild card yeonjun y'all ‼️ an icon ‼️
he's so soft i might cry on the spot already
he'd definitely introduce you to odi (even if he will be scared of you at first :( </3)
sometimes he'd just have this lovesick look in his eyes when he watches you, it lowkey makes the other guys wanna gag (with other guys i mean gyu)
he could never say no to you and best believe the others will use it against him (and with other guys i mean gyu, again)
would definitely be food buddies with you
what's his is yours and vice versa
would love holding your hand and would secretly go crazy if you only hold one or two of his fingers
he's rather lowkey with the physical touching, but he does it, just sometimes
from time to time he just lays his (big ass) hands on your thigh or strokes your back for you
if you'd get flustered by that he'd kinda go ??? but he is proud of his efforts :')
he is always there for you, even if you think he isn't
is definitely great at hugging too </3
likes to keep you close usually, especially in big crowds
if you do wander off, his eyes kinda trail after you for a while <3
would never judge you for how you feel and at the most just tease you for it
constantly makes you laugh kinda unintentionally ?? like the way he rants or just says things out of the blue never fails to make you giggle a little </3
any kind of physical affection coming from you would make him go error 404 for a second
but he is quick to return your affection when he snaps back to reality
he's also sneaky with his acts of service
like he'd prep your food for you so you can eat right when you plop down next to him
or he'd catch the things you accidentally knock over
he's kinda just your emotional support life saver on the daily and he doesn't even want something in return (aside from your love ofc)
also i see him saying "don't tell the guys i did that" so often lmao
lastly, buy him bread you monster, the boy needs it !! >:(
he's one of those people i'd just love to pick apart their little minds and see how their brain works :')
definitely teases you a lot
like you think you're safe? lol, no you're not
you tripping over your own feet? hilarious. you drop something? showstopping. you knock a drink over? gyu is on the floor laughing (next to the juice ig🧍‍♀️)
kinda switches between a helpless baby and an annoying brat :')
but he is generally really soft with you </3
like shoot him one mad look and he goes SILENT
definitely does NOT like it when you're mad at him
but - he likes physical affection and he definitely uses it to get on your good side again
ruffles your hair a lot bc u cute <3
when you two hold hands, he kinda just tugs you along with him, unless you're the one to tug him in a direction
he kinda also just believes a lot of what you say right away (poor baby someone save him)
LIVES for some banter back and forth, he just can't wipe the grin off his face when you get sassy with him ;)
but he'd also be so grateful when you see through his act and know that he isn't feeling well :(
just having a comforting conversation with no judgment would mean a lot to him i think
on another note, would definitely steal your food all the time istg
doesn't even try to hide it. like that fry there? it's his now, too bad :))
would 100% get shy when you compliment him. or when you two aren't alone, he'd go 😌😌 see guys, i'm amazing
similar to soobin, he kinda has a very obvious soft spot for you
like he'd calm down right away when you tell him to and the guys are kinda jealous of your power
would call you cute a lot (bc u are), especially when you do dummy things <3
you kinda can't lie to him, he'd notice right away
he strikes me as someone intuitive, even if he plays his more serious side off a lot
so he'll know when you're not feeling well <3
anyway protect him, he baby :( <3
the king of small acts of affection
leaves you little sticky notes when he leaves before you in the morning, so you remember to take your vitamins, eat enough, and don't leave your keys in the apartment again (you dummy y/n <3)
has a designated playlist for every mood and will use them to his advantage
it's almost comical when he just enters the room and sees you sprawled out on his bed, then turns on a seggsy smexy (read: it's a really good one lol) playlist and just cuddles with you :( <3
definitely makes you food when he makes it for himself
or at least always give you a bite hehe
remembers so many little details about you and your little adorable quirks that sometimes you wonder if his brain is actually the size of the universe
but no he is just kang taehyun ig :')
always looks at you intently when you're telling a story
like when he assures gyu that he's listening to him?? yeah like that 🥺
and when you sit in a group together, sometimes you two are just in your own little world bc at some point you are telling your story more to tyun than to anyone else, and the others just... let you do your thing hehe
but dw he's enjoying every second of it <3
i'm just screaming internally bc i know that tyun would be the type of bf that makes every single interaction look so intimate and comforting :(
like you'd just walk up to him and hand him something and everyone around you would know you two are whipped you know what i mean ??
just - yeah he'd be like that i think
mutual hair ruffling would be a thing too
probably has made space for you in one of his drawers right away like the good boy he is :(
takes care of you really well throughout your days
does the tiniest things for you and expects nothing in return </3
but i'm not gonna lie to you, grocery shopping would be no fun with him lol
only gets the healthy food and stuff, unless you pull every trick on him and can convince him for a bag of snacks hehe
or you just try to be sneaky and buy smth behind his back :')
idk something about taehyun just screams domestic to me even though i take him for the protective-but-also-light-hearted-type
like he'd be your closest and bestest friend but you two would sometimes also bicker like an old couple and then go cuddle in front of the tv </3
it's bc his Aquarius Venus is throwing off the rest of his chart but like he'd be pretty serious when he is sure of the relationship i think!!
will probably take you on dates that he had on his list anyway but with you everything is way more fun so >:) you're coming with >:) <3
does not always text you a good morning message, but definitely asks about your day in the evening if you wouldn't be able to see each other that day!!
so where can i apply for tyun gf applications?? bc he'd be the cutest istg
soft 🗣 and squishy 🗣
would totally get you your favorite snacks almost every time he comes over :(
and always has some of them in his drawers in the dorm :(
knows exactly how you like your coffee and has no problem stuttering down your 10-minute-order in front of the barista
food dates are a frequent occasion
the boys usually find you two in the kitchen or living room with each one of you holding a dish in your hands
would watch any time of movie with you. and i mean any.
if it's a horror movie, he will just smile through the pain (we all know our boy)
would prefer some other genres ofc but hey you get what you want no compromises
likes to see you happy so be prepared to be babied a little
but like way softer than yeonjun would do
i can totally see him just smiling all the time :]
exactly like this :]
nothing can hurt him :]
he'd always keep some kind of physical connection between you two
like sitting super close so that your thighs or arms touch at all times, or holding hands a lot !!
would lowkey always keep an eye out for you
bc i feel like he's more observant than what you might guess at first
so i think he'd be kinda the type to look out for you as in tugging at your sleeve and pulling you out of the way if you're distracted, or pushing away glasses or cups so you don't knock them over lol
he'd be so playful tho
i feel like he'd imitate you a lot bc he likes to be annoying sometimes <3
he probably got that from gyu but who can be mad at angel boy hyuka huh? right nobody 😼
and he knows he got you wrapped around his finger don't worry 😌
but he'd be the same way he is in games: too nice
if he just sees you glancing at food or other things, he'd hand it to you no questions asked
head pats are also frequent
just imagine him patting your pretty little head i'd DIE RIGHT THEN AND THERE
also while we're on the topic of pretty little things
boy is tall af, he'd constantly reach over you or secretly place things higher only to act like an angel later when you ask him to give that to you
he's an unbothered king, so whenever you feel sad or anxious, you can count that he will be calm and there for you <3
is actually quite good at giving advice once you sit down and talk
idk i stand by my point that he cares a lot but maybe just has a hard time showing it
would be the most caring boyfie tho !! so !! he cute !! you should keep him !!
© a͏e͏m͏o͏o͏n͏i͏e͏ all rights reserved.
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woozirubies · 2 years
tomorrow x together + cuddles
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yeonjun is a hundred percent whipped for you. he’s the type to tease you whenever you ask for cuddles, standing in front of you with his arms crossed, a shit-eating grin on his face. but when he does eventually cave, he lays his body over yours, propping himself up on his elbows so he can press a million kisses to your cheeks and forehead, before finally landing on your lips. “so needy~” he’d coo, kissing you again before laying down beside you ‘n letting you snuggle up into his chest. yeonjun seems like the type to give you his full attention when cuddling and he’d get all pouty when you don’t do the same — it’s his y/n time, all he wants to do is sit and talk with you and give you all his lovin’ :(
soobin’s such a sweetheart. he loves having you in his arms, all cuddled up under the blankets with him. his hands would be holding onto yours, fingers laced together and squeezinf every so often — just to remind himself that you’re there with him. and he’d have this dopey smile on his face the entire time, listening to you talk about your day while he plays with your fingers <3 and he seems like the type that would love to have you just… lay on top of him. he knows he’s kind of a big guy and he thinks it’s so cute when you just plop yourelf down on him and lay your head against his chest. he loves knowing that you find the same comfort in him that he finds in you :(
beomgyu loves having you in his lap. there’s just something about having you all curled up in his lap, clinging onto him while he’s playing video games that makes him so, so soft. gyu seems like the type to show his love through quality time, which goes hand-in-hand with physical affection, so he just adores the fact that he can spend time with you while also having that weight on him, knowing that you’re there with him :( and he loves the lack of pressure; that you can both sit there in each other’s presence and do your own thing without feeling as if something is lacking. and inbetween rounds, he’d lean his head down to press little kisses to the crown of your head and adores the way you giggle, pushing yourself closer into him <3 
taehyun isn’t necessarily the most cuddly or physically affectionate boyfriend, but he really does put in the effort for you; he wants to make you feel loved in any way he can. he doesn’t seem like the type to actively initiate cuddles, but when he sees you walk into the dorm, eyes all downcast and pouting, he’d sigh and open his arms, waiting for you to throw yourself into them. and he definitely seems like the type to give you head pats, letting you nuzzle up into his chest while his hand pets down your hair, the other on the small of your back. and he definitely seems like the type to tease you when you get a lil clingy with him <33 he’d hold you a little closer, a little harder, not letting go when you start pushing at his chest. “what? i thought this was what you wanted, isn’t it, angel?”
kai is super cuddly :( you know how he is with his hyungs? it’s tenfold with you. he’s the type to sprawl his body out on top of yours when he sees you laying around. and he’d push his face into your neck, arms wrapping around you, lips brushing against the skin of your neck. he’s your own personal blanket <3 and he’d definitely prop himself up on his elbow to rub your belly and coo when you get all sleepy under him, despite the fact that he’s also sleepy :(( and he’d love if you ran your fingers through his hair while he talks to you about his day, letting out everything he’d held in during the day. cuddling with you is just so comforting for him; it’s the main thing he looks forward to at the end of the day.
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woozirubies · 2 years
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pairing : txt x reader
genre : fluff
wc : 862 !!
warnings : use of the nickname 'princess' (in the context of princess peach from mario)
song rec : you : regard, troye sivan, tate mcrae ; ps5 : salem ilese, txt
a/n : im in my txt feels so here this is <33 inspo credits : @lovesickgyu & peter k. (to all the boys i've loved before) & a juyeon pic <3 also please lmk how this is !! hope y'all like it sjsj.
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yeonjun : the charming jock who everyone has heart eyes for, but he has eyes for you and only you. loves it when you stop by to watch his practices, and will score more goals to impress you. pouts if you don't kiss him after his practice because he's sweaty, but you give in anyway. shows you off to his teammates, and would get jealous if some of them let their eyes linger on you for longer than needed. will hundred percent rest his hand in the back packet of your jeans (if you're comfortable ofc). every point he scores during a match is dedicated to you, his love. kissing you breathlessly when his team wins the match, making your heart swell with pride. whistles to call his teammates, who have five basketballs in their hands, spelt " p r o m ?" and there are two goal posts, one with a 'yes <3' sign and one with 'no :('. fool the poor boy by acting like you're going to kick the ball towards the no goalpost, but end up doing it towards the yes goalpost, to see your beautiful boy break into a smile and his teammates erupt into cheers.
(other members below the cut !)
soobin : the shy nerd, with you being his first love, and books, his second. study sessions with him where he explains things to you, but you're simply lost in his eyes and his monotonous voice. gently snaps his fingers with the bunny-like smile permanently pasted on his face when you're around. strikes up a deal with you to kiss you every time you give a right answer to the question he asks while you two prepare for your test. your back pressed against his chest, as he reads out sentences of novels that describe just what he feels for you. gives you a book, and asks you to find highlighted words and make a sentence out of them; your heart beats out of your chest when the words sum upto form 'will you go to prom with me, my love?' and you throw yourself into his arms, nodding.
beomgyu : the avid gamer who has his eyes on the screen, a console in his hands, and you on his lap. no matter what game or level he’s playing, his free hand will always snake around to your waist, as he asks you about your day and everything that you did. of course, there are some ‘me or the ps5?’ moments, but he always chooses you, quickly muttering an apology and brushing your hair with his fingers. a firm believer that you’re his princess peach and he’s your mario. will greet you in the hallways, classroom and in front of the lockers with the slightest whisper, “hi, my pretty princess peach” that leaves your cheeks as flushed as a strawberry. leads you to a hill which has a signboard while you two are playing minecraft and asks you to flip it, revealing a 'go to prom with your mario?' as he looks at you nervously, chewing on his bottom lip. attacks you with kisses when you press the green button, signaling yes, as the fireworks go off in the game.
taehyun : the soulful musician for whom, lyrics flow like a spring but has difficulty in using words to express his love for you. so instead, he writes songs dedicated to you. everything about you mesmerizes him so much that he could go on penning down lyrics about you for hours. loves it when you two go to karaoke, where he sings all the cheesy romantic songs for you. calls you his muse, because inspiration strikes him only when he's with you. sings to you when you're too stressed to calm you down. will text you to come to the music room asap and when you enter, the entire orchestra launches into a peaceful musical piece; and he begins singing "last night on earth' by green day. two wide smiles on both of your faces once he's done with the first chorus, he begins with, 'y/n, honey, will you-' but he's cut off by you jumping and shouting 'yes!', much to his delight.
hueningkai : the notorious troublemaker who's a menace to everyone except you, the calm to his storm, his one and only anchor. caging you with his body in empty nooks and corners of the school because flustering you is his hobby. late night rides on his motorcycle, your arms wrapped tightly his waist, as if you'd never let him go. loves to tuck in your hair behind your hair, because to him in that moment, you're perfect, his everything. climbs ladders and walls to sneak into your room through your window, soft feet padding through the wooden floor of your room. impresses your parents by actually showing up at your door instead of your window, with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. 'prom, darling?' he asks, your nose scrunching up cutely at the nickname, and your parents yell 'yes' from behind as he pulls you into his arms and pictures of you two get snapped by your folks for 'memories'.
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© rainbeom, via imkyunies, 2022, all rights reserved.
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