x-likeabobcat-x · 2 years
SEBASTIAN: That's why you will have an even better future.
SEBASTIAN: I mean yeah I am. So what if he's an ass? I'm an ass and you still love me. Besides, you can push the asshole part aside, he's hot and a former NBA player. Super reliable.
SEBASTIAN: I know it is out of the ordinary, but he was really a good fuck. Then he always had the audacity to argue with me about stupid shit, get moody and then I'd fuck him endlessly. You know I love a good bratty bottom situation.
SEBASTIAN: I'd love to hear it actually. I'm sure I'll get to at Christmas. At least he's doing that and not out smoking crack which a bunch of weirdos.
HALEY: You're a different sort of ass. We also don't have a long rich history of half brothers and best friends. He's obnoxious and mealy and I couldn't care less about his NBA status.
HALEY: His hair is stupid also.
HALEY: Sounds like this could be heading towards....serious territory? I need to meet him.
HALEY: Then he's all yours Christmas day. Peyton and I can get drunk. Yes, within the timeframe of this conversation, Peyton has confirmed alongside Brooke.
HALEY: Ooooooh. You should invite him! Just so you're not surrounded by vagina.
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x-likeabobcat-x · 2 years
PEYTON: I like that for us. Beauty and brains.
PEYTON: That sounds fun. We can all get merry. Boy needs a swift kick in the ass if he's giving you trouble. Maybe auntie Peyton needs to talk with him.
HALEY: Auntie Peyton can definitely speak with him. If not, Brooke will and I'm 80% certain she'd bribe him with money to behave. Which he does not deserve.
HALEY: Especially since he shut the door in a certain 'someones' face the other day rather rudely before letting me know who it was.
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x-likeabobcat-x · 3 years
It hadn’t snowed in Andromeda for over twelve years. She could remember the last time vividly, her senior year and it seemed like a lifetime ago. The last time it had snowed she had her whole life and future ahead of her. That’s not to say she wasn’t happy where she currently was. She had a wonderful home, a stable job, a beautiful son and a lively circle of friends and family. But it was also days and times like Christmas and snow which made her heart heavy and her casting more looks every few minutes to the photo frame adorning her fireplace. 
Elijah was somewhere in the living room, the sounds of his videogame keeping him occupied bled through the open door as she worked her way in the kitchen. She was baking cookies, more so to give her something to do but she would go about her days handing them out to people she saw and knew around town. 
Frédéric Chopin played through the kitchen speaker, cutting through the harsh sound of explosions and gunfire from the large tv in the living room. The cookie cutter in hand, she started pressing out Christmas tree’s when suddenly she heard knocking from the front door. 
Her hands were sticky and covered in dough and she cast her eyes to the clock. She wasn’t expecting anyone. “Elijah, get the door please. I’ll be there in a few.” she yelled, making sure he heard her over the music and tv. The sounds of the game silenced and Haley began looking around for a towel. 
Meanwhile, Elijah had huffed his way to the door, opening it up, expecting maybe one of his aunts or even Noah. He came around a lot more. He liked Noah, he was funny and happily indulged him when it came to technology. But instead he looked up at the man stood on their porch with a curious look. His eyes flickered to the car before back up to the guy. He knew him from somewhere, but he couldn’t place where. 
“Mom’s busy. I’m not allowed to talk to strangers.”
And with that he closed the door in the strangers face, just as he heard his name screeched by his mom.
“Elijah, what-” 
It was a mere ten seconds before the door opened once more and Haley looked up to see who Elijah had rudely closed the door on. Only to regret it instantly when she saw just who it was. 
Remind me to raise that kids allowance, she thought to herself. 
“Can I help you?” it was eerily reminiscent of their first meeting. But the tone was certainly icier than before. 
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Nathan had a pretty good start to his winter vacation. There was a little under two weeks to go until Christmas so he still had a little time to essentially get his shit together. Earlier in the day it started spitting snow which for the west coast was abnormal, but for a beach town in California it was pretty much unheard of.
Growing up going to his grandparents in North Carolina over Christmas breaks, Nathan wasn’t a typical Californian getting all freaked out about the “storm”. It wasn’t a storm, but he wasn’t going to waste any breath arguing with the dumb asses who thought it was. He had more pressing things to take of before his drive to North Carolina. It was a consistent thing back in the day, but since graduating high school he could count on one hand the times he’d been back to North Carolina for Christmas. 
He was on his way to the mall to start crossing the items on the list he and his mom concocted together when his car started to sputter. He hadn’t had a car stall out on him since the piece of shit starter car his parents bought him to “humble him”. But you didn’t need to be a mechanic to understand what was happening. He was able to pull onto a residential street before it totally crapped the bed. He slammed his hands on his steering wheel. Great. Just fucking great! He shoved the list in his coat pocket and pulled out his cell phone. Dead. He took in and let out a long winded breath, tightly closing his eyes before opening them and getting out to walk up to the house he broke down in front of. 
He knocked on the door and heard a woman holler. There was a few moments of time before the door opened in front of him, but it wasn’t a woman who answered it. It was a kid. Nathan cleared his throat looking down at the boy. “Hey, are your parents home? I kind of got myself in a situation.” He motioned to his dead car. 
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x-likeabobcat-x · 3 years
SEBASTIAN: Oh come on, your future can't be that sketchy. Now for me... Different story.
SEBASTIAN: I don't need wingmen or wingwomen. I get my own dates just fine.
SEBASTIAN: I mean besides that hot NBA player whose graced our presence. Claims to be straight, but I'm sure I could get him to fuck me. I have been sleeping around with this other guy since the summer though. He's funny. I think he's definitely good to keep around. And if you ever tell anyone I'll kill you, but... I haven't been sleeping around as much since I've met him.
SEBASTIAN: He's got good taste, what can I say? I'm glad I got him into it. He needs to be informed.
HALEY: No, you're right. My past was damned enough to last a lifetime.
HALEY: Ugh. Please do not tell me you're referencing the school coach? And here I thought you had taste. He's an absolute ass.
HALEY: And this is the first time I'm hearing about this?! What happened to the 'No more than twice' rule?! Dang, Smythe.
HALEY: You don't have to hear him using facts about Constitutional Law to defend his actions.
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x-likeabobcat-x · 3 years
PEYTON: Oh please we all know you're both. And hey wait a minute... I can totally be brains too.
PEYTON: Thanks for your help!
PEYTON: No Christmas plans yet. The plan was to drink a bunch of wine and brood. What about you?
HALEY: Okay, we're both equally beauty and brains.
HALEY: Anytime, P Sawyer.
HALEY: Fancy drinking wine with me? Once Eli goes to bed -that would be a miracle, boy is getting moody teen attitude already- I plan to get very merry with Seb so, you should come for Xmas day.
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x-likeabobcat-x · 3 years
PEYTON: I almost want to have two now. One at the school for the kids to get involved in with some carnival pop ups and then one at the club for the adult audience.
PEYTON: Haley James you are a genius. I knew I kept you around for a reason.
HALEY: That would be awesome!
HALEY: Well, it's the reason you're the beauty and I'm the brains. Just let me know, and I'll put the feelers out. Also, what's your Christmas plans??
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x-likeabobcat-x · 3 years
SEBASTIAN: They didn't give us enough of her. I'm sure she's on par with nearly any musical theater villain.
SEBASTIAN: Make Peyton babysit Elijah and come out with me one of these nights. You've become a bore.
SEBASTIAN: Sure, I'll show my face. What's a holiday without me?
HALEY: If I ever met her, I'd most likely just die then and there rather than witness what she'd show me.
HALEY: I mean, I could I guess... you offering to wingman me or am I going to have wingwoman you? Or is there someone currently? 👀 And I am not a bore!
HALEY: A very dull one. I'm sure Eli would love to see you again. All he does is bang on about Law & Order. I hate you for getting him into that by the way!
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x-likeabobcat-x · 3 years
PEYTON: So with all of the holiday festivities coming up, I'm thinking about having a label showcase.
PEYTON: I'm not into all of that holiday cheer shit, but I figured it would get people out to a show.
HALEY: Oooh, that sounds fun!
HALEY: I'm sure the families will love it. Where would you hold it? I might be able to sway the school to allow the hall or gym? If the local clubs say no that is.
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x-likeabobcat-x · 3 years
SEBASTIAN: I mean he's better than Ghost of Christmas Future. She's gnarly.
SEBASTIAN: Haha. I do have fun and you know that.
SEBASTIAN: I don't know. Annalise has some huge case, so I was probably going to her house for part of it then after I'm not sure. There's no way in hell I'm going back to Ohio. What about you?
HALEY: Extremely.
HALEY: I do, and at least one of us is.
HALEY: Well, you know there's always a place for you at mine if you want dinner with us? It's just Elijah and I this year, have plans in the new year to see other family.
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x-likeabobcat-x · 3 years
SEBASTIAN: Bahumbug.
SEBASTIAN: But seriously. I never understood the tradition.
HALEY: Do I need to Ghost of Christmas Past you?
HALEY: Because it's fun! You know, that thing which happens when you remove the gavel from your behind.
HALEY: What are your plans for Christmas anyway?
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x-likeabobcat-x · 3 years
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get to know me meme: (5/5) ladies - haley james scott
you know that romantic notion that all the garbage and the pain is really healing and beautiful and sort of poetic? it’s not. it’s just garbage and it’s pain. you know what’s better? love. the day that you start thinking that love is overrated is the day that you’re wrong. the only thing wrong with love and faith and belief is not having it.
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x-likeabobcat-x · 3 years
SEBASTIAN: If I see one more person in an ugly Christmas sweater this year, I swear I'm going to throw up.
HALEY: Such a scrooge, Smythe.
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x-likeabobcat-x · 3 years
She preferred to do marking at school, when at home, it was her and Elijah time and whilst he was at surf lessons she took the time to get it out the way. Only a month in and she was saddened at how much more she would need to try and cram into their heads. She was fair, always fair in her marking, but also harsh. She didn’t just throw out F’s and D’s without a clear explanation below on what needed to be changed/made better. But her pile of A’s and even B’s looked pathetic against the stack of C’s and below and she pushed the glasses further up her nose as she shook her head in exasperation. 
Only when she heard the voice did she look up, face quickly morphing into one of mild dislike at seeing the coach. She was glad he’d kept to his own, she didn’t need the annoyance of the other Scott at school to distract her. But she instantly clocked the paper in his hand and had an idea what this would be about. 
“Coach. Is there a problem?” she asked, coolly 
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Nathan’s first month at the high school had gone off without a hitch. Nothing terrible for any of his crew. They had redone the gym floor with little to no complaints so they were working with a freshly waxed gym, which by all accounts was a better situation for their practices. 
Nathan was having a good day. It was a Friday and it was already halfway through the day with nothing bad happening, but of course it couldn’t stay that way. Justin, a gangling, tall, blonde mop-head, came to his office door with a forlorn look on his face. “Terriault? What’s wrong?” It was written all over his player’s that it was bad. The blonde exhaled a loud sigh before tossing a piece of paper to him.”Don’t worry - I handle this.” The coach said with an eye roll. 
He waited until the end of the day before he made his move to the English department - which he had to look up because apparently the only words this woman could say to him were questioning his motives and insults. That was the main reason he stayed far away from the English/Lit. department on his normal day to day. Today he wasn’t so lucky, obviously. 
He walked with purpose to Ms. James’ classroom and, seeing the door ajar, let himself in. “Ms. James?”
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x-likeabobcat-x · 3 years
Nathan was taken aback for a second time at this woman’s attitude toward him. He was sure he had never met or even seen her before. So, it’s not like he’d burned some kind of bridge. Maybe she really didn’t like sports. Regardless of the reason, it was kind of grinding down Nathan’s patience. 
“I know about the struggles of the school, okay?” Nathan grumbled. “You think the school’s paying me?” Nathan could help but let out a humorless laugh out. “The school isn’t paying me a cent.” Nathan wiped a hand down his face. He really shouldn’t say anything more. “I’m making the school money if you must know.” Nathan sighed. Who was he kidding? This woman was going to hate him regardless of what he said. He wasn’t going to waste his breath. 
“Thanks for your help, Ms. James. But I think it’s clear to the both of us that you would rather be anywhere else but here. So, I think I’ll find the janitor’s closet myself to clean up this mess.”
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She snorted her derision, nodding along with his words. Despite her initial appearance of not knowing him, her opinion had been formed many moons ago and although she had never met him up until now, resentment lingered within her for her far away best friend. “Sure, because of course, despite claiming your help it’s still all about you, hmm? Typical Nathan Scott behaviour, I’m not even surprised.” she commented, relinquishing the key and pocketing her own. 
At his dismissal, she welcomed it and squared her shoulders once more. “You’re right, I do have better things to do. Agnes will give you your class roster and information- enjoy your time here, I’m sure it will feed that ego just the way you want it.”
She turned on her heel to leave, thinking that the rest of the day would reflect her mood and she only hoped her new class was enough to distract her. 
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x-likeabobcat-x · 3 years
“Now that’s something I couldn’t do. Teach at the same school that I went to. Having the teachers there who taught you still see you as that same high school kid.” Callie shook her head. She really couldn’t fathom the thought. She was glad to leave her high school self and her high school far, far behind her. “I wouldn’t say it was sad though, on the contrary, brave. For sicking with a place where people have already pretty much made up their minds about you and breaking through that anyway.” Callie took a sip of her drink.
“Twelfth grade.” Callie mused. “You’re basically framing  the way the next generation sees the world and themselves right before they’re cast out into society. Admirable.” Callie offered up her glass as a salute to the teacher.
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“Imagine being pregnant and married at eighteen around the same teachers who currently still teach there and coming back a few years later. I still get the disapproving looks.” she mused with a shake of her head. “I suppose the only redeeming factor is that some are shy off retiring so that means my pariah status can slowly diminish.” she finished with another laugh. 
“Believe me, there are certainly a few who leave my classroom at the end of the year I truly worry about, not because I don’t think they’ll succeed. But that they will and some of those minds most likely could take over the world if they put themselves to the task. But I always feel if I can imprint the important things onto them but the most important, give them the confidence to reach their dreams and potential then I’ve also succeeded in life.” 
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x-likeabobcat-x · 3 years
Muse: Haley’s uplifting song, when she needs a pick me up it’s the first one she blasts out. She thanks Alex for introducing her to it, she even notices Noah emotes sometimes with it when they drive for coffee. 
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x-likeabobcat-x · 3 years
“Yes, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you.” Peyton said with a grin. Her interest was especially piqued when Haley mentioned a guitar player. “That’s awesome, Haley! Is he looking to record at all? You know I’m always happy to listen to some new material.” She grinned. With it being summer, it was a bit of a dry spell. People went on vacations, but that didn’t mean music needed to stop. Either way, Peyton was always looking for the right artists to join her label. “Girls night out sounds perfect, drinks, dancing, and all sounds perfect. Then we can go back to mine and watch trashy chick flicks to end the night.” She chuckled. 
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“I will definitely lay the seed of temptation, you should come to the next talent show- I think I can persuade him to play. I’ll throw in the temptation of extra credit.” she replied with a chuckle. And the idea of girls night was indeed something Haley needed. How long had it been since she shook off the title of teacher and mother? Certainly longer than she cared to admit. “And now Brooke is back, it seems the perfect time to reunite the unholy trinity.” she added with a mischievous grin. She’d missed their trio a lot over the years, being the only remaining member for so long in their hometown it felt like things were finally being put to right with both of them being back with her. 
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