xaligos · 6 years
Aquaza, Derse Dreamer, Mind-Bound
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xaligos · 7 years
World of Warcraft: Legion (The Azurian Chronicles) - The Tale of Xaligos [The Help of a Deathlord]
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Timeline: Patch 7.0
The hour was nearing night, and the sun had nearly set. Sounds of battle traveled in the air above the Broken Isles. Very few places in the area had managed to remain untouched by the ongoing conflict. Xaligos had assumed yet another guise, one that allowed him to carry out his agendas for the Blueflight openly while in mortal form.
A particular Death Knight had caught his interest - "The Hunter" he was called. A Kaldorei that he had tracked for sometime; that was until the re-opening of the Dark Portal. He had gone missing shortly after, only resurfacing when the Lich King assaulted the Silver Enclave with the Ebon Knights of Acherus, and appearing sporadically afterward.
He had been raised into Undeath and made a servant of the Lich King, Azariah Oakenforest was his name. An ancestor of one of Xaligos' most loyal living Dragonsworn. Though the bond he once held with the undead king was long since broken and the Kaldorei was free to follow his own will. A will that Xaligos' had every intention to direct toward the service of the Blueflight. He had found him traveling with a camp of Ebon Knights in Azsuna. They had showed up to fight against the Legion from what his Dragonspawn had been able to gather. His group had taken residence near some elven ruins near the coast, Xaligos saw his prize, he had great plans for him and destiny would deny him this fierce champion no longer.... 
Feint streams of blue light began to materialize in the air just a few paces in front of the log that the Death Knight had been sitting at. The light flickered in and out like the flashing of fireflies, each time reappearing with clearer image of a humanoid like figure.  Although this process took but a moment, a hooded ‘man‘ now stood silently between the kaldorei and the sea. His posture was relaxed; casual even, as if he had been there the whole the time.... Had he?
  Xaligos did not speak; not at first, choosing merely to wait until he took notice. Azariah's gaze had been situated far out to the sea; to the stillness and silence that the world deceivingly seemed to be standing in. The far off noise of the camp was nothing but a mere chirp. He was all that was there, or so he thought. Magic began to tighten in the air, and Azariah's unmoving azure eyes started to flicker. Undeath had altered his senses but he could never mistake when energies were at work; as the magic at play sept through his necrotic skin, its feeling akin to syrup on the tongue. The hilt of his sword was resting in the palm of his hand, the tip of the blade only just piercing the sand. Xaligos had come into view, he rose to his feet with sword in hand, with his grip only just enough so that it remained as much.
  Tilting his head at Xaligos, the anticipation of what was to come - did not. Instead the silence he had been met with slowly started to drive him to annoyance. As the minute passed, neither one breaking words, Azariah shifted his head back and forth along the coast, his sword arm rising and falling as he spoke.
"Is there something I can help you with?"
His voice was dry and toneless. 
The feint sound of the distant camp might have been the reason Xaligos turned his attention to the general direction of the sound. Whatever the reason, it did not keep his attention for to long before he set it upon the Death Knight once more.
"Azariah Oakenforest.... 'The Hunter', that is what they call you is it not? You've been something of a prize to me, I was vowing to keep my distance from you.... Out of respect for an old friend, but in light of.... " 
Xaligos looked to the sky, various winged creatures could be seen off in the distance. No doubt demons and other monstrosities of the Legion.
  " Well, I'm sure you can see why I would have reason to seek you out now. I've come because I have something to offer you. Whether you wish to take it or not, that is up to you. Though, I will ask for something in return. I am confident however, that you will come to see that what you give will be proportional to what you have to gain....."
His words trailed off slowly, although he had spoke only just loud enough for him to be heard. 
Azariah listened, the flickering lich fire in his eyes suffixed to the cowled stranger. He eyed him slowly at the sound of his name being spoken; shifting when the term 'old friend' was remarked. His head turned away as the man continued to speak, and as the strangers words trailed off, the death knight drank in the silence. The blue flames in his eyes dissipated, and the fallen elven warrior stood poised, yet calm, as the sea drifted in the smells of salt and blood. 
"What is it that you have brought for me?"
  The blue flames in his eyes sparking back to life, refocusing on the 'paladin'. This hooded figure carried a strong presence in both the arcane and the light, surrounding him with a seemingly artificial order. It was a powerful ward, one meant to conceal as well as protect, but conceal what?
"Man that hides himself...."
"You're cautious, I can understand that. A stranger approaches you offering things in the middle of an invasion, surrounded by Demon-"
Suddenly an Alliance carrier flew overhead trailing smoke and fire! Parts scattered across the beach head, most missed Xaligos and the few that came close seemed to dissolve before they could reach him. A near by tree caught fire as the carrier flew out of view behind the mountains, but the dragon merely watched as the random spectacle occurred, with a calmness not all to different from the one displayed by the Death Knight. They were at a Warzone afterall, such things were bound to happen. 
".... I've brought you an invitation to make something more out of your Undead life. For now, if you need a name simply call me 'Herald'. I come representing the Blue Dragonflight. We have need of your strength."
The carrier drew the death knights attentions upward. As the carrier came crashing down throwing chunks about, he tensed his sword arm and waited; but nothing had come near, and so his attention drew back to 'The Herald' as he spoke. 
Azariah huffed. 
"What is your invitation? Speak. " 
His voice starting to draw in a harder tone.
A very pleased smile appeared on Xaligos' face at the moment Azariah reached for his sword.
"My invitation is an invitation into the Blue Dragonflight. A life of service to those chosen by the Titans to protect this world. A life helping us to keep the horrors of the afterlife realms in control. Realms that your; state, have given you influential insight on..."
A feint chuckle escaped the Dragon Lord. 
"All in all, the well being and survival of our family will become of prime importance. Though I promise you, those that serve the Blueflight are well rewarded."
The Elf ticked his head to the side somewhat dramatically, just before raising his sword arm up as if gesturing towards him with the blade pointed out his side.
"Let me get this straight, you want me to join the Deler," 
he said fluidly in elvish, 
"In order to protect your Dieb?"
Xaligos gave a single confirming nod 
"Yes. Serve our Brood well and you will find your existence better off for it. You could say no, return to what you were doing, but understand that this -is - an offer. I present to you a gift, the chance to forever connect yourself to line of beings birthed from the heart of Azeroth. We were casting spells before your kind crawled out of caves. Yet, we were made guardians of this world not to gloat or horde our power, but to share it.... Power that could be yours, all that it requires is loyalty. "
Azariah lowered his sword arm, and took one step closer. He stopped, eyes shifting along the man's form once more. 
"The hidden one wishes my loyalty in exchange for giving me powers?"
 A mock question filled with amusement. 
“If what you say is true, I would be a thero’shan.” 
He dipped his head, setting his left arm to chest; holding it there for a mere second before lifting his eyes back up. 
“But if what you say is false, Ana’duna thera.”
"You will find no lies here Azariah. In time you will come to see how this was all meant to be. That destiny has been putting this off for just the right time, and that time is now. I must depart however, but before I go I will leave you with something to help secure your trust. Come closer.."
Azariah shook his head. 
"You know where to find me, come back, Mush'a. " 
As he spoke, Azariah took a step back and lowered himself so that he might rest upon the log once more, eyes still glued upon the man who called himself 'The Herald'. The Dragon let out a sigh. He couldn't blame him for his defensiveness, still he needed the Death Knight to trust him
"May you keep such caution when dealing with matters for the Blueflight. Still, I would not have come here and told you of whom I serve just to harm you here and now. Do I appear as one to waste my time dealing with but a single death knight? However important that individual may or may not be...."
'The Herald' paused for a moment.
"It's better if I don't say it out-loud, you'll understand once I give it to you. Give a little trust here and it will be returned in-kind."
Xaligos reached out his hand.
The Kaldorei sat there, for sometime - a long time. Much longer than he should have for such an easy and simple command. At last he let his voice carry in a way that seemed unnatural for the elf. And truly, he seemed to spat the words out, demonstrating modest difficulty speaking them. Draconic was the language and he casually asked,
"Speak and i will come."
Reaching out toward the sky with one of his palms the Brood Lord began to channel magics. Drawing on the energies from the unseen amounts permeating all around them, he proceeded to bend these ethereal forces to his will. Now channeling these powers inside of him he expelled them forth. Spherical waves pulsated from his body in methodical intervals toward every direction; holy and arcane magic was being dispersed into their surrounding area.
  "You cannot muster enough trust to come closer, and I can't trust that we are safe enough to disclose this out loud. If there is anyone watching, we will soon find out...." 
The spell had been intended to reveal that which was hidden. The Dragon's of the blue flight had become very proficient at ensuring their positions were secure, Xaligos perhaps more so than most of his kin. Azariah fell silently still as he watched the magic being channeled. Though detecting no one, the blue dragon slowly lowered his hand.
"It would seem we are safe... This is still a security risk, but very well. Come here, I intend to teach you the spell needed to teleport to our Brood’s last standing Sanctum."
A long gaze fell to the horizon and the sea front, and Azariah soon found himself perching his blade along the back side of his spine; sheathing it. He strode gracefully across the sand to stand just a mere foot away from the man, gazing down at him, saying nothing - merely awaiting this 'Herald' to act. As the Death Knight drew near and came to a halt, Xaligos slowly raised his hand with an open palm pointed toward him. The foot or so of distance between them was perfect, he was close enough now....
"Hold still, it'll make sense in a moment. 'Drakavos kun’zanith Azu'rein!"
The magical words of power were but the catalyst for the rush of information and energy that worked to enter Azariah's mind. A blue rune appearing just in front of the Elf's forehead. The Death Knight's gaze narrowed slightly just before the words were spoken, and then he stepped back. His head shook, a hand rising to his helmet as he stood there, dazed. A long few second passed before those blue flames flickered back to life and focused on the man.
"Thor falah nor dora,"
He bowed his head and held it there for a moment.
Xaligos was pleased with his apparent change in demeanor. It appeared as though his assumption that the Death Knight would see that he was sincere once the spell was cast proved true. Though, time would tell.
"Guard this knowledge with your life. You hold a vital secret, and this is the first measure of my trust. People will have reason to target you now. My home has been well hidden for a long time, and I wish it to remain that way."
"Alah Anu'dora,"
Xaligos had felt it appropriate to respond with a slow but confirming nod.
"Then we have an understanding. I must take my leave, but I depart entrusting you with a task. There is a particular mortal I want apprehended. A human by the name of Rosemary Fox. She is an outlaw, someone you should be able to take care of with relative ease. Find her, secure her, and once you have - bring her to the Azurelight Sanctum."
"As you wish,"
The Death Knight took a step back and after a moments glance, he turned and began to make his way up the beachhead and toward the camp. Xaligos watched as his new champion in the making departed until he was out of view before taking leave himself.
"The stones are being laid..."
A blue light began to radiate from Xaligos, dim at first but growing in luminescence before peaking out as he dissolved into broken fragments of what might be described as crystallized light. Why did he want this outlaw? What use did a Dragon of the Blueflight have for such an individual, and why send someone as lethal as a Death Knight? Questions that would no doubt have their answers revealed in due time.... 
Related Content
World of Warcraft: The Azurian Chronicles 
World of Warcraft: Legion (The Azurian Chronicles) - Interlude; The Dragons of Alterac
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xaligos · 7 years
Sign Class: Violet 
Violet Signs are the universe's eccentrics. Forget marching to their own drummer-Violets built their own drum, and it's probably weird. A good deal of this is natural, but they also have a distinct bent toward contrariness. They are the sorts to give the popular thing a pass. Personable and outlandish, they are ready to make friends with anyone, although if they aren't careful their 'game for anything' attitude can come across as clingy or desperate. When their feelings are reciprocated, however, they are very loyal friends. Politics and humanitarian causes are often very important to Violet Signs, and they will turn their considerable inventive energy into a sort of noblesse oblige, happy to offer their nontraditional approaches to help others. At their very best Violet Signs are artistic and inspired, but they tread the fine line between genius and maniac. Too often their more esoteric interests can come across as perverse or untoward, and they can have a hard time holding their tempers, especially if they feel that they are being belittled or ignored. Intelligence is enormously attractive to Violet Signs, and often an intellectual connection is necessary for them to be attracted to a prospective partner.   
Lunar Sway: Derse 
Derse Dreamers have personalities marked by a distinct and restless skepticism. Whatever their waking circumstances, chances are they will live in a state of dissatisfaction. Rebellion is in their blood, manifesting whether they are fighting back against a fascist dictatorship, or the most recent trend in casual footwear. Derse Dreamers are cerebral and self-aware; they have a far better grasp on the landscape of their own minds than on the world around them, which they can find alienating and confusing. But as so much of their identity is built on control, they will do their utmost to hide any insecurities, often with false humility or self-deprecating humor. They may be inflexible and pessimistic, but they are also great problem solvers, facing conflicts head-on with shrewd, calculating minds. They see one true path among an infinite snarl of wrong ones. They tend to be introverted, but if you win their trust Derse Dreamers are extremely powerful allies. However, they find sincere vulnerability difficult and will often keep people at arm's length. Letting go and living in the moment is hard for a Derse Dreamer; they constantly look toward the future and analyze the past.   
Aspect: Mind  
Those bound to the aspect of Mind are-you guessed it-the universe's great thinkers. But don't for a second think that means that they have all the answers. They are very concerned with remaining rational, and they have such a firm hold on the constant conjunction of their thinking that it's easy for them to see the multitudes of the choices laid out before them, which often leaves them frozen and unable to act. That said, when a Mind-bound finally launches into action, they can execute a plan with unbelievable grace and precision. Their identity is fluid-it can change from day-to-day, from thought-to-thought, from interaction-to-interaction. Remaining logical is more important to them than building up a solid foundation of "self." At their best they are great innovators, architects, and creators.  At their worst they can be nasty, inflexible, and indecisive.  
Sign Class: Bronze
Bronze Signs have a warm and generous disposition, but you might not accuse them of it the first time you meet. They have a tendency toward being withdrawn and slow to open up with new people. This can make them come off as arrogant and cold, like they think they are too good for everyone, although the reality couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, they crave validation and companionship. They are very open-hearted, but if a Bronze Sign decides to dig their heels in, it can be like talking to a wall. More so than any of the other sign classes, Bronze Signs have a marked love of creature comforts. They crave stability and safety, and if they have the means, their homes will be full of beautiful things. Some might accuse them of being hedonistic; they would probably just claim to know what they like. As lovers they can be quite needy, wanting assurances that the affection they feel is reciprocated. Maybe because of this, they have a particular affinity for animals. Don’t try to break a Bronze’s Sign’s routines-they’ll resent you for it, even if oftentimes they are too polite to say so.
Lunar Sway: Derse
Derse Dreamers have personalities marked by a distinct and restless skepticism. Whatever their waking circumstances, chances are they will live in a state of dissatisfaction. Rebellion is in their blood, manifesting whether they are fighting back against a fascist dictatorship, or the most recent trend in casual footwear. Derse Dreamers are cerebral and self-aware; they have a far better grasp on the landscape of their own minds than on the world around them, which they can find alienating and confusing. But as so much of their identity is built on control, they will do their utmost to hide any insecurities, often with false humility or self-deprecating humor. They may be inflexible and pessimistic, but they are also great problem solvers, facing conflicts head-on with shrewd, calculating minds. They see one true path among an infinite snarl of wrong ones. They tend to be introverted, but if you win their trust Derse Dreamers are extremely powerful allies. However, they find sincere vulnerability difficult and will often keep people at arm’s length. Letting go and living in the moment is hard for a Derse Dreamer; they constantly look toward the future and analyze the past.
Aspect: Light
Those bound to the aspect of Light are the universe’s knowledge-seekers. They are, above all, driven to learn and understand. They are great alchemists, able to take multiple sources of information and synthesize them into something useful. They are scholars and researchers, absolutely dedicated to knowledge for knowledge’s sake. They are the ultimate students, and although that might conjure up the image of people sitting around peacefully waiting for knowledge to be brought to them, that couldn’t be further from the truth. The Light-bound will go after knowledge with a fierce intensity that others may find distasteful. They aren’t overly concerned with laws or norms, either. They often take rules as simple suggestions, instead searching for loopholes or work-arounds. At their best, the Light-bound are resourceful and driven. At their worst they can be fussy, pedantic, and insensitive.
Hmm… how thought provoking. May need to work on some things.
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xaligos · 7 years
Reblog this if you don’t mind me saying hello to you ingame because I recognise you from Tumblr.
I always see people ingame from Tumblr and I’m always SUPER scared to say hi.
So uh, I made this just to make sure you guys don’t mind me approaching you ingame with my silly cat!
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xaligos · 7 years
World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor (The Azurian Chronicles) - Interlude; "The Dragons of Alterac"
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Timeline: Patch 6.2 - 7.0
It had been several years since Deathwing had been defeated and the Blue Dragonflight was disbanded at the command of its newly appointed Aspect. The Brood of Azurond’s patriarch Xaligos vehemently disapproved of this choice, the Flight was after all weaker than it ever had been before. Now was the time to stay united more than ever, but as events had shaped out - the final order of their flight leader was proving to be most beneficial.
No longer bound to follow the charge of their Aspect, the Brood’s leader had taken to secluding what remained of his forces in their last standing sanctum at the Alterac Mountains. It had become something of their primary seat of operation over the recent millennia. Their involvement with the various mortal races had seen to it that the location of the sanctum played a crucial role in many events of recent memory.
They had long since been heavily interwoven with the various societies of both the Horde and the Alliance. Xaligos, under his commonly used guise of Xamon Targaris had managed to obtain the rank of Marshal in the Alliance Military. As such this meant a number of Alliance troops fell under his command, with his division being dubbed The Ambrosial Vangarde.
Naturally many of these troops have since been made into Dragonsworn. In recent times, at the conclusion of the campaign against the Iron Horde, the Legion’s that had been dispatched to aid in the conflict returned with various treasures and resources. They were heavily invested in seeing Thoradin’s wall repaired and various outposts that had been lost to time; reclaimed and refurbished. They are now fortifying the position around the Sanctum and preparing to be redeployed. The influx of capital has allowed them to continue conscripting more soldiers, and so they have dispatched envoys to various settlements in the Alliance to enlist all those willing to serve.
Their investment in the conflict on Draenor was primarily aimed toward this end. The Dragonsworn nobles were sent out to speak with various influential landowners in its aftermath, carrying with them orders to secure a means for resources to be transported to Azurelight Sanctum. Some of these nobles were already oath-bound to serve House Targaris and House Sunfrost, the two dominating family’s that served as fronts for the Brood to operate in the higher tiers of mortal societies.They had already managed to bring in no small measure of coin from The Azurian Sovereignty, an order comprised of different guilds and organizations, all brought to common purpose in that they served their Patriarch and his kin.
It was all in the hopes that in time they too might become one with the blood of their Dragon Lords. This was a tradition in memorial, common practice among those of the line of Azurond to reward the most loyal and proven of mortal servants with a ritual that would bring them closer to becoming Dragonkin. While the brood worked to organize the mortal forces under their command to secure their position in the Alterac Mountains, behind the scenes they had spent considerable time tracking down others of their kind with the intention of swaying them into joining under their Patriarch’s leadership. Consolidating those of the Blueflight who still believed in the age of Dragons had  become of paramount importance.
With most of their forces having returned, and many more still on the way; the Azurian Dragons of the Blueflight are consolidating their power and biding their time. Though, rumors of the coming Demonic invasion, and increasingly frequent diplomatic envoys requesting the donation of more troops to the assist the armies of the Alliance has seen them open their doors. Trade and People currently flows in and out of their lands. While some caravans fall under attack from various local threats from time to time, all is relatively still for the time being. However, if history teaches us anything it is that war is never far on the horizon. 
Related Content
World of Warcraft: The Azurian Chronicles (“The Dragons of Alterac”)
@alastar-wyatt @emmybluefire @the-royal-courier
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xaligos · 7 years
World of Warcraft: The Azurian Chronicles
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The Azurian Chronicles are a series of books, short stories, and other creative works dedicated toward fleshing out the adventures of Xaligos, a Dragon of the Blueflight bent on securing a place for what remains of his kind. The series follows the tales of many other characters and is written by a variety of different authors. It is designed to be a spin off series of books based on the lore and premise established in the World of Warcraft series. It is not to be considered canonical, but does base much of its content off of both official blizzard release lore and the RPG series.
Creators Note
“Hey there! I created the Azurian Chronicles as a means to give a name to the various r.p encounters that my character has in World of Warcraft. Over time I really wanted to add more and more people to the story and that’s what happened! As result its become something of a collaborative project between creative story tellers and writers to help forge something that has really been a lot of fun to see grow and added to. I’m always looking to work with more people and connect storylines. The Azurian Chronicles are merely the r.p events and stories engaged in by the characters of the writers who have joined me in telling a collaborative story within the greater tale of World of Warcraft. It is told from our perspectives on the warcraft story, and the perspective of our characters.”
@alastar-wyatt @emmybluefire @the-royal-courier
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xaligos · 7 years
Had a good time and made some new r.p. connections.
Gala Raises Funds for Emergency Response Unit
By Risri Elthron
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On Sunday evening, friends and colleagues of the Emergency Response Unit gathered together to raise money for the group. An attack recently saw the group’s medical supplies destroyed and stolen. The group received donations from many of those in attendance and raised funds via an auction at the end of the night.
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Food and drinks were served while members of the Emergency Response Unit took blood donations. In addition, one of the members was on hand to receive funds and any supplies donated by attendees.
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The organizers also hosted best dressed competition with individual and couple contestants.
The individual competition saw Marshal Percy Dewdancer finish in first place in his shining armor, Entertainer Dreyfus Xano came in second place with his suit and trademark hat, and Detective Alex Conall of the Allied Detective Agency in third place.
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(Pictured Percy Dewdancer, Dreyfus Xano, Host Leah Hammond, and Alex Conall)
The couple competition saw Alex Conall and Breana Rhinehardt in first place, Lieutenant Codgen Mechabolt and Tiny Megablast came in second place, and Marceliene Ayre with Tomen Dawes in the third place spot.
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(Pictured Breana Rhinehardt, Alex Conall, Tiny Megablast, Codgen Mechabolt, Marceliene Ayre, and Tomen Dawes)
The auction saw rare and unique items sold to the highest bidder, the highest sellers being a rare Shal’dorei necklace and a Sha in a Jar.
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The Emergency Response Unit operates out of the Cathedral District. The funds raised from the auction and donations received have raised enough funds for all that was stolen and destroyed to be replaced. “We’d like to extend thanks to the Dragontooth League, the City Watch, Wrynn’s Wolves, the Allied Detective Agency, the staff of the Royal Courier, and of course the many others who made the occasion such a rousing success! From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!”
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xaligos · 7 years
The Dragon Lord and The Northern Dawn
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It was another day in Stormwind, or at least that is no doubt how it seemed. Unbeknown to most denizens of Azeroth, a meeting between two noble orders was taking place. One that might greatly shape the course of the war between the Horde and the Alliance. The Dragon Lord Xamon of House Targaris had traveled from his home of Azurelight Sanctum in search of members from the Northern Dawn, a guild that was owned and financed by House Silverdawn. As far as he knew, their estate drew great wealth from a lucrative mine resting in the heart of their territory, and that they were a prominent force slowing down the advance of the Forsaken beyond Thoradin's Wall.
His own estate was not located very far from theirs, and Targian Dragon Magi had utilized Divination magic to locate a deposit of a particular mineral - a deposit located on Silverdawn land. This mineral would be crucial to the development of a massive project House Targaris was undertaking, and that deposit was the closest and most ideal location. Times had been incredibly trying in recent years, the Kingdoms of men had weakened considerably - many Lords were primed to look out only for their own borders. This made the idea of approaching the Silverdawn, a risky one - for they could have easily begun work to search for the material themselves, after being made aware of its existence. Yet, believing diplomacy would prevail it was decided that approaching them with some form of an arrangement would be the best course of action.
Stormwind was a large city, perhaps the biggest man had ever made - even nobility could be hard to track down, what with so many people concentrated in one area. Though his journey would bare fruit when a tip was received that a few members from the Northern Dawn had met outside the Stormwind Stockades, and were engaged in discussion. Following this new lead, Xamon made his way there, to find that his source had indeed spoken truth. 
Before him were three individuals, all armored in a variety of attire. He himself had come dressed fairly light, adorning familial targarian robes. They were made of fine fabrics, but modest in appearance. The Targarians were known for not drawing too much unwanted attention, and as the head of his House Xamon was perhaps a paragon of this virtue. As he neared the group, one among them took notice. It was a woman, and the only of her cohort to bare the crest of the Silverdawn. Why that was so, who could say? Though it certainly marked her as a leader among the party.
Xamon's posture and general body language did not change as she approached him. A dialog ensued, with him explaining that he had come in search of someone baring the very crest she wore. Naturally, she inquired as to why he sought them, and what he had heard about the order. To which he responded.
"Only that the order is in someway connected to the Silverdawn Mines. My House is currently underway with a massive project, and we are need of aid. We are willing to fairly compensate for such assistance, but I am afraid the details cannot be discussed here, and certainly not without the presence of the head of House Silverdawn. I've come a very long way to find them - if you know anything - please..."
Her suspicions must have been put to ease, for her response would be far better than he could have hoped for.
"I am the political council head of The Northern Dawn, and also the one you are looking for... I am Silverdawn, Countess of Silverdawn mines."
Just as she had formally introduced herself, another of the group approached. It was a Dwarf, a race whom Xamon, and indeed many humans held great respect for. Xamon acknowledged the dwarfs approach with a modest and respectful bow of his head.
"Master Dwarf."  He said. Attempting to articulate his respect for their race - for he knew not the Dwarfs rank or personal station.
The Dwarf merely responded with a grunt, crossing his arms as he did. The respect of Dwarfs was not easily earned, something Xamon knew all too well, and in truth - admired. The Countess took it upon herself to introduce him, giving further credibility to her claim of being the head of House Silverdawn.
  "This is Doffrag, a dear friend of mine. He knows me more than anyone else in Northern Dawn."
Doffrag let out a snort.
"I knoo ye more then I want ta...I'm jus' stuck with ye."
Xamon allowed an extended look to fall upon Doffrag. He would no doubt play a significant role in the near future. What's more, the question of how he became so close to the Countess sparked a measure of intrigue within him, and it would be something worth exploring - if time and circumstances allowed. He was not really one for small talk, and this made it hard for such details to ever come into his knowledge. Be all that as it may, his response did little if not nothing to allude toward these inner thoughts.
"Very Well, it would seem I am in good company then. Is there somewhere we can speak, less openly perhaps?"
The Countess motioned to the set of buildings nearby. "Will that do?"  She had very little time to pick a location, and Xamon's arrival had been unexpected. Thankfully the building she had gestured to was one of Stormwinds most prominent libraries, and but a stone's throw away from the common area just outside the Stockades where they currently stood. Xamon merely responded with a curt nod and the group made way for the entrance of the building. When they had entered they were greeted by the caretakers, with one of their party taking point at the door. The man who had stood guard had remained remarkably silent thus far. While Xamon had not passed any particular attention to him, his awareness of the man's presence was absolute. Who was he? What role did he play within the Silverdawn? Even more so than the dwarf, he had peaked Xamon's curiosity. Why had he not spoken thus far? For some reason the man's aura marked him as more than mere muscle for higher. Indeed, the way he seemed to carry himself suggested that there was more to his character than met the eye. Time would tell.
After finding a quiet location in the recesses of the library, the Countess, Doffrag, and Xamon took their seats.
  "Now then, what is it you wish to speak abou...."
The Countess rose from her chair, her sentence left incomplete and instead a new one baring different context took its place.
"Forgive me, but an urgent matter has called my attention and I must depart. Doffrag will finish this conversation in my stead."
"An' I'm nae as nice as her thoo."
Doffrag retorted.
Xamon believed the Dwarf was testing his resolve, or at least that it is how it seemed. "Is he trying to scare me?" He thought to himself. No, that likely was not the case. Dwarven humor was very gruff, it was possible that he was attempting to be a little funny. However, unsure if this was truly the case Xamon simply avoided feeding into the comment. He understood having a demanding schedule and didn't seem particularly or noticeably bothered by the Countess' departure. He had found who he was looking for, and she had seen him. Not to mention the company she was leaving him with. If Doffrag and her were indeed as close as she had lead him to believe, he was confident anything discussed between him and the Dwarf would reach her. If not, he had ways of ensuring she found out.
"Thank you for agreeing to see me."
Was all he said as she walked out, though whether or not she heard him was uncertain as she offered no response and was nearly out the door by the time he finished thanking her.
Doffrag casually moved into her seat in a manner that suggested he had done this before. "They are close." he said in an inner dialog he held with himself. They now sat across from one another, and both seemed uninterested in slowing down the pace of the conversation despite the Countess having to leave. 
"To the matter at hand then?"
Xamon had traveled a long way and was not one to waste time. Though, something subtly caught his peripheral attention. A second conversation had ensued, between the silent "guardsmen" who had taken up post outside the library, likely to stop prying ears and eyes. Someone had approached him, and finally words emerged, the silent guardsmen was silent no more. 
" Hello."
The newcomer said. With the Silent Guardsmen responding in kind.
"Afternoon. Can I help you?"
"Elf with a bow, told me to speak to you about adventure and employment."
The Silent Guardsmen nodded once, and a feint smile curled from his lips.
"Ahh, I see. I think we might be able to help you."
He stepped up to the newcomer, looking him over. After a moment of inspection he extended his right hand to the man in greeting.
"Gazrael Gnarledmane."
Alas, his name had been spoken. Continuing to focus on that conversation would have been rude, even if he was capable of splitting his attention evenly between the two. After hearing the name of the Silent Gaurdsmen Xamon allowed his ears to let the dialog between the newcomer and Gazrael fall into obscurity.
"My House has officially drafted up blueprints for the refurbishment and reconstruction of Thoradin's Wall. For generations we have specialized in designing some of the Alliances most sound fortresses. This project will combine Dwarven, Elven, and human Architecture. We believe that there is a particular mineral located near or under your mine. Our Scryers are quite certain of this. I've come to see if your order would help us mine it and in exchange we will refurbish your entire estate with this new mineral."
Doffrag let out a long sigh, propping his feet up onto the table,
"She had ta handle something with a comrade of ours. I'm takin' over noo.".
He smirked a little,
"So yer hoose made the blueprints fer the wall eh?"
Xamon nodded - he seemed to be quite understanding of the matter.
"Yes Master Doffrag. We assisted in its initial creation long ago, and we have created a new series of plans that will see Thoradin's Wall  remade into the greatest wall that has ever been built. To accomplish this though, we need a material that elven, human, and dwarven masons can work with and that will compliment each of our.... tastes. A huge deposit of said material is believed to be located underneath the Silverdawn Mine."
Doffrag raised a brow as he grabed a cigar from his pouch and put it between his lips. Mumbling through the butt of the cigar,
"So ye want the huge deposit under the mines eh? Well lad ye cannae get stuff fer free, what can ye offer in return? Cause ye understand we coold -sell- it an' make a profit ye knoo?"
Xamon nodded in agreement. What Doffrag had said was very true, however...
"Indeed, you could - and the alliance would be poorer for it. The deposit is on your land, in truth it belongs to you. Yet, my family aided in designing the Scarlet Enclave, a fortress that was only toppled by the full might of the Lich King and his greatest champions. In return we would redesign your order's outpost - to your specifications of course. However, with our Architectural expertise, it would easily become the marvel of the Alliance. There is a great deal located underneath you, enough to at least start the project. What we didn't use you're welcome to keep and sell, make your profit this way. The Forsaken have already breached the wall. It's only a matter of time before they reach your doorstep if they haven't already. "
Doffrag snapped his fingers and a thin ark of lightning hit the end of the cigar lighting it just enough,
"Mm...Design oor ootpost an' build a smaller defensie wall aroond it. If ye can do that? The deposit is yer hooses.".
The Dwarf took a long drag off the cigar, blowing the smoke away and allowing for a momentary pause between them.
"Does yer hoose want ta be within the ranks of the Northern Dawn?"
"I am glad this conversation has progressed diplomatically. Aye Master Doffrag, that is certainly within our power to do. In regards to your question about my House joining the ranks of the Northern Dawn. That is why I came personally. As the head of my family I also hold command over our martial forces. Aid us in building this wall, and you will have the full support of House Targaris and all her resources. I will subscribe myself under your leadership and follow the commands of your Guild, as per the Alliance Hierarchy. Unless the King himself came down for your arrest - I don't suspect you'd have a reason to question our loyalty."
Doffrag took another drag off his cigar, this time blowing the smoke out of his nose,
"Then we're at an agreement then. Jus' knoo soon enoogh I'm nae goin' ta be the one in charge of this stuff fer long...Fedra is bringin' the shark of Ironforge within' oor ranks...An' his wealth dwarfs, nae pun intended, hooses gold.".
He takes his feet off the table and extends his burly dwarvish hand, "Welcome ta the Northern Dawn...Dunnae do anythin' that has me on yer ars."
"Orders are orders. As long as this change in hierarchy does not impede the construction and we're allowed to use this mineral  - it shouldn't be a problem. Thank you Master Dofragg, I believe prosperous days for the Alliance are soon at hand. It was a pleasure to have met you, and I am certain we will soon be seeing much more of one another."
Xamon met the dwarfs hand with a respectful and firm grip of his own.
Doffrag nodded slowly,
"Aye. The Alliance will take back the North. Death ta the Horde an' their berasties."
  Xamon wasn't all too sure what he meant by "berasties". Dwarves could be difficult to understand, even for someone as versed in their language and culture as he. Though with their talk at its end, the two departed for the door.....
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xaligos · 7 years
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Year - 20 - The Birth of Xamon Targaris
Year 0 - The First War
Year 5 - The Fall of Stormwind
Year 8 - The Destruction of Draenor
Year 18 - The New Horde
Year 20 - The Third War
Year 21 - The Battle for Mount Hyjal
Year 22 - Rise of the Lich King
Year 25 - The Gathering Storm
Year 26 - The Burning Crusade
Year 27 - The Wrath of the Lich King
Year 28 - The Cataclysm
Year 30 - The Invasion of Pandaria
Year 35 - Warlords of Draenor
Year 40 - Legion
Age: 60
As a member of the Human and Elven nobility, it should come as no surprise that Xamon Targaris has lived a life of affluence. Being the head of two houses has positioned him as the leader of the Leystone Mason’s Guild, as well as the lucrative business: Aetherium Enchantments.
The responsibilities in much of the day to day affairs of these familial operations are delegated away. Xamon instead preferring to focus a majority of his attention on both family’s martial forces. This has placed him in a key position of authority over a number of Alliance troops, who are currently stationed at Azurelight Sanctum in the Alterac Mountains to deal with the Forsaken.
An anointed knight of the Silver Hand and as a general Hero of the realm, Xamon has often found himself involved in many major conflicts in one form or another. This has earned him various names and titles that he has been known to acknowledge in varying degrees.
Among those loyal to House Targaris, their Targarian officers are known as “Dragon Masters”, in reference to the family regalia depicting a Dragon of the Blueflight breathing Frostfire - his elven family’s signature spell. With it is attached the age-old myth that the Targarians are actually descended from one of the many Dragon Vrykul clans and that the “Sunfrost” House of Elves are actually a clan of Dragonsworn in service to the Blueflight.  Both families enjoy playing into these myths and will often refer to themselves when in one another's company as “Dragonborne”.
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