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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Hiding location in Chapter 9 When you return to Kamurocho in Chapter 9, you must find a place hide. However, the game does not give you any hints or map objective markers on where to go. The only hint you get when you stand still and wait for the prompt is: "I need a place to lay low until Tachibana sends word. Where, though? Infinite Money At one point in the game, there is a sub story and you will get in a dance battle with Miracle Johnson. After you get slaughtered, he asks you to pick a prize. This will get you the encounter finder. When you equip it, it will show you the location of Mr. Shakedown on the map. This isn't necessary for the money trick, but it will save you a ton of time and grief having to manually find Mr. Shakedown every time you are looking for him! Next you want to make sure you have spent the CP at the shrine so you get more money from Mr. Shakedown after you win. Then you want to start the process of losing and winning over and over, making more money each time you win. In a short time, you can easily max out the money counter to buy stats, real estate, and even send money to Majima. Go to the far southern area of Kamurocoho city to find it in the last middle block. You can check the map for nearby shop locations. Hover over any of the colored segments to reveal the name of the store. Transferring money and items between characters You cannot transfer items or money between Kiryu and Majima until Chapter six. Progress through the story until Chapter six. You unlock the Real Estate mini-game in Chapter six. You will get an objective to go to the Empty Lot. Follow that objective to a wealthy guy in a green suit that teaches you how to use money to district other people. He will give you two optional objectives. One is to go to the Vincent Bar in the North East of town. Go to that objective marker and speak with Fukushima, who is sitting on a bench next to the pool table. He will offer you advice on exchanging items and cash between the two characters. You are limited at first, but these limited are gradually lifted as you progress through the game. When you switch over to Majima, go to the following location to activate it. Achievement How to unlock I Did It for the Achievement Watch a sexy video. A Familiar Name Complete Chapter A Wise Investment Purchase ten or more abilities. Awakened and Unleashed Complete the Final Chapter. Best Served Cold? Take more than 15 minutes bringing the takoyaki. Big Hair in the Crosshairs Defeat the yakuza with an afro on the highway. Business Etiquette Impress Oda with your perfect manners. Call Me Go on a date with a girl you met at the telephone club. Eye of the Dragon and Tiger Obtain all equipment parts. Generosity of Strangers After you become undisputed king of an area, get someone to light a cigarette for you on the street. Lamb in the Lion's Den Complete Chapter Shakedown Takedown Defeat Mr. Shakedown for the first time. Nostalgic for the 80s Visit Kamurocho in December Painful Reunion Complete Chapter Say You Wanna Dance Complete every disco song on any difficulty. Smooth Criminal Successfully negotiate ideal terms with Yamagata. Time to Say Goodbye Complete Chapter 6. Training in Style Complete one training mission with each master. Welcome to the Jungle Get the best weapon search results report. What a Player Play every minigame. Who Ya Gonna Call? Pick up a telephone card. Worked Hard for the Money Throw away a total of five million yen. Getting the Confection Gift Box Hiding location in Chapter Infinite Money Selling items Transferring money and items between characters Various Steam Achievements It is only available at one store, even though there are many stores in the city of Kamurocho. You're Still Number One Max out the level of a platinum hostess. Web design by RippleWerkz. Programming and database design by Remarkable SE. Print This Page. Defeat the yakuza with an afro on the highway. Go on a date with a girl you met at the telephone club. Win ten bets on three-round tournaments at JCC. After you become undisputed king of an area, get someone to light a cigarette for you on the street. Defeat 3 foes using co-op moves with Oda or Tachibana. Defeat 30 or more opponents in Endless Rout. Complete every disco song on any difficulty. Successfully negotiate ideal terms with Yamagata. Complete the main story on Legend Difficulty. Steal Nikkyo Consortium funds from their safe. Complete one training mission with each master. Get five or more play bonuses fighting a single enemy. Com Gameboy Gameb. DS Nin.
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