youcantstopxme · 4 years
“I guess that’s a relief. Interesting code of conduct.” Miriam has a fondness for all things, with little sense of preference. Things are good. Things are good until they are bad and then she takes them upon herself as a strange and uncomfortable burden. “I try to give everyone at least a chance. Where it goes from there is sort of up in the air, though.” 
After all, she’s met people that she just hasn’t liked. There have been people who have filled her with such discomfort that she felt it necessary to defend herself. Granted, Katherine seemed to have a way of weeding out problems before Miriam herself noticed them. Others, though, have fallen into her curses, and it has never turned out well for them.
Miriam chooses to watch, eyebrows raised and expression contemplative. Eventually though, she finds that being on the ground isn’t going to do anything. 
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“I think I’m going to get a better vantage point.” With that, she’s grabbing the lowest branch of a gnarled tree, hoisting herself into it with ease. Miriam climbs trees like some people ride bikes, with a particular ease that suggests muscle memory. “I don’t know if our scent is going to trip them out, though. Most wolves I know don’t like to be around people. It makes them anxious. So what’s the plan there?” 
"The wolves aren't normal. They want to attack us. They want to hunt us." With ease she joins Miriam in the trees and slips into the foliage.  Watching with sharp and eager eyes as aforementioned wolves are drawn in to the scent of blood. Watches them take the bait and swallow down the sleep drugged meat with a tiny smirk. It's always so pleasing when a plan simply fell into place with little to no effort. It was only a pack of two sadly.
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She would need to keep going. She needed plenty leftover for herself, and not just for a saint reviving.
"They want to hurt us, so they'll be drawn to us. We'll need to work quick to gather. That's why i'm only taking Tail fur."
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youcantstopxme · 4 years
||  █ ▌— the calm does not seem to bother jakurai one bit. in fact, he relishes in it, the exhaustion that seems to permeate his very being at every moment ebbs away, if only very slightly. it isn’t even that the park is particularly interesting, it’s just that it’s quiet, blessedly so, and for once he has nothing weighing on him. he’ll need to find something to occupy his time soon ( some saying about idle hands comes to mind here ) but for the moment, there is nothing, and he cannot bring himself to mind it.
once he’s been granted permission, he sits down on the bench, content to enjoy the fresh air. he’s surprised when she speaks, but not upset by the introduction.
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he smiles, polite but not overly so. ❝ adriana, it’s a pleasure to meet you. my name is jakurai jinguji. ❞ he’s rather glad his name carries no weight here at present.
"A name from a Japanse like universe i take it? How lovely! I must admit, half the fun for me has been seeing new things and meeting people from other worlds. Who would have thought that such a place like this is possible?" She laughed, soft and disarming. Hoping to sooth one of her own trapped in a confines of a place he never wished to be in. Lost and alone, needing something to do and perhaps a focus.
From her bag she pulled out a package of Rice cakes and offered one to him with a gentle hum. It would take time, but she would eventually lure him in. How could she not? Adi just needed time and to fish.
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"I must say, it's been at least nice to meet so many people from universes that are so alike to my own. It's only the little details that twist and turn and peel apart the setting of worlds. It's a bit like a puzzle created by butterfly wings."
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youcantstopxme · 4 years
Netzach hasn’t done a ton today. They’ve found a place to perch themselves, watching with tired green eyes as others stumbled among the terrors in the woods. They are eerily quiet at times, all processes frozen and body just a frozen form in the dark. It had meant that several groups of people had walked underneath, and Netzach had simply watched them go, listening idly to the conversations. They could not remember if they had seen this person go by earlier, as some of those groups had really blended together. 
“People call me Netzach.” It’s true. The name is not truly their own, an assigned thing that had been assigned to them upon their awakening. There is a time before this, a hazy, blurry thing that they don’t have a full grasp on right now. “It’s just what I’m used to, so I figured it might be a little easier to figure out.” The light of the morning sun isn’t supposed to be a treat, but here they are. 
Netzach squints their eyes as the room brightens. Something in their internal mechanics whirs, a faint song against the atmosphere of the underground. 
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“Shit that’s bright.” They avert their eyes, letting themselves adapt to the change. “Where’d you get that thing?” 
"It's a glow stone. One of many little things from home. I'm not sure if they have anything like it here." She fluttered her hand down around it. Shielding the other from the bright glow until their eyes can adjust to the newly crafted beacon. Adi relaxed as the light frightened off anything that might be a little too bold in darkness depths. Adi took a breath and relaxed.
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Right, things were going to get better.
"So, are you glad to be away from the hustle and bustle? I must admit it's been a bit of a let down in these tunnels. I expected something more.. history rich, Fables and tales of old, maybe markers to indicate what goes where."
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youcantstopxme · 4 years
Ah, right. Some people adapt faster to strange situations. Miriam is not quite one of those people, and has preferred to spend her time familiarizing herself with smaller, more detailed parts of the world, rather than anything and everything that was offered up to her. This means that she’s missed out on a few of the necessary things that come to adapting. Ah well, nobody was meant to go at the exact same pace. Someone had made that clear to her a few years ago. 
“I mean, if that’s what you like. I enjoy exploration as much as anyone, but, mm.” She’s far more comfortable in populated areas at the moment. Miriam thrives on the company of others, and so, the more populated areas of Terra have been comfort enough for her. “I dunno, I haven’t been keen on going out here. But if it helps a bit, I don’t mind chipping in a little bit.” Miriam doesn’t care much about the nature of Sages and powers. They’re likely interesting, but her own bank and domain means she is beyond those sorts of things, at least to a degree. 
Miriam shakes that much off, and picks her way further into the woods. Frankly, the sooner this is done, the better. Her own collection gear, a shirt she’s taken from her closet, is meant more to soak up the slime rather than anything else. 
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“You uh, have some vibes.” Miriam doesn’t say more than that, but it keeps on in her head. Adi has this certain ‘I always get what I want’ energy, and Miriam, while understanding of it, feels like she’s dancing on a live wire. “Just not what I’m used to. It’s cool.” Still, Miriam isn’t about to stick her hands into too much of this. “…Don’t be mean to them, at least.” 
"Of course i won't be mean to them! Kids, service workers and animals are my list of people to be polite, nice and fair too. I'm just going to shave their tails. Wouldn't do to get their weak points undone. Most they'll be is a bit flustered in front of their pack mates."
Miriam wasn't exactly wrong on the vibe Adi gave off. Wealth, power and connections meant that Adi knew how and when to push what she wanted to get done. And life long anger management issues meant the live wire would be a little more careful on how she did things. The little demoness also knew how to more or less blend in with the silly little humans and animals that might get frightened by her aura. Adi peered around sharply and dug out a tupperware package full of.. pork? Pork or chicken, a nice white meat at the least. She began to place it in certain places with a pair of tongs, smirking.
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"I mean, i do have an aura i guess. Sort of used to having to be commanding of my own little hamlet back home. had to learn how to lay down the law pretty early."
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youcantstopxme · 4 years
"hehe! I like you! You're a bit of a spit fire and an adventurer all rolled into one, aren't you?" A fond smile teased at the corner of her lips It was in Adi's nature to nuture youth, and even more so in the youth of females. Most worlds she had been to always seemed to scorn or make them the victims. So what else could she do as what she was to aid them?
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"So, what sort of beasties have you mixed yourself up with before hand? I do love to learn about the adventures of others."
She spares the other a glance, lips quirking in a faint smile. The other teen was.. fairly optimistic. It was cute even she could admit it. So far she had her own amount of items signed, sealed and delivered. Now? Now Adi was simply questing for spare flora to add to her own stock! meeting another person hadn’t quite been on the list.. but so long as this person could be useful? Well, not the worst luck.
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“It would depend on the type of wolf, i’d think. If these are magical ones they might have claws strong enough to grip the bark and come up after us. It’s quite possible.”
Ok, so maybe that was a mite bit mean!
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       she waves her hand nonchalantly ( a little too nonchalantly ), her shoulders shrugging. ❝ oh, a slash from a magical beast wouldn’t be the worst attack that’s happened to me. ❞ imagine getting hit by magical fire or rammed into by a monster nearly the size of a tree — well. kotone doesn’t have to imagine. it’ll still hurt, but as long as fleeing is an option… ❝ i mean it’ll still hurt, but as long as we don’t die ! ❞ ah, there’s her everlasting optimism… though, perhaps she says it more as a joke. 
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youcantstopxme · 4 years
he snaps his jaws playfully at her finger as she pulls away from caressing the satin-smooth, hasn’t-had-to-shave-in-millennia curve of his jawline, settles back into an amused smirk as she makes herself comfortable. “wondrous? really? we definitely ran in different circles, because i don’t know if the conversations i had to endure in those chatrooms was anything more than… inappropriate.”
his head tips to one side, then the other. “or maybe that was just me being a troublemaker. again.”
her question has him lift his shoulders in a careless shrug–honestly, this was just the first chair he saw, but he’s not going to admit that to a pretty woman like her. “haven’t you read enough romance novels? this is always the sort of place where true love starts. that, and it was the first chair i saw.” fuck. failed step one. “it put me in your path, so what does it matter, anyway?”
"Ah, but being a trouble maker is the very best thing to be in life, don't you agree? Stirring up shit every which way and unbalancing everyone around you." She grinned, almost like a shark as she pulled a small bag out from her pocket and produced from within the simple thing? A canister of pringles that she wiggled oh so alluringly. The single most tasty treat to come!
"Though it does amuse me that the Sages here were so foolhardy to casually let a prophecy about their stones be spoken about. They're a little on the dense side if they didn't expect this to happen sooner or later. Everyone wants a chance to become a God."
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youcantstopxme · 4 years
"Oh, it is getting rather dull up there, isn't it? But i've already done my part to help their little  forging party." She paused before the green haired other and smiled softly. They had a very lovely energy about them! Something new~ And Adi dearly loved the new more than the old.
"my name is Adi. It's a pleasure to meet someone whose invested in the under over the upper to be honest. You'd think passage ways like this would have more cravings, more.. something. To tell where they go? The people's history hidden away and made secure in such passage ways. Or more than simple torches to light the way. It makes me wonder about how oft this tunnels have been used since Terra cut itself off due to the mists."
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Absent fingers dipped into a pouch and withdrew a beautiful crystal. A moment afterwards and a low, soft shine began to emit from within it's core to brighten the area better than the torch lighting surrounding them.
@youcantstopxme​ liked for an event starter
Well, this person seems rather well equipped coming out of all of this. A small collection of things from the Blackgrove, as far as Netzach can tell. It’s all in the sound of how someone moves, the weight of the footsteps and the motion of tools against each other.  All they have are useless trinkets. Dried leaves and berries and pieces of bark and leaf. Things to study the color and change of, given that they have never done so before. Netzach has no interest in the needs of others, in this moment. Freedom is a very personal thing, and so, they stick to their personal pleasures. 
Pockets full, they’re heading out of the tunnels this time, trailing their fingers along the wall in search of carvings. Something with meaning, something that tells a story. They’re finding nothing of the sort, and instead, find themselves stiffening at the sight of someone else’s shadow approaching. 
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“It’s not too exciting out right now.” Netzach calls out to the shadow, still somewhat hidden in their apathy. “So if you were going out expecting something action packed, it’s really not that.” 
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youcantstopxme · 4 years
“Ah, i’m sorry for staring so! It’s quite improper of me.” Adi let out a little sigh and rustled her skirts with care, fixing a soft smile on her face as she regarded the male. Handsome.. but something told her that he wasn’t one she should try to get a bite from. Instead she dipped her head in apology.
“I do hope you forgive me. But you radiate a familiarity in style that i am quite fond of. I couldn’t help but be reminded even for a moment of my Home and became a little home sick. My father and i take care and are a little more old fashioned compared to the people i have found myself with.  Finding someone such as yourself was..”
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A gentle shrug and a smoothing of her own skirt, head ducked oh so slightly.
              It was a pain being stared at. Yes, he understood that in comparison to the other’s in this place he was dressed ‘ strange ’ but to HIM they ALSO looked strange !  A reasonable person would be understanding that they were an oddity in a place like this, but Herlock was so deeply tired of all these strange new concepts and customs he was sure he’d need to learn. He was a gentleman, yes — he like any victorian man would pride himself on it, but that didn’t mean he was beyond being irked  (  Whist he would try his best not to show it ).
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              So with a somewhat forced smile painted on his face, he turned to the young lady, “ Excuse me, ma’m. But do you need something from myself ? ” // @youcantstopxme X
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youcantstopxme · 4 years
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"I mean, i've been here more or less a month. Once i had the important bits taken care of i had plenty of free time to start looking around. There was only so much i could do once i discovered so many of the tunnels  were blocked off. But now i have to take advantage of every moment i have in Black Grove to gather what i can!!" Adi can't help the giddiness that creeps into her voice. She drug the pack over her shoulders not a single bit daunted by the lack of eagerness on Miriam's part. After all, not everyone had the stomach for innovation and discovery such as herself.   It was more the pity, but she wasn't going to argue with the red head behind her. She opened her bag and triple checked that she had everything before giving a nod.
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"In regards to the wolves however.. one or two things have struck me. I do not think they're of this world going by how people have been talking. In fact if i were to bet my gems on anything at the moment it would be that the moment the Sage returns to his proper form those things will vanish. If they were his creation, they wouldn't be off the walls going nuts and attacking people. Which means gathering their fur will take take precedence over say, the slime. I do have a good amount of meat i've had soaking in some sleep solution. So the important thing is to bait an area."
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“Do i really seem the sort to get... power trippy?”
“I did do a bit of shopping, yes. More than likely we won’t be allowed back into these woods for quite some time. I’m not going to lose my chance on gathering samples of the local wild life when i have it.” She clicked her tongue absently and adjusted her gloves, thinking carefully. The truth was she wanted to do what she always did in any world. She didn’t really give two shits about this so called Sage. If they were stupid enough to allow a rumor about gathering the gemstones to gain powers akin to Taina’s? well, they had dug their own pits and looked like someone needed to shovel the shit for them. Dark red eyes regarded the woods, and her lips curled in a slow smile.
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“I believe firmly in being ready for anything. We’ll come across a myriad of creatures and plant life within these woods. So, i made myself ready for anything. If at any time you feel like it’s too much i am more than willing to give you half of the items we’ve gathered and guide you ether to the exit or the temple.”
“Huh. Most of what I did was like, groceries and shit.” It seemed more important. Miriam, prone to going into tailspins, had made it a point to focus on necessities. Focusing on the local ecology, in her opinion, seemed like a waste of time in that moment. She doesn’t voice that much though, and merely manages to show her distaste in the roll of her eyes when Adriana isn’t looking her way. “I’m still not shaving a wolf though. I don’t care how tough you think you are.” 
Something about it feels inherently mean. While she won’t stop the other (as it isn’t worth doing in this state), Miriam feels something akin to hesitation about the whole matter. She’s no child, no weakling, but experimentation and anything other than harmless screwing around has always been a touchy sort of subject. 
Shaking her head, Miriam steps into the woods, and sets off in what feels like a good direction. 
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“Either way, let’s just get this done with. If you get weird and power trippy, I’m ditching you, so there’s your warning.” 
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youcantstopxme · 4 years
Pearl park, an utterly lovely area to be in. So charming even at this time! For the moment, Adi was settled on a park bench, relaxing as she observed the flora and fauna that seemed to rattle about in such a place. This calmness is almost.. unsettling, the demoness would say.  Adi feels like there should be something stirred up, but she isn't quite sure what yet. Adi needs to take her time.
Absently she tapped her finger on the cellphone case, before being snapped out of her thoughts by a lovely young man! Lean body, beautiful long hair and sharp eyes. Well, well! Looks like she might just be lucky tonight.
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"Oh, please do! I love company when i can get it, i must admit. My names Adriana, it's a pleasure to meet you~"
||  █ ▌— the park (pearl park, he thinks it’s called) is not where jakurai had intended to find himself, but it’s where he found himself nonetheless. the atmosphere of it is remarkably calming, but he isn’t yet certain if he likes that or not. perhaps it’s too early to tell, but this place, with its many peculiarities, makes him feel like he’s trapped within a dream, unable to do much until he finds some sort of employment here–if that’s even possible. how valid is his medical license in a foreign… world?
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regardless, the park is pleasant enough, and so he’s making a loop around it. ❝ pardon me, ❞ he says as he passes by a woman sitting on a bench. ❝ might i sit here as well? ❞
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youcantstopxme · 4 years
She spares the other a glance, lips quirking in a faint smile. The other teen was.. fairly optimistic. It was cute even she could admit it. So far she had her own amount of items signed, sealed and delivered. Now? Now Adi was simply questing for spare flora to add to her own stock! meeting another person hadn't quite been on the list.. but so long as this person could be useful? Well, not the worst luck.
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"It would depend on the type of wolf, i'd think. If these are magical ones they might have claws strong enough to grip the bark and come up after us. It's quite possible."
Ok, so maybe that was a mite bit mean!
       kotone likes going into things with a plan, but she figured with so many residents of terra, they’re also looking for things to turn the pitch black sky to normal. that is to say… well, might as well wander around to see whatever pops up first, right ? she can’t exactly ask around with how dangerous it is, so meandering it is ! with extra caution, of course. 
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    ❝ the easiest thing is probably the negotiation, so maybe we can find something else lying around ? ❞ she pauses, lips pursing. ❝ hopefully we don’t run into a monster for the fur, but if we do, we’ll just climb a tree or something maybe ? ❞ and this is kotone silently hoping adi can climb trees. // @youcantstopxme​
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youcantstopxme · 4 years
This is why she really couldn't handle kids long term! They were so cute and innocent. They really were just too much to handle in long doses, and oft times didn't have the sense the gods gave more reasonable and mature people. However, Adi refused to allow such thoughts to show on her face. Instead she gave her tongue a gently click as she regarded the beast at her knees. Yes the creature was unhappy.. but better unhappy and muzzled over anything else. She lifted her gaze to the orange haired child and smiled oh so gently.
"Yes dear, i know he's unhappy right now. But you must understand that if i had left him unbound he would sure to be far more wiggly like and thrash about a fair bit. And if he had done that, even with such a safe trimmer that i have could nick him! Could you just image the danger of bleeding in such an area like this Even a tiny amount might spell trouble for the poochie here. So the best bet for everyone is to subdue and bind him up until the errand is done. Since it's the spring time and warm, he won't suffer from the cold."
Gently she gave the rump a little rub, running her finger across the warm flesh and sighed.
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"Very rarely can animals understand human speech. If they could understand that all this was being done in the name of saving their patron? Perhaps things would be different. But alas. Hopefully once he returns they'll feel.. something has come to rights."
“Oh my, what is such a tiny thing like you doing out in these woods?! Surely you should be somewhere safer?”
Yes, that was a beautiful woman. With one of the wolves tied to the roots of a tree via a muzzle and half it’s fur in a pile next to it.. All thanks to a very sleek looking, battery operated beard shaver tucked in her pale hands!!
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Well.. at least the poor dear hadn’t found Adi doing anything too gruesome!
What’s she doing out here? That’s a fair question to ask, given the current situation, but child has always been the curious sort, so it’s not really a surprise ( to her, at least ) that she’s managed to wander into some of the deeper parts of the forest. Though, perhaps that is probably at least in part due to the fact that Ahiru can light her way around…in moderation, of course, wouldn’t want to tire herself out over something like that! 
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Whether it’s just a coincidence that she’s managed to stumble upon this scene, or if she’d heard something that had caught her attention seems irrelevant at a time like this; expression taut with distraught. What’s the meaning of doing something like this…? Question goes ignored as she draws closer, tentatively— interfering might be too late at this point, but you can’t run away from something like this either. “You’re hurting ‘em. Why? You didn’t…don’t gotta go that far.” Beast isn’t too torn up or anything, but clearly distressed; which seems to be the energy she’s eating off of.
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youcantstopxme · 4 years
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“my god, are you going to be able to eat all that, or is some of it for left overs?”
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youcantstopxme · 4 years
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“Please, please tell me there isn’t...Pineapple on pizza here. Please. It’s so gross”
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youcantstopxme · 4 years
That, got a burst of laughter from her!! Pale hands fisted into his sleeve as she nearly slipped from his lap and right onto the floor! Only once her laughter had become subdued did she look up and wipe the tears from her cheeks. To hear that question asked aloud and in a place such as this? Who could have ever guessed? It did make Adi wonder what sort of realm he came from.
A few more steady breaths and she looked her seat over. A playful smirk on her lips as she traced a finger down his jaw line slowly and carefully. "I must admit, i'm old enough that the statement you uttered gave me war flashbacks! What a wondrous time of my life that was."  She relaxed into his side and dug out a bottle of water from her bag to sip.
"So, what made you pick such a dull little cafe to rest in?"
Adi grinned over at the other, delight pooling in her eyes. While this place had plenty of people to play around with.. most everyone was so straight laced it was dull as a damned brick! She had been here for weeks now and chaotic little shits were in scarce supply.
but here seemed someone ready to put that boredom on the back burner!! Game recognizes game~ He seemed the more upfront about it going by the vibe, which would be a good contrast to her being a lil shit behind the scenes.
But enough wasting time!
Adi glided over, a faux pout on her red lips and as casual as could be she dumped herself into his lap without sparing even a glance to the other seat.
“Oh my! How on earth could it be that we’ve been apart all this time! Two souls yearning for one another and only now able to gaze upon each other properly!”
he barely holds back an impressed whistle at her incredible boldness; it wouldn’t exactly fit the mood of the scene, if they’re going more for ‘star-crossed lovers’ than ‘drunk guy catcalling a woman on the street’. instead he fixes his mournful slouch, wraps one arm around her waist and lays the other hand on her thigh.
it’s definitely to keep her from sliding off his lap, and definitely not way too close to the panty line for polite company.
“the light of my life, the apple of my eye, the fire of… well, that’s not important–oh, how cruel fate has been to keep us apart!” golden eyes well up with crocodile tears that he makes a show of stoically blinking away–complete with a halfway convincing little sniffle. “all my eons of wandering have led me to this moment, all so i can say…”
he flashes a wicked smile.
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youcantstopxme · 4 years
"Oh my, what is such a tiny thing like you doing out in these woods?! Surely you should be somewhere safer?"
Yes, that was a beautiful woman. With one of the wolves tied to the roots of a tree via a muzzle and half it's fur in a pile next to it.. All thanks to a very sleek looking, battery operated beard shaver tucked in her pale hands!!
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Well.. at least the poor dear hadn't found Adi doing anything too gruesome!
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youcantstopxme · 4 years
"Heh, that is true enough! It should prove quite the adventure to see you battle. I'm glad I've found someone with experience with battling hand to hand. So many people become dependent on guns or swords or even magical powers that they themselves forgot theit body." Adi hummed low in her throat, watching the gleam in the others eyes. There was just something so entrancing about a man armoring himself for combat, no matter the era.. It was just a feast for the eyes!!
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"So, you've fought in a place called  Tartarus. That sounds like quite the tale. Have you been at it since very young?"
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“Honestly, the only good thing about being granted access to this area is being able to explore the area and map it out properly. I don’t see why we’re banned from traveling across the region. There’s such a hue and cry over it being for our safety.. but if we had our weapons and powers at full force it wouldn’t be a necessity to be worried.”  
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  “Don’t forget all the new enemies we get to fight.” Aki’s adjusting his gloves already, mind a blur thinking of the various challenges laid out before them. “I try to think of it like Tartarus: the more we fight and prove ourselves, the more of the area we’ll be able to explore. If we follow the logic of where I’m from, all we need to do is beat up the boss monster to unlock a door. So if you really want to explore and get stronger, just find the biggest, toughest looking thing and beat it up.”
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