younziblog · 2 years
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Mugler has been known as one of the brands for dramatic and extravagant clothing. Mugler was the first designer to showcase different types of models, ranging from young to old, when the standards were very strict. During this era, the models had to all look a certain way; pale, tall, skinny, with hollow cheeks and predominant facial features.
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younziblog · 2 years
Coucou et bienvenu à mon blog <3 xx :)
Afin de bien débuter mon introduction à mon monde, pourquoi ne pas commencer par une charade (tout le monde aime les charades, non?). Pour certains, cette charade consiste en un défi. Pour d’autres, il s’agit d’un dilemme, d’un tabou, d’une simple gesture. Certains ont même sacrifié leur vie afin de prouver cette charade. Bref, j’te présente la charade; Comment une personne peut-elle s’exprimer et s’affirmer sans parler? Pour te mettre plus en contexte, comment penses-tu, toi, que tu pourrais parler et communiquer avec quelqu’un si tu as un tape sur la bouche? La réponse peut te paraître bizarre, mais il y a pleins de moyens; il existe probablement un million de réponses possibles (nous sommes complexes comme êtres humains). Bref, la réponse que je cherchais, ce sont les vêtements. Penses-y pour une bonne seconde… La façon dont quelqu’un s’habille peut te dire plein de choses sur quelqu’un. En surmontant les préjugés, les marques et le style avec lesquels on s’associe dit un peu trop d’information sur une personne. Je sais, on appelle cela juger quelqu’un, mais, il faut être sur la même  longueur d’ongles que moi. Je suis une personne de plutôt éparpillée (beaucoup de personnes me le disent, mais je pense qu’ils ne savent pas que je suis officiellement diagnostiqué avec un TDAH… avec inattention prédominante), alors je vais essayer de faire de mon mieux pour t’expliquer mon point de vue. En ce moment, nous avons une chose en commun; nous portons des vêtements (au moins, j’aimerais croire cela). De manière indirecte, nous sommes quand même déjà connectés. Je sais que c’est un peu tiré par les cheveux mon affaire, mais au fur et à mesure que tu vas continuer à lire mon blog, tu comprendras. J'aimerais te faire voir à quel point les vêtements qu’un humain peut porter porte (beau jeu de mots) un pouvoir au-delà des mots qu’on jette dans les airs, qu’on chuchote et qu’on écrit à chaque journée. J’vais aussi te montrer, à travers divers moyens, mon intérêt et ma passion envers cet univers aussi ambigu que vaste. Bon voyage!
P.S: J’ai aussi décidé de faire certaines des capsules en anglais. Je trouve qu’il s’agit d’un bon défi.
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younziblog · 2 years
I have spent a-lot of my life around clothing. On every opportunity of my life I can grasp; I instantly would window shop. I always considered myself as someone who didn’t feel I had a lot to say that was actually interesting; I would always imagine and create, which is why I mostly spend my time thinking and analyzing clothing. As I mentioned before, I really don't think there are any other outlets as powerful as clothing has on us. The first thing I'd like to prove to you about the gravity of clothing is its ability to separate us and put us in categories; almost as if a big light-up sign in bold colours was taped on your back without you not even acknowledging it. As pessimistic as it sounds, it’s rather a true phenomenon. Think about it: there’s a reason why people say the clothes don’t make the man! It’s totally because they have power on their own. I probably babbling nonsense but the only thing I am certain about is how clothing divides us. We have been used so much in today’s culture to know why something is associated with a high social class status and what isn't. Little do you know that this hasn’t just appeared out of nowhere. Brands have always adapted to their own clientele. The principle is very simple: the more a brand is exclusive and strict to a certain class of people, the more buzz it creates. Then, the more people want it, and then again the more buzz it creates! This high class fashion, also known as couture, is one of the reasons why I am knee-deep interested in how it works. There are a lot of criteria linked to how exclusive a brand can be. Dolce & Gabbana, Burberry, Gucci, Vivienne Westwood, Valentino, Givenchy and many much more fashion powerhouse brands have a list of criteria describing its high-end value;
They have to showcase at least 50 pieces of their clothing during 2 periods of the season
Have created unique and custom pieces for certain specific clients
Possess an Atelier with a minimum of 15 workers
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younziblog · 2 years
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Sex and the city has given an enourmous platform for an  wide range variety of designers. The 6 season series has portrayed its 4 protagonists wearing an endless combination of designer clothing, all whilst reflecting their own personality. The popularity of the show has really helped define what was in and what was out during that time. Carrie Bradshaw’s obsession with Manolo Balhonic shoes has helped this small designer’s brand get more exposure, retailing for double of the price they were sold for.
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younziblog · 2 years
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Iconic 2000’s graphic tees, worn by various celebrities.
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younziblog · 2 years
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Another one of my favorite designers is Alexander McQueen. In the 2010’s, high fashion brands were amped on bold colors and cuts, meanwhile Mcqueen was rather axed around his own necromantic world. I really enjoyed his work during spring 2003, where he told a story about chic pirates crashing on an unknown island and discovering new beasts. 
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younziblog · 2 years
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Iris van Herpen has been known to have been one of the only pioneers that has innovated with 3D printing. I really enjoy the shapes and movement all of her pieces have. The elegance and structure portrayed by her models amp up our definition of futuristic haute couture. 
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younziblog · 2 years
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Andrea Sachs’s closet evolution throughout The Devil Wears Prada. We can see a crystal clear evolution concerning her silhouette: towards the end her silhouette is more elegant and put together, as she stops wearing lousy prints that makes her look older than she actually is. 
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younziblog · 2 years
Clothing has such a crucial part in story-telling and personal growth; it tells a story. When watching a certain tv show or movie, each actor has their own clothing. Beneath it all, it tells a totally different plotline, without even saying a single word. For example, In the movie The Devil Wears Prada each character grows their own personal development throughout the movie. I would also like to highlight the main protagonist, Andrea Sachs, development through the movie. As she first appears on our screen, we see her as this quirky, down to earth and clueless figure. Compared to the other interns working at vogue, her outfits are less put together; her looks are frumpy and drab. As she progressively understands and gets more comfortable acknowledging the depth and complexity of fashion, she wears clothes fresh off the runway. Clothes aren't the only asset to self-expression; makeup certainly is another option. In the worldly known hit show Euphoria, each character has its own style of makeup. For example, Maddy, the bold and cutthroat character is seen wearing sharper and edgier makeup. Style with many sequins and bold metallic eyeshadows, we get a glimpse of her true personality, as it already shines through her wardrobe choices.
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younziblog · 2 years
Another fascinating facade I have seen in fashion is how much it can affect a whole group. As it also has a social interconnection between its participants (us, as a whole society). Its many trends helped us put us into different decades. Seriously, how would we know that thin eyebrows would be THE look of the 2000’s? It not only is an asset that helps us put us in a certain box, fashion can go so much deeper than words, or pictures (for that matter). One simple piece of cloth can make someone feel so confident. Trends are also a phenomenon I'd like to get into. As a society, we tend to gravitate towards a feeling of pride and acceptance. Something I love about Fashion is its ability to gravitate only towards you. We have to explore and develop our sense of style, even by copying others. We categorize ourselves, in hopes to find other people that share the same interest. As marginal someone could be, they still follow a certain wave that consists of many other people. It's in our nature. Alas, the fact that the fashion industry keeps on bringing something new every season, makes us eager to try a new trend. Who wouldn't want to be the leader of a pack? We have not only done this with clothing, we also do it with our own thoughts. As I mentioned before, one of fashion’s best magic tricks is its ability to send a certain message without even speaking verbally. The arts have always spoken for themselves. Seeing clothing and accessories as a window opener to a world full of colours, vulnerability and something rich in history makes the fashion industry an even more underrated paradox. 
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