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Bill Weasley loves his family.
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right after Harry finds out a dangerous mass murderer has escaped prison and is trying to kill him he is still more upset about the fact he can’t visit the wizard sweet shop on weekends and this is why I love him
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Remus: I’m proud to identify as a moronsexual. I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. A guy asked me what the Spanish word for tortilla was once and now I dream of kissing him under the moonlight.
Sirius: What kind of animal is the Pink Panther?
Remus, already taking his clothes off: Sirius, you’re so fucking stupid.
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The year Lily Luna wanted a dragon. Why not a cat or an owl?? Blame her uncle Charlie for that.
It was really difficult for Harry to say no though. She was really growing so fast.
[more Lily Luna] [instagram @potterbyblvnk] [reference]
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James: We're so in sync we finish each other's...
Sirius: *stares into space*
James: Sss...
Sirius, snapping back: Somebody once told me--
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Sirius: How do you want your coffee?
Remus: I like my coffee as dark and bitter as my soul.
Sirius: Okay, so white chocolate mocha.
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Returning the Diary
Regulus: *Waits nervously*
Sirius: *Saunters into the Great Hall*
Regulus: Where is it?
Sirius: This sounds like a drug deal.
Regulus: Sirius.  Please.  Just give me my diary back.
Sirius: You should publish it, you know.  It’s pretty good.
Regulus: Sirius. I’m not going to publish my sexual fantasies, but thanks for the suggestion.
Sirius: *Shrugs*
Regulus: Well, hand it over.
Sirius: *Takes the diary out and hands it to Regulus*
Random Anonymous Hooded Student: *Grabs the diary out of Regulus’s hand and runs away with it*
Regulus: Hey!  Give it back!
Sirius: *Runs after them, but they get away too quickly*
Regulus: Oh my god…
Sirius: Hey, don’t panic….
Regulus: Who was that?
Sirius: I can see you’re panicking.
Sirius: Deep breaths.
Regulus: Who was that?!
Sirius: I don’t know.  But I have to get back to Remus.  He was exceptionally horny when I left.
Regulus: *Starts panicking again*
Sirius: Deep breaths, Reg.
Regulus: Just leave me alone, you’re making it worse.
Sirius: *Holds hands up innocently* Only trying to help.
Regulus: I could punch you.
Sirius: Okay, I’m leaving.  *Walks away quickly*
Regulus: *Sighs*
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Sirius: He’s with me.
Remus: I’m not “with him” with him, you know? It’s not like…
Sirius: Come on, muffin!
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Sirius: I don’t date guys.
Remus: *walks in*
Sirius: I marry them.
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Remus taking a nap with Sirius on his lap during Charms
October, 1974
Taken by James Potter
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Padfoot and Moony~
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… this is how I talk to babies and dogs.
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*Mcgonagall catches Rose, Scorpius, James Sirius, and Lily Luna all on the third floor corridor (a restricted section of the school) with a lasso, a love potion, and a pound of goose feathers.*
Mcgonagall: Now, concidering none of you would like to come forward and explain what happened. I have decided that I am going to talk to all of you seperatly. Ms. Potter, my office now.
*In the office*
Mcgonagall: Why were you in the third floor corridor?
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Mcgonagall: You and your friends were righting wrongs? 
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Lily Luna: We’re a lit club. We write the wrongs. It’s a very important job. Without the dedication and courage of the press the world-
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Mcgonagall: Next.
Mcgonagall: Why were you in the third floor corridor?
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Mcgonagall: Next.
Mcgonagall: And why were you in the third floor corridor?
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Mcgonagall: *rubs temples* Next. 
Mcgonagall This should be good…what were you doing in the third floor corridor? 
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Mcgonagall: I need a raise. 
((OOC: This was a rp based on this post. Thank you to the lovely @space-marauder for being a grande Scorp and James.))
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I’ve had enough trouble for a lifetime.
Harry James Potter through the ages (16, 21, 27) in my sketches. What’s your favorite? :)
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the hydra - alphard black
heavily influenced by @asktheboywholived
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made a sketchy Sirius casting expelliarmus 
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