Ratchet glanced from the expectant and concerned faces of his comrades to the groundbridge he’d struggled to maintain for so long. He’d hadnt’ been able to find any signs of sabotage, but with someone as skilled as Soundwave, it was impossible to be completely sure.
He had to decide if it was worth the risk or not. If it had been tampered with, it wouldn’t simply burst into a small fireworks show. It could harm or kill anyone trying to use it, or even worse, it could potentially destroy the whole base as they tried to make their escape.
It definitely wasn’t worth the risk of his friends. They could easily escape without its aid. However, it was practically their only option to find Optimus.
“It doesn’t seem to be sabotaged, but it might prove dangerous to use it for our escape. Everyone needs to leave and then I can test it and ensure it doesn’t blow up.”
A Visit to the Doctor
Of course, Ratchet’s words had been met with murmurs of confusion and anger. There was still the question of how Soundwave had found them and gotten in, but that would wait for now. 
“Arcee is alerting Agent Fowler. We’ll have to retreat and lie low until Fowler locates us.” Solarblaze added. “Is the groundbridge safe, Ratchet?” 
If it wasn’t, then they wouldn’t get far from the base very quickly, something that could lead to trouble. If they were too close then the ‘cons might find them on their way to destroy the base - if destroying the base was their intentions. 
The groundbridge being down would also mean it would take a lot longer for her and Ratchet to find Optimus. Not that she was so sure it would be easy even if they could use the groundbridge. 
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Restless was an understatement. The paratrooper got more and more antsy as the hours passed by— the pain only making matters worse. Though he tried his best to ignore it. Play it off the best he could.
Though a medic was probably able to pick up the tells. He’d finally become more active, passing off his lack of constant movement off on laziness.
Unfortunately, with his range of motion coming back it meant Crosshairs was all over, occasionally on the look out for places to perch that could hold his weight. Which wasn’t as much as his fellow Cybertronians, but was still a lot to the structures around base.
He was smart enough to know what wouldn’t hold his weight, at least, so nothing broke.
“It’s…. cozy…” the paratrooper offered, shaking his helm and crossing his arms tightly across his chest, “But kinda closes in over time. D'ye ever get out? Ya gotta be feelin’ trapped if not.”
Maybe that’s just a paratrooper thing. He didn’t have much experience with mechs outside his frametype or the Wreckers.
Ratchet just wanted to be absorbed back into his work. It was his only distraction from exactly the same thing that Crosshairs was feeling. Part of the reason why the medic was always so focused on his work and so grumpy when he was interrupted stemmed from his desire to ignore the feelings of boredom and slight loneliness caused by his surroundings. It could almost be suffocating at times.
At times, he thought he would go insane before the war was ever over. No one else seemed to understand, especially their fearless leader. 
“Optimus says I’m better off here. That my skills are more useful in the lab than in the field,” he explained with a hint of bitterness to his words.
All of the other autobots had the pleasure of going out and seeing new things. Meanwhile, Ratchet was stuck with the almost claustrophobic feeling of seeing the same gray walls over and over and completing dozens of repetitive tasks.
The medic felt some sort of relief knowing he wasn’t alone in his frustration in being cooped up. While their circumstances were different, he sympathized with the paratrooper’s words.
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Reblog if you're a roleplayer with social anxiety!
This could mean you struggle with interacting with other roleplayers in the community, or get anxiety over simple interactions with others.
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// Just a test! Reblog it if my muse can jump in your askbox without annoying the mun!
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Ratchet had been annoyed when the paratrooper had practically been dumped on him. Though, some might argue that there was hardly a time that the medic wasn’t annoyed, frustrated, or simply in a bad mood. 
He was grateful that Bulkhead had been cautious with the new arrival. It meant that there was one less worry, so Ratchet could focus more attention towards the many preexisting problems they had around the base once Crosshairs had been taken care of.
It was obvious to Ratchet that Crosshairs was a rather restless bot and he could somewhat understand. After all, he always wanted to be out in the field with others and doing something more than just carefully watching over the only place they could call home. However, Optimus consistently insisted that his skills were of more use off the field.
He still understood the importance of staying behind. Countless things could go wrong if he didn’t and some part of him acknowledged that. Besides, someone had to operate the ground bridge. Ratchet just wished it didn’t always have to be him.
Regardless, the medic felt somewhat angry, or perhaps insulted, at their guest’s little remark. He’d been skeptical of the base’s capabilities when they first arrived there, but he’d grown accustomed and maybe even attached to their “cozy” little home.
“This... It’s all we have.”
It’s only been a week since Crosshairs showed up on Earth with a serious wound torn into his side, looking for the nearest allies he knew where were– thanks to having ran into Wheeljack after he bounced from the planet.
He also decided it’d be worth seeing familiar faces that did not want to tear him to shreds for the first time in a few years. Though Bulkhead had made extra sure the paratrooper was who he appeared to be, which had amused Crosshairs greatly after hearing the story about what had happened with Makeshift.
Once cleared by Bulkhead, Crosshairs had been handed off to Ratchet to get repairs. He’d cracked a joke on the damage, and how the other guys had it worse.
Prime had urged Crosshairs to stay until he recovered after being pieced back together, and the paratrooper had begrudgingly agreed. But unfortunately for everyone a bored paratrooper could become an annoyance real fast.
An aggravated groan leaving Crosshairs as azure optics fixated on the screen showing off the stats of Team Prime. All of which were out, accept for Ratchet. A digit prodding against the paratrooper’s own recently sealed up armour before he finally spoke up.
“How d’ya stand stayin’ in this shit hole all th’ time?”
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Ratchet had finished packing all the items he felt were important and had begun to check the ground bridge for any possible glitches by the time the last ‘bot had gathered in the main room. He paused his work so he could address both Autobot and human about the whole matter.
As second-in-command, he was used to being left in charge and directing the others. That didn’t mean he found it all that easy or that he knew what to do in situations such as the one they all found themselves in. However, after following Optimus for so long, he felt he could accurately guess what the Prime would do. As a result, that’s the path he normally chose for things like this. 
So, the medic wondered what their leader might do. He’d undoubtedly give some form of motivational speech that would give any human speaker a run for their money. He’d stand there in front of them all as confident as ever with no sign of his faith that they’d make it through wavering and say something about everything working out perfectly. Then, he would give everyone their orders in that not-so-demanding tone that made it seem as if it was simply a suggestion, but one that they felt they needed to follow for the sake of every living being.
That’s what Ratchet imagined he did. He imagined he even did it better than Optimus might’ve, but it went a tad differently.
“As you all may or may not know,” he started unsure of how much Solarblaze had told them, “our base has been infiltrated by our enemy. It is likely that Soundwave was the one that slipped through our defenses. We must evacuate immediately and ensure that we are not pursued by any Decepticon.”
A Visit to the Doctor
“Alright.” Solarblaze nodded. “I’ll be back soon.” 
With that she flipped into her alt mode and shot down the corridor, suddenly finding her self grateful the base had hallways that allowed for travel via vehicle mode. With the com system down, it wasn’t like she could send a base-wide message. She’d have to track the others down individually. 
It took longer than she would have liked, but soon all the ‘bots - and the human kids that were hanging out with their guardians - were in the main room. Either they would leave by the groundbridge, or by the front entrance. 
Solarblaze hadn’t told anyone of Optimus’s situation. She had no doubts most of the others would want to go after their leader, they couldn’t risk such a large team however. 
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Ratchet packed things in order of importance as he wasn’t sure that they’d be able to bring it all with them. At the suggestion of the ground bridge being sabotaged, he glanced over at it. There was a high chance that it was, but it was better to be sure than to waste valuable time.
“I will check for any tampering as soon as I’ve collected everything that we might need.”
He was becoming increasingly frustrated with this situation. He still felt some form of disbelief that anyone had gotten in, even if it was someone as skilled as Soundwave. Also, the fact that it’d taken him so long to notice something was amiss was another matter entirely. The comm sabotage ensured that he wasn’t taking anymore chances either. If there was a single sign that they shouldn’t use the ground bridge, Ratchet wouldn’t chance it.
He’d nearly forgotten about Fowler and was glad his fellow ‘bot remembered. It would be important to make sure their human ally was aware of the situation so he didn’t stumble upon an unfortunate situation. Ratchet nodded in acknowledgement before continuing the preparations.
A Visit to the Doctor
Solarblaze gave a sharp nod. “I’ll alert the others, then meet you back here.” She turned to leave before pausing too look back at the medic, “Should we use the groundbridge or could that be sabotaged too?” 
Right now they had to worry about getting to a new location, then the mission would be to find Optimus. However, they would also have to find out how Soundwave had found them. If he’d done it once, then there was no doubt he’d be able to do it again. They could worry about that later though. 
Someone would also have to alert Fowler, she realized. She could tell one of the others to do it though. Her priority was finding Optimus. “I’ll tell Arcee to alert Fowler. He needs to know the base’s location has been compromised.” 
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Ratchet thought for a moment as he tried to make a decision. Of course he wanted to know where Optimus was and how he was doing just as much as anyone else, but he wasn’t sure it was wise to take the time to go looking for their leader right this moment. He was worried about him, but he was worried about all the autobots now. He knew the Prime would rather the medic ensure everyone else’s safety before he checked on his. Then again, Ratchet didn’t always follow Optimus’s code or orders exactly. 
“Alright, fine. We’ll go look for him while the others grab as much as they can and leave,” he decided.
He knew he just had to be apart of the mini search party for his friend. For one, if Optimus was injured, he might need a medic immediately. For two, Ratchet was too worried to sit around and do nothing. He desperately needed to find his old friend as soon as possible for both the Autobot cause and Ratchet’s own sake. He couldn’t think of any way that they’d be able to survive without Optimus and while he knew he was probably being a  little overdramatic, he felt that it wasn’t completely wrong.
He started to pack up some tools. One group that would be needed to be hauled along in the evacuation and another consisting of basic tools the medic might need out in the field. He hoped Optimus wasn’t hurt, but he knew it was better to be prepared for the worst.
A Visit to the Doctor
It was years of war honed instincts that had Solarblaze’s right arm shifting into blaster form as her left leg shifted back and she kept her optics on the malfunctioning machinery. It didn’t take her long to realize she was over reacting, her arm shifted back to its regular form as she stood up straight again. Sabotage. Yes, it must have been Soundwave. 
“Seems like a… logical course of action.” She hesitated at saying the word ‘logical’, as it reminded her of a tactician she was certain they’d never see again. “But what about Optimus? He’s on his own right now. For all we know Soundwave got his location and now the ‘cons are…” 
Optimus was a capable warrior, his strength was superior to most, but Megatron was no fool. He’d take nothing less than a small army to ambush the leader if he had the opportunity. 
“He could be in real trouble.” She frowned, considering their options. “We should tell the others to evacuate, then we’ve gotta go find Optimus.” 
By ‘we’ she meant either her and Ratchet or her and someone else. She was more than willing to charge into battle - especially to help another Autobot - but she wasn’t so foolish as to go alone. 
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Ratchet hesitated in answering as he let the diagnostic finish, though it never got the chance. The room practically filled with sparks of electricity as several devices connected to the console exploded or simply short-circuited. The medic flinched back from it and watched to make sure it didn’t catch fire or anything. Once, the surprise of it all died down a little, he sighed and concluded that it was definitely sabotage. 
He was tempted to say there was nothing either of them could do about their situation. It’d be mostly true which Ratchet figured was all that mattered. After all, tracking down Soundwave or whoever had broken  in, would be both pointless and dangerous, especially with no back up. Of course, Ratchet might be able to fix their systems, but it’d take so long that Megatron and his Decepticons would probably crush the Autobots and their base before it was finished.
“We have to relocate,” he decided.
Conceding defeat this way could certainly be described as the cowardly route, but the medic couldn’t come up with any other reliable ideas. They just had to hope that there was somewhere else to go. As for Optimus, Ratchet thought that their leader should be able to find them. It wasn’t the first time they’d been separated in such a way and it probably wouldn’t be the last.
A Visit to the Doctor
If it hadn’t occurred hours ago, Solarblaze would have suggested that it was possible the culprit might still be in the base and they could track ‘em down. But by now the ‘con had surely already left. The question was who was it and, more importantly, how’d they get it without anyone noticing? Especially since they had been so quick and quiet… oh no. 
As Ratchet strolled over to the console, Solarblaze murmured, “I can only think of one ‘con that quick and quiet - silent in fact - and if it was him… then we’re in real trouble.” 
If Soundwave had found his way into the base… then they were surely toast. There was no way Megatron’s most loyal lieutenant would keep the location of the Autobot base secret. 
“Sounds like Optimus might be too.” She murmured when static was the only response. Though, it was possible Optimus was simply in a bad area for signal. Somehow, Solarblaze got the feeling that wasn’t the case. Either Optimus was in real trouble or… could Soundwave have disabled the communications system?
Soundwave was quick and silent, as well as being the ‘tech guy’ - as the humans would call him - of the ‘cons. It wasn’t entirely out of the realm of possibility if Ratchet hadn’t been too close to the area. 
“What do we do, Ratchet?” Solarblaze asked, standing straight and tall as if awaiting an order from her commanding officer. 
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Ratchet thought back to the missing supplies. None of it had been anything too important, or, at least, not important enough to cause a huge fuss over. However, if it wasn’t an Autobot that had taken them, which seemed increasingly unlikely, then it could be a bit of trouble. He should’ve known that someone would’ve mentioned if they took supplies. No one would risk the medic’s wrath by not asking for permission first. 
“You’re right. He needs to know right now.” Ratchet felt a bit of panic settle in, but didn’t let it show. Worrying about how whoever got in managed to do so would have to wait. Alerting their leader and the others was the priority. If they were lucky, they could find a trail that could lead them to the culprit. Though, he was unsure how lucky such a discovery might be. After all, it could lead them to a trap instead.
Again, all that didn’t matter at the moment. Ratchet almost went to go look for Optimus when he remembered that he was out on a mission. The doctor quickly strode over to the console and tried the comm link.
“Optimus? Are you there?” 
The static response he got was unnerving and he suddenly had the feeling that things were worse off than he thought. He immediately ran a diagnostic on the equipment. It was rather strange that it wouldn’t be connecting at all.
A Visit to the Doctor
“I don’t think an Autobot could mess things up like that so quickly and quietly.” Solarblaze frowned, her hands clenching into fists. Oh, she knew a few that could have, but they were either dead or would have had the decency to say something and apologize. “Which means…”
It had been an enemy. An enemy had infiltrated the base un-detected and had caused a mess in the med bay… but why? “Was there anything missing?” The younger autobot asked suddenly. “If something was then we have our motive… though if it was a ‘con then they know the location of our base, and they could…” 
They could give the location to Megatron and have the base destroyed. Unless they were an outcast… no the location of the Autobot Base would be enough to earn their way back into the Decepticon ranks. “We should tell Optimus.” She said. “If it was an enemy then he has to know.” 
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Ratchet mulled over the idea for a moment before coming to the conclusion that his fellow ‘bot was right, and the realization was rather apparent on his face. The culprit had done it all rather quietly and it was far too quietly to ever be either one of the Wreckers. Even with the rare chance of them not making as much noise as they would’ve as they destroyed the place, he was sure they’d make some noise as they cursed the accidental mess.
“There’s no way that they could’ve done it,” he agreed in a thoughtful mutter. He added, “But then who is the culprit? I can’t think of anyone else who could cause such reckless destruction...”
This is just what he got for trying to be nice for once in his life. Though, he guessed if he assumed it was one of the Autobots, he wasn’t really being all that nice. Perhaps he just wanted it all to be much simpler than it actually was. If it wasn’t an Autobot, it had to be an enemy, and if it was an enemy, then someone had managed to infiltrate their base.
A Visit to the Doctor
The younger autobot frowned upon hearing that. “Did you hear something? You only stepped out for a moment so you weren’t that far from the med bay right? If you didn’t then I don’t think it was the Wreckers. ‘Quiet’ isn’t their style.” 
And if Ratchet heard them, he surely would have seen them making their escape, right? Or, perhaps one or the other had tried to be stealthy, sneaking in to grab something and then slip out again. If they’d been too quick it was possible they had messed things up… but it wouldn’t be that bad right? Besides, had anything even turned up missing? 
Solarblaze found she couldn’t think of anyone else who would leave the med bay in such a mess other than the Wreckers. Well, Smokescreen might have, but he would have surely gotten caught - he wasn’t as slick as he thought he was. 
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Reminded of the mess he cleaned up, Ratchet had to take a moment to ensure he didn’t let himself get worked up again over the situation. He momentarily considered if blaming Bulkhead was wise since he never technically found the true culprit.
“For once, I hope that what happened,” he muttered before deciding to explain better. “I stepped out for a moment only to return to the med bay looking absolutely destroyed! If it was Bulkhead, then I don’t think he did it alone.”
Some part of him wondered if it had been Bulkhead and Wheeljack who caused the mess. Perhaps they were playing some sort of wrecker game or whatever they did and it somehow ended up in the medbay. It made sense. Ratchet couldn't count the number of times he’d told them to stop or at least be more careful because their games got a tad too reckless.
A Visit to the Doctor
Solarblaze remained quiet for a long moment, considering the medic’s words. He was right of course, there was no reason for him to be so hostile, but she couldn’t just leave it at that. 
“You’re right.” She murmured quietly. “There is no excuse… but there are reasons. We can’t always be expected to respond the “right way”, can we? You didn’t, and neither did I. So… I guess we’re even?” 
It was true, she hadn’t responded to the situation well, and neither had Ratchet - though she didn’t know exactly what had put him in a bad mood in the first place. They weren’t perfect, as she’d said earlier, no one was. 
Though she was curious, what had put the medic in a bad mood in the first place? He was known for being grumpy, but he usually wasn’t that bad. “If you don’t mind my asking… what put you in a bad mood earlier anyway? Did Bulk break something again?”
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Ratchet frowned at her words, not feeling very satisfied by them. Though, perhaps it wasn’t her words he was unsatisfied with, but simply that he’d allowed her to feel somewhat responsible for the situation. He busied himself with pointless tasks such as rearranging things that were fine the way they were. He needed something to distract his otherwise occupied thoughts before they led him somewhere he didn’t want them to.
He felt a tad ridiculous if he was honest with himself, and the medic thought his actions were a bit too immature for him. He apologized with too much hesitation and now? Now, he just felt almost embarrassed by the whole situation. Or more accurately he was embarrassed by how big of a deal he was making his shame out to be.
“There is no excuse for me to treat a patient so rudely simply because I’m in a ‘bad mood,’” he stated. Barely seconds later, he realized the irony in his words, as he nearly always treated his patients with some form of hostility.
A Visit to the Doctor
The apology being waved off didn’t really come as a big surprise to Solarblaze - that was how most mechs she knew responded to apologies - what he said after though, was a bit of a surprise. Still cautious, she took a few more steps into med bay. 
She watched the medic, trying to figure out what was on his processor. It wasn’t easy and she found herself drawing blanks. The only thing that stood out was his clear hesitation. Then, he apologized. 
Solarblaze was quiet for a long few moments, mostly out of surprise than anything. She, admittedly, wasn’t used to others apologizing to her. Either because she was the one who had screwed up or because apologies had been unnecessary - replaced by the silent understanding that both were sorry and all was forgiven. 
“I guess we both let our tempers get the better of us.” She murmured in reply. It was better than a simple ‘apology accepted’ which seemed too flat for her. “Besides, I was asking for it. You were already in a bad mood when I came in, I only aggravated it by responding in kind.” 
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“Nonsense.” The medic simply waved off her apology and acted as if it were no big deal. He frowned momentarily as he realized that his response probably wasn’t the best way to go about it and figured he better clarify before he caused more unnecessary problems. “There’s no need for you to apologize,” he stated simply.
Ratchet hesitated trying to find the right words to say. He never was quite good at this. Admitting work mistakes seemed so much easier despite the slight shame he felt at being proven wrong, but trying to remedy a pointless argument about anything else proved to be much harder for him. 
In this case, there was the easy way out, which Ratchet refused to take. That way was simply accepting the other’s apology and acting as if nothing had happened. It left too many things unresolved between the two and the doctor hated such tension, even if it wasn’t all that apparent. No, instead Ratchet figured it was his place to apologize as he had started the whole ordeal. This way all loose ends were tied up perfectly. Or, at least, that’s how he viewed it.
“I should be the one to apologize,” he stated almost inaudibly. Then, gathering up the courage, but refusing to look towards his fellow autobot’s face, Ratchet said, “I’m sorry for my actions earlier today. I was... Out of line.”
A Visit to the Doctor
The youngling in her wanted to snicker when the medic almost fell, she refrained though. Clearly she’d startled him from whatever rant he’d been about to go on (though, now that she thought about it, it sounded less like a rant and more like an Optimus-styled lecture). “I… um… I wanted to appologize, for earlier.” 
It was times like this how young she was seemed to show, yeah, she was older than Bumble Bee, but she was still rather young. Her optics were down-cast, ashamed. She looked smaller, her platting drawn close to her form instead of flared out in anger. 
“I went a little too far, I’m sorry.” She murmured, her optics rising briefly to meet his. Though she had gone to far, she didn’t regret saying everyone made mistakes and no one was perfect. If anything, she was backing up that claim right at the moment. 
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Ratchet had been pacing as he spoke to himself, however that and his monologue were interrupted by the new arrival. Startled, the poor medic nearly fell as he crashed into a table covered in supplies, a few of which fell onto the floor. Luckily, he managed to steady himself with the same table and prevented further embarrassment. Normally, he’d be a more graceful in such case, but he’d been fairly deep in thought when Solarblaze spoke.
He waited to answer until he’d collected himself a little. The doctor allowed the silence to continue as he plucked the fallen objects from the ground and placed them back where they belonged. He straightened himself and brushed away imaginary dirt before finally feeling ready to respond.
“Yes?” he started before remembering what she’d asked. “Uh, no. No, I’m not busy,” he clarified. 
It was good that she’d returned to his medbay.  He felt the need to clear some things up, but he wondered if later might’ve been a better time. Perhaps when he hadn’t been talking to himself like a madman. He figured it didn’t matter now.
A Visit to the Doctor
Solarblaze didn’t swallow her pride and apologize nearly as much as she should, but this was one case where she would do so without being prompted. She had gone a little far earlier - even if she still felt she’d been right - and it wasn’t entirely fair to the medic. So here she was, approaching med bay once again. She paused at the entrance, finding Ratchet rambling to himself. 
“Ratchet?” She stayed by the entrance, ready to make a quick get-away if things started going south again. Not that she felt she had to run from the medic, she just didn’t want a repeat of earlier’s exchange. 
Her blue optics studied the medic, he seemed less likely to explode like a volcano this time, that was a good sign at least. “Are you busy?” 
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((I started this blog at probably the worst time. School starts in less than a week and everyone wants every second of what little time I have. Plus I haven’t started my summer homework which is about 100 questions sooo...
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Ratchet had simply let her walk off. He had more important things to worry about. Such as the missing supplies he’d noticed when he went to put back everything else. He thought this was particularly strange as someone would’ve been bound to have noticed if there had been an intruder. Despite his faith in his fellow autobots, some deep part of him began to wonder if it had been one of them that had snatched the supplies. 
As time passed and Ratchet examined his medbay for clues, he started to calm down. Since it became easier to think rationally, he figured someone must’ve simply borrowed them supplies since they couldn’t find the doctor. Though, if this was the case and he found out who took them, he’d have to make it clear they should leave a note instead of a mess next time.
So, with that problem temporarily “solved,” Ratchet had time to reflect on his earlier interaction and realized just how terrible he had treated his patient. He processed what he had said and the response Solarblaze had given and sighed in annoyance at his own ignorance to what she had been suggesting. He could imagine the speech Optimus would give him if he got wind of the conversation, so Ratchet figured he’d save the Prime some time and began to give himself his own version of such a speech.
“Our soldiers are working and suffering just as much as you are and perhaps even as hard as you once did,” he rambled as if he were his dear old friend.
A Visit to the Doctor
“You’re right, no one should be getting injured since it is just sparring. But no one’s perfect.” Solarblaze agreed, though there was a bitter tone to her voice. What? Where they expected to be perfect? To be able to avoid injuries at all times? That was just unrealistic. 
She didn’t give the medic the satisfaction of hearing her yelp in pain when her cheveron was set back in place quickly. If anything, she was grateful it had been quick. Besides, the pain helped snap her back into focus. She wasn’t rising to the bait. 
She rose to her feet, the movement slow and purposeful. “We do learn. Sparring - fighting - is all us younger ‘bots know after all. But we all make mistakes, we aren’t perfect. And it’s not fair to expect us younger ‘bots to be perfect considering the older generation made mistakes that lead to a war that robbed us younger bots of our families, our sparklinghoods, our planet.” 
She was angry, her optics burning bright and her voice almost staticy from the force of her emotions. Bitterness dripped from every word that left her voicebox. Ordinarily she wouldn’t speak this out loud. What good would it do? She saw the guilty looks some of the older ‘bots had when the war’s effects showed on her, or one of the other younger ‘bots. But after recent events - battles getting worse, autobot numbers dwindling, resources becoming scarce, the gravity of the impossible situation they were in weighting down on every one - she didn’t care to hold anything back anymore. 
“Sorry for wasting your time and valuable resources, Doctor.” She spat as she turned and stalked towards the exit. She had to get out of here. Least she do something that’d really get her in trouble. Even through her anger she knew she wasn’t being completely fair - the medic had clearly been in a bad mood when she’d walked in and she had aggravated it further - but at the moment she didn’t care. 
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