     Bernard's look was uncharacteristically annoyed, he wasn't even hiding it at this point.     It remains a mystery, how both horned individuals ended up with each other. Where oh where are their companions   ?   Crimson eyes fail to answer the cleric's question, he was stuck now. With Zandi. Who did a grand job at sabotaging his chances.
Irritation soon rushed through every fiber of his being, both hands nervously rearranging the mask again, back to its original position over his nose.     ❝ Zandi--   ! ❞     The tiefling grunts, tail thumping against the parquet tiles on the floor, audibly so.
And yet, he regarded this bold man, a blank nod after noticing the elf Zandi gestured to.     ❝ Trying. Succeeding, even, if you stop playing around. I fear it becomes hard to relax if there is a living menace next to you, seeking attention like a lost dog. No offense. I love dogs. ❞     The cleric added quickly.
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     ❝ Humor me. What were your plans   ?   I suppose going home with somebody isn't your cup of tea   ? ❞
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Zandi snickered and snorted like a child, his nose wrinkling beneath his own black mask of ragged edges, a smattering of brightly colored fingerprints and mottled, haphazard hawk feathers. Maybe if Bernard had been left to his own devices, maybe if that angry tail of his didn't make him look more 'fitful cat' than 'dashing', and if only he'd been able to take anyone else with him, he might have managed something like whatever the hell 'playful tact' was supposed to be. Which meant it was all the more impossible to make it easy for the poor, pining bastard.
Zandi mirrored Bernard's folded arms and leaned in with equal illicitness, nodding toward a slender-shouldered elvish man whose half-mask glittered like a necklace of jewels as he swept by. "Tryin' to go home with somebody, huh? Y'know what'd help with that?"
He reached up to pinch the bridge of Bernard's mask, grin with all the intent of a creature proudly tipping a glass shelf, and twist it upside down.
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     ❝ Aah ~  !   So you were one of these . . . extremists. Not the bad kind-- Like, I know some druids who spend years in wild-shape just to connect with nature. You were raised by wolves, then   ?   Able to speak common, after all. ❞     A cheeky nod, canines flashed in a display of sheer self-confidence  &  bravado, as he shrugged his shoulders. If someone offered him organs, he would rather have them grilled or cooked. Raw was . . . a bit messy for his own tastes.
Morren's confusion about the taboo topic only underlined her past. Refreshing, to have someone not irking him about heats  &  ruts. Experiencing those was battle enough, and in a way, the woman was right. It was nature. Bernard could do blissfully little against it. Well, except indulging in these desires   —   to have a slightly longer break in between.
     ❝ Nooo, no, no. Tieflings might be descendants of devils  &  cambions, but we do not harm our lovers. We also do not practice cannibalism. At least, I fortunately know nobody who does. You see, we are a race like many others. We eat, we drink, we socialize, we fuck. Only thing that really separates us, are the looks. ❞     And, by the Gods, damned he shall be if he didn't look gorgeous with this tail  &  horns.
Continued from here @yourfavoritetiefling
Morren pointed at herself and dryly remarked "Raised by wolves. The only anatomy lessons were "where to bite to bring your prey down" and "best bits of the carcass". It's the organ meat, by the way. Lots of nutrients."
Morren had never even seen a tiefling before until now. Sure, she knew they existed, but knew nothing else. They could have been 13ft tall with wings for all she knew. The fact that they rutted like deer apparently was news to her and so inevitably curiosity had taken over.
"It's just nature." she shrugged "I don't see why everyone gets so uptight about talking about it. Besides, there are much worse ways to go about it. At least you don't drop dead at the end like some creatures do...or get eaten by your partner."
Unless tieflings did do that...they didn't did they? They did have some quite sharp teeth.
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» Wall Lurking .
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» Wall Lurking .
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     ❝ Meet me at the temple. 12 o'clock. No knives, no bows or crossbows. ❞
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» Wall Lurking .
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     ❝ I have no issues, do you have issues   ?   I'm perfectly fine, mentally healthy and all. You can't tame a fiery heart, flirting is one of my biggest strengths . ❞
And so, this honest offer of help is tossed aside as hate mail. Probably someone jealous, tsk.
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» Wall Lurking .
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     ❝ Gods above, it will grow. Give it some time   ! ❞      Maybe he regrets agreeing to a spot on the board. It gives too much opportunity to . . . make fun of the tiefling. Anonymously. Sigh.
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      Quiet, infernal curses were muttered under his breath, patting along his belt in hopes he just misplaced his belongings.      What caught his attention next was the sound of a bird taking flight right next to him, startled if anything, Bernard stumbled aside from the raven who already went on its quest.
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     ❝ Hells, you do need to warn me before you call birds. What's next   ?   A Displacer   ? ❞     The playful remark merely used to blanket his very not-heroic little shock. Usually so vigilant, the cleric felt like he was part of an unfunny skit. Tiefling kids, out of everything, too. Cursed shall be their cute round beady eyes, cursed he shall be for letting them distract the former soldier enough to steal from not only himself, but his companion. That poor bastard was blind. It would be Bernard's task to keep Age save from any roguish activity.
     ❝ Your house. Aaalright. You don't look small enough to . . . fit into anything you carried with you. Well, anyway--. As far as I know, these children could have disappeared anywhere. I suppose the bird's the plan   ? ❞     Motioning to Age'ian's flying friend, eagerly scanning the Grove from above, the Helmite hoped his answer was a 'yes'  &  their belongings not too far from here. As much as he hated intimidating the younglings, his badge was of utter importance. He needed this back. Dearly.
At first, Age'ian had been more amused by the very concept that the children had managed to steal something from Bernard, since usually someone sightless would be a prime target for such a crime. But then as Age went to test that theory, he noticed that not only was his prized Reading Stone missing from his pocket, but so was his collapsible tent!
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"Well, unfortunately yes. Seems those pesky children have literally stolen my home." The tent was enchanted of course, able to collapse down to the size of a ring box. Very convenient! Unless it was stolen of course...
The blind tiefling reached up to make sure the kids hadn't managed to also steal the obsidian feather that hung from his ear, breathing a sigh of relief when he felt it there. Effortlessly, he snapped the feather in two and summoned his raven familiar. The bird took wing, swooping through the grove to try and find where those rascals had gone.
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Benny as soon as someone points out his mustache :
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When your group's wizard is evocation school :)
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@wolf-eyes-wolf-soul sent
"So how does it work? Do you get all aggressive [deepens voice] "no, my females" [back to normal] like a stag or is it a case of "mate until you drop" like a salmon?" (Morren is curious lol)
   𝙻𝙴𝚃𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚂 .   unprompted interactions ────────────────────────
     𝐀 𝐝𝗿𝘆 𝘀𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝗿 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐡𝘁 𝗿𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐨𝗿𝗿𝐞𝐧'𝘀 𝐞𝐚𝗿𝘀, 𝐧𝐨𝘄 𝘄𝐡𝐨 𝘄𝐚𝘀 𝐚𝐜𝘁𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝘂𝗿𝐢𝐨𝘂𝘀   ?      If he had to take a guess, the ranger's question was aimed towards the tiefling's ruts, which occurred every other month. Some harsher, some more decent, depending on how lucky Bernard was in getting his hands on a suitable partner.
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     ❝ As much as I would prefer the first option, I am afraid I fall under the second case. It's, (sigh) not as hot as it sounds. At least I can still keep a bit of chivalry. I don't just . . . jump onto the next best person (most of the time). Not sure if other tieflings would put their stamp under my statement  :   After all, it depends on the subject, does it not   ? ❞
Bernard's brows quirk up in the subtlest of ways, eyeing Morren knowingly.       ❝ Don't they teach tiefling anatomy in school anymore, or why so interested in my heat, hm  ? ❞
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A little trauma comic :3c
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@fortune-feather sent
"May I have this dance?" he asked with a bow, "You might have to lead, though."
❥ source
      ❝ May you   ? ❞     A trick question   —   of course he wouldn't deny the little moon-darling this moment. Would be straight up hilarious to refuse Age'ian. The moment was right  &  to be frank, Bernard was just waiting for a moment like this. Not quite sure as for why he even waited. The man was never one to hesitate  &  just go for a bold show   —   may the others stare, even better so.
It was strange, how his confidence crackled in the slightest. Was it because the tiefling didn't indulge in dancing lessons when he was younger   ?   The closest thing he was proudly able to figure out was a healthy shuffle, similar to Karlach's idle fidgeting whenever nobody looked her way. It could not be that hard. Most of the attendants around here seem to just walk in circles. Slowly. Hells, he can figure that out easily.
A subtle bow before offering his hand, then, after a good ten seconds of silence, taking Age's palm in his own. The man wouldn't be able to see the gesture, Bernard recalled. A clear of throat,     ❝ Follow me, then. Never did much leading as a soldier, but a dance, pff, of course. ❞
And he made sure the pair was close to each other. Reaching along the blind one's side, before a warm hand rested above his waist. How fortunate, he took notes of the other visitors. That's how they do it, right   ?
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     ❝ So, do people even talk while dancing   ?   Or are they just . . . staying silent until the music stops   ? ❞     Grinning cheekily, the question held some portion of true curiosity while idly swaying, hoping Age had more of a plan on how to move  &  giving the ocher one something to copy.
     ❝ Not a bit overstimulating for you, Age   ?   It's much noise, is it not . . . Your birdie is alright with taking a break, I hope   ? ❞
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@dunerover sent
"Ey, Burns. Your mask's upside down." It wasn't. But it'd be very funny if Bernard checked. [I couldn't find one from the list that fit so I made one up, shh—]
❥ source
      𝐈𝘁 𝘄𝐚𝘀 𝐪𝘂𝐢𝘁𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐚𝗿𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐨𝘄 𝘄𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝘁𝐡𝐞 𝘁𝐢𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝘁𝐨 𝘁𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞.     Ocher tail flicks with surprise, ears follow suit before Bernard reaches both hands up in panic, feeling along the mask covering the upper portion of his face.
Touch touch touch.
Soon, the cleric began to frown as he discovered Zandi was, yet again, trying to pull a joke out of the whole situation.
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     ❝ It ISN'T. ❞     He stated dryly after recovering from the first shock.     ❝ The hell you get from spreading lies like that   ? ? ❞     Irritated if anything, Bernard's tail lashed from left to right, like a cat that had been provoked one too many times. Still, his brows stay queried.
Sharp ears already caught sounds of quiet giggles from the group next to the pair   —   wonderful.     ❝ You can't give me a shocker like that. Look at all these people here. One hotter than the other, I tell you . . . ❞     Crossing his arms  &  conspiratorially leaning over to the fellow tiefling, crimson eyes dance over the scenery. What came to mind was some cringe of regret, having to drag Zandi along. If he kept up with his mischief, the Helmite will score nothing but slaps across his face tonight.
     ❝ Do not try to sabotage me tonight, a'ight   ?   I didn't come here to play jester. ❞
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y'all are signing up for a spot in hell I swear.
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✨The guy ✨
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🎭 Masquerade Ball Starters 🎭
“Did you really think hiding your cheek bones was going to fool anyone?” “Do I…know you?” “Have we met before?” “Are you sure I don’t know you?” “Your eyes are absolutely captivating.” “I don’t think we’ve met yet.” “May I have this dance?” “You look positively enchanting this evening.” “I’d know those dazzling eyes anywhere.” “These skirts make it so hard to move.” “Some of these costumes are so extravagant. They must have cost a fortune.” “You look quite ravishing in that dress.” “You look quite handsome in that suit.” “Can I see your face?” “I don’t think you want to see my face.” “My God, you could fit an entire circus under her pannier. How’d she even fit through the door?” “Champagne?” “My feet are killing me.” “I never thought I’d see you in something so fancy.” “I feel like I’m rubbing elbows with the queen right now.” “Care to sneak away with me? I doubt we will be missed.” “Can you guess who I am under here?” “I’d compliment your beauty, but I can’t see it under there. You’ll have to accept my compliments to your mask instead, it’s quite lovely.” “I can’t hear you through that mask. Did you really have to choose one that covers your mouth?” “Do you know who I am?” “Do you know who she is?” “Do you know who he is?” “You’re very light on your feet.” “Ow! It’s like you have two left feet.” “I’m a terrible dancer.” “Who cares if you’re a good dancer? Have fun! No one will know it’s you anyway!” “No one’s asked me to dance all night…” “I feel like I’m in a dream!” “Can we please go home? This is torture.” “How did I ever let you talk me into coming here?” “I prefer watching from the sidelines to participating.” “You’ve spent the entire evening at the snack table.” “Can I cut in?” “I have to go.” “I’m not supposed to be here. If they catch me I’m in trouble!” “Please. What is your name? I want to see you again.”
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❝ NeXt TiMe, LeT mE diE . . . Tsk, strange way of saying 'Thank you, Bernard. I appreciated you healing me.'  ❞
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Fuck you
*beards your Benny*
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