yugospersonal · 5 hours
I dont think anything on this earth tickles me so hard as how busted white people look in the yakuza franchise
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its so dhsjdjfjxjfjgk
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yugospersonal · 5 hours
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demon slayer
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yugospersonal · 7 hours
I hate that "depth of flavor" is actually a meaningful term. It sounds like such bullshit. Today I bit into a sauteed onion seasoned with salt and cumin and audibly said "Yuuuuup it needed that depth of flavor." Like some kinda asshole. I was right though.
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yugospersonal · 8 hours
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yugospersonal · 8 hours
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There is absolutely nothing you could make up about American politics. Imagination is dead. It's useless.
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yugospersonal · 8 hours
I thinks folks expressing incredulity at the quality of the writing and composition in Calvin and Hobbes are often missing the context that Bill Watterson is arguably the most influential sequential artist of his generation. Like, this is a guy who once told the editors of nationally syndicated newspapers to go fuck themselves when they wanted to mess with his panel layouts, and not only did he keep his job, he got his way. He could have had literally any gig he wanted, and he chose to be the Sunday funnies guy because that's what made him happy. He's basically the Weird Al of sequential art.
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yugospersonal · 10 hours
I was trying to explain to my grandma what being bisexual meant and saying that I looked at ladies butts and she was all “You’re not GAY everyone checks out ladies rear ends” and my sister was like “I have never wanted to look at a ladies butt” Later my grandma called me and was like “I THINK I MIGHT BE A LITTLE GAY”
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yugospersonal · 11 hours
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Good, Cars shouldn't be enjoyable, we need to end automotive dependence immediately
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yugospersonal · 11 hours
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a clue!
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yugospersonal · 12 hours
it really is mind-boggling to me that the only reason i know about the Congolese and Sudanese genocides is because of the tireless work of grassroots activists and advocates posting on social media. I can honestly say that if I didn't have social media and didn't happen to be following Black authors and activists, I never would have known what was happening in Sudan and Congo because it is simply not being reported in the great majority of mainstream media. We're talking millions upon millions of PEOPLE enduring unimaginable pain and devastation with next to no official reporting. And yes that is in huge part due to the level of violence and displacement occurring that is preventing a lot of news from getting out of these countries, but it's also so blatantly due to anti-Black racism and the perception of African Nations as inherently savage and violent. But genocide is not and never should be normal for anyone anywhere. With that in mind, please keep Congo and Sudan in your thoughts. Check out Focus Congo for resources to help the Congolese people on the ground. Focus Congo's MO is a local organisation whose goal is to rebuild homes, rehabilitate land, and provide medical aid, education, and resources to Congo's most affected people. Also, Check out Keep Eyes On Sudan for how to help out and raise awareness of Sudanese people displaced by civil war. According to Sudanese TikToker bsonblast, donations to local food kitchens in Sudan are desperately needed to fight famine. If anyone has other resources specifically for helping Congo and Sudan, please add them and link them <3
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yugospersonal · 12 hours
verified ways to send aid to gaza directly
Help a Palestinian family directly:
gazafunds.com - Donate directly to a Palestinian family in urgent need of evacuation, medical attention, food, rebuilding homes/businesses etc. (Spotlights 1 verified gfm at a time so if you don't know who/where to donate to just go here and donate to the one they show you!)
Help provide tents (urgent):
The Sameer Project: Currently providing tents for displaced families in Gaza (emergency bc tents in Rafah are being burned as we speak) (paypal) (gfm)
Food, cash & essentials:
Care for Gaza: Working on the ground in Gaza to distribute food, cash, medicine & other essentials to displaced families. (paypal) (gfm)
Direct Aid for Gaza: also working on the ground in Gaza to distribute food, cash & other daily essential suppliess to displaced families. (paypal) (gfm)
Gaza Municipality's water project: The official Municipality of Gaza needs help rebuilding the water infrastructure in Gaza City to restore access to clean water and waste management services for the people of Gaza. (This campaign only has a couple of weeks left but it's still only at 15%!)
eSIMs (urgent):
guide to buy & send esims for gaza
crips for esims for gaza: If you don't know how to buy esims or don't have the capacity to manage them (e.g. topping up regularly), this team of volunteers are collecting funds to buy & manage gaza esims regularly
Medical Aid
Palestine Red Crescent Society: Provides emergency medical and ambulance services and humanitarian relief on the ground in Gaza e.g. rescuing and treating the wounded.
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yugospersonal · 12 hours
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i found the second funniest map in the world today
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yugospersonal · 13 hours
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Take of all time
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yugospersonal · 13 hours
in Disco Elysium I was expecting there to be some kind of “addiction mechanic” that would add a long-term downside to taking drugs, and was surprised not only by the absence of any such mechanic but also that the benefits of drugs greatly outweighed the cost. anyways fast forward to the late game and I was downing three bottles of pyrholidon and smoking an entire pack of cigarettes before attempting any check, and it was only then I realized there was in fact an addiction mechanic
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yugospersonal · 13 hours
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seeing this before my retail job shift...the world wants me to suffer
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yugospersonal · 14 hours
"he would not fucking say that" but about injuries. he would not fucking recover that quickly. those scars would not fucking heal like that. he would not be fucking able bodied after that. he would not be fully lucid after that.
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yugospersonal · 14 hours
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