This is part of Yuval Levental
Yuval Levental is the world's first person to be cured from Autism.  He was born on September 16, 1992 in Michigan.  When Yuval was young, he didn't talk much but was an early reader.  It seemed that he was going to be successful in the future.  However, in college, his grades began to drop.  He heard many stories about how Autism was supposed to be good, but later learned about how some autistics actually advocated for a cure.  He eventually discovered a study that said autistics had different facial features.  It took him a while, but he eventually went to a plastic surgeon looking for treatment.  In the meantime, he was studying in France when one of the Professors there offered him disability services.  This was the first time in his life since elementary school that this service was offered.  However, he decided to move back to the United States and visit that plastic surgeon.  The surgeon told Yuval that the muscle above his forehead was working too hard.  To resolve this problem, he decided to inject botox into the area.  He later described the effects as follows, "I felt like a weight that was on top of my forehead was lifted off.  I felt like my perception was more multidimensional, and that I could see around me at different angles.  Additionally, I felt like there were a few hooks in the muscle region pulling me forward. It was easier for me to plan into the future, but at the same time, feel more comfortable in the moment."  Read more at https://corticalchauvinism.com/2016/07/21/yuval-levental-plastic-surgery-and-autism/
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Hello world!
My name is Yuval Levental.  This is my first Tumblr post.
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