zamrockbilly-blog · 7 years
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NAME:Lorenzo Enzo Michelangelo de Angelis
SEXUAL PREFERENCE: pansexual-Pansexuality, or omnisexuality, is the sexual attraction, romantic love, or emotional attraction toward people regardless of their sex or gender identity. Pansexual people may refer to themselves as gender-blind, asserting that gender and sex are insignificant or irrelevant in determining whether they will be sexually attracted to others.[4][5] Pansexuality may be considered a sexual orientation in its own right or a branch of bisexuality, to indicate an alternative sexual identityBecause pansexual people are open to relationships with people who do not identify as strictly men or women, and pansexuality therefore rejects the gender binary, it is often considered a more inclusive term than bisexual. To what extent the term bisexual is inclusive when compared to the term pansexual is debated within the LGBT community, especially the bisexual community “Whoever said I was gay? What is gay anyway?
BIRTHDATE:october 31st 1990 AGE: Note in some verses such as the movie verse and in Enzo's ghost verse he will be twenty five because that's how old he was in the movie and book and I won't have him age. Thank you.Twenty-six verse dependent GENDER: Male HOROSCOPE: Scorpio R/S STATUS: Note in some verses the movie verse and the Single verse dependent taken in other verses dating Hayley st claire in canon verse and Jack St Claire in a canon verse. HOMETOWN:Texas LOCATION:LA verse dependent OCCUPATION: Guitarist, singer in the band Plush. Director, songwriter, composer and producer and serial killer verse dependent HOBBIES: Crashing yoga classes, singing, song writing, dancing, spending time with his mother,making movies with his father's old Bolex, repearing old toys and vintage musical instruments. PAST OCCUPATION: Drug dealer DOMINATE HAND: Left Hand he’s right handed. He is ambidextrous his left hand is his guitar playing hand. WEAPON: Enzo carries around with him a bowie knife that his mother gave him when he was younger to protect him from the kids at school that wanted to bully him. RELIGION:Catholic, but he stopped going to church when he got older. LEVEL OF EDUCATION:: Highschool INSTRUMENTS.: Guitar, Piano, Voice, violin. He is self taught in piano his mother had a piano and he taught himself how to play when his father wasn’t home. Just like with the guitar his mother gave him a guitar when he was punished by his father and locked in the basement because he didn’t want to play sports and do what his father wanted him to do and act how the man wanted him to act. FACE CLAIM :Xavier Samuel verse dependent|Christopher Craven HEIGHT:5 ft 10 inches WORD: Fuck WISHES:: To be loved Back by his soul mate. SECRETS:Enzo caused his father’s car to go off a ridge by taking his bowie knife and cutting the brake lines of his father’s car after a fight they had. He has his father's old shoes to remember him by. His older sister isn’t really married with two kids and living in New York she’s dead. Enzo tortured and murdered her for a video he was working on with his father’s Bolex. He kept her shoes and her hand to remember her by. Jack St Claire was murdered by Enzo, who injected his former lover with heroin one night after a plush concert. Enzo killed him because Jack didn’t love him back the way he loved him. He after the other’s death joined the band taking the guitarists place. He murdered Claire a girl in his school who told everyone that Enzo after playing a game of seven minutes in heaven in a locked closet freaked out and was banging on the closet to be let out. So after getting kicked out of school at sixteen Enzo who is now seventeen found her at a party and he lied to her and told her that he was going to give her free drugs if she goes with him to this old house in town and she said yes and he tortured and killed her just like the Texas Debutant killer did with those he killed. Enzo kept a lock of her hair to remember her by with the article about her death. He waited until he was ready to kill her. The issue happened when they were in school together and he was sixteen. KINKS/FETISHES: Bondage, Handcuffs, Knife Play, hair pulling, dressing up, Blood Play, tattoos, Branding and more. >
PERSONALITY: Caring, protective, Friendly, Loving, the protector type,Gifted,Idealistic, Innocent, Headstrong — someone who is energetically wilful and determined. This means the character is very strong-willed and if they want something, they won’t let anyone stand in their way. Negative traits: Secretive, Immature, Violent, dishonest, Jealous, unsympathetic,Sadistic, Obsessive, Controlling, Bold,Lustful,Liar, Manipulative, Covetous — someone who is has a great need to have something they can’t have. This is similar to jealousy except someone who is covetous will do whatever it takes to get what they want, whereas a jealous person just envies the other. Envious - Showing extreme cupidity; painfully desirous of another’s advantages; covetous, jealous, Immature - Emotionally undeveloped; juvenile; childish.troubled [ beset by problems or conflict ], vulnerable [ susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm ], dependent [ a person who relies on another ],, manipulative [ characterized by unscrupulous control of a situation or person ] Lewd - Inclined to, characterized by, or inciting to lust or lechery; lascivious. Obscene or indecent, as language or songs; salacious. Liar - Compulsively and purposefully tells false truths more often than not. A person who has lied or who lies repeatedly. Lustful - Driven by lust; preoccupied with or exhibiting lustful desires. Masochist - The deriving of sexual gratification, or the tendency to derive sexual gratification, from being physically or emotionally abused. A willingness or tendency to subject oneself to unpleasant or trying experiences. Abusive - Characterized by improper infliction of physical or psychological maltreatment towards another. Addict - One who is addicted to a compulsive activity. Examples: gambling, drugs, sex LUCKY NUMBER: 13 FOOD:: Anything his mother cooks. : DRINK: Irish gin COLORS:Black,Red,blue-Just like his nails are painted. INSTRUMENT: His bass guitar that was given to him by his mother when he was a teenager and his father used to punish him and lock him in the basement. Occupation: Rock star verse dependent ANIMAL: Volture HOLIDAY: Halloween WEATHER: Cold weather SEASON: Winter BAND/GROUP: Plush SONG: Head Like a hole, Any song from Plush anything off their older records. MOVIE/FILM: Howls Moving Castle QUOTE: It’s so universal Pain, pleasure, light, darkness. In order to create, you have to embrace the dark side.” Number:13 PERSON : His mother
( &&. SKILLS) TALENTS : Repairing old toys, vintage microphones and vintage musical instruments. Enzo can put out a cigarette with his tongue. When he was nineteen he was at a party and he wanted to get attention from the other guests at the party. So he said to them look what I can do and he took his cigarette and he put it out on his tongue and he threw it down stepping on it with his boot heel. One of the guests asked him if it hurt when he did that. Enzo said no it didn’t and he started laughing like a madman after the person asked him about what he did with putting out his cigarette on his tongue. Enzo fears: Enzo fears not being loved by someone. Being without his mother. not having the person that he loves love him back the way he loves them. Just like it was with Jack and his sister and father. Enzo knows that he can make someone love him the way he should be loved by them Fear headcanon: closets Dark places Enzo has a lot of fears from when he’s a child such as being locked in a closet and being locked in a dark basement thanks to his father always punishing him and locking him in a closet or in a basement when he was a little boy until he became a teenager.Enzo would hear the sound of the birds chirping outside as he got older he hated being locked in small spaces and he would freak out all the time and have flashbacks of his abuse and of being that boy in the closet that his father would abuse all the time. That lasted for hours until the man let his son out of the closet or his mother would by taking, the key and letting him out so he could get something to eat. When he turned sixteen Enzo was at a party and he was asked to play seven minutes in heaven with this girl the same girl that he killed at that party when he turned seventeen Claire. The boy started kicking and screaming to be let out of the closet and the girl started laughing at him and telling him that she is going to tell everyone about his freakout the next day at school and he will never be able to live it down and Enzo wasn’t about to let that happen. Finally, he got let out of the closet and the boy left the party and he came home and he told his mother what happened at the party and about what the girl did to him and she is the only person that knows about his fear of closets outside of the kids at school and at the party. The next day at school Enzo was teased by everyone in his class and he cut class and he made a vow to never ever show his fear of closets and small spaces ever again to anyone because they might use it against him. About enzo’s tattoos : Enzo has on his lower back Hayley and jack forever and he got it to celebrate the bands second album. The photos were on the bands website Enzo wanted to prove his devotion to the band by getting the tattoo of Hayley and Jack but it was another part of his plan that only made Jack think that he was weird for having that tattoo on his lower back. THE SECOND TATTOO was on his right arm black dots going up and down them hiding track marks from years of herion use. He got the tattoo when he turned twenty to hide the needle marks on his arm. But he still shoots up in other areas never in the place where he got his tattoo. He would shoot up in that arm all the time. His father saw the marks in his arms and he asked him about it. Enzo got into a fight with his father and he left home for a few days to escape and he got high to numb the pain. He had always loved tattoos and he plans on getting something else soon when he has the time. The only thing his father ever gave him was an old bolex and scars. It’s so universal pain pleasure, light,darkness. in order to create, you have to embrace the dark side [ Bold which is most applicable to your muse between the two options! ] Book smarts OR Street smarts Extroverted Sensible OR Imaginative Brave OR Foolhardy Family OR Friends Wrath OR Greed Sunrise OR Sunset Indoors OR Outdoors Night owl OR Early bird Technology OR Old fashioned Left-handed OR Right-handed < ( &&. Firsts) Childhood memory : When Enzo was six years old his parents were fighting and the boy was playing with his sister’s dolls in his room and his father walked into his sister’s bedroom and he beat the boy for acting too girly and Enzo will never forget that for as long as he should live. Crush : Jack St Claire JOB : Drug Dealer KISS: Jack St Claire from the band Plush. LOVE : Jack St Claire SEXUAL EXPERIENCE : Jack St Claire even though it wasn’t his first time. ( &&. THIS OR THAT) EXPENSIVE OR INEXPENSIVE TASTES?: Expensive HYGIENIC OR UNHYGIENIC? : Hygienic OPEN-MINDED OR CLOSE-MINDED? : Open-minded INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT? : Introvert OPTIMISTIC OR PESSIMISTIC?:Optimistic DAREDEVIL OR CAUTIOUS? : Daredevil LOGICAL OR EMOTIONAL? : emotional GENEROUS OR STINGY? : Generous POLITE OR RUDE?: Polite and rude BOOK SMART OR STREET SMART? :Street smart DOMINANT OR SUBMISSIVE? : Dominant and submissive POPULAR OR LONER?: Popular and Loner DAY OR NIGHT PERSON?: Night person CAT OR DOG PERSON?: both Closet door open or closed while sleeping?> : Closet door open ( ( &&. Miscellaneous) Do they have a fake I.D.?: yes Are they a virgin?: No Do they travel? Yes One place they would like to live: Anywhere with the person that he loves BROKEN A BONE | GOTTEN STITCHES | HAD A NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE | KILLED SOMEONE | tried and failed to kill someone | invented something | BEEN HUNG OVER | KISSED SOMEONE | SLOW-DANCED | BEEN IN A LONG-TERM RELATIONSHIP | HAD SEX | HAD SEX AND REGRETTED IT | HAD A ONE-NIGHT STAND | HAD A THREESOME | EXPERIMENTED WITH THEIR SEXUALITY | had a kid | gotten married | SELF-HARMED | TRAVELED TO ANOTHER COUNTRY | been in a play | RECEIVED AN INHERITANCE | been the cause of a car wreck | LOST A LOVED ONE | BEEN DUMPED | dumped someone | SMOKED | GOTTEN HIGH | BEEN SLIPPED SOMETHING IN THEIR FOOD/DRINK | WON A CONTEST BEEN IN A BAND | HAD A JOB | been fired | been in a wedding party | OWNED A PET | SEEN A GHOST | SKIPPED CLASS/WORK | LEARNED AN INSTRUMENT | GOTTEN A NOTICEABLE SCAR | gONE MORE THAN ONE DAY WITHOUT EATING | HAD A RECURRING NIGHTMARE | BEEN BULLIED || SEEN SOMEONE DIE | attempted suicide | been tied/chained up | shot someone | STABBED SOMEONE | saved someone’s life | BEEN CHEATED ON | HAD BEEN A STALKER | BEEN BETRAYED| BEEN IN A FIGHT | BEEN ARRESTED | BEEN TO A FUNERAL | HAD SURGERY | BROKEN SOMEONE’S TRUST || GOTTEN A TATTOO | USED A FAKE NAME | BEEN TORTURED | TORTURED OTHERS | BEEN ABUSED HAD AN ATTEMPT ON THEIR LIFE | GOTTEN AWAY WITH A CRIME | GONE ON A ROAD TRIP | BEEN IN LOVE cross off the things you've done [ ic ] Graduated high school. Kissed someone. Collected something really silly. Smoked a cigarette. Got so drunk you passed out. Rode every ride at an amusement park. Gone to a rock concert. Helped someone. Watched four movies in one night. Gone long periods of time without sleep. Lied to someone. Snorted cocaine. Failed a class. Smoked weed. Dealt drugs. Been in a car accident. Been to a funeral. Burned yourself. Cried yourself to sleep. Spent over $200 in one day. Flown on a plane. Been cheated on. Written a 10 page letter. Had a best friend. Lost someone you loved. Shoplifted something. Dangerously close to being in jail. Skipped school. Had detention. Got in trouble for something you didn’t do. Stolen books from the library. Gone to a different country. Dropped out of school. Watched the “Harry Potter” movies. Had an online diary. Been fired from a job. Voted for someone on a reality TV show. Written poetry. Read more than 20 books a year. Gone to Europe. Loved someone you shouldn’t have. Used a coloring book over age 12. Had surgery. Had stitches. Taken a taxi. Seen the Washington Monument. Overdosed. Had a drug or alcohol problem. Been in a fist fight. Suffered any form of abuse. Gone surfing in California. Had a hamster/guinea pig. Pet a wild animal. Dyed your hair. Got a tattoo. Made-out with someone. Snuck out of the house. Swore at a teacher. Dated someone. Been on the TV. French braided. Skinny-dipped. Driven a car. Performed in front of an audience. Been in love. Been on a train. Seen a ghost. Been to Mexico. Crashed a car. Sky dived. Been kissed in the rain. Made an 11:11 wish. Drank alcohol. Forwarded a chain letter. what do you prefer? Autumn winter? astrology or astronomy? romance or horror? halloween or christmas? ocean or sky? mermaids? dolphins or sharks? dawn or dusk? sunsetorsunrise? fireplace? hot chocolate or hot tea? black coffee or coffee with creamer? strawberries or blueberries? lemons ororanges? apples or peaches? What has been their greatest achievement?:When Enzo joined the band Plush after the death of guitarist Jack St Claire. Ending up like his father, Not being loved. Being locked in a closet or basement in the dark. WHAT IS YOUR ARCHETYPE? from here. repost, don’t reblog! your archetype is the warrior. traits: purposeful, adaptable, loyal, agressive, mindful, decisive, skillful, isolated, destroyerthe warrior is most commonly used to symbolize the victory of a war. raised in the image of their trainer, and at most times, their parental figure, the connection that is fundamental in building relationships is extremely weak. although warriors find it difficult to trust, once they do, it is a bind that lasts until death. while warriors are fiercely loyal, they are extremely wary of strangers. their greatest wish is to be credited in their achievements, and they tend to isolate themselves if they aren’t validated, taking things personally. warriors tend to things for the greater good, and destroy to protect.fictional characters that are warriors: arya stark, indianajones, lisbethsalander, siriusblackother personality types that go with this: athena, ares, achilles, wampus Golden Compass Daemon Test Social Joker Soul You an an extroverted, playful and confident sort of person. You seek out excitement, and you love to be right in the thick of things. You are enthusiastic, garrulous, and you love to attend large social gatherings. You love to laugh. If you spend too much time at home, away from friends and fun, you tend to "fade", becoming tired and a little depressed. A fun night out with your friends soon re-energizes you, though. You make friends easily, and you probably jump between several groups of people. You probably have a group of friends for every need - the friends you drink with, the friends you jam with, the friends you talk with about the meaning of life... You blend in with each group of people, showing your sensitive side when you are with certain friends, and hiding it from others. You love to meet new people, and to make new friends. However, you are not a slave to popularity. You will speak your mind to defend yourself or one of your friends if necessary. You are no shrinking violet, and you are more than capable of fighting your way out of a tight corner. That being said, your confidence and your enthusiasm for fun can sometimes lead to your making thoughtless comments which hurt or insult people. These people, however, are probably over-sensitive squares who don't appreciate your sense of humour. You don't have much time for people like that, anyway. Your daemon's form would represent your social, playful, yet honest personality. He or she would probably urge you to create further mayhem, or would make snide comments in your ear about the people you meet on a daily basis. Suggested forms: Toucan, Crow, Macaque or Bonobo, African Wild Dog, Macaw. Enzo's favorite colors are red,blue,black and white YOUR CHARACTER: IN 5 QUOTES. tell us your favorite quotes from your character. give us an idea of who they are by five things they’ve said. then tag your friends. ❝ NOPE! Not my fucking sister. She was a daddy’s girl and he gave her EVERYTHING she wanted. And I mean EVERYTHING. Dance classes, private vocal coach, any clothes she dreamed up. She was nothing like your brother. At least you guys had each other. You were a team ❞ ❝I had to I loved Jack, but Jack didn’t love me back. Not like you did Not like you did !.❞ ❝Who ever said I was gay? What is gay anyway?❞ ❝ “I heard him yelling at you. And NO ONE fucks with my Hayley. My soul mate. My love. Mother of our future genius-child… Hayley, he doesn’t get you. You and I aren’t meant for people like that.” ❞ ❝ Dad was super alpha male and tried to beat the weirdness out of me. Wanted a jock, you know, a real man. .❞
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