zoe-yamamoto-blog · 6 years
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Zoe’s father Fuyuki Yamamoto is a world renowned magizoologist most often noted as being a great expert, but terribly eccentric and somewhat grumpy and antisocial. Rather than have any kind of home base, he always preferred to go from one expedition to the next- something he told Zoe he did mainly to avoid ‘the tiresome wars and other such politics of humans.’. He changed nothing when his daughter was born. When she was still a baby he would leave her with his sister, Zoe’s aunt Akemi at her home in London for months at a time. However Zoe showed to be an extremely intelligent child, with a love of the outdoors, and as young as five years old he was bringing her along on shorter week long journeys, carrying her on his back when she was too tired or slow to keep up with him and whatever colleagues traveled with them. When she goes home for the summer, Zoe tends to spend it all helping her father study the breeding habits of Irish fairies, or the migration habits of demiguises.
She knows nothing of her mother, and no one will tell her anything either. Her aunt claims never to have met her, her father’s colleagues/friends either confess to know nothing or grow suspiciously tight lipped when she asks, and her father point blank refuses to speak of her. The only things Zoe has to remember her by are her wand, and a note she found once while rifling through her father’s things. It reads, in French: “I’m sorry, please do not hate me for this. Shield our daughter from the evil in the world, and give her my wand so in a way I might protect her too. It contains a veela hair given to me by my grandmother- she should at least have something of her heritage, given it seems she will lack a mother. Zoe my little flower, should you ever read this, know that I do only what I think is best. I go to places I would not have you follow. All of my love, Aemela.”
Zoe is an insomniac, and likes to wander the halls when she can’t sleep, or simply needs an escape. Occasionally she’ll take her bedding to an empty classroom, or somewhere on the grounds, and sleep there.
Zoe is graysexual bordering on asexual and bi-romantic, but has pretty much resigned herself to being single forever, as she figures the consent issues involved would be wonky at it’s best, abhorrent at worst.
Zoe knows bits and pieces of many different languages, having spent months in foreign countries before, but knows three fluently- Japanese which is her mother tongue, English which her aunt taught as a child while she was staying with her in London, and French, which her father also speaks and which Zoe learned to feel closer to her mother.
Whenever Zoe starts missing her dad or needs solitude, her favorite thing to do is go for a hike. Once she got lost while hiking and ended up having to climb a very tall tree so she could figure out what direction Hogwarts was and head back in that direction.
She has several pets, both magical and mundane, that she has somehow managed to sneak in past groundskeepers year after year. These pets include two Pygmy Puffs named Soleil and Lune, a one eyed garter snake affectionately named L’bitte, a blind hedgehog named Poppet, an extremely skittish moke named Otoko, four finches she simply calls les petits chanteurs, a great grey owl named Etoile, an old Siamese cat who hates everyone except her that she calls Grandma, and a one armed fairy named Yōsei- all of which she rescued and couldn’t release back into the wild or rehome for one reason or another- save Etoile who was a gift from her father when she was nine. 
The amount of pets she has has caused issues with her roommates multiple times- despite the fact that Etoile stays in the Owlery and Grandma tends to stay in the Ravenclaw common room- not because any of them are poorly behaved, but because Zoe has a habit of letting one or two loose at a time to roam the room.
Zoe has intense anxiety, and has had several panic attacks during school because someone’s come up behind her too quietly, or touched her without warning.
At any given time Zoe normally has an animal somewhere on her person
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zoe-yamamoto-blog · 6 years
Cal had gotten used to seeing the hesitant nature from being around first years all day, but not coming from a sixth year. Still, he’d prided himself in his patient nature and waited for her to say whatever she wanted. He shrugged his shoulders with a sideways smile, “Don’t worry about it. I understand that. We all need our alone time. It’s important considering how closer we all can seem in this castle.” Uncrossing his arms, he gave a small motion towards the hallway before them. “Would you care for a walk? I’m headed back towards Hufflepuff so you’re welcome to suddenly disappear from my view when we arrive. I’ll pretend I did a thorough search of the halls, but couldn’t find you.” 
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“Uh, yes. Thank you.” Zoe said firmly, after five or ten seconds of fierce internal debate. She hated being alone with people she didn’t know almost as much as she hated crowds, but the Hufflepuff had yet to act untoward or like he was effected by her veela nature in the slightest. It wasn’t enough to put her completely at ease, but it was a start. Skirting around him uncomfortably, her arms crossed, Zoe tried for something like a smile. 
“Zoe. Is uh, my name.” She said after a moment, having decided she was reasonably sure that he wouldn’t issue her a detention or subtraction of points. “Zoe Yamamoto. Nice to meet you, and all that.”
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zoe-yamamoto-blog · 6 years
“I get it. I’m not like that. I love people. I just tend to say things before I can really think about them. Not that I’m any better at saying things when I do think about them.”  
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Zoe didn’t understand the concept- she didn’t know how people could be comfortable enough with someone else- or in public in general- that they didn’t overthink everything. Every move, every word, every twitch of her face, everything the older boy did, the sounds of students nearby but out of sight in the halls- she was overly aware of all of it. Nervously fiddling with the ends of her hair, she nodded regardless, agreeing; “I always think that if I could pause time for ten minutes or so, I could think of the perfect thing to say.” Holding out her hand carefully, she offered the most genuine looking smile she could. “I’m Zoe Yamamoto, by the way.”
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zoe-yamamoto-blog · 6 years
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zoe-yamamoto-blog · 6 years
“Yes, I am aware that I burn easily because of my hair — if you were gonna make that comment,” Melissa leaned back, puffing her lips. “Just let me enjoy these last moments of summer, we all know that in this country, autumn will likely be here soon.” As a gesture of good faith, the redhead patted the spot on the grass next to her, gesturing to sit.
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“I mean, I wasn’t. But it is true. But if you know that, I assume you’ve prepared for that, so- sun on?” Zoe said with a somewhat uncomfortable shrug, squinting up at the blinding sunshine. It was one of the days where the air felt somewhat crisp but the sun eliminated any need for a jacket. She too was enjoying the last of the summer, knowing that all too soon most of the wildlife in the forbidden forest would migrate or hibernate and thus be so much harder to observe. Blinking at the other girl’s invitation, Zoe shook her head. “No, thank you. I’m going on a hike in the forest. But thank you... which I already said. Sorry.”
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zoe-yamamoto-blog · 6 years
“Are you always this jittery?” He asked before he could fully think about how insensitive that probably came off. “I didn’t- Not that- Looks like we both have our feet in our mouth.”
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“Unfortunately yes.” Zoe responded immediately, any lack of etiquette going right over her head. It was true, anyway. “I’m not very good with- being around people, you know?” Her and her father, both quiet by nature, tended to exist in a comfortable silence for a majority of their days, and it was always a hard adjustment when she came back to Hogwarts and found herself surrounded by loud, chattering people once again. Talking to people always made her nervous, but not talking to them made her lonely. Neither were very desirable options. “Though I’m glad I’m not the only one.”
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zoe-yamamoto-blog · 6 years
Cal raised an amused eyebrow at Zoe, holding off the urge to lead against the doorjamb. Holding up his arms at her aggression, “Hey, I’m merely stating the rules to the young ones so they at least know them when they break them. Which we all do from time to time.” He crossed his arms leisurely, hoping to diffuse the tension the Ravenclaw created. “First night jitters have you up late?” 
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Relaxing somewhat at his words, Zoe felt immediately embarrassed at her aggressive attitude. Opening and closing her mouth, she tried to think of a way to tell the vaguely familiar looking Hufflepuff that coming back to the castle put her on edge, that she was used to living very much under her own rules, with a parent who respected her choices. Coming back to a castle full of people, most of whom couldn’t string a sentence together around her without making a fool of themselves somehow- well. It left her aggravated. Still, it didn’t mean she could just be rude to people. “Sorry.” She muttered, uncrossing her arms uncomfortably. “I just- don’t like being in the same room as my roommates sometimes. Not because of them. They’re fine. But because I need time to myself." Sometimes she found empty classrooms to sleep in instead, but she wasn’t about to tell him that.
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zoe-yamamoto-blog · 6 years
“No, as a first year you can’t ignore curfew.” Cal gave the small first year Gryffindor a tap on his shoulder before turning away. 
“First years…first day back and they already think they can take over the castle.” He shook his head, laughing, towards his companion. 
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Staring at the other with distrust, Zoe recalled her own plans to go for a midnight walk with annoyance. She couldn’t always sleep at night, especially when expected to share a room with three other people. Returning his smile with a frown that verged on scowling territory, she crossed her arms.”Children are annoying. But I’m not a first year.” She pointed out after a moment of awkward silence, her tone aggressive. Taking a few deliberate steps in the direction of the staircase, she raised her eyebrows expectantly as if asking him if he intended on sending her back to her bed as well.
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zoe-yamamoto-blog · 6 years
“The funniest thing happened in my Defense Against the Dark Arts class yesterday. This dude’s Boggart turned into a howler from his mum telling him off for failing his OWLs. I have never related to anyone more in my life. That would’ve been mine if I wasn’t so scared of bugs.”
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Tensing somewhat as the older student began talking to her but not wanting to be rude, Zoe offered a tense and clearly uncomfortable smile. Clutching her books closer subconsciously, she wished- not for the first time- that she could simply freeze and perfectly blend into her surroundings so people would glance right over her. “Boggarts can be uh- unpleasant.” She responded lamely after a moment, immediately cringing at the stupidity of what she’d said. “I mean, obviously but- that sounds very unpleasant for him. Yes. That’s what I was trying to say, before I somehow managed to shove my entire foot in my mouth.”
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zoe-yamamoto-blog · 7 years
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zoe-yamamoto-blog · 8 years
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zoe-yamamoto-blog · 8 years
I aim to be lionhearted, but my hands still shake and my voice isn’t quite loud enough.
Michelle K., Earning Your Roar (via wordsnquotes)
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zoe-yamamoto-blog · 8 years
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Zoe Yamamoto Aesthetic 
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zoe-yamamoto-blog · 8 years
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zoe-yamamoto-blog · 8 years
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zoe-yamamoto-blog · 8 years
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zoe-yamamoto-blog · 8 years
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