zuridavis · 3 years
“Oh no!” With mouth agape Camellia froze, hoping that she didn’t just embarrass herself infront of Zuri. It was one thing to splatter her kid with paint, but someone else being caught in the cross-hairs wasn’t something that she factored in at that moment. “I’m so sorry,” Camellia cleared her throat, wishing that she could disappear right now. Why did it have to be Zuri, especially when she was looking like she has been painting herself more than the mural. “Fun, yes,” the designer managed a smile. There was always something about the other parent that threw her off her game, not that she considered herself to be a smooth operator in the least. Happy for the distraction Camellia turned to the mural. “I’m not the mastermind, but so far it reminds me of a mosaic-style pattern,” Camellia explained. “It’s not looking like much right now, but I promise it’s going to be a great colourful backdrop that this space needed.” That’s the best way she could put it when thinking about the projected design. “If my daughter ever rejoins me, I’ll have her give you a sneak peak of the final design.” Camellia placed her brush back into the paint tray for a moment. “What do you think of it so far?” 
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“No worries, you didn’t get me,” she shrugged her shoulders. It was a close call, but she didn’t see the point of getting herself worked up for something that didn’t happen. She glanced over at the wall that was being painted on as Camellia spoke. Zuri knew it wasn’t finished, but by the few colors she could see, she’s assuming it’s going to be a a bright and colorful mural. “A sneak peak?” She raised an eyebrow as she looked back over at camellia. “My son was talking about a project like this being done for school. He seemed excited about it. He would be jealous if I got a sneak peak of the final design,” she chuckled. She fixed her posture before nodding her head, “I think it’s pretty good  far, I’m sure I’ll hear all about it when it’s done and my son sees it.”
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zuridavis · 3 years
In response to the question, Maggie shook her head. “I’ll try to make the explanation short because usually I can talk for hours about this kind of stuff,” she said with a laugh. “No, they are called whale sharks because of their size. Unlike wales, they have cartilage instead of bone so that what classifies them as a true shark,” she explained. “Anyways, enough of my nerdy facts. Have we met before? I’m Maggie.” 
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Zuri could listen to all the information about the animals in the ocean, but it would only add to fear she has for it. The fact that there are huge animals in the ocean is crazy. “Interesting,” she pressed her lips together before nodding her head. Another reason to not like the ocean. “I’ve been in town for two years, but I haven’t had the chance to run into you before, I’m Zuri,” she offered a smile.
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zuridavis · 3 years
where: Any Optometrist / Optical Store
who: Dylan + OPEN @fortyhqstarter​
On a whim Dylan entered the establishment, he wasn’t particularly in the market for replacement glasses frames, but it couldn’t hurt to look. Besides, he had some time to kill before needing to pick take up his kids from their after-school activities. Prompt service from a salesperson led the Pilot over to walls of frames to explore. Arms akimbo, Dylan scanned row by row, trying to see if any would spark his interest. Along the way he picked out, and tried a few that he felt made the cut. “Hi, excuse me, can I borrow you for a minute?” Getting the attention of someone nearby he sought out their opinion. “What do you think of this one?” Dylan placed the frame in question on his face, and patiently waited for their reaction.
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Zuri had no business being here, but she saw Dylan and proceed to follow him. She listened to the person compliment him on the glasses, of course, before walking off. She took a few steps forward, taking the person’s spot as she examined him. “Know, you know I’m going to give you an honest opinion,” she tilted her head to the side, “ya kind of look like a bug.” She kept a straight face for as long as she could before she started laughing. “It’s not bad, it actually works for you. Really emphasizes the nerd vibe you got going on.”
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zuridavis · 3 years
where: the cave 
with: open @fortyhqstarter​
“did you know a whale shark’s spot pattern is as unique as a fingerprint?” maggie asked the person nearest to her, blue eyes looking up from the journal in front of her on the bar countertop. she had a habit of bringing her work with her when she decided to stop in for a drink before heading home. and besides, she only had a page or so left to finish reading anyway. “sorry for sounding and looking like a big nerd, i can’t help it. it’s part of my identity at this point.”
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Zuri had become accustomed to hearing random facts, she had Dylan to thank for that. “No need to apologize,” she shook her head before taking a sip of her beer, “It’s an interesting fact to know.” She fixed her posture as she looked over at the woman, “Are whale sharks really a mix of a whale and shark? How did that work? ” This was not a question she thought she’d be asking at bar, but it is what it is.
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zuridavis · 3 years
𝖑𝖔𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 ¦ Cave Bar
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❝ Please don’t judge the slight vice. I’m off the clock and my children are safe at home with my husband. ❞ Of course she knew that she was never really off the clock. Having a glass of wine at the bar, it could be used in unsavory ways later. But she deserved a drink, and it wasn’t the worst thing she’d done. Years of keeping up appearances was exhausting, and every once in a while, she liked to relax. Besides, what better way was there to get to know the inhabitants of her beloved town? Even if she was anticipating a judgemental call from her mother later. ❝ One drink after work is a deserved reward, don’t you agree? ❞
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❝ No worries, ❞ she waved her hand before shrugging her shoulders. There’s no reason for Zuri to judge the woman for having a drink and letting her guard down. It is only natural to want to wind down after a long day. She’s not a big drinker, but she definitely has her moments where she finds herself at the bar after work. ❝ Especially when it’s been a long day. It only seems right to wind down with a drink or two. ❞
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zuridavis · 3 years
where: elmerton primary and elementary school
who: camellia + OPEN @fortyhqstarter​
Ever since Camellia became a mother, some of downtime activities became rather interesting. There were school trips to chaperone, extracurricular club events, fundraisers, charity events, and competitions to name a few. Today’s activity happens to be a paint project organized by her daughter’s high school. Camellia was not all too pleased at having been roped into this latest act of volunteerism, as she initially had other plans. Unfortunately, the Fashion Designer could not get out of this one, nor did she particularly want to. This mood shift was engineered by certain factors, well, namely one; her pride and joy– Mia. Her fifteen year old was the brains of the operation for today’s event. Weeks ago the art club that Mia is a member of  took her idea, which flourished into a creative initiative; the painting of a new mural at the Elmerton Primary and Elementary School. 
Camellia glanced down at her relaxed fit ensemble, only to huff at the state of her attire. “This is nuts! How is there more paint on me than on this wall?” Of course she was exaggerating, but for someone like Camellia who valued appearances above all, the few splotches of paint here were expected considering the task at hand. However, it’s totally out of character for miss prim and proper. Camellia’s complaint didn’t go unnoticed by her daughter who rolled her eyes, then promptly smirked to herself as she hatched a plan. 
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Camellia yelped when a fresh splatter of paint landed on her. The action was quickly followed by snickering and then full-on laughter by the culprit– her daughter. “Mia Antonia Brandt!” Mouth agape and ready to retaliate, Camellia dipped her brush into the paint tray. 
“What!? I didn’t do anything,” she cheekily protested. Amidst attempts to restrain her laughter, Mia slowly began to step out of mother’s range, before spinning on her heel to flee the scene. The fifteen year old darted off just as Camellia swung her arm with the paint laden brush in the teen’s direction. “That’s right, you better run!” Brat. 
Zuri was good at dodging parents in the morning when she dropped off her kids at school. She doesn’t mind being social with other parents, but when it comes to volunteering - that’s a different story. If she had the time, she wouldn’t mind volunteering. But, it wasn’t something she wanted to be roped into constantly. The painting project that is currently going on was a blessing in disguise for her. She quickly walked over, only to stop in her tracks and take a step back when Cam swung the paintbrush forward. She looked down at her clothes to see if there was any small splatter of paint on her before making her way towards Cam, “Looks like you’re having fun,” she raised an eyebrow. 
Zuri glanced over her outfit before letting out a chuckle. “I can’t tell who’s winning - you or the paint,” she teased. She offered an innocent grin before looking over at the wall. “So, what type of inspo are you going for? ”
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zuridavis · 3 years
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Gabrielle Union as Syd Burnett in L.A.’s Finest ( S01E01 ) 
‘Okay, now ball up your hand - make a fist - like this, see? So you don’t break your thumb. Let me see a punch. Good!’ I’m not strong enough ‘You don’t have to be. So when those tough guys start bothering you, you play to their strengths. See, you pull away, right? So they are going to try to yank you back. You jump into it and then you plant your elbow right into their junk’
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zuridavis · 3 years
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⊰ TASHA ; 24 ; EST; SHE/HER ⊱ hey, guess who i just saw at POLICE STATION? ZURI DAVIS! don’t they look good for 48 years old? they have lived here for 2 YEARS and USED TO BE a NYPD DETECTIVE ( NOW A DEPUTY ). they view the increase in tourism as POSITIVE and LIKE the locals. a pinterest board of them would include ‘DON’T TALK TO ME UNTIL I HAVE COFFEE’ MUG, MILITARY DOG TAGS, MOTORCYCLE. ⊰ GABRIELLE UNION ─ CIS FEMALE ─ SHE/HER ⊱ - muse o
I’ll try my best to keep this short sdagklsdgasd 
TW: Miscarriage
She is the oldest of 5 kids - 2 boys, 1 nonbinary, and herself
extremely outgoing throughout school, love playing sports ( mainly volleyball )
After graduating she joined the military - served for ten years
While in the military she met her husband, towards the end of her service she was trying to get pregnant - she struggled
After they both finished serving they moved to New York where she continued trying to get pregnant
along this journey she became a cop - he wasn’t really happy with that decision pero 
They went to multiple appointments trying to figure out what was going and what options they had - this put a strain on their relationship
When she found out that she was pregnant she was ecstatic. She wanted to share the news with her husband, but she never did 
She found out he was cheating - harsh words were exchanged ( mainly from him )
She filed for a divorce, got her own place, and changed her number 
She was heart broken but she wanted to try her best and focus on her pregnancy - however, a couple weeks later she miscarried
After that she gave up the idea of having kids and just focused on her job for the next decade. She moved up to become a detective. and she was good at her job ~ think Olivia Bension ~
The idea of having kids slowly came back to her attention when she was getting close to turning 40. Realistically she knew she couldn’t get pregnant, and her age definitely doesn’t help. it took long for her to get pregnant, only to miscarry, when she was in her early 30s. trying to get pregnant in her 40s wouldn’t work. 
She looked into adoption, it took awhile, but she found a young mother that wanted to give their baby to her. 
Zuri never really thought of retiring at such ( in her opinion ) an early age. She saw herself continuing her job another decade or so. But, with more cases she got, the more danger she being put into. Not all, but there was a case that left an imprint on her. And while on that case she did have to send her son out of the state to stay with her parents for safety reasons. And she called in a favor with police in her parents town to keep an eye on them. 
It’s not a case she talks about at all, or likes to think about, but she has gone to therapy process/deal with what happened. After that she decided to retire and move to Emerton, Florida. It took her awhile to find this place, she was iffy on the idea of Florida. But she knew the cost of living there was way cheaper than New York. 
But the idea of just not working killed her so she did apply to become a deputy in the town. Sorry to Levi but she going to want to see if she can convince to change the uniform ( she knows he can’t dsasgasdgas )
After moving to Emerton, Florida, Zuri embraced a more relaxed life style. She didn’t give all her energy to working like she did when she was in New York. She also embraced the idea of adopting more kids. She waited a couple months to adapt to the new town she was in and the new life style. But after that she went about adopting a 5 year old girl. 
She has been living here for two years now. She has 8 year old son and 6 year old daughter
and uhh i think that’s all of it 
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