3xm-draconic · 6 days
Me and my love for Wod/Cod/VTM
I love the world of darkness (also called chronicle of darkness) and i ESPECIALLY love vampire the masquerade.
so insted of swamp-ass being just a dnd character vampire he is also a VTM vampire as well.
I'll tell yall about him another poste but i wanted to let you know i am doing a world of darkness x bg3 crossover.
never seen one done before so...
here i go :)
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3xm-draconic · 6 days
✨📜 A Mostly Very Specific Elder Scrolls OC Ask Game 📜✨
I wanted to talk about my TES OCs, so I threw together an Ask Game - anyone can use it, so play to your heart's content if you feel inclined! Remember to indicate if you have multiple OCs that can be asked about. I hope you have fun with it!
What era(s) is your OC from?
What is your OC’s birthsign? Does it affect the way they live their life?
What is your OC’s race and cultural heritage? Are they multiracial?
How old is your OC? Is their age typical for their race, or are they an outlier?
What is your OC's first language? Do they know any others?
Does your OC have any formal education? Via what organization, if so?
What province does your OC currently live in?
Does your OC tend to live on the road, or do they tend to settle in one place?
What is your OC’s current primary living space? Ex: a house, a mansion, an alley, a dormitory, campsites, etc.
How does your OC decorate their primary living space?
What does your OC's daily/nightly schedule look like? Do they have any routines?
Which different provinces has your OC visited? If they haven't visited any others, do they have a particular place they'd like to go?
Can your OC ride a mount? If so, what do they ride?
At what age did your OC leave their hometown and why? Or have they never left?
Has your OC ever been to the sea? Is it mundane or remarkable to them?
Can your OC swim? Do they like or dislike it?
Does your OC have a living family? What is/was their relationship like?
Does your OC have a companion, romantic or otherwise? How did they meet?
How easily does your OC make friends?
How does your OC earn money? How much does money affect their life?
What skill lines does your OC primarily excel at? Which ones are they weak in?
Is your OC passionate about an area of study? What got them into the topic?
What are your OC's opinions on vampires and werewolves? Do they belong to one of those groups? If so, what is their opinion on vampire/werewolf clans?
What moral boundaries does your OC have? Have they ever crossed them? What happened?
What are your OC’s religious beliefs? How strong is their faith?
How does the game’s main plot affect your OC’s life? (ex: Skyrim = civil war and dragons; Oblivion = Oblivion crisis; etc.)?
Your OC runs into some bandits on the road. Does your OC comply with their demands, fight them off, flee the area, or etc.?
Somewhere in a town your OC has frequented, another character mentions their name in conversation. What reactions do others have to your OC’s reputation? Does your OC even have a reputation, or do they fly under the radar?
Your OC sits down at a tavern. What food/drink are they ordering?
While walking through town, your OC is approached by a beggar asking for some gold. How does your OC respond?
Your OC is packing for a day-long trip on the road. What is in their travel bag?
A guard has confronted your OC, suspecting that they've broken the law in some way. What offense is your OC most likely to be accused of? Did they actually do it?
Your OC has just woken up from a horrible nightmare. What was it about?
Your OC feels that they are about to die. What are their last words, and to whom do they speak them to?
After miraculously surviving a near-death experience, your OC regains consciousness. What are the first words out of their mouth, and to whom do they speak them to?
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3xm-draconic · 13 days
my dragonborn stuff is on hold, i wanna write some more baldur's gate stuff
gonna write about a new dnd character i am importing porting into baldur's gate, he's literally called/nicknamed and i kid you not "Swamp-Ass" the vampire...
i think he and astarion are gonna be friends :)
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3xm-draconic · 2 months
Cicero, you know better than to summon things from nothing with that goop ass brain of yours...
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3xm-draconic · 2 months
Bloodline of the Last Dragon.
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Season 1/Episode 8: Dragonstone.
“WHAT?!” Mattilda screeched as her father covered his delicat elven ears.
The two had just sat down together to have brunch when he dropped the megaspell fire of news on her.
“We are moving to Riften, to live with your uncle” he sighed “I…Iam…“going back to work” and I want you close to home” he nodded.
“No, No!” she hissed, “Matti” he sighed, “NO, I’am not going to live in Riften and Iam not going to have you baby me anymore” Mattilda knew her father loved her but keeping her on a leash would only stunt her growth as a person, she needed to be free.
“Dumpling, the Thalmor-”, “I KNOW ABOUT IT DAD” she snapped “you’ve told me about it for years” she turned to him “but I’am not scared of them anymore, I mean why should I be?” she shrugged “If they wanna attack me let them fucking try, dad remember who your brother is…remember who you were and remember who we are associated with. If they wanna come for us, lets see how fucking far they get.”
Markus sighed “Matti…”, “oh and I’am leaving for the college, I finally have enough supplies and gold, I’am going to fulfill my dreams dad” she argued, Markus sighed “...will you write to me?...let me know if you're safe?”, Mattilda’s harsh face softened “of course dad, I love you” she hugged him.
“I…never ment to keep you so tightly to me, I know for you to be your own woman you need to stretch your wings and fly my little raven” he sighed “so, you’re right, go to the college and become a battle mage fit to conquer a nation, fly my little raven, fly high” he beamed proudly.
Mattilda got into her adventuring gear while her father spent some time chatting with Mau and Kit, she decided since he was out of the temple today was the day she would go and get the dragonstone.
She also would have to tell Cicero of her plans to go to the college…
“You're…leaving?!” he cried, “not today, I’ll be leaving at the end of the month. I’am going on an adventure to Bleak Falls Barrow today” she said as she held his hand “I’am sorry to spring this on you so suddenly…”
Cicero sighed, he knew how important this was to her…but he still wanted her to stay, to be close to him…
He didn’t want her to go…
“I’ll visit you during breaks and maybe if your…“family’s business”...takes you near Winterhold you can visit me” she smiled, Cicero gave a weak grin “Cicero already misses you, do you know when you’ll be on break?”, Mattilda sweetly kissed his cheek “on holidays and during the spring”.
She kissed him goodbye as she left to retrieve the dragonstone, Cicero already feeling melancholy and lonely as he watched her walk away…
(Bleak Falls Barrow)
Getting into the barrow wasn’t as tough as Mattilda had thought it to be, sure the bandits and draugr were a problem but nothing he magick or skills in the claw dances could not overcome.
Leaping like an agile hare through traps and around dangerous hazards she made her way to the main antichamber where a strange wall stood before her…
From what that one bandit trapped in spider web had told her, the claw he had stolen from Lucan and Camilla would open it…but how?
Mattilda studied the claw and noticed a pattern of symbols down its palm that matched the symbols on the door, if she aligned them just right and used the claw in the socket…
The door hissed and cracked as it sunk into the ground, “huh…interesting…” she pondered.
 Past the puzzle-door she found the main chamber and there before her was a wall of some kind scratched in an ancient language, words on the wall glowed and called out to her…
“Bo Dovahkiin. Dahmaan Ahrk Mindok.” said the booming warbled voices coming from the wall…
“Remember?...remember what?” Mattilda pondered as she approached the wall, the glow growing ever brighter…
“Tinvaak Hin Zul”, “speak? What..what am I to say?” she pondered the light enveloping her vision, nothing but the words were burned into her eyes…
Her ears were filled with the sudden cacophony of voices, all saying…no…shouting, chanting the same words over and over again in her mind…
It became too much and Mattilda opened her mouth to scream…only for her to join in on the chorus…
“FFFFUS RO DAHHHH!” she bellowed out and a thunderous shockwave of strange ancient magicka belted forth from her lips, the roar that emanated from deep inside her resonated and echoed within the chamber causing it to shake like an avalanche.
The sarcophagus that had been resting peacefully behind her suddenly burst open…
Markus sat with Mau’Mau on the back porch and shared with her a smoke pipe, “she wasn’t too much trouble was she?” Markus asked Mau as he took a few puffs, “no, no sugarbean has always been a treat to watch over” she hummed as he passed the pipe back to her, “any news on her besides her new adventuring life path?” he pondered.
Mau looked unsure for a moment…
“Markus…” she purred somewhat curiously “have you considered who your daughter…courts?”, Markus pondered that… 
He never really thought about it before since there weren't many suitors back in Helgen, but he trusted that she would find a good man.
Kit’Tay came out with a tray of cookies and tea, “you should tell him dear, better for him to know rather than to find out”, Mau flattened her ears in distress “oh…darling wife of mine…will you go get us some moonsugarcubes?, I’d like to have my tea sweet before I tell him”, “tell me what?” Markus grew concerned.
Mau sighed “your daughter has…found a man”, Markaus smiled “well that's wonderful news! Oh what is he? A woodsman, a hunter, a fisherman?” he pondered giddily to Mau.
There was a knock at the door.
“I’ll get it” Kit purred, Mau looked to Markus “oh he’s…well…he’s…he’s something” she said as she sipped her tea.
(Whiterun fort tower guard post)
The dragon was massive, covered in gleaming white and blue scales, frost belched from its maw freezing everything it touched.
“We still have men inside!” one guard cried out to Irileth, she turned to her squadron of guards, she knew they would not be enough to take on a dragon.
But from the ranks walking past them up to the fort was that mage girl, the one who had brought the dragon stone “what are you doing!?” She cried as she rushed to stop her but the mage girl pushed her back with her staff.
The dragon soard over head and swooped down at them like a hawk, the mage girl stood her grown and when the dragon was before her ready to snatch her off the grown…
“FFFFUSSS ROOO DAHHHH!” she shouted…
The dragon was thrown backwards out of the sky and tumbled to the earth…
While the beast was vulnerable on its back the mage girl leaped into the air with poise and grace like that of a butterfly, she produced a bounded blade a conjured weapon from oblivion and struck down upon the dragon’s chest, plunging the erie violet blade deep into its heart.
The dragon roared its last, a heavy breathy rattling gurgel…
Mattilda had no idea what had overcome her, she just knew one thing…she was to fight and slay this dragon.
Irelith approached her “by the gods…” she shuttered “you killed it”, “AN NOT ONLY THAT, LOOK!” a guard shouted, Mattilda watched as some sort of energy flowed from the dragon and into her…
It felt like a warm blanket had been wrapped around her yet at the same time it was like the feeling of touching lightning…
“You…” the guards gawked
“You are Dragonborn.”
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3xm-draconic · 2 months
Bloodline of the Last Dragon.
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Season 1/Episode 8: Dragonstone.
“WHAT?!” Mattilda screeched as her father covered his delicat elven ears.
The two had just sat down together to have brunch when he dropped the megaspell fire of news on her.
“We are moving to Riften, to live with your uncle” he sighed “I…Iam…“going back to work” and I want you close to home” he nodded.
“No, No!” she hissed, “Matti” he sighed, “NO, I’am not going to live in Riften and Iam not going to have you baby me anymore” Mattilda knew her father loved her but keeping her on a leash would only stunt her growth as a person, she needed to be free.
“Dumpling, the Thalmor-”, “I KNOW ABOUT IT DAD” she snapped “you’ve told me about it for years” she turned to him “but I’am not scared of them anymore, I mean why should I be?” she shrugged “If they wanna attack me let them fucking try, dad remember who your brother is…remember who you were and remember who we are associated with. If they wanna come for us, lets see how fucking far they get.”
Markus sighed “Matti…”, “oh and I’am leaving for the college, I finally have enough supplies and gold, I’am going to fulfill my dreams dad” she argued, Markus sighed “...will you write to me?...let me know if you're safe?”, Mattilda’s harsh face softened “of course dad, I love you” she hugged him.
“I…never ment to keep you so tightly to me, I know for you to be your own woman you need to stretch your wings and fly my little raven” he sighed “so, you’re right, go to the college and become a battle mage fit to conquer a nation, fly my little raven, fly high” he beamed proudly.
Mattilda got into her adventuring gear while her father spent some time chatting with Mau and Kit, she decided since he was out of the temple today was the day she would go and get the dragonstone.
She also would have to tell Cicero of her plans to go to the college…
“You're…leaving?!” he cried, “not today, I’ll be leaving at the end of the month. I’am going on an adventure to Bleak Falls Barrow today” she said as she held his hand “I’am sorry to spring this on you so suddenly…”
Cicero sighed, he knew how important this was to her…but he still wanted her to stay, to be close to him…
He didn’t want her to go…
“I’ll visit you during breaks and maybe if your…“family’s business”...takes you near Winterhold you can visit me” she smiled, Cicero gave a weak grin “Cicero already misses you, do you know when you’ll be on break?”, Mattilda sweetly kissed his cheek “on holidays and during the spring”.
She kissed him goodbye as she left to retrieve the dragonstone, Cicero already feeling melancholy and lonely as he watched her walk away…
(Bleak Falls Barrow)
Getting into the barrow wasn’t as tough as Mattilda had thought it to be, sure the bandits and draugr were a problem but nothing he magick or skills in the claw dances could not overcome.
Leaping like an agile hare through traps and around dangerous hazards she made her way to the main antichamber where a strange wall stood before her…
From what that one bandit trapped in spider web had told her, the claw he had stolen from Lucan and Camilla would open it…but how?
Mattilda studied the claw and noticed a pattern of symbols down its palm that matched the symbols on the door, if she aligned them just right and used the claw in the socket…
The door hissed and cracked as it sunk into the ground, “huh…interesting…” she pondered.
 Past the puzzle-door she found the main chamber and there before her was a wall of some kind scratched in an ancient language, words on the wall glowed and called out to her…
“Bo Dovahkiin. Dahmaan Ahrk Mindok.” said the booming warbled voices coming from the wall…
“Remember?...remember what?” Mattilda pondered as she approached the wall, the glow growing ever brighter…
“Tinvaak Hin Zul”, “speak? What..what am I to say?” she pondered the light enveloping her vision, nothing but the words were burned into her eyes…
Her ears were filled with the sudden cacophony of voices, all saying…no…shouting, chanting the same words over and over again in her mind…
It became too much and Mattilda opened her mouth to scream…only for her to join in on the chorus…
“FFFFUS RO DAHHHH!” she bellowed out and a thunderous shockwave of strange ancient magicka belted forth from her lips, the roar that emanated from deep inside her resonated and echoed within the chamber causing it to shake like an avalanche.
The sarcophagus that had been resting peacefully behind her suddenly burst open…
Markus sat with Mau’Mau on the back porch and shared with her a smoke pipe, “she wasn’t too much trouble was she?” Markus asked Mau as he took a few puffs, “no, no sugarbean has always been a treat to watch over” she hummed as he passed the pipe back to her, “any news on her besides her new adventuring life path?” he pondered.
Mau looked unsure for a moment…
“Markus…” she purred somewhat curiously “have you considered who your daughter…courts?”, Markus pondered that… 
He never really thought about it before since there weren't many suitors back in Helgen, but he trusted that she would find a good man.
Kit’Tay came out with a tray of cookies and tea, “you should tell him dear, better for him to know rather than to find out”, Mau flattened her ears in distress “oh…darling wife of mine…will you go get us some moonsugarcubes?, I’d like to have my tea sweet before I tell him”, “tell me what?” Markus grew concerned.
Mau sighed “your daughter has…found a man”, Markaus smiled “well that's wonderful news! Oh what is he? A woodsman, a hunter, a fisherman?” he pondered giddily to Mau.
There was a knock at the door.
“I’ll get it” Kit purred, Mau looked to Markus “oh he’s…well…he’s…he’s something” she said as she sipped her tea.
(Whiterun fort tower guard post)
The dragon was massive, covered in gleaming white and blue scales, frost belched from its maw freezing everything it touched.
“We still have men inside!” one guard cried out to Irileth, she turned to her squadron of guards, she knew they would not be enough to take on a dragon.
But from the ranks walking past them up to the fort was that mage girl, the one who had brought the dragon stone “what are you doing!?” She cried as she rushed to stop her but the mage girl pushed her back with her staff.
The dragon soard over head and swooped down at them like a hawk, the mage girl stood her grown and when the dragon was before her ready to snatch her off the grown…
“FFFFUSSS ROOO DAHHHH!” she shouted…
The dragon was thrown backwards out of the sky and tumbled to the earth…
While the beast was vulnerable on its back the mage girl leaped into the air with poise and grace like that of a butterfly, she produced a bounded blade a conjured weapon from oblivion and struck down upon the dragon’s chest, plunging the erie violet blade deep into its heart.
The dragon roared its last, a heavy breathy rattling gurgel…
Mattilda had no idea what had overcome her, she just knew one thing…she was to fight and slay this dragon.
Irelith approached her “by the gods…” she shuttered “you killed it”, “AN NOT ONLY THAT, LOOK!” a guard shouted, Mattilda watched as some sort of energy flowed from the dragon and into her…
It felt like a warm blanket had been wrapped around her yet at the same time it was like the feeling of touching lightning…
“You…” the guards gawked
“You are Dragonborn.”
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3xm-draconic · 2 months
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3xm-draconic · 2 months
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By LabradoriteKing on Pinterest
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3xm-draconic · 2 months
#skritch the skeever
Every sanctuary needs a little guy. Cheydinhal had Schemer, Falkreath had Lis. What pet do you think Dawnstar would get?
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3xm-draconic · 2 months
#AMAZING! #one of the coolest cosplays of cicero i've ever seen!
ok actually you know what here are some of the additional pics i already have. happy april fool
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also this
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3xm-draconic · 2 months
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3xm-draconic · 2 months
Bloodline of the Last Dragon.
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Season 1/Episode 7: The Return.
Cicero sat in a field of nightshade with Mattilda, just the two of them in a meadow of the violet blossoms, he knew he needed to tell her…but he didn’t want to.
He wanted to keep her, she was his special friend…his companion…
He didn’t want to lose her or see her get hurt.  
“Hey Cicero?…” she turned to him, he nearly jumped at her voice. It had been so dreadfully quiet, “oh yes dearest Mattilda?” He turned to her looking into her silvery eyes…sweet Sithis he had grown to adore the shimmering color of her eyes, bright like a well burnished blade.
“I…have something to confess to you”, “oh?...well…Cicero dose too” he sighed, better to get it over with…
She turned to him with a slight awkward and shy grin on her face, “Cicero…” she softly said, her voice was as lovely to him as cool rain on a hot summer night “your special to me…” she hummed sweetly “and I wanted to ask you if…perhaps…you’d like…to be my boyfriend?”
The words came before Cicero had time to process them…
“YES” he shouted.
Only then did he realize he’d dug himself into a deeper hole…
(Falkreath Sanctuary)
Cicero sat in his room dreading bringing Mattilda into the brotherhood, she wouldn’t like it here, she would hate it and she would grow to hate him…
He remembered something…a loophole…
She was part of the Thieves Guild, he remembered Astrid and the Guild have an alliance worked out…that means if she found out about him…he wouldn’t technically have to force her to join the brotherhood.
But it still ment he had to tell the others about her…
The rest of the brotherhood had settled down to dinner together when Cicero appeared before them, “well looked what the cat dragged in” Astrid mumbled.
“Finally having dinner with the rest of us?” Nazir eyed him “I’am shocked”, “oh be nice” Festus grumbled “here have a plate” he tried to offer the keeper a plate of roasted venison with apple jam but Cicero politely declined it.
“Cicero has something to tell you all” he took a shaky breath “Cicero…has…been seeing someone”
Astrid immediately leapt from the table and stuck a knife to his throat “I KNEW YOU WERE A TRAITOR!” she hissed, “Astrid wait!” Babbett cried “let him finish, it’s not what you think”, “Babbs?...you knew?” she stared in disbelief at the unchild, “he told me to keep it a secret” she shrugged.
Astrid let him up “Alright Fool…what is your secret?” she hissed venomously at him…
Cicero was quiet at first “...Cicero…has been seeing this girl…she likes Cicero and Cicero likes her…”, “well that's complete bullshit” Arnbjorn grumbled. “ARN!” Babbett snapped, “there ain't no way in the void there is ANYONE who would romantically wanna be involved with him” Arnbjorn shrugged, Veezara nodded “your story is a little hard to believe”.
Arnbjorn laughed “the day you have a girlfriend is the day Night Mother chooses a listener!”
Cicero began to laugh hysterically “GOOD!” he howled
(The next day)
Mattilda was overjoyed to be meeting some of Cicero’s folks! 
She had used some of her saved up gold to go all out on beauty supplies so she could look her best, gotta make a good first impression after all.
“It looks like a soup” Mattilda said as she fished a flower out of the bubbly bath, it had a little milk and tea in it too, “a soup that will do wonders dear, afterall we don’t want you smelling like a barn” Kit’Tay chuckled as she unceremoniously tossed her into the bath.
She then poured soap onto her hair and viciously started to scrub it into Mattilda’s scalp “OW!” she yelped and pulled away from her, “oh quit being a big baby, pain is beauty”, “if pain is beauty then I’d rather stay ugly” she groaned. 
Kit’Tay then took clay, charcoal, salt, a little honey and butter. 
She mixed it in a bowl and into a paste, she then took a hard scrubbing brush and proceeded to scrub the paste into Mattilda’s skin like she was trying to scrub grease off a pan.
After what felt like hours of this torture the bath had finnaly finished.
Mau’Mau then applied makeup to her face, using delicate hands she enhanced Mattilda’s face by lining her eyes in black and shadowing them with deep browns and golds to accentuate the silvery–blue of her eyes, her lips were then painted a soft red and her cheeks blushed.
Lastly was the dress.
Mau had it specially shipped from Radiant Raiment in Solitude, a slim black dress that hugged the curves and accentuated the bust. When Mattilda slipped it on she felt…fierce.
She had always hidden her appearance…now…she was showing it off. 
“So just who is this mystery man?” Mau’Mau asked her, “Cicero, his name is Cicero”, Mau paused a dreadful look on her face “short imperial man, red hair?...jester?” she gawked, “yeah…how do you?” Mattilda pondered.
“Sugarbean…be careful…he…is part of the dark brotherhood”.
A cold sweat ran down her spine.
“Cicero? An assassin?” she scoffed “you're joking”, Mau shook her head “Astrid told us of a new arrival, he fits the bill to a T” she purred sadly.
Mattilda started to laugh.
“well…I guess I wasn’t the only one keeping secrets”.
(At the Dead Man’s Drink)
Arnbjorn, Nazir and Vizarra were sent to see about Cicero’s “girlfriend”...
“50 septimes he just pulled our legs” Veezara yawned and sipped his mead, “100 septims says he hired some poor woman to pretend to be his girlfriend” Arnbjorn snickered. 
Cicero stood outside the tavern while the others waited inside, the moment he saw Mattilda his heart skipped a beat, she looked so…beautiful…especially dressed in black.
Nazir looked over and nearly spat out his mead “GUYS” he said as he tapped Arnbjron’s shoulder, Veezara and Arnbjorn looked over and their jaws dropped…
Cicero walked in with a cute little thing in a black dress, she was short and built a little like an acrobat but with very powerful and long legs, she was…an elf?...of some sort, a brunette with pale skin and big blue eyes.
She was laughing with him and not in a forced way…she…genuinely…seemed to be enjoying his company, “well I’’l be…” Nazir gasped, “there is no way he landed that, just look at her” Veezara murmured, “welp we're about to find out” Arnbjorn grinned.
“Matti these are Cicero’s half brothers and his family friend: Nazir, Arnbjorn and Veezara” he introduced her, “hi she excitedly beamed, I’am Mattilda Vid-” before she could finish introducing herself Arnbjorn stopped her.
“So Mattilda, what’s your line of work?”, “oh…well…I’am currently more of an adventurer right now but I use to be an alchemist in Helgen” she answered rather awkwardly, Arnbjorn nodded “uh huh…tell me”  he got close to her enough to whisper “and you can be honest, how much is Cicero paying you to be his pretend girlfriend?”
Mattilda gawked “what?!” she gasped, “oh come on” Arnbjorn muttered loud enough for Cicero to hear “did you really think we’d fall for this little joke of yours?” he turned to Cicero, “honestly where'd you find a pretty thing like this? Certainly not in whore houses here-” as soon as those words left his lips he was sent backwards by a powerfuck kick to the face, one strong enough to make him skid across the floor for a few feet.
Veezara and Nazir spat out their mead and gawked in utter shock at what had happened, Cicero grabbed Mattilda and desperately tried to pull her away.
Arnbjorn got up and glared at her…
“How dare you” she hissed “I am no cheap whore and how dare you for insulting Cicero” she growled, “you just signed your death warrant girly” Arnbjorn snarled, Mattilda smirked, showing off her bosmeri fangs “just ask Maven Blackbrier about the name Viddarson, then we’ll see who’s death warrant is signed” she leaned in “and tell Astrid I said hi”.
Chills ran down Arnbjorn’s spine…
Who was this chick?
Mattilda took Cicero’s hand and led him out of the tavern.
“What did you mean by that?” he looked at her, she smiled at him “you don’t need to worry about your family coming after me is all” she chirped, “what how?” he scrambled for words, “I know” is all she replied be for looking into his deep hazel-amber eyes and asking him one simple question.
“Mau and Kit are away “visiting friends” in Riften…would you like to share a bottle of wine with me beside the hearth at my house?”, Cicero pondered, if he was going to spend one last night with Matti before all Oblivion broke loose it would be tonight.
“Cicero would love too” he chirped.
(Falkreath Sanctuary)
“Viddarson” Astrid said the name with a twinge of fear in her breath, “I know but what does it mean?” Arnbjorn asked her, “it means, darling husband of mine…THAT YOU FUCKED UP” she screeched.
“Viddarson is Maven’s personal guy, her PERSONAL guy. If she wants something made to look like a message or an accident she sends us or any other guild member…if she wants somebody GONE OFF THE MAP or their name sullied into poverty she sends Viddarson” Astrid hissed “you just insulted the daughter, no excuse me, the niece of Skyrim’s FUCKING BOOGYMAN”.
Astrid grabbed Arnbjorn’s face and bright it to hers “you are going to apologize to her or so help me Sithis…”, “Astrid I thought we were Skyrim’s boogymen?” he pondered, Astrid sucked in a deep breath “listen to me, Viddarson makes us look like a bunch of weirdos in black pajamas…he is not to be FUCKED with…and nither is his family”.
“now…GO APOLOGIZE!” she snapped.
(next morning)
Cicero awoke next to Mattilda in her bed…with nothing on except his jester hat.
He lovingly gazed at her sleeping form beside him, her little soft snoring and the way her body was curled up next to him reminded him of a bunny rabbit, he cuddled her not wanting this moment to end…not wanting what was to happen…happen…
He wanted her to live.
A knock at the door awoke her from her slumber and Cicero cursed whoever it was, Mattilda looked at the naked jester in her bed…and at her own nude form. She giggled, “I…hope I wasn’t too…well…” she embarrassedly looked at Cicero “it was my first time”, Cicero chuckled and kissed her “it was Cicero’s too, he loved it”.
The knock came more vigorously this time.
“JUST A MOMENT” Mattilda called, “you better get out of here in case it’s Mau or Kit”, “but what if it’s Arnbjorn?” he worried, “like I said you don’t need to worry about that, now come on your clothes are around here somewhere” she chuckled.
Cicero left through the back door when he bumped into Arnbjorn, “look before you go crazy I’am not here to hurt her…I’am here to apologize to her”, “oh…well good serves you right for what you did”.
Mattilda got on her robes and opened the door, there before her was…
“DAD!” she shouted happily as she hugged him tightly.
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3xm-draconic · 2 months
Bloodline of the Last Dragon.
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Season 1/Episode 7: The Return.
Cicero sat in a field of nightshade with Mattilda, just the two of them in a meadow of the violet blossoms, he knew he needed to tell her…but he didn’t want to.
He wanted to keep her, she was his special friend…his companion…
He didn’t want to lose her or see her get hurt.  
“Hey Cicero?…” she turned to him, he nearly jumped at her voice. It had been so dreadfully quiet, “oh yes dearest Mattilda?” He turned to her looking into her silvery eyes…sweet Sithis he had grown to adore the shimmering color of her eyes, bright like a well burnished blade.
“I…have something to confess to you”, “oh?...well…Cicero dose too” he sighed, better to get it over with…
She turned to him with a slight awkward and shy grin on her face, “Cicero…” she softly said, her voice was as lovely to him as cool rain on a hot summer night “your special to me…” she hummed sweetly “and I wanted to ask you if…perhaps…you’d like…to be my boyfriend?”
The words came before Cicero had time to process them…
“YES” he shouted.
Only then did he realize he’d dug himself into a deeper hole…
(Falkreath Sanctuary)
Cicero sat in his room dreading bringing Mattilda into the brotherhood, she wouldn’t like it here, she would hate it and she would grow to hate him…
He remembered something…a loophole…
She was part of the Thieves Guild, he remembered Astrid and the Guild have an alliance worked out…that means if she found out about him…he wouldn’t technically have to force her to join the brotherhood.
But it still ment he had to tell the others about her…
The rest of the brotherhood had settled down to dinner together when Cicero appeared before them, “well looked what the cat dragged in” Astrid mumbled.
“Finally having dinner with the rest of us?” Nazir eyed him “I’am shocked”, “oh be nice” Festus grumbled “here have a plate” he tried to offer the keeper a plate of roasted venison with apple jam but Cicero politely declined it.
“Cicero has something to tell you all” he took a shaky breath “Cicero…has…been seeing someone”
Astrid immediately leapt from the table and stuck a knife to his throat “I KNEW YOU WERE A TRAITOR!” she hissed, “Astrid wait!” Babbett cried “let him finish, it’s not what you think”, “Babbs?...you knew?” she stared in disbelief at the unchild, “he told me to keep it a secret” she shrugged.
Astrid let him up “Alright Fool…what is your secret?” she hissed venomously at him…
Cicero was quiet at first “...Cicero…has been seeing this girl…she likes Cicero and Cicero likes her…”, “well that's complete bullshit” Arnbjorn grumbled. “ARN!” Babbett snapped, “there ain't no way in the void there is ANYONE who would romantically wanna be involved with him” Arnbjorn shrugged, Veezara nodded “your story is a little hard to believe”.
Arnbjorn laughed “the day you have a girlfriend is the day Night Mother chooses a listener!”
Cicero began to laugh hysterically “GOOD!” he howled
(The next day)
Mattilda was overjoyed to be meeting some of Cicero’s folks! 
She had used some of her saved up gold to go all out on beauty supplies so she could look her best, gotta make a good first impression after all.
“It looks like a soup” Mattilda said as she fished a flower out of the bubbly bath, it had a little milk and tea in it too, “a soup that will do wonders dear, afterall we don’t want you smelling like a barn” Kit’Tay chuckled as she unceremoniously tossed her into the bath.
She then poured soap onto her hair and viciously started to scrub it into Mattilda’s scalp “OW!” she yelped and pulled away from her, “oh quit being a big baby, pain is beauty”, “if pain is beauty then I’d rather stay ugly” she groaned. 
Kit’Tay then took clay, charcoal, salt, a little honey and butter. 
She mixed it in a bowl and into a paste, she then took a hard scrubbing brush and proceeded to scrub the paste into Mattilda’s skin like she was trying to scrub grease off a pan.
After what felt like hours of this torture the bath had finnaly finished.
Mau’Mau then applied makeup to her face, using delicate hands she enhanced Mattilda’s face by lining her eyes in black and shadowing them with deep browns and golds to accentuate the silvery–blue of her eyes, her lips were then painted a soft red and her cheeks blushed.
Lastly was the dress.
Mau had it specially shipped from Radiant Raiment in Solitude, a slim black dress that hugged the curves and accentuated the bust. When Mattilda slipped it on she felt…fierce.
She had always hidden her appearance…now…she was showing it off. 
“So just who is this mystery man?” Mau’Mau asked her, “Cicero, his name is Cicero”, Mau paused a dreadful look on her face “short imperial man, red hair?...jester?” she gawked, “yeah…how do you?” Mattilda pondered.
“Sugarbean…be careful…he…is part of the dark brotherhood”.
A cold sweat ran down her spine.
“Cicero? An assassin?” she scoffed “you're joking”, Mau shook her head “Astrid told us of a new arrival, he fits the bill to a T” she purred sadly.
Mattilda started to laugh.
“well…I guess I wasn’t the only one keeping secrets”.
(At the Dead Man’s Drink)
Arnbjorn, Nazir and Vizarra were sent to see about Cicero’s “girlfriend”...
“50 septimes he just pulled our legs” Veezara yawned and sipped his mead, “100 septims says he hired some poor woman to pretend to be his girlfriend” Arnbjorn snickered. 
Cicero stood outside the tavern while the others waited inside, the moment he saw Mattilda his heart skipped a beat, she looked so…beautiful…especially dressed in black.
Nazir looked over and nearly spat out his mead “GUYS” he said as he tapped Arnbjron’s shoulder, Veezara and Arnbjorn looked over and their jaws dropped…
Cicero walked in with a cute little thing in a black dress, she was short and built a little like an acrobat but with very powerful and long legs, she was…an elf?...of some sort, a brunette with pale skin and big blue eyes.
She was laughing with him and not in a forced way…she…genuinely…seemed to be enjoying his company, “well I’’l be…” Nazir gasped, “there is no way he landed that, just look at her” Veezara murmured, “welp we're about to find out” Arnbjorn grinned.
“Matti these are Cicero’s half brothers and his family friend: Nazir, Arnbjorn and Veezara” he introduced her, “hi she excitedly beamed, I’am Mattilda Vid-” before she could finish introducing herself Arnbjorn stopped her.
“So Mattilda, what’s your line of work?”, “oh…well…I’am currently more of an adventurer right now but I use to be an alchemist in Helgen” she answered rather awkwardly, Arnbjorn nodded “uh huh…tell me”  he got close to her enough to whisper “and you can be honest, how much is Cicero paying you to be his pretend girlfriend?”
Mattilda gawked “what?!” she gasped, “oh come on” Arnbjorn muttered loud enough for Cicero to hear “did you really think we’d fall for this little joke of yours?” he turned to Cicero, “honestly where'd you find a pretty thing like this? Certainly not in whore houses here-” as soon as those words left his lips he was sent backwards by a powerfuck kick to the face, one strong enough to make him skid across the floor for a few feet.
Veezara and Nazir spat out their mead and gawked in utter shock at what had happened, Cicero grabbed Mattilda and desperately tried to pull her away.
Arnbjorn got up and glared at her…
“How dare you” she hissed “I am no cheap whore and how dare you for insulting Cicero” she growled, “you just signed your death warrant girly” Arnbjorn snarled, Mattilda smirked, showing off her bosmeri fangs “just ask Maven Blackbrier about the name Viddarson, then we’ll see who’s death warrant is signed” she leaned in “and tell Astrid I said hi”.
Chills ran down Arnbjorn’s spine…
Who was this chick?
Mattilda took Cicero’s hand and led him out of the tavern.
“What did you mean by that?” he looked at her, she smiled at him “you don’t need to worry about your family coming after me is all” she chirped, “what how?” he scrambled for words, “I know” is all she replied be for looking into his deep hazel-amber eyes and asking him one simple question.
“Mau and Kit are away “visiting friends” in Riften…would you like to share a bottle of wine with me beside the hearth at my house?”, Cicero pondered, if he was going to spend one last night with Matti before all Oblivion broke loose it would be tonight.
“Cicero would love too” he chirped.
(Falkreath Sanctuary)
“Viddarson” Astrid said the name with a twinge of fear in her breath, “I know but what does it mean?” Arnbjorn asked her, “it means, darling husband of mine…THAT YOU FUCKED UP” she screeched.
“Viddarson is Maven’s personal guy, her PERSONAL guy. If she wants something made to look like a message or an accident she sends us or any other guild member…if she wants somebody GONE OFF THE MAP or their name sullied into poverty she sends Viddarson” Astrid hissed “you just insulted the daughter, no excuse me, the niece of Skyrim’s FUCKING BOOGYMAN”.
Astrid grabbed Arnbjorn’s face and bright it to hers “you are going to apologize to her or so help me Sithis…”, “Astrid I thought we were Skyrim’s boogymen?” he pondered, Astrid sucked in a deep breath “listen to me, Viddarson makes us look like a bunch of weirdos in black pajamas…he is not to be FUCKED with…and nither is his family”.
“now…GO APOLOGIZE!” she snapped.
(next morning)
Cicero awoke next to Mattilda in her bed…with nothing on except his jester hat.
He lovingly gazed at her sleeping form beside him, her little soft snoring and the way her body was curled up next to him reminded him of a bunny rabbit, he cuddled her not wanting this moment to end…not wanting what was to happen…happen…
He wanted her to live.
A knock at the door awoke her from her slumber and Cicero cursed whoever it was, Mattilda looked at the naked jester in her bed…and at her own nude form. She giggled, “I…hope I wasn’t too…well…” she embarrassedly looked at Cicero “it was my first time”, Cicero chuckled and kissed her “it was Cicero’s too, he loved it”.
The knock came more vigorously this time.
“JUST A MOMENT” Mattilda called, “you better get out of here in case it’s Mau or Kit”, “but what if it’s Arnbjorn?” he worried, “like I said you don’t need to worry about that, now come on your clothes are around here somewhere” she chuckled.
Cicero left through the back door when he bumped into Arnbjorn, “look before you go crazy I’am not here to hurt her…I’am here to apologize to her”, “oh…well good serves you right for what you did”.
Mattilda got on her robes and opened the door, there before her was…
“DAD!” she shouted happily as she hugged him tightly.
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3xm-draconic · 2 months
Bloodline of the Last Dragon.
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Season 1/Episode 6: Falkreath.
It had been a week since Mattilda had set off on her plans to adventure into the forests of Falkreath to scour and scrounge various bandit camps and necromancer lairs for her magical components; she needed at least 200 soul gems, a large blank tome to hold all her writing and to make scrolls, plenty of ink and quills, an alembic and a staff.
She had more than enough soul gems by now, a tome, quills and ink pots, she just needed the alembic and a staff now.
She also had amassed quite the amount of spending money from selling the items she didn’t need like enchanted items, she now had 5,000 septims to her name, she of course kept it safely hidden in the loose floorboard under her bed in her room.
In this time Cicero visited her daily and they would go out and pick alchemical ingredients and flowers together.
 “Cicero over here!” she called to him as she carefully parted some bushes “I found some steel-blue entoloma” she excitedly chirped “a very rare ingredient!”, Cicero hopped over and looked at the cluster of little blue shrooms “OOH they're so pretty!” he said “what can you make with them?”
“Well the effects are Restore Magicka, Fortify Destruction, Resist Frost and Fortify Carry Weight. If I combine it with Scaly Pholiota and a River Betty fish I’ll get a potion to fortify one’s ability to carry more weight. However on the other hand if I had glowshrooms and nightshade I could make a potion that fortifies my destruction magical abilities” she beamed excitedly as she harvested a few mushrooms “also they are tasty fried up like all mushrooms”.
“Iam going to plant these in my hidden garden so Mau’Mau and Kit’Tay won't find them and I’ll have my own supply”, “why are you worried about them finding your garden?” Cicero pondered as he examined one of the tiny blue mushrooms, he pondered if he should try it.
“Well…” Mattilda paused “you’ve kept my secret can you keep another?” she awkwardly asked him, Cicero nodded as he monched on the mushroom, it didn’t taste half bad. “Mau and Kit are…well they are associates of the Thieves Guild” Mattilda sighed “they work as smugglers and fences here in Falkreath, my uncle is a member of the Guild…my father used to work for them but now no longer dose, that's why I’am here, they are keeping me safe”.
“Safe? Safe from what?” Cicero pondered “what could be troubling you? Is someone after you?” Cicero looked at Mattilda with concern for his friend.
In the passing days he had been in the sanctuary Cicero had grown ever more distant from his…“family”...they never seemed to open up to him so he never bothered to open up to them, however he enjoyed slipping away to spend his days with Mattilda after tending to the Night Mother.
She was the only person he seemed to enjoy being around…even though he could not be…“him” around her he still enjoyed her company, she liked to be around him and did not look at him like he was an annoyance…he liked that.
So if someone was after her looking to harm her…well…he simply can NOT have that, he just can not, NO ONE will hurt his friend. 
“...it's…it’s nothing Cicero, you don’t have to worry, I’am safe” she sighed, Cicero wasn’t buying it but he left it alone…for now.
When they got back into Falkreath propper they split ways and said their goodbyes, Cicero still feeling concerned for Mattilda’s well being.
“Oh Cicero before you go I made you something” she said as she gave him a small wooden box, Cicero opened it to find various mini sweetrolls inside, “you told me how much you liked sweetrolls so I figured I’d make you some, each one has different flavors, I hope you like them” she smiled.
Cicero felt his heart flutter a little, this was a wonderful little gift “thank you Matti” he smiled.
(Falkreath Sanctuary)
Gabriella was organizing alchemical ingredients with Babbett when Astrid approached her “he’s left again” she mumbled “consecutively, every day at this exact time and returned exactly 3 to 4 hours later…just what is he doing?”, “why don’t you ask him?” Gabriella shrugged as she placed another vile of poison on the shelf.
“No, NO he could lie and falsify info, I need a spy…” she growled, she turned to Babbett “Babbs could you be a dear?” 
Babbett, who was sipping on an ale and relaxing in her chair, looked at Astrid and sighed “you want me to play babysitter for the Fool?” she grumbled, “it’s an order not a request” Astrid mumbled, Babbett sighed and set down her ale and cracked her knuckles “alright” she groaned “I’ll keep an eye on him”.
Cicero snuck back into the sanctuary and into his room, he giddily flopped onto his bed and dove into the box of sweetrolls.
The first one he plucked out was a dark sweet roll with a reddish-pink frosting, it reminded him of the armor of the brotherhood, he took a bite and was pleasantly greeted with the taste of dark chocolate and snowberries.
The next one was a strange green sweet roll with a blue cream, he was skeptical of this one but was surprised by how good it was, it was a lemon and blue-mountain flower tea infused sweetroll.
The last one he tried looked like a plane sweetroll just tinted a little orange, he took a bite and found it was carrot flavored!
A knock came at his door.
He immediately his the box of sweets under his bed and whent to open his door, “OH um hello Babbett?” he greeted the little unchild, “hey Cicero” she said “look I’am going to be straight with you, what have you been doing going out of the sanctuary?”, Cicero panicked.
“OH NOTHING” he shrieked, Babbett eyed him, “well…um…oh bother and befuddle…” he sighed “can you keep a secret Babbett?”
Her ears peaked up “ok?” she pondered “just What could this little jester be hiding?” she thought to herself, “Cicero…he…he has a friend…” he awkwardly hummed “she’s…special…to me”, “OH” Babbett grinned “OH HO HO!” she smiled “you have a girl you’ve been seeing?” she hummed almost in disbelief “you have a girlfriend?”
Cicero blushed…he…likes Mattilda but…well…
“She’s…just my friend…” he mumbled a little embarrassed, “and I’am assuming she has no clue who you really are?” Babbett said, Cicero nodded, “well, Cicero” she placed a hand on his shoulder “she’ll find out sooner or later and I think for her best interest you either break off the “friendship”...or…” Babbett smiled “bring her into the family”.
 Cicero felt a pit in his stomach, Matilda’s charm was kinda the fact that she…wasn’t like him…she was his opposite…she wasn't a killer…
Oh dear Sithis what has he gotten her into?
(Falkreath Thieves Guild safehouse)
Mattilda had just planted her steel-blue entoloma when Mau’Mau approached her, “sugarbean” her voice rumbled “you and I need to talk”, “oh no, she knows” Mattilda panicked, “Listen sugarbean, I found your stash of gold, I know not who you’ve made…but if you are doing so by, lets say, taking items from various pockets and shops without asking I’d like to know, it’s in the guild’s interest to scout for potential” she hummed.
“Well actually I haven't been stealing things Mau, I’ve been…um…well going out and…a…adventuring?” she shrugged, Mau’Mau pondered this “do you remember your training? The ways of Whispering fang & claw and Desert Rain?” she mused “do you remember what we taught you little sugarbean?”
“Well…a little?, Dad taught me enough to defend myself and I remember how to be sneaky from you and Kit” she admitted. Mau hissed and grumbled “aye, aye!” she growled “sugarbean if you are to continue this path and to reach whatever goal you have set yourself on you WILL train with me and Kit’Tay tonight and tomorrow and for the foreseeable future until your father gets out of the temple”, “but-”, “no buts, if a bandit never expects to be stabbed by a mage imagine how surprised he will be to have been kicked into a tree by one” she purred.
The next day as was promised Mattilda whent out into the forest with Kit’Tay and Mau’Mau to train in the ways of Khajiiti martial arts.
Whispering claw & fang was usually an art for assassins, erratic acrobatic moves mixed with stealth and a focus on powerful precise strikes at key vital points in the body.
The art of Desert Rain on the other hand was the art of mixing defensive hand-to-hand combat alongside a one-handed weapon, usually a blunted wooden sword but Mattilda had been thinking of using a staff as her weapon, afterall nobody expects to be hit with a big ass stick.
Training as arduous and intense, Mattilda had nearly forgotten how powerful and furious Mau could be, more than once poor Mattilda had been flipped into a tree by her caretaker and trainer.
“C’mon sugarbean, you can do better than that!” Mau called as she again flipped Mattilda off her feet.
Mattilda groaned “can we take a break?”, Mau sighed and nodded “it’s about lunchtime anyway”.
Cicero and Mattilda whent out to look for flowers again, Cicero knew what he had to do…but he didn't know if he could do it.
She was his friend…
This was only going to hurt...wasn’t it?
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3xm-draconic · 2 months
Bloodline of the Last Dragon.
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Season 1/Episode 6: Falkreath.
It had been a week since Mattilda had set off on her plans to adventure into the forests of Falkreath to scour and scrounge various bandit camps and necromancer lairs for her magical components; she needed at least 200 soul gems, a large blank tome to hold all her writing and to make scrolls, plenty of ink and quills, an alembic and a staff.
She had more than enough soul gems by now, a tome, quills and ink pots, she just needed the alembic and a staff now.
She also had amassed quite the amount of spending money from selling the items she didn’t need like enchanted items, she now had 5,000 septims to her name, she of course kept it safely hidden in the loose floorboard under her bed in her room.
In this time Cicero visited her daily and they would go out and pick alchemical ingredients and flowers together.
 “Cicero over here!” she called to him as she carefully parted some bushes “I found some steel-blue entoloma” she excitedly chirped “a very rare ingredient!”, Cicero hopped over and looked at the cluster of little blue shrooms “OOH they're so pretty!” he said “what can you make with them?”
“Well the effects are Restore Magicka, Fortify Destruction, Resist Frost and Fortify Carry Weight. If I combine it with Scaly Pholiota and a River Betty fish I’ll get a potion to fortify one’s ability to carry more weight. However on the other hand if I had glowshrooms and nightshade I could make a potion that fortifies my destruction magical abilities” she beamed excitedly as she harvested a few mushrooms “also they are tasty fried up like all mushrooms”.
“Iam going to plant these in my hidden garden so Mau’Mau and Kit’Tay won't find them and I’ll have my own supply”, “why are you worried about them finding your garden?” Cicero pondered as he examined one of the tiny blue mushrooms, he pondered if he should try it.
“Well…” Mattilda paused “you’ve kept my secret can you keep another?” she awkwardly asked him, Cicero nodded as he monched on the mushroom, it didn’t taste half bad. “Mau and Kit are…well they are associates of the Thieves Guild” Mattilda sighed “they work as smugglers and fences here in Falkreath, my uncle is a member of the Guild…my father used to work for them but now no longer dose, that's why I’am here, they are keeping me safe”.
“Safe? Safe from what?” Cicero pondered “what could be troubling you? Is someone after you?” Cicero looked at Mattilda with concern for his friend.
In the passing days he had been in the sanctuary Cicero had grown ever more distant from his…“family”...they never seemed to open up to him so he never bothered to open up to them, however he enjoyed slipping away to spend his days with Mattilda after tending to the Night Mother.
She was the only person he seemed to enjoy being around…even though he could not be…“him” around her he still enjoyed her company, she liked to be around him and did not look at him like he was an annoyance…he liked that.
So if someone was after her looking to harm her…well…he simply can NOT have that, he just can not, NO ONE will hurt his friend. 
“...it's…it’s nothing Cicero, you don’t have to worry, I’am safe” she sighed, Cicero wasn’t buying it but he left it alone…for now.
When they got back into Falkreath propper they split ways and said their goodbyes, Cicero still feeling concerned for Mattilda’s well being.
“Oh Cicero before you go I made you something” she said as she gave him a small wooden box, Cicero opened it to find various mini sweetrolls inside, “you told me how much you liked sweetrolls so I figured I’d make you some, each one has different flavors, I hope you like them” she smiled.
Cicero felt his heart flutter a little, this was a wonderful little gift “thank you Matti” he smiled.
(Falkreath Sanctuary)
Gabriella was organizing alchemical ingredients with Babbett when Astrid approached her “he’s left again” she mumbled “consecutively, every day at this exact time and returned exactly 3 to 4 hours later…just what is he doing?”, “why don’t you ask him?” Gabriella shrugged as she placed another vile of poison on the shelf.
“No, NO he could lie and falsify info, I need a spy…” she growled, she turned to Babbett “Babbs could you be a dear?” 
Babbett, who was sipping on an ale and relaxing in her chair, looked at Astrid and sighed “you want me to play babysitter for the Fool?” she grumbled, “it’s an order not a request” Astrid mumbled, Babbett sighed and set down her ale and cracked her knuckles “alright” she groaned “I’ll keep an eye on him”.
Cicero snuck back into the sanctuary and into his room, he giddily flopped onto his bed and dove into the box of sweetrolls.
The first one he plucked out was a dark sweet roll with a reddish-pink frosting, it reminded him of the armor of the brotherhood, he took a bite and was pleasantly greeted with the taste of dark chocolate and snowberries.
The next one was a strange green sweet roll with a blue cream, he was skeptical of this one but was surprised by how good it was, it was a lemon and blue-mountain flower tea infused sweetroll.
The last one he tried looked like a plane sweetroll just tinted a little orange, he took a bite and found it was carrot flavored!
A knock came at his door.
He immediately his the box of sweets under his bed and whent to open his door, “OH um hello Babbett?” he greeted the little unchild, “hey Cicero” she said “look I’am going to be straight with you, what have you been doing going out of the sanctuary?”, Cicero panicked.
“OH NOTHING” he shrieked, Babbett eyed him, “well…um…oh bother and befuddle…” he sighed “can you keep a secret Babbett?”
Her ears peaked up “ok?” she pondered “just What could this little jester be hiding?” she thought to herself, “Cicero…he…he has a friend…” he awkwardly hummed “she’s…special…to me”, “OH” Babbett grinned “OH HO HO!” she smiled “you have a girl you’ve been seeing?” she hummed almost in disbelief “you have a girlfriend?”
Cicero blushed…he…likes Mattilda but…well…
“She’s…just my friend…” he mumbled a little embarrassed, “and I’am assuming she has no clue who you really are?” Babbett said, Cicero nodded, “well, Cicero” she placed a hand on his shoulder “she’ll find out sooner or later and I think for her best interest you either break off the “friendship”...or…” Babbett smiled “bring her into the family”.
 Cicero felt a pit in his stomach, Matilda’s charm was kinda the fact that she…wasn’t like him…she was his opposite…she wasn't a killer…
Oh dear Sithis what has he gotten her into?
(Falkreath Thieves Guild safehouse)
Mattilda had just planted her steel-blue entoloma when Mau’Mau approached her, “sugarbean” her voice rumbled “you and I need to talk”, “oh no, she knows” Mattilda panicked, “Listen sugarbean, I found your stash of gold, I know not who you’ve made…but if you are doing so by, lets say, taking items from various pockets and shops without asking I’d like to know, it’s in the guild’s interest to scout for potential” she hummed.
“Well actually I haven't been stealing things Mau, I’ve been…um…well going out and…a…adventuring?” she shrugged, Mau’Mau pondered this “do you remember your training? The ways of Whispering fang & claw and Desert Rain?” she mused “do you remember what we taught you little sugarbean?”
“Well…a little?, Dad taught me enough to defend myself and I remember how to be sneaky from you and Kit” she admitted. Mau hissed and grumbled “aye, aye!” she growled “sugarbean if you are to continue this path and to reach whatever goal you have set yourself on you WILL train with me and Kit’Tay tonight and tomorrow and for the foreseeable future until your father gets out of the temple”, “but-”, “no buts, if a bandit never expects to be stabbed by a mage imagine how surprised he will be to have been kicked into a tree by one” she purred.
The next day as was promised Mattilda whent out into the forest with Kit’Tay and Mau’Mau to train in the ways of Khajiiti martial arts.
Whispering claw & fang was usually an art for assassins, erratic acrobatic moves mixed with stealth and a focus on powerful precise strikes at key vital points in the body.
The art of Desert Rain on the other hand was the art of mixing defensive hand-to-hand combat alongside a one-handed weapon, usually a blunted wooden sword but Mattilda had been thinking of using a staff as her weapon, afterall nobody expects to be hit with a big ass stick.
Training as arduous and intense, Mattilda had nearly forgotten how powerful and furious Mau could be, more than once poor Mattilda had been flipped into a tree by her caretaker and trainer.
“C’mon sugarbean, you can do better than that!” Mau called as she again flipped Mattilda off her feet.
Mattilda groaned “can we take a break?”, Mau sighed and nodded “it’s about lunchtime anyway”.
Cicero and Mattilda whent out to look for flowers again, Cicero knew what he had to do…but he didn't know if he could do it.
She was his friend…
This was only going to hurt...wasn’t it?
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3xm-draconic · 2 months
Bloodline of the Last Dragon.
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Season 1/Episode 5: On the Road Again.
As Mattilda sat and watched the forest for dangers she thought more about her new life in Falkreath, she knew her uncle's friends from her childhood but hadn’t seen them in years…she wondered if they still remembered her?
A twig snapping drew her attention to a man walking out of the woods, a dunmer man in strange red armor “hello succulent little morsel” he cooed, she tried to cry out for Cicero but the man moved so fast to cover her mouth it was unnatural, then she saw his gleaming orange eyes, vampire's eyes.
“Mmm what a delicious meal you’ll make” he looked her up and down “and a cute little thrall too”, he moved to bite her…
Mattilda shoved him and with quick reflexes of her own she used both hands balled into fists to punch into his chest, sending him skidding backwards. She then took a strong defensive stance as she called out to Cicero.
The vampire gawked at her, eyeing her strange movements, his thralls who were waiting in the treeline moved forward one was a burly orc the other a slim argonian “Get Them!” he commanded.
Before the orc even knew what had hit him Mattilda’s foot had slammed into his jaw with a devastating kick that rounded back to the argonian and swiped her off her feet, the orc however was tougher than that and quickly recovered as he lunged for Mattilda.
She twisted and flipped, divided and dogged like a winding striking serpent, her fists and feet occasionally making heavy bone-crunching blows against the orc.
Cicero hearing the commotion got up and like a strike of lightning whent straight after the vampire master, his ebony dagger slashing this way and that like a deadly whirlwind.
With her magicka regarded Mattilda shot twin jets of flame at the orc and the argonian, cutting them down in a torrent of blazing arcane power. Cicero dashed and got behind the vampire, he crouched low then suddenly grabbed him by the shoulder and thrusted his blade upwards into his chest…the vampire gurgled on his own blood before falling to the earth, dead as a doornail.
“CICERO!” she called out “are you ok? You weren't bit or scratched were you?” she ran over to him as he flopped onto the ground wheezing. “Oooh that was quite a wake up call” he chuckled, he looked at himself and found no bites or slashes “Cicero is fine, no vampirism for me!” he squeaked.
As she helped him up Cicero studied her “what was that Cicero saw you do?” he pondered, Mattilda chuckled and rubbed the back of her neck “oh it’s nothing just some self defense stuff my father taught me”, Cicero eyed her “that was pretty amazing” he chuckled.
With the attack on camp over with Cicero offered to take watch next so that Mattilda could get some rest “I’ll make a great breakfast to make up for the night we’ve had” she chuckled as she wished him goodnight.
Cicero took out his dagger and found a thick stick on the ground, he started to whittle at it as he thought about what to do…
“Mattilda is a capable fighter afterall, hmmm…” he pondered “Cicero doesn't want to kill her, she is so kind to him and so helpful…but smart…very smart. She knows Cicero is making oils for mother…it most certainly will be only a matter of time till she discovers who I really am…” he whittled at the stick more aggressively “perhaps I can slit her throat while she sleeps the next time we make camp?...but I still need her help getting my mother home…”
Cicero paused “but…maybe I don’t have to kill her…she said she was going into Falkreath’s main city…perhaps I can lose her there?”
The dawn slowly came and as promised Mattilda cooked Cicero a breakfast of eggs she had gathered from a nearby pine thrush's nest, grilled mushrooms, strips of salted boar, toasted bread slices and some jazbay jam to share from a jar in her pack.
They hopped back on the wagon and continued their travels…
“Hey Cicero” Mattilda turned to him with a bright smile “when I get settled in Falkreath would you like to go out with me?” Mattilda said with a slight crack in her voice.
She had never asked anyone out before, dating in Skyrim was hard so most people usually wore Amulets of Mara around themselves to indicated that the wanted a partner, Mattilda had no amulet…and she wasn’t exactly reddy to say “I wanna be married”
Cicero pondered for a moment, he would have to get the Night Mother settled in first and greet his new family…but…if he had time to spare he would not mind spending time with Mattilda again, her laugh was so unique.
Falkreath lumbered into view, a city buried amongst the forest, full of cozy homes and lumber mills, the great graveyard awaited ahead.
“Would you like me to help you move her?” Mattilda asked him as she marveled at the city, “OH!” Cicero started to panic “No, No! It’s fine I got her, my family here in Falkreath will help me” he did not want Mattilda to be hurt by the brotherhood…he liked having a friend like her.
“So where is your house?”, Cicero had to make something up “we…live in a small home outside the city, it’s a nice little home but it’s a little hidden, you can’t find it easily” he chuckled nervously.
They stopped by a home on the edge of the graveyard, outside of it a burly snow leopard-looking Khajiit was in a rocking chair puffing on a pipe, “Mau’Mau!” Mattilda chirped happily as she leapt from the cart and ran up to the Khajiit. Mau’Mau opened her one good sickly yellow eye and grinned “ah, little sugarbean is all grown up I see, not so little anymore hu?” she raspely purred.
A slim black panther-looking Khajiit woman appeared in the doorway, “SUGARBEAN!” she cried as she embraced Mattilda, “hey Kit’Tay” Mattilda hummed happily.
Mattilda was so excited to see her old family friends that she didn’t even notice Cicero and his cart had slipped away from the crowded city…
(Falkreath Sanctuary)
“WE WERE DETAINED, DELAYED!” Cicero wined hoping Astrid would understand…but the bitch had such a big stick shoved so far up her ass Cicero was suprised it didn’t sick out her yapping gob.
“You were supposed to be here 2 days ago” she mumbled, “but-”, “whatever, you and the Night Mother are welcomed to stay here BUT I am in charge” she hissed, “oh yes mistress your the boss!” Cicero nodded “for now” he hushly growled under his breath.
Adjusting to life in the sanctuary was going to be rough…nobody seemed to like him.
Sure Festus Crex respected him…but he didn’t like him, and the rest of them seemed to be the same say for Astrid and her sheepdog husband, they outright mocked him…
Cicero hated this…he wanted a family he wanted the brotherhood…but they are not it…
With him only needing to tend to the Night Mother every so often ment he had a lot of free time on his hands…and Mattilda did ask him to join her for dinner…
“So how are you doing?” Mattilda asked him as they walked to The Dead Man's Drink tavern, “oh well Cicero’s family here in Skyrim haven't seen him in a long time so they need to get used to me…and I to them…” he grumbled, “oh…” Mattilda gazed at him sadly “I’am…not doing too hot either actually” she admitted.
“Oh? What troubles you fair Mattilda?” he pondered as they sat down on a corner table away from everyone else, “well…” she glanced around “can you keep a secret?”, Cicero nodded vigorously.
Mattilda sighed “I’am thinking of going out and gathering supplies so that I can join the college of Winterhold…and by gathering I really mean…” she leaned in “pilfering them from some of the local illegal magic practitioners that live in Falkreath”.
“So you’ll be stealing them?” Cicero pondered, “well…kinda?” she shrugged “I’ll be taking stuff from evil mages, there are a lot of necromancers and warlocks out here so taking magical items from them”.
Cicero cocked his head “what made you wanna be a mage in the first place, Nords seem to hate the stuff”, she frowned “well…”
Mattilda looked at Cicero, if she was trusting him with her plans on becoming an adventure behind the backs of her caretakers…she could trust him with the truth.
“I want to become a powerful enough mage to scour the realms of oblivion and beyond…I lost an important piece of my life” she sighed, “ooh what are you looking for?” Cicero curiously gazed into her silvery-blue eyes, she sucked in a deep breath…
“My Mother”.
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3xm-draconic · 2 months
Bloodline of the Last Dragon.
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Season 1/Episode 5: On the Road Again.
As Mattilda sat and watched the forest for dangers she thought more about her new life in Falkreath, she knew her uncle's friends from her childhood but hadn’t seen them in years…she wondered if they still remembered her?
A twig snapping drew her attention to a man walking out of the woods, a dunmer man in strange red armor “hello succulent little morsel” he cooed, she tried to cry out for Cicero but the man moved so fast to cover her mouth it was unnatural, then she saw his gleaming orange eyes, vampire's eyes.
“Mmm what a delicious meal you’ll make” he looked her up and down “and a cute little thrall too”, he moved to bite her…
Mattilda shoved him and with quick reflexes of her own she used both hands balled into fists to punch into his chest, sending him skidding backwards. She then took a strong defensive stance as she called out to Cicero.
The vampire gawked at her, eyeing her strange movements, his thralls who were waiting in the treeline moved forward one was a burly orc the other a slim argonian “Get Them!” he commanded.
Before the orc even knew what had hit him Mattilda’s foot had slammed into his jaw with a devastating kick that rounded back to the argonian and swiped her off her feet, the orc however was tougher than that and quickly recovered as he lunged for Mattilda.
She twisted and flipped, divided and dogged like a winding striking serpent, her fists and feet occasionally making heavy bone-crunching blows against the orc.
Cicero hearing the commotion got up and like a strike of lightning whent straight after the vampire master, his ebony dagger slashing this way and that like a deadly whirlwind.
With her magicka regarded Mattilda shot twin jets of flame at the orc and the argonian, cutting them down in a torrent of blazing arcane power. Cicero dashed and got behind the vampire, he crouched low then suddenly grabbed him by the shoulder and thrusted his blade upwards into his chest…the vampire gurgled on his own blood before falling to the earth, dead as a doornail.
“CICERO!” she called out “are you ok? You weren't bit or scratched were you?” she ran over to him as he flopped onto the ground wheezing. “Oooh that was quite a wake up call” he chuckled, he looked at himself and found no bites or slashes “Cicero is fine, no vampirism for me!” he squeaked.
As she helped him up Cicero studied her “what was that Cicero saw you do?” he pondered, Mattilda chuckled and rubbed the back of her neck “oh it’s nothing just some self defense stuff my father taught me”, Cicero eyed her “that was pretty amazing” he chuckled.
With the attack on camp over with Cicero offered to take watch next so that Mattilda could get some rest “I’ll make a great breakfast to make up for the night we’ve had” she chuckled as she wished him goodnight.
Cicero took out his dagger and found a thick stick on the ground, he started to whittle at it as he thought about what to do…
“Mattilda is a capable fighter afterall, hmmm…” he pondered “Cicero doesn't want to kill her, she is so kind to him and so helpful…but smart…very smart. She knows Cicero is making oils for mother…it most certainly will be only a matter of time till she discovers who I really am…” he whittled at the stick more aggressively “perhaps I can slit her throat while she sleeps the next time we make camp?...but I still need her help getting my mother home…”
Cicero paused “but…maybe I don’t have to kill her…she said she was going into Falkreath’s main city…perhaps I can lose her there?”
The dawn slowly came and as promised Mattilda cooked Cicero a breakfast of eggs she had gathered from a nearby pine thrush's nest, grilled mushrooms, strips of salted boar, toasted bread slices and some jazbay jam to share from a jar in her pack.
They hopped back on the wagon and continued their travels…
“Hey Cicero” Mattilda turned to him with a bright smile “when I get settled in Falkreath would you like to go out with me?” Mattilda said with a slight crack in her voice.
She had never asked anyone out before, dating in Skyrim was hard so most people usually wore Amulets of Mara around themselves to indicated that the wanted a partner, Mattilda had no amulet…and she wasn’t exactly reddy to say “I wanna be married”
Cicero pondered for a moment, he would have to get the Night Mother settled in first and greet his new family…but…if he had time to spare he would not mind spending time with Mattilda again, her laugh was so unique.
Falkreath lumbered into view, a city buried amongst the forest, full of cozy homes and lumber mills, the great graveyard awaited ahead.
“Would you like me to help you move her?” Mattilda asked him as she marveled at the city, “OH!” Cicero started to panic “No, No! It’s fine I got her, my family here in Falkreath will help me” he did not want Mattilda to be hurt by the brotherhood…he liked having a friend like her.
“So where is your house?”, Cicero had to make something up “we…live in a small home outside the city, it’s a nice little home but it’s a little hidden, you can’t find it easily” he chuckled nervously.
They stopped by a home on the edge of the graveyard, outside of it a burly snow leopard-looking Khajiit was in a rocking chair puffing on a pipe, “Mau’Mau!” Mattilda chirped happily as she leapt from the cart and ran up to the Khajiit. Mau’Mau opened her one good sickly yellow eye and grinned “ah, little sugarbean is all grown up I see, not so little anymore hu?” she raspely purred.
A slim black panther-looking Khajiit woman appeared in the doorway, “SUGARBEAN!” she cried as she embraced Mattilda, “hey Kit’Tay” Mattilda hummed happily.
Mattilda was so excited to see her old family friends that she didn’t even notice Cicero and his cart had slipped away from the crowded city…
(Falkreath Sanctuary)
“WE WERE DETAINED, DELAYED!” Cicero wined hoping Astrid would understand…but the bitch had such a big stick shoved so far up her ass Cicero was suprised it didn’t sick out her yapping gob.
“You were supposed to be here 2 days ago” she mumbled, “but-”, “whatever, you and the Night Mother are welcomed to stay here BUT I am in charge” she hissed, “oh yes mistress your the boss!” Cicero nodded “for now” he hushly growled under his breath.
Adjusting to life in the sanctuary was going to be rough…nobody seemed to like him.
Sure Festus Crex respected him…but he didn’t like him, and the rest of them seemed to be the same say for Astrid and her sheepdog husband, they outright mocked him…
Cicero hated this…he wanted a family he wanted the brotherhood…but they are not it…
With him only needing to tend to the Night Mother every so often ment he had a lot of free time on his hands…and Mattilda did ask him to join her for dinner…
“So how are you doing?” Mattilda asked him as they walked to The Dead Man's Drink tavern, “oh well Cicero’s family here in Skyrim haven't seen him in a long time so they need to get used to me…and I to them…” he grumbled, “oh…” Mattilda gazed at him sadly “I’am…not doing too hot either actually” she admitted.
“Oh? What troubles you fair Mattilda?” he pondered as they sat down on a corner table away from everyone else, “well…” she glanced around “can you keep a secret?”, Cicero nodded vigorously.
Mattilda sighed “I’am thinking of going out and gathering supplies so that I can join the college of Winterhold…and by gathering I really mean…” she leaned in “pilfering them from some of the local illegal magic practitioners that live in Falkreath”.
“So you’ll be stealing them?” Cicero pondered, “well…kinda?” she shrugged “I’ll be taking stuff from evil mages, there are a lot of necromancers and warlocks out here so taking magical items from them”.
Cicero cocked his head “what made you wanna be a mage in the first place, Nords seem to hate the stuff”, she frowned “well…”
Mattilda looked at Cicero, if she was trusting him with her plans on becoming an adventure behind the backs of her caretakers…she could trust him with the truth.
“I want to become a powerful enough mage to scour the realms of oblivion and beyond…I lost an important piece of my life” she sighed, “ooh what are you looking for?” Cicero curiously gazed into her silvery-blue eyes, she sucked in a deep breath…
“My Mother”.
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