9-line · 2 years
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A poem from my first full-length poetry collection, “Shithead Laureate.”
Available HERE on Amazon.
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9-line · 2 years
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Adonis, tr. by Khaled Mattawa, Selected Poems
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9-line · 2 years
I am always drawn to water It is not my sign But I am in love with Cancer Her fluid emotions And I feel her in the Unfurling of waves
I swim in her like A brush mixing paint Like cream poured in coffee Or ink dripped on a page I am flowing Completely immersed in her
She takes me to an island Under her planet moon Soaking in the night Fierce as Diana She will rise up and Snatch me down into the sea
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9-line · 2 years
the universe is so dark that the dimensions that might surround you feel like a value equivalent to the sum of infinity and zero; a force that somehow manages to connect the north and south poles of the same magnet. it is forever changing states and never really creating or destroying, just reusing the same dust and helium and ionised gases to the point you cannot tell where history begins or ends or if what you thought was millennia-old stardust is actually just a fragment of yourself. it is trapped in cryogenic dormancy yet travelling at a speed that could generate enough heat to make an entire galaxy collapse. it is always expanding, outgrowing previous forms over and over and over, so quickly that it looks the same as it always has. it is both never and always at the perimeter of its existence, testing the strength of space-time and all other cosmic laws that dare try define it. it is sleeping and quiet but its eyes are peeled wide open, staring, watching and never blinking, instead emitting a noise so silent that it rings loud and echoes without ending. it is ageless yet aging, empty but brimming, living but dying, vast yet tiny. it is sucking you in and repelling you back, back and forth, push and pull, stretch, compress; inhale, exhale; inside, outside. it is taking you apart and putting you back together again with the idiosyncratic mechanisms of its biochemical microcode. it is kneading and reshaping you with the balls of its feet, the heels of its palms, the pads of its fingers, the grooves of its molars. it is grinding you down, down, down into the bone marrow and cytoplasm and dust and helium and ionised gases that you have always been since the beginning. it is absorbing you, slowly and suddenly, into its gaping paradoxical anatomy.
you are one with the very elements that ate you up; you have returned, been reborn, dark and infinite and zero; you are impossible and everywhere and everything; you are fundamental and metaphysical. you are the cycle of birth and death; you are reincarnation. you are the epicentre of all that ever was, is and will be. you have always been and you will always continue to be, all and nothing at the same time.
you are the universe.
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9-line · 2 years
"True Poetry"
A pen stroke
can only mimic so much truth.
At dawn the calvary rides.
A mantra sang in bravado
and courage
to never settle
and to always fight
the good fight.
The piercing of the veil
is as a steadfast arrow
through a rushing waterfall
rued by the broken
but forever
endless rocks of love
that it will soon flow over
to find its inevitable home.
Hither and thither
the truth finds its way.
No matter how many words we write —
no matter how deeply we soak them
into matted,
tattered pulply paper.
The true poetry are the strokes
of our hearts
as we touch
and see into the eyes
of another soul.
This fluttering
tacit acquiescence
is the birth
of all living things.
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9-line · 2 years
You said my eyes Were so intense Like they were piercing you As if yours didn’t Strike my face Like yours weren’t fierce too
They say I keep Too many secrets But you know all of them You are my only Buried treasure Sapphire mixed with obsidian
I said you’re in my blood Like caffeine Keeping my mind energized I see all the words You never say Just from looking in your eyes
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9-line · 2 years
"Think Twice, Feel Three Times More"
Don't deny it
Don't deny the feelings
that drown you
before it's too late
This could be real
in unfathomable ways
where the soul can bend
endlessly through time
and space
Into the everlasting glow
of love
that this life has given
Those same feelings
that burn in your chest
grappled and strangled
by betrayal
and loss
They are the same
in the ones you share
with final
easy words of promise
that you betray
Your love —
You say
Think twice before you eat up
all that time
and feeling
of another soul
Think twice
Make yourself feel
three times as more if need be
Don't deny how real it can be felt
in another souls epitome
A total center of feeling exists
in the soul you sought to share
all of this feeling
Don't deny them a fair trial
in the vast long halls
of your troubled souls court
Where your mind can play judge,
jury and executioner
And the gavel that you swing
may clammer without a response
for only so long
A empty world you've fabricated
drenched in denial
Where you can leave a soul
in denial
as you flail out these motions
And without second thought
can leave a beautiful soul
wandering endlessly in the fog
of an unpromising
endless array of tall pine
on the mountainsides
and wheening on thin air
Don't deny the simple justice
the one in which you hold their life
in your hands
because that is what you have
every time you run astray
and put their love up like a pawn in chess
You gamble with the life
no matter how exciting
the thrill
be it as pleasant as ice
dazzling and melting into a warm gush
of exhilarating bliss
You will win your measly reward
of thrill
jury and executioner
You may not feel your karma
as it bounds from the back of the courtroom
of your sheltered soul
But in the cell
you've casted the innocent
The hunger will feed
for a jury
to find its own way
out of your life gambling game
The one in which you carelessly sacrifice
each pawn
until one day you meet your match
and there is no checkmate
to this King
A soul that you can't lock away
and pound out their value
flesh by flesh
person by person
One that won't let you gamble their life away
where the rent to be paid
will be remembered in each tiny fragment
you tried to take
Rejecting you like the virus
that you are
And on that day
The gavel will be swong
by a jury
that does not wear masks
of a cabal of vile filth
But one that hangs the crooked
by tall nooses
woven together by the fragments of disloyalty
your virus
siphoned from your victims
There you will hang
unfortunately crossed
by a deep
vile place you chose
The evil of your gambles and games
will find its day
in the halls of justice
that burn beyond the ground
of a simple place like our world
And in an eternal fire of beautiful good
the souls of the good
will rid this world
of your virus
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9-line · 2 years
Fire, eyes, love & bones
A man can
Go through life
Hardened by
Circumstance and resolve
But then at 3am
Or 4am in the morning
In some bed
In some corner
Of the world
Centuries of evolution
Seemingly become
As a lady whispers
Some combination
Of words
With her limbs
Spilled across yours
You’ll forget
All you have known
Truth becomes
Fire in her eyes
And love
In your bones
… and there goes my strength
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9-line · 2 years
take me
take me to a place
of the past and brandish your weapons
open up an arsenal of love
disorderly falling from above
heart rain drops
to soothe a dry throat
your mouth must be open
on a love boat
paddling by the groupings of lovely lanterns
we can row our life some place
take me
take me to space
clasped in a formation of brutish
yet cupped like water in your nimble hands
so gentle
yet so strike worthy
as a nail through a hand
take me
take me to the place where
I've said and I've tried
sculpting your masterpieces
you take all the credit for
but I will break these bindings
no matter where you take me
take me
and I will show you a life
that can take you
anywhere, anywhere
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9-line · 2 years
the pain will never suppress
it will ride shotgun with you
for the rest of your life
and that's okay
nothing of our reality
is definite
but one thing
and that is love
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9-line · 2 years
Hey you, girl with the phone
YES YOU, save yourself
This wasteland
Is merciless and infectious
It’s all angles & filters
Stories & lighting
Modern day tech; it’s slavery
Run, run like hell
Before your life
Revolves around likes & swipes
Left & right
Thumbs, up & down
False idols given
Superficial crowns
Your brain becomes
Escape, escape please
I beg of you
Find yourself, for yourself
HEY YOU, girl with the phone
You’re beatiful
Even when nobody sees
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9-line · 2 years
hear my voice
and escape persecution
to set upon aide of freedom and choice
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9-line · 2 years
"A Natures Promise"
Winds gusts
of mother nature
caress in a careless violent lust
across a vicariously weathered
but troubling to age framework.
Its orifices
beading as
sprinkles of a fine mist
dress the undecided beard
of a man with balled fists.
His eyes are tense
as he looks upon this mockery
of foe
and uncautious life
vowing to obtain the truth
often found in his roots.
A tribal —
Untamable ancestry
that forms from the most
sacred of roots.
He is a warrior
and can never deny his nature.
Made of clay,
fire and loose dirt
that he rubs between his hands
and feels ease as he curls his toes
in anticipation.
On this hill he will die
but in the afterlife
and in this life
the doubts will bode unwell
as his image
will always truly exist
in the physical realm
to haunt you.
Be it in his vessel
or his offspring
that is taught
each step
and each strike
to make do with a fine work
of the art of man.
The enemies that march will forlorn
this image,
finding great costs in Gods ying
that will strike with an endless yang.
On this hill
you approach
so carelessly —
You will find a warrior;
you will find him.
In the most sense of ones nature —
He will enact this promise,
reminding you
as many times as it takes.
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9-line · 2 years
"My Star, My Son"
In my arms
you are such a big boy now
Like the night sky
you break away from the chains
of light
and darkness
Over the loud
way of mankind on Earth
You nestle yourself
like the stars of vibrant totals
Unrelenting in your vastness
as you grace the torn
full and selfish world
A completely alternate plan
an architecture
methodically created
by an architect of the most powerful
The energy of love
swept and draped across
above and beyond
all that matters and doesn't
You are the moments promised
through unpredictable odds
You are a vibrant cascade of endless lights
in the night sky
that grace us all
in the endless callings of love
and purpose
You are the future
and why it's made
from the endless parts
of love
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9-line · 2 years
it is ok to feel
it is ok to feel
when the world shuts you out
and the sensations fail at being real
sometimes we often forget what it meant
what it meant to love
no matter how far our soulmate was heaven sent
it is ok to feel
and today I do
I know we will love eachother
in a storm formed in a hurry and through
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9-line · 2 years
the brick floors are crumbling
your paved sidewalks are breaking
your walls are growing taller
the veil is pulled back
you are a snake
held into a tense function
the world is undeveloped
this is you
this is your design
your creation
why are you so surprised
when the future doesn't play out
just like you wanted it too?
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9-line · 2 years
Cinema playwright gives his all.
By his fingertips he will sow you a life,
a world,
a love.
Next scene;
action —
the crosswalk
downtown somewhere
and void of demanding time.
A place where the city meets us
in our dreams.
If it was recorded on the walkway,
you would perhaps see me,
lost in the world
as I look for you.
A script meant to be lived,
gouging at the inseparable
draw and need
to let the play go on.
This stage
is made solid
with intent to take your confidence
and force you
to accept your audience.
Under the spotlights of mediocrity
you open your eyes
and part your lips
before pouring it all on the line
from the vulnerable ends of the soul.
Into the act,
he holds his hands up
and in this moment he sees it all apart
from the simple jokes.
Cinema playwright laughs; the healing is done.
Yet the walk home
after the contagious laughter
of his patients bounds
against the metal wall
of his lost love.
A story he is thankful
he could never sow
out of the concepts
of his own.
A masterpiece wrote just for him.
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