absolutelyanidiot · 16 days
How to prevent Netflix from cancelling Dead boy detectives? I'm already attached to this series, it will be a pity if another good show just gonna be cancelled after first season
Tell everyone you know, in real life and online, to watch it. Word of mouth is incredibly effective. Be an evangelist for the show.
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absolutelyanidiot · 2 months
OK, so like. Hear me out. An AU where Hal Jordan is an undercover FBI agent working at Ferris Air and in the Airforce because they're under suspicion for corruption, so he's deep undercover when he joins/helps found the Justice League, and then batman finds out and is forced to keep the secret and Bruce finds that he doesn't mind the actual Jordan. I have an oc for his real identity and everything lmao. I just need to know If anyone would read it.
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absolutelyanidiot · 2 months
“Why do you want to cut your hair so short?”
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absolutelyanidiot · 2 months
@purple-goo-writes respectfully, marry me. Trans!Hal is one of my ultimate fixations, and exes to lovers batlantern??? Sign me tf up
My brain has decided to blend my two current hyper fixations!
Divorced Batlantern (before Hal became Lantern) with Trans!Hal and Danny being Hal and Bruce's kid. Hal wasn't in a good place to raise Danny so he gave him to his Cousin Maddie. Content with simply being odd Uncle Hal to his child. Only to be horrified when years later Danny shows up on his doorstop bleeding green and on the run from his adopted parents and the GIW.
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absolutelyanidiot · 2 months
Civilian Hal x Bruce except the batkids ask how they met
Bruce: Hal is something I gained from crime fighting.
Dick: Oh! So you saved Hal? That’s cute
Hal: No I saved him. This f*cker got kidnapped and called me, a civilian to save him.
Jason: (WHEEZE)
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absolutelyanidiot · 2 months
Ah yes, we pay with our sanity.
Great news everyone. There was a kitten wandering in the drive thru at work and my inner warrior cats kid tried to be a hero and capture him.
I have now suffered multiple puncture wounds and have to go to the emergency room.
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absolutelyanidiot · 2 months
DC x DP Prompt
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absolutelyanidiot · 2 months
I saw it.
I hope everyone at least glances at my blog today to see the extra cursed changes I made to my avatar and header :)
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absolutelyanidiot · 2 months
In every universe Jason Peter Todd dies young. It’s a fate sealed across the multiverse. Maybe he could hope that there’s one universe where he doesn’t. aka, Jason, Dick, and Bruce go multiverse hopping, and are not having a fun time. (Ps, when I started writing this fic I hced Jason as Latino, but I don't really believe in that hc anymore, so just a heads up if you don't like that hc)
TRIGGER WARNING -> the joker
They appeared on a bench in a mall that looked like it came straight out of Stranger Things. It wasn’t abandoned or anything, it just looked very 80’s. There were way too many mullets, Shoulder-pads, and he was blinded by the bright colors. 
Dick and Jason immediately looked at each other, and said, “You’ll fit in perfectly– what? Me? Stop!” 
“Dick, you literally did the deep V and the Neon button ups–”
“You went from 80’s prep- with high waisted jeans and the sweaters over collared shirts– to Grease–”
“That’s from the late 70’s you dolt, and you did the black leather Jacket look first, and–”
“You’ve never had an original outfit in both of your lives.”
Jason went quiet as he waited for Dick to realize he just proved his point, but Dick’s face contorted like he said something wrong.
Both of your lives . Jason snickered, of course Dick would feel like he struck a nerve saying that. “Yeah, I haven’t. I usually copied you and Bruce.”
Dick blinked as he connected the dots, “Go fuck yourself.”
Jason turned to Bruce, “Bruce, Dick said a bad word.”
Bruce moved to sit in between Jason and Dick, and searched the crowd, “We are in the 80s. Not some sort of recreational area.”
Dick rolled his eyes, “Holy brand new vintage mall, Batman”
Bruce gave Dick a look, “I was just implying that there is no way Jason could’ve been born yet.”
Jason sat on his hands pitched his voice up, trying to emulate his younger self the best he could, “Golly gee, Old Man, you mean I’m not ancient like you? Tell me more.”
Dick snorted, but then cleared his throat, “I mean, we all could’ve just been born earlier in this Universe.”
Jason hummed, “I don’t think this world is similar to ours. The energy feels off.”
Dick groaned, “What is it this time? Are there vampires? Or everyone can turn into some type of monster or–”
“The energy feels off because there isn’t any magic. Like at all…” Jason squinted across the mall. “That might be something.” He pointed to the store with a cardboard cutout of Superman, Batman, and some Red Masked dude with black netting.
The three of them made their way to the… comic book store. Which was almost completely covered in comics– Batman plastered across the cover, along with a kid in Robin colors looking like someone had said something out of pocket. 
“Isn’t Tim’s cape supposed to be black on the outside?” 
Bruce picked the comic up, frowning as he handed the comic to Jason, “I think it’s supposed to be you.”
Jason looked at the back of his hand and then back to the kid on the cover, “Ain’t no way. That child is reflective . It has to be Tim.”
Dick looked over Bruce’s shoulder, “I dunno, he does have your hair loopies. Also, it says, Robin finds his mother, and waiting is the Joker, planning a revenge that is swift, violent, terrible. Can Robin survive? You–” Dick grabbed the comic and flipped to the last page where there was a black and white image of Batman holding Robin, “...What the actual– They voted.”
But Jason wasn’t really paying attention to that page, his eyes were focused on the page before– Batman in a truck, with the word JASON big, red, and bold.
Jason took the comic from Dick and started flipping through, realizing that it was panel for panel what happened. “This is disgusting.”
Dick nodded, “Who votes for a child to–”
“They made me white!”
Dick gave Jason an incredulous look, “ Die . Who votes for a child to die. ”
Jason shrugged, and showed Dick a panel that featured poser Jason with a pair of binoculars in his hands, “Eh… That does not look like a 15 year old. Those premature wrinkles… not a good look.” 
Bruce let out an exasperated sigh, “Jason, don’t talk about yourself that way.”
“Myself? That child is not me. That child is not a child, and is clearly white. In fact–” Jason pointed at the white man on the page, and snickered, “That looks like the face of a future mass murderer. Besides,” Jason picked up another comic with White Jason bleeding from his nose, seemingly going out in an explosion, “He obviously got voted off the island.”
The twin unimpressed looks on Bruce and Dick’s face was absolutely worth it.
 Jason looked around for the first book in the four parter, and started walking to the cashier, when Bruce stopped him. “What are you doing?”
“Grabbing mementoes.”
“Oh yeah?” Bruce raised an eyebrow, “With what money?”
“I do have cash on me. It’s just fun mooching off of ya.” Jason frowned, to help him feign ignorance, “Did you forget your wallet?”
Bruce grunted his, you caught me but I’m not going to admit I am wrong grunt.
“It’s ok, if we really need to, we can disassemble Dick’s phone and pawn it for parts.” Dick started patting his pockets, and Jason had to hold back his smirk, “You forgot your phone too?”
Dick groaned, “Why must the Multiverse hate us? I even took some really cute videos of baby Damian and… Jay.”
It’s not fair that Dick went all melancholy. Now Jason has to give his phone back. “You really should stop taking pictures of the younger versions of us.” He pulled out Dick’s phone and handed it to him, “Don’t you already have pictures of us?”
“Not of Damian and Tim at the age we saw them. And not with you.”
“Hm…”Jason pulled out Bruce’s wallet, and handed it to him, “Maybe when we get back, I should ask Talia if she has any.” Jason then pulled out a five dollar bill from his pocket and went to pay. 
Now, usually, Jason isn’t much of a comic book reader, but he had to buy this comic of the white man who was supposedly 15 and had the same name as him. It was just too funny. He turned back to Dick and Bruce, “I’m gonna frame this– Actually, no, I’m gonna photocopy each page and cover up the glass case with it. Maybe I’ll ask Damian to give ‘Jason’ some melanin.”
Someone walked up to them, “Are you guys talking about Jason Todd? Man, I hate him. I’m glad he died.”
If Jason had been drinking water, he would’ve done a spit take. That was blunt. 
Dick and Bruce on the other hand were glowering. He could practically see Dick repeating, Don’t punch him, Don’t punch him, Don’t punch him over and over again.
The dude was lanky, with angular features and greasy brown hair that was unkempt. 
“Excuse me?” The incredulity on Bruce’s face wouldn’t be visible to the dude, but it was loud and clear to Jason.
“For starters, he isn’t Dick Grayson. There’s only one Robin and it’s him. Jason Todd is just a knockoff.” 
Usually he would think this was hilarious– this dude didn’t even know he was talking to the ‘characters’ he was ranting about, but something about the dude made his gut twist in a way that screams danger.
“Jason Todd is not a knockoff . He took Robin, and made it into his own thing. He made it a legacy.” Dicks’ smile was tight as he said it. The way it was during Galas and someone had said something particularly racist. “Plus, Dick Grayson couldn’t be Robin forever. He had to grow into his own person and out of Batman’s shadow.”
“Sure, yeah, I like how they made Nightwing the leader of the Titans. Still doesn’t mean that Jason Todd’s a good Robin. How can you make a criminal a hero? I don’t know what Batman was thinking by giving that kid a chance. He found the kid boosting tires. He should’ve gone to juvie.” 
Now this was just getting kinda awkward. Actually, Kinda offensive. Very offensive.
“Batman believes in reform.” Bruce grunted, “Though, you are forgetting he was homeless at the time and that was his only source of income. ”
“Being Robin didn’t reform the kid.” The confusion on Jason and Dick’s face must’ve been obvious because the man continued, “Issue 424. They turned Robin into a murderer. I mean, I know it was supposed to be up for interpretation, but he obviously pushed Garzonas. Dick Grayson would never .”
This… really wasn’t funny.
Dick narrowed his eyes, “That’s because he watched his parents fall to their death. Also, did Robin really push him?” Dick directed that last part at Jason.
Crazy how things from the past that seemed miniscule are suddenly being brought up on this life altering trip around the multiverse. “I personally think that he didn’t. Garzonas was close to the edge and he was drunk. Robin was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. I’m sure if Batman had landed first, Garzonas still would’ve toppled over.”
The dude huffed a laugh that felt eerily familiar, but in a bad way. “Still, Batman, or Nightwing would’ve tried to save him. Robin did not. And I still think he pushed her.”
“Your argument doesn’t make sense.” Bruce tilted his head, “You want Jason Todd dead for stealing tires and potentially killing someone, yet, you think Garzonas should’ve been saved? He kidnapped and sexually assaulted a woman, then continued to harass her, to the point where she felt the need to commit suicide.”
“I didn’t say that . I just don’t like the kid. I kinda wish Starlin went through with giving him AIDS, but oh well, this works too.” The dude shrugged and put his hand on Jason’s shoulder. “Jason Todd’s just a piece of shit from a street corner. He was gonna die either way.”
There was the slightest shift in Dick’s body weight. In one swift move, Jason shrugged off the dude and grabbed Dick’s wrist before he could punch the dude.
They didn’t need to get arrested on account of assault.
What Jason didn’t expect was for the sound of skin meeting skin. Or Bruce looming over the dude, whose nose was now bleeding.
The dude barked out a laugh, as he wiped his nose, “The name’s Jack.” He grinned. He grinned in a way that was too…deranged to just be friendly. “ Jack White. ”
Then everything brightened to white.
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absolutelyanidiot · 2 months
Pin for survivors
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absolutelyanidiot · 5 months
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Holy fucking shit y'all.
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absolutelyanidiot · 5 months
Ok but imagine a no Kira au with YagaMane, but as Notting Hill(1999)...
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absolutelyanidiot · 8 months
I feel so complimented whenever I get a like on this site. that thing i posted, i made that. and you just approved of its existence. holy shit. do you realize how comforting that is? thank you
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absolutelyanidiot · 8 months
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unironically best characterization of Bruce Wayne ever made
there is no other version of him in my heart
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absolutelyanidiot · 8 months
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absolutelyanidiot · 8 months
I call upon the fan fic writing gods to bless you with the perseverance to finish one of your unfinished drafts. 
May your fingers dance along the letters upon your device with ease, may the devil of distraction stay far from you, and may your work not need much editing.
I pass this blessing upon every fan fic writer out there.
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absolutelyanidiot · 8 months
i’m begging for a nice little kiss cam jegulus au, i would DIE for a kiss cam jegulus au where they already know each other and they have feelings for each other 🤭🤭
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