acolytesofthebeyond · 7 years
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 Knights of Ren  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ by Basiliskos
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acolytesofthebeyond · 7 years
force lore
this is more temporary than anything, and it doesn’t take Legends in account because i’m not that far gone yet - but even if i did, the rate at which Force lore is developed in the new canon in way higher than Legends’ was (i’m only accounting for first appearances here). it’s kind of interesting how much Force stuff was crammed in the last season of Clone Wars, too. idk. i’m thinking it’s going to be a long-term theme; there’s something planned for the Whills, Hidalgo confirmed it, and there’s also something with ancient history as well - knowledge lost and found, impacting the world again. which is doubly interesting considering how much the really old canon is being sourced and by whom. not done thinking about that, but anyway:
(Lucas’ drafts: the Force of others, the Whills, the Jedi-Bendu)
Original Trilogy: Jedi and Sith, the Force, Dagobah’s cave,
Prequel Trilogy: midi-chlorians, Chosen One, the Lost Twenty – planned allusion to the Shaman / Ancient Order of the Whills (script + novelization)
Clone Wars: the Nightsisters + Nightbrothers and magick, Ilum’s jedi temple + Crystal Caves, Mortis, Eedit temple, Jedi chapter house on Aleen, Holocrons
The Canonpocalyse 
Clone Wars ctd: Bardotta and Dagoyan Order + Frangawl Cult, the Force Priestesses (Anger, Confusion, Joy, Sadness, Serenity) and Wellspring of Life, deprivation ritual, Sith temple on Moraband, Cosmic and Living Force
Rebels: the Lasats and Ashla, convorees (??), Inquisitorius, Lothal’s Jedi temple, Malachor, Bendu
The Force Awakens: Journal of the Whills, the Church of the Force, the Knights of Ren (?), Snoke (??), Jakku, Ahch-To, Tython, Ossus
The new Expanded Universe: Ordu Aspectu, Order of the Terrible Glare, the Crèche, the Advisers, the Massassi, Kyber crystals, Sith shrine under the Jedi temple, Sith Temple on Mustafar, Great Library of Ossus, Jedi temple on Vrogas Vas, Force tree, Palpatine’s dark side artefacts (Sith Chalice, Great Crystal of Aantonaii), Acolytes of the Beyond
Rogue One: the Whills, Disciples and Guardians of, Force of others, Jedha, pilgrims, Brotherhood of the Beatific Countenance, Ninn Orthodoxy, Zealots of Psusan, Phirmists, Order of the Esoteric Pulsar, cult of the Huiyui-Tni, Central Isopter, Vader’s temple
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acolytesofthebeyond · 7 years
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Doodle, because I’m reading life debt right now and really like it already. This is dedicated to one of the interludes :> I’m so curious about the ACOTB and the Knights of Ren!
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acolytesofthebeyond · 7 years
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The Knights of Ren.  Could one of them be Kiza, wearing the Mask of Viceroy Exim Panshard?  (from Aftermath, Empire’s End)
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acolytesofthebeyond · 7 years
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from here.
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acolytesofthebeyond · 7 years
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acolytesofthebeyond · 7 years
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From reddit, 2/13/2017:
Interlude, beginning of part four, Devaron:
There is an old Jedi temple on Devaron. There are two dozen members of the Acolytes of the Beyond. One girl, Kiza, is a young member. She mentions that there are "masters" of the Acolytes. There is elaboration on the views of the Acolytes: "The shadows cannot feel this themselves, for they are not conduits for the Force, but merely slaves to it. As are all living things. All are caught in the river of power that is the Force, trapped by its currents. Only those who wield the dark side of the Force are capable of changing those currents; they are riverbreakers. They do not surrender to fate. They are its foes."
The acolytes attacked a city one evening so that another member, Remi, could steal "a relic from a fallen Sith. A lightsaber." Only the most esteemed of the Acolytes are allowed to carry and use lightsabers. This is not an isolated attack; it is one of many across the galaxy.
Kiza contemplates her role in all of this. At this time, "a new shadow joins them. This shadow, blacker than all the others. It is their master. It is YUPE TASHU"
Tashu gives Kiza a relic. It is the mask of Viceroy Exim Panshard. "A mask made of meteoric metal and containing the screams of a hundred innocents slaughtered for the viceroy's pleasure. Masks have power. Some are worn in the grave. Others worn in life. This like the others in my collection, has gathered the darkness of the living Force! Wear it. You are anointed, Kiza of Corellia."
Tashu also grabs the lightsaber from Remi and gives it to Kiza. Remi tries to turn on her and she kills him with the blade.
Disclaimer: Reddit is not always a reliable source.
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