adhd-fanficwriter · 19 hours
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Do you guys want a Sam porter Bridges one shot? If so, tell me what you want it to be about!
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adhd-fanficwriter · 3 days
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I literally dropped all my cargo and jump up this rock to make a ‘cool’ picture.
So, enjoy it.
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adhd-fanficwriter · 3 days
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Oopsie, got someone drunk today 😏🤗
Don’t threaten me with a good time Sam, I see you there 😏🫣
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adhd-fanficwriter · 4 days
NORMAN, killing ovaries, REEDUS
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I never saw this gem so I’m sharing it with you guys.
Imagine Daryl finding a suit on a run and surprising you while he’s wearing it 😭
Also imagine you taking it off, pulling him down by his scarf.
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adhd-fanficwriter · 4 days
For real tho. 😫😫
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𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
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to have a domestic life with him
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adhd-fanficwriter · 4 days
Ik this isn’t like a question but one piece of feedback I could give that’s helped my writing is to maybe break up your big paragraphs and speaking between characters. I’m very excited to see where this is going!!🤝🤝
Thank you so much! I will definitely keep this in mind!
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adhd-fanficwriter · 5 days
I always see people commenting on other peoples stories. But no one does that to me.
Are you guys able to comment or do I need to do something in the settings? Because I am happy to get feedback!
Please let me know ❤️
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adhd-fanficwriter · 5 days
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ꕤ PAIRING ꕤ Daryl Dixon x Fem Reader
ꕤ RATING ꕤ Typical TWD stuff, so always 16+ I will let you know when it’s 18+
!! WARNING !! Sexual Abuse near the end.
ꕤ DISCLAIMER ꕤ I do not own any of the TWD characters. This story takes place in the TWD universe. I use the character and I might not follow the tv series. We’ve all seen the serie, you know the gore that it brings, the kills, the walkers. This al will be coming back in this series. So be warned.
ꕤ A/N ꕤ Please let me know what you think of the series! Tell me what you liked most of this chapter. ALSO if you’d like to know what Bailey and Lizy look like, let me know. I’ll post some pictures.
ꕤ Song Used ꕤ For this chapter I used a Walking Dead playlist.
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< Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 > Chapter 3 I sat on the porch, tea in hand, enjoying the sun that was setting. Lizy was already asleep, she had a busy day. And with that I mean she had a full day of playing with the pigs and with Sam. Those two were inseparable. ‘’Hey’’ Jessie walked onto my porch. I nod my head at her. ‘’Sam's out cold too?’’ I chuckled. She laughed softly, ‘’Yeah, he fell asleep during dinner.’’ ‘’Lizy too.’’ I laughed. Jessie and I became good friends, mainly because our kids, I mean her kid and Lizy, play together all the time. We ate dinner together a lot, mostly when Pete was out in the infirmary, taking care of the people. I once noticed how she would flinch when he was nearby, and I asked about it, but she said it was nothing. I kept a close eye on her. ‘’You want one?’’ I ask her, holding out a cigarette. A bat habit I picked up, but I only smoke in the evening, when Lizy’s already in bed. Birds flew by, chirping at one another before settling in a tree to sleep. Jessie took a cigarette, holding it against mine to light it. ‘’We should stop this.’’ she smirked. ‘’When this all ends, I will consider it.’’ I smirked back and we chuckled again. We silently smoked it, enjoying the calmness of the evening. In the distance I saw Pete coming towards us and we quickly hid our cigarettes. No one knows we do this, so it better stays between us. ‘’Jessie. Come home. Now.’’ he demanded. I raised my eyebrow, ‘’Hello my sweet wife, are you ready to come home?’’ I mocked him, earning a side eye from Jessie. ‘’What? It sounds a lot nicer.’’ I shrugged. ‘’Shut your damn mouth. You don’t got to speak until you find yourself a man.’’ Pete eyed me up and down. I rolled my eyes, I have no energy dealing with him. ‘’I’ll see you tomorrow,’’ I hugged Jessie ‘’Be careful.’’ I whispered. She nodded and walked off, towards her home. Pete shot me one glance over his shoulder, but it didn’t phase me.  I closed the door behind me and walked upstairs. I had already taken a shower, so I just brushed my teeth and went to bed. I heard a faint sniffle coming from Lizy’s room. I sighed, walking over to her room, opening the door softly. ‘’Sweetheart?’’ I nudged her shoulder a little. She rolled on her back, ‘’what’s wrong?’’ I whispered, wiping the tears off her cheek. ‘’I.. .I miss mommy..’’ My heart swelled. It has been 6 months since we’ve been living here. She still has nightmares. They were rare now but in the first few weeks, she had them every night. She didn’t dare sleep alone and was always by my side. I scooped her up and brought her to my room. I was thinking of going with the scavenger group for a while, hoping to find a stuffed animal of some sort to give to her. She really needs something to hold while she sleeps, to calm her down. ‘’I’m right here love, nothing can hurt you.’’ I told her. I placed her in my bed and I crawled in from the other side, being a big spoon. She curled into me and hugged me. ‘’Mommy Bailey?’’ she sniffled, ‘’’hmm?’’ ‘’we are safe here right?’’ ‘’Yes love, we are.’’ I whispered, pushing a strand of hair from her face and kissing her forehead. ‘’Nothing to be scared off. Remember, our mommy’s send us to each other, so we are not alone.’’ She nodded, squeezing her head in the crook of my neck. I rubbed her back till I heard her breathing slow down and she eventually fell asleep.
I was out with Aiden and Heath, searching for medicine and other supplies. Normally Jessie and I stay in the pantry and I feed the animals too. This time I went out scavenging. I was tired, but I wanted to find that stuffed animal for Lizy, so she could cuddle up with it at night. The leaves crunched under our feet as we made our way over to the big shopping mall. Looking around us, the trees were still green. The sun was still high and warm, it must still be summer. I shift my cap so the sun is not in my face. ‘’Aiden, to your left.’’ I whisper. He nods and looks left, a walker coming towards us. He lets the walker walk in his direction, but doesn’t kill it. ‘’What are you doing?’’ I grit my teeth, ‘’kill it!’’. The walker now has both hands on Aidens shoulders, trying to bite him. Heath just laughs and my anger starts to boil. ‘’What the fuck are you doing?!’’ I now speak up louder, walking towards Aiden and shoving my dagger in the skull of the walker. ‘’I'm just playing around Bails, don’t worry.’’ He chuckled. ‘’You think this is funny?’’ I ball my fists, ‘’I lost my mom to one of those. You either stay away from them or you kill them.’’ I jab my finger in his chest. He slowly grabs my finger, and then my hand. ‘’I’m still alive, don’t worry.’’ He says softly, squeezing my hand. I look down at our hands and back up in his eyes and they soften. ‘’Don’t do it again.’’ I drop my hand out of his. We continue walking and we enter the shopping mall. ‘’There’s a kid store on the first floor.’’ Heath tells me with a smile and I nod, searching for a way up. I find the escalators, it’s broken but I can still walk the steps. Why was Aiden so soft? I mean he’s a nice, good looking guy. You don’t see that anymore these days. I sigh and enter the kid store. My eyes catch a glimpse of fluff and I walk around the isles. A big teddy bear sits there, and looks pretty clean too. I chuckle to myself, Lizy is going to love this. I pull out some rope from my bag and strap the bear to my bag. I walk back down again, looking for Heath and Aiden. ‘’Guys?’’ I whisper. No sound. Where are they? ‘’Heath? Aiden?’’ I try again, a little louder. I hear laughter coming from the dvd store and walk towards it. ‘’There you guys ar- seriously?’’  I cock my eyebrow as I see what they’re looking at. ‘’I thought you both were adults? You look like 16 year old boys, seeing boobs for the first time.’’ I chuckle as I see them watching the covers of some porn dvds.They both turn around, their faces red. I roll my eyes, ‘’Found the medicine?’’ They nod and keep quiet. ‘’Let’s go then?’’ I ask and start to walk away. Once outside the building I take in the fresh air. It smelled like mold and death in there. I wait and wait and they finally come out. Well, Aiden comes out. ‘’Heath?’’ ‘’He wanted to go back home alone.’’ Aiden shrugs his shoulders. I furrow my eyebrows. Why would he want that? ‘’Are you sure?’’ ‘’Yeah, don’t worry about him.’’ He smiles, slinging his arm over my shoulder and we start to walk.
I keep quiet the whole time, not knowing what to say. I look over my shoulder, his hand lazily hanging there. ‘’Aiden, your arm is kinda heavy.’’ I chuckle nervously and grab his hand, trying to get his arm off my shoulders. ‘’Nonsense.’’ He puts his arm back and tucks me in his side. I dare to look at him from the side and he smirks back. ‘’Seriously tho, that bear is weighing me down, I don’t need your arm either.’’ It comes out with no emotion. He looks down at me, smiles and grabs my backpack, slinging it over his shoulder. ‘’Better now?’’ he asks, placing his arm back over my shoulder. I sigh and grab his hand again, pulling it away. I can see him rolling his eyes and he stops. ‘’Why are you being like this?’’ He asks, annoyed. ‘’Like what?’’ ‘’Like you don’t want me.’’ He smirks, setting the backpack on the ground and walks slowly towards me. ‘’Stop.’’ I say, placing my hand on his chest. He grabs both my hands and pins me against a tree, my hands above my head. ‘’It’ll only take a few minutes.’’ Aiden smirks and chuckles deeply, his eyes darkening. He starts to kiss my cheek, leaving wet stains on my skin. ‘’S-stops, please’’ I cry out. ‘’You saw me back there, watching those women on the dvds. I am a man and a man has needs, darling. You won’t leave me hanging, do you?’’ He whispers in my ear and kisses the shell, sucking on my earlobe. He presses his crotch against mine and I can already feel how much he wants me. ‘’Aiden, stop!’’ I yell, trying to get out of his grasp. He only chuckles and loosens his belt with one hand, the other still holding my hands above my head. I try to escape his grip but he only tightens it around my wrists. ‘’Aiden, please.’’ I whimper as he pushes my shirt up, revealing my bra. His eyes are full of lust. ‘’Let me show you that I have seen boobs.’’ He licks his lips. My eyes start to water and my vision becomes blurry. ‘’Stop!’’ I yell, hoping there’s someone near. ‘’Stop talking!’’ He smacks my face. I let out a cry of pain, feeling my cheek burning. Is this really happening? I try to kick but he has me all pinned down against the tree. He unclips my belt and opens my jeans. ‘’HELP!’’ I yell out, but all I get is another smack. I whimper and my vision is getting more blurred and black. I shake and I feel his hand slipping in my jeans. ‘’No… ‘’ I whisper, my lip quivers. I close my eyes, waiting for it to be over, but it never comes.
‘’Fuck!’’ I hear Aiden yell out and I open my eyes. There’s an arrow sticking out of his leg. What is going on? I look around but see no one until I hear some leaves rustling to my right. I quickly look over but all I see is a pair of narrowed blue eyes. We lock eyes but before I can say or do anything, they’re gone. I look down, Aiden is on the ground. I quickly ran away, leaving my backpack and the bear behind, hoping to find Heath or Alexandria. I don’t know who that was, but they saved me. I hope to see them again, to thank them. As the twigs and sticks crush underneath my feet, I try to recall the path we took. Left, right, turn at this tree? Tears well up in my eyes again, he almost raped me. I won’t let this happen again. I need to get stronger, I need to train more. The path clears up and I see the walls of Alexandria. ‘’Thank god..’’ I catch my breath and walk up to the gates. I spot Heath when I walk inside and walk up to him. ‘’Did you know?!’’ I ask, grabbing his arm. He looks at me, ‘’Did I know what?’’ ‘’That he was about to…’’ I can’t say it. ‘’What did he do?’’ Heath asks softly, grabbing my arms to steady me. ‘’He asked me to leave the two of you alone because he wanted to talk to you. What did he do Bailey?’’ I shake my head, tears falling down my cheeks. ‘’He… He tried to..’’ I can’t get it out of my mouth but Heath is catching on and I can see the anger boiling in his eyes. ‘’He’s mine when he comes back, if he dares to come back.’’ He grits his teeth. ‘’I’m so sorry Bailey, if I knew this, I wouldn't have left you alone with him.’’ He puts his arm around me guiding me towards my house. Once at my door I nod, and walk in, collapsing against the door. I pull up my knees and hug myself. ‘’Mommy Bailey?’’ A soft voice snapped me out of it. ‘’Yes, love?’’ I sniffed, looking up at her. ‘’Are you okay?’’ She wrapped her little arms around my neck and I engulfed her into my arms. ‘’I’m fine sweetheart, just a long day.’’ I kissed her cheek. ‘’Did you play with Sam today?’’ I tried changing my mood. ‘’Yes! And I made you this!’’ She ran away, coming back with a piece of paper. ‘’It’s us!’’ I looked at the drawing and she made us. ‘’Wow Lizy! This is so good! Did you draw this all by yourself?’’ She nods, and then I see someone else there too. ‘’Who’s this?’’ I point to the other figure. ‘’Your boyfriend!’’ She giggles. ‘’Boyfriend!?’’ I tickle her and she laughs more. ‘’Do you think I need one?’’ She nods, ‘’So we can be one happy family!’’ she throws her hands in the air. I chuckle, ‘’We’ll see.’’ I look back at the figure on the paper and notice the blue eyes it has. I think back to the pair I saw in the woods and smile. ‘’You are a natural.’’ I say, standing up and hanging the drawing on the fridge. ‘’You hungry?’’ She nods and I start to make dinner, those two ocean eyes never leaving my thoughts.
< Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 >
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adhd-fanficwriter · 6 days
I’ll be uploading chapter 3 tomorrow!!
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adhd-fanficwriter · 6 days
As y’all can see my adhd is fixated on Death Stranding. I am writing during work so please bare with me!
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adhd-fanficwriter · 7 days
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Had a little boat trip. Lake Knot City.. what do you have in store for us?
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adhd-fanficwriter · 8 days
Enjoy some screenshots I took from Death Stranding 🤗
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adhd-fanficwriter · 16 days
Is this about Daryl?
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Jodi Picoult, My Sister's Keeper
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adhd-fanficwriter · 16 days
I stumbled on this great video of our man Daryl on YouTube and I couldn’t hold it for myself.
Kekker is an amazing editor and makes amazing edit’s of the The Walking Dead series.
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adhd-fanficwriter · 16 days
I stumbled on this great video of our man Daryl on YouTube and I couldn’t hold it for myself.
Kekker is an amazing editor and makes amazing edit’s of the The Walking Dead series.
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adhd-fanficwriter · 17 days
Hello loves! ꕤ
I changed up the layout of the disclaimers part before each chapter. Also made a little border.
Sorry if it trows you off, just a little note that you know it changed!!
Stay tuned for chapter 3! Maybe we’ll finally see Daryl
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adhd-fanficwriter · 18 days
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ꕤ PAIRING ꕤ Daryl Dixon x Fem Reader
ꕤ RATING ꕤ Typical TWD stuff, so always 16+ I will let you know when it’s 18+
ꕤ DISCLAIMER ꕤ I do not own any of the TWD characters. This story takes place in the TWD universe. I use the character and I might not follow the tv series. We’ve all seen the serie, you know the gore that it brings, the kills, the walkers. This al will be coming back in this series. So be warned.
ꕤ A/N ꕤ Please let me know what you think of the series! Tell me what you liked most of this chapter. ALSO if you’d like to know what Bailey and Lizy look like, let me know. I’ll post some pictures.
ꕤ Song Used ꕤ Where’d All The Time Go - Dr. Dog
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< Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 > Chapter 2 ‘’Lily, go ask if you can play with them.’’ I smiled down at her, softly nudging her towards the kids playing outside. ‘’Can I?’’ She asked, her eyes wide. I nodded and she ran off. I chuckled, loving her already, even though she isn’t my own. My gaze followed her, her curls bouncing as she ran towards the kids, they all smiled at her and took her right in. ‘’Bailey?’’ An elder lady asked. Her blonde hair, now starting to slowly get more gray, stood in front of me, blocking my view of Lily. I furrow my eyebrows, ‘’Yes?’’. She smiled at me, ‘’I’m Deanna, I’m the leader of this community. I’d like to have a little word with you, it’s part of the process of living here.’’ I nodded slowly, ‘’Is it okay for Lily to keep on playing, or does she need to come with us?’’ I looked behind her, nodding at Lily. ‘’She can keep playing, I'm sure you know enough about her to answer my questions.’’ I kept silent as Deanna started walking away, wanting me to follow her. ‘’First we’ll make a stop at the supplies. We don’t want people having their weapons in these walls.’’ My eyebrow shot up, ‘’What if the walkers get in?’’ ‘’They won’t’’ she assured me. I was hesitant, but unsheathed my dagger, giving it to her. ‘’Any more weapons? Guns?’’ I shook my  head, ‘’That’s all’’ I said as another woman stepped out of the supplies storage. ‘’This is Olivia, she monitors the supplies and weapons.’’ Deanne introduced us. ‘’I keep a list, don’t worry.’’ She smiled. I nodded, still unsure about the place. So far it looks okay. Lily looks happy. I sighed and followed Deanna. 
‘’Please, sit.’’ I sat down on the couch. The room looked like an office, not the modern offices you knew, but older ones. A wooden table and cabinets filled with books, a rug on the floor, it almost looked.. cozy? ‘’So, I want to introduce myself properly. I am Deanna Monroe, I am the leader, and I live here together with my family. Reg, my husband, is an architect. He built these walls to keep us safe. My oldest son Aiden, is the head of the scavenging group and my youngest son Spencer, patrolls the walls from the church tower. Together with other survivors, we built this place. I mean the walls, the houses were here already. We managed to maintain electricity and water. Together we keep it a clean and safe place to stay.’’ She smiled at me, obviously proud of what they managed to do. ‘’I document our conversation, as part of the transparency of this community. I hope you don’t mind?’’ I noticed the little camera pointed at me. ‘’No, I guess not?’’ I said, still looking around the room. She even had pictures of ,I suppose, her family on the table. ‘’Great, let’s start. How long have you been out there?’’ She began. ‘’Long, I suppose when it all happened, I believe nine months ago?’’ Was I really going to be honest with her? She nodded, ‘’How do you know the little girl?’’ Why does that matter? ‘’We ehm, just met at a little town outside the walls.’’ Stop telling her everything. ‘’What was your previous job?’’ ‘’I’m sorry but why does that matter?’’ I asked, being curious. ‘’It matters a lot, we have jobs here, so I might be able to give you one.’’ ‘’Jobs? Walkers are running around and you’re out here doing ‘jobs’?’’ What is this place? ‘’Do you want the little girl to have a safe space with other children to play?’’ She smiled. I clenched my teeth. Of course I do. ‘’I took care of animals.’’  ‘’What is the little one to you? Little sister? Cousin?’’ ‘’I found her on the street, like I said, in a small town just outside these walls. She was with her mom. The woman was turning and I saved her, or she’d be bitten too.’’ I said sternly. ‘’We’re not family, but I treat her as such.’’ I eyed Deanna. She just smiled, ‘’That sounds very lovely, I’m glad you found her. Can I ask about your family?’’ Is she serious? ‘’Dead.’’ Was all I said. I didn’t want to talk about it.  ‘’I know enough.’’ She said, standing up and turning off the camera. ‘’Come with me.’’
We walked around the neighborhood. It was sunny outside and people were enjoying that. Children were playing, elderly people sat together on the porch and families talked outside in the sun. Like nothing happened. Like the world didn’t have a deadly virus that turned you into a brainless monster. ‘’We made a sustainable community. There is a big shopping mall nearby, we get our supplies from there. When we first started, we were with three family’s. Now we have eight. And we’re still growing.’’ She smiled at the people when we walked by. ‘’Our recruiters, Aaron and Eric, drive around searching for people in need. I guess you were one of them.’’ She looked at me. ‘’Aaron saved us. The small town was overrun, we barely escaped.’’ I looked down at the floor. ‘’Good, we need more people.’’ She smiled and placed a hand on my back. ‘’We have a safe environment for family’s. As you see, we have walls, warm water, and electricity. What more do you need?’’ She asked me, smiling. ‘’A good defense team? As you said, the walkers won’t come in. But what if it happens? Do you have good enough people that know how to deal with them?’’ My curiosity grew bigger. It all seems too good to be true. ‘’We have a scavenger team that goes out every other day. They’ll know what to do.’’ She kept walking. -------------------------------------------------------------- ‘’This will be your house.’’ Aaron and I stood in front of a normal family sized house. He handed me the keys, ‘’Go on in, I’ll be right behind you. I need to do one more check before I leave you to rest.’’ He smiled and we both walked in. It was a big house. Even before the apocalypse we didn’t own a house this big. When we still lived together, we had a small flat. My parents weren’t rich and when my dad left my mom, we had to move out to an even smaller flat. Mom would’ve loved this. ‘’Are you okay?’’ Aaron snapped me out of my thoughts. I nodded, ‘’Mom and I were on our way here, because I wanted a safe place for us, but mainly for her. She didn’t make it.’’ ‘’I’m sorry.’’ I shook my head, stopping the tears from falling. ‘’I promised her that I would reach this place, and I did. Along the way I found Lizy, she also lost her mom and I saved her from being bitten. I guess my mom sent me a message to go on and to never give up. And now I will do my best to be the best for Lizy, I want her to grow old and strong.’’ Aaron nodded, ‘’You’ve been doing well and holding up. Not many people are able to do so after losing an important family member.’’ I weakly smiled, ‘’Thank you.’’ Aaron showed me the first floor, there were three bedrooms and a big bathroom. The electricity worked and so did the boiler for the hot water. I can’t wait to step in the shower later. Downstairs we have a big living room with a kitchen. Even the fridge was half stocked with supplies. ‘’You guys really have it good here.’’ I chuckled when I opened a bottle of juice. Aaron laughed, ‘’We do our best to make the most of it. Keeping our heads high and always being a step ahead usually works.’’ I held my bottle up in the air, ‘’Cheers to that.’’ Aaron smiled, ‘’I believe everything works. If you ever need anything, or you have any questions, come find me. Me and Eric live four houses down the right.’’ ‘’Thanks, again. I’ll go find Lizy, she needs to see this.’’ I chuckled and we both stepped out of the house, closing the door behind me. ‘’I’ll see you later, I think?’’ I asked, to which Aaron smiled and nodded.
I walked around the neighborhood on my own. The grass was green and well kept, the pond in the middle was clear, trees were growing well. The animals were well fed and kept clean. It was as if I’m dreaming. This can’t be true, right? How, in an apocalypse, is it possible to have warm water, electricity, well kept people and houses, and even well kept animals. I smiled to myself, letting it sink in. As I walked further into the little town they had, laughter and high shrieks filled my ears. I turned the corner, seeing a set of two swings and a slide. I saw Lizy on one of the swings being pushed by a little blonde boy with a bowl haircut. ‘’Having fun Lizy?’’ I smiled and she nodded eagerly. ‘’Sam is pushing me!’’ She laughed and shrieked when she went higher. I chuckled to myself. She gets to be a child again here. I sat down on a bench near the play park. A blonde woman sat down next to me. ‘’Hi, you must be new here?’’ She smiled warmly, ‘’I’m Jessie.’’ She held out her hand. ‘’Bailey.’’ I smiled. We looked at the kids playing. ‘’Is she yours?’’ She nodded towards Lizy. ‘’Kind of.’’ I smiled, ‘’She lost her mom, got bitten, I was there when her mother turned so I grabbed her before she could get bit too. So yes, I guess you could say she’s under my care now, but I’m not her real mother.’’ ‘’I’m glad you found them before anything bad happened. The boy is mine, Sam.’’ She smiled. ‘’My other son, Ron, is somewhere hanging with his friends.’’ I nodded. ‘’You know, I used to be a hairdresser. I could give you both a haircut if you want?’’ She smiled. ‘’Maybe later today, if that’s possible. She needs to have shorter hair. I don’t want those curls between the hands of a walker.’’ I shook my head at the thought of her getting grabbed by her hair. ‘’But we’ll take a shower first.’’ I laughed. Jessie nodded, understanding where we came from, needing a shower to wash off all the dirt and sweat.
‘’Lizy, can you come here for a second?’’ I called her. She nodded and ran to me, holding out her hands. I did the same and she ran into my arms. ‘’Hey you.’’ I smiled, hugging her as she fell into my arms. ‘’Having fun?’’ ‘’Yes! Sam pushed me so hard!’’ she chuckled. I’m glad that she found someone around her age. ‘’I want to show you something.’’ I smiled. ‘’But I’m not done playing!’’ her little shoulders hang low. ‘’Sam is going home with me too.’’ Jessie smiled at Lizy. ‘’Home?’’ Lizy asked. I nodded, ‘’That’s what I wanted to show you. We have a big home!’’ My eyes grew big and I tickled her. She shrieked again and nodded, ‘’Bye Sam!’’ she waved and grabbed my hand. ‘’Show me, show me, show me!’’ She was tugging me off the bench. I laughed, ‘’Guess I’ll see you later?’’ I asked Jessie, and she nodded. ‘’Three houses down the left.’’ I smiled and walked towards our house. Lizy was very hyper at this point, jumping up and down, running back and forth. ‘’Do we have a bed? And a TV? What about a couch?’’ I laughed, grabbing her arms. ‘’Come here.’’ I said. I kneeled down and she stood behind me. ‘’Jump.’’ and she did. I held her up by her legs and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I started running and that earned some giggles. Eventually she let go and spread her arms wide. Feeling the breeze I made as I ran. Her blonde curls flying behind her in the wind, her blue eyes shining with joy. ‘’Wheeeee!’’ She yelled and I laughed, we earned some laughs as we ran by some porches where older people sat outside.
‘’We’re here.’’ I sat Lizy down and gave her the key. ‘’Try opening the door.’’ She ran towards the door and tried to put the key in the hole. ‘’Can you help me Bailey, I can’t open it!’’ She sounded frustrated. I stepped closer, ‘’Is it in the correct way?’’. She nodded, showing me how she put in the key. ‘’Okay, try turning to the right.’’ She turned to the left, ‘’The other right.’’ I giggled, grabbing her small hand and turning the key to the right. She opened the door and her face lit up. ‘’This is huge!’’ Her mouth hung open as she looked around. ‘’A tv!’’ She pointed her finger, ‘’And a Couch!’’ She jumped on it. ‘’Hey hey, shoes off.’’ She had just been running in the mud and grass. She nodded and kicked her shoes off and continued jumping. ‘’Let’s go upstairs.’’ I held out my hand and she took it. She followed me upstairs, revealing the 3 bedrooms we had. ‘’Bailey!’’ She shrieked as she saw 3 big beds. ‘’Can I choose?’’ I nodded, ‘’Go ahead sweetheart.’’ I smirked. Her happiness is something I will cherish forever. We’ve only been together for two days now but she’s really growing on me. I’ve always wanted kids, but never found the right guy. I guess now that I have Lizy, I don’t need a guy to have a lovely child with. She’s just amazing, a bundle of joy in this dark rotting world.
‘’This one!’’ she yelled, jumping on the big bed. Her windows were directed to the playground we just had been. ‘’Now I can see if Sam or other children will be there!’’ She giggled. ‘’Someone likes Sam a lot!’’ I chuckled and tickled her. “Do not!’’ she blushed. I narrowed my eyes, ‘’I don’t believe you.’’ ‘’No mom!’’ she yelled back and went silent. She looked down in her lap and whispered ‘’sorry’’. I sat down next to her on the bed and hugged her. ‘’It’s okay. You can call me whatever you want. I miss my mom too.’’ I said, soothing her. ‘’Is.. Mommy Bailey okay?’’ I nodded, ‘’Perfect.’’ Looking out the window, the sun shone on our faces. My eyes started to tear up but I quickly blinked them away. ‘’I have one more surprise.’’ Her eyes lit up, ‘’Follow me.’’ I stood up and walked to the bathroom. We had a shower and a bathtub. ‘’I want to go in the bathtub!’’ She yelled running towards it. I nodded and turned on the hot water, running my hands under the stream. ‘’It’s warm too.’’ I winked at her. ‘’Just wait a little bit, so it fills up enough.’’ She nodded, already taking off her socks. ‘’I’m going to take a shower too, is that okay? We can still see each other.’’ I said, turning on the shower head. ‘’Okay!’’ I underdressed and stepped in the shower. ‘’Omg!’’ I almost jumped up from joy. I watched Lily wait for the water to fill the tub. ‘’You can join me for a bit, I’ll watch the water in the tub.’’ She nodded eagerly, pulling her shirt over her head and pulling her pants off. Once she was done with everything she stepped in the shower with me. I grabbed a cloth and cleaned her face. A beautiful pale-ish pink came from underneath, she was so greased up that I didn't notice it before. ‘’Look at you! You are so beautiful.’’ I poked her cheeks. I quickly washed her hair and conditioned her curls, so it would be easier to brush through it later on. ‘’Hey..’’ Lizy looked up at me, ‘’the tub is ready.’’ She quickly opened the shower door and stepped in the tub. ‘’Turn the tab off, love.’’ I giggled, I didn’t want to clean up the overflowing water. ‘’Okay!’’ she giggled and made bubbles with the soap she poured in. I felt the excitement fill my body as I saw how much dirt pooled around my feet.’’Warm water!’’ I yelled, throwing up my hands towards the shower head. ‘’Warm wateeeeer!’’ Lizy threw her hands in the air.
After our bathroom session we put on some fresh clothes and walked down towards Jessie’s house. I rang the bell and an older boy opened the door. ‘’Is Jessie home?’’ I asked, the boy looked us up and down and nodded. ‘’Mom!’’ he yelled towards the living room, ‘’Coming!’’ Jessie was now at the door, letting us in. ‘’That was Ron.’’ she smiled, ‘’you both look so clean!’’ she twirled a curl of Lizy’s hair around her fingers. ‘’I went in the bathtub!’’ she exclaimed. I kneeled down in front of her, ‘’Listen, I love your hair, and I’m sure you do too. But it’s a little too long. I don’t want those monsters grabbing your hair.’’ She nodded, ‘’I like it better out of my face.’’ I smiled, knowing that she understood. Jessie trimmed my hair, so I could still wear a ponytail, and cut off some length of Lizy’s hair where she’s still able to make a bun on top of her haid, so it’s still out of her face.
‘’Can we stay here?’’ Lilzy asked as she came running to me. She was looking at the butterflies that were above the flowers. ‘’Do you want to stay here?’’ I ask, looking down at her. She grabbed my hand, ‘’Please, please, please!’’. ‘’Alright then. Only if you behave.’’ I tickled her sides and she ran away. The sun was setting and the cool breeze was hitting my face. The first day in our new community. At first I was careful, not knowing what this all was. But after the shower, the haircut, I feel as new.
A new start. < Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 >
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