aegletes26 · 1 year
some tarot tips i've collected over the years
- when shuffling, pay attention to the cards that fall out of the deck. sometimes they have a special message for you.
- questions aren't always necessary when reading. letting the cards tell you what they need to helps to develop your intuition, and the relationship between you and your deck (or the spirit you are working with, depending on how you divine information).
- when reading with multiple cards (i.e. as a spread), try and string the cards together rather than interpreting them by their individual meanings:
recurring suits, themes, symbols, and numbers
proportions of suits and uprights vs. reversals
position of the cards (e.g. if people are present in the cards, where are they looking?)
colours of the cards (e.g. do any of the cards stand out more than the rest?)
- although each card has a core meaning, different decks with different art could emanate different "flavours" of the core meaning.
- draw a clarifying card if something confuses you, but try not to draw any more than two cards per reading.
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aegletes26 · 2 years
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Little ways to have a more Magikal Day 🌿🌞🪐
credit: @CraftingWitch on Instagram !
posted 06/19/2022
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aegletes26 · 2 years
Shadow Work Prompts
What emotion do you try to avoid? What triggers this emotion within you?
Who has hurt you in this past and what would you say to them now?
What do you think your worst trait is and why? In what ways does this trait bring positivity into your life?
Are you holding any grudges against someone? Why haven't you been able to let go of that resentment?
What do you need to forgive yourself for?
Are there any privileges in your life that you've taken for granted?
What promise have you made to yourself that you've broken? How does that make you feel?
What words would hurt you the most if someone used them to describe you? Why does that hurt you so much?
What are some ways you could be more forgiving?
What's the biggest lie you've ever told?
Are there times when you could have been kinder to yourself?
What is your saddest memory? Why does it make you feel this way?
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aegletes26 · 2 years
Card of the Week: Page of Wands
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It's a week full of oportunities to start things that you really want to do: maybe making new projects out of the paper, design new plans and set them in motion, meeting/flirting new and interesting people or coming up with creative ways to make something you already do more exciting and fun.
Shield yourself from bad energies, such as envy or evil eye, and don't tell your new passion to any unnecessary people. Fire this passion up and do as you will but DON'T rush things without thinking.
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aegletes26 · 2 years
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These lists are by no means complete. However, I have yet to see a more comprehensive list on the internet. So many practices exist that it would be impossible to include them all by name or even know about them all. If there is a practice that you know about, please reblog and share! 
Semi-Closed Cultures
These are cultures & practices that require a cultural context that can only be achieved through studiousness and direct interactions with the community. However, these cultures are open to anyone who wishes to join them. They may or may not require an initiation process and other requirements before someone is accepted. Some are based on regionality.
Islam (Most sects)
Christianity (Most sects)
Judaism (Most sects)
Hinduism (Most sects)
Buddhism (Most sects)
Shamanism (A few sects)
Kabbalah (Rigorous initiation)
Native American Cultures (A couple sects)
Ozark & Appalachian traditions
Closed Cultures
These are cultures that heavily guard their spiritual and/or mystical practices. Some do perform initiation, however they will not accept just anyone. Some of these are deep rooted ethnic practices and require the same ethnic background in order to be initiated. Due to the closed nature of these magical practices, it is next to impossible to find any reliable information on the internet. Which means using these practices outside of their cultural context will be: ineffective, disrespectful, and misinformed.
Native American Cultures (Most sects)
Taoist mysticism
Korean folk practices 
Chinese folk practices (Almost all sects)
African Traditions (Nearly all sects)
Root Work (Commonly referred to has Hoodoo)
Yoruba traditions
Mexica traditions (Commonly referred to as Aztec)
Toltec traditions
Maya traditions
Indiginous Australian practices
Maori practices 
Tagalog practices
Romanii practices
Shinto practices
Manchu practices
Mongolian practices
Satsana Phi
Ban Phi
Vietnamese practices
Sami practices
Mari practices
Slavic folk practices
Open Cultures
These are typically considered dead cultures, which means that there are very few surviving cultural centers to gain cultural context. Most of the practices are obtained through archeology and should be considered incomplete. However, taking part in these practices is not considered disrespectful if it is practiced responsibly. 
Kemeticism (And other ancient Egyptian practices)
Norse practices (General Heathenry)
Etruscan practices
Sumerian practices 
Practices to avoid
These practices are appropriative, rooted in racism/misogyny, cult-like, and/or directly lead into fascism. They should be avoided at all costs. Many of these practices are wide-spread. Several claim to have ancient origin, when they do not. Most of them have taken practices from other cultures and obscured them and claimed them as their own. Some of these practices are literal pyramid schemes.
Claims ancient origin, appropriative, misogynistic, consumerism
Neo-Wiccan practices
Same as Wicca, but also tends to be transphobic and racist, consumerism
Ceremonial Magick
Appropriative, rooted in racism & misogyny.
Appropriative, rooted in racism & misogyny, cult-like
New Age practices (Like Reiki)
Appropriative, Alt-right (fascist) pipeline, cult-like, pyramid scheme, consumerism
Neo-Shamanism (Nearly all sects)
Appropriative, claims ancient origin
Neo-Nordic practices
Fascist, Appropriative, claims ancient purity
Appropriative, claims ancient origin
Eco-Pagan practices
Appropriative, claims ancient origin, transphobic, consumerism
Hermetic Qabalah
Appropriative, rooted in racism & misogyny
Evangelical practices
Cult-like, fascist, xenophobic, claims ancient origin
Germanic Neopaganism
Fascist pipeline, Appropriative, claims ancient purity
Theosophical practices
Rooted in colonialism, appropriative, claims ancient origin, rooted in white supremacy, misinformative.
If you'd like to know more about me and my blog, ask a question, suggest content, see a list of my posted/planned informational content, or commission a sigil, click here.
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aegletes26 · 2 years
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Card of the Week: Four of Cups
Stabiity. Withdrawal. Boredom. Staying in the comfort zone.
The Four of Cups is a card about shutting down emotions, not allowing them to properly flow, delaying your personal growth. Something happened or will happen to make you lose that drive that motivates you.
Be very careful with thoughts like:
      - “Maybe it’s better to leave things they way they are...”
      - “Why bother? I won’t be able to do it anyway...”
This is a dangerous time for our emotional self, cause we may be more inclined to build emotional walls around us. These walls are not to keep the danger out but to isolate ourselves from the many great things we need from outside. We may end up trapped in a place where our other selves reinforce bad thoughts that won’t make us change for the better.
May you have courage to step up for yourself and keep doing what you believe is right, at your own pace. Just because we may fall into an emotional trap that slows us down doesn’t mean we necessarily need to rush things or stay super active with our lives, right?
Have a good week.
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aegletes26 · 2 years
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What are wards?
Wards are magical barriers that protect the caster from a variety of things. These things include, but are not limited to: curses, spirits, undesired energies, attention, etc.
These barriers can be constructed through a variety of ways. Of course it goes without saying that each of these ways requires intent, focus, passion, & energy work. 
Why every single practitioner should use them:
In every practitioner's life, they’ll come across something they would rather keep at arm's length. Most commonly it is going to be unwanted energetic or spiritual presences, provided the practitioner has sufficient energetic awareness. However, protecting from curses is always a good course of action. 
There exists a plethora of methods to ward, ranging from very dense and complex, to physical and simple. However, it is important to note that some methods are more effective than others. There are also methods you’ll find on the internet that just don’t do anything. One that immediately comes to mind is the Golden Egg or Egg Shield, as these methods operate off of pure visualization; which is to say that they are imaginary. 
Types of wards:
Energetic: The projection of energy into a construct that is programmed a specific way either in casting or by the use of energetic sigils.
Sympathetic: These methods include such use as curse blocking jars, horse shoes, brooms, etc
Talisman: Metasigils that are placed into wood, metal, or paper that are designed and programmed to protect against certain energies or entities.
Enchanted objects: Objects that are hexed to protect against unwanted energies or entities.
Sacred circles and spaces: A space that has been cleansed and sanctified, which blocks outside spiritual forces from entering.
Clothing: This technically falls under sympathetic. There exists in some cultures that hold the concept of certain colored clothing as being protective during ceremony or a working.
Symbols and Sigils: Sigils and symbols used to create a barrier against magical forces.
Divine protection: Petitioning a deity for protection.
Spiritual protection: Petitioning a spiritual entity for protection.
Psychic wards: Mental wards that are projected outwards via psychicism. This is not done through visualization.
In this next section I will be giving a few examples to set a framework for you to work within conceptually. Some of these may include concepts or terms that you aren’t familiar with.
If you’re new to witchcraft in general, I recommend starting with this post. If you’re new to energy work, I recommend starting with this post. 
Beginner friendly wards and how to cast them:
Sympathetic: In a sympathetic ward, there are a few concepts that must be included. They are: what you wish to protect against; a solid emotional backing for the ward; a basic understanding of energy work; a proper headspace; and the items that have the correlating correspondences to you. To start, you’ll need to have everything needed right near your person, so that you do not break headspace to grab anything. Be sure that you have at least a rough plan as to your spell process. Cleanse yourself, your space, and all items involved in the casting. Then, take all of the items that you have correspondences for and energetically tie them together. This can be done while incorporating them into a larger object, like a candle or jar. Collect energy and run it through your subtle body, ending with your mind, where you’ll instill the intent of your ward into the energy. Be sure not to visualize throughout this process or it’ll hinder your ward. Visualization before or afterwards would actually strengthen your desired effect. Visualizing beforehand will give you a framework to work within and act as another correspondence. Then, place that energy as a thread through each item. While doing this, be sure that you are riding a wave of your emotional connotation in order to give your intent momentum. Once all the items are energetically and physically bound together, perform an action that is abrupt and creates some sort of noise to signify that you are complete. This helps your mind break away from the working and allows you to energetically disengage. Sympathetic wards can also be placed on to objects as an enchantment and carried on your person. However, doing so would require that the ward be energetically anchored. You may also do this to an object made of iron and place it over thresholds.
Clothing: This method is rather simple. Find a color that you correlate to the concept of protection and wear it. It could be beneficial to use the above method to instill your article of clothing with your intent, energetically. Without doing so would make this method the weakest that you could employ.
Sacred Spaces: To create a sacred space, you must first decide its perimeter. This can be a circle or the walls of a room. Cleanse the entire space and all objects. If you work with any deities or spirits, call them into the space to help you sanctify it; if you do not, you can skip this aspect. Then, create an energetic construct that is the same dimensions of the space you’ve decided on. It can be helpful to have spirits or correspondences for the cardinal directions to call on as well. If you work with spiritual entities, petition them to sanctify the energetic space. If not, pull your own essence out while completely engaged with your emotional momentum, headspace, and intent. Infuse your energetic construct with your essence of protection. Then, perform an action that is abrupt and creates some sort of noise to signify that you are complete. This helps your mind break away from the working and allows you to energetically disengage. 
Symbols & Sigils: The first step to creating sigil or symbol wards is to create your sigils or symbols. If you are in the broom closet, it would be beneficial to have things hanging on your walls that you can hang in front of your sigils. Create these sigils on sheets of paper. Create a simple energetic construct projection of the space you’re warding. Then, energetically bind each sheet to this construct as instructed in the sympathetic section. Hang them on each wall of your space. If you’re closeted, you can either create the sigils on the back of wall-hangings or hang them in front of the sheets. Alternatively, you can draw directly on the wall with salt water. Salt water works best as when the water evaporates it’ll leave a salt residue in the shape of your sigils on the walls. If you'd like to check out my sigils, click here. (Wont let me increase link size, I'm sorry)
How to make wards more effective when beginning to learn how to cast them:
The best way to make your wards effective is to plan them out thoroughly. Think of all possible variables in what you're trying to protect from and all forms that it can take. The more information you have going into your working, the more accurate your ward will be. The second tip I have is to surrender completely to your headspace during casting. Enter a state of gnosis on your working. This applies to all spell casting. Lastly, revisit the anchor for your ward and ensure that it is still energetically present. If it isn’t, you may have to recast it or recharge it.
Important variables to keep in mind:
Visualization will hinder your wards so much. Wards cannot exist only in your imagination and be effective. You must actually go through the processes, both energetically and physically. 
Be sure that you know what spirits you are working with. Verify every spiritual interaction you have in as many ways as possible. Do not take their word for it or just accept their vibes. For this reason, I did not include deity or spiritual petitions in this post.
If you have any questions, content suggestions, want to see more of my content, or would like to commission a sigil, click here. If you'd like to see my upcoming content, click here.
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aegletes26 · 2 years
“When you see yourself being torn apart, make a wish.”
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aegletes26 · 2 years
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Card of the Week: Four of Pentacles
This week is about material comfort. All that hard work or maybe all that luck you needed made you harvest what you planted back then, and the Four of Pentacles is a sign that you can get everything you need to feel materially safe.
You may get a raise, a financial opportunity, a new job, unexpected money, basically anything to help you stabilize your financial situation.
You may get opportunities to take care of your body as well: changing your diet; doing sports; enter the gym; yoga (online or not); etc.
Either way, the Four of Pentacles is a sign of material reassurance and that you will harvest what you plant.
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aegletes26 · 2 years
Card of the Week: Queen of Swords
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The Queen of Swords calls for our needs of clear communication. It's very important to clear our minds from unwanted thoughts and sincerely speak what we mean, avoiding harming others and, in the long run, yourself. It to be verbal, to have discussions, to work things around with words.
Time to know the true power of words.
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aegletes26 · 2 years
Card of the Week: Nine of Swords
- "You cannot change. You will always be a monster."
- "I know... But I am your monster no longer."
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Well, here we are. The Nine of Swords is a card about worries and regrets. We may enter in uncertain situations related to our shameful past failures and we need to find the light of forgiveness in the very core of our hearts in order to move on.
Remember those times when you said something you shouldn't? Or when you messed up you couldn't make things right again? Have you ever been in the same situation where you previously failed and you're afraid you might fail again just not the same way?
We (I say "we" cause this is a message for me as well) need find the courage to forgive ourselves, to accept that we failed then but that doesn't mean we will fail now. The Nine of Swords is about looking at your shame and cutting down the strings that sustain them.
My inspiration for this is Kratos, from God of War (2018):
His son is sick. He needs to be a good father and get medicine for him, but to get there he needs to face his own shame. He stared at his old weapons, faced his memories and regrets and he OWNED THEM instead of rejecting them. He wielded the Blades of Chaos not to kill for personal vengeance but, instead, wielded to save his son. He was no longer the same Kratos from back then. He wouldn't allow himself to fail the same way he failed with Pandora. He was no longer the monster of Olimpus.
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aegletes26 · 2 years
A cycle ends and another beginning takes place. Let it be better than the previous one.
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aegletes26 · 2 years
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Produced by LEMAT WORKS
✨Twinkle Night3 15 27  28 29  / Moon Purple Amber Crescent / Golden Stars / / instagram / Behance✨
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aegletes26 · 2 years
Card of the Week: Queen of Cups
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How have you been dealing with your emotions lately? Because this may be a week for you to be in touch with those emotions, no matter how good or bad they are...
The Queen of Cups is a card about understanding one’s emotions completely. This means that you have opportunities to learn more about how you or someone close to you manifest your emotions. What makes you happy? What makes you angry? What you do when you are sad? If someone upsets you, how do you deal with it?
If you struggle about understanding your emotions, you could search for therapy. There is no shame in that and it will only help you understand yourself better.
May Apollo bless and warms your week
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aegletes26 · 2 years
How to make your Sigils as Mantras
Make magick through words
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The process of making a sound sigil is a little different from a visual sigil, but it also start with writing your intention. This is a good example:
"I want to connect with an old friend"
Some may argue that starting with "I want" isn't good for the spell but, nevertheless, your intention must be very clear in your mind. Just go with what works for you.
A common way to make sigils is removing all vowels from the intention phrase. But how will we be able to make it sound like a mantra if we don't have any vowels? We can remove any repeating letter from our intention:
I want to connect with an old friend
Notice we have 4 vowels. This is good as a criteria for making different words. Will your word sound good with one of the vowels? Or should you try two or more?
Use your intuition. It is a powerful tool in this process cause there's no specific way (that I'm aware at the moment) for you to make your mantra. It needs to sound right for you. It needs to sound “magical”, having a huge impact on you.
For this example, we can have the options:
Teloc waf dhir
Fowe tirc whad
Fi wo cert had
You can repeat some letters if it better suits you.
Take your new mantra and meditate on it, focusing on the sounds you make and their meaning.
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aegletes26 · 2 years
The five types of sigils:
There are five different types of sigils, and these five different types of sigils are based off of what they are trying to manifest. By learning these types of sigils you will be able to understand the different purposes, and forms that sigils can take, and will have a way of categorizing them. By being able to identify which type of sigil you are working with will allow you to work with a sigil more effectively, and it may even help you decide how to go about using it.
Desire sigils:
Desire sigils are a type of sigil that go through the process of manifesting the desires of the practitioner, or of the intention the sigil has programmed into it. These desires can be anything that is achievable through magick, and will represent that desire, so that they can be used to manifest it. Desire sigils are one of the most common forms of sigils, and are the one you will probably spend the most time interacting with. They are usually made from statements of intent that details exactly what the practitioner wants to set in motion.
Examples of desire sigils:
Sigil for protection
Sigil for good luck
Sigil to curse your enemies
Sigil to have a good job interview
Along with many others…
Name sigils:
Names sigils are sigils that represent a specific name, construct, or entity. These sigils are connected to that specific name, construct, or entity, and can be used as it taglock, or magickal link to them. These sigil reflect the power, and the metaphysical properties, virtues, and associations of the name, construct, or entity. Names sigils can be used in order to summon forth the entities that have that name, or as personal sigils to represent entities, and constructs much like a form of signature. Some practitioners place them on things to mark them as theirs such as artwork, land, objects, or other constructs. Names sigils can be constructed using many different forms of names such as a first name, middle name, last name, username, nickname, magickal name, or anything along those lines. The greater that the name is connected, or associated with the construct, or entity the stronger the connection will be between it, and the sigil. These names sigils also mimic the aspects, and associations of the name, and of what owns the name, and because of this name sigils can be used to boost personal aspects of an entity, or construct, or can be used in order to give those aspects to another. Names sigils are primarily focused on proper nouns, and usually focus on a specific one-of-a-kind construct.
Examples of name sigils:
Name Sigil for Jack
Name Sigil for Cynthia
Name Sigil for America
Along with many others…
Correspondence sigils:
Correspondence sigils are sigils that are used to represent the correspondences of a specific construct. These types of sigils are connected to the construct’s correspondences, and associations, because of this the sigils mimic the power, and associations of the construct, and can be used in place of it in spells, and rituals, and other magickal workings. The difference between correspondence sigils, and name sigils is that correspondence sigils are connected to common nouns, or a class of constructs, and name sigils are connected to a proper nouns, or a specific construct. These correspondence sigils are not as effective as using the actual construct in your magickal working, but it can be a good substitute in situations where that construct is unavailable, or you need something to represent it in your working.
Examples of correspondence sigils:
Sigil for fire
Sigil of lavender
Sigil of the wolf
Along with many others…
Linking sigils:
Linking sigils are sigils that are connected to each other, or another sigil, and because of this connection they can be used to connect situations, and magickal workings together much like an occult telephone. These sigils allow any power to flow through them, and their connection. These sigil can be used as taglocks, or magickal links to situations, and other destinations in order to target whatever is on the other end. All sigils are some form of linking sigil, and are connected to the other versions of itself, but by making a sigil specifically for the purposes of being a linking sigil, one will be able to create sigils with a stronger association with each other.
Examples of linking sigils:
Ellis linking sigil
A sigil of a group
Along with many others…
Combination sigils:
Combination sigils are a combination, or mix of multiple types of sigils, or two, or more sigils. These types of sigils can be incredibly useful when you want something more complicated done in your magickal working, and need more than one type of sigil to be present in one sigil representation. These types of sigils can be created through creating a ligature of two already made sigils, or by combining the properties. You could also go through the process of creating a sigil with two specific intentions in its statement of intention, so both of them can take shape in the world when the sigil is charged, and activated.
Examples of Combination sigils:
Combination sigil for love and strength
Combination sigil for Tasha and awareness
Combination sigil for link between waters
Combination sigil for Jessie, and James
Along with many others…
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aegletes26 · 2 years
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A sigil is a type of symbol used in magick. The term has usually referred to a type of pictorial signature of a deity or spirit. In modern usage, especially in the context of chaos magic, sigil refers to a symbolic representation of the practitioner's desired outcome.
basically a form of art in a way in which inscribed or painted symbols are considered to have magical powers
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I personally don't fully burn them to activate them ; I just burn the edges but sometimes I burn the whole thing so yeah lol.
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you can always get more creative ;3
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