agentolympia · 11 years
It's been fun guys, but I think it's time to let this die with dignity. 
I wanna say that this is one of the best RP experiences (if not the best) that I've ever had. I've made amazing friends through this RP, I've had loads of fun, I've grown as a writer and plotter and even just as a person through the experience of doing this. There hasn't been ONE day. Not ONE day when I haven't logged into main or onto the dash ( usually both). There have been some bad times, sure. I've made mistakes, I've seen some shit. But all in all, this will always be remembered as a positive experience to me. 
This is the longest time I've ever been in an RP, and one of the best, and I think we ALL have O to thank for that, no matter what you think of her decision. 
I know some of you were thinking of doing another 1x1 type thing after this, but like I said, I'm going to let this part of my life die with grace and without being angry or sad. When it's done, it's done. 
I have made 762 posts, 27 drafts, and 161 likes in my time here, which I think is quite a lot. 
I don't think I'll delete my blog right away, I want to keep it so I can go back through and remember the fun times we had here. This isn't really an end, and if you ever want to talk to me again you can hit me up either at my skype (starjuststar) or at my 1x1 (fairytalerps). I hope we all leave on friendly enough terms. 
It's been a fun adventure, and I will always love Oly and this RP to death. 
Agent Olympia signing off. 
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agentolympia · 11 years
Hey sorry for my lack of activity, I'm trying to get a bit of muse back and I've been super busy with nano and school and being lazy, plus I'm going scuba diving on friday and will be gone until the next monday, so I might be a lil scarce. 
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agentolympia · 11 years
Adventures with Measuring Cups || Montgomery and Olympia
The last time Olympia had tried cooking, it had ended up in a disaster. Not only had the cookies she'd been trying to cook come out more like misshapen lumps than an actual piece of food, but Candice had seen it as another chance to insult her. Since then, Olympia had avoided the kitchen like the plague. 
But in the days in between missions, when the halls were full of agents Olympia didn't yet know and perhaps didn't care to know, It was lonely and dull, training was always an option, and Olympia had done a lot of it...but she was starting to wonder if they'd ever get a chance to use that training, or if they'd just constantly be thrown into situations where pure luck decided whether they lived, died, or were crippled in cryo tubes. 
She was beginning to realize she needed something to do, outside of training. Otherwise, she'd go insane. 
So the agent ventured back to the kitchen, hoping that this time she could avoid meeting up with Candice and being mocked. As she entered the kitchen, the familiar surfaces of stainless steel greeted her eye. She always felt like a stranger in these kitchens, like she didn't quite belong. A kitchen was no place for a soldier, but what else was a soldier to do in their free time? There wasn't much on this bloody ship to interest people, even her teammates were boring. 
It was as Olympia walked fully into the room that she realized she wasn't the only one in there. 
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agentolympia · 11 years
Olympia's leg connected with his knee, grunting as her leg twisted as Charleston fell down. She'd known it wasn't going to be the most graceful move, but she wanted Charleston on the ground, It was much easier to win a spar when your opponent was on the ground. But as she was recovering from the kick and getting firmly planted on the ground again, Charleston started a roll across the floor. 
He looked like a dying duck. 
As he swung up from the ground, quicker than Olympia had imagined she would. He hit off some blows at her stomach, which again she decided to lean away from, bending backwards to avoid getting hit in the gut. He seemed to be fighting harder than he was before, back when they were warming up he seemed apathetic. That was good, Olympia guessed. Maybe he was finally growing a spine for battle. 
"More interested in this fight now, are we?" Olympia said between parries. She laughed and aimed a punch directly at Charleston's head. They'd gotten closer together since Charleston had gotten off the floor, so her punch wouldn't have much to travel. 
Olympia was starting to realize that perhaps she shouldn't be fighting as if she wanted to win. She was supposed to be helping Charleston train...right? So why did she feel like she wanted to beat him to the ground? 
Maybe it was the normal competitive spirit bursting out of her, or maybe she was just afraid of failing such an easy task as beating Charleston in a spar. If she couldn't win this one spar, what use was she? 
It's a training exercise, she told herself. Nothing more. 
Roll Up Your Sleeves || Charleston and Olympia
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agentolympia · 11 years
"I want you. Naked. In my bed. Now." - The Director
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agentolympia · 11 years
"I want you. Naked. In my bed. Now." (wink wonk)
Olympia blinked as Helena said those words. She'd always seen Helena as a woman of moderation, one of the people who wouldn't just blurt out something like that in an instant. But, I guess, we all have needs. 
Still, the declaration confused her. But it wasn't as if Helena was a bad catch, she wasn't half bad looking. Olympia blushed, blood flooding her face as she wondered what to do. It was such a forceful declaration that Olympia was taken aback. 
"Uh...naked...as in...like...sex...?" 
What a dumb question, she realized, wanting to hit herself in the face. Of course that's what she meant. Why else would she want her to be naked? 
Naked...holy fuck, Olympia hadn't been naked in front of someone else in years. It wasn't like her body was bad, it was just...a soldier's. Her chest still bore faint scars from her first mission, when she'd been caught in a plasma grenade blast. Since then, she'd worn tops that didn't show it, not because she was self-conscious or anything, but because it seemed like a weakness. 
But Helena probably wouldn't mind...why was Olympia even considering this? Of course she'd say no, right? The last thing she needed was an emotional attachment. 
The words came out before she even knew what she was doing. 
"I'll be there in ten...although we're not going to discuss this afterwards, okay?"
Crap. It would seem her body had spoken for her. 
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agentolympia · 11 years
"I truat you."
Montgomery was one of the few people on the Equinox that Olympia had never quarreled with. Sure, they'd only had one chat, seemingly forever ago, when Mont had ditched the medbay and they'd talked about books. How long ago that seemed now...that was a time when things were simpler. When Olympia hated Phoenix and hated the A.I., but at least they were all still alive. Now it was all so complicated. Now she didn't know who she hated, except the Director. Her hatred for him had grown like a parasite in the last few months, until it was difficult to keep under the surface. 
But Montgomery was one of the few she hadn't started to dislike. Sure, he could be a cocky asshole sometime, but mostly a solid guy. 
"I trust you too, Montgomery," Olympia said quietly, replying quickly and steadily. There were few people on the ship she felt were steady enough to earn her trust, but she would trust Mont in the field covering her. Even though he was part of Gamma--a team Olympia planned to avoid since the Locust mission--Olympia didn't see him as a Gamma. 
So yes, she trusted him, and was equally glad he trusted her. Some things remained unchanged. 
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agentolympia · 11 years
"I’m disappointed in you."
She knew they were disappointed. 
Their eyes boring into her back seemed harsher than usual. Olympia wanted to punch one of them in the face. Her team was dead. Olympia had run while she could, she had just taken off, activated her speed enhancement. Run away. She'd never thought herself a coward, but in that moment, she'd seen her team cut down. 
And she had been scared. In that moment, she'd decided she wanted to live. 
It was a shame she knew she would have to live with, but when Ara spoke these words, it was like a knife. Cutting deeper into the shame that already rose under her skin. 
"Well, you aren't one to talk about disappointment," she shot back angrily. They all had to see that it wasn't her fault...was it? 
"You and your kind aren't as perfect as you want to seem. You were supposed to be the perfect war machine, and look at you, you are all sad excuses for anything. You are just as much of a failure as I am!"
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agentolympia · 11 years
whispers I'll reply to the other three prompts once I get some NaNo done jeez like maybe an hour
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agentolympia · 11 years
"I love you."
There was no one on the ship Olympia had expected these words from less than Charleston. She'd beat him to the ground every opportunity, she'd trained him and pushed him and verbally assaulted him. Olympia was sure Charleston hated her and everything she did. 
As she pulled away from the punching bag, her face bright red, she looked at the Gamma agent. 
I love you. 
What was she supposed to say? According to the cheesy media, she should say something soppy, like "I love you too," back. But that wasn't true. She didn't see anything else in Charleston except everything she wanted to fix, she had blinded herself to see only the weak spots in each person, the holes in the wall. It kept people away, and, so she thought, it made her strong. 
"I...Charleston," she sputtered. 
And she couldn't reply, she didn't know what to say. She didn't know how to say I can't love you, because I can't see you as anything more than a project I need to work on. So she turned back to her punching bag, trying to pretend she hadn't heard.
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agentolympia · 11 years
"I trust you."
Trust. What a simple word that meant so much. To be trusted by someone--anyone--seemed a great responsibility. 
They were failing. Already three agents had fallen, Montgomery, Columbia, and Concord. The blue-green blood of the Covvies was mixing with the small trickles of red blood that spattered the floor. The combination was a sick brown hue that would've made Olympia feel nauseous even if the horrible smell wasn't pervading the halls. 
I trust you. 
Those three words sent hope into her heart. Even if they were in the heat of a moment, a moment filled with blood and sweat and the constant fear that a Covenant would break through the gaps in their defense. That there would be even more dead. Even through all of this, those words were some sort of pledge. Something to hope for. If he trusted her, maybe she should trust herself more, maybe they could make it out alive, maybe she and the pilot would both live to see another sunrise and fight another day. 
Maybe we're going to be okay. 
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agentolympia · 11 years
"I love you."
Olympia turned to the source, her eyebrows creasing as she recognized him. What was his name again? Jillian or something like that...ah! Jefferson. She looked him up and down, before finally answering. 
"We just met, Doc," she said in consternation. Love was dangerous, cruel, and all over too much to handle right now. Love was a luxury. So many people said it was necessary to life...just as important as food or shelter. But Olympia didn't see it that way. If love was necessary, why had she survived so long without it? 
She had to be strong enough to withstand its absence. 
"Look, you're an okay guy, better than most on this ship, I'll admit. But it's not...I don't know how to answer you right now. I don't know how to love people, it seems so hard. So it's better to not, and you shouldn't either. All loving does is end up, inevitably, at heartache. And heartache is being compromised."
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agentolympia · 11 years
Put one of these in my askbox to see how my Muse reacts.
"I love you."
"I hate you."
"You’re dead to me."
"I trust you."
"I’m dying."
"I’m pregnant with your baby."
"I never really loved you."
"I want you. Naked. In my bed. Now."
"I’m proud of you."
"I’m disappointed in you."
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agentolympia · 11 years
"We could do a simulation. I haven't been able to do a decent one in a while. I know there's a few, that all involve breaking into a location, with holograms and the like...well, at least the Director spares no expense with his training equipment." Olympia was eager to size up this fellow agent. If the time came when the Director decided to use his amazing stealth agents, she wanted to make sure she was going in with someone good. 
"So, if you want, follow me." Olympia turned on her heel and started walking through the hallways. She wasn't much for intros, she came to ask Lansing to train, and now she wanted to train. If Lansing didn't come, she would go train alone, as she had many days before. She was used to being upopular and not very well liked, in fact, it usually made her better. Relationships between friends, she'd say, were not useful. Usually, the friends either ended up dead or as a liability, neither of which she needed or wanted. One day, they would all die in the field, or by sickness, or something. 
And that was too great a risk, to get attached and then go through the heartbreak. It was better to be brief, abrupt. Unfriendly. Wise. 
Lightfoot || Lansing and Olympia
The knock on her door pulled Lansing away from the article she was reading on her tablet. It was hardly late but she had figured she needed a few hours away from her lab. If she wasn’t careful she would lose herself in her work and forget about sleeping, which was never good. Instead she decided to catch up on the latest research available in her field.
Her brow raised as she heard the other agent speak through the door. Lansing had seen that there was only one other agent aboard that specialized in stealth, the other agents being deceased. If she were superstitious she’d say the specialization was cursed, but she wasn’t. Still she had made a note to meet her, but she’d gotten sidetracked. So Olympia showing up now was good timing. Putting her tablet down she got up to open the door, an intrigued look on her face since the other agent had basically challenged her.
Leaning against the door frame she sized Olympia up for a moment, her arms crossed. “Oh, I think I can bring it. What did you have in mind?”
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agentolympia · 11 years
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this is a very quality important powerpoint
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agentolympia · 11 years
it’s illegal to not reblog this
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agentolympia · 11 years
Olympia bought Charleston's feint, not expecting him to be able to think that fast on his feet after narrowly missing her direct blow. So when his other fist connected with her shoulder, she got the full force of it, not hugely painful, but definitely a jolt. Her head rocked back, her jaw clenching. Taking a few steps back, she surveyed her options. Charleston wasn't a complete loss, even though she was still confident she could have him on the floor in no time. 
The agent brought her fists up to ready position. Charleston definitely seemed to want to be fists-only. Maybe those were supposed to be the rules of the fight they were fighting. But she'd never really been one for a clean fight. The Covenant wouldn't care if their blow was below the belt or not. And, as another agent had told her a seeming eternity ago: the Covenant don't play by the rules, and neither should they. 
So, in an instantly, she stepped back forward and slept a clean kick at Charleston's legs, aiming to sweep them out from under him. It was slightly risky, if he caught the jist, it would be easy to grab her leg and flip her onto her back, since only one leg steadied Olympia against the ground. But it was worth a try, and what was a fight without a little bit of risk?
Not much of a fight at all. 
Roll Up Your Sleeves || Charleston and Olympia
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