agnadhormu · 2 months
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agnadhormu · 9 months
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a bunch of motivational haurchefants i made
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agnadhormu · 1 year
Miqo'te Headcanons
i.e. all the ways my ocs regularly act like cats.
Climb things. Sit on top of bookshelves and dressers and pillars and tables.
Squeezing through tiny spaces it doesn't seem like they should be able to actually fit in.
Liquid bones. How are you even contorted like that??
Nap in a sunny spot. Nap a lot. Nap anywhere.
Cheek rubs, head bunts, touch noses, and tail-wraps to say hello to beloved friends.
Grooming. Straight up licking instead of just kissing (tho they can kiss too ofc)
Kneading with little biscuit hands.
Strong sense of smell and hearing - makes them good at recognizing people's moods & reading body language (heart rate changes, hormone levels, etc)
Walk ahead of friends and then just stop and turn around mid-stride, causing accidents.
Swat things off tables.
Scratching furniture when worked up... usually absentmindedly. (Miqo'te 'stress ball' is actually just something handheld they can drag their claws over without wrecking the furniture)
Extremely drawn to movement. High prey drive.
Play ambushing. Play fighting. Play chasing.
Investigate what friends are doing. They're in your space. They're helping. Pay attention to them.
Mirroring. They'll start imitating friends' body language so fast.
Silly eyes (even for Sun Seekers!)
Airplane ears and tail whips when grumpy.
Hair/fur fluffs up like Ghibli character when excited or scared.
Hissing, growling, purring, chirping.
Also kekekekeke'ing when there's something they want to hunt and can't reach.
Startling them might get a miqo'te stuck to your ceiling or backflipping into all your furniture.
Angry Miqo'te can intimidate and chase off much larger creatures just by fluffing up and yowling and being Big Mad.
Allowing tummy pets/rubs/touches is a BIG display of trust.
Bringing food to friends bc they looked hungry. Stealing food from friends bc it looked tasty.
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agnadhormu · 1 year
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Healer teas 🍵🫖
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agnadhormu · 1 year
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Regular painting for a client! :)
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agnadhormu · 2 years
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“You’ll never get what you want… Not even the battle you pine for so dearly…” …In that one transcendent moment, what was it that I sought in you? And what was it that you sought in me?
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agnadhormu · 2 years
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agnadhormu · 4 years
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                                   𝒜'𝑔𝓃𝒶   ☄   𝒟𝒽𝑜𝓇𝓂𝓊
                                              Mood Board
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agnadhormu · 4 years
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“My enemy… my friend…”
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agnadhormu · 4 years
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being a green dps is rough when your friend just likes to die
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agnadhormu · 4 years
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                                             the tale of the world’s end.
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agnadhormu · 4 years
I know it is a strange ask, but... Could you write about a WoL reuniting with their love interest( whichever NPC you see most fit for this premise) after believing them to be dead for years? I'd love some angst, hurt/ comfort and fluff at the same time :D
The Warrior of Light had nearly forgotten him. They do this to all enemies, dear to their heart or not, where any prolonged absence of a familiar something to fight causes their brain to shove yet more memories into its little black box of Bad Times. They almost forget him, halfway to picking up a katana again just to hear the blade sing, when he comes back.
“His Radiance, Zenos zos Galvus, Emperor of Garlemald, would have your company,” a runner informs, panting and sweating like they had come from the empire’s capital direct to their door.
The Warrior sighs. “He is supposed to be dead.”
“That is beyond my pay grade,” the runner replies, handing them a small box. “Here. Garlean issue linkpearl of sorts. Coordinate your visit through that and please, please do not ignore the summons. The palace has been hell.”
“O…kay,” they say slowly. “Duly noted.”
The runner gives half a bow and takes off again. The Warrior looks down at the strange little box, sighs, and walks back inside their house. They wanted peace and quiet, not a terrifying reminder that maybe their greatest frenemy wasn’t quite as dead as they thought him to be.
They pop the lid off the box and sit heavily in their armchair. Inside are fragments of crystallized ceruleum and a very Magitech-heavy earpiece. It’s a nice presentation, the bits of crystal nonvolatile and pleasing to the eye, but they do not want to pick up the earpiece.
What are they supposed to do, put it on and say, “I thought you were dead and your body stolen by an Ascian, but hey welcome back?” No! They were invited to visit an enemy nation’s capital by their best-worst friend. Gods, calling him a friend is a stretch. Enemy, yes, without question. Lover, maybe, given the number of adrenaline-fueled trysts they have had.
Friend? Surely not.
They pick up the earpiece and hold it up near their head. It looks strange and far more uncomfortable than a standard issue linkpearl, likely built for long distance transmissions than to ride on Eorzea frequencies. They put it on carefully and jump when a voice crackles through, “Hello and thank you for calling. Please allow us a moment to patch you through.”
They startle, caught off guard, and open their mouth to ask where the hell theyre being redirected to. They have barely half a second’s time to take in a breath before a familiar voice spills from the earpiece. “Hello again, my beast.”
“What do you want?”
“What do I want? Is it not clear?”
They groan and scrub a hand over their face, biting out, “No. No, it’s not. You died, I buried you, I fought your body again and knew your soul was no longer inside it. What am I supposed to think of this, Zenos?”
“I had hoped you would be more receptive of my offer,” he laments. It’s false, of course. He holds no affection for them past the ring of their blades in combat. “I doubt those you call allies have been helpful in challenging you, my beast. Come and sate your thirst.”
“There is none,” the Warrior replies with no end to vitriol. “Do not presume to know me.”
Zenos laughs and the sound carries through the line with a crackle. “But I do,” he says smugly, “and you know this. I know the curve of your bare hip, the sound of your voice when you command me to yield. I know the taste of you same as I know the color of your blood. Be honest—“
“And give myself over?! You never stopped being mad,” they accuse. They take off the earpiece and crumple it in their hand.
They had allowed him those liberties, yes, but they were all things the Warrior regrets. He was too good to them. They want to scrub that from their memory and had been so very close to doing so. Then, just like how he had knocked them back to weakness at Rhalgr’s Reach, he pops up to remind them of his taint. They will never be free.
They leave for adventures again, come back to gifts piled at their door, an honor guard, hunting hounds, myriad things they have no need of. It’s the fifth time they’ve been given another earpiece that they ask, “What do you want me for?”
No,” they say sharply, “you don’t.”
“What makes you say that,” he teases with a curious and callous tone of voice. “I want all of you, beast. I will have it.”
“That’s it. That is exactly it. You want me to be your beast, your pet, your feral little companion until the end of days when you slaughter me and all others to fill the hole you call a heart.” They sigh, tired and emotionally hollowed out. “Do not presume to love me when you only care for he barest sliver of my self.”
“And if I wish to have all of you?”
They laugh, disbelieving. “You can start with visiting in person. Long distance isn’t for me.”
“I will be there in one week’s time,” Zenos promises.
The Warrior smiles softly. “Yes, yes, okay. Do not bring an army, loverboy.”
They bicker and spit false promises at each other for a good bell more. The sun dips below the horizon. The line goes silent after their snippy goodbyes.
The Warrior has no idea what they have gotten themself into.
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agnadhormu · 4 years
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agnadhormu · 4 years
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Final Fantasy XIV portraits  part i
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agnadhormu · 5 years
Zenos: WoL and I are no longer friends WoL: That’s the worst way to announce that we’re dating
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agnadhormu · 5 years
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Yes boys, I craft.
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agnadhormu · 5 years
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