aiekiibeta-blog · 7 years
Expect nothing good to happen in your life for a while. This will eventually pass, and you will be you again as you take every painful hour to hurt, to bleed, and to eventually—heal. The only thing you need now more than anything is to rest.
Juansen Dizon // Rest (via juansendizon)
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aiekiibeta-blog · 7 years
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aiekiibeta-blog · 7 years
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Genderfluid Space/Stars Moodboard for Anonymous
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aiekiibeta-blog · 7 years
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aiekiibeta-blog · 7 years
Me @ my gender: So what are we today?
Gender: *constant screaming*
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aiekiibeta-blog · 7 years
Tips to pass and/or look older.
I gave someone passing/looking older tips earlier who’s pre-T, so I figured I’d share them here too on the off chance it’d help someone. Especially since I’ve noticed a lot of passing guides never really mention the use of make up, and I think a lot of trans men also don’t realize make up can be used to help you pass.   1. This is my number one tip to both ftm’s and mtf’s, DO SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR EYEBROWS. Eyebrows seriously can make all the difference. Eyebrows literally are the difference between me passing and not passing. Since this is directed at Ftm’s though: Darken your eyebrows with mascara. Be gentle though, because it can make you lose eyebrow hair. Preferably use a brush that’s thick with a lot of bristles works best in my case. Go for dark brown instead of black. Sometimes black ends up looking odd, but don’t be afraid to experiment.   2. Darken your chin hairs with mascara. Even afab people have a small amount of soft and light facial hair. If you don’t have much existing facial hair, I find black with a small brush like this works best: [Link] If you have facial hair, a dark brown with something like the yellow one or one second from the right works best in my experience: [Link]. Go slow and try to not touch the skin too much. Takes some practice, but if you do the very bottom of your chin and maybe even along your jaw it’ll help people read you as older/male. Don’t overdo it, because it will look fake if you overdo it. It’s good for creating just enough facial hair to tip you over to male, but don’t expect a beard.   3. Cut/shave your hairline into a move square or subtle M shape. Look up pictures of male v female hairlines to see what you’re going for. Styling your hair in a way that makes this more noticeable will help too. This is good for guys who can’t cut their hair or don’t want to. You may want to go to a barber shop for a male haircut as well. If you don’t go to a barber shop, and maybe even if you do, make sure to really stress you really, truly do want a male haircut, because sometimes hair stylists will think, “They really don’t want a guy haircut, I’ll give them a short female cut.”   4. Shave your face. Even if you don’t have facial hair, getting rid of the soft, light hairs actually helps somewhat. Your face will feel weird and rubbery in the shower, but that’s normal.  5. This takes a bit more effort, but you could try masculine contouring. It’ll help make your face more masc. I always recommend trying this to people who are unsure about their dysphoria and trans status. Google “masculine contouring” for guides, especially for your face shape.   6. If you’re short, look into shoe lifts. They’re like $10 on Amazon. They range from .5"-3". You can also do things like training yourself to have better posture and getting shoes with higher platforms to help too ofc. The downside to shoe lifts is they can be bad for your back, especially if you have existing back pain or problems. Be responsible and use common sense with them. Don’t wear them for extended periods, moderation, start slow to see how your body takes them, give yourself breaks, stretch, get good rest, and just take care of yourself.  7. Drink plenty of water. Making sure you aren’t retaining water helps thin your face out, which I’ve found helps a lot. I recommend a ketogenic diet for really cutting the water retention and helping with weight loss (which also helps with passing), but you can also look into other natural ways to relieve water retention. Do NOT use water pills unless you are suffering from excessive water retention.  (Some are also just expensive caffeine pills as well.) 8. If you can’t afford or can’t access and binder, buying control tights, cutting off the legs, and making a hole for your head makes a great DIY binder. It works best for people with smaller chests as it won’t flatten you out like a binder does.  9. A lot of guys don’t realize that your voice isn’t all just T. I think that’s the reason the “FtM’s sound like little people” type stereotypes exist. You have to adapt to your new voice. You will want to speak from a lower point in your throat and put more emphasis on your voice from your chest if possible. It requires practice. It helps if you hum and gradually lower the pitch of the hum. Once it’s as low as you can comfortably get it, speak. Play with it. It’ll help you figure out how to talk and from where. These tips can help if you’re pre-T as well. It might not make you sound male, but it can make you sound androgynous or less feminine.  10. Slightly furrowing your brow can help give the appearance of a brow ridge and smaller eyes, a male sex characteristic.  11. Males have smaller upper lips and slightly paler lips. You can google for guides on how to achieve a smaller lip look with make up.  I’ll edit this if I think of anything else.
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aiekiibeta-blog · 7 years
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aiekiibeta-blog · 7 years
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aiekiibeta-blog · 7 years
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aiekiibeta-blog · 7 years
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aiekiibeta-blog · 7 years
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aiekiibeta-blog · 7 years
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aiekiibeta-blog · 7 years
I was eating a cup of jello at the park just minding my own business but then my Local Vegan™ comes up and goes "you know you're eating ground up animal bones, right?" so I go "yeah I know" and they stare at me straight in the eyes and say "you're disgusting. How do you sleep at night?" and so I cock my head to the side and say "comfortabley" and they fucking scoff at me and say "why would you willingly eat animal bones??" and so my smart ass just laughs and says "well, no, I don't prefer it, but I like jello and my only other option is illegal" and they just sit there confused for a minute before their eyes widen in what I could only assume was horror and then they told me I was sick before jogging away and leaving me to eat my jello in peace
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aiekiibeta-blog · 7 years
‪From @reese_the_corgi: “No mom, I definitely don’t need help 😅” #cutepetclub ‬ [source: http://ift.tt/2m0kATH ]
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aiekiibeta-blog · 7 years
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yuri on ice valentines
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aiekiibeta-blog · 7 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day, Mama! <333 U w U
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aiekiibeta-blog · 7 years
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