airosetta · 5 days
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They have their own idle animations lol
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airosetta · 8 days
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Mothers Day 🌸
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airosetta · 11 days
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Found him
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airosetta · 11 days
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i’m sorry but izuku offering another gay blond man his hand and kacchan going wide-eyed is so funny
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airosetta · 11 days
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Support 5MIL3 on Twitter
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airosetta · 12 days
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May 20, 1931 Journals of Anais Nin 1927-1931   [volume 4]
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airosetta · 20 days
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Little Gummygoo version 🐊💚💛
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airosetta · 21 days
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I might've added the BG3 Art Book to my dnd assets stash
It' 100% does not have things like the 5e players' handbook + 5e’s character sheet, several gm guides, critical role's explorer's guide to wildmount, baldur's gate and waterdeep city encounters, 101 potions and their effects, volo's guide to monsters, both of xanathar's guides, a bunch of other encounters, one shots, and class builds
In no way are there any pdf’s relating to any wizard who may or may not be residing on any coast
(Edit that I’ve moved the folder to the new link above! So if you catch a different version of this post that link won’t work anymore!)
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airosetta · 22 days
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The whole tadc fandom right now
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airosetta · 23 days
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They’re so cute I love them
785 notes · View notes
airosetta · 23 days
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11K notes · View notes
airosetta · 30 days
Something that confuses me about Junjou Romantica is that Misaki is always described as 'having average looks' by Akihiko, but then Nakamura occasionally draws him like this:
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Excuse me, but that is not the face of an 'average-looking' guy.
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airosetta · 1 month
Day 2 Resolve/Time
Enjoy another flavor of 'but what if they DIDN'T break up' for day two of @takaritsuweek day 0 celebration :)
Saga Masamune had a feeling that he was being severely underestimated: his love, his anger, his confusion, his resolve, and his capabilities. Ritsu thought he could up and disappear? Thought he could kick Masamune in the head and then run away without any kind of repercussions? Thought he could make Masamune fall in love with him and then not take responsibility for something so world stopping? 
Absolutely not.
If they were going to play some kind of game then Masamune was going to win. 
The first school day after the incident - informally known as the kick - Masamune entered the library and made his way through all the bookshelves just to make sure Ritsu wasn’t hiding in the aisles before he took his usual seat. He crossed his arms, eyes darting between the door and wall clock that ticked by silently. 
Once ten minutes had passed Masamune came to the conclusion that Ritsu wouldn’t be showing today. Unsurprising, he didn’t take Ritsu for the confrontational type (then again he did kick Masamune in the head for seemingly no reason, so maybe his judgment was off), but Masamune figured it was worth it to at least try and see if Ritsu would come to the library to talk. 
Masamune stood, grabbing his bag and approaching the student librarian he’d seen around here just as frequently as he had seen Ritsu. 
“Excuse me,” He started to get her attention, “I just wanted to know if you knew anything about the student who’s usually with me.”
She blinked, processing the request before she smiled. “Oh, you mean Onodera-kun?”
Now it was Masamune’s turn to stare at her for a moment as his brain tried to make sense of her response. “...No? His name is Oda Ritsu, not Onodera.” 
“Brown hair, green eyes, about this tall?” She held out a hand to gesture.
It was an abysmal description of the adorableness that was Ritsu, but not inaccurate. “Yes.”
“Yeah, that’s Onodera Ritsu. He’s in my class: 1-C. He was absent today, so I’m sure that’s why he’s not here.” 
Masamune felt his heart jump; name mystery aside, this girl could potentially have some very vital information. If Masamune tracked Ritsu down first, found out why he was so upset, apologized and made up then he could get an explanation on the name mix-up. Finding Ritsu was the most important thing. 
“Do you know his phone number or an email or something? It’s really important that I talk to him as soon as possible.” Masamune said. 
“Ah, I don’t, but I know he’s close with another student in that class. Her name’s Kohinata An - she’s actually on cleaning duty today so she should still be around for a few more minutes!” 
Masamune nodded and murmured a quick thank you before he left to go track down this Kohinata girl. He popped his head into classroom 1-C, spotting the small selection of students who were finishing up.
“Are one of you Kohinata An? I have to ask you something.” He said to the three girls present. They all exchanged a confused glance with each other before one stepped forward. 
“I’m Kohinata An, how can I help you, Senpai?” She said. 
“Can we talk in the hallway or something? It’s about Ritsu.”
Her eyes lit up at that, a smile gracing her delicate features. “Oh! You know Ricchan?” 
Masamune was tempted to narrow his eyes at her when he heard the nickname, but he maintained his mask of indifference. “Yeah.”
“Okay, just give me one second!” She said. She made sure everything was squared away with her classmates when it came to their cleaning duties before going out into the hallway with Masamune. “So, how do you know Ricchan?” She asked curiously.
“We hang out in the school’s library together.”
“Oh! So you’re the person Ricchan is always seeing after school! It’s nice to finally meet you.” She said with a cheerful smile. 
“...Yeah.” Masamune said. How much had Ritsu told this girl about him? Did she know they were dating? Masamune wouldn’t care if she knew, but he was worried about putting his foot in his mouth and revealing something that maybe Ritsu didn’t want her to know. “I was wondering if you knew Ritsu’s home phone number or something? He and I…got in a fight the other day, I think? I don’t know, I’m not really sure what happened, I think I offended him somehow and he stormed out before I could learn what it was or apologize and then he didn’t come to the library, so I couldn’t talk to him about it today either.”
“Ah, that sounds like Ricchan: running away from his problems.” An said with a slightly sheepish smile, as if she wanted to apologize on Ritsu’s behalf. “I was actually going to visit him after school to deliver some notes and homework! I thought he was sick, so I wanted to check up on him too, but if he’s just…” She didn’t want to say avoiding you as that sounded a bit rude, but they both knew that was what she intended, “Well! It gives the two of you a perfect excuse to talk.” She started to fish some papers out of her bag, holding them out to Masamune. “I can write down the address for you too, Senpai.”
Masamune said a soft thanks and reached out to take them, but An suddenly held them close to her chest. 
“Ricchan really cares about you, from what he’s told me.” She said, her cheery disposition becoming more solemn. “So if I find out he’s got a good reason for being upset with you then I’ll be upset with you. Okay?”
Masamune blinked, not sure how much he should or should not be feeling threatened. Considering this girl was his best lead when it came to Ritsu, he decided that the answer was very threatened, so he nodded firmly to show his understanding. 
An’s smile returned and she held the notes back out to him. “Here you go. Let me rip out a page of my notebook to write down the address.” She said, doing just that after Masamune accepted the papers. She wrote it down quickly before placing the page on the very top. “Good luck making up!”
Masamune gave a half assed response, more focused on getting out of here to go to Ritsu’s place. He wished he was able to experience some excitement at the idea of going to Ritsu’s house for the very first time, but he just felt sick to his stomach with nerves. Would Ritsu’s parents be home? What would they think of him? Would Ritsu even agree to see Masamune? What if he sent him away? What if Ritsu did agree to see him and Masamune somehow made things worse? He’d have to make a conscious effort to tread lightly. He didn’t want to upset Ritsu further and completely ruin the one intimate and sincere connection he had with another person. 
Eventually - after consistently checking and rechecking and re-rechecking the address written down - he did arrive at Ritsu’s house. Well, house was an understatement, it was more like an estate. Masamune’s throat got tighter and he swore the notes in his hands must be absorbing some of the sweat from his palms. He was actually dating a little prince and that made the task of trying to earn his forgiveness - for whatever the hell it is he did - that much more daunting. 
“Good afternoon, how can I help you?” A young man asked after Masamune rang the bell to alert the residences inside to his presence.
This definitely isn’t Ritsu’s dad, does he seriously have a butler? Masamune thought, clearing his throat a bit before he spoke. “I’m a classmate and friend of Ritsu’s. Kohinata An was going to deliver these notes from school to him, but she had to take care of something else, so I came instead.” He hoped that using An’s name would give him a little more credibility. 
It seemed that was enough for Masamune to be granted entry. He was directed to where Ritsu’s (or as the butler referred to him - the young master’s) room was after he removed his shoes. Masamune put on his blinders, refusing to take in his fancy surroundings as he made a b-line for the stairs. He knew that paying too much attention to it would just make him more nervous and he needed to focus on his task rather than his boyfriend’s rich lifestyle. 
His parents are probably going to be even harder to impress than I thought… Masamune knew they weren’t at that point in their relationship, but it was something he’d have to worry about eventually. He’d have to make a good name for himself to gain their approval…
Masamune stopped in front of Ritsu’s door and took a deep breath, standing there for an almost concerning amount of time to get his nerves in check. 
He wasn’t here to meet Ritsu’s parents - as far as he could tell they weren’t even here. He wasn’t here to prove himself in any capacity. It didn’t matter if he stuck out like a sore thumb in this place - Ritsu wouldn’t have ever confessed to him if he had cared about something like that. He was just here to talk to Ritsu. Ritsu. He knew Ritsu. He could handle Ritsu. He loved Ritsu.
Masamune knocked gently on the bedroom door.
“Come in.” Ritsu’s familiar voice reached him, though he sounded a little scratchy. Maybe he really was sick?
Masamune entered the room, closing the door behind him quietly. Ritsu was sitting on his bed, his legs under the covers and pulled up to his chest as he sat in the sunlight streaming through his window. It hadn’t been that long since the two last saw each other, but the sight of him still made Masamune’s heart squeeze. Ritsu was so beautiful. 
Ritsu did a double take and sat up straighter, his eyes going wide. “S-Senpai?!” He exclaimed, having expected one of his parents or a staff member. “W-What are you doing here?!” The rise in volume made his voice sound even more hoarse. Those startled eyes were a little red and puffy. 
Has he been crying? Masamune wondered as he took a few tentative steps into the room. “I brought you some notes from class.” He said, setting them down on Ritsu’s desk. “And I came to talk.” 
“I-I don’t have anything to say to you!” Ritsu said, looking away from him. “P-Please just leave!”
Masamune frowned. “No.” He said.
“I don’t want to see you.” Ritsu insisted.
Masamune ignored the stinging in his heart and closed the distance between them, sitting on the bed with him. “I don’t care. I’m not leaving until you tell me what I’ve done to make you so upset.” 
“That’s the problem; you don’t care!” Ritsu grabbed and hugged a pillow tightly, almost trying to hide himself behind it. 
Masamune furrowed his eyebrows and frowned once more, leaning toward him. “What is that supposed to mean?” He asked.
Ritsu didn’t respond, simply looking away from Masamune with his pillow still in his lap. 
“I’m not leaving until we talk.” Masamune insisted. “I know I can wait you out.”
“Don’t underestimate how stubborn I can be.” Ritsu snipped.
Masamune was a little taken aback by his tone, but he was not nearly shaken enough to give up. 
“Ritsu, whatever it is I’ve done, I’m sorry. I’ve thought over the past couple days trying to figure out what I did or said to offend you this badly, but I just don’t know. Maybe I’m being insensitive or stupid, but I really have no idea…”
Ritsu went back to sitting there silently, still refusing to look at the upperclassman. 
“Is…this your way of telling me you want to break up?” Masamune asked. He wouldn’t accept that, of course, but was that where Ritsu was trying to steer things? 
“We’d have to be dating first to break up.” Ritsu choked out and Masamune realized that Ritsu was crying - presumably not for the first time since their last interaction. 
Masamune wanted to wrap his arms around him and be a source of comfort, but he feared that would push Ritsu away more. “Of course we’re dating, why wouldn’t we be dating?” He asked, trying not to sound panicked. 
“...I-I asked you if we were dating…i-if you had any feelings for me a-and you just laughed!” Ritsu gripped the pillow tighter and Masamune could feel himself losing his patience. He grabbed the pillow, pulling it out of Ritsu’s grasp so he couldn’t try to hide behind it anymore and then turned his head to make him look at him. 
“That’s what this is about? You didn’t even give me the chance to properly respond to you before you got up and ran!” He said, wanting to gently wipe away the tears trailing down Ritsu’s face, but also wanting to call him an idiot. “So, you thought I was making fun of you?”
“Of course I did!” Ritsu cried, pushing Masamune’s arm away. “I-I always worry so much about annoying you or being too much and it’s not like you’re running around saying that you love me-”
“I love you.” Masamune cupped Ritsu’s face with both hands, not discouraged. “I love you.”
“I love you.” Masamune repeated.
“Wait a second-”
“No, this is what you needed to hear, right? I love you, Ritsu.”
Masamune would have sworn Ritsu’s face had suddenly caught on fire with how warm he was to the touch and how red he became. 
“Stop it, stop it, I can’t take this, p-please, that’s enough!” Ritsu squeezed his eyes shut tight to try to avoid Masamune’s intense gaze. His heart was about to explode out of his chest. Had Saga Senpai just said he loved him not once, not twice, but four times in a row?! He was going to go into cardiac arrest! 
Masamune leaned forward, ghosting his lips over Ritsu’s forehead to press a light kiss. “I mean it, Ritsu. I really do love you. I’m sorry that I made you think otherwise.”
Ritsu didn’t respond, trembling a bit from how overwhelmed he was due to Masamune’s confession(s).
“So…we’re dating, right?” Masamune asked, hoping his nerves weren’t obvious as he spun the question back on Ritsu. “You’re not breaking up with me, are you?”
Ritsu still didn’t open his eyes, hesitating for a few seconds before he finally managed to speak. “You…really aren't messing with me?” He asked.
Masamune gently pressed their foreheads together, still cupping Ritsu's cheeks. “No. I'm not.” 
“I-If I find out you are-”
“I'm not.”
“But if I find out you are then I-I'll do worse than kick you.” Ritsu huffed and although the kick had hurt the threat still fell a bit flat. 
“Okay.” Masamune agreed, knowing that it would never come to that. 
“Then…yes, we are…dating.” Ritsu’s voice got much smaller on the last word, but Masamune was flooded with relief. 
“Good. Don’t ever run out on me like that again, you scared me.” Masamune huffed, making himself more comfortable on the bed and pulling Ritsu to his chest to hug him tight. “If we have a problem, we talk it out, understand?” 
Ritsu nodded nervously, listening to Masamune’s heart - a heart that belonged to him. He couldn’t believe it. He almost felt like this was a dream his brain was making up to deal with his own heartbreak. 
“Now, since that’s sorted, I have another question for you.” Masamune said. 
“Yes?” Ritsu responded meekly, still a bit dazed from the whole conversation. 
“What is the deal with the Oda-Onodera thing?”
Despite having just agreed to talk things out, Ritsu tried to hide all over again. 
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airosetta · 2 months
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emotions be damned
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airosetta · 3 months
Sketch request open!
Any hotchreid ideas you have you'd like me to do? I accept other pairings and request from other fandoms too.
Just send me a message Ü
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airosetta · 3 months
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im so disappointed i didnt get this out by valentines day.... BUT HERE'S THE BOYS!!
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airosetta · 3 months
I love you dead punctuation marks.
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