akronus-writes · 16 hours
horror writing practice: the poltergeist from Final girl, haunting at Creech manor.
James jolted awake, cold sweat dripping down his face as he looked around the cramped bedroom. moonlight shone through the gap in the navy blue curtains, illuminating the other end of the room, where the small bookshelf filled with colourful books sat, on top of it laid a handful of old toys, wooden trainsets and Lego dolls. and in the middle sat a very old clown doll, one his parents had found in the attic when they moved into this old house. its bright yellow pants, big red shoes, and blue red striped shirt looked eery in this light. That Pasty white face with its wide blue eyes and big toothy grin seemed to stare right at him, like it could just jump out and strangle him to death at any moment.
Pushing those thoughts out of his head, James laid his head back down against his pillow, pulling the blue quilt up to his neck as he tried to fall back asleep. Just as slumber began to take hold, James heard a dull "thud" as the Clown doll fell to the floor.
Slowly getting out of his bed, James approached the fallen clown, and picked it up off of the ground, placing it back on the small bookshelf. strangely, its grin looked more sinister, and its eyes looked like they were focusing on him, almost as if the doll was angry.
"that's strange, I could of sworn it looked different," James muttered to himself, before getting back into his bed.
Lying back in his bed, James once again laid his head against the pillows and pulled the quilt up to his neck. But as he slowly returned to a peaceful sleep, he heard the dull thud of the clown doll falling back onto the ground.
“Screw it, I’ll take care of that in the morning,” James sighed, deciding to fall back asleep.
As he closed his eyes once more, he heard a strange sound, almost like something scurrying up his bed, and towards him. Opening his eyes. He was greeted with the two piercing eyes of the clown, a sinister grin adorning its face.
Before James had a chance to scream, the clown forced his blanket over his head, and began pulling it tight around the boys neck.
Struggling to breathe, James pushed against the blanket as he attempted to scream for help, but slowly his eyelids fell heavy and his strength left him as the clown only grew stronger, and eventually he went limp, the light leaving his eyes, and the imprint of his screaming face on the blanket for his parents to find in the morning.
@f4y3w00d5 @good-wizard @monsterfucker-research-wizard @gobodegoblin
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akronus-writes · 1 day
Thanks! Might round out at 6!
Butchers bill chapter 2: Investigations into the unkown.
Hallowed knew that the Occult detective would take a while, and decided to requisition a room for which to work on the case from. returning to the front of the motel, He walked into the empty reception, its decor was a relic from the 80's, with dark oak display cabinets filled with old sports trophies flanking a large desk made of the same wood; the back of an old computer peeking up from behind the desk. approaching the golden bell next to the computer, Hallowed noticed a silver key attached to a black diamond shaped key charm with the golden number 15 emblazoned on the middle, sitting on a note next to the bell.
"we understand you might need a room to stay in while you investigate, and would happily give you one of our rooms for as long as you need." Hallowed spoke to himself, carefully picking the key up with his cybernetic hand and looking at the key, quickly scanning it with his cybernetic eye before walking off, looking for his room.
finding it on the other side of the motel, hallowed easily pushed the key into the lock and twisted with a satisfying click. pushing open the door and walking in, Hallowed found himself in a stock standard Motel room; with a king bed on the left of the room with a neat flowery quilt, two white pillows neatly placed side-by side under the wooden bed head, two oak bedside tables with pink lamps flanking the bed. on the other side of the room was a desk, a lone black lamp sitting on the far end of it.
closing the door behind him as he walked in, hallowed left the keys on the desk as he stretched, and began to undress. leaving his leather jacket draped over the chair under the desk, he left both his revolver and its holster, as well as his bandolier of specialized bullets on the desk. throwing the rest of his clothes, as well as the skull mask he normally wore onto the bed, he stepped into the bathroom. it was a small bathroom with only the bare necessities, its tiles were impressively clean for such an old building, a trait shared with the rest of the bathroom.
turning the knobs on the shower, Hallowed went to place his cybernetic hand below the stream of water before replacing it with his intact one. pleased with the temperature he stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash over him. instead of the pleasant feeling he was used to, he instead felt a strange emptiness, the water washing over his cybernetics not even registering to him, the reminder of his wounds removing and semblance of warmth the shower could bring.
turning the shower off once sufficiently clean, Hallowed dried himself with a towel before walking back into the living room and beginning to re-dress himself. as he went to pick up his shirt, he noticed his reflection in the full body mirror in the corner. he looked almost the same as always, the same short Brown hair, the same well-toned muscles, but different in some places. the entirety of his right arm, shoulder down, was replaced with a metal cybernetic, his right eye and parts of the face around it replaced with a similar metal, the eye replaced with a dull red visor. pulling the rest of his clothes on, Hallowed slowly picked up his Fedora and skull mask, hesitant to put them on.
stomaching his own hesitation, he placed them on, the skull mask hiding all of his face but the metal eye, its eerie red glow growing in intensity. turning back to the desk he saw a familiar part-cat warlock sitting on it, tail laying lazily next to the occult detective.
"Akronus," hallowed spoke, used to the occultists tendency to appear randomly.
"Hallowed" The occultist spoke, re-adjusting the black face mask they wore.
the tense silence hung in the air as Akronus dropped down to the floor, pulling back their long black hair and cat ears with a gloved hand, letting the streak of red fall to the front of his face. the two stared at each other for a moment, Akronus' red irises dulled by the red glow coming from Hallowed's cybernetic eyes.
"I see you've become more chaste," Hallowed noticed, observing the pants Akronus had swapped their usual booty shorts with.
"why, you wound me! I just thought these pants would help my transition from villain to vigilante. plus, I kept my signature sleeveless shirt! oh, and don't get me started on what I've been doing in my free time-" Akronus began.
"we don't have time for verbal recounts of your many supernatural partners, we need to investigate the disappearances," hallowed quickly interrupted, both wanting to stay on task and avoid the topic of Akronus' sex life.
"fineeeeeeeeee, what's the thing you need me for?" Akronus responded, annoyed at their allies seriousness.
"I found shadows in the alleyway behind the motel one of the disappearances happened in," Hallowed matter-of factly responded with.
"ok, so did it stick to your body, exist with the sun shining on it, or try to eat you?" Akronus asked, treating the topic as a normal occurence.
"existed with the sun shining on it, any ideas what it is?" Hallowed replied, drawing his notebook from his jacket.
"ah, possibly shadow demon residue, I'll go run some tests on it to confirm that," Akronus answered after a few seconds, leaning forward.
"good, you do that and I'll go look through the first victims room," Hallowed responded before walking out the door.
"on it!" Akronus walked off to where the strange shadow was.
on the other side of the Motel Hallowed approached the room the Mexican drifter had lived in, reaching a hand out to the door, he twisted the handle to find it unlocked. Walking into the room, hallowed quickly noticed the first signs of something being off.
the bed looked like somebody had been sleeping in it, but was yet to get up, the quilt was laying on the mattress, messily covering most of the bed, and both the pillows and the mattress still had the imprint of what looked to be a 20-25 year old man of about 5"8 height.
on the other side of the room the lamp on the desk was unplugged, papers messily spread across the desk haphazardly with a duffle bag thrown up against it. approaching the bathroom, Hallowed opened the door to the bathroom to find a relatively normal shower, the only difference from his own bathroom being the soap and shampoo bottles, a common brand, most likely from a nearby store.
walking back to the papers, hallowed reached to turn on the room lights to illuminate the papers, only to find that flicking the switch did nothing. Crouching down and plugging in the lamp, he found it didn't turn on either.
Standing on the bed and puling the light bulb from its socket, Hallowed saw that it was completely fine. Rushing over to the lamp he carefully pulled out its bulb, and found the exact same was true with the lamp.
Activating the X-ray system of his cybernetic eye, Hallowed followed the trails of the wires that connected to both the power socket and the lights, looking for any breaks. Following the wires around the room, Hallowed found no discrepancies in the wiring for the room until the point that all of the wires in the room connected and began to join the rest of the motels power network, where a quick scan showed a strange energy radiating at the wires, seemingly blocking the electricity.
Quickly collecting the files on the desk, Hallowed put them in his jacket before standing up on the handrail, and pulling himself onto the roof. Carefully walking down one of the crevices of the valley like roof of slanted red tiles. Hallowed approached where the wires would be corresponding to the location of the roof.
Crouching down, Hallowed saw the source of the energy, a small square piece of white paper with a strange, almost runic symbol on it, radiating that energy. Picking the paper up and taking a photo of it with his eye as a precaution, Hallowed noticed through his eye that the Drifters room had gained power.
As he walked back to the edge of the roof, Hallowed heard the sounds of somebody running nearby. Pulling himself up onto the top of one of the peaks, Hallowed saw a figure wearingin a shadowy cloak holding a double-sided sword, face covered in shadows, standing on the nearby chimney.
"I'm guessing you aren't here for a chat?" Hallowed quipped as he drew his revolver. But as he did the figure leapt towards him at superhuman speeds, slashing at Hallowed with his sword mid-draw.
@f4y3w00d5 @gobodegoblin @monsterfucker-research-wizard @anyone else who likes my writing
26 notes · View notes
akronus-writes · 1 day
Maybe. Anyways, I gotta finish planning halloweds bullets and then sleep, it’s 9:50pm in perth.
Butchers bill chapter 2: Investigations into the unkown.
Hallowed knew that the Occult detective would take a while, and decided to requisition a room for which to work on the case from. returning to the front of the motel, He walked into the empty reception, its decor was a relic from the 80's, with dark oak display cabinets filled with old sports trophies flanking a large desk made of the same wood; the back of an old computer peeking up from behind the desk. approaching the golden bell next to the computer, Hallowed noticed a silver key attached to a black diamond shaped key charm with the golden number 15 emblazoned on the middle, sitting on a note next to the bell.
"we understand you might need a room to stay in while you investigate, and would happily give you one of our rooms for as long as you need." Hallowed spoke to himself, carefully picking the key up with his cybernetic hand and looking at the key, quickly scanning it with his cybernetic eye before walking off, looking for his room.
finding it on the other side of the motel, hallowed easily pushed the key into the lock and twisted with a satisfying click. pushing open the door and walking in, Hallowed found himself in a stock standard Motel room; with a king bed on the left of the room with a neat flowery quilt, two white pillows neatly placed side-by side under the wooden bed head, two oak bedside tables with pink lamps flanking the bed. on the other side of the room was a desk, a lone black lamp sitting on the far end of it.
closing the door behind him as he walked in, hallowed left the keys on the desk as he stretched, and began to undress. leaving his leather jacket draped over the chair under the desk, he left both his revolver and its holster, as well as his bandolier of specialized bullets on the desk. throwing the rest of his clothes, as well as the skull mask he normally wore onto the bed, he stepped into the bathroom. it was a small bathroom with only the bare necessities, its tiles were impressively clean for such an old building, a trait shared with the rest of the bathroom.
turning the knobs on the shower, Hallowed went to place his cybernetic hand below the stream of water before replacing it with his intact one. pleased with the temperature he stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash over him. instead of the pleasant feeling he was used to, he instead felt a strange emptiness, the water washing over his cybernetics not even registering to him, the reminder of his wounds removing and semblance of warmth the shower could bring.
turning the shower off once sufficiently clean, Hallowed dried himself with a towel before walking back into the living room and beginning to re-dress himself. as he went to pick up his shirt, he noticed his reflection in the full body mirror in the corner. he looked almost the same as always, the same short Brown hair, the same well-toned muscles, but different in some places. the entirety of his right arm, shoulder down, was replaced with a metal cybernetic, his right eye and parts of the face around it replaced with a similar metal, the eye replaced with a dull red visor. pulling the rest of his clothes on, Hallowed slowly picked up his Fedora and skull mask, hesitant to put them on.
stomaching his own hesitation, he placed them on, the skull mask hiding all of his face but the metal eye, its eerie red glow growing in intensity. turning back to the desk he saw a familiar part-cat warlock sitting on it, tail laying lazily next to the occult detective.
"Akronus," hallowed spoke, used to the occultists tendency to appear randomly.
"Hallowed" The occultist spoke, re-adjusting the black face mask they wore.
the tense silence hung in the air as Akronus dropped down to the floor, pulling back their long black hair and cat ears with a gloved hand, letting the streak of red fall to the front of his face. the two stared at each other for a moment, Akronus' red irises dulled by the red glow coming from Hallowed's cybernetic eyes.
"I see you've become more chaste," Hallowed noticed, observing the pants Akronus had swapped their usual booty shorts with.
"why, you wound me! I just thought these pants would help my transition from villain to vigilante. plus, I kept my signature sleeveless shirt! oh, and don't get me started on what I've been doing in my free time-" Akronus began.
"we don't have time for verbal recounts of your many supernatural partners, we need to investigate the disappearances," hallowed quickly interrupted, both wanting to stay on task and avoid the topic of Akronus' sex life.
"fineeeeeeeeee, what's the thing you need me for?" Akronus responded, annoyed at their allies seriousness.
"I found shadows in the alleyway behind the motel one of the disappearances happened in," Hallowed matter-of factly responded with.
"ok, so did it stick to your body, exist with the sun shining on it, or try to eat you?" Akronus asked, treating the topic as a normal occurence.
"existed with the sun shining on it, any ideas what it is?" Hallowed replied, drawing his notebook from his jacket.
"ah, possibly shadow demon residue, I'll go run some tests on it to confirm that," Akronus answered after a few seconds, leaning forward.
"good, you do that and I'll go look through the first victims room," Hallowed responded before walking out the door.
"on it!" Akronus walked off to where the strange shadow was.
on the other side of the Motel Hallowed approached the room the Mexican drifter had lived in, reaching a hand out to the door, he twisted the handle to find it unlocked. Walking into the room, hallowed quickly noticed the first signs of something being off.
the bed looked like somebody had been sleeping in it, but was yet to get up, the quilt was laying on the mattress, messily covering most of the bed, and both the pillows and the mattress still had the imprint of what looked to be a 20-25 year old man of about 5"8 height.
on the other side of the room the lamp on the desk was unplugged, papers messily spread across the desk haphazardly with a duffle bag thrown up against it. approaching the bathroom, Hallowed opened the door to the bathroom to find a relatively normal shower, the only difference from his own bathroom being the soap and shampoo bottles, a common brand, most likely from a nearby store.
walking back to the papers, hallowed reached to turn on the room lights to illuminate the papers, only to find that flicking the switch did nothing. Crouching down and plugging in the lamp, he found it didn't turn on either.
Standing on the bed and puling the light bulb from its socket, Hallowed saw that it was completely fine. Rushing over to the lamp he carefully pulled out its bulb, and found the exact same was true with the lamp.
Activating the X-ray system of his cybernetic eye, Hallowed followed the trails of the wires that connected to both the power socket and the lights, looking for any breaks. Following the wires around the room, Hallowed found no discrepancies in the wiring for the room until the point that all of the wires in the room connected and began to join the rest of the motels power network, where a quick scan showed a strange energy radiating at the wires, seemingly blocking the electricity.
Quickly collecting the files on the desk, Hallowed put them in his jacket before standing up on the handrail, and pulling himself onto the roof. Carefully walking down one of the crevices of the valley like roof of slanted red tiles. Hallowed approached where the wires would be corresponding to the location of the roof.
Crouching down, Hallowed saw the source of the energy, a small square piece of white paper with a strange, almost runic symbol on it, radiating that energy. Picking the paper up and taking a photo of it with his eye as a precaution, Hallowed noticed through his eye that the Drifters room had gained power.
As he walked back to the edge of the roof, Hallowed heard the sounds of somebody running nearby. Pulling himself up onto the top of one of the peaks, Hallowed saw a figure wearingin a shadowy cloak holding a double-sided sword, face covered in shadows, standing on the nearby chimney.
"I'm guessing you aren't here for a chat?" Hallowed quipped as he drew his revolver. But as he did the figure leapt towards him at superhuman speeds, slashing at Hallowed with his sword mid-draw.
@f4y3w00d5 @gobodegoblin @monsterfucker-research-wizard @anyone else who likes my writing
26 notes · View notes
akronus-writes · 1 day
Yeah, trying to think how many trick bullets it would make sense for a cybernetic detective/ hero to have. Currently I have: freeze (fast-acting nitrogen), smoke, armour piercing rounds (basic), and sealant (fast acting doughy restraining substance).
Butchers bill chapter 2: Investigations into the unkown.
Hallowed knew that the Occult detective would take a while, and decided to requisition a room for which to work on the case from. returning to the front of the motel, He walked into the empty reception, its decor was a relic from the 80's, with dark oak display cabinets filled with old sports trophies flanking a large desk made of the same wood; the back of an old computer peeking up from behind the desk. approaching the golden bell next to the computer, Hallowed noticed a silver key attached to a black diamond shaped key charm with the golden number 15 emblazoned on the middle, sitting on a note next to the bell.
"we understand you might need a room to stay in while you investigate, and would happily give you one of our rooms for as long as you need." Hallowed spoke to himself, carefully picking the key up with his cybernetic hand and looking at the key, quickly scanning it with his cybernetic eye before walking off, looking for his room.
finding it on the other side of the motel, hallowed easily pushed the key into the lock and twisted with a satisfying click. pushing open the door and walking in, Hallowed found himself in a stock standard Motel room; with a king bed on the left of the room with a neat flowery quilt, two white pillows neatly placed side-by side under the wooden bed head, two oak bedside tables with pink lamps flanking the bed. on the other side of the room was a desk, a lone black lamp sitting on the far end of it.
closing the door behind him as he walked in, hallowed left the keys on the desk as he stretched, and began to undress. leaving his leather jacket draped over the chair under the desk, he left both his revolver and its holster, as well as his bandolier of specialized bullets on the desk. throwing the rest of his clothes, as well as the skull mask he normally wore onto the bed, he stepped into the bathroom. it was a small bathroom with only the bare necessities, its tiles were impressively clean for such an old building, a trait shared with the rest of the bathroom.
turning the knobs on the shower, Hallowed went to place his cybernetic hand below the stream of water before replacing it with his intact one. pleased with the temperature he stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash over him. instead of the pleasant feeling he was used to, he instead felt a strange emptiness, the water washing over his cybernetics not even registering to him, the reminder of his wounds removing and semblance of warmth the shower could bring.
turning the shower off once sufficiently clean, Hallowed dried himself with a towel before walking back into the living room and beginning to re-dress himself. as he went to pick up his shirt, he noticed his reflection in the full body mirror in the corner. he looked almost the same as always, the same short Brown hair, the same well-toned muscles, but different in some places. the entirety of his right arm, shoulder down, was replaced with a metal cybernetic, his right eye and parts of the face around it replaced with a similar metal, the eye replaced with a dull red visor. pulling the rest of his clothes on, Hallowed slowly picked up his Fedora and skull mask, hesitant to put them on.
stomaching his own hesitation, he placed them on, the skull mask hiding all of his face but the metal eye, its eerie red glow growing in intensity. turning back to the desk he saw a familiar part-cat warlock sitting on it, tail laying lazily next to the occult detective.
"Akronus," hallowed spoke, used to the occultists tendency to appear randomly.
"Hallowed" The occultist spoke, re-adjusting the black face mask they wore.
the tense silence hung in the air as Akronus dropped down to the floor, pulling back their long black hair and cat ears with a gloved hand, letting the streak of red fall to the front of his face. the two stared at each other for a moment, Akronus' red irises dulled by the red glow coming from Hallowed's cybernetic eyes.
"I see you've become more chaste," Hallowed noticed, observing the pants Akronus had swapped their usual booty shorts with.
"why, you wound me! I just thought these pants would help my transition from villain to vigilante. plus, I kept my signature sleeveless shirt! oh, and don't get me started on what I've been doing in my free time-" Akronus began.
"we don't have time for verbal recounts of your many supernatural partners, we need to investigate the disappearances," hallowed quickly interrupted, both wanting to stay on task and avoid the topic of Akronus' sex life.
"fineeeeeeeeee, what's the thing you need me for?" Akronus responded, annoyed at their allies seriousness.
"I found shadows in the alleyway behind the motel one of the disappearances happened in," Hallowed matter-of factly responded with.
"ok, so did it stick to your body, exist with the sun shining on it, or try to eat you?" Akronus asked, treating the topic as a normal occurence.
"existed with the sun shining on it, any ideas what it is?" Hallowed replied, drawing his notebook from his jacket.
"ah, possibly shadow demon residue, I'll go run some tests on it to confirm that," Akronus answered after a few seconds, leaning forward.
"good, you do that and I'll go look through the first victims room," Hallowed responded before walking out the door.
"on it!" Akronus walked off to where the strange shadow was.
on the other side of the Motel Hallowed approached the room the Mexican drifter had lived in, reaching a hand out to the door, he twisted the handle to find it unlocked. Walking into the room, hallowed quickly noticed the first signs of something being off.
the bed looked like somebody had been sleeping in it, but was yet to get up, the quilt was laying on the mattress, messily covering most of the bed, and both the pillows and the mattress still had the imprint of what looked to be a 20-25 year old man of about 5"8 height.
on the other side of the room the lamp on the desk was unplugged, papers messily spread across the desk haphazardly with a duffle bag thrown up against it. approaching the bathroom, Hallowed opened the door to the bathroom to find a relatively normal shower, the only difference from his own bathroom being the soap and shampoo bottles, a common brand, most likely from a nearby store.
walking back to the papers, hallowed reached to turn on the room lights to illuminate the papers, only to find that flicking the switch did nothing. Crouching down and plugging in the lamp, he found it didn't turn on either.
Standing on the bed and puling the light bulb from its socket, Hallowed saw that it was completely fine. Rushing over to the lamp he carefully pulled out its bulb, and found the exact same was true with the lamp.
Activating the X-ray system of his cybernetic eye, Hallowed followed the trails of the wires that connected to both the power socket and the lights, looking for any breaks. Following the wires around the room, Hallowed found no discrepancies in the wiring for the room until the point that all of the wires in the room connected and began to join the rest of the motels power network, where a quick scan showed a strange energy radiating at the wires, seemingly blocking the electricity.
Quickly collecting the files on the desk, Hallowed put them in his jacket before standing up on the handrail, and pulling himself onto the roof. Carefully walking down one of the crevices of the valley like roof of slanted red tiles. Hallowed approached where the wires would be corresponding to the location of the roof.
Crouching down, Hallowed saw the source of the energy, a small square piece of white paper with a strange, almost runic symbol on it, radiating that energy. Picking the paper up and taking a photo of it with his eye as a precaution, Hallowed noticed through his eye that the Drifters room had gained power.
As he walked back to the edge of the roof, Hallowed heard the sounds of somebody running nearby. Pulling himself up onto the top of one of the peaks, Hallowed saw a figure wearingin a shadowy cloak holding a double-sided sword, face covered in shadows, standing on the nearby chimney.
"I'm guessing you aren't here for a chat?" Hallowed quipped as he drew his revolver. But as he did the figure leapt towards him at superhuman speeds, slashing at Hallowed with his sword mid-draw.
@f4y3w00d5 @gobodegoblin @monsterfucker-research-wizard @anyone else who likes my writing
26 notes · View notes
akronus-writes · 1 day
Yeah. They’ve only got a few bullet types that I need to establish before I wrote chapter 3. And the laser needs 2 activation keys (one of which only Archon has, the others is Halloweds), but does have technically unlimited bullets which is good.
And the pressurised air based firing mechanism is also much more sustainable and won’t cause fires when shot.
Butchers bill chapter 2: Investigations into the unkown.
Hallowed knew that the Occult detective would take a while, and decided to requisition a room for which to work on the case from. returning to the front of the motel, He walked into the empty reception, its decor was a relic from the 80's, with dark oak display cabinets filled with old sports trophies flanking a large desk made of the same wood; the back of an old computer peeking up from behind the desk. approaching the golden bell next to the computer, Hallowed noticed a silver key attached to a black diamond shaped key charm with the golden number 15 emblazoned on the middle, sitting on a note next to the bell.
"we understand you might need a room to stay in while you investigate, and would happily give you one of our rooms for as long as you need." Hallowed spoke to himself, carefully picking the key up with his cybernetic hand and looking at the key, quickly scanning it with his cybernetic eye before walking off, looking for his room.
finding it on the other side of the motel, hallowed easily pushed the key into the lock and twisted with a satisfying click. pushing open the door and walking in, Hallowed found himself in a stock standard Motel room; with a king bed on the left of the room with a neat flowery quilt, two white pillows neatly placed side-by side under the wooden bed head, two oak bedside tables with pink lamps flanking the bed. on the other side of the room was a desk, a lone black lamp sitting on the far end of it.
closing the door behind him as he walked in, hallowed left the keys on the desk as he stretched, and began to undress. leaving his leather jacket draped over the chair under the desk, he left both his revolver and its holster, as well as his bandolier of specialized bullets on the desk. throwing the rest of his clothes, as well as the skull mask he normally wore onto the bed, he stepped into the bathroom. it was a small bathroom with only the bare necessities, its tiles were impressively clean for such an old building, a trait shared with the rest of the bathroom.
turning the knobs on the shower, Hallowed went to place his cybernetic hand below the stream of water before replacing it with his intact one. pleased with the temperature he stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash over him. instead of the pleasant feeling he was used to, he instead felt a strange emptiness, the water washing over his cybernetics not even registering to him, the reminder of his wounds removing and semblance of warmth the shower could bring.
turning the shower off once sufficiently clean, Hallowed dried himself with a towel before walking back into the living room and beginning to re-dress himself. as he went to pick up his shirt, he noticed his reflection in the full body mirror in the corner. he looked almost the same as always, the same short Brown hair, the same well-toned muscles, but different in some places. the entirety of his right arm, shoulder down, was replaced with a metal cybernetic, his right eye and parts of the face around it replaced with a similar metal, the eye replaced with a dull red visor. pulling the rest of his clothes on, Hallowed slowly picked up his Fedora and skull mask, hesitant to put them on.
stomaching his own hesitation, he placed them on, the skull mask hiding all of his face but the metal eye, its eerie red glow growing in intensity. turning back to the desk he saw a familiar part-cat warlock sitting on it, tail laying lazily next to the occult detective.
"Akronus," hallowed spoke, used to the occultists tendency to appear randomly.
"Hallowed" The occultist spoke, re-adjusting the black face mask they wore.
the tense silence hung in the air as Akronus dropped down to the floor, pulling back their long black hair and cat ears with a gloved hand, letting the streak of red fall to the front of his face. the two stared at each other for a moment, Akronus' red irises dulled by the red glow coming from Hallowed's cybernetic eyes.
"I see you've become more chaste," Hallowed noticed, observing the pants Akronus had swapped their usual booty shorts with.
"why, you wound me! I just thought these pants would help my transition from villain to vigilante. plus, I kept my signature sleeveless shirt! oh, and don't get me started on what I've been doing in my free time-" Akronus began.
"we don't have time for verbal recounts of your many supernatural partners, we need to investigate the disappearances," hallowed quickly interrupted, both wanting to stay on task and avoid the topic of Akronus' sex life.
"fineeeeeeeeee, what's the thing you need me for?" Akronus responded, annoyed at their allies seriousness.
"I found shadows in the alleyway behind the motel one of the disappearances happened in," Hallowed matter-of factly responded with.
"ok, so did it stick to your body, exist with the sun shining on it, or try to eat you?" Akronus asked, treating the topic as a normal occurence.
"existed with the sun shining on it, any ideas what it is?" Hallowed replied, drawing his notebook from his jacket.
"ah, possibly shadow demon residue, I'll go run some tests on it to confirm that," Akronus answered after a few seconds, leaning forward.
"good, you do that and I'll go look through the first victims room," Hallowed responded before walking out the door.
"on it!" Akronus walked off to where the strange shadow was.
on the other side of the Motel Hallowed approached the room the Mexican drifter had lived in, reaching a hand out to the door, he twisted the handle to find it unlocked. Walking into the room, hallowed quickly noticed the first signs of something being off.
the bed looked like somebody had been sleeping in it, but was yet to get up, the quilt was laying on the mattress, messily covering most of the bed, and both the pillows and the mattress still had the imprint of what looked to be a 20-25 year old man of about 5"8 height.
on the other side of the room the lamp on the desk was unplugged, papers messily spread across the desk haphazardly with a duffle bag thrown up against it. approaching the bathroom, Hallowed opened the door to the bathroom to find a relatively normal shower, the only difference from his own bathroom being the soap and shampoo bottles, a common brand, most likely from a nearby store.
walking back to the papers, hallowed reached to turn on the room lights to illuminate the papers, only to find that flicking the switch did nothing. Crouching down and plugging in the lamp, he found it didn't turn on either.
Standing on the bed and puling the light bulb from its socket, Hallowed saw that it was completely fine. Rushing over to the lamp he carefully pulled out its bulb, and found the exact same was true with the lamp.
Activating the X-ray system of his cybernetic eye, Hallowed followed the trails of the wires that connected to both the power socket and the lights, looking for any breaks. Following the wires around the room, Hallowed found no discrepancies in the wiring for the room until the point that all of the wires in the room connected and began to join the rest of the motels power network, where a quick scan showed a strange energy radiating at the wires, seemingly blocking the electricity.
Quickly collecting the files on the desk, Hallowed put them in his jacket before standing up on the handrail, and pulling himself onto the roof. Carefully walking down one of the crevices of the valley like roof of slanted red tiles. Hallowed approached where the wires would be corresponding to the location of the roof.
Crouching down, Hallowed saw the source of the energy, a small square piece of white paper with a strange, almost runic symbol on it, radiating that energy. Picking the paper up and taking a photo of it with his eye as a precaution, Hallowed noticed through his eye that the Drifters room had gained power.
As he walked back to the edge of the roof, Hallowed heard the sounds of somebody running nearby. Pulling himself up onto the top of one of the peaks, Hallowed saw a figure wearingin a shadowy cloak holding a double-sided sword, face covered in shadows, standing on the nearby chimney.
"I'm guessing you aren't here for a chat?" Hallowed quipped as he drew his revolver. But as he did the figure leapt towards him at superhuman speeds, slashing at Hallowed with his sword mid-draw.
@f4y3w00d5 @gobodegoblin @monsterfucker-research-wizard @anyone else who likes my writing
26 notes · View notes
akronus-writes · 1 day
Yeah, but that doesn’t really make the best counters for getting a bandolier of trick bullets thrown at you.
Butchers bill chapter 2: Investigations into the unkown.
Hallowed knew that the Occult detective would take a while, and decided to requisition a room for which to work on the case from. returning to the front of the motel, He walked into the empty reception, its decor was a relic from the 80's, with dark oak display cabinets filled with old sports trophies flanking a large desk made of the same wood; the back of an old computer peeking up from behind the desk. approaching the golden bell next to the computer, Hallowed noticed a silver key attached to a black diamond shaped key charm with the golden number 15 emblazoned on the middle, sitting on a note next to the bell.
"we understand you might need a room to stay in while you investigate, and would happily give you one of our rooms for as long as you need." Hallowed spoke to himself, carefully picking the key up with his cybernetic hand and looking at the key, quickly scanning it with his cybernetic eye before walking off, looking for his room.
finding it on the other side of the motel, hallowed easily pushed the key into the lock and twisted with a satisfying click. pushing open the door and walking in, Hallowed found himself in a stock standard Motel room; with a king bed on the left of the room with a neat flowery quilt, two white pillows neatly placed side-by side under the wooden bed head, two oak bedside tables with pink lamps flanking the bed. on the other side of the room was a desk, a lone black lamp sitting on the far end of it.
closing the door behind him as he walked in, hallowed left the keys on the desk as he stretched, and began to undress. leaving his leather jacket draped over the chair under the desk, he left both his revolver and its holster, as well as his bandolier of specialized bullets on the desk. throwing the rest of his clothes, as well as the skull mask he normally wore onto the bed, he stepped into the bathroom. it was a small bathroom with only the bare necessities, its tiles were impressively clean for such an old building, a trait shared with the rest of the bathroom.
turning the knobs on the shower, Hallowed went to place his cybernetic hand below the stream of water before replacing it with his intact one. pleased with the temperature he stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash over him. instead of the pleasant feeling he was used to, he instead felt a strange emptiness, the water washing over his cybernetics not even registering to him, the reminder of his wounds removing and semblance of warmth the shower could bring.
turning the shower off once sufficiently clean, Hallowed dried himself with a towel before walking back into the living room and beginning to re-dress himself. as he went to pick up his shirt, he noticed his reflection in the full body mirror in the corner. he looked almost the same as always, the same short Brown hair, the same well-toned muscles, but different in some places. the entirety of his right arm, shoulder down, was replaced with a metal cybernetic, his right eye and parts of the face around it replaced with a similar metal, the eye replaced with a dull red visor. pulling the rest of his clothes on, Hallowed slowly picked up his Fedora and skull mask, hesitant to put them on.
stomaching his own hesitation, he placed them on, the skull mask hiding all of his face but the metal eye, its eerie red glow growing in intensity. turning back to the desk he saw a familiar part-cat warlock sitting on it, tail laying lazily next to the occult detective.
"Akronus," hallowed spoke, used to the occultists tendency to appear randomly.
"Hallowed" The occultist spoke, re-adjusting the black face mask they wore.
the tense silence hung in the air as Akronus dropped down to the floor, pulling back their long black hair and cat ears with a gloved hand, letting the streak of red fall to the front of his face. the two stared at each other for a moment, Akronus' red irises dulled by the red glow coming from Hallowed's cybernetic eyes.
"I see you've become more chaste," Hallowed noticed, observing the pants Akronus had swapped their usual booty shorts with.
"why, you wound me! I just thought these pants would help my transition from villain to vigilante. plus, I kept my signature sleeveless shirt! oh, and don't get me started on what I've been doing in my free time-" Akronus began.
"we don't have time for verbal recounts of your many supernatural partners, we need to investigate the disappearances," hallowed quickly interrupted, both wanting to stay on task and avoid the topic of Akronus' sex life.
"fineeeeeeeeee, what's the thing you need me for?" Akronus responded, annoyed at their allies seriousness.
"I found shadows in the alleyway behind the motel one of the disappearances happened in," Hallowed matter-of factly responded with.
"ok, so did it stick to your body, exist with the sun shining on it, or try to eat you?" Akronus asked, treating the topic as a normal occurence.
"existed with the sun shining on it, any ideas what it is?" Hallowed replied, drawing his notebook from his jacket.
"ah, possibly shadow demon residue, I'll go run some tests on it to confirm that," Akronus answered after a few seconds, leaning forward.
"good, you do that and I'll go look through the first victims room," Hallowed responded before walking out the door.
"on it!" Akronus walked off to where the strange shadow was.
on the other side of the Motel Hallowed approached the room the Mexican drifter had lived in, reaching a hand out to the door, he twisted the handle to find it unlocked. Walking into the room, hallowed quickly noticed the first signs of something being off.
the bed looked like somebody had been sleeping in it, but was yet to get up, the quilt was laying on the mattress, messily covering most of the bed, and both the pillows and the mattress still had the imprint of what looked to be a 20-25 year old man of about 5"8 height.
on the other side of the room the lamp on the desk was unplugged, papers messily spread across the desk haphazardly with a duffle bag thrown up against it. approaching the bathroom, Hallowed opened the door to the bathroom to find a relatively normal shower, the only difference from his own bathroom being the soap and shampoo bottles, a common brand, most likely from a nearby store.
walking back to the papers, hallowed reached to turn on the room lights to illuminate the papers, only to find that flicking the switch did nothing. Crouching down and plugging in the lamp, he found it didn't turn on either.
Standing on the bed and puling the light bulb from its socket, Hallowed saw that it was completely fine. Rushing over to the lamp he carefully pulled out its bulb, and found the exact same was true with the lamp.
Activating the X-ray system of his cybernetic eye, Hallowed followed the trails of the wires that connected to both the power socket and the lights, looking for any breaks. Following the wires around the room, Hallowed found no discrepancies in the wiring for the room until the point that all of the wires in the room connected and began to join the rest of the motels power network, where a quick scan showed a strange energy radiating at the wires, seemingly blocking the electricity.
Quickly collecting the files on the desk, Hallowed put them in his jacket before standing up on the handrail, and pulling himself onto the roof. Carefully walking down one of the crevices of the valley like roof of slanted red tiles. Hallowed approached where the wires would be corresponding to the location of the roof.
Crouching down, Hallowed saw the source of the energy, a small square piece of white paper with a strange, almost runic symbol on it, radiating that energy. Picking the paper up and taking a photo of it with his eye as a precaution, Hallowed noticed through his eye that the Drifters room had gained power.
As he walked back to the edge of the roof, Hallowed heard the sounds of somebody running nearby. Pulling himself up onto the top of one of the peaks, Hallowed saw a figure wearingin a shadowy cloak holding a double-sided sword, face covered in shadows, standing on the nearby chimney.
"I'm guessing you aren't here for a chat?" Hallowed quipped as he drew his revolver. But as he did the figure leapt towards him at superhuman speeds, slashing at Hallowed with his sword mid-draw.
@f4y3w00d5 @gobodegoblin @monsterfucker-research-wizard @anyone else who likes my writing
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akronus-writes · 2 days
Yeah. On one hand Hallowed is not a dedicated melee fighter which is why he mainly works with clockwork. But on the other hand he has an absolute crap ton of trick bullets that he can throw at someone in a pinch. And could even cut off his hand to weaponise Deltans bio-electricity control through the stump. Or just summon the space laser as hot as the sun. That one’s a last resort kinda thing tho.
Butchers bill chapter 2: Investigations into the unkown.
Hallowed knew that the Occult detective would take a while, and decided to requisition a room for which to work on the case from. returning to the front of the motel, He walked into the empty reception, its decor was a relic from the 80's, with dark oak display cabinets filled with old sports trophies flanking a large desk made of the same wood; the back of an old computer peeking up from behind the desk. approaching the golden bell next to the computer, Hallowed noticed a silver key attached to a black diamond shaped key charm with the golden number 15 emblazoned on the middle, sitting on a note next to the bell.
"we understand you might need a room to stay in while you investigate, and would happily give you one of our rooms for as long as you need." Hallowed spoke to himself, carefully picking the key up with his cybernetic hand and looking at the key, quickly scanning it with his cybernetic eye before walking off, looking for his room.
finding it on the other side of the motel, hallowed easily pushed the key into the lock and twisted with a satisfying click. pushing open the door and walking in, Hallowed found himself in a stock standard Motel room; with a king bed on the left of the room with a neat flowery quilt, two white pillows neatly placed side-by side under the wooden bed head, two oak bedside tables with pink lamps flanking the bed. on the other side of the room was a desk, a lone black lamp sitting on the far end of it.
closing the door behind him as he walked in, hallowed left the keys on the desk as he stretched, and began to undress. leaving his leather jacket draped over the chair under the desk, he left both his revolver and its holster, as well as his bandolier of specialized bullets on the desk. throwing the rest of his clothes, as well as the skull mask he normally wore onto the bed, he stepped into the bathroom. it was a small bathroom with only the bare necessities, its tiles were impressively clean for such an old building, a trait shared with the rest of the bathroom.
turning the knobs on the shower, Hallowed went to place his cybernetic hand below the stream of water before replacing it with his intact one. pleased with the temperature he stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash over him. instead of the pleasant feeling he was used to, he instead felt a strange emptiness, the water washing over his cybernetics not even registering to him, the reminder of his wounds removing and semblance of warmth the shower could bring.
turning the shower off once sufficiently clean, Hallowed dried himself with a towel before walking back into the living room and beginning to re-dress himself. as he went to pick up his shirt, he noticed his reflection in the full body mirror in the corner. he looked almost the same as always, the same short Brown hair, the same well-toned muscles, but different in some places. the entirety of his right arm, shoulder down, was replaced with a metal cybernetic, his right eye and parts of the face around it replaced with a similar metal, the eye replaced with a dull red visor. pulling the rest of his clothes on, Hallowed slowly picked up his Fedora and skull mask, hesitant to put them on.
stomaching his own hesitation, he placed them on, the skull mask hiding all of his face but the metal eye, its eerie red glow growing in intensity. turning back to the desk he saw a familiar part-cat warlock sitting on it, tail laying lazily next to the occult detective.
"Akronus," hallowed spoke, used to the occultists tendency to appear randomly.
"Hallowed" The occultist spoke, re-adjusting the black face mask they wore.
the tense silence hung in the air as Akronus dropped down to the floor, pulling back their long black hair and cat ears with a gloved hand, letting the streak of red fall to the front of his face. the two stared at each other for a moment, Akronus' red irises dulled by the red glow coming from Hallowed's cybernetic eyes.
"I see you've become more chaste," Hallowed noticed, observing the pants Akronus had swapped their usual booty shorts with.
"why, you wound me! I just thought these pants would help my transition from villain to vigilante. plus, I kept my signature sleeveless shirt! oh, and don't get me started on what I've been doing in my free time-" Akronus began.
"we don't have time for verbal recounts of your many supernatural partners, we need to investigate the disappearances," hallowed quickly interrupted, both wanting to stay on task and avoid the topic of Akronus' sex life.
"fineeeeeeeeee, what's the thing you need me for?" Akronus responded, annoyed at their allies seriousness.
"I found shadows in the alleyway behind the motel one of the disappearances happened in," Hallowed matter-of factly responded with.
"ok, so did it stick to your body, exist with the sun shining on it, or try to eat you?" Akronus asked, treating the topic as a normal occurence.
"existed with the sun shining on it, any ideas what it is?" Hallowed replied, drawing his notebook from his jacket.
"ah, possibly shadow demon residue, I'll go run some tests on it to confirm that," Akronus answered after a few seconds, leaning forward.
"good, you do that and I'll go look through the first victims room," Hallowed responded before walking out the door.
"on it!" Akronus walked off to where the strange shadow was.
on the other side of the Motel Hallowed approached the room the Mexican drifter had lived in, reaching a hand out to the door, he twisted the handle to find it unlocked. Walking into the room, hallowed quickly noticed the first signs of something being off.
the bed looked like somebody had been sleeping in it, but was yet to get up, the quilt was laying on the mattress, messily covering most of the bed, and both the pillows and the mattress still had the imprint of what looked to be a 20-25 year old man of about 5"8 height.
on the other side of the room the lamp on the desk was unplugged, papers messily spread across the desk haphazardly with a duffle bag thrown up against it. approaching the bathroom, Hallowed opened the door to the bathroom to find a relatively normal shower, the only difference from his own bathroom being the soap and shampoo bottles, a common brand, most likely from a nearby store.
walking back to the papers, hallowed reached to turn on the room lights to illuminate the papers, only to find that flicking the switch did nothing. Crouching down and plugging in the lamp, he found it didn't turn on either.
Standing on the bed and puling the light bulb from its socket, Hallowed saw that it was completely fine. Rushing over to the lamp he carefully pulled out its bulb, and found the exact same was true with the lamp.
Activating the X-ray system of his cybernetic eye, Hallowed followed the trails of the wires that connected to both the power socket and the lights, looking for any breaks. Following the wires around the room, Hallowed found no discrepancies in the wiring for the room until the point that all of the wires in the room connected and began to join the rest of the motels power network, where a quick scan showed a strange energy radiating at the wires, seemingly blocking the electricity.
Quickly collecting the files on the desk, Hallowed put them in his jacket before standing up on the handrail, and pulling himself onto the roof. Carefully walking down one of the crevices of the valley like roof of slanted red tiles. Hallowed approached where the wires would be corresponding to the location of the roof.
Crouching down, Hallowed saw the source of the energy, a small square piece of white paper with a strange, almost runic symbol on it, radiating that energy. Picking the paper up and taking a photo of it with his eye as a precaution, Hallowed noticed through his eye that the Drifters room had gained power.
As he walked back to the edge of the roof, Hallowed heard the sounds of somebody running nearby. Pulling himself up onto the top of one of the peaks, Hallowed saw a figure wearingin a shadowy cloak holding a double-sided sword, face covered in shadows, standing on the nearby chimney.
"I'm guessing you aren't here for a chat?" Hallowed quipped as he drew his revolver. But as he did the figure leapt towards him at superhuman speeds, slashing at Hallowed with his sword mid-draw.
@f4y3w00d5 @gobodegoblin @monsterfucker-research-wizard @anyone else who likes my writing
26 notes · View notes
akronus-writes · 2 days
Yeah, would enjoy seeing how hallowed vs selma would go though in an rp.
Butchers bill chapter 2: Investigations into the unkown.
Hallowed knew that the Occult detective would take a while, and decided to requisition a room for which to work on the case from. returning to the front of the motel, He walked into the empty reception, its decor was a relic from the 80's, with dark oak display cabinets filled with old sports trophies flanking a large desk made of the same wood; the back of an old computer peeking up from behind the desk. approaching the golden bell next to the computer, Hallowed noticed a silver key attached to a black diamond shaped key charm with the golden number 15 emblazoned on the middle, sitting on a note next to the bell.
"we understand you might need a room to stay in while you investigate, and would happily give you one of our rooms for as long as you need." Hallowed spoke to himself, carefully picking the key up with his cybernetic hand and looking at the key, quickly scanning it with his cybernetic eye before walking off, looking for his room.
finding it on the other side of the motel, hallowed easily pushed the key into the lock and twisted with a satisfying click. pushing open the door and walking in, Hallowed found himself in a stock standard Motel room; with a king bed on the left of the room with a neat flowery quilt, two white pillows neatly placed side-by side under the wooden bed head, two oak bedside tables with pink lamps flanking the bed. on the other side of the room was a desk, a lone black lamp sitting on the far end of it.
closing the door behind him as he walked in, hallowed left the keys on the desk as he stretched, and began to undress. leaving his leather jacket draped over the chair under the desk, he left both his revolver and its holster, as well as his bandolier of specialized bullets on the desk. throwing the rest of his clothes, as well as the skull mask he normally wore onto the bed, he stepped into the bathroom. it was a small bathroom with only the bare necessities, its tiles were impressively clean for such an old building, a trait shared with the rest of the bathroom.
turning the knobs on the shower, Hallowed went to place his cybernetic hand below the stream of water before replacing it with his intact one. pleased with the temperature he stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash over him. instead of the pleasant feeling he was used to, he instead felt a strange emptiness, the water washing over his cybernetics not even registering to him, the reminder of his wounds removing and semblance of warmth the shower could bring.
turning the shower off once sufficiently clean, Hallowed dried himself with a towel before walking back into the living room and beginning to re-dress himself. as he went to pick up his shirt, he noticed his reflection in the full body mirror in the corner. he looked almost the same as always, the same short Brown hair, the same well-toned muscles, but different in some places. the entirety of his right arm, shoulder down, was replaced with a metal cybernetic, his right eye and parts of the face around it replaced with a similar metal, the eye replaced with a dull red visor. pulling the rest of his clothes on, Hallowed slowly picked up his Fedora and skull mask, hesitant to put them on.
stomaching his own hesitation, he placed them on, the skull mask hiding all of his face but the metal eye, its eerie red glow growing in intensity. turning back to the desk he saw a familiar part-cat warlock sitting on it, tail laying lazily next to the occult detective.
"Akronus," hallowed spoke, used to the occultists tendency to appear randomly.
"Hallowed" The occultist spoke, re-adjusting the black face mask they wore.
the tense silence hung in the air as Akronus dropped down to the floor, pulling back their long black hair and cat ears with a gloved hand, letting the streak of red fall to the front of his face. the two stared at each other for a moment, Akronus' red irises dulled by the red glow coming from Hallowed's cybernetic eyes.
"I see you've become more chaste," Hallowed noticed, observing the pants Akronus had swapped their usual booty shorts with.
"why, you wound me! I just thought these pants would help my transition from villain to vigilante. plus, I kept my signature sleeveless shirt! oh, and don't get me started on what I've been doing in my free time-" Akronus began.
"we don't have time for verbal recounts of your many supernatural partners, we need to investigate the disappearances," hallowed quickly interrupted, both wanting to stay on task and avoid the topic of Akronus' sex life.
"fineeeeeeeeee, what's the thing you need me for?" Akronus responded, annoyed at their allies seriousness.
"I found shadows in the alleyway behind the motel one of the disappearances happened in," Hallowed matter-of factly responded with.
"ok, so did it stick to your body, exist with the sun shining on it, or try to eat you?" Akronus asked, treating the topic as a normal occurence.
"existed with the sun shining on it, any ideas what it is?" Hallowed replied, drawing his notebook from his jacket.
"ah, possibly shadow demon residue, I'll go run some tests on it to confirm that," Akronus answered after a few seconds, leaning forward.
"good, you do that and I'll go look through the first victims room," Hallowed responded before walking out the door.
"on it!" Akronus walked off to where the strange shadow was.
on the other side of the Motel Hallowed approached the room the Mexican drifter had lived in, reaching a hand out to the door, he twisted the handle to find it unlocked. Walking into the room, hallowed quickly noticed the first signs of something being off.
the bed looked like somebody had been sleeping in it, but was yet to get up, the quilt was laying on the mattress, messily covering most of the bed, and both the pillows and the mattress still had the imprint of what looked to be a 20-25 year old man of about 5"8 height.
on the other side of the room the lamp on the desk was unplugged, papers messily spread across the desk haphazardly with a duffle bag thrown up against it. approaching the bathroom, Hallowed opened the door to the bathroom to find a relatively normal shower, the only difference from his own bathroom being the soap and shampoo bottles, a common brand, most likely from a nearby store.
walking back to the papers, hallowed reached to turn on the room lights to illuminate the papers, only to find that flicking the switch did nothing. Crouching down and plugging in the lamp, he found it didn't turn on either.
Standing on the bed and puling the light bulb from its socket, Hallowed saw that it was completely fine. Rushing over to the lamp he carefully pulled out its bulb, and found the exact same was true with the lamp.
Activating the X-ray system of his cybernetic eye, Hallowed followed the trails of the wires that connected to both the power socket and the lights, looking for any breaks. Following the wires around the room, Hallowed found no discrepancies in the wiring for the room until the point that all of the wires in the room connected and began to join the rest of the motels power network, where a quick scan showed a strange energy radiating at the wires, seemingly blocking the electricity.
Quickly collecting the files on the desk, Hallowed put them in his jacket before standing up on the handrail, and pulling himself onto the roof. Carefully walking down one of the crevices of the valley like roof of slanted red tiles. Hallowed approached where the wires would be corresponding to the location of the roof.
Crouching down, Hallowed saw the source of the energy, a small square piece of white paper with a strange, almost runic symbol on it, radiating that energy. Picking the paper up and taking a photo of it with his eye as a precaution, Hallowed noticed through his eye that the Drifters room had gained power.
As he walked back to the edge of the roof, Hallowed heard the sounds of somebody running nearby. Pulling himself up onto the top of one of the peaks, Hallowed saw a figure wearingin a shadowy cloak holding a double-sided sword, face covered in shadows, standing on the nearby chimney.
"I'm guessing you aren't here for a chat?" Hallowed quipped as he drew his revolver. But as he did the figure leapt towards him at superhuman speeds, slashing at Hallowed with his sword mid-draw.
@f4y3w00d5 @gobodegoblin @monsterfucker-research-wizard @anyone else who likes my writing
26 notes · View notes
akronus-writes · 2 days
Me too, currently the main ideas are heavily based on Hallowed’s, but later chapters will have a lot more akro
Also book Akro is very similar to rp akro, just I’m bad at rp’ing
Butchers bill chapter 2: Investigations into the unkown.
Hallowed knew that the Occult detective would take a while, and decided to requisition a room for which to work on the case from. returning to the front of the motel, He walked into the empty reception, its decor was a relic from the 80's, with dark oak display cabinets filled with old sports trophies flanking a large desk made of the same wood; the back of an old computer peeking up from behind the desk. approaching the golden bell next to the computer, Hallowed noticed a silver key attached to a black diamond shaped key charm with the golden number 15 emblazoned on the middle, sitting on a note next to the bell.
"we understand you might need a room to stay in while you investigate, and would happily give you one of our rooms for as long as you need." Hallowed spoke to himself, carefully picking the key up with his cybernetic hand and looking at the key, quickly scanning it with his cybernetic eye before walking off, looking for his room.
finding it on the other side of the motel, hallowed easily pushed the key into the lock and twisted with a satisfying click. pushing open the door and walking in, Hallowed found himself in a stock standard Motel room; with a king bed on the left of the room with a neat flowery quilt, two white pillows neatly placed side-by side under the wooden bed head, two oak bedside tables with pink lamps flanking the bed. on the other side of the room was a desk, a lone black lamp sitting on the far end of it.
closing the door behind him as he walked in, hallowed left the keys on the desk as he stretched, and began to undress. leaving his leather jacket draped over the chair under the desk, he left both his revolver and its holster, as well as his bandolier of specialized bullets on the desk. throwing the rest of his clothes, as well as the skull mask he normally wore onto the bed, he stepped into the bathroom. it was a small bathroom with only the bare necessities, its tiles were impressively clean for such an old building, a trait shared with the rest of the bathroom.
turning the knobs on the shower, Hallowed went to place his cybernetic hand below the stream of water before replacing it with his intact one. pleased with the temperature he stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash over him. instead of the pleasant feeling he was used to, he instead felt a strange emptiness, the water washing over his cybernetics not even registering to him, the reminder of his wounds removing and semblance of warmth the shower could bring.
turning the shower off once sufficiently clean, Hallowed dried himself with a towel before walking back into the living room and beginning to re-dress himself. as he went to pick up his shirt, he noticed his reflection in the full body mirror in the corner. he looked almost the same as always, the same short Brown hair, the same well-toned muscles, but different in some places. the entirety of his right arm, shoulder down, was replaced with a metal cybernetic, his right eye and parts of the face around it replaced with a similar metal, the eye replaced with a dull red visor. pulling the rest of his clothes on, Hallowed slowly picked up his Fedora and skull mask, hesitant to put them on.
stomaching his own hesitation, he placed them on, the skull mask hiding all of his face but the metal eye, its eerie red glow growing in intensity. turning back to the desk he saw a familiar part-cat warlock sitting on it, tail laying lazily next to the occult detective.
"Akronus," hallowed spoke, used to the occultists tendency to appear randomly.
"Hallowed" The occultist spoke, re-adjusting the black face mask they wore.
the tense silence hung in the air as Akronus dropped down to the floor, pulling back their long black hair and cat ears with a gloved hand, letting the streak of red fall to the front of his face. the two stared at each other for a moment, Akronus' red irises dulled by the red glow coming from Hallowed's cybernetic eyes.
"I see you've become more chaste," Hallowed noticed, observing the pants Akronus had swapped their usual booty shorts with.
"why, you wound me! I just thought these pants would help my transition from villain to vigilante. plus, I kept my signature sleeveless shirt! oh, and don't get me started on what I've been doing in my free time-" Akronus began.
"we don't have time for verbal recounts of your many supernatural partners, we need to investigate the disappearances," hallowed quickly interrupted, both wanting to stay on task and avoid the topic of Akronus' sex life.
"fineeeeeeeeee, what's the thing you need me for?" Akronus responded, annoyed at their allies seriousness.
"I found shadows in the alleyway behind the motel one of the disappearances happened in," Hallowed matter-of factly responded with.
"ok, so did it stick to your body, exist with the sun shining on it, or try to eat you?" Akronus asked, treating the topic as a normal occurence.
"existed with the sun shining on it, any ideas what it is?" Hallowed replied, drawing his notebook from his jacket.
"ah, possibly shadow demon residue, I'll go run some tests on it to confirm that," Akronus answered after a few seconds, leaning forward.
"good, you do that and I'll go look through the first victims room," Hallowed responded before walking out the door.
"on it!" Akronus walked off to where the strange shadow was.
on the other side of the Motel Hallowed approached the room the Mexican drifter had lived in, reaching a hand out to the door, he twisted the handle to find it unlocked. Walking into the room, hallowed quickly noticed the first signs of something being off.
the bed looked like somebody had been sleeping in it, but was yet to get up, the quilt was laying on the mattress, messily covering most of the bed, and both the pillows and the mattress still had the imprint of what looked to be a 20-25 year old man of about 5"8 height.
on the other side of the room the lamp on the desk was unplugged, papers messily spread across the desk haphazardly with a duffle bag thrown up against it. approaching the bathroom, Hallowed opened the door to the bathroom to find a relatively normal shower, the only difference from his own bathroom being the soap and shampoo bottles, a common brand, most likely from a nearby store.
walking back to the papers, hallowed reached to turn on the room lights to illuminate the papers, only to find that flicking the switch did nothing. Crouching down and plugging in the lamp, he found it didn't turn on either.
Standing on the bed and puling the light bulb from its socket, Hallowed saw that it was completely fine. Rushing over to the lamp he carefully pulled out its bulb, and found the exact same was true with the lamp.
Activating the X-ray system of his cybernetic eye, Hallowed followed the trails of the wires that connected to both the power socket and the lights, looking for any breaks. Following the wires around the room, Hallowed found no discrepancies in the wiring for the room until the point that all of the wires in the room connected and began to join the rest of the motels power network, where a quick scan showed a strange energy radiating at the wires, seemingly blocking the electricity.
Quickly collecting the files on the desk, Hallowed put them in his jacket before standing up on the handrail, and pulling himself onto the roof. Carefully walking down one of the crevices of the valley like roof of slanted red tiles. Hallowed approached where the wires would be corresponding to the location of the roof.
Crouching down, Hallowed saw the source of the energy, a small square piece of white paper with a strange, almost runic symbol on it, radiating that energy. Picking the paper up and taking a photo of it with his eye as a precaution, Hallowed noticed through his eye that the Drifters room had gained power.
As he walked back to the edge of the roof, Hallowed heard the sounds of somebody running nearby. Pulling himself up onto the top of one of the peaks, Hallowed saw a figure wearingin a shadowy cloak holding a double-sided sword, face covered in shadows, standing on the nearby chimney.
"I'm guessing you aren't here for a chat?" Hallowed quipped as he drew his revolver. But as he did the figure leapt towards him at superhuman speeds, slashing at Hallowed with his sword mid-draw.
@f4y3w00d5 @gobodegoblin @monsterfucker-research-wizard @anyone else who likes my writing
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akronus-writes · 2 days
Also, I am trying to put a bit of focus on the trauma Hallowed and Akronus face, and their entirely different coping mechanisms for that trauma in this series.
And I’ll actually go add chapter links now
Butchers bill chapter 2: Investigations into the unkown.
Hallowed knew that the Occult detective would take a while, and decided to requisition a room for which to work on the case from. returning to the front of the motel, He walked into the empty reception, its decor was a relic from the 80's, with dark oak display cabinets filled with old sports trophies flanking a large desk made of the same wood; the back of an old computer peeking up from behind the desk. approaching the golden bell next to the computer, Hallowed noticed a silver key attached to a black diamond shaped key charm with the golden number 15 emblazoned on the middle, sitting on a note next to the bell.
"we understand you might need a room to stay in while you investigate, and would happily give you one of our rooms for as long as you need." Hallowed spoke to himself, carefully picking the key up with his cybernetic hand and looking at the key, quickly scanning it with his cybernetic eye before walking off, looking for his room.
finding it on the other side of the motel, hallowed easily pushed the key into the lock and twisted with a satisfying click. pushing open the door and walking in, Hallowed found himself in a stock standard Motel room; with a king bed on the left of the room with a neat flowery quilt, two white pillows neatly placed side-by side under the wooden bed head, two oak bedside tables with pink lamps flanking the bed. on the other side of the room was a desk, a lone black lamp sitting on the far end of it.
closing the door behind him as he walked in, hallowed left the keys on the desk as he stretched, and began to undress. leaving his leather jacket draped over the chair under the desk, he left both his revolver and its holster, as well as his bandolier of specialized bullets on the desk. throwing the rest of his clothes, as well as the skull mask he normally wore onto the bed, he stepped into the bathroom. it was a small bathroom with only the bare necessities, its tiles were impressively clean for such an old building, a trait shared with the rest of the bathroom.
turning the knobs on the shower, Hallowed went to place his cybernetic hand below the stream of water before replacing it with his intact one. pleased with the temperature he stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash over him. instead of the pleasant feeling he was used to, he instead felt a strange emptiness, the water washing over his cybernetics not even registering to him, the reminder of his wounds removing and semblance of warmth the shower could bring.
turning the shower off once sufficiently clean, Hallowed dried himself with a towel before walking back into the living room and beginning to re-dress himself. as he went to pick up his shirt, he noticed his reflection in the full body mirror in the corner. he looked almost the same as always, the same short Brown hair, the same well-toned muscles, but different in some places. the entirety of his right arm, shoulder down, was replaced with a metal cybernetic, his right eye and parts of the face around it replaced with a similar metal, the eye replaced with a dull red visor. pulling the rest of his clothes on, Hallowed slowly picked up his Fedora and skull mask, hesitant to put them on.
stomaching his own hesitation, he placed them on, the skull mask hiding all of his face but the metal eye, its eerie red glow growing in intensity. turning back to the desk he saw a familiar part-cat warlock sitting on it, tail laying lazily next to the occult detective.
"Akronus," hallowed spoke, used to the occultists tendency to appear randomly.
"Hallowed" The occultist spoke, re-adjusting the black face mask they wore.
the tense silence hung in the air as Akronus dropped down to the floor, pulling back their long black hair and cat ears with a gloved hand, letting the streak of red fall to the front of his face. the two stared at each other for a moment, Akronus' red irises dulled by the red glow coming from Hallowed's cybernetic eyes.
"I see you've become more chaste," Hallowed noticed, observing the pants Akronus had swapped their usual booty shorts with.
"why, you wound me! I just thought these pants would help my transition from villain to vigilante. plus, I kept my signature sleeveless shirt! oh, and don't get me started on what I've been doing in my free time-" Akronus began.
"we don't have time for verbal recounts of your many supernatural partners, we need to investigate the disappearances," hallowed quickly interrupted, both wanting to stay on task and avoid the topic of Akronus' sex life.
"fineeeeeeeeee, what's the thing you need me for?" Akronus responded, annoyed at their allies seriousness.
"I found shadows in the alleyway behind the motel one of the disappearances happened in," Hallowed matter-of factly responded with.
"ok, so did it stick to your body, exist with the sun shining on it, or try to eat you?" Akronus asked, treating the topic as a normal occurence.
"existed with the sun shining on it, any ideas what it is?" Hallowed replied, drawing his notebook from his jacket.
"ah, possibly shadow demon residue, I'll go run some tests on it to confirm that," Akronus answered after a few seconds, leaning forward.
"good, you do that and I'll go look through the first victims room," Hallowed responded before walking out the door.
"on it!" Akronus walked off to where the strange shadow was.
on the other side of the Motel Hallowed approached the room the Mexican drifter had lived in, reaching a hand out to the door, he twisted the handle to find it unlocked. Walking into the room, hallowed quickly noticed the first signs of something being off.
the bed looked like somebody had been sleeping in it, but was yet to get up, the quilt was laying on the mattress, messily covering most of the bed, and both the pillows and the mattress still had the imprint of what looked to be a 20-25 year old man of about 5"8 height.
on the other side of the room the lamp on the desk was unplugged, papers messily spread across the desk haphazardly with a duffle bag thrown up against it. approaching the bathroom, Hallowed opened the door to the bathroom to find a relatively normal shower, the only difference from his own bathroom being the soap and shampoo bottles, a common brand, most likely from a nearby store.
walking back to the papers, hallowed reached to turn on the room lights to illuminate the papers, only to find that flicking the switch did nothing. Crouching down and plugging in the lamp, he found it didn't turn on either.
Standing on the bed and puling the light bulb from its socket, Hallowed saw that it was completely fine. Rushing over to the lamp he carefully pulled out its bulb, and found the exact same was true with the lamp.
Activating the X-ray system of his cybernetic eye, Hallowed followed the trails of the wires that connected to both the power socket and the lights, looking for any breaks. Following the wires around the room, Hallowed found no discrepancies in the wiring for the room until the point that all of the wires in the room connected and began to join the rest of the motels power network, where a quick scan showed a strange energy radiating at the wires, seemingly blocking the electricity.
Quickly collecting the files on the desk, Hallowed put them in his jacket before standing up on the handrail, and pulling himself onto the roof. Carefully walking down one of the crevices of the valley like roof of slanted red tiles. Hallowed approached where the wires would be corresponding to the location of the roof.
Crouching down, Hallowed saw the source of the energy, a small square piece of white paper with a strange, almost runic symbol on it, radiating that energy. Picking the paper up and taking a photo of it with his eye as a precaution, Hallowed noticed through his eye that the Drifters room had gained power.
As he walked back to the edge of the roof, Hallowed heard the sounds of somebody running nearby. Pulling himself up onto the top of one of the peaks, Hallowed saw a figure wearingin a shadowy cloak holding a double-sided sword, face covered in shadows, standing on the nearby chimney.
"I'm guessing you aren't here for a chat?" Hallowed quipped as he drew his revolver. But as he did the figure leapt towards him at superhuman speeds, slashing at Hallowed with his sword mid-draw.
@f4y3w00d5 @gobodegoblin @monsterfucker-research-wizard @anyone else who likes my writing
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akronus-writes · 2 days
Butchers bill chapter 2: Investigations into the unkown.
Hallowed knew that the Occult detective would take a while, and decided to requisition a room for which to work on the case from. returning to the front of the motel, He walked into the empty reception, its decor was a relic from the 80's, with dark oak display cabinets filled with old sports trophies flanking a large desk made of the same wood; the back of an old computer peeking up from behind the desk. approaching the golden bell next to the computer, Hallowed noticed a silver key attached to a black diamond shaped key charm with the golden number 15 emblazoned on the middle, sitting on a note next to the bell.
"we understand you might need a room to stay in while you investigate, and would happily give you one of our rooms for as long as you need." Hallowed spoke to himself, carefully picking the key up with his cybernetic hand and looking at the key, quickly scanning it with his cybernetic eye before walking off, looking for his room.
finding it on the other side of the motel, hallowed easily pushed the key into the lock and twisted with a satisfying click. pushing open the door and walking in, Hallowed found himself in a stock standard Motel room; with a king bed on the left of the room with a neat flowery quilt, two white pillows neatly placed side-by side under the wooden bed head, two oak bedside tables with pink lamps flanking the bed. on the other side of the room was a desk, a lone black lamp sitting on the far end of it.
closing the door behind him as he walked in, hallowed left the keys on the desk as he stretched, and began to undress. leaving his leather jacket draped over the chair under the desk, he left both his revolver and its holster, as well as his bandolier of specialized bullets on the desk. throwing the rest of his clothes, as well as the skull mask he normally wore onto the bed, he stepped into the bathroom. it was a small bathroom with only the bare necessities, its tiles were impressively clean for such an old building, a trait shared with the rest of the bathroom.
turning the knobs on the shower, Hallowed went to place his cybernetic hand below the stream of water before replacing it with his intact one. pleased with the temperature he stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash over him. instead of the pleasant feeling he was used to, he instead felt a strange emptiness, the water washing over his cybernetics not even registering to him, the reminder of his wounds removing and semblance of warmth the shower could bring.
turning the shower off once sufficiently clean, Hallowed dried himself with a towel before walking back into the living room and beginning to re-dress himself. as he went to pick up his shirt, he noticed his reflection in the full body mirror in the corner. he looked almost the same as always, the same short Brown hair, the same well-toned muscles, but different in some places. the entirety of his right arm, shoulder down, was replaced with a metal cybernetic, his right eye and parts of the face around it replaced with a similar metal, the eye replaced with a dull red visor. pulling the rest of his clothes on, Hallowed slowly picked up his Fedora and skull mask, hesitant to put them on.
stomaching his own hesitation, he placed them on, the skull mask hiding all of his face but the metal eye, its eerie red glow growing in intensity. turning back to the desk he saw a familiar part-cat warlock sitting on it, tail laying lazily next to the occult detective.
"Akronus," hallowed spoke, used to the occultists tendency to appear randomly.
"Hallowed" The occultist spoke, re-adjusting the black face mask they wore.
the tense silence hung in the air as Akronus dropped down to the floor, pulling back their long black hair and cat ears with a gloved hand, letting the streak of red fall to the front of his face. the two stared at each other for a moment, Akronus' red irises dulled by the red glow coming from Hallowed's cybernetic eyes.
"I see you've become more chaste," Hallowed noticed, observing the pants Akronus had swapped their usual booty shorts with.
"why, you wound me! I just thought these pants would help my transition from villain to vigilante. plus, I kept my signature sleeveless shirt! oh, and don't get me started on what I've been doing in my free time-" Akronus began.
"we don't have time for verbal recounts of your many supernatural partners, we need to investigate the disappearances," hallowed quickly interrupted, both wanting to stay on task and avoid the topic of Akronus' sex life.
"fineeeeeeeeee, what's the thing you need me for?" Akronus responded, annoyed at their allies seriousness.
"I found shadows in the alleyway behind the motel one of the disappearances happened in," Hallowed matter-of factly responded with.
"ok, so did it stick to your body, exist with the sun shining on it, or try to eat you?" Akronus asked, treating the topic as a normal occurence.
"existed with the sun shining on it, any ideas what it is?" Hallowed replied, drawing his notebook from his jacket.
"ah, possibly shadow demon residue, I'll go run some tests on it to confirm that," Akronus answered after a few seconds, leaning forward.
"good, you do that and I'll go look through the first victims room," Hallowed responded before walking out the door.
"on it!" Akronus walked off to where the strange shadow was.
on the other side of the Motel Hallowed approached the room the Mexican drifter had lived in, reaching a hand out to the door, he twisted the handle to find it unlocked. Walking into the room, hallowed quickly noticed the first signs of something being off.
the bed looked like somebody had been sleeping in it, but was yet to get up, the quilt was laying on the mattress, messily covering most of the bed, and both the pillows and the mattress still had the imprint of what looked to be a 20-25 year old man of about 5"8 height.
on the other side of the room the lamp on the desk was unplugged, papers messily spread across the desk haphazardly with a duffle bag thrown up against it. approaching the bathroom, Hallowed opened the door to the bathroom to find a relatively normal shower, the only difference from his own bathroom being the soap and shampoo bottles, a common brand, most likely from a nearby store.
walking back to the papers, hallowed reached to turn on the room lights to illuminate the papers, only to find that flicking the switch did nothing. Crouching down and plugging in the lamp, he found it didn't turn on either.
Standing on the bed and puling the light bulb from its socket, Hallowed saw that it was completely fine. Rushing over to the lamp he carefully pulled out its bulb, and found the exact same was true with the lamp.
Activating the X-ray system of his cybernetic eye, Hallowed followed the trails of the wires that connected to both the power socket and the lights, looking for any breaks. Following the wires around the room, Hallowed found no discrepancies in the wiring for the room until the point that all of the wires in the room connected and began to join the rest of the motels power network, where a quick scan showed a strange energy radiating at the wires, seemingly blocking the electricity.
Quickly collecting the files on the desk, Hallowed put them in his jacket before standing up on the handrail, and pulling himself onto the roof. Carefully walking down one of the crevices of the valley like roof of slanted red tiles. Hallowed approached where the wires would be corresponding to the location of the roof.
Crouching down, Hallowed saw the source of the energy, a small square piece of white paper with a strange, almost runic symbol on it, radiating that energy. Picking the paper up and taking a photo of it with his eye as a precaution, Hallowed noticed through his eye that the Drifters room had gained power.
As he walked back to the edge of the roof, Hallowed heard the sounds of somebody running nearby. Pulling himself up onto the top of one of the peaks, Hallowed saw a figure wearingin a shadowy cloak holding a double-sided sword, face covered in shadows, standing on the nearby chimney.
"I'm guessing you aren't here for a chat?" Hallowed quipped as he drew his revolver. But as he did the figure leapt towards him at superhuman speeds, slashing at Hallowed with his sword mid-draw.
@f4y3w00d5 @gobodegoblin @monsterfucker-research-wizard @anyone else who likes my writing
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akronus-writes · 7 days
Butchers bill chapter 2: Investigations into the unkown.
Hallowed knew that the Occult detective would take a while, and decided to requisition a room for which to work on the case from. returning to the front of the motel, He walked into the empty reception, its decor was a relic from the 80's, with dark oak display cabinets filled with old sports trophies flanking a large desk made of the same wood; the back of an old computer peeking up from behind the desk. approaching the golden bell next to the computer, Hallowed noticed a silver key attached to a black diamond shaped key charm with the golden number 15 emblazoned on the middle, sitting on a note next to the bell.
"we understand you might need a room to stay in while you investigate, and would happily give you one of our rooms for as long as you need." Hallowed spoke to himself, carefully picking the key up with his cybernetic hand and looking at the key, quickly scanning it with his cybernetic eye before walking off, looking for his room.
finding it on the other side of the motel, hallowed easily pushed the key into the lock and twisted with a satisfying click. pushing open the door and walking in, Hallowed found himself in a stock standard Motel room; with a king bed on the left of the room with a neat flowery quilt, two white pillows neatly placed side-by side under the wooden bed head, two oak bedside tables with pink lamps flanking the bed. on the other side of the room was a desk, a lone black lamp sitting on the far end of it.
closing the door behind him as he walked in, hallowed left the keys on the desk as he stretched, and began to undress. leaving his leather jacket draped over the chair under the desk, he left both his revolver and its holster, as well as his bandolier of specialized bullets on the desk. throwing the rest of his clothes, as well as the skull mask he normally wore onto the bed, he stepped into the bathroom. it was a small bathroom with only the bare necessities, its tiles were impressively clean for such an old building, a trait shared with the rest of the bathroom.
turning the knobs on the shower, Hallowed went to place his cybernetic hand below the stream of water before replacing it with his intact one. pleased with the temperature he stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash over him. instead of the pleasant feeling he was used to, he instead felt a strange emptiness, the water washing over his cybernetics not even registering to him, the reminder of his wounds removing and semblance of warmth the shower could bring.
turning the shower off once sufficiently clean, Hallowed dried himself with a towel before walking back into the living room and beginning to re-dress himself. as he went to pick up his shirt, he noticed his reflection in the full body mirror in the corner. he looked almost the same as always, the same short Brown hair, the same well-toned muscles, but different in some places. the entirety of his right arm, shoulder down, was replaced with a metal cybernetic, his right eye and parts of the face around it replaced with a similar metal, the eye replaced with a dull red visor. pulling the rest of his clothes on, Hallowed slowly picked up his Fedora and skull mask, hesitant to put them on.
stomaching his own hesitation, he placed them on, the skull mask hiding all of his face but the metal eye, its eerie red glow growing in intensity. turning back to the desk he saw a familiar part-cat warlock sitting on it, tail laying lazily next to the occult detective.
"Akronus," hallowed spoke, used to the occultists tendency to appear randomly.
"Hallowed" The occultist spoke, re-adjusting the black face mask they wore.
the tense silence hung in the air as Akronus dropped down to the floor, pulling back their long black hair and cat ears with a gloved hand, letting the streak of red fall to the front of his face. the two stared at each other for a moment, Akronus' red irises dulled by the red glow coming from Hallowed's cybernetic eyes.
"I see you've become more chaste," Hallowed noticed, observing the pants Akronus had swapped their usual booty shorts with.
"why, you wound me! I just thought these pants would help my transition from villain to vigilante. plus, I kept my signature sleeveless shirt! oh, and don't get me started on what I've been doing in my free time-" Akronus began.
"we don't have time for verbal recounts of your many supernatural partners, we need to investigate the disappearances," hallowed quickly interrupted, both wanting to stay on task and avoid the topic of Akronus' sex life.
"fineeeeeeeeee, what's the thing you need me for?" Akronus responded, annoyed at their allies seriousness.
"I found shadows in the alleyway behind the motel one of the disappearances happened in," Hallowed matter-of factly responded with.
"ok, so did it stick to your body, exist with the sun shining on it, or try to eat you?" Akronus asked, treating the topic as a normal occurence.
"existed with the sun shining on it, any ideas what it is?" Hallowed replied, drawing his notebook from his jacket.
"ah, possibly shadow demon residue, I'll go run some tests on it to confirm that," Akronus answered after a few seconds, leaning forward.
"good, you do that and I'll go look through the first victims room," Hallowed responded before walking out the door.
"on it!" Akronus walked off to where the strange shadow was.
on the other side of the Motel Hallowed approached the room the Mexican drifter had lived in, reaching a hand out to the door, he twisted the handle to find it unlocked. Walking into the room, hallowed quickly noticed the first signs of something being off.
the bed looked like somebody had been sleeping in it, but was yet to get up, the quilt was laying on the mattress, messily covering most of the bed, and both the pillows and the mattress still had the imprint of what looked to be a 20-25 year old man of about 5"8 height.
on the other side of the room the lamp on the desk was unplugged, papers messily spread across the desk haphazardly with a duffle bag thrown up against it. approaching the bathroom, Hallowed opened the door to the bathroom to find a relatively normal shower, the only difference from his own bathroom being the soap and shampoo bottles, a common brand, most likely from a nearby store.
walking back to the papers, hallowed reached to turn on the room lights to illuminate the papers, only to find that flicking the switch did nothing. Crouching down and plugging in the lamp, he found it didn't turn on either.
Standing on the bed and puling the light bulb from its socket, Hallowed saw that it was completely fine. Rushing over to the lamp he carefully pulled out its bulb, and found the exact same was true with the lamp.
Activating the X-ray system of his cybernetic eye, Hallowed followed the trails of the wires that connected to both the power socket and the lights, looking for any breaks. Following the wires around the room, Hallowed found no discrepancies in the wiring for the room until the point that all of the wires in the room connected and began to join the rest of the motels power network, where a quick scan showed a strange energy radiating at the wires, seemingly blocking the electricity.
Quickly collecting the files on the desk, Hallowed put them in his jacket before standing up on the handrail, and pulling himself onto the roof. Carefully walking down one of the crevices of the valley like roof of slanted red tiles. Hallowed approached where the wires would be corresponding to the location of the roof.
Crouching down, Hallowed saw the source of the energy, a small square piece of white paper with a strange, almost runic symbol on it, radiating that energy. Picking the paper up and taking a photo of it with his eye as a precaution, Hallowed noticed through his eye that the Drifters room had gained power.
As he walked back to the edge of the roof, Hallowed heard the sounds of somebody running nearby. Pulling himself up onto the top of one of the peaks, Hallowed saw a figure wearingin a shadowy cloak holding a double-sided sword, face covered in shadows, standing on the nearby chimney.
"I'm guessing you aren't here for a chat?" Hallowed quipped as he drew his revolver. But as he did the figure leapt towards him at superhuman speeds, slashing at Hallowed with his sword mid-draw.
part 1 part 3
@f4y3w00d5 @gobodegoblin @monsterfucker-research-wizard @anyone else who likes my writing
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akronus-writes · 10 days
Akronus’ current writing plans.
Butchers bill (chapter 2 has been planned as of now)
A short stories collection featuring all 30 of the eldritch abominations Akronus (the character not, ya know, me) has bound.
Thinking about multi-chaptered stories for most if not all of my characters. If thats even possible.
@f4y3w00d5 @monsterfucker-research-wizard @gobodegoblin
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akronus-writes · 19 days
*archon enters the area of the Fae wilds that Akronus disappeared from*
*fayes wandering around, kicking random trees*
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akronus-writes · 19 days
brief update to character powers
a handful of my characters have been drawn to my attention as having very finnicky power, so while my characters are still roughly the same power level (or a bit lower), the following ones have been changed.
the masters of the arcane no longer have "full power" forms, but instead can do their high-power stuff at any time with the drawback of them becoming tired from overuse.
Akronus and Akrosion can now summon one of their eldritch abominations/ infernal sin-born at any time, and can embody the aspects of all of them if they put enough energy into it, though that will practically send them into a 24 hr catnap.
Aldria and Erodicate remain the same.
the embodiments of fear remain the same.
@f4y3w00d5 @gobodegoblin @monsterfucker-research-wizard @good-wizard @mango-lord-of-poision @ anyone else who likes my characters powerscaling.
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akronus-writes · 25 days
samhains stories:
0 notes
akronus-writes · 27 days
Anyways, I’m gonna send lilaca an ask
the butchers bill: chapter 1: the cat and the cyborg
Hallowed walked into the motels parking lot and looked around, there where very few people still here after the disappearances. there was a pair of officers leaning against their car, one was taller than the other, with brown hair and pale, sunburnt skin. the other was pudgier with pinker skin and blonde hair, both of them where talking to each other about something. on the other side of the motel the owners, an elderly white couple, where crying to a small group of the guests who had stayed despite the disappearances.
"officers, what's the situation?" Hallowed questioned, interrupting their conversation.
"o-oh, Hallowed! you got here fast, I'm officer Barnaby, this is my partner Teddy," the taller one responded
"good to know, but I need to know what's happening" the hero responded, waiting for an answer.
"well me and Barnaby got here after the second disappearance, we'd barely started investigating before the third happened, at that point we decided an expert was needed" the shorter officer explained
"hm, that's interesting. I don't need anything else from you guys, so I'll go talk to the witnesses" Hallowed replied before walking off to talk to the witnesses.
Hallowed quickly approached the crowd, and now that he was closer, made some notes about the people there. the guests consisted of a young couple, seemingly newly wed. and a small group of college students, he'd need to make notes on the students later.
"good morning people, my names hallowed, I need to talk to you about the recent disappearances"
"oh, you must be that superhero we were told was coming, hallowed, right?" the husband asked, he was a young man with short, gold brown hair and clearly exercised, his wife was a young woman a bit taller than him, and of the same build.
"yes, and I need to ask you all about the disappearances. if I could just talk to you one at a time over there, this should be very easy" Hallowed responded as he gestured towards the park benches that sat in front of the motels lobby.
all of the guests agreed, and so Hallowed started with one of the motels two owners, an elderly man with thin, white hair wearing a navy blue shirt and cargo shorts.
"so, Andrew Montague, may I call you Andrew?" Hallowed begun.
"sure, sure, just can we make this quick? I'm not good with the heat" Andrew responded, wiping sweat from his brow as he sat down on the old wooden seat across from hallowed.
"good, so as I understand, the three missing people were a vandal, a guest at the motel, and your daughter, could you tell me about them?" Hallowed questioned.
"yeah, the guest was a drifter of some sort, always thought he was suspicious" Andrew said.
"what about your daughter?" hallowed questioned, writing something down in his note book.
"my dear Grace, she's always lived here with me and Margaret. she had fallen in love with that damned drifter as soon as he came here, and a day after he disappears, she does too! I swear he had something to do with it," Andrew ranted, raising his voice.
"...now what can you tell me about the vandal who went missing" hallowed spoke, ignoring the mans temper.
"oh, her... we my wife was the one who saw what happened to the girl, so you'll have to ask her," Andrew said, calming down and gesturing to his wife.
"thank you for your help sir, I'll talk to your wife next" hallowed responded, looking to the elderly woman.
Andrew got up and walked over to his wife, a skinny old woman with long greying hair and pale skin, who after speaking to him for a second, walked over and sat opposite of Hallowed.
"Margaret Montague, can we talk about the disappearances" hallowed spoke, looking at the woman.
"please, call me Margaret, and of course we can dear" she replied.
"I'm aware that three people have recently disappeared around this Motel, can you tell me about them?" asked hallowed.
"of course, the first one was a guest of ours, he was some sort of drifter, Mexican I think? he always wore this brown leather jacket everywhere he went, and had long brownish black hair."
"and your daughter?" hallowed asked as he wrote down some more notes, happy Margaret had given a description.
"oh, Grace. she's my baby daughter... and when the drifter came in she was infatuated with him, she was so distraught when he disappeared," Margaret stated, looking at her wedding ring.
“Trust me ma’am, I’ll make sure to find her,” hallowed re-assured Margaret
“Thank you dear, it means the world to me,”Margaret responded.
“But to do that I need to know what you saw when the third victim, the vandal, was kidnapped” Hallowed replied.
“Oh, oh yes. It was last night, I was crying out the window when I saw a group of vandals had snuck out and where about to spray paint the back wall, near the garbage, when they started screaming, and one of them was pulled into the ground by a pair of hands!” Margaret spoke. “But I was tired so instead of calling the cops I just thought it was a hallucination, until I saw their stuff had been left back there when I went to throw something out-”
Hallowed abruptly stood up “ma’am, I need to go see something, I’ll be gone for a bit so tell everybody to go back to their rooms or something, I need to go see the scene for myself” hallowed quickly said, before running off to behind the Motel.
hallowed approached where Margaret had told him the third disappearance, and the graffiti, had happened. a story about shadows dragging someone into the ground is enough to put him on edge, but he'd need to see things himself to confirm anything.
turning the corner to the dumpsters, Hallowed saw the half-finished graffiti art, and the spray cans the vandals had left. he carefully inspected the crime scene, starting with the paint. while the art itself wasn't interesting, what was interesting was the marks on the back. the outline of a handprint, made by a strange black substance. hallowed carefully took out an investigation kit from his coat, and scraped some of it into a petri dish, before returning to the scene.
further inspection revealed nearly nothing interesting, but as it reached mid-day, Hallowed looked up to the sun, sweat dripping down his brow, and took off his brown hat.
"fuck its hot" he said to no one in particular.
turning back to the scene, he noticed something was off. slowly, he took his hat, and threw it into the shadows that clung to the walls like paint. sure enough, his hat got darker when it entered the shadows. he picked it back up, and turned directly behind him, towards the sun.
"that isn't normal"
turning to look at the strange shadows, Hallowed thought for a long time, before reaching for his phone, and calling a number. it picked up.
"hey Akronus? I think I might need your expertise"
@f4y3w00d5 @gobodegoblin @good-wizard @monsterfucker-research-wizard
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