aldigozali · 4 months
She Might Never Know Who Knocked The Door
There is a door in someone's heart that he has been knocking on for a long time. It belongs to someone who he admires and respects, someone who he thinks is a good person and deserves happiness. Someone who he never got the chance to meet in person, but who he feels a connection with through words and pictures.
He knows that this door is closed for a reason. He knows that behind this door, there is pain and sorrow, disappointment, and regret. He knows that this door is not his to open, and that he has no right to intrude. He knows that he has his own door, and that he should be grateful for what he has.
But he can't help himself. He can't stop knocking. He can't stop hoping that one day, this door will open, and he will see a smile on the other side. He can't stop wondering what it would be like to talk to this person, to share their thoughts and feelings, to comfort and support each other. He can't stop dreaming of a different reality, where he could be together, where he could be happy.
Maybe she knows who he is. Maybe she has seen his posts, his likes, his comments. Maybe she has sensed his presence, his interest, his affection. Maybe she has felt his knock, but she has chosen to ignore it. Maybe she is afraid, or angry, or confused. Maybe she is not ready, or not interested, or not available.
Or maybe she doesn't know who he is. Maybe she has missed his signals, his hints, his attempts. Maybe she has overlooked his existence, his identity, his personality. Maybe she has never heard his knock, or she has forgotten it. Maybe she is busy, or distracted, or indifferent.
Whatever the case may be, he wants her to know this: He is not here to hurt her, or to judge her, or to pressure her. He is not here to take anything from her, or to change anything about her, or to interfere with her life. He is here to offer her something, something that she may need, or want, or appreciate. He is here to offer her friendship, or companionship, or love.
He knows that this may sound selfish, or foolish, or unrealistic. He knows that this may not be the best time, or the best place, or the best way. He knows that this may not be the best thing for two of them, or for anyone else. He knows that this may not be possible, or advisable, or acceptable.
But he also knows that this is how he feels, and that he can't change it. He also knows that this is what he wants, and that he can't deny it. He also knows that this is what he hopes for, and that he can't give up on it. He can't, just yet!
So, he will keep knocking. He will keep knocking, until she opens the door, or until she tells him to stop. He will keep knocking, because he cares about her, and because he believes in her. He will keep knocking, because she is worth it, and because he is curious.
The door that knocked, she might never know who knocked. But he hopes that one day, she will find out. And he hopes that when she does, she will not regret it, although he doesn't even dare to imagine it.
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aldigozali · 6 months
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aldigozali · 7 months
and let the history books name joe biden, rishi sunak, justin trudeau, emmanuel macron, ursula von der leyen and every other world leader who did not step in to prevent the genocide of palestine as cold-blooded murderers. may they face a shred of the immeasurable pain and suffering they allowed to be committed against 2.2. million innocent lives.
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aldigozali · 1 year
Temans, sekecil apapun langkah positif yang kita buat, sekalipun rasanya di satu waktu belum menunjukkan hasil yang diharapkan, itu lebih baik daripada tidak melangkah sama sekali. Beberapa penelitian seperti yang gue singgung di artikel ini menegaskan hal tersebut. Jadi, jangan mudah menyerah ya! Gue pun sama, sedang berjuang. Ayo kita saling menyemangati. Mudah-mudahan Allah mudahkan perjuangan kita semua.
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aldigozali · 1 year
Hanya ingin mengingatkan teman2 muslimku yang mampu agar tidak lupa berzakat, khususnya zakat fitrah di bulan Ramadhan ini.
Perlu kita sadari, berzakat tidak hanya bikin harta dan jiwa kita kembali suci, tapi juga bikin negara kita kuat. Jadi, ayo kita semangat berzakat!
Semoga Allah memampukan kita semua untuk menegakkan zakat.
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aldigozali · 1 year
Memandang langit itu memang menyenangkan, tapi Bumilah tempat kita kembali.
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aldigozali · 1 year
Smile! You Don't Know How Much That Means to the People Around You
You might be in a bad mood, or you might be feeling down. It is normal to feel this way sometimes, but remember, everyone around you cares about your happiness.
Your smile is one of the most amazing things you can offer the people around you.
Whenever you are sad or upset, it's important to take the time to smile and make yourself feel better.
You'll never know how much it means to them. You might change someone's entire day just by being friendly and smiling at them.
Your family - your kid, mom, and dad - always care for you and hope to see you smile. They are the closest ones that can feel and be positively affected by it.
So, try not to think of yourself when you face obstacles; think of all the people you love and care for the most in this world. Make them happy by making the effort to smile.
You might not feel like smiling but think about those who love your smile and would do whatever it takes to see that beautiful smile of yours.
~November 17, 2022
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aldigozali · 2 years
Everyone Has Been Hurt, You're Not Alone!
The world is a cruel place. No one is exempt from the hurt and pain that comes with life. We all experience it in different ways, but we are all affected by it.
Some hurts are easily fixed while others are more difficult to deal with. Sometimes these hurts come with seemingly no explanation. Sometimes they are explained through other people’s actions and sometimes only through our own introspection.
But the fact remains that every living thing has felt pain at some point in their lives. It is important to (and please) remember that you are not alone. You are not the only person who has ever been hurt or who has experienced the pain that comes with being human.
We are all in this thing called life together and it is a good thing that we are all here for each other even if things don’t always go the way we plan them to go.
So, cheers up! There's 2 + 2 = 4 even if you don't feel it right now, you will! Insya Allah.
~November 10, 2022
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aldigozali · 2 years
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Kembali untuk ketiga kalinya ke kampus tercinta ini. Kali ini masih sebagai mahasiswa. Kedepannya, tentu ada harapan lebih dan usaha untuk mencapainya. Tapi sepenuhnya gw serahin ke Allah Ta'ala. Semua yang terjadi adalah takdir Allah, dan Dia perbuat apa yang Dia kehendaki. "Qadarullah wa maa syaa a fa'ala."
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aldigozali · 2 years
To me it's $100. Let's just focus on what he steals, not what he buys. What he buys, he buys it with his own money. Regardless where his money comes from, it's now considered his money!
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Supposedly this is an “impossible riddle”…
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aldigozali · 2 years
Hi there!
I just wanna say hi to everyone, especially you, here or there! Wish you always be in a good health and in Allah's protection and blessing.
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aldigozali · 3 years
Loving by Leaving
Friend: I don't believe love at the first sight.
Me: I do.
Friend: Do you really?
Me: Yes. Why don't you?
Friend: Everything takes time, man.
Me: Yes, it does. But doesn't necessarily mean take a long time.
Friend: No way!
Me: Yes way!
Friend: Have you ever had that experience?
Me: I have. I'm having it, though.
Friend: Tell me why you're sure that is love?
Me: I don't know why.
Friend: Then you're kidding.
Me: I'm not! Sometimes we just don't need a reason to love someone.
Friend: Interesting. She must be pretty!
Me: She is! Even if there's no one tells so, to my eyes she is still and will always be pretty.
Friend: Have you told her yet?
Me: I even haven't had yet a word and moment to talk to her.
Friend: So you don't know each other?
Me: We don't.
Friend: Are you going to tell her soon?
Me: I don't think so.
Friend: When do you think so?
Me: It's not about when. It's about how.
Friend: What do you mean? Can you just go for her, then tell her at the right time?
Me: I can't! She is unlike the other women. She is.. just so special.
Friend: How special?
Me: So very special that only someone special too who deserves her.
Friend: Do you think you are the one?
Me: Not for today, but I'd love to hope so.
Friend: So what's your plan for this?
Me: I'll do my best.
Friend: What's that?
Me: I'll let her remain free and wish the best one for her.
Friend: Well, you're loving by leaving?
Me: Let Allah be the only One who takes care of her for now and forever. Allah knows best what's best for His ummat. Yes, I'm loving her by leaving her.
*This is an old untold story of mine. Now is already years later since the conversation was held. I hope so much that Allah always helps someone subjected in this story in her every circumstance and gives only the best for her life here and after.
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aldigozali · 5 years
One Thing I Always Hate and Never Expect
To be honest, I have so many things in life that I hate so much and never expect myself to experience. I won’t tell you what they are, but one thing.
I don’t intend to name it as something I hate the most. I just want to name it as one of the things I hate that gets in my mind the most.
I believe I’m not the only one who got such a thing. I believe normal people hate it either when it comes to their closest ones.
It’s not something that can easily come into our lives. It takes time until we think we hate it. It needs you to get into emotional conditions. It needs your feeling. It’s from the deepest part of your heart.
Unfortunately, it is inevitable. No matter how much you hate it, you'll still experience it. Sooner or later.
As it has the beginning, it has also the ending. As it comes, it goes. As it starts with "Hi!", it ends with "Goodbye!"
It's called farewell.
~September 15, 2019
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aldigozali · 5 years
I must admit that Farabi's view about the ideal state is so interesting. But, there's problem about his aqida that no Sunni Muslim can accept. That's all.
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My first book as a husband.
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aldigozali · 5 years
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My first book as a husband.
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aldigozali · 5 years
Khawatirmu Tentang Masa Depan
Jujur saja, sebenarnya apa hal yang lebih membuatmu khawatir dibanding ketakutanmu pada masa depan?
Itulah yang membuat manusia yang kamu lihat —dan barangkali kita sendiri— belajar mati-matian demi ijazah, katanya agar di ‘hari depan’ diterima di universitas ternama. Sibuk kuliah dan ingin cepat lulus, demi 'masa depan’ yang cerah di perusahaan besar. Kerja lembur bagai kuda dengan misi menciptakan 'masa depan’ karir yang gemilang.
Kekhawatiran kita akan masa depan itu seperti kita berlari mengejar bayang-bayang kita sendiri. Tak pernah berakhir, dan selalu membuat hati gelisah. Menghidupkan hari ini demi esok hari. Sebuah cara hidup paling menyiksa yang pernah ada. Dibayang-bayangi esok akan jadi apa dan akan makan apa. Cara pandang seperti itulah yang melahirkan hamba dunia.
Untungnya, kita punya iman. Dengan iman, kita seperti punya obor yang menuntun kita menyusuri hari-hari ke depan yang gelap temaram. Iman membuat kita tahu bahwa selalu ada jalan bagi mereka yang yakin bahwa segala sesuatu —rizki, cinta dan pencapaian hidup— ada di tangan Allah. Maka mereka tenang, namun tak juga berpaku tangan. Mereka tenteram, tapi justru berkarya makin melesat!
Perkara rezeki dan karunia di esok hari, Allah bilang padamu dengan terang, “Kamilah yang membagi-bagi penghidupan mereka dalam kehidupan dunia” (Az Zukhruf 32) Semua sudah ada jatahnya, sudah ada pembagian seadil-adilnya.
Allah tak pinta kita untuk sibuk menghabiskan waktu demi karir. Justru Allah ingin karir kita hidup untuk menyelamatkan waktu kita yang sempit ini; menghidupkannya menjadi ibadah yang bernilai berat di timbangan akhirat.
Bahkan sejatinya, kerja kita, belajar kita, kegiatan kita, koneksi yang kita bangun, relasi yang kita kumpulkan; hakikatnya bukan untuk mencari penghidupan, tapi untuk bersyukur pada Allah. Unik kan? Kerja bukan demi rezeki, tapi sebagai tanda syukur.
Tapi memang begitulah aslinya. Dan itulah yang Allah ajarkan pada Nabi Daud dan keluarganya, “Bekerjalah wahai keluarga Dawud untuk bersyukur kepada Allah. Dan sedikit sekali dari hamba-hamba-Ku yang bersyukur.” (Saba’ 13)
Dan kamu pasti tahu, keluarga Nabi Daud justru menjadi keluarga paling kaya sepanjang sejarah manusia. Ia menjadi raja dan anaknya menjadi raja. Bukan sembarang raja.
Yang kamu khawatirkan tentang masa depanmu, sudah Allah cover.
Bersyukurlah dengan menjalani hidup yang bermanfaat bagi dakwah dan umat, itulah cara kita mencover waktu menjadi bulir-bulir pahala yang berat di timbangan amal.
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aldigozali · 6 years
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Ada semacam pesimisme atau sinisme publik, katanya tipikal orang itu terbagi tiga: jujur, pintar, dan politisi. Sayangnya, tiap orang cuma bisa punya dua. Pertama, kalau dia pintar dan politisi, dia tidak jujur. Kedua, kalau dia politisi dan jujur, dia tidak pintar. Ketiga, kalau dia pintar dan jujur, dia bukan politisi.
Teman, kamu yg mana? Atau kamu siap menjadi ketiganya dan mematahkan sinisme itu?
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