I need to have a Leonardo Dicaprio fc at some point in  my rp life so I can use gifs like this
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It was actually a bit longer than a week, for me. I've pretty much been locked up in my room since New York. You know, minus the times I had to leave to eat, or catch a flight, or the one time I got kidnapped along with everyone else. I might have gotten out once or twice apart from that. But honestly? No, not really. I kind of want to just move on from it. I'm ready to move on. If I try to talk about it, I'll end up dwelling on it and just find myself right back in that room for another month. I just, need to let go.
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I had more than enough of that that night in the church. I uh, I still have nightmares about that. Are things more..normal now?
Yeah I get you Louis, better than you may think. Staying inside your room may seem like the best way to avoid reality during the first couple of days, but give it a week or so and you start craving human contact. That or you end up bored out of your mind. You’d be amazed by how many books I’ve managed to get through during those moments of solitary confinement of mine… Do you… uhm … well do you want to talk about it? I know it may not seem like it — With me talking non stop — But I’m kinda good listener. Or so I’ve been told. I could’ve been lied to but you could always see for yourself.
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What!? How could you! You missed all of the fun. Now you’ll never get to see the sight of people being murdered in front of you or their bodies torn apart. Such a shame. You could’ve even witnessed people coming back from the dead.
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Not yet no. It's uh, it's on my list. I've seen Big Ben, and I'm going to see the Stone Henge today. 
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Have you seen the big wheel?
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Well...kidnappings and flights aside, I've pretty much stayed in my room since New York. You know.. since I found Skye. So yeah, it's been awhile. Yeah. I  could be wrong, but I think, that's the only Stone Henge?  Oh yeah. We have time. The shuttle, doesn't leave for another hour, and I left my bag back in my room anyway.  
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  Hey, I spent a few weeks in my room and I didn’t even get sick of the wallpaper.  How long had you been hiding?  Stone Henge, the big stones in the random formation outside, right?  That actually sounds a lot more interesting than a big clock tower, I’m in.  Wait, when’s the next shuttle?  Is it soon?  Do I have enough time to go and pack myself a little tourist bag?
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Well yeah. But, I mean it could just be because I've been  locked up in my room for so long, that anything that isn't my walls is interesting and appealing to me. Uh, well yeah. Big Ben was pretty cool. You could go see that. Or, I was actually planning on going to see the Stone Henge, if you wanted to come? There's a shuttle that's taking tourists out there. 
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Are there?  I haven’t gone sightseeing, or anything really, for that matter.  Tell me though, what did you go out to see?  Spot anything that you think can help me get out and about?  
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If it's really bad, maybe you should go see a doctor? It's not worth risking my joke becoming real. 
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It looks really bad, though. And is so painful. I don’t mean to sound like a wimp but it’s disgusting.
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My room. I've uh, I've been quietly sulking, wallowing in a ball of self pity over my little broken heart. Then, I realized I was being lame,and it wasn't getting me anywhere, and that the only way I was gonna get over it, was if I got up and made myself get over it. 
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No, not annoying at all. I’m just messing with you. Where have you been hiding out? 
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I uh, I never even really noticed before, honestly. But yeah, I guess you're right, I kind of do. That's gotta be at least a little annoying. 
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I feel like your broadcasting how you feel about every place we go. It’s not a bad thing, it’s actually pretty funny. 
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Sorry. Just a joke. I would suggest using alcohol to disinfect it.
How do I go about sorting out a cut on my arm which has become infected?
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I was uh, I was starting to think so too, honestly. But uh, I realized, that sitting in my room sulking over hurt feelings, wasn't going to do anything for me. And that the only way it's going to get any better, is if I get out there and move on from it. 
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I never really got to experience the summer vibe in Jamaica. I sat inside with my air conditioning pretty much the entire time. So I don't really have anything to miss
And here I was starting to think you’d disappeared for good. Nice of you to join us Mister Santana, but why yes indeed London is quite a sight isn’t it? Granted I will miss the summer vibe that Jamaica gave off but a change was needed and it couldn’t have come at a better time.
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Yeah. I uh, I didn't really get out much, in Jamaica.  I spent a lot of time inside, so I didn't really feel the change as much. The more drastic change for me, was the change from being inside for weeks on end, to actually getting out again. 
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Drastic change of weather, though.. It feels weird having to wear something more than just shorts and a tank top.
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I uh, I really like it here in London, so far. There is definitely a lot, of really cool things to see. 
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You know,  I uh, I've been so caught up in my own world the last little while, that now that I've taken a step out of it, I barely recognize the world that I actually live in anymore.
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After weeks of hiding away in his room, Louis was finally ready to get out there and try to start the first day of the rest of his life. With all of the things he'd been hearing about happening, he knew it was probably smarter to stay inside. Then again, keeping himself locked in his room probably wouldn't stop them if they came for him anyway; he was better off letting people see him around, so that if he went missing, they would actually notice. Walking around aimlessly for the first time since arriving in Jamaica, he found himself on the beach. Looking around, he spotted a familiar figure ahead of him and sped up his pace to catch up, walking along with the man. "I uh, I didn't mean to interrupt whatever you were doing" He responded to Duncan's words with a small shrug. "I just felt uh, I felt vulnerable, being out here on my own" he admitted.
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Duncan was walking across the beach of Jamaica, trying to get his mind off of everything that had happened. When he had come back from his “trip” back home, he had expected all of this to be settled and done with. But sadly, that had not been the case. Being absorbed in his thoughts, he hadn’t noticed that someone was now walking next to him. “Oh     sorry, I didn’t see you there.”
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Seriously though
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Honestly, no, I don't. I uh, I just want to forget. 
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  You want to talk about it?
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Thank you. I uh...thanks
  Bring it in, buddy.
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