anarchist-billy · 1 year
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“Please, just— I want you to be safe— and happy…”
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anarchist-billy · 1 year
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Once someone touched my jaw so softly I cried. Once someone held my hand so lightly I wept
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anarchist-billy · 1 year
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They’re in love
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anarchist-billy · 1 year
Welcome to Harringrove Flip Reverse It!
Are you the sort of person who likes to be nifty with your fan creations? Do you enjoy subverting prompts? Does the thought of a challenge fill you with glee!
This is the event for you!
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Harringrove Flip Reverse It is an event that takes place during the last week of March (27th March - 2nd April). It's very easy (and fun) to play!
Every day during that week, you'll be given five prompts: fluff, angst, nsfw, sfw and trope subversion. Sounds simple? Well, it is... but there's a catch!
For each prompt you decide to fill, you'll be expected to Flip Reverse It! In other words, you must make your fluff prompts angsty, and your angst prompts fluffy. Your nsfw prompts should be safe for work, and as for your sfw prompts... enough said ;)
The trope subversion prompts will give you a very common, possibly even overused prompt... and it's your job to subvert it, in any way you want. Interpret the prompt any way you like, except the traditional one.
You can do as many or as few prompts as you like, no sign-up required! Submit your prompt fill to have it reblogged here.
For more details on the prompt categories, read on...
Fluff:  Take the traditional tooth-rotting fluff… and make it angsty! We’re talking days at the beach that end in disaster, hot chocolate with marshmallows that turn out to be poisoned, sweet little moments that break our goddamn hearts.
Angst:  It looks like it should hurt, but it doesn’t! These prompts may seem dark and whumpy, but they should fill the heart with joy and delight, no angst allowed!
NSFW:   These prompts may look filthy, but in fact they could be read by the most innocent of angels with nary a blush!
SFW:  By contrast… somehow these gentle ideas have become sullied by porn, and there’s no turning back!
Trope Subversion:  These tropes may be overused, but it’s your job to interpret them in a non-traditional way. Maybe they share a bed, but not with each other! Maybe their first kiss was with someone else! It can be anything EXCEPT the usual way of interpreting the prompt.
Interested in taking part? Reblog this post, check out all the nitty gritty details and then get working on some prompts!
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anarchist-billy · 1 year
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Merry Christmas, @ratbastardbilly ♥️
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anarchist-billy · 1 year
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Billy Hargrove fucks me up.
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anarchist-billy · 2 years
In my Billy feels
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anarchist-billy · 2 years
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pocket Billy adventurous misadventures
🔪🔪🔪 в вк не репостить🔪🔪🔪  
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anarchist-billy · 2 years
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anarchist-billy · 2 years
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anarchist-billy · 2 years
They cope with things differently, after the gate closes, cloaking world-weary shoulders in ways no one saw coming. 
And the others, they could’ve guessed what would happen to Billy. 
That he would shrink when the shadow cast itself out, skin sucked dry like astronaut food left to rot when the shuttle went up in smoke. Melancholy, spackled and drying over his bones to take up less of the atmosphere. 
It wasn’t much of a surprise. They’d always thought, that. Maybe Mad Dog Hargrove wasn’t all he inflated himself to be. Maybe he’d catch on something, one day. Pop. Deflate. 
And he does.
Billy was supposed to die. They were banking on it, but he didn’t. By the time he could breathe on his own, Neil had sold his stuff from bins marked $5.00 under the cooling September sun, so. 
Billy pulls through and he hides himself inside the zip up hoodie Steve Harrington drops at the hospital. Steve knits the sweater Billy calls home, and loses his mind as payment.
Comes up from his third concussion in three years swinging, asking about California. 
California, come home. 
They spend three months in physical therapy together, and things change again. Steve props himself up with his battered spine and falls in love with who Billy is now that his walls have been torn down.
He cries all the time. Hurts.
Aches, deep in the enter of himself to see Mad Dog Hargrove trapped in a muzzle. Helpless.
Steve makes a decision to be tough enough for the both of them.
Steve gains a shadow. A hand that snakes, tugging on his jacket at midnight parties, fingers knotting with Steve’s own to pull him out of the living room. Away from the fights he never wins.
They make an odd pair. Billy, quiet and sullen, blue eyes tear swamped and muddy. Steve, snapping and snarling at anyone who gets too close. Who stares too long.
They’ve switched places. Parent trapped their trauma into something that fits together like pieces of a puzzle.
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anarchist-billy · 2 years
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Season 4 max got me thinking things
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anarchist-billy · 2 years
Thought I should share this guide with you, just in case that you havent found the love of your life yet. You're welcome.
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anarchist-billy · 2 years
Out of curiosity, I’m wondering what the first Harringrove fic everyone read was? If you remember, reblog this with the name in the tags!
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anarchist-billy · 2 years
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THE PARTY + TAROT CARDS upright meanings. [in/sp. & psd]
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anarchist-billy · 2 years
Having there turn out to be a human villain behind all the horror of the upsidedown is just *sigh* so boring. The upsidedown was at its best as a counterpoint to the human stories. As an uncontrollable, unknowable Other that foolhardy humans in their boundless hubris keep trying to harness for their mundane evils.
Now it's just some asshole guy.
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anarchist-billy · 2 years
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I can feel the darkness coming and I’m afraid of myself
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