andreybogoslowsky · 3 months
At 18 I was admitted to Academy of visual arts (Warsaw as prodigy) two years later I had a Soviet art scholarship to Madrid, in 1988 I immigrated to US as a political refugee Not a word in English.
I am a full-time artist since 1997 I had more than 100 solo art shows.
I sold/donated over 1000 paintings.
I have three beautiful grown-up children.
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andreybogoslowsky · 3 months
Blank-white #drawings 24“x36“ $350 +shipping ABogoslowsky @ Gmail #lovestory #drawingtutorial #art
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andreybogoslowsky · 3 months
black/white #drawings 18“x24“ $129 💰🎨 24“x36“ is $350 #drawing
Bogoslowskyartstudio @ gmail
#Marketing #artwork #paintings #sculpture #poetry I’m giving away flyers from corner of #Broadway &Lafayette #NYC #international #funny #awesome
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andreybogoslowsky · 3 months
#hope My #experience of 40 years #artist #lifestyle only 9 years in #NYC 1988 - 1997 #daily #skills 2 #business 😎💵 rest of my days were spent #creative #painting #drawing #loving #studing #SPIRITUAL #science #religeon #faith regardless of circumstances.
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andreybogoslowsky · 3 months
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As a central element, there is a guy on his knees who appears to be screaming something and grabbing his head and he is on his knees in front of a painting, flat on the floor, and it looks like he’s painting landscape, although, if you look onto the painting, those are flowers and the flowers from the painting explode into the universe and create all around, the visible reality, the goddess of life, the tree of Gaia!
On the left of the guy there are cans of paint that being shaken by the waves created by the energy emanating from his painting, and the paint from those cans is flying upwards, creating a vortex. On the left you have bizarre scenery of two giant cacti 🌵 , the kind you have in Arizona spearing each other, killing each other. Well this is a vision from 5 million years into the future when humanity dies out, and cactus 🌵 cacti will build intelligent civilization with languages, computers, and nuclear power.
Of course they will be engaged in perpetual military conflicts because they will continue genetic predispositions inherited from their abusers, and DNA manipulators a.k.a. human beings, who decided to create erotic toys for sexual satisfaction in the middle of 21st century, in our times.
Ultimately humanity will cause its own destruction. how it’s gonna happen I haven’t thought about it yet.
In my novel cactus civilization will rise to prosperity because they have special human DNA to make their skin smoother, or something like that, so the cactus could be used for erotic satisfaction in our times, and it can grow any size you want. Of course any shape you want. On the window of your kitchen, it doesn’t require any thing. it requires only sunlight are very resilient species. I had a bunch in my beach house in Delaware in Fenwick Island.
Then you have the moon or, circular object. It could be the sun and then on the right above horizon you also have a strange more dynamic shape of possible moon, or sun. The idea is this particular image of the sun is created by cactus 5 million years in the future, so it looks like cactus 🌵 Sun 🌞 -CactiSun “
I know it sounds stupid, but this is the usual logic of creation. As humans say -“God created human to its own liking” so humans create everything around to their own goddamn liking regardless and with disrespect to absolute beauty existing without human presence.
I know it’s ridiculous, but this is the usual pattern of behavior of invasive species, which humans are.
There are also two barely visible figures of 🌵 killing each other on the right, and they are depicted as if they were smashed by “spacetime” paradox. Basically, this is a vision of the future. This artist 👨‍🎨 on his knees is experiencing. I am not saying I’m schizophrenic. This is the whole show. This is the Vision I am offering humanity.
It’s a window into 5 million years into the future.
also upper right there are traces of silver lines. The idea is that this is a giant comet resembling the one that smashed into Jupiter 20 years ago, and it broke into smaller pieces as it approached Jupiter closer.
This is how 🌵 civilization will end, or maybe not,
maybe what I meant to say how human civilization will end.
I don’t know 🤷‍♀️
what the !
it’s beautiful to have some silver somewhere on the edge and take away attention from all these black and white, because black is creating a lot of dramatic forces. How can I say?! surrealistic feelings!
my friend started calling me five years ago asking if I’m suicidal.
I was saying “no.
I just recover from two years of suicidal and I’m full of life and prosperity and I am painting new style.
The feeling people get from looking at those drawings is the feeling of danger. Something eminently scary is going to happen any second and I know that.
I’ve been doing it on purpose.
I’ve been manipulating human emotions by those powerful visions.
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andreybogoslowsky · 3 months
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Fundraiser at the Russian embassy in Washington DC 2008 for #operationsmile . I donated three little paintings. One of them was sold to #Boeing vice #president, #corporate #headquarters in #Arlington.
Очень благодарен за ваши заметки за ваши красивые слова знаете почти 40 я писал вот такие весёлые цвета, я бы даже не сказал что они весёлые. Я писал с натуры. У меня школа нет-#импрессионизм мои главные учител в #Варшаве (два года) был внук-ученик учеником внукам #ПьерБоннард такой француз нео #импрессионист в двадцатые тридцатые годы. Моя #философия 40 лет была такая что писать надо с натуры «всё видимое это чудесно, и я превращаю видимое в Дух при помощи своего искусства, выражаю поднятый дух красоты в абстракт в моей форме. И вот получается то что по-русски называется «искусственно» я это выражаю красками. Я творю искусственные выражения красоты и любви божьей в этом мире. У меня такая была философия. Но последние три года (после моей психиатрической травмы, которую я сам себе нанёс, депрессия-два года в постели. Я поменял свой стиль и сейчас я раскапываю/дохожу до сюрреалистической символики, которая имеет значение для меня. Я сам придумываю эти символы: «коробка Пандоры», это «дерево Гая» -богиня всей жизни на планете земля, красивое лицо женщины богини, вулкан -эмоции, комета ударяет планету земля -перерождение жизни-смерти, новая жизнь, #художник на коленях ползает рисует свои картины. Это моя новая символика, я развиваю эти символы за последние три года, чёрно-белыми рисунками развивать проще всего. #Богословский #Bogoslowsky #newyorkartist #newyorkartists #originalartist #originalartists #saatchiart #saatchiartist #saatchitakeover #saatchiartcollector ##volunteering #fundraiserevent #russian #russianartist #washingtondc #dc #donation
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andreybogoslowsky · 3 months
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andreybogoslowsky · 3 months
And here is the most profound wisdom I can think of right now
I just deleted 1500 videos on my hard drive. Many of them were viral videos of my own creations.
I don’t want to have any attachments
Yesterday is gone what matter is now moment, and how it will impact my future
I am on a beautiful beach, and people look at my footprints in the sand and offer me money for some of my footprints. I accept gender donations.
True joy of life is the walk on the beach. I don’t look back at my footprints.
No reason to keep anything in my computer files I think I’ll be perfectly happy without the past at all
Andrey #Bogoslowsky
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andreybogoslowsky · 3 months
I speak up my ♾️#mind louder #censorship. I’ll #destroy #evil day after day I fight #real #God #war
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andreybogoslowsky · 3 months
Keep in mind you’re not really competing with other #artists .
Most of artwork sold in cyberspace falls into category “hotel art”.
It’s kind of art doesn’t bother you.
the kind of art you can sit in the waiting room and it will not inspire any deep thoughts.
It’s just a #decoration.
I’m talking about 90% of what is being shown and sold, is an overpriced #souvenir an #expensive #Chachka #Kitsch .
People who buy this cheap #artwork have no higher aspirations because often those are institutions like hotels hospitals. They don’t want to spend too much, because it might get stolen as well .
I heard people steal goddamn towels from hotels.
I personally never use the hotel towel. When I travel around the world I always have my own towel and my own toothbrush.
It reminds me that guy from “hitchhikers guide to the galaxy”
I think the outer was on to something 😜 I #love #DouglasAdams .
Interestingly, enough during my experience with artificial intelligence, chatGPT, AI referred to Douglas Adams style as a “flimsy”style, and I took it as a personal #assault on all humanity 😡
#AI didn’t make any comments about #Dostoyevsky and #Tolstoy style. And this sounds like #brown #nosing #classical #literature .
(I was asking it to rewrite my statements. I was experimenting with complexity of AI ,
trying to figure out how infinite it is).
it’s not even #art.
it’s painted on cheapest canvas possible, at the fastest speed possible.
I have done it when I was 22-year-old in Madrid. I was receiving $400 for a big canvas size 1 m x 2 m.
Big black bull 🐂 painted in my #expresdionist style with a guy who is killing the bull, and a nude woman, all pink, with big nipples, and hairy pussy.
I was getting $400 for each and my job was to paint three paintings like this every week. They rented a studio apartment just for me.
in a period of six months they/art gallery had three art shows.
I accidentally came to one art opening reception #vernisage .
I met some Mexican guy.
I forgot his name, Rodriguez, I guess Rodriguez, who was introduced to everybody as a #creator of those #paintings and here I am standing like a fucking idiot looking at my paintings, with no signature, of course.
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andreybogoslowsky · 3 months
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#Ancient #alien #stellar #navigation #maps my #original #concept 15 years
#Quantum #idea : #signals #information #penetrating fabric #spacetime #humanity #technology decipher #wisdom #Encyclopedia #Galactica #DNA
#intuitively #quantummind #Quantumphysics #bogoslowsky #King ♾️
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andreybogoslowsky · 3 months
Let’s see how it’s gonna show up here on Tumblr 
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andreybogoslowsky · 3 months
#Spontaneity + #precision “letting go”-my #virtue #yoga #Krishna #Karmayoga #Ayurveda #LifeStyle 😎
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andreybogoslowsky · 3 months
I get #inspired #visual I #love looking at my #beautiful #girlfriend #flowers #landscapes #artwork
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andreybogoslowsky · 3 months
This is the best performance video, talking about my life. This is the last minute when I culminate my emotions with tears and scream for justice, demanding to find love within my heart before I depart from earth.
I think this is everybody’s objective in life
What can be greater goal in life but love ❤️
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andreybogoslowsky · 3 months
I drive #inspiration from #visual properties of this #universe. I pay💰 #attention to small things
no other way to create anything new. You must go deep into your subconsciousness and bring out your fears and face your demons it’s now on never.
If it’s not you, who will ??
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andreybogoslowsky · 3 months
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