annietheartsyartist · 18 days
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Wednesday and Enid after their "first time" (Version A and B).
*Created for a story by @wenclairfamily
**Full Disclosure: My pictures are hand drawn sketches MIXED with AI (which I use to essentially quicken the process of doing the coloring, background, and fine details). Due to the controversial nature of AI, I NEVER charge anyone for work I do that uses AI.
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annietheartsyartist · 19 days
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Wednesday and Enid... I know there's like a million other people out there that draw them, and there's way too many pictures of them that are totally literred all over social media... but I don't care. I don't draw them to gain fame... I draw them because I LOVE drawing them!!!!
**Full Disclosure: My pictures are hand drawn sketches MIXED with AI (which I use to essentially quicken the process of doing the coloring, background, and fine details). Due to the controversial nature of AI, I NEVER charge anyone for work I do that uses AI.
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annietheartsyartist · 21 days
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Future Enid, sitting with her daughter Harmony. Harmony is also the daughter of Wednesday, so like her goth mother - Harmony sometimes has a little difficultly with her feelings. Luckily Enid is always there to support her daughter and walk her through any emotions she's experiencing.
**Full Disclosure: My pictures are hand drawn sketches MIXED with AI (which I use to essentially quicken the process of doing the coloring, background, and fine details). Due to the controversial nature of AI, I NEVER charge anyone for work I do that uses AI.
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annietheartsyartist · 22 days
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The Wenclair Wedding! There was one important thing in my mind I had when working on the faces for this. Enid on her wedding day is 100 percent confident and certain of what she is doing. Wednesday however isn't. Showing any disney of affection is uncomfortable for her. However I know that after the wedding is over... Wednesday would realize this was the greatest choice she ever made.
**Full Disclosure: My pictures are hand drawn sketches MIXED with AI (which I use to essentially quicken the process of doing the coloring, background, and fine details). Due to the controversial nature of AI, I NEVER charge anyone for work I do that uses AI.
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annietheartsyartist · 23 days
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When @wenclairfamily asked if I could make Wednesdsay and Enid in the wild west; I thought that was the weirdest request ever made... which is why I had to do it! :)
**Full Disclosure: My pictures are hand drawn sketches MIXED with AI (which I use to essentially quicken the process of doing the coloring, background, and fine details). Due to the controversial nature of AI, I NEVER charge anyone for work I do that uses AI.
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annietheartsyartist · 24 days
This picture is one of my proudest accmomplishments. I LOVE the Future Wenclair Family!
"A Family Weekend" - A Future Wenclair Family Comedy Adventure Tale
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Story Summary: On the day before Wednesday and Enid's children turn eighteen, the family cat is accused of some wrong doing; which results in the most wacky and insane adventure for the Wenclair Family yet!
Wednesday Addams and Enid Sinclair. They were a duo that shouldn't have worked... but they did... and somehow their relationship resulted in marriage. Now, Wednesday and Enid work at their old school: Nevermore Academy as teachers, raising up an entire new generation; including their own twin seventeen year old daughters: Harmony and Ana. Harmony, who carries both of her mother's special abilities, continues to grow and explore the world with her girlfriend (and now fiancé) Megan. Ana meanwhile is a different story. Today we explore what the entire Addams Family is up to just one day before all of our teenage characters turn eighteen years old... and just one week before the planned date for Harmony and Megan's wedding...
"A Family Weekend"
Written by: "Fun But Shy Girl"
Story by: "Shadow From The Past"
One Saturday morning, Wednesday was in her living quarters at Nevermore Academy eagerly pounding away at her typewriter while writing a novel. However her typing was soon interrupted by Enid walking into room as she said, "Howdy roomy." As Wednesday kept her eyes fixed on her type writer, she said, "Enid, I am attempting to finish my latest novel; and you know how I value my writing time on Saturdays." Then Enid lovingly put her hands on Wednesday's shoulders as she said, "I know... but... tonight is Family Movie Night! I know we postponed it twice already now, but I really wanna make sure we don't back out tonight. Harmony and Ana turn eighteen tomorrow, and I want us to spend their last night as our little girls watching a movie with us like we've always done once every year. Which means... no feigning illnesses, no setting loose tarantulas all over the room, and no claiming you have some demons to go fight... again. Family Movie Night is about family!" Wednesday then turned to look at Enid, and immediately saw her wife's pleading eyes.
Wednesday rolled her own eyes, sighed, and then said, "Very well Enid. As we negotiated during our first year of marriage, I shall honor my commitment to watch one non-holiday related film of your choosing from start to finish during the month of our children's birth." Then Enid moved her mouth near Wednesday's ear as she said, "And just a little reminder... that means no criticizing the movie in any way, no repulsive comments on how emotions in the film are conveyed, and no complaints about the seemingly long run time. Understood?" Wednesday then glared at Enid as she said, "Can I at least know what the name of the film that shall torture me is ahead of time?" Then a grinning Enid said, "No Wens-babe. Not knowing what the film is ahead of time is part of the fun!" Then a smiling Enid skipped out of the room, while an angry looking Wednesday turned to look at her type writer once more.
In the student restaurant at Nevermore Academy: Harmony and Megan were sitting at a table with Megan's parents: Max and Alisha. As Alisha was glancing at her phone, she said, "So as of now, the forecast for your outdoor wedding is looking like clear skies. However if the weather does become bad, we already have the nearby rec center booked out." A smiling Harmony looked grateful as she said, "Thank you Mister and Mrs Zimmerman. I don't think I can show enough gratitude to you both for paying for this wedding ceremony." Max smiled as he said, "Harmony, you're about be our daughter in law. Feel free to start calling us mom and dad. We're family now, and we're happy to help. Besides, I may be unfamiliar with the traditions of werewolf unions, and I have no idea what the traditional Addams Family Mamushka Dance is... but I insist you allow me to carry out my family's tradition of the father of the beautiful bride covering any costs for a wedding." Then Alisha interrupted Max as she said, "Actually Max, I told Wednesday and Enid they can cover the costs of 15th century swords and ancient werewolf talismans... especially since I didn't even know where to look for things like that on eBay."
Megan smiled as she said, "The point is it sounds like we're just about ready for our wedding now... although we still haven't picked out a wedding song for our first dance at the reception." Then just as Ana came over to refill everyone's drinks, she said, "You do know Lady Gaga makes the best wedding music, right? Bloody Mary would be a perfect song for you both. I mean the internet somehow already decided that particular song works perfect whenever members of our family rock their best moves." Harmony glared at Ana as she said, "Ana, we are not doing Lady Gaga music at our wedding!" Ana rolled her eyes as she said, "Fine. Your loss. I'll just enjoy dancing to it alone with Gerard after we go haunt some counterfeit money operators we plan to take down next Monday. " A curious Harmony then asked, "Who is this Gerard you keep mentioning?" Ana suddenly had a panicked face as she yelled, "I don't have a crush on him!" Everyone then turned to look at Ana with confused faces. Ana suddenly looked very nervous as she said, "Umm... I'm gonna go see how Stormageddon the Conqueror is doing in the kitchen."
Then as Ana headed to the kitchen, Megan's brother Edward walked over to the group as he said, "You like paaaancakes!?" Alisha smiled as she said, "They were actually incredibly delicious son. Thank you." Then as Max began to stand up, he said, "Well, we have to go take Edward to meet with his inclusion specialist now. We'll see you all later." Max, Alisha, and Edward then left the school restaurant, while Harmony and Megan waved to them. A smiling Harmony then looked at Megan as she said, "Your brother is such a sweet guy. I feel bad that once we get married and graduate from here, we won't get to spend as much time with him." Then Megan causally said, "Well we'll likely have him around a lot more once my parents get too old to take care of him." Harmony quickly looked caught off guard as she said, "What!? Edward is gonna move in with us?" Megan looked a bit confused as she said, "I mean... obviously not right away, but... he's my brother. Once my parents get too old, it'll be up to us to look after him."
Harmony looked a bit worried as she said, "Megan, I... I like your brother, but... I just didn't think I'd be caring for him in my own home one day." Megan closed her eyes, sighed, and then looked at Harmony as she said, "It's my fault I didn't even think about bringing up Edward in our premarital counseling sessions. Look... I know there's lots of programs out there that help adults with disabilities in very comfortable accommodation settings... but I don't want my brother being taken care of by strangers. I want him to always be in the company of family. Look... my parents are still gonna look after Edward for a long time... so can we take some time to think about this and discuss it later?" Harmony took a deep breath... and then nodded her head as she said, "Okay."
Then Ana suddenly walked over to the two, while her cat was sitting on her shoulder. An excited Ana then said, "Guys. You need to try the new chocolate pancakes Stormageddon the Conqueror just made! They're made completely out of chocolate!" Then a confused Megan asked, "If they're made completely out of chocolate... wouldn't they just be... chocolate?" Then a nervous Ana put a finger near her mouth as she said, "Shhh! Don't let the government know about that! If the truth gets out, they'll cover our secret like the Roswell conspiracy! Oh, by the way Harmony - a letter just came for you in the mail." Ana then handed Harmony a letter. Harmony's eyes immediately widened as she said, "Oh my God! This must be my acceptance letter to Jordan University. After Megan got hers weeks ago, I was wondering what happened to mine." As an excited Harmony opened her letter, a smiling Megan said, "Oh boy. Once you're in babe, we are immediately going to pick out the best couples dorm on campus to live in."
Then as Harmony looked at her letter... her face immediately looked down as she said, "I didn't get in. I mean... they say I'm on the wait list, but... how did this happen?" Then a frustrated Megan said, "How could they not let you in!? I mean... you're a genius!" Then Ana nodded her head as she casually said, "Yeah. I mean you and Megan used to build giant robots before doing the strange and unexplainable became monopolized by me and Stormageddon the Conqueror. There's no good season why they shouldn't have let you in." Megan looked at Harmony with a determined look in her eyes as she said, "You totally need to meet with the admissions officer in person and make them see you are totally Jordan University material!" A disappointed looking Harmony then said, "Yeah, but it could take weeks to make an appointment." Then Ana quickly began texting on her phone as she said, "Actually... I just got you an appointment this afternoon!" A wide eyed Harmony looked at her sister with amazement as she said, "Seriously!? How did you pull that off!?" Then Ana casually said, "Oh. Stormageddon the Conqueror is on the Jordan University Board of Directors."
A very confused Megan then said, "Hold on! How can your cat be on the board of directors of the biggest university in our state?" Ana continued to sound casual as she said, "He made a record size contribution to the school, which allowed him immediate special privileges... including ensuring that a class on the history of feline worship is a mandatory course for individuals in every major. But regardless, you better get prepared for that interview Harmony." Harmony immediately jumped up and hugged Ana as she said, "Thanks sis." Then Harmony quickly gave Ana's cat a quick kiss on the cheek as she said, "And thank you Stormageddon the Conqueror." Then as Harmony quickly rushed out of the restaurant, an impressed Megan said, "Well I gotta say Ana... you have a pretty amazing cat there." Then as a happy Ana stroked her cat, she smiled while saying, "Aw, yeah. Everyone loves Stormageddon the Conqueror."
Then suddenly a female voice filled the restaurant yelling, "There's the cat we hate!" Ana turned her head with a confused face, as she saw a blonde woman in her late 30's (wearing a long dress and stockings) carrying a box into the restaurant. A confused Ana then asked, "Can I help you ma'am?" The blonde woman pointed at Ana's cat as she yelled, "Oh, you can help all right! Help explain the terrible crime your cat committed upon my family!" Just as the blonde woman finished saying her last sentence - Wednesday and Enid walked into the restaurant looking confused and concerned. The two then approached the blonde woman as Enid said, "Ma'am, if you have a problem with our daughter and her cat, your problem is also with us." Wednesday then calmly looked at the woman as she said, "Please state your name and issue." The blonde woman glared directly at Wednesday as she said, "You may call me Mrs Weiss... and my issue is this!" The blonde woman then opened up her box, and showed a female mother cat with many kittens laying near it. An excited Enid immediately had her face light up as she said, "Aww! They're so cute!" Mrs Weiss then looked angry as she said, "Yeah! I'm sure they look cute to you all... and quite familiar... because the one who violated Miss Whiskers here, and the one who is the father to these kittens... is Stormageddon the Conqueror!" A very startled Ana then yelled, "What!?" Ana's cat meanwhile had his eyes widen as he yelled, "Rowr!?"
Mrs Weiss then pointed at Ana's cat as she said, "I've seen your cat hanging around my place before flirting with Miss Whiskers! But when Miss Whiskers rejected your cat's advances, he forced her into early motherhood! For his crime, I demand restitution from your family!" Ana then glanced at her cat as she said, "You know anything about this Stormageddon the Conqueror?" Ana's cat quickly turned his head back and forth as he said, "Rowr." Ana then glared at Mrs Weiss while she said, "Stormagedon the Conqueror doesn't even know Miss Whiskers! Where's your proof!?" Mrs Weiss held up several photographs as she said, "What proof do you need!? The kittens look just like your cat! They only need mini hats to look the same! Plus, I've got photos of your cat running through my backyard!" Then Ana angerly yelled, "Stormageddon the Conqueror takes short cuts through lots of people's backyards during his daily runs!"
Mrs Weiss looked more angry than ever now as she yelled, "No more excuses! I'm gonna bleed your family dry in court until you finally give Miss Whiskers all she's due in both child support and the lifelong therapy sessions she'll need after the violation she endured! I demand restitution this very weekend!" Then Enid stepped forward as she said, "Mrs Weiss, lets please be reasonable. As much we all seem to love our respective pets... I don't think any major court is going to take a case related to feline parentage... and especially not on a weekend." Then a reluctant Megan raised up her hand, and then slowly said, "Well... I don't know if I should be recommending this... but I think I do know of an establishment that could solve your dispute very quickly..."
Harmony sat in an admissions office (wearing well dressed clothes) while facing a well dressed man who had black hair and glasses on his head. As Harmony sat slightly nervous (but still excited), she said, "Thank you so much for meeting with me today Mister Glicker." The admissions officer: Mister Glicker remained calm, but looked mildly unimpressed as he said, "Well, it would seem I have orders from above to give your application a more thorough review. Now then... I see you're currently obtaining your final high school credits at Nevermore Academy. That's the renowned school for outcasts, is it not?" Harmony quickly nodded her head as she said, "Yes... and there are normies attending there as well now. It's become all inclusive in recent years." Mister Glicker then glared at Harmony as he said, "Yes, well even with that being said, Nevermore Academy still is infamous for admitting anyone that identifies as different. However at this school we only accept students that wish to succeed! As a professor myself, I can say without a doubt the most disheartening thing I experienced in the role of educator is wasting my time teaching students that don't take their education seriously." Harmony then quickly said, "Oh, I take my education incredibly seriously sir."
Mister Glicker then leaned back in his chair slightly, while looking at a piece of paper as he said, "Is it your education you take seriously? I see someone you know has already put your name down on the application for one of the couples dorms. Her name is Megan Zimmerman, and she lists your name as her soon to be wife." Harmony began to look more nervous as she said, "Well, yes my fiance did apply to this school as well, and got in... but I assure you I was planning to attend here long before I made any plans of marriage." Mister Glicker put his paperwork down as he said, "Well even if this school did let you in, we would like to know if you understand the risk that your new marriage may pose to your studies' as it may act as a distraction, or may pose a hindrance to both your relationship and studies." Harmony had a determined look in her eyes as she said, "My two mothers got married young as well, and they were able to start up both a business and a family at the same time, and they did it with a lot less money in the bank at the beginning. However they both grew their business, and saved up lots of money so that I could afford to go to college, expand my mind, and look for opportunities they maybe couldn't have had. And thanks to them, my entire family is now only seen in an incredibly respectable light by highly respectable members of the community at large!"
A middle aged man stood in front of a large TV studio audience as he said, "Everyone, lets welcome the Addams Family to the Gary Sprinovich Show!" Then as Wednesday and Ana (with her cat on her shoulder) walked into the large TV studio, a large crowd of young adults in the audience immediately began yelling, "Gary! Gary! Gary! Gary! Gary!" As Wednesday walked over to her chair on stage, she looked incredibly uncomfortable and angry. Ana meanwhile looked very confidant as she sat down in a chair with her cat. On the other side of the stage, Mrs Weiss sat holding her own cat. As the audience settled down, the male host: Gary looked at the audience while saying, "Welcome back to another special episode of our On the Road Tour. So for those that are just joining in: Mrs Weiss here has a cat named Miss Whiskers, who just gave birth to a litter of kittens." On a TV screen nearby, video footage was shown of the baby kittens. The entire audience immediately said, "Awwwww." Then Gary looked directly at the audience as he said, "But according to Mrs Weiss, the father of these kittens is Stormageddon the Conqueror, who denies ever even knowing Miss Whiskers. So Mrs Weiss, tell us your side of the story."
Mrs Weiss looked very calm while looking at Gary as she said, "Well Gary, I saw Stormageddon the Conqueror pushing some very special catnip into my yard one day, if you know what I'm saying; hoping my little Miss Whiskers would start sniffing it... and when she did, that crazy male cat forced Miss Whiskers into some feline five minutes of heaven deal, and then bailed on taking responsibility for his offspring." Then an angry Ana yelled, "That is not true! Stormageddon the Conqueror is not some kind of player. He's a respectable business leader, philanthropist, music star, five star chef, and respected consultant with both the CIA and FBI! He is no player. However what this women is doing here is try to play the system and get some serious money from my family! Everyone knows my mom: Wednesday Addams here is loaded. You think this is the first time someone has tried to advantage of our family!" Gary then looked at Wednesday as he said, "Now Mrs Addams, thanks to the Netflix series based on your life, it is common knowledge now that you've made many enemies that have tried to harm you in your life. Do you think Mrs Weiss may secretly be attempting to be yet another in a long line of people attempting to hurt you and your family?"
Wednesday then glared directly at a nearby TV camera as she said, "Gary, I have been nearly killed by demons, came close to being transformed into a zombie, was nearly defeated by an army of sirens and lizard creatures, had my life almost taken by a dark alternate universe version of myself... and yet, the only true enemy I see to all humanity is you and this tabloid trash program I have regretfully put myself on." Gary chuckled, and then smiled to the camera as he said, "Guilty as charged." The audience of young adults all laughed loudly, and then began excitedly chanting, "Gary! Gary! Gary! Gary! Gary!" Meanwhile at the front of the audience, Enid and Megan sat together. Enid then glanced at Megan as she said, "You actually thought this would be a good idea!?" Megan looked guilty as she said, "His show always gets results. I'm sorry."
Meanwhile on stage, Mrs Weiss began putting on tears as she said, "I'm not here to be a bad woman. I'm a kind gentle lady who has an American flag planted firmly on her lawn, who always stands for the national anthem, believes in free speech, loves apple pie, and keeps a pocket copy of the US constitution in her purse at all times." The entire audience then immediately said, "Awwww." Ana made an angry look as she said, "Are you all crazy people!? Are you seriously showing us that all someone has to do is yell about how they love America, and suddenly almost no one believes they've ever committed a crime!?" Wednesday then leaned over to Ana as she quietly said, "Welcome to the senseless world of adulthood Ana."
Then Gary walked closer to the ladies as he said, "Now Ana, I'm sure it must be rough for you to have a cat so young suddenly become a parent." Then Ana casually said, "Oh, Stormageddon the Conqueror isn't as young as he looks. I simply give him cute pills that I obtained from the Secret Mystical Caves of Minnesota to keep him looking youthful and adorable." Gary then sat near Ana as he said, "Regardless... lets be completely honest here... are you not telling me your cat doesn't remotely look like Miss Whisker's kittens?" The nearby TV screen now showed a close up image of Ana's cat, next to an image of the kittens. An angry Mrs Weiss then pointed to the screen as she said, "Look at the noses! Look at the fur! Those are his kittens I tell you! His kittens!" Then Gary looked directly at Ana's cat as he said, "Now Stormageddon the Conqueror, you still claim you're not the father. Is that correct?" Ana's cat nodded his head while saying, "Rowr."
Then Gary tried to sound casual as he said, "Now I hear you actually have a steady girlfriend right now named Princess Snuggles. So if our DNA test reveals you are the father to Miss Whiskers' kittens, how do you think your girlfriend would feel?" Ana's cat then tilted his head down slightly as he nervously said, "Rowr." Then Gary made a little smile as he said, "Well Stormageddon the Conqueror, what would you say if I told you that your girlfriend: Princess Snuggles was backstage right now!?" Then Ana's cat suddenly looked worried as he said, "Rowr!?" Then a very nervous Ana said, "Hold on! You didn't tell us about this!" Then video footage appeared on the nearby TV screen of a white female cat standing backstage. Then Gary held out his arm as he said, "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Princess Snuggles!"
Then the white cat: Princess Snuggles walked onto the stage, as most of the young adult audience jumped out of their seats and yelled, "Ooooohhhhhhhh!" Then the other female cat: Miss Whiskers jumped off Mrs Weiss' lap and stood on the stage. Princess Snuggles then angerly looked at Miss Whiskers as she yelled, "Rowr! Rowr!" Then Miss Whiskers turned her body to the side and calmly said, "Meow, meow. Meow, meooooow." Then Princess Snuggles immediately yelled, "ROWR!" Then Princess Snuggles immediately jumped at Miss Whiskers with her claws out. Miss Whiskers fought back, and soon both female felines were fighting each other across the stage. As security guards ran onto the stage trying to get between the two female cats, Ana looked worried while she yelled, "Stop it you two!" Wednesday meanwhile just looked disgusted as she turned her head away. However the young adult audience looked extremely excited, as they all started jumping up and down as they screamed, "GARY! GARY! GARY! GARY! GARY!" Then Gary simply turned to looked at the camera, smiling as he said, "Well how about that folks!? A real cat fight on our show! We'll come back to see how these crazy cats work things out... after the break."
Harmony was sitting in the admission office as she was still nervously facing Mister Glicker. Mister Glicker then glared at Harmony as she said, "I must say Harmony, you're checking all the boxes of what a student is supposed to say in these interviews... but I've also heard plenty of other students say the same thing. It's all phony talk they don't actually mean. For years now I've encountered overconfident students that think they can take on any challenge life has for them. However as soon as classes really begin, reality comes crashing down on them, and I have students in my office crying over the fact that they're failing every course they're in. What makes you different than all the other lazy dreamers I've encountered before?"
Harmony took a deep breath, and then looked directly at Mister Glicker's face as she said, "Sir... I can understand your reluctance to what might happen if I attend your college. It's obvious you see me as a wild card. You fear I may be someone trying to skate in on the title of equal opportunity, or just wanna play house in college. However, I ask you not to judge me based on fears and assumptions, but rather on what I vow I will do as a student here. I understand that in college, I will have to fend for myself as many unexpected challenges come my way. Yes, I will be married by the time I start classes here. However my wife will be busy being a student as well. Each of us will be enrolling in different majors. So we'll both be on different paths in which we will have to figure out unique solutions to unique difficulties all on our own. But I promise I will work as hard as possible to always work smarter and not harder at every challenge that comes my way. To quote my mother, Wednesday Addams: Instead of cutting off the hydra's head and having it attack you with two others, sometimes you have to try to strangle it little by little to truly defeat it."
Mister Glicker then looked surprised as he said, "Wait a minute. I thought the last name was just a coincidence, but... is your mother the Wednesday Addams?" Harmony looked a bit surprised herself as she said, "Yes. Is that a problem?" Mister Glicker smiled as he said, "Well, actually..." Then suddenly the two heard loud chanting through the walls. A confused Harmony then asked, "What's going on?" Mister Glicker groaned, and then said, "They rent out the school auditorium to just about anyone these days, and sometimes our guests forget this is still an operating school on Saturdays. Excuse me for a minute as I tell the people renting our space to quiet down a bit." Mister Glicker then left the room as a curious Harmony followed him.
In the TV studio, Gary looked at the TV camera as he said, "Welcome back folks. Now before we went to commercial break, Stormageddon the Conqueror's girlfriend: Princess Snuggles, and Stormageddon the Conqueror's alleged mistress: Miss Whiskers got into a tussle. Now, everyone has agreed to calm down until we give the DNA results. Now Stormageddon the Conqueror, if it is proven you are the father of these kittens, will you and your family promise to help give whatever money they need to be well taken car of?" Ana's cat closed his eyes, and then silently nodded his head. Ana meanwhile just sighed, and calmly said, "Whatever." Then Gary looked at Mrs Weiss as he said, "And Mrs Weiss... if Stormageddon the Conqueror is not the father, will your promise to let this controversy go?" Mrs Weiss sighed, and then said, "I suppose." Gary then opened up an envelope, and looked at a paper in it as he said, "Now then, according to our DNA test... in the case of Miss Whisker's litter of kittens... Stormageddon the Conqueror... you are not the father."
The entire young adult audience immediately yelled, "Ooooohhhh!" Mrs Weiss meanwhile looked angry as she yelled, "What!?" Ana at the same moment: jumped out of her seat and began to dance as she excitedly yelled, "I told you! Yeah! Whoomp! There it is! Whoomp! There it is!" Then Ana immediately began break dancing, twerking, and doing flips on the stage... while Wednesday turned her head away in shame. Mrs Weiss then angerly stood up as she screamed, "Arrgh! How dare that idiot guy at the DNA lab not falsify the results like I told him to!? How much does a woman have to bribe someone to get things her way!?" Everyone immediately began to quiet down, as a suddenly more concerned Wednesday said, "What did you say?" Mrs Weiss then looked furious as she said, "Errgh. After all these years I was finally going to get my revenge on the Addams Family by dragging their name into scandal, and draining their family's fortune in cat related bills. But instead, I have to settle for my backup plan!"
Then Miss Whiskers and her many kittens stood near Mrs Weiss as they began to loudly hiss. Mrs Weiss then yelled, "I call upon the ancient demon: Ahpuch, whom I sold my soul to! Transform your hell beasts into their true form to do my bidding!" Then Miss Whiskers and her kittens began to glow a dark red color. Then in an instant, all of Mrs Weiss' cats transformed into large red lions with fangs. Many members of the audience screamed and began to run away in terror. However Gary just smiled as he walked over to the lion beasts while excitedly saying, "My God, my ratings are about to go through the roof!" Then one of the lion beasts quickly pounced on Gary... and immediately began to eat him (with Gary screaming as he was eaten alive). Meanwhile Harmony and Mister Glicker walked into the room through a nearby door and immediately saw what was going on. Mister Glicker's eyes widened as he said, "I heard a TV show was going to use our school auditorium for something crazy this weekend... but nothing like this." Then a worried Harmony said, "Hold on. That's my family over there."
Meanwhile a confused Wednesday stood up, and glared at Mrs Weiss as she said, "Why are you doing this Mrs Weiss!? What did my family do to you?" Mrs Weiss glared at Wednesday as she said, "It's what you specifically did to me all those years ago that started this Wednesday Addams! You see Weiss is the name I took on when I married my late husband. However you knew me years ago under a different name... for I am your old mortal enemy... Amanda Buckman!"
Ana instantly gasped as she said, "Oh my gosh! She's... someone I don't recognize or know of." Wednesday looked very confused as she said, "Nor do I." The blonde woman: Amanda, looked angry as she said, "What do you mean you don't remember me!? You only ruined my childhood! Do I have to go through a series of flashbacks to remind you how you destroyed my life all those years ago Wednesday Addams!?" Then Ana raised her hand as she said, "Yes please!" Amanda rolled her eyes, and then said, "Well... it was over 25 years ago at Camp Chippewa..."
*Flashbacks to Long Ago:
Young Wednesday Addams was standing with her family on the first day of camp. A young Amanda walked over to Wednesday as she said, "Hi. I'm Amanda Buckman. Why are you dressed like that?" Wednesday glared at Amanda as she said, "Like what?" Then Amanda looked confused as she said, "Like you're going to a funeral. Why are you dressed like somebody died?" Wednesday had a deadly look in her eyes as she said, "Wait."
Days later during swimming lessons, the camp counselor looked at the campers as they said, "Now who wants to pretend to be the drowning victim, and who wants to be the life saver?" Amanda then excitedly said, "I'll be the victim!" Wednesday rolled her eyes as she said, "All your life." Amanda however kept a happy face on as she said, "I'm gonna be an actress." The camp counselor then said, "Brava! Now Amanda, jump in, swim out a few yards, and start drowning." Amanda then jumped into the water, and quickly began to pretend she was drowning as she said, "Help me! Help me! I'm drowning! Help me! I'm dying!" Then Amanda went under the water as a deadpan Wednesday said, "I can't swim." Then everyone began to get worried as Amanda disappeared under the water, and only bubbles could be seen coming up.
At the end of the camp season, the campers were performing a Thanksgiving play. As Wednesday stood on stage dressed as a Native American, she looked at Amanda and the other popular girls at camp (dressed as Pilgrims) while saying, "You have taken the land that is rightfully ours! Years from now, my people will be forced to live in mobile homes on reservations. Your people will wear cardigans and drink highballs. We will sell our bracelets by the roadsides. You will play golf and enjoy hot hors d'oeuvres. My people will have pain and degradation. Your people will have stick shifts." As the camp counselors tried to stop what Wednesday was doing, an angry Wednesday proclaimed, "The Gods of my tribe have spoken! They have said do no trust the Pilgrims... especially Sarah Miller." Then Wednesday turned to look right at Amanda in character as she said, "And for all these reasons, I have decided to scalp you, and burn your village to the ground." Suddenly many other campers joined Wednesday in attacking Amanda and her friends on stage, along with wreaking havoc on the camp. As fire was set to the stage, Amanda was tied to a wooden stake by Wednesday's allies, and even had an apple shoved in her mouth (while gasoline was poured near her feet). The adults could do nothing though as many campers shot arrows of fire at them (along with many other dangerous pranks). Then as fire and screaming surrounded her, Wednesday casually walked towards the tied up Amanda with a very calm face. Then as Amanda tried to scream through the apple in her mouth, Wednesday pulled out a match that was tucked in her hair, lit the match, held the match between her fingers for a moment as she smiled... and then threw the match at Amanda's feet.
In the present, adult Amanda yelled, "I got third degree burns on my legs, which destroyed any dreams I had to be a swimsuit model! Not that I'd want to get near the water anyway after nearly drowning because of you! Thanks to that traumatic event, I can never go to beaches or lakes or pools again! And when I went back to school right after camp ended, people found out I was wearing a wig after you scalped me, and I never recovered from that humiliation! From there, I lost all confidence in myself and lost every opportunity to find success. My entire life was ruined because you decided to make me your mortal enemy that summer!" Wednesday then looked at Amanda with a confused face as she said, "Honestly... I don't remember any of that. I've tortured more people that I've found repulsive than I can count. It's not that I doubt your claims. However the events you describe from our shared experience seem far too insignificant for my childhood mind to remember." Then tears of anger filled Amanda's face as she screamed, "I was too insignificant for you to remember!? Well, you'll certainly remember me now... when you spend the rest of your life burning in hell knowing I sent you there! Attack them my beasts!"
Amanda motioned to her multiple red lion beasts. The lion beasts then ran at Wednesday and Ana with their fangs out... but then suddenly Enid and Harmony (in werewolf form) jumped onto the stage and punched several of the lion beasts to the ground. They were immediately followed by Megan who fired an arrow from a crossbow at another beast. Wednesday and Ana then each took out swords they had been hiding behind their backs, while a glaring Wednesday said, "You may have wild beasts from hell, but I have something far more dangerous and deadly... my family!" Amanda looked angry as she yelled, "Get up my beasts!" Then as Wednesday, Enid, Harmony, Ana, and Megan stood together; Wednesday calmly said, "I've read of these beasts. They are simply phantoms from hell with no soul. They were never alive... so feel no inclination to hold back."
Then as Amanda stood tall and proud she yelled, "You cannot defeat my creatures that easily Wednesday Addams! These beasts are the former pets of Lucifer himself. There is no way you and your pathetic clan can stop..." However Amanda stopped talking as she suddenly realized Wednesday, Enid, Harmony, Ana, and Megan were already attacking her beasts... and within seconds the attacks of swords, claws, and arrows instantly caused all of the lion beasts to be torn apart to shreds. Amanda immediately fell to her knees scared, while Wednesday (covered in blood from the lion beasts) walked towards Amanda with her sword out. As Amanda began to cower in fear, Wednesday looked blankly at Amanda as she said, "I believe I do remember you now. Didn't you used to sell girl scout cookies in town when you were young?" A confused but still scared Amanda said, "Yes, I did." Then Wednesday held her sword up as she said, "Well... I think I'm finally ready to try some delicious girl scout cookies... made from real former girl scouts." Then Amanda closed her eyes as she screamed, "Aaaaahhhhhh!"
An hour later, police were on the scene taking statements from various individuals. As a normal looking Harmony was wiping some blood off her clothes, Wednesday walked over to her as she said, "I assume we interrupted your college admissions interview." Harmony sighed as she said, "Yeah, well... family comes first." Then suddenly Mister Glicker ran over to Harmony as he said, "Harmony, you were amazing just now! The way you fought against those beasts with such determination and strong will... you are certainly no slouch!" Then an excited Harmony asked, "So am I accepted into the school then?" Mister Glicker then happily said, "Of course. Although... if you had just told me your mother was the Wednesday Addams from the start of our interview, I would've immediately accepted your application. I mean... your mother and I do go way back." Wednesday then looked at Mister Glicker as she said, "Do I know you?" Mister Glicker smiled as he said, "Of course you do. Amanda isn't the only person you met at Camp Chippewa that never forgot you." Wednesday looked carefully at Mister Glicker's face for a moment... and then her eyes widened as she said, "Joel?" A confused Harmony then asked, "Who?"
*Flashbacks to Long Ago:
As a young Wednesday and Joel sat near a lake together at camp, Wednesday asked, "Are you really allergic?" Joel nodded as he said, "Uh huh. To almost everything." Wednesday rolled her eyes as she said, "No you're not." Then Joel calmly said, "Am too. I can't have dairy products, or wear wool, or drink fluoridated water. You know what happens if my mom uses a fabric softener?" A curious Wednesday then asked, "What?" Then Joel simply said, "I die." Then after a brief moment of silence, Wednesday found herself scooting towards Joel.
Near the end of the camp season - Wednesday and Joel faced each other through a fence as Wednesday said, "Joel, I may never see you again. There are forces tearing us apart. Gary, Debbie, seventh grade." Joel then longingly looked at Wednesday as he said, "I'll never forget you." A curious Wednesday then asked, "You won't?" Joel then looked longingly into Wednesday's eyes as he said, "You're too weird." Then as Wednesday held onto the fence she said, "We'll always have today... and Chippewa." Then a loving Joel said, "And this..." Then Joel held up a retainer as a curious Wednesday asked, "What is it?" A pleased Joel then said, "Amanda's retainer... cara mia..." Then a passionate Wednesday said, "Mon cherie..." Then Wednesday and Joel briefly kissed each other through the fence... and then quickly wiped their lips with their respective hands.
Months later, Wednesday and Joel sat in a cemetery together as Joel asked, "Wednesday, do you think like maybe some day you might wanna get married and have kids?" Wednesday simply looked at Joel with a cold look in her eyes as she said, "No." Then Joel innocently asked, "But what if you met just the right man who worshiped and adored you? Who'd do anything for you... who'd be your devoted slave... Then what would you do?" Then Wednesday looked at Joel with a blank look in her eyes as she said, "I'd pity him."
In the present, Wednesday looked at adult Joel with a confused face as she said, "Joel Glicker... I'm surprised to see you're still alive. I had assumed all this time you were dead since the last time I saw you: my uncle's late wife was trying to drag you into her grave with her." Joel smirked as he said, "Well, after Debbie was unintentionally turned into a zombie, she was able to pull me six feet underground... but I was able to crawl my way out a few days later." Wednesday then looked a bit uncomfortable as she said, "I... I didn't come back to check. I... I'm sorry." Joel smiled as he said, "It's okay. You know... you changed my life that summer we met Wednesday. I know we were never meant to be... but I just gotta say... no one in my life before or since has ever made me feel so alive and dead at the same time like the way you did that one special summer."
Then as Wednesday looked a bit guilty she said, "Well, I... I'm sorry that in my autobiography, I described Tyler as the first boy I ever kissed." Joel shrugged as he said, "Eh... it made for a more dramatic line when it was needed. That book and the TV show it spawned are amazing by the way. So... did you finally marry someone that worships you, adores you, and acts like your devoted slave?" Enid then walked past Wednesday as she said, "See you at home Wens-babe; and remember: family movie night is still on! And if you try skipping it, I am painting your finger nails with pink tar while you sleep!" As Enid walked away, Wednesday then turned to look right at Joel as she said, "My wife is indeed my worshiper, supporter, and devoted slave... but she is also my eternal torturer... which may have been the one missing alluring quality you lacked." Joel chuckled a bit, and then smiled as he said, "Never stop being yourself Wednesday." Joel then walked away, while Wednesday turned to look at Harmony (who had heard everything). Wednesday immediately glared at Harmony as she said, "Not a word of what you just heard to anyone." Harmony chuckled a bit, and then she turned around and walked towards Megan who cleaning herself up.
Suddenly Megan's parents: Max and Alicia, and Megan's brother: Edward rushed into the room. Alicia looked worried as she said, "We just heard what happened. Are you okay Megan?" Megan chuckled a bit, and then said, "Yeah, I'm fine. Relax mom. You know I've already lived through far worse attacks on my life than what happened here today. Besides, I had Harmony here with me. We got each other's backs for life." Harmony smiled as she said, "Yeah, and Megan has become pretty good with her crossbow skills thanks to my mother's self-defense classes." Alicia made a sigh of relief, and then said, "You're right. You're both about to become adults... and continuously have proven you're miraculous at defending yourselves." Then Megan casually asked, "So how has the day been for the rest of you?"
Then Max put an arm around Edward as he said, "Well... we got a great report from Edward's inclusion specialist. She said Edward has become extremely self-sufficient working at the school restaurant, and thanks to a good word from the principal of Nevermore Academy; a program and trust has already been put in place to keep Edward working at the school indefinitely, complete with room and board, even past graduation." Edward smiled as he said, "I make good paaaancakes forever!" A smiling Megan immediately hugged Edward as she said, "Edward, that's amazing. I'm so proud of you!" Then Megan turned to look at her parents as she said, "Wait. You say a trust has been put in place? How did that happen?"
Wednesday then suddenly walked towards the family (revealing she had overheard the conversation) as she said, "That was in part my doing. I influenced the school board to set aside funds in the school budget to ensure any of Edward's needs are looked after for the rest of his life by the school; or more specifically any staff hand-picked by the head of the school's security... which would be myself." Megan looked surprised as she asked, "You really mean it?" Wednesday looked at directly at Megan, and spoke directly as she said, "Megan, you are about to marry my daughter. That makes you family, and thus your brother by extension is now family as well; and if there's one thing those in the Addams Family value... it's looking out for family." Harmony looked happily surprised as she said, "Mother... you really did all that?" Tears appeared in Megan's eyes... and then she rushed over and hugged Wednesday as she said, "Thank you Mrs Addams." Wednesday simply stood looking uncomfortable as she said, "Please Megan, from here on out, just call me... ma'am."
Meanwhile at the same moment: Ana was sitting on the stage with her cat while saying, "Well we sure had a crazy day Stormageddon the Conqueror. You do know that I know you didn't cheat on your girlfriend, right? Everyone knows you're a responsible, loyal, and safe kitty." Ana's cat nodded his head as he said, "Rowr." Then the white cat: Princess Snuggles walked towards Ana's cat as she said, "Rowr." Ana then looked at Princess Snuggles as she said, "You okay after all that Princess Snuggles? I know you got really worked up after hearing all those lies said earlier." Then Princess Snuggles look at both Ana and her cat as she said, "Rowr, rowr, rowr." Ana looked surprised as she said, "Wait a minute. You were only over emotional because of some real news you got earlier. What news?" Princess Snuggles then pointed her front right paw at a small locket she was wearing. Ana carefully reached over, opened the locket, and then pulled out a small piece of paper folded in the locket. Ana gently unfolded the small piece of paper, looked carefully at it, and then smiled as she said, "This... this a note from Princess Snuggles' veterinarian that was printed this morning. According to this... it looks like Princess Snuggles... is pregnant! It looks like you're gonna be a father for real Stormageddon the Conqueror!" The eyes of Ana's cat immediately widened as he said, "ROWR!?"
That evening in her bedroom, Enid sat in an oversized pink shirt while a blanket lay over the bottom half of her body. Wednesday then walked into the room wearing a black sleeveless night gown, and began to get into bed with Enid. As a smiling Enid looked at Wednesday, she said, "Well... that was certainly quite a hectic day we had." As Wednesday looked at Enid with an emotionless face, she said, "We've had more hectic. However... the anger that fueled Amanda Buckman's heart today... it's caused me to realize that I may have far more enemies than I even realize Enid. Thus, it's only inevitable that a much more powerful enemy may attack me again one day... and put you and our family in their cross-hairs. So... if you wish to keep yourself safe, I would show no resistance if you and our children decided to go away for an indefinite period of time to..." Then Enid put a finger on Wednesday's mouth as she said, "Shhh. Don't talk like that Wednesday. I'm your wife... and our girls love you. No matter how tough things get, no matter how powerful the enemy is... we will always be by your side." Wednesday then looked straight into Enid's eyes as she said, "But the dreams I've been having recently... they've shown me an enemy that will indeed finally overpower me. If those dreams were indeed visions of the future..." Enid interrupted Wednesday again as she said, "Then if you get knocked down... you'll get right on up again... with a little help from this family... because no one can keep the Addams Family down for long."
Soon Ana (wearing just an over-sized purple shirt) and her cat entered the room. As Ana sat on the bed, she happily asked, "So when's movie night gonna begin?" A smiling Enid then said, "When Harmony and Megan get in here. So... I hear we're not gonna be the only parents living in this house soon?" Ana's cat then simply sat on the bed as he said, "Rowr." Ana made a little sigh while still smiling, and then said, "Well... in order to not be too far from his new family when they're born, Stormageddon the Conqueror is gonna be living with Princess Snuggles starting next Monday. She's already living with Duncan's cousin who is a very nice lady, and she also has a giant back yard big enough for a large family of cats, so I know they'll all be very happy together there. But we'll still see our feline buddy around often." Ana's cat then made a small smile as he said, "Rowr." Enid made a slightly sad sigh, but still smiled as she said, "Aww. You mean Stormageddon the Conqueror is gonna move out the same week as Harmony? Wow. Once Ana goes off to college, this house is going to become so quiet." Then a pleased looking Wednesday said, "Which means I'll finally get a great deal of writing done."
Then as a smiling Ana leaned back on the bed, she said, "Don't worry moms. I'll keep mooching off you two for as long as I can get away with it. Besides, me and Gerard are always looking for a spooky and ghost friendly place to hang out at, and this place is perfect for him." A confused looking Enid then asked, "Who is this Gerard you're talking about?" Ana's face suddenly blushed bright red as she said, "He's not my boyfriend! He's a boy, and he's a friend. But he's not my boyfriend!" Wednesday and Enid then both looked at Ana with concerned faces, while a nervous and blushing Ana turned her head away.
Suddenly Harmony and Megan entered the bedroom; as Harmony was still in her well dressed outfit from earlier, while Megan was in a more comfortable blue shirt and sweat pants. Enid looked excited as she said, "Hey you two. I was worried you were gonna miss this." As Harmony and Megan sat down in some nearby chairs, Harmony said, "Yeah, well... me and Megan were just spending the last few hours getting all our paperwork together for when we get our marriage license." A smiling Megan then said, "Plus, we finalized the seating arrangement with all the grandparents." Harmony then looked a bit stressed out as she said, "Although understanding the seating arrangements that Grandma Morticia recommended was very difficult to understand. She kept going back to Who is at Seat 1." A relieved Enid then said, "Finally! I'm not the only one that feels that way!"
Megan chuckled a bit, and then said, "Regardless, this means we are 99 percent ready for our wedding now... with the only thing we still haven't figured out is what our wedding song should be." Then an excited Ana said, "You know... Lady Gaga has so many great songs that work perfect for weddings. I mean, who wouldn't want to dance and sing to Telephone on their big day?" Harmony glared at Ana as she said, "Ana, we are not having the first thing we dance to as a married couple be a song that early on says: Are you breaking up with me?" Megan also glared at Ana as she said, "Yeah, you really need to drop this obsession you have with trying to get us to play Lady Gaga music at our wedding." Ana then glared back at Harmony and Megan as she said, "Hey! Lady Gaga music works great for any occasion! Just ask anyone who remembers the greatest Super Bowl halftime show ever made... or that time when I ignored my 5th grade music teacher and sang Just Dance in the middle of our school's Mary Poppins show. I mean I think we can all agree that my little rewrite of the musical made Chimney Sweep Number 5 the most amazing character that night, am I right?"
The End held up the television remote as she said, "Okay. Everyone, get comfortable. It's time for the movie." Ana then laid on her side on the bed, while Harmony and Megan sat on the floor in front of the bed. Ana's cat meanwhile sat in between Wednesday and Enid. As everyone looked at the television screen that was facing the bed, a smiling Enid said, "Here we go." Then the television screen was turned on... to an image of a pregnant Wednesday sitting in a chair near a window. A confused Harmony then asked, "Wait. Is that mother?" An intrigued Ana then said, "Actually, I think it's Jenna Ortega dressed up as mother! Ooo! Is this the second season of the Wednesday TV series!? I heard they already started filming it! Did Netflix send us an advance copy!? Aw man, this is one crazy twist to open the new season with!"
Enid chuckled as she said, "No, that's your mother when she was pregnant with you girls. For movie night: I edited together all of our old home movies. I wanted us to look back at our family over the last 18 years before you girls turn 18 tomorrow." Megan smiled as she said, "Aww. That's so nice." Ana meanwhile looked disappointed as she said, "Aww; I was hoping we were gonna watch Wednesday Season 2. God, how long is it gonna take for Netflix to finally deliver that second season to us!? It's taking forever!"
As everyone focused on the TV screen, they saw handheld footage of Enid holding her camera phone as she walked through the hospital hallway while saying, "Okay. I just stepped out to use the bathroom. Now lets check in on how Wednesday and the girls are." Then Enid with her camera phone walked into the hospital room... to see Wednesday holding her newborn twin children... with tears in her eyes. A surprised Enid zoomed in on Wednesday's face as she said, "Wednesday... are you crying?" With tears still in her eyes, Wednesday glared at the camera as she said, "No." Meanwhile in the bedroom, everyone but Wednesday began laughing; while Wednesday just rolled her eyes.
The movie eventually showed footage of baby Harmony and Ana crawling around on the floor. Baby Ana then picked up a plastic knife, and then began hitting a toy clown with it as she said, "Stab, stab!" As Wednesday watched the movie in bed, she began to look impressed as she said, "Ana's form was definitely beyond her years early on." Then more clips of Harmony and Ana growing up passed. Eventually: footage of Harmony and Ana played that featured them at five years old using crossbows to shoot at a large pumpkin. After the two both shot arrows that hit the pumpkin, an excited little Harmony yelled, "Yay! We hit William Tell Pumpkin Head!" Then footage played of little Harmony and Ana dancing around Wednesday, while Enid could be heard saying, "Come on Wens. Dance with our kids." Wednesday looked at the camera with a straight face as she said, "No."
Then video footage appeared of young Harmony and Ana in straight jackets trying to free themselves. As Wednesday walked by the two, Harmony looked at her mother while saying, "Mother! It's been two hours! Can you please help us get free from these things!?" Then Wednesday looked at her daughters with a blank expression as she said, "No." Then Wednesday casually walked on. Then video footage appeared of young Harmony and Ana dressed in t-shirts, shorts, and baseball caps. Ana then looked at the camera as she said, "What do you think of our Halloween outfits?" A confused Enid (behind the camera) said, "I don't get it. You're both just dressed like regular kids." Then a smiling Harmony said, "I'm not dressed up like a kid. I'm dressed up like an adult having a mid-life crisis who is trying to recapture their youth by dressing up as a kid." Then a grinning Ana said, "And I'm a homicidal maniac. They all look like normal people on the surface."
Then video footage appeared of young Harmony and Megan sitting together at a picnic table. As present day Harmony and Megan watched, the two held hands as a smiling Megan said, "Aww. It's our first unofficial date we had." Then Harmony glanced at Enid as she said, "Mom, it's sort of cute you were spying on us during our first time together alone... but you didn't secretly record us on a bunch of our future dates, did you?" Enid immediately pressed the skip button on the remote, while nervously saying, "No. Why would you ask that? That would sound creepy."
Then video footage on the TV screen showed young Harmony and Ana laying in bed hugging Wednesday. A sick looking young Harmony said, "Uggh. So sick from ice cream." As Wednesday made a glaring look, she said, "That's what happens you overindulge." Then a sick looking Ana said, "But how was I supposed to know Rocky Road would give me a rocky stomach!?" Then as Wednesday put her arms around her children, she said, "Don't worry my children. I shall remain all night here with you... to witness this enjoyable pain you're experiencing."
More clips from the lives of Wednesday and Enid's children continued for the next hour. Everyone except Wednesday laughed many times, as Enid happily kept her eyes glued on the presentation... while Wednesday constantly either looked nervous at what was on the screen, or glared at the candid events being shown. As the movie neared it's end, a tired Ana slowly fell asleep. Megan also began to slowly fall asleep as she rested her head on Harmony's shoulder. As the movie neared it's conclusion, a smiling Harmony chose to close her eyes (while holding Megan's hand). Ana's cat eventually sat down on a pillow and began to fall asleep. Soon Wednesday and Enid were the only ones awake.
Enid then snuggled next to Wednesday, with her body facing Wednesday's side. As Wednesday and Enid looked at their family, a curious Enid said, "Wednesday?" Wednesday kept a calm expression as she said, "Yes?" Enid then hesitantly asked, "Do... do you ever wonder how our lives could've gone differently?" Wednesday then turned her head so she could look directly into Enid's eyes... and after a moment of silence, Wednesday opened her mouth, and with complete sincerity Wednesday said, "Never." Enid smiled, and then both married women kissed each other right before they began to sleep alongside the rest of their family.
...or maybe not...
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Wednesday Addams was in a dark place, as her eyes widened while saying, "My God. This is the moment I foresaw." Then Wednesday turned around and saw a dark figure in a dark cloak run at her with a sword out. Wednesday immediately pulled out her own sword (which she had concealed behind her back), and tried to block the other individual's sword with her own. Wednesday and the dark figure tried to hit the other with their sword, as several swings and clashes were made. However at one point, the two found their strength evenly matched as they pushed their swords up against one another. Then the dark figure moved one of their feet and kicked Wednesday to the ground. As Wednesday looked up at the dark figure, she heard a voice beneath the cloak say, "How does it feel Wednesday Addams... to finally be completely defeated by the last person you ever expected to overpower you!?" Wednesday then glared at the figure as she said, "Who are you?" Then just as the figure began to take off the hood of their cloak... Wednesday suddenly woke up in bed. Wednesday quickly sat up and saw her family laying asleep around her. As Wednesday put her hand over her beating heart, she closed her eyes... just as tears began to escape from them. With a look of total fear on her face, Wednesday began to cry as she opened her mouth and whispered, "God... I know me and you aren't on the best terms... but please... I'm not ready for it all to end. Not yet. Please... not yet..."
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Next Week: No jokes, no silly scenes, no comedic moments, nothing light-hearted. Next week... it's WEDNESDAY VERSUS HELL... PART 1
*Pictures 1 and 2 by: @annietheartsyartist
*Final Picture by: @emeriart
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annietheartsyartist · 2 months
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No context. Just wanted to make this character in this pose.
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annietheartsyartist · 2 months
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Couldn't resist trying to capture modern Sabrina...
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annietheartsyartist · 2 months
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Picture of a friend.
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annietheartsyartist · 2 months
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annietheartsyartist · 2 months
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Riley and Maya from Girl Meets World in wedding dresses. Couldn't resist... ;)
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annietheartsyartist · 2 months
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annietheartsyartist · 2 months
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Just a little sketch I did of a friend of mine, and felt like sharing it here.
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annietheartsyartist · 2 months
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Stylized cartoon images of actress/singer Amelia Wray. Line work done by me. Colors and additional details done by @sydney-to-the-max-forever.
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annietheartsyartist · 2 months
Check out this story! I did the very last picture in this chapter, and trying to get the look of a certain somebody was hard... but totally worth it. ;)
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Click here to read Part 1. Click "Keep Reading" below to read Part 2.
Gomez Addams was walking through an empty hall at Nevermore Academy. All was silent... until Gomez heard one faint sound of movement for a second. Gomez stopped moving his feet, as he turned his head to inspect his surroundings. Then suddenly a figure in a black cloak jumped down from the ceiling holding a small dagger in their right hand. Gomez dodged the cloaked figure's attack, and immediately grabbed his own small dagger (which was attached with velcro to the bottom of his right shoe). Both Gomez and the cloaked figure swung their daggers at each other several times; each dodging the others' attacks. Then Gomez finally hit the wrist of the cloaked figure hard, causing the figure to drop their dagger. Gomez then made a big happy grin as he said, "Very nice. You almost had me... brother."
Then the figure took off his cloak, revealing himself to be Gomez's brother: Fester. Fester then made a big smile as he said, "And I can see this school hasn't softened you yet." Then Gomez and Fester, in the midst of excitement - bashed their foreheads against one another. The two young men laughed, as Gomez said, "Ha ha. Your skull is still as strong as ever Fester. But why are you here? I've been at this school for less than 24 hours." Fester made a sad sigh, and then looked at Gomez as he said, "And it's been so boring for me back home. I've got no one around the house to electrocute or try to stab now. So I thought I'd check out your new pad." Then Gomez padded Fester on the shoulder as he said, "Well, it's good to see you brother. However I must go. I promised someone I would help our dormitory win a special school competition today known as the Poe Cup." Fester suddenly looked cross as he said, "You're gonna ditch family for a new friend?" Then Gomez grinned as he said, "Not a new friend at all. Just another member of the family."
Then suddenly a large stack of walking hair appeared around the corner, and rushed over to Gomez as it said, "Hdsads sfgfgth gffgfdgf dmfddn." Fester immediately looked very excited as he said, "Cousin Itt! That's right. I heard you were attending here as well. How are things going?" The Cousin Itt immediately sounded upset as he said, "Yhfddf dfdss dfhkdk fbdfba pdmssd." Fester then with a caring voice said, "Oh. I'm sorry you're down a man for the Poe Cup. Hey! I know I'm not a student here, but do you think they'd let me join your team and help out?" Then Cousin Itt excitedly said, "Rmfd ffdssldk nfdu amvdb." Gomez then happily patted both Fester and Cousin Itt on their shoulders as he said, "Excellent. With three Addams men together, we are sure to meet victory today!"
Near the river that came close to Nevermore Academy, many students were gathering in preparation for the Poe Cup. Several boats were being placed into the water by teams wearing different matching costumes. Amongst them were Morticia and Larissa (wearing black cat outfits) who were pushing their boat into the river. As the two women checked on the condition of their boat, a smiling Larissa said, "So Morticia... ready to lead us to victory again this year?" Morticia looked a bit preoccupied as she said, "What? Oh, um... yes, of course. Sorry Larissa. My mind is... elsewhere in this moment." Larissa made a sympathetic smile as she said, "I know what's on your mind Morticia." Morticia suddenly looked worried as she said, "You do? How!?" Larissa then calmly said, "It's Raine. We're all worried about her too. However she's with the best doctors in town now. There's nothing more we can do."
Then Francoise walked over to the two ladies as she said, "Looks like the principal let one of the boys dorms get some new participants last minute. Is that allowed?" Then a curious Morticia asked, "Which boys dorm?" Then Francoise motioned nearby as she said, "That dorm." Then Morticia and Larissa noticed Gomez, Fester, and Cousin Itt pushing their own boat into the river. Gomez and Fester were dressed as pirates (which included black pants, white shirts, and black vests), while Cousin Itt only wore an eyepatch tied around near the top of his body. Larissa made a warm smile as she said, "Ah, it looks Gomez is joining Itt's team this year; and they must be dressing up as Captain Kidd and his pirate crew. I suppose that works since they were used in one of Edgar Allen Poe's stories. So nice to see Gomez is getting so involved in school activities already. He certainly is a respectable man. Wouldn't you say so Morticia?" Morticia however looked like she was a bit lost for words as she said, "Um..."
*Several Hours Ago:
Morticia stood surrounded by fog in the cemetery as a shadowy female figure walked towards her. Morticia looked confused as she said, "What is happening here? I demand to know your name!" Then suddenly emerging from the fog was a girl in a black dress and dark braids. The girl then glared at Morticia, and while keeping an emotionless tone to her voice she said, "My name is Wednesday Addams... and I've traveled from beyond to assist you in this important turning point of your life... mother."
Morticia stood in complete shock as he said, "You.. you called me mother... but how can that be? I was told people with my abilities could sometimes be contacted by the spirits of our ancestors... but how can I be contacted by the spirit of someone who has not yet been born? This makes no sense!" Wednesday then stepped towards Morticia as she said, "Desperate times call for desperate measures mother, and the next 24 hours are a crucial fixed point in the space time continuum... which is slowly starting to become 'unfixed'. Needless to say: if my existence, and the existence of so many others are to be preserved, it is imperative that I ensure your future marriage is to occur as history says it should."
Morticia then began to look a bit worried as she said, "Wait. You said you were my daughter from the future, and that your last name is... Addams. Then... does that mean..." Wednesday nodded her head as she said, "Yes. Gomez Addams is to be your husband one day, and my father. It's hard to explain, but there are forces at work that are trying to erase your marriage to him, and erase my very existence. However I cannot allow that to happen." Then a frustrated Morticia asked, "But why him? Why not follow my own heart? Am I to be forced to marry a man just because a fortune teller says so? Why should I marry Gomez Addams!?" Then Wednesday looked directly at Morticia with cold eyes as she said, "Because there is no soul more perfect for Morticia Frump, than the soul of Gomez Addams." Then Wednesday walked away as the fog around Morticia got thick again. Morticia began to feel a bit dizzy as she fell to the ground. Then the fog began to lift away... and a confused looking Morticia stood up.
In the present, Morticia looked lost in thought as she stood near the boat. The Morticia turned her head to look right at Larissa while saying, "Any woman would be fortunate enough to have a man as noble as Gomez Addams in their life." Then Larissa smiled as she said, "Any woman would be fortunate enough to have you in their life." A confused looking Morticia then asked, "What do you mean by that?" Then Larissa blushed as she nervously said, "I meant... never mind. Just silly words coming out of my mouth." Then both Morticia and Larissa heard Francoise say, "Do you both find it hard to control your urges when that person you find so attractive is right near you?" Suddenly, both Morticia and Larissa looked very nervous as Morticia said, "What do you mean?"
Then a smiling Francoise looked away as she said, "Itt... he's so handsome. That big hairball look is just magnificent. I'd try to take a chance with him... but he already has the eye of too many." Then the three girls noticed that nearby: Cousin Itt was surrounded by twenty attractive female students that were all gently petting his hair. Cousin It sounded very happy as he said, "Tsdfdn fdksldm dsgdos mfsm." Then one of the attractive female students petting Cousin Itt said, "Oh Itt, you and your naughty jokes. So... are the rumors true that you never settle for less than ten girls sharing a bed with you at one time?" Then Cousin Itt wiggled his body around as he playfully said, "Rdsd lknds fgbu aznk." Then all of the girls surrounding Cousin Itt began to giggle. Morticia meanwhile looked a bit confused as she said, "Frankly, I don't see the appeal... Not to say I'm hairball-phobic... as I do consider myself an ally."
A short time later, all of the teams competing in the Poe Cup were in their boats, and ready to go. The female school principal then proudly stood near the water as she loudly said, "Welcome everyone to the Edgar Allan Poe Cup; one of Nevermore Academy's proudest annual traditions. Today, we shall watch as each team here shall row to Raven Island, pull a flag from Crackstone's Crypt, and then return here. Aside from making sure their boat is not sunk, no other rules apply. First team to successfully make it back with a flag: wins the cup, along with bragging rights for the rest of the school year. Now then... let the Poe Cup begin!" Then immediately all of the boats with different students took off down the river.
Near the water, a female siren stood on a small beach as she took a small lizard creature out of her bag. The female siren smirked as she looked at her small lizard while saying, "Now my tiny little beast. Swim through the water, bite through the wood of all of the boats that do not belong to our sisters, and then we shall win..." Then suddenly a figure with a shovel hit the female siren in the head from behind, knocking her out. The figure then emerged from the shadows as Ansel Gates, who immediately tossed his shovel down. As Ansel's son: Garrett followed behind him, he looked concerned as he said, "Dad, did you really need to knock her out?" Ansel then casually picked up the siren's lizard creature as he said, "It only takes a siren one second to brainwash you Garrett. Couldn't take the chance. Now did you bring the formula?"
Garrett then reluctantly handed a bottle with a strange formula in it to his father while saying, "Yeah dad. It's here. What is this stuff anyway? Some magic potion?" As Ansel opened the bottle, he said, "No. Just science. If you want to outsmart the outcasts, you have to out-think them. You see I've been doing research on not just the outcasts of Nevermore, but also some of their ridiculous pets... and I learned of a formula than can add a little more growth to these pets some sirens have." A skeptical looking Garrett then asked, "Are you sure we should be doing this dad?" Ansel smirked as he said, "Just a little prank Garrett; that's all. But if it gets out of hand... well... sometimes unexpected things just happen in life." Then Ansel immediately dumped the strange formula out of the bottle, and onto the small lizard creature.
Gomez, Fester, and Itt had their boat reach the island in the middle of the river first. The three then jumped out of the boat as an excited Gomez yelled, "To the flag men, and then to victory!" Then Gomez's foot immediately hit a wire that was on the ground, and then suddenly a large net sprung up from the ground and captured Gomez, Fester, and Itt inside of it. As Itt struggled to get free, he yelled, "Edssa dngral dhenl!" Then Fester angerly said, "You said it Itt! Whoever did this to us, deserves to be shot in the back!" Then suddenly the three heard Morticia's voice say, "Maybe we can play that game later." Then the three men turned their heads, and saw Morticia, Larissa, and Francoise walking towards them with smiles.
Gomez then began to look very happy, and made a warm smile as he said, "Hello Morticia." Morticia smiled a bit as she said, "Hello Gomez." Larissa however stood proud and composed as she said, "As you can see, it's not always smart to be ahead at first. Morticia spent quite some time last night putting this trap together. Now then, Morticia - you get the flag. Francoise and I will stand watch and make sure no one sabotages our boat." Morticia nodded, and then ran off. Fester however looked annoyed as he said, "Aw come on. Being detained in a trap set up by some girl... this is humiliating." However as Gomez saw Morticia running off, he smiled while saying, "On the contrary Fester... I'm quite impressed."
Morticia was running in her black cat suit through the woods. She soon saw the location where the flags were set up for the teams to grab. However, just as Morticia grabbed one of the flags: she saw smoke appear, which began to slowly surround her. Morticia paused for a moment as she felt her head begin to feel a bit dizzy. Then from the smoke: Wednesday appeared glaring straight at Morticia. Morticia looked confused as she said, "You're returned. Why?"
As Wednesday kept a very straight face, she folded her arms while saying, "The timeline is beginning to become undone. I have come to tell you that you must repair it by..." Then Morticia angerly glared at Wednesday as she quickly said, "No! You will not tell me who to love, who to marry, and who to have children with. I decide my fate! The future is always filled with possibilities, and who is to say that by creating a destiny that is different than what you speak of could not make a better world."
Wednesday then stepped towards Morticia as she angerly said, "You don't understand though. If you break the sacred timeline... then you will also break yourself." Then suddenly more smoke began to surround Morticia as she began to cough. Wednesday then disappeared into the smoke, while Morticia fell to the ground and began to pass out. Then as the smoke slowly began to disappear, a large lizard monster appeared walking towards Morticia.
Gomez, Fester, and Itt freed themselves from the net as a happy Gomez said, "Excellent. We're free. Good work Fester." Fester meanwhile was chewing part of the net in his mouth. Then Fester stopped for a moment, smiled, and said, "My pleasure. Chewing through rope that I'm tied up in brings back lots of fun memories of my first, third, and twelfth girlfriends." Then suddenly the three men heard a strange roaring sound from nearby. A startled Itt then yelled, "Rfsdn fpfhy xldsh!" A concerned Gomez turned to look at Itt while saying, "I don't know Cousin Itt, but that noise is coming from the direction that Morticia was running in. So I say we investigate!" Gomez, Fester, and Itt then quickly ran through the woods... but stopped when they saw a 16 foot tall lizard monster was knocking over trees, roaring... and holding an unconscious Morticia in one of its claws.
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Gomez had a worried look in his eyes, but then turned to look at Itt as he said, "Itt, go find us allies to help us stop this beast. In the mean time, Fester and I will do all we can to vanquish this creature and save Morticia." Itt nodded as he said, "Ythsd dfkdd!" Then as Itt ran off, Gomez turned to look at Fester while saying, "Fester, remember that fun game we played at Uncle Macabre's wedding anniversary?" Fester made a big grin, nodded his head, and then said, "You got it Gomez." Then Fester suddenly grabbed Gomez's body with his arms, and then threw Gomez high into the air. Then Fester shot small bolts of lightning out of his hands at the lizard monster while yelling, "Hey ugly! You remind me of my fourth girlfriend's hot mother!"
Gomez meanwhile, while flying into the air, grabbed a hold of a long strong vine attached to a tree. Then as the lizard monster was distracted by Fester, Gomez took out a sword that was hiding behind his back. Then as Gomez swung towards the lizard monster, he yelled, "Unhand that damsel you foul beast!" Then Gomez had his sword make a deep mark on one of the lizard monster's hands. The lizard monster shrieked in pain as it let go of Morticia. Gomez then swung quickly on the vine, and grabbed a hold of Morticia. Fester meanwhile kept the creature distracted as he shot more lightning from his hands at the beast.
As Gomez reached the ground safely with Morticia in his arms, Morticia slowly opened her eyes. Morticia, seeing the scene, quickly looked confused as she said, "What's going on? What happened to me?" Gomez smiled as he said, "A beautiful but dishonorable creature grabbed you with its foul claws Morticia. So I came to save you." Then Morticia calmly said, "Oh my. I thought I was being squeezed by my pet cobra I keep in my dorm room. I should've known better though, considering my body didn't feel quite as near death as it typically does during my usual mid-day naps." Then a confused Gomez asked, "Do you know where that creature came from?" Morticia looked curious as she said, "It looks like a pet of one of the sirens I know at school. However it's obviously grown quite a deal. I am confused though, as that species of creature isn't typically violent."
Then as Fester continued to shoot bolts of electricity at the lizard monster, the creature grew angry and had it's claws punch at the top of a large hill that contained a cave under it. Suddenly, many werewolves in the cave ran out howling with anger. The many werewolves immediately tried to attack the tall lizard creature, but the monster began to easily swat away the many werewolves in its' path. A concerned looking Morticia then said, "Oh dear. That creature is attacking those poor werewolves. Oh, I do love hearing them howl every full moon. It would be a shame for their howls to never be heard again." Then a grinning Gomez said, "Then we shall have to put that beautiful beast out of it's misery. Do you need a spare sword?" Then Morticia suddenly revealed that she was hiding behind her back: her own very large sword; which she immediately held out proudly as she said, "Oh, I am quite prepared." Gomez made a large grin, until the lizard creature immediately ran at Gomez and Morticia with its' claws out.
Gomez and Morticia then immediately moved in unison together as they ran around the creatures' sides. Then the two ran under the creature; with both of them striking their swords at the monster's two legs in the same moment. The lizard monster roared in pain, as Gomez and Morticia ran over to a nearby tree. Gomez and Morticia immediately realized the strange tall tree before them had no branches for the bottom 40 feet of its' trunk. However Morticia immediately took out a small rope from her pocket, held it out around the tree, and then gave one end of the rope of Gomez (while holding onto the other end herself). Without any time to talk or look at one another, both Gomez and Morticia ran up the tree; holding the rope with one hand, and using their other hand to hold onto the others'. Both the rope and the others' body helped balance Gomez and Morticia's bodies as they ran up the tree.
Then once Gomez and Morticia reached a set of strong branches they could stand on, both of them immediately found a strong vine they could grab onto. Morticia and Gomez gave each other one look, smiled, and then swung off the tree while holding onto their respective vines. The creature looked confused as Gomez and Morticia swung around it multiple times... until the two each grabbed onto their vines tightly, and the creature realized (too late) that the vines were now wrapping around it's neck. Then Gomez and Morticia each threw a sword into one of the monsters' eyes, blinding it. Now unable to see anything, the large group of werewolves were able to run at the lizard monster, and began biting at its' legs. Then the lizard monster finally fell to the ground. Fester immediately shot a large bolt of electricity from his hands at the creature's head... and then finally the monster was dead. The werewolves immediately made a victorious howl into the air, while Gomez and Morticia together happily said, "We did it!" Then Gomez and Morticia immediately upon instinct hugged one another with happiness and excitement all over their faces... but then after a moment, the two let go of each other, looking a bit nervous.
A short time later, police had arrived on the scene and were preparing to remove the body of the dead lizard monster. Morticia and Gomez meanwhile stood near some of the werewolves (who had all recently transformed back into human form, and were now wearing loose clothing). A young werewolf man then approached Gomez and Morticia as he said, "Thank you for helping save my pack. If you hadn't injured that creature in those strategic points like you did... some of us may not have survived." Gomez made a warm smile as she said, "We were just happy to help my werewolf friend." The young werewolf man then said, "I must say though... your methods may have been different... but you battled as if you had inner werewolf spirits within you. Where did you both learn to combat like that?" A smiling Morticia then said, "Well, I can at least say that much of my training comes from the self-defense courses taught at Nevermore Academy. I am just one of a very large number of students there that are well trained in many forms of combat."
The young werewolf man looked impressed as he said, "Interesting. Werewolves are often taught that our ways are superior to all... but perhaps if I have children of my own one day, I shall send them to Nevermore Academy where they could perhaps benefit from the teachings and culture of your school." Then a smiling Gomez said, "Well I've only just started attending the school myself... but I can say with great certainty now that it has already proven to be quite life changing." Then as many of the other werewolves prepared to leave, a young werewolf woman yelled, "Come on honey. Stop talking to those wimpies. We have to go!" The young werewolf man made a little sigh, and then said, "My newlywed wife. She became so demanding immediately after the wedding. Anyway, I must go. It was a pleasure to meet you two." Then before the werewolf man could leave, a curious Morticia asked, "Sir, before we part company... can we ask you your name?" The young werewolf smiled as he said, "The name's Murray... Murray Sinclair."
Meanwhile, far away... Ansel Gates was standing behind a tree as he was watching the police take away the body of the dead lizard monster. Ansel immediately looked incredibly angry as he said, "Those damn outcasts... they're like cockroaches. Not even a lizard monster can eliminate them. Well... I suppose it's finally time for my endgame plan."
Gomez and Morticia were walking back towards Nevermore Academy together as a grinning Gomez said, "Oh, that battle was magnificent. Morticia: your skills and your grace... I never thought I'd ever meet a woman with abilities as amazing as yours." Morticia smiled as she said, "You really think so? You know the very few boys in my life I fancied found my interests and skills to be... too overwhelming for them to handle." Gomez however looked at Morticia with awe as he said, "Then they can't see the perfection that I view before me." Gomez and Morticia then paused for a moment as they found themselves just looking into each other's faces. Then the two looked down... and realized that somehow by instinct, they were holding the others' hand. Then the two found their faces slowly moving towards the others'... until they heard Larissa say, "Morticia!" Gomez and Morticia then both nervously turned their heads and saw Larissa running towards them. Larissa however had just seen what had happened, and had a nervous look in her own eyes.
However Larissa tried to remain calm as she said, "It... it's good to see you're all right. I heard about what happened with that creature. However... no one has returned to the school with a flag yet, thus technically the Poe Cup isn't over. So I must ask... did you grab the flag from Crackstone's Crypt?" Morticia then quickly took a flag out of her pocket while saying, "Why yes, I did." Larissa then quickly took the flag from Morticia, and ran off with it... while she had a few tears in her eyes. Morticia then looked at Gomez briefly as she said, "I should join the other girls from Ophelia Hall now." Then Morticia walked away. Meanwhile Fester ran over to Gomez holding a flag out as he said, "Gomez. I got your team's flag! Quick! Lets get it to the finish line before that girl does!" Gomez however remained perfectly still and happy, and as he watched Morticia walk away - he said, "Fester... for the first time in my life... victory means nothing to me... for only she does now."
Many students were partying right outside of Nevermore Academy, as two girls from the Ophelia Hall dorm proudly held up the Poe Cup trophy. Morticia meanwhile stood off to the side, smiling as she watched the festivities. Suddenly Garrett appeared from nearby. The young man smiled and approached Morticia as he said, "Hello Morticia." Morticia looked troubled as she said, "Garrett, what are you doing here?" Garret then put his hands up calmly as he said, "I just wanted to make sure you're okay. I... I didn't mean for things to get out of hand the way they did." A confused looking Morticia then asked, "What do you mean? Regardless, you must leave now. This is not your school. You are trespassing... which isn't smart considering many police officers are currently on the school property due to what just happened." Then Morticia saw a police officer nearby, as she yelled, "Oh, officer..."
Garrett however looked angry as he said, "Enough! You think that scares me? My father has the sheriff in his pocket!" Morticia looked a bit nervous as her body began to tremble... but then she quickly blurted out, "I've found someone else Garrett. There's another man I've fallen in love with. If you really care about me, you'll accept that and leave." Garrett suddenly had a heart broken look in his eyes. Then upon seeing that several curious police officers were coming his way, Garrett ran off with tears in his eyes. Morticia then turned and walked in the opposite direction... not realizing Larissa had been standing not far behind her, and had heard everything that Morticia had just said as well. Then Larissa turned away with tears in her own eyes.
Morticia was walking towards her dorm as she walked through one of the hallways at Nevermore Academy. However Morticia suddenly felt her head feel disoriented as smoke began to surround her. Then from the smoke, Wednesday showed herself as she said, "There are things we need to discuss." Morticia nodded her head as she said, "Yes, there are." Wednesday then looked directly at Morticia... then paused as some uncertainty appeared on her face... and then said, "It was wrong for me to push you to follow the destiny I set out for you. You do deserve free will... as I simply should have aided you in discovering your destiny, rather than directing you to it."
Morticia then looked at Wednesday with loving eyes as she said, "Thank you. However the truth is... I do love Gomez. I've loved him since the moment we first made formal introductions with one another. But... I don't know if I can be good enough for him. I don't know if I have the ability to truly fall in love with a man, become a housewife, or start a family." Wednesday raised one eyebrow, and then said, "No one truly ever thinks they're good enough to take on a new role in life... but if you act like you are long enough... then the act may soon enough become real." Then Wednesday walked back into the smoke as Morticia began to feel disoriented again. Then within a moment: Wednesday was gone, and soon the smoke subsided again; leaving Morticia all alone again in the hallway.
Larissa sat in Nevermore Academy's garden with a sad look on her face. Francoise then walked into the garden, and immediately saw how upset Larissa looked. Francoise then sat down next to Larissa as she said, "For someone whose team just won the Poe Cup a few hours ago, you don't look happy." Larissa looked down as she said, "Maybe I helped win the Poe Cup... but I feel like I've just lost something important." Then Francoise casually said, "You mean Morticia?" Larissa suddenly looked nervous as she said, "I... I... How did you know?" Francoise then made a warm smile as she calmly said, "I have my own side that I keep well hidden, so I know what disguising one's nature in plain sight looks like. So... have you ever tried to tell Morticia how you feel?" A few tears appeared in Larissa's eyes as she said, "It's not proper. It's not appropriate for a woman to have these types of feelings for another woman." Then Francoise nudged Larissa as she said, "What are you talking about? Nevermore was created as a safe haven for all outcasts to learn and grow, no matter who or what they are... and that doesn't just apply to special abilities, you know."
Larissa just looked down, and began to wipe away tears that were appearing in her eyes. Francoise looked up for a moment... and then looked directly at Larissa again as she said, "Look... right before Raine disappeared yesterday... she told me how she always felt comfortable visiting you and Morticia in that dorm of yours. According to Raine... she sensed that one day a great love would be born in that dorm room. She didn't say from whom that love would be born from... but maybe you should see if Raine was perhaps referring to you and Morticia. I mean... Morticia can't decide how she feels about you if she doesn't completely know the real you. You should take the plunge." Larissa took a deep long breath... and then stood up, smiled, and looked directly at Francoise as she said, "Thank you Francoise."
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As the sun began to set, in another outdoor area of Nevermore Academy: there was a large outdoor train set located under a pavilion. Gomez was standing near the train set, as he was controlling several of the model trains. From nearby, a smiling Morticia walked over to Gomez as she said, "Why hello Gomez. I see you found the school's model train set." Gomez smiled as he said, "Of course. Designing and playing with model train sets is a hobby of mine." Morticia happily grinned as she said, "Really? Me too. Well, I did prefer more to chop off my dolls' heads when I was young. However, my father would always ask me to play model trains with him every Sunday evening growing up. Those trains always took my mind away from so many of life's more difficult challenges." Gomez smirked as he said, "They certainly do that. Come. Join me."
Gomez then moved to the side, and allowed Morticia to take a turn with the controls that operated the model trains. As Morticia operated the trains, she looked at Gomez somewhat nervously as she asked, "Gomez... the Raven dance starts in about two hours. Have you already made plans to go with anyone, like Larissa?" Gomez turned his head and then said, "No. Larissa is nice... but she's not the girl I have my eye on now." Morticia then turned to look at Gomez, and immediately the two paused as they looked into each other's eyes. The two then slowly moved their faces towards one another... but then Morticia nervously pulled her face away, and turned her eyes back onto the model train set while saying, "I just had an idea. Wouldn't it be more fun if you had the two trains on this model set crash into one another?"
An excited Gomez's eyes lit up as he said, "Brilliant idea Morticia! In fact... why not take it a step further, and blow them up just as they crash!" Morticia's face then became very excited as she said, "What a splendid idea!" Then Gomez took a hold of the controls, and changed the directions of the two small trains on the model set. Then Gomez turned to look at Morticia as he excitedly said, "When they meet at the bridge, you hit the explosion switch!" Morticia made a giddy smile, as she prepared herself. Then just as the two model trains began to crash, Morticia pressed a button - and then the two model trains were destroyed in a large fiery explosion. Gomez looked at the explosion with great pleasure in his eyes, while a very happy Morticia exclaimed: "C'est merveilleux!"
Suddenly Gomez's face looked like it was caught in a trance as he said, "Morticia... you just spoke French. Somehow... it caused me to feel... things I have never felt before." A curious Morticia then asked, "Like what?" A confused but smiling Gomez then said, "I'm not sure. However... could you speak in French again... please?" A confused looking Morticia then simply said, "C'est merveilleux?" Then a very excited Gomez put his heart over his chest while he said, "I... I feel something strange coming over me. For the first time in my life... everything feels so clear." Then a smiling and happy Morticia said, "Si magnifique."
Then suddenly Gomez's eyes widened, and then he gently grabbed Morticia's right hand and kissed it. As Gomez looked at Morticia's face briefly, he said, "I'm sorry Morticia. I don't know what I'm doing... but I can't help it." Then Gomez began to make kisses up Morticia's arm; while a smiling Morticia said, "I can help it... but I don't want to." Then a very excited Gomez looked directly at Morticia as he said, "Morticia, say something else in French. Say anything in French! Excusez moi. Soup du jour. Moulin Rogue. Anything!" Then Morticia made an excited smirk as she simply said, "Wala."
Then an over-excited Gomez immediately grabbed Morticia in his arms... and immediately the two teenagers kissed one another, while holding the other tightly. Then after a long moment of kissing, the two had their lips part (but still held the other close) as a passionate Gomez said, "Morticia... ever since the moment we made formal introductions with one another... I've felt deeply romantic feelings towards you." A smiling Morticia then happily said, "And I have felt the same. I didn't wish to speak of it at first because I thought you'd find me mad for having such intense thoughts for someone I just met." Then a happy and passionate Gomez said, "Then let us be mad together!"
Then Gomez grabbed a hold of Morticia once again, leaned her back, and the two teenagers kissed once more for a very extended period of time. As their long kiss continued: the sun set behind them, while the moonlight began to shine over them. However as Gomez and Morticia continued to kiss... Larissa came walking around the corner with a smile on her face. However as soon as Larissa saw Morticia and Gomez kissing... sadness entered her eyes, and she immediately walked away. Also in the same moment, from another direction - Garrett came sneaking in behind a bush. However Garrett too stopped as he saw Morticia kissing Gomez. Pain entered his face... and then Garrett reluctantly left the scene.
Eventually Gomez and Morticia stopped kissing, as a smiling Morticia said, "Oh Gomez... I've never felt my spirit so lifted before in my life." Then a grinning Gomez said, "I could say the same. So with that being said..." Then Gomez got down on one knee, and took a ring out of his pocket as he said, "Morticia... will you marry me?" Morticia's eyes widened in surprise as she said, "You're asking for my hand in marriage after knowing me for just a day!?" Then Gomez casually said, "Well it worked out for Romeo and Juliet, and they had a wonderful life together." Morticia smiled as she looked up briefly, and then said, "Ah, yes. Three days of marriage before committing suicide and having their remains lay together for all eternity. However... as delightful as that sounds Gomez... I would prefer to have some time to consider your proposal before answering." Gomez then stood up as he said, "Of course. Take all the time you need. But... could I at least request you be my date to the Raven dance tonight?" Morticia happily smiled as she said, "But of course."
In the mansion of his home, Ansel Gates was mixing together a blue formula in the kitchen. Just as Ansel poured the contents of his blue formula into a small vial, Garrett walked into the kitchen looking very sad. Ansel only casually looked at his son while saying, "Garrett, get your coat. It looks like it's about to rain, and we're going to be out tonight with work to do." Garrett then sat down in a chair looking devastated as he said, "I can't father. Morticia Frump... she's fallen in love with another man... who stole my love away from me!" Ansel rolled his eyes as he said, "Well good riddance to bad rubbish. I was already planning to have her be the first outcast we eliminated tonight after she and her friends made all those annoying calls to the police." Then Garrett looked down, with deep sadness in his eyes, as he said, "I just don't get it. How could Morticia pick Gomez Addams over me?"
Ansel suddenly had a furious look in his eyes as he said, "Addams!? Gomez Addams is at Nevermore Academy right now!?" Garrett looked up at his father with a confused face as he said, "Yeah. What does that mean to you?" Ansel then prepared to get his own coat on as he angerly said, "Gomez Addams is a direct descendant of Goody Addams: the outcast witch that murdered Joseph Crackstone and took our family's land from us! But on top of that... that psychic outcast I kidnapped yesterday, wrote down a vision she had that said Morticia Frump would marry Gomez Addams one day, and have a daughter that would be the one to end our family's work. I had already put multiple plans in place to prevent that from happening... only to realize now that I have to step up the time table of my game plan." Garrett meanwhile just look more confused as he said, "Wait. Are you say you kidnapped Raine yesterday?" Ansel then threw a coat at Garrett as he said, "Garrett, the future of our family and town is at stake. So get in the car and do as I say, now!"
The Raven Dance was beginning at Nevermore Academy in a large social hall. Many students walked into the event together, and many immediately went off to dance, eat, drink, and talk. Gomez and Morticia meanwhile walked into the dance room holding hands while smiling. Gomez was wearing a refined black suit, while Morticia was wearing a long black dress, with her hair running fully straight down her back. Gomez looked at Morticia with awe as he said, "The way you dressed and did your hair tonight Morticia... it's so hauntingly beautiful." Morticia blushed as she said, "Why thank you Gomez. Now then... do you know how to waltz?" Gomez grinned as he said, "Doesn't every man?" Then Gomez took Morticia's hand, and immediately led her into a slow waltz on the dance floor. As the two danced together, a smiling Morticia said, "You should be glad your cousin isn't here. He usually steals the show with his wild and elaborate dance numbers." Gomez chuckled, and then said, "Well then I suppose I should be glad Cousin Itt was suspended this afternoon after one of the teachers discovered him having a wild sex party with thirty girls in his dorm room." Then Gomez and Morticia brought their bodies even closer together, as their waltz continued.
Suddenly Larissa walked into the dance alone with pain in her eyes. She didn't talk to anyone, and just kept on walking to the middle of the dance floor where Gomez and Morticia were having their waltz together. Larissa then stopped right in front of Morticia and Gomez as she angerly said, "Having fun you two?" Gomez and Morticia immediately stopped dancing, as Gomez suddenly looked guilty while he said, "Larissa, I'm sorry. I hadn't told you for sure if I was still interested in being your date for the dance or not." Then Morticia looked guilty as she said, "No Gomez, I believe Larissa is mad at me. The two of us had come to the dance together as friends the last three years, and I hadn't informed her yet that I was planning to break our tradition." Larissa meanwhile simply looked furious as she said, "The fact that you don't even know the real reason I'm upset... is why I'm even more upset... or perhaps I'm upset because maybe this is all my fault really. Errgh. I... I hope you two are miserable together."
Then Larissa furiously walked off to another corner of the dance room. Gomez kept a calm face though as he said, "What a kind thing to hope for us. Although... I'm not sure she was completely sincere about it." Morticia then looked right at Gomez as she said, "Gomez, perhaps we could leave the dance. I'm not sure why Larissa seems so troubled, but I think we're causing it. We should create some space with her for now to give Larissa some peace of mind." Then a confused Gomez asked, "You want to cut our date short?" Then Morticia made a big smirk as she said, "I said I want us to leave the dance... I said nothing about cutting our date short. Perhaps we should go outside to catch our breath." Then Gomez made a big happy grin as Morticia motioned for him to leave the room with her.
As it started to rain, a car pulled up outside of Nevermore Academy. Inside of the car was Ansel and Garrett sitting beside one another. Ansel then tried to hand Garrett a small vial of a blue formula while he said, "You've broken onto these school grounds before, so do it again. I used the notes given to me by that psychic girl I took in yesterday to finally crack the formula to create Nightshade Poison in its' most deadly liquid form. That dance they're having tonight with all of those outcast scum gathered in one room will give us the perfect opportunity to sneak something special into their drinks. It'll take awhile for the symptoms to kick in... but by the time the outcasts realize they've been poisoned... it will be too late." Garrett however looked nervous as he said, "Dad, I... I can't. I can't kill Morticia."
Then Ansel suddenly looked furious as he said, "My God Garrett! Your little sister is more of a man to you. When I give Laurel a long list of instructions, she follows each command to the letter like a good soldier. Errgh. Listen to me Garrett. Those outcasts will only hurt you in the end. Just like with our ancestors, they will do more than break your heart. They'll eventually take our home, just like they did our family's original land; and sooner than we think... they'll end our lives! It's us or them Garrett! We can wait for them to make normal people like us an endangered species, or we can exterminate these vermin from our lands after hundreds of years tonight!"
Garrett however had tears in his eyes as he said, "I... I can't dad. I... " Then Ansel slapped Garrett hard in the face, and then yelled, "Prove to me you are still worthy to be called my son! Kill all those outcasts! Sneak into that dance and spike the punch bowl! End them... or I will end you. Understand!?" Garrett then took the vial with the blue formula from his dad, nodded his head while looking deadly afraid, and then said, "Yes father." Then Garrett stepped out of the car, and walked towards Nevermore Academy. However as Garrett put the vial with the blue formula in his pocket, he slowly said to himself, "Fine father. I'll kill the outcasts... but not before I kill with my own bare hands: the one who ruined everything for me first... Gomez Addams."
In one of the dark halls of Nevermore Academy, Gomez and Morticia were in the middle of kissing one another. Morticia then stopped kissing Gomez for a moment, as she happily said, "Un si bon embrasseur." An excited Gomez then said, "Oh Tish. The way you speak French terrorizes my soul in all the ways I love." Then Gomez and Morticia grabbed a hold of one another, and began to passionately kiss once more. Suddenly from nearby though, an angry Garrett ran up a set of stairs towards the two. With his hair wet, and murderous intent showing in his eyes, Garret yelled, "Addams!" Gomez and Morticia, clearly seeing what Garrett's intentions were without any other spoken word, slowly backed away. Morticia then glanced at Gomez as she said, "Go. Get out of here. He won't hurt me." Gomez then began to run up a set of stairs, as Morticia tried to stop Garrett. However Garrett immediately went right past Morticia, grabbed a sword from a nearby display, and ran towards Gomez with it.
Gomez then reached a higher floor of the school which was under construction (and missing a wall). As Garrett lunged at Gomez with his sword, Gomez grabbed a nearby pipe and stopped the sword. Garrett then tried to swing his sword at Gomez several times, while Gomez deflected each attack with the pipe. As Garrett swung his sword, he yelled, "Morticia was supposed to be mine! When you took her away, you ruined me, my family, and everything!" As Gomez defended himself, he looked at Garrett with compassion as he said, "You may wish to murder me Garrett, but I have no wish to murder you. A man with wonderfully sadistic passion like yours could still find a woman to have a long miserable life with. I would never want to rob someone like yourself from that." Than a furious Garrett swung his sword at Gomez again as he screamed, "Will you just shut up!" Gomez continued to defend himself with his pipe; but as he did, he looked at Garrett with pity while saying, "Garrett, I may be madly in love... but you are mad in hatred and fear... and that is a type of madness no man should bury his soul in."
Then a raging Garrett kicked Gomez in the chest, and then swung his sword towards him. However Gomez was finally able to knock Garrett's sword out of his hand, and pushed his body hard into a pillar. However, moving quickly: Garrett was able to use his fist to punch Gomez hard in the face, and then shove him to the ground. As this occurred, Morticia walked up the stairs and saw what was happening. As the battle between the two young men continued, Morticia yelled, "Garrett, no!" However Morticia's words could not be heard by the two men, as Garret got on top of Gomez, and began to throw punch after punch at his body. Morticia meanwhile stood unsure of what the best course of action to do would be as she yelled, "Garrett! Garret, stop! Leave him alone!"
However Gomez was able to get the upper hand, and then pushed Garrett off of him, and then tried to get on top of Garret's body. But then Garrett got the upper hand again, and pushed Gomez off of him, causing Gomez to roll several feet away. As Gomez laid on the ground hurt, Morticia ran to his side. However at the same moment: Garrett stood up and looked directly at Morticia and Gomez with primal rage in his eyes, and foam starting to appear from his moth. Then Gomez and Morticia looked at the fallen sword laying right near their feet. Both Gomez and Morticia then looked into each other's eyes with reluctance for a split second. Then a crazed Garrett quickly ran at Gomez with a growling sound coming from his voice. Then... the sword from the ground was lifted up...
Larissa was preparing to leave the Raven Dance, as one of the other students said, "Larissa, you're already leaving? The party only just started." Larissa simply had an upset look in her eyes as she said, "I didn't get enough sleep last night, so I think I'll turn in early." Then Larissa put on her coat, stepped out of the dance, took out an umbrella, and then walked into the school court yard. But then suddenly without any warning... the body of Garrett Gates fell down to the ground right before Larissa's feet. Larissa immediately screamed in terror, then looked up... and saw standing on the unfinished top floor of the school... was Gomez Addams holding a bloody sword in his hands.
Within an hour, many police officers were on the grounds of Nevermore Academy investigating the scene. Garret's dead body was already being put in a body bag as Sheriff Walker was talking to Larissa. As Larissa had a troubled look on her face, she had difficulty looking at the sheriff as she said, "I think he had a sword... and they had certainly had issues." Then Larissa suddenly found herself able to easily look at Sheriff Walker in the eye as she angerly said, "I don't like to tell tales Sheriff Walker... but it's all Morticia Frump's fault. They were fighting over her."
Within minutes, Morticia was right outside the school as she stood before a police deputy while saying, "I saw the whole thing. It was all an accident. I swear. My boyfriend... he wasn't trying to harm anyone." Then the deputy rolled his eyes, and said, "Yeah, and I just heard he's still a suspect in the investigation surrounding his own cousin's death. I wonder what other bodies your boyfriend's trial will turn up." With a pleading voice, Morticia quickly said, "All I know is that he couldn't have possibly done..." Then suddenly another deputy began to walk by while pushing along Gomez (who was in handcuffs). Gomez then turned to looked at Morticia as he said, "Tish!" Morticia then turned to look directly at Gomez, and tried to put on a calm brave face as she said, "I don't know what to say Gomez. Seeing you in handcuffs... accused of murder... I've never loved you more." Gomez made a little smile as he said, "Cara mia..." Then the deputy next to Gomez said, "All right, that's enough Addams. Lets go." Then Gomez was shoved into the nearby police car. As the police car was turned on, Morticia made a strong brave face as she said, "I'll wait for you Gomez! No matter how long it takes, I'll wait for you!"
Then as the police car began to drive away, Morticia stood still as she watched the back of Gomez's head (through the police car rear window) slowly begin to disappear from sight. Then Larissa appeared walking over to Morticia from nearby. An angry Morticia then turned to look at Larissa as she said, "How could you tell the police that Gomez murdered Garrett out of hate and spite!? I thought you were my friend Larissa!" Larissa's face, which had been filled with anger for the last several hours... suddenly was filled with a realization of the sadness her friend was feeling. Larissa then turned her head to the side as she said, "I... I'm sorry Morticia." Then Larissa walked away, just as all of the other police officers left the scene. Morticia stood alone looking brave for a moment... until her brave face broke down with sadness and tears. Morticia now began to look horrified and distraught as she began to walk into the nearby woods alone.
Suddenly though, smoke began to appear as Morticia felt momentarily disoriented. Then from the smoke... Wednesday emerged as she said, "Hello mother." Morticia then angerly looked at Wednesday with tears in her eyes as she said, "What is going on!? I thought it was my destiny to marry Gomez. Now he's being sent to jail, accused of murder; a murder that he didn't even... Errgh. Why is this happening!?" Wednesday then stepped towards Morticia as she calmly said, "You need to calm yourself mother. I know things may seem confusing, but this is all part of a greater plan." As Morticia looked up at the sky with sadness in her eyes, she said, "What great plan? Was I to fall in love with a man on this day, only to have but a few mere hours of pure happiness before he was taken from me?" Wednesday then stood behind Morticia as she said, "I understand that your young hormonal feelings for Gomez Addams, combined with my prophecy I shared with you: have confused your senses and clouded your judgment. However there was a reason for that." Then as Morticia closed her eyes, tears still came from them as she said, "And what reason would that be?"
Then without any warning... Wednesday took out a sword and stabbed Morticia through the back with it. Morticia's eyes widened with great confusion as she fell to the ground, while blood immediately began to flow out of the gaping wound in her body. Then Wednesday stood over Morticia while smiling as she said, "And you thought this night couldn't get any worse." Morticia looked up at Wednesday with pain in her eyes as she said, "How can you stab me? You're supposed to be just a spirit." Then Wednesday rolled her eyes as she said, "Actually, no. That smoke that always appeared when I showed up... I had it laced with mild hallucinogenic gases to confuse your senses. Apparently you've only just started to get visions, so that provided me with the ultimate opportunity to show up in a little puff of smoke pretending to be your daughter from the future. So glad we had notes and a drawing from the prophecy about your actual future daughter to help make me more convincing." As Morticia began to feel weaker while more blood flowed from her wound, she said, "I don't understand. Who are you Wednesday?" Then the dark girl with a pale forehead and long braids stood over Morticia as she said, "I am not Wednesday Addams. My name is Laurel Gates... and tonight Morticia Frump, is the night you die!"
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*Cover art by @emeriart. Additional art by @annietheartsyartist.
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annietheartsyartist · 2 months
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Stylized cartoon images of actress Julia Garcia. Line work done by me. Colors and additional details done by @sydney-to-the-max-forever.
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annietheartsyartist · 2 months
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Girl Meets World: 10 Years Later...
Okay, I can't be the only one who thought these two were endgame.
Can Disney make a special (live action or even animated) that reunites these two and finally make this happen!
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