apollolewis · 4 hours
Note: the submitter uses English a lot but it's not their first language
Mainly for native English writers: when writing something and adding "and [...]", do you put a comma before "and", usually after a verb?
Asking because when writing on Microsoft Word, the software often tells me it's incorrect to have a comma there, but never tells me why (would be too easy if it did). Example (checked on Word):
James entered, and opened the curtains (the way I usually want to write it).
James entered and opened the curtains (the way Word wants me to correct).
There should be a comma, Word is wrong
There shouldn't be a comma, Word is right
Both Word and the poll submitter are right
Both Word and the poll submitter are wrong
English grammar my beloved, it's so much deeper than that (please explain 🙏)
English grammar my nemesis, I don't care, just write what you want
I'm not a native English speaker and/or want to push a button
Asking because when writing on Microsoft Word, the software often tells me it's incorrect to have a comma there, but never tells me why (would be too easy if it did). Example (checked on Word):
James entered, and opened the curtains (the way I usually want to write it).
James entered and opened the curtains (the way Word wants me to correct).
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apollolewis · 12 hours
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apollolewis · 13 hours
sorry for the stupid and weird question, but i already saw and heard it a few times from a few dads
is your dad’s ringtone from the star wars soundtrack?
- yes
- no
All manner of questions welcomed here 🤗
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apollolewis · 15 hours
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deleted scene
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apollolewis · 15 hours
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                ❀cardcaptor sakura with baby the stars shine bright backgrounds ❀
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apollolewis · 16 hours
I remember how my first American history professor whenever she talked about every time voter rights expanded she’d also add that “most people in this room still can’t vote”. It was also very true, most people in the class myself included wouldn’t have been able to vote till the second American history course.
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apollolewis · 17 hours
I have trust issues but I also always goes for the assholes that I’m not delusions enough that I think I can fix them whenever I play dating sims.
0 notes
apollolewis · 17 hours
if your oc could leave without a trace, would they?
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apollolewis · 1 day
What happened to your wisdom teeth? (1/2)
They have not emerged yet
They have emerged, and will likely stay put
They have emerged, and I will soon have them removed
I had some removed and the remaining will likely stay put
I had some removed and I will soon have the rest removed
I had all of them removed
I was born without wisdom teeth
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apollolewis · 1 day
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hello funger tumblr no time no see
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apollolewis · 1 day
Some people base their sexuality on gender and others on sex. Would it make a difference with your sexuality?
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apollolewis · 1 day
poll :0 might be long sorry
US Americans VS Non US Americans, Do you carry a weapon designed for harm on a regular basis? Not just on a one off event or when you go somewhere scary, but very often, and unprompted. (Don't say anything can be a weapon. If you carry multiple, choose the most "Lethal" as I try to order them like that, bc anyone with a gun probably has more than that)
-I carry a gun regularly, US American
-I carry a gun regularly, NOT US American
-I carry pepper spray or a taser regularly, US American
-I carry pepper spray or a taser regularly, NOT US American
-I carry a knife besides a tool knife regularly, US American
-I carry a knife besides a tool knife regularly, NOT US American
-I carry a different weapon designed for harm regularly, US American
-I carry a different weapon designed for harm regularly, NOT US American
-I don't carry a weapon, US American
-I don't carry a weapon, NOT US American
-Nuance button. "Sometimes" or "just in the house"etc. isn't valid.
-See results
Not just on a one off event or when you go somewhere scary, but very often, and unprompted. (Don't say anything can be a weapon. If you carry multiple, choose the most "Lethal" as I try to order them like that, bc anyone with a gun probably has more than that)
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apollolewis · 1 day
I really want them to also cast people from Louisiana to play the characters as well. Like I don't trust Disney to portray Cajuns right for a second time. The more people from southern Louisiana involved in the making of the movie the better really.
Look if Disney insists on making a princess and the frog remake (which they will, mark my words) allow me to pitch the one thing that will save this movie. Practical effects.
I am a firm believer that if this movie stays as far away from cgi frogs and crocodiles as it can they will have a much better movie. Like can you imagine jem henson style frogs on a jim henson style swamp. Or at the very lest have puppets as your starting point and work over them. Big CGI projects feel so far off to me, like the 'live action' lion king. I kind of broke my heart that there was nothing there. A real swamp with real living breathing (I've met puppeteers trust me these things breathe) characters, to me, is just so much coziers than a lifeless computer generated melty faced blob.
And can you imagine Doctor Facilier's song (it's been a minute since I've seen this thing) done with practical effects. Think of things like matilda. You can acheive so much with wires and magnets and hidden stuff. And i mean compare the chalk scene in matilda vs the musical film. When watching films that utilise practical effects (star wars, early harry potter, matilda) to their fullest potential, not only do you get a more realistic experience, you can feel the problem solving happening behind the screen. You get to ask yourself 'how did they do that?' and the answer isn't just, it was never real in the first place.
"But won't kids know that they're puppets. Don't you want things to look real."
Look as a child, I did not believe that Kermit the frog, or those henchmen goblins from labrynth, or Yoda were real. But just because you know something is a puppet doesn't take away from the fact that it's real. You know Yoda is a puppet and yet when watching the film you experience him as just as real as luke skywalker. And the scenes play out so much smoother because its actually there.
When you insist that everything must look as though it is in real life you're ignoring the fact that the realist thing you can do is have it exist. Understanding that kermit is felt and glue does not take away children's ability to emotionally connect with him. Sure there are no endless cgi possibilites. But I could reach out and touch kermit where i could not reach out and touch the lion king. There is an intimacy and magic in Labrynth that is not present in something like Alice in Wonderland 2010, because I see everything though the distant lense of computers.
To misquote something I heard someone say about star wars, no one kicks up any dirt any more.
TLDR: If/When disney makes their princess and the frog remake, give me puppets, give me wires, give me stuff thats really there, or give me death.
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apollolewis · 2 days
how often does your oc wash their hair?
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apollolewis · 2 days
[Please only respond if you have seen classic who and new who]
Do you prefer 'classic' Doctor Who or 'new' Doctor Who?
Classic who (Doctors 1 to 8)
New who (Doctors 9 onward)
I have not seen both classic who & new who
I have never watched any Doctor Who
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apollolewis · 2 days
we're you a tomboy as a kid and are you a lesbian now?
* was a tomboy as a kid, am a lesbian
* was a tomboy as a kid, am not a lesbian
* was not a tomboy as a kid, am a lesbian
* was not a tomboy as a kid, am not a lesbian
* amab/does not apply
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apollolewis · 2 days
Do you think you could land an airplane using your current knowledge, plus radio instructions from flight control? Consider any landing where you and any passengers survive with minor to no injuries as a success, even if the plane would be damaged.
No, I could not do this
Yes, I have landed a plane
Yes, because I've done a lot of flight simulators or other training
Yes, because they'd tell me what to do
Consider any landing where you and any passengers survive with minor to no injuries as a success, even if the plane would be damaged.
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