archuuya · 8 months
What do you think about love?
— ryuunosuke's response.
❝love is...❞
he watched his eyes light up for the nth time, eyes diverting from the thousand fireflies lighting up simultaneously as he smiled at the black-haired. ryuunosuke's heart skipped a beat, eyes rounding up widely as he watched atsushi's figure dance in accord with the fireflies.
strike one.
❝um... can be platonic,❞
she was too powerful, albeit alone.
atsushi groaned, his tiger helping in regenerating his leg as he took a few deep breaths in a tight corner. he was in a verge of breakdown, all he wanted to do was a bit of rest — maybe in anne's room, or akutagawa's arms—
speaking of diablo.
atsushi looked up, seeing rashomon block a few strikes from the attacker as ryuunosuke created a small barrier between the them and the outside world. "no time for slouching."
atsushi relaxed in relief, chuckling softly as he rested on the wall behind him. "just the two of us?"
ryuunosuke raised a brow, crossing his arms.
"is there a need for more?"
these "unintentional" hangouts were beginning to seem like it was becoming a habit for them to come in the same place, at the same time, everyday.
atsushi finds himself staring at ryuunosuke's back, which was sitting relaxingly just beyond the cliff. atsushi never saw akutagawa this relaxed until every night at exactly 11 pm, on this very same place.
slowly picking up his steps, atsushi walked forward and stopped just beside akutagawa, sitting down beside him in a swift yet undistracting manner as he recalled the first few times he were here — with aku showing him the place where athousands of fireflies light up each night.
ryuunosuke watched atsushi get comfortable beside him, diverting his eyes back tot he cityscape below as he inhaled the night breeze. "up to judge me again, jinko?"
atsushi should reply with a funny comeback, right?
giggling, atsushi brushed his hair back. there was no lying this time.
"more like appreciating how strong you've become."
strike two.
❝romantic.❞ ryuunosuke recalls.
tachihara gave him a blank face. ❝what the fuck.❞
dazai giggled, clapping his hands loudly within the room — spoiler alert, no one knows why he's here with port mafia's semi-annual deep talk gathering. or maybe everyone does. ❝give him a break, tachi-kun! he's still learning about this little thing called love~❞
ryuunosuke crosses his arms and looks away, a light, pink tint coloring his cheeks.
❝bonus points if it's the jinko he's thinking about.❞ gin deadpans.
everybody laughed as ryuunosuke covered his face with his coat.
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archuuya · 9 months
On Tubi, the romcoms you love just keep going.
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