armywriter2605 · 4 years
Hello, I just found you today and I'm binging your master list rn. Could you pretty please add me to the tag list for Unknown Number? Its how I found you and its super cute, i don't want to miss anything.
Aww, thank you so much for your support!! And of course I'll l add you!! 💜💜
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armywriter2605 · 4 years
Hello everyone.
Sorry for the lack of content this week. My school opened up again and I had to attend, plus I've had 2 exams I needed to prepare myself to.
I believe next week will be more calm so I'll make sure to post more content.
Stay safe everyone!!
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armywriter2605 · 4 years
Hello, love your work. I don't know if you still answer questions relative to the boys from Theirs. I want to know what happen if YN become jealous because of girls, so she decides to go clubbing. Thank you for your work 🥰😘
Hello sweetie!! Thank you for the support!^^
Now, your question is something I can't answer in public because it's part of my next chapter 😉😚 If you wish to know more, I can give you a small insight in Dms.
Don't be scared to send me a pm!! I'll gladly tell you a bit of how Y/N would act and also how the boys would react to her jealousy.
I just simply do not wish to spoil anything for those who don't wish to read spoilers^^
Hope you understand 💜 💜
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armywriter2605 · 4 years
The Words You Uttered - Chapter 1
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↳ Pairing: Namjoon (RM) x fem!reader, Yoongi (Suga) x fem!reader
↳ Genre(s): fluff; LOTS of angst; eventually smut, idol!BTS x reader; Swearing / cursing
↳ Rating: 18+
↳ Summary: Stress had been getting to Namjoon, yet when he explodes and says everything that had been in his mind, you’re left broken. When you come to the realization that maybe he was right, and do as he says, Namjoon starts to understand that everything he said was the exact opposite of what he truly wanted and that he needed to fix things between the both of you before it was too late. Maybe it already was, specially when there was someone else there to fix your broken heart.
↳ Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of my imagination or used in a fictitious manner.
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It had been almost nine months since you had last seen your boyfriend face to face. You had missed him more than anything, and even though you had been calling, talking or face timing it just wasn’t the same.
Namjoon and you had been dating for almost 3 years now, which was the longest relationship you’d ever had, given the fact it was your first relationship in general. In the beginning everything had been perfect. The dates, the calls, the attention and affection both of you shared and showed each other. Everything had been okay until half a year ago. The ‘I love you’ that was once a spoken promise between you two, felt foreign more with each time you said it. It wasn’t because you loved him less, but the way he reacted to it was what forced you to sometimes, not open your mouth at all.
“Joonie, I love you!” You said as you stared at your phone, the face of your boyfriend filling the small screen.
“Mhm, alright. I need to leave now. Bye. Talk to you later, I guess.” He said as a forced smile took over his lips, before your phone turned dark, him ending the call as soon as it started.
You weren’t sure as to why he wouldn’t say it back. It worried you, but you had always trusted Namjoon. There could be many factors affecting him such as the stress from the tour and concerts or perhaps he was homesick and saying it only made it worse. There could be many things going on and maybe he simply didn’t want to stress you out as well. The relationship you two had been built on trust and you weren’t going to ruin that. Such thoughts filled your head every single day, yet you never managed to bring it up with Namjoon. You had talked with Hoseok, Yoongi and Jin about it and mentioned it to the younger members too, but you always made them promise not to tell him anything. And they didn’t. They noticed the change in their leader’s behavior yet tried to ignore it. They too believed it could just be small things that they shouldn’t put their own noses into. Whenever Namjoon was struggling he always opened up to them. They just had to wait until he was ready to finally open up the Pandora box that was consuming him.
Despite that, the younger boys always tried to bring the topic up. Small mentions or comments left their mouths from time to time, but Namjoon never missed them. He heard them loud and clear every single time even though he pretended not to. He knew he was acting cold to you, but he couldn’t help it. In his mind, his actions were justified. Was it the long texts you were sending him every day? Or the calls? Maybe it was the need he knew you felt. He couldn’t exactly put his finger on exactly what it was or the actions that were causing him to act this way, but in the back of his head he had the perfect two words for it. Needy and clingy. He knew those words were harsh and mean, but it wasn’t his fault. How could it be? You were the one acting that way yourself. The way you told him you couldn’t wait for him to get home. The way you called him because you wanted to talk. Every little thing that you did or said was ticking him off even more. That was why he longed to end the calls, or barely texted you back. Because he knew it was a matter of time until he exploded and your whole heart was shattered.
Namjoon couldn’t do that to you. Breaking your heart, would break his too. Despite the feelings he was feeling now, he knew that he loved you. He just wished you could be less…clingy, needy…annoying.
“Hyung, is everything okay?” Jimin asked as soon one of their concerts was done. It was almost impossible to miss how tense Namjoon had been or how agitated he seemed to be around everyone. Was everything with you really that bad and affecting him that much?
“Everything is okay, Jimin.” He simply replied as he made his way to the changing room, not giving any of the members or staff a second glance.
The last months of their tour had been like that. An enormous tension between the boys and their leader, who seemed to put on a mask whenever he entered the stage. They wanted this awful mood of their leader to just vanish, but they also knew it wouldn’t. Not until everything was fixed, and that meant you and Namjoon would have to talk urgently. Fix everything that was wrong in between you and be back to your normal lovey dovey relationship. Yet how could you fix something when you didn’t know the cause for its’ destruction?
Today was finally the day your boyfriend was coming back. You had been waiting for so long and you were more than thrilled to welcome him back. You knew he came back exhausted, so you’d of course only visit him tomorrow, which was totally okay with you. He needed and deserved his rest. On the other side of the town, all of the BTS members were making their way into their dorm, happy to be home.
“Are you going to meet up with Y/N, Namjoon-ah?” Jin asked as they all sat down on their couch. “You two should talk. It has come to our attention that things seem to be a little tense between you tw–”
“Please, don’t start Hyung. All of you need to mind your business and stay out of my relationship with Y/N.” Namjoon replied as he got up from the couch. He wasn’t going to sit there and take a scolding from any of the boys at the moment. He was exhausted and simply wanted to rest.
“Jin is still your hyung, Namjoon.” Yoongi raised his voice at the younger, who seemed to be crossing boundaries. Despite being their leader and extremely smart, Yoongi rarely let any of the younger boys disrespect their elders. After all, that was how he had been raised.
“Of course. I’m sorry. I just need to rest. I’ll speak to her and all of you tomorrow.” Namjoon gave his brothers a smile before excusing himself out of the common area and into his bedroom.
Namjoon had stayed in his bedroom the entire day, not bothering to leave to grab something to eat. You were filling his head and every thought. And that was annoying him extremely much. On the other side of town, you were picking up the boys’ favorite coffees and drinks before you headed to their dorm. You were excited to finally see Namjoon, but of course you wanted to meet the other boys as well. All of them were your friends after all. As you were almost at the dorm, you texted Jin informing that you were almost arriving. You had been given the key to their apartment as a present in your 2-year anniversary, so you were maybe thinking of surprising your boyfriend and fixing everything. Jimin had informed you of what had happened yesterday and honestly you didn’t think Namjoon would act that way towards his brothers. Despite that, you were sure he’d be calmer today and ready to talk like adults.
As Jin texted you back, he heard Namjoon’s door open, the make appearing after a whole day of hiding away. The other boys also looked to Namjoon, who honestly looked even worse than yesterday.
“Morning, hyung.” Taehyung said as ate his cereals.
“Hi…” Namjoon replied as he sat down, yawning. He was still tired, but at the same time, he couldn’t bring himself to sleep any longer. He got himself a toast and poured some orange juice.
“So, are you going to talk with Y/N today?” Yoongi asked, going straight to the point. The others held a breath, admiring how straightforward the other was.
“Talk about what? I don’t get it. I have nothing to talk to her about.” Namjoon replied in the same tone, as he held his glad tighter in his hand. Did his hyung really have to start this early in the morning? Shouldn’t he be asleep anyways?
“You know you two have to talk. Honestly, you’ve been acting as a jerk towards your girlfriend who has been waiting for you to come back for almost nine months.” Yoongi said as he sipped his coffee, eyeing the younger who sat across from him. If he had to be the one to put some sense into his younger brother, then he would.
As you tried to open the door the quietest possibly, not wanting to wake anyone up if they were still sleeping, you heard voices coming from the kitchen. One of them you identified as your boyfriend’s which made you smile almost instantly.
“A jerk? How am I the jerk? She’s the one that has been acting so damn clingy and needy! She’s like a damn kid. I honestly didn’t think she’d act like this.”
“Namjoon, watch your words. That’s still your girlfriend who you’ve been dating for almost three years.” Yoongi said as he was now clearly annoyed about how the younger talked about you. All of the seven boys knew how Yoongi felt about you. It had been him who introduced you to the boys 5 years ago, and Namjoon also knew how much his hyung cared about you. In the back of his mind, Namjoon knew there was more to his hyung’s feelings just like all the other 6 boys knew. You, on the other hand, had always been pretty oblivious to that matter. 
Being a good hyung and best friend, when Yoongi saw how close you and Namjoon got, Yoongi decided to step down and let his best friend and brother enjoy themselves. Even though it hurt him in the beginning, he was okay after a while. He knew you were in better hands, but now he was wondering his decisions.  
“It’s true though. Am I not allowed to express how I feel? As if the pressure from the tour wasn’t enough, she puts even more pressure on me. Always wanting to talk and text. She’s become a burden in my life. Is it really my fault for acting this way? If I knew she would be like this, maybe I would’ve never asked her out in the first place three years ago.” Namjoon yelled as he slammed his hand down on the counter.
“It’s just so damn much! I can’t deal with all of this, okay? I need someone mature enough to be able to be alone for a bit. She knew what she was getting into when she accepted to go out with me. All I want is room to breathe! Why the hell am I the one wrong? A relationship doesn’t start crumbling down just because of one of the people. That person needs a damn reas-”
“Noona…” Jungkook mumbled as he stared at you with widen eyes, seeing you on the doorway holding all of the cups of coffee and a picked-up flower. Your hands were shaking as you stared at the back of your boyfriend, not wanting to believe the words that had just been shouted out.
At the sound of the maknae, Namjoon turned around to meet your face, tears running down your cheeks. If the sight wasn’t enough to break his heart, only then did he come to the realization of what he had truly said. The Pandora box had now been opened.
“I… haha. I see you all have already had dinner. Stupid of me. I should go, right? I’m sorry for disturbing your morning, Namjoon.” You said with a smile on your face as the tears kept running down your cheeks. You carefully put the tray with the coffees on the coffee table and turned around to leave as fast you walked in.
“For such a high IQ, you were pretty stupid now. I honestly hope your wish of wanting space turns real. You promised me that you’d treat her with care, but you just broke that promise of yours.” Yoongi’s tone was venomous as he got up and ran after you, giving his dongsaeng a last glance of disgust.
Namjoon sat in place as your words echoed in his brain. You had called him Namjoon and not Joonie. You laughed as you cried, you apologized even though you had done nothing wrong.
“I truly hope this is what you actually wanted, Namjoon. Y/N has given up a lot to be with you, and just like you know, it hasn’t been easy for her.” Jin said as he went to pick the coffees and flower you had brought them.
“Fuck! You think I wanted this? I only said those things in the heat of the moment. I love her…I really do…” Namjoon mumbled as he slammed his glass to the floor. He got up and ran to his room to pick his coat, his car keys and face mask before rushing out of the apartment.
What had he done?
Preview Chapter 8
“She’s my girlfriend, Yoongi-hyung. Stop interfering!”
“And she is my damn best friend. Leave before I force you to you leave.”
“Yoongs...I need to hear him out.” 
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armywriter2605 · 4 years
To the boys: what is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done? 😍
Taehyung: “Well...In 5th grade, I needed to go to the bathroom so bad cause I drank so much water earlier that day. I was young, okay? But to put it in few words, I didn’t make it...Aish, this is so damn embarrassing!”
Jimin: “Ew I remember that. He cried too! For me was maybe in primary school. Everyone was going to dress up as cats for a play, but a friend of mine decided to joke with me and told me that the concept was changed to us dressing up as dogs. I was the only one dressed up as a dog that day and needed to go up on stage like that. I was so embarrassed that day.”
Namjoon: “Well for me it was the first and last time I tried to cheat on a test. It was in junior high. I was caught red handed and since then, I never tried anything like that ever again. It was so so embarrassing, but now as we both know, I’m quite smart, right? Haha.”
Jin: “You know when you’re walking down the stairs and sometimes miss a step? That happened to me once in front of so many people. I fell down a huge staircase. God, it hurt physically, but my pride was shattered. I still remember the laughs.”
Hoseok: “Embarrassing? Hm...I once lost my underwear at the sauna and had to walk butt naked back to my stuff. But there was also that one time when I spilled a drink on my pants when me and boys were making a deal with another person and then it looked like I had pissed myself. The other guy assumed I was scared of him and had had an accident.” 
Jungkook: “I didn’t do something embarrassing but I was put in a really embarrassing situation. When you’re a guy and once you see the person you like in, for example, a swimsuit, it gets your blood rushing forth. The first time I saw Y/N in a swimsuit was like a dream! It had me so damn worked up in swim class that I had to stay in water until I had calmed down which meant I had to come up with such a stupid lie to stay in water even after class!”
Yoongi: Just let me tell you something, if you dream of going to the bathroom, then that’s a bad sign. Let’s just say I wasn’t a kid anymore and went to bed drunk. I woke up with all of the other guys laughing. Don’t worry, I got them back.” 
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armywriter2605 · 4 years
I have a question for the their boys: when did you know she was the one? Thanks you!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰
"Oh? A question for us? Thanks, beautiful. We appreciate it. Now when did we know she was the one? Well we're all very different yet also similar. For me it was definitely when we wer-"
"Aish Namjoon-ah. Sounds like you're about to tell a boring story. Let me start, huh? I'm the eldest one after all. Now I found out Y/N was the one when my eyes first landed on her. How cute she looked. I still remember the outfit she had on! I'm not sure if it was the innocent look she was giving us or the laughter after she played with us at the arcade, but from the first time I met her, I knew she'd have to be ours. No matter what."
"Jin-hyung, too much clinché, but I guess I'm no better though. For me, it was also when she was much younger. She begged me to teach her the piano once. She praised me and told me how beautifully I played. Besides the boys, no one usually praised me so hearing her say that melted my heart. From that time, I knew I had to do whatever was necessary to protect her forever. She's too kind for such a cruel world."
"Nice Yoongi-hyung, now as I was saying, for me it was when both me and her wer-"
"I'm next! Sorry Namjoonie. When did I realize my angel was the one? I mean, have you seen her?! She's just perfect in every aspect. We'd be stupid if we didn't realize she was the one. But I guess it was when she was in Junior High and me and the others went on a trip to a botanic garden. Let me tell you that she was just the most beautiful flower there. The way the sun hit her skin and glowed as she smelled the flowers. It was so cute!! But there was also that time when we danced together. We were fooling around and then she grabbed my hands and we bot-"
"Mine was at the amusement park! Hobi-hyung can get quite distract so don't mind him. Anyways! We were both at the amusement park one day and she just looked so helpless! She needed my help for everything! Hold her hand, guide her through the park, cheer her up, give her courage on the rides. She was like this small baby that needed nourishment and protection at all times and I just knew we'd keep her safe forever!"
"Wow, all of these hyungs are so lame. I feel almost bad for them. Taehyung, eeeew. Wasms cliche contagious? Now, mine's simple. It was like the second time? Third time? Doesn't matter. We were meeting at the arcade again and I was competing agaisnt her in a game. I won (obviously) but just the way she tried so hard to win, or how she frowned when she lost. God that was cute. It was like a bang to my heart! Now, I had someone that I could call mine and only mine."
"You say the others were lame but so were you, Jungkookie. I knew I loved her deeply for a long time but I realized I wanted her in my life even after death when she attended my high school graduation. Seeing her there, hyping me up and cheering me on made me just realize that I need to have her in my life forever. I wanted to watch her grow old with us and she kept on cheering us on. Forever, her eyes would only be on us!"
"Done Jiminie? You're all so disrespectful. I'm your leader and you just skipped me. So mean. Anyways, as I was saying before all of the others interrupted me, it was when both me and her were eating put after she passed a hard test. She said that if she wanted a good job, she'd have to have great grades and it was then it hit me, I didn't want her to work. Or leave for college, or meet someone else or even look at anyone else the way she looked at us. It was then I realized that she was ours and we needed to provide for her and make sure she stayed our for as long as possible and even beyond that."
"World wide handsome Jin here!! Thank you for your question, love. We love answering them. Please ask more in the near future. Hope that answered the question~ If not, blame Namjoon. He's the leader after all."
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armywriter2605 · 4 years
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Unknown Number
pt. 6 / pt. ?
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@take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d @mixedfandxms @alejaye @cesthoney @chiquifibaby1208 @mochiloverbts @gittydakitty @hd-junglebook @loonyginger @ladymidnightt @cassandras3
↳ Pairing: J-Hope x fem!reader
↳ Genre(s): fluff; angst; idol!BTS x college-student! reader
↳ Rating: 16+
↳ Summary: When you get a text from an unknown number, you didn’t think much of it. As time passes, you and the unknown person start getting closer to each other and soon a friendship blossoms. But your parents had always warned you about strangers. What happens when secrets start to unfold and both you and the unknown person find out who each other are? And what if that friendship develops into more?
↳ Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of my imagination or used in a fictitious manner. None of the pictures used in these fake texts and tweets are mine. I find them on pinterest, we heart it and twitter.
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armywriter2605 · 4 years
Hiiiii. Are you okay ? I would like to know what happen to the man who touched YN in the nightclub. Have a nice day 💖
Hello!! I am doing much better now yes, thank you for your worry bub  💖 💖
Here is the answer to your question😉: 
(This may include gore scenes not suitable for people under the age of 18. Please keep that in mind when you read. Enjoy~) 
It had been 3 days since the boys had witnessed another man try to put his hands on their girl. To say they were angry was light. They were furious, raging. They wanted the man gone, yet the seven boys had gotten to the agreement that they’d use this this man to show others what would happen if they ever tried anything like that. 
Both Jin and Yoongi had told their leader that it would be best for Taehyung and Jungkook to stay at home with Y/N. They had also wanted Jimin to stay behind, but Namjoon had said that the more that showed up, the better. It’d get their message through even clearer. 
After the incident at the club, Yoongi had told the security guard of the club to cut the hand that the man touched Y/N off, but Namjoon had put a halt on the order. He wanted to be there when it happened plus, he wanted to make sure other newbies understood what they were capable of when someone tried to disrespect them. That is also why Namjoon had called upon a meeting at one of their warehouses for all the newbies who had been recruited the last 8 months. 
The recruits were there early, not wanting to be late at all. They knew their leader despised tardiness. That was one of the first rules they’d been taught. The warehouse had about 60 men and women all under the age of 40 years old in there, all being the men that had successfully passed the harsh training and agreed to all the rules the seven men had created. Despite many being older than their bosses, they were nervous. Almost all of of them had never seen them before. The recruits knew they were young but didn’t know much more. 
Hoseok was the first one to walk through the doors of the warehouse. He had black boots on with ripped, denim jeans. With a black leather jacket, white and black stripped long scarf, a black cap with two rings on the edge and sunglasses he walked with a smile. Next to him stood Jimin.  
Jimin walked with grace, yet  even though he has sunglasses on, it was easy to read from his face he wasn't happy. He too had back boots on, but he had styled it with a pair of denim pants and jacket. under the jacket he had a long sleeved, black turtle neck shirt. His silver hair went alone with the outfit and rings he had on.
The oldest, Jin, walked in with a long baby pink coat and black jeans. He had a black shirt under his coat, and black shoes on. Surprisingly the outfit didn’t look too dark, his coat being the contrast. It was his favorite color, and even though many would see the color as too feminine, the women in the warehouse could only see how well their boss looked in such calm color. 
Behind him came both Yoongi and Namjoon next to each other. Yoongi walked with a full black outfit on yet had a tricolor flannel on which, like the eldest, made the outfit not as dark as it seemed. His face was covered with a face mask and a black bucket hat, which made it difficult to even see his eyes. 
Namjoon had a complete other outfit. It consisted of lighter colors. Denim pants with black boots and a black shirt. Yet he also had a beige jacket and white cap which simply went along with everything. He too had a pair of sunglasses on. 
If anyone had seen these men on the streets, they’d believe they were either fashion students or models. Not bosses of one of the biggest underground mafia groups in South Korea. The men watched with envy as their bosses walked full of glory and confidence towards the small high stage that had been set up. As they were closer to the stage, the door to the warehouse was open again. Two men walked in, holding the man that had upset Y/N in their club. He had been starved the past 3 days and beaten up occasionally. At the sight of their fellow colleague and friend, whispering started. What had he done? Why was he like this? Why were all of them here? 
The man was in an awful state. His face was painted with shades of reds and purples. He had dried blood on his forehead and on his nose, indicating something had been fractured. He was also struggling to walk by himself at all, his strength failing him because of the lack of food and drink.
Once on the stage, sitting down on chairs with the man on the ground in front of them, Namjoon cleared his throat making sure everyone talking stopped. Understanding the sign, everyone in the warehouse shut up, giving the word to the boss leader.
“Many of you may be wondering what is going on. Why all of you are here and why is this...vermin in such state. Well, this man here.” Namjoon started as he stood up, bringing his boot to the face of the beaten man, pushing his face to the ground.  
“This man here thought it’d be a good idea to hit on and even try to take home the one person you were taught to stay away from. I believe many of you know who I’m referring to, but some of you new ones may be confused. Y/N L/N is the girl this man was flirting with in one of our own clubs three nights ago.”
It wasn’t long until talking erupted. Some couldn’t believe what they were hearing while others just simply didn’t get the whole point. Wasn’t she just another girl?
“Now that girl is the one you all were taught not to touch, not to think of or even get close to. Why you may be wondering? Because she is ours. And whatever is ours is not for anyone else to even take a glance at.” Jin said as he also stood up and grabbed the man on the ground by his hair, showing his beaten face to the crowd of newbies who now had a scared expression on. Would their bosses really go this far just because someone hit on their girl? 
Yoongi now ordered the guard to get the mini axe they so carefully had purchased for this event. “You see, we wouldn’t have gone this far until this asshole grabbed our baby. And no one but us is to touch her. We thought you all knew that but apparently you don’t and need a reteaching.” Yoongi snickered as he grabbed the axe and handed it over to Hoseok, who had been sitting with a smile on his face this whole time.
“Which one was it again, Hyung?” Hoseok asked as moved closer to the crying man, who begged for forgiveness. 
“Hey, which one do you write with?” Jin asked before letting him go, wiping his hand on his jeans. The hair of the man was dirty and now his hand was also as dirty. 
“M-m-my right o-one.” The man replied honestly, snot coming out of his nose as he sobbed loud.
“You have your answer there, Hoseok-hyung.” Namjoon replied, stepping slightly away from the scene that was about to unfold. 
As Yoongi ordered the guards to hold the man down, Hoseok closed the distance between him and the sinner. “Please don’t think this is personal. We’d do this to anyone who got near our angel. Man, woman...children. She’s ours after all.” 
Hoseok said and with one swing, he pierced the axe halfway through the wrist of the man. The man on the ground screamed in agony, as he watched his own hand being chopped off. The blood started to pour out, some drops being shielded by Hoseok’s scarf. 
“Oops, sorry. First time using an axe, and a small one at that.” Hoseok said and with another swing, he hit the same spot, successfully finalizing his doing. The metallic smell was now strong, and some of the newbies who were close enough to the scene, felt the need to throw up.
“There there, it’s all done now. No need to cry anymore.” Jimin comforted the male, who cried in pain and shock. The silver haired boy patted the other’s head as he gave him a smile before kicking the chopped prehensile off the stage. 
“I hope everyone here understood what we meant by this scene. Worse things will be done now that all of you know how important this girl is.” Namjoon said as he gave a kick to the bleeding man before he walked off the stage. The other 4 boys followed as if this was a normal every day doing. 
Hoseok was complaining at how his jeans scarf was ruined and he needed a new one. Jimin was busy texting Taehyung telling him everything went smoothly, and surprisingly, no reply was received which was unusual. Yoongi yawned as he walked, wanting to just go home and have a nap with Y/N in his arms and next to him walked Jin, who was busy thinking of what to cook for their lunch. 
The new recruits watched in horror. How messed up could their bosses be to do this to someone who did simply talked with the wrong girl? How possessive could they actually get and how far would they go for that girl? Did she even know this had happened? Was she as crazy as them? 
As many stood frozen in place, some tried to help the crying man who yelped at anyone to help him. Although, the helping people were stopped by the guards. No one was to help him until the doctor got there. Those were the orders. 
As the doctor rushed inside, the five boys left the warehouse with a smile or contented expression on as they wondered what their baby was doing.
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armywriter2605 · 4 years
Hi!!! if y/n had a one night stand and gets pregnant, what would the boys do? Would they accept the baby or....? Please keep writing!!!! ❤️ Sorry for my bad English.
Your English is completely fine!! English is not my first language either so I completely understand!💞
In the boys' minds, Y/N would never do such a thing so for her to show up pregnant would mean someone forced themselves on her, even if she told them that wasn't the case. And once those thoughts got to their mind, they'd turn the entire town around to find out who was the man that did such a thing and make sure he wouldn't live another day.
Now when it comes to keeping the child, I don't think the boys would let Y/N start a family with it. That'd be out of question. I can either see the boys letting her have it and then give it up for adoption or not let her keep it at all. The first child to ever be in her life would be a child of theirs, not some guy you didn't even know.
Yet at the same time, I feel like they'd even find out before she did. Once she started feeling bad or something, they'd have a doctor come over while she was sleeping and once they got the news, they'd have her take the pill even without her knowing. "It's just a pill with vitamins and stuff. We don't want our baby to get sick."
Once they got rid of it, they'd make sure to never ever leave her side no matter what. They'd make sure someone was with her at all times. I also believe that the older members would want to get her pregnant with a child of theirs as fast as possible to make sure no more incidents like that ever happened.
Thank you so much for the support!! I appreciate it so so much. 💜💜
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armywriter2605 · 4 years
Hey, I hope you're okay. I really like your THEIRS' story. Please keep going, I can wait for the next chapter. I would like to know what happen if Seong-min came back to OC's live ? Lot a love xx💕
First of all, let me just say thank you!! Recieving such kind words is so sweet and encouraging!!💞💞 Thank you so much fo your support.
Now regarding your question:
I believe everyone has realized that the boys are extremely possessive of Y/N, yet still don't show her the real ugly side of them. I believe if Seong-Min came back, it'd definitely trigger all the boys tremendously.
I believe Y/N would be fine with Seong-Min coming back. She'd understand that the entire situation was a simple misunderstanding and maybe try to get along with him again, but the boys would not take this kindly. They'd feel threatened as if he came back with challenge in his mind. I believe that this time around, the boys would make sure Y/N would want to keep away from Seong-Min herself. Like telling her that he's dangerous, lying and creating situations where Seong-Min would come off as the bad guy or even creating a fake past with fake witnesses so Y/N was convinced that Seong-Min was no good.
Once she did realize that herself, the boys would make sure Seong-Min disappeared completely without any trace.
Again, thank you so much!!!💜💜
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armywriter2605 · 4 years
Q&A/requests for THEIRS
Hello everyone!!
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I’ve been thinking that it would be fun to do a sort of Q&A for the THEIRS boys. You can also request a scene/scenario for one of the boys or all. You can also direct your questions to the boys themselves and they'll answer you!!
I just thought it’d be a fun concept and a good way for everyone to get to know more the boys, how they are etc.
Just comment bellow, send a question anonymously or not, or send me a dm! I’ll make sure that all are answered!!  
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armywriter2605 · 4 years
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Unknown Number
pt. 5 / pt. ?
Previous / Next
@take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d @mixedfandxms @alejaye @cesthoney @chiquifibaby1208 @mochiloverbts @gittydakitty @hd-junglebook @loonyginger @ladymidnightt @cassandras3
↳ Pairing: J-Hope x fem!reader
↳ Genre(s): fluff; angst; idol!BTS x college-student! reader
↳ Rating: 16+
↳ Summary: When you get a text from an unknown number, you didn’t think much of it. As time passes, you and the unknown person start getting closer to each other and soon a friendship blossoms. But your parents had always warned you about strangers. What happens when secrets start to unfold and both you and the unknown person find out who each other are? And what if that friendship develops into more?
↳ Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of my imagination or used in a fictitious manner. None of the pictures used in these fake texts and tweets are mine. I find them on pinterest, we heart it and twitter.
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armywriter2605 · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Unknown Number
pt. 4 / pt. ?
Previous / Next
@take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d @mixedfandxms @alejaye @cesthoney @chiquifibaby1208 @mochiloverbts @gittydakitty @hd-junglebook @loonyginger @ladymidnightt @cassandras3
↳ Pairing: J-Hope x fem!reader
↳ Genre(s): fluff; angst; idol!BTS x college-student! reader
↳ Rating: 16+
↳ Summary: When you get a text from an unknown number, you didn’t think much of it. As time passes, you and the unknown person start getting closer to each other and soon a friendship blossoms. But your parents had always warned you about strangers. What happens when secrets start to unfold and both you and the unknown person find out who each other are? And what if that friendship develops into more?
↳ Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of my imagination or used in a fictitious manner. None of the pictures used in these fake texts and tweets are mine. I find them on pinterest, we heart it and twitter.
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armywriter2605 · 4 years
Could you maybe possibly add me to the tag list for Theirs 🥺👉🏻👈🏻💞
Of course!! 💜💜
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armywriter2605 · 4 years
Hi! Could you add me to the tag list of your stories ‘unknown number’ and ‘theirs’? I enjoy it so much! Thank you :)
Of course sweetie! Thank you for the support!!💜💜
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armywriter2605 · 4 years
Could I please be on the tag list for theirs! It’s an amazing story and I can’t wait for more!
Thank you and of course^^ I'm glad you're enjoying the series!
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armywriter2605 · 4 years
Can I be added to you taglist for Unknown Number?🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Of course!! 💜
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