aroace-lemon · 11 months
please consider this the weak version of drunkenly flipping off the sky
@reachoutusa @support
shut the fuck up bastards
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aroace-lemon · 11 months
@reachoutusa @support
shut the fuck up bastards
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aroace-lemon · 11 months
Let’s clear some things up.
"omg you hate queer people!!" 
No, we don't. There's several queer people in the server and we've all gotten along just fine, in fact we've had some wonderful conversations discussing our different views. The reason we marketed our server as a “conservative Christian server” is because that’s primarily who we’re trying to find. Other people with different beliefs and ways of life are welcome to join so long as they’re respectful. 
"but you said you're anti-Pride!!"
Admittedly, this was due to a misunderstanding of what that term means to a lot of people. The "pride movement" and LGBT people are not the same thing to me. Clearly they are to a lot of people, so I understand the confusion. I used this terminology because I’ve seen others in the LGBT community make this distinction in terms, but I understand now that this distinction is not as widespread as I thought it was.
Allow me to clarify: When I say we "don't support the Pride movement", I'm talking specifically about the political movement that advocates for giving porn to young kids in school, putting them through medical procedures they are too young to consent to, and viciously attacking, harassing, and silencing anyone who brings up concerns about these things. Obviously this is not all of the LGBT community, nor would I ever insinuate that. But it is a very vocal and nasty subset of it, and it's a subset we want nothing to do with.
"queered into oblivion"
If it's wrong to straightwash queer characters (and I believe that it is), then it's wrong to queerwash straight characters. Many of the Links are canonically straight in the games, and all of them are portrayed as straight in LU (I don't have the time to go into all the evidence for this right now, but it's there if you look). If you want more queer representation in media—which is totally valid!—go make your own queer characters and give them an engaging story. I've seen it done and it's great! Queerwashing established characters is lazy, disrespectful, and just as offensive as straightwashing. So we're not allowing that in our server. 
"youre banning people just because they're queer!! I was banned and I didn't break any of the rules!" 
If we banned people just for being queer, we wouldn't have any queer people in the server, and I've already debunked that.
As for the second point: Yes, I have banned people wrongly and I apologize for that. This is largely thanks to a constant bombardment of malicious trolls, many of whom pretend to come to us with good intentions, only to wreak havoc once they're granted access to the server. So I am being a bit overzealous with the ban hammer at the moment because we've been burned too many times. It's hard to tell anymore who wants to have a civil discussion and who's just biding their time. If you feel you were banned wrongfully, please reach out to me in dms and we can discuss the matter.
Another quick point I want to make is that our current server rules are due for revision. Now that we've spent some time open to the public, we have a better understanding of what kinds of rules our server needs. So, yes, we're not going to be strictly sticking to our rules right now because we're in the process of tweaking them. I understand that’s frustrating but there’s only so much we can juggle at once. 
"the people in your server are so mean! You don't even talk about loz stuff!"
It's kinda hard to relax and nerd out with your buddies when raiders are lighting your house on fire. We've been burned and we're on edge. I won't ask for anyone in the server to be excused for bad behavior, but I will ask for patience. 
Part of the reason I'm bothering to write this whole thing out in the first place is so we can stop repeating ourselves on these points. Many of the trolls we've dealt with have started out "respectfully disagreeing" with us only to turn nasty and crude. So now whenever there's a disagreement, it puts everyone on edge. 
Before we opened this server up to the public it was just a private little place for me and some friends, and we all happened to share similar beliefs so it turned into a bit of an echo chamber. Please don’t take our old conversations as representative of the current people in the server. We did talk about LoZ stuff, and we still do, but we’ve also got two general chats and a place to discuss controversial topics. And, as I already mentioned, we’re a little preoccupied with the trolling situation. 
Now that we’ve gotten all of that out of the way, here’s a non-exhaustive sampling of what we’ve been dealing with over the past few days: 
typical troll spam: inappropriate images, death threats, etc.
sleeper trolls: people who come into the server pretending to be there in good faith in order to gain access to the server, and then wreaking havoc. Several of these have been… obnoxiously “Christian”, to the point where I was in the middle of typing up a “knock it off” message when they decided to oust themselves. 
false accusations and even outright lies from people on tumblr who’ve “checked out” the server and then left. Idk why people do this. We’ve been baselessly accused of antisemitism among other things. 
vicious asks about this issue sent to tumblr blogs who have no affiliation with our server. 
I’d like to point out here that for being such a “hateful” server, none of the mods (I can’t speak for the other people in the server obviously) have ever done any of this, to anyone, nor would we. I’ve spoken about people using their (real or perceived) victim status as a cudgel to beat others with, and this is a fine example of that. You wonder why we’re trying to make a safe space? Because this is what happens when we share what we believe. You claim we have “institutional power” or whatever and yet we can’t set up and advertise a freaking discord server without people going on a witch hunt. 
I have had a few people reach out to me in kindness, and I want to let those people know that it’s really meant a lot to me. I expected trolls and some lashback but the maliciousness has been something else. I’m sorry to anyone on tumblr who’s been attacked over this, I don’t know why people are going after blogs that have no affiliation with this server, it’s disgraceful and disgusting. 
Hopefully what I’ve written here clears up some of the misunderstandings. We appreciate anyone who’s willing to hear us out rather than jumping to conclusions. Take care everyone.
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aroace-lemon · 11 months
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have an aradia doodle
0 notes
aroace-lemon · 11 months
Let’s clear some things up.
"omg you hate queer people!!" 
No, we don't. There's several queer people in the server and we've all gotten along just fine, in fact we've had some wonderful conversations discussing our different views. The reason we marketed our server as a “conservative Christian server” is because that’s primarily who we’re trying to find. Other people with different beliefs and ways of life are welcome to join so long as they’re respectful. 
"but you said you're anti-Pride!!"
Admittedly, this was due to a misunderstanding of what that term means to a lot of people. The "pride movement" and LGBT people are not the same thing to me. Clearly they are to a lot of people, so I understand the confusion. I used this terminology because I’ve seen others in the LGBT community make this distinction in terms, but I understand now that this distinction is not as widespread as I thought it was.
Allow me to clarify: When I say we "don't support the Pride movement", I'm talking specifically about the political movement that advocates for giving porn to young kids in school, putting them through medical procedures they are too young to consent to, and viciously attacking, harassing, and silencing anyone who brings up concerns about these things. Obviously this is not all of the LGBT community, nor would I ever insinuate that. But it is a very vocal and nasty subset of it, and it's a subset we want nothing to do with.
"queered into oblivion"
If it's wrong to straightwash queer characters (and I believe that it is), then it's wrong to queerwash straight characters. Many of the Links are canonically straight in the games, and all of them are portrayed as straight in LU (I don't have the time to go into all the evidence for this right now, but it's there if you look). If you want more queer representation in media—which is totally valid!—go make your own queer characters and give them an engaging story. I've seen it done and it's great! Queerwashing established characters is lazy, disrespectful, and just as offensive as straightwashing. So we're not allowing that in our server. 
"youre banning people just because they're queer!! I was banned and I didn't break any of the rules!" 
If we banned people just for being queer, we wouldn't have any queer people in the server, and I've already debunked that.
As for the second point: Yes, I have banned people wrongly and I apologize for that. This is largely thanks to a constant bombardment of malicious trolls, many of whom pretend to come to us with good intentions, only to wreak havoc once they're granted access to the server. So I am being a bit overzealous with the ban hammer at the moment because we've been burned too many times. It's hard to tell anymore who wants to have a civil discussion and who's just biding their time. If you feel you were banned wrongfully, please reach out to me in dms and we can discuss the matter.
Another quick point I want to make is that our current server rules are due for revision. Now that we've spent some time open to the public, we have a better understanding of what kinds of rules our server needs. So, yes, we're not going to be strictly sticking to our rules right now because we're in the process of tweaking them. I understand that’s frustrating but there’s only so much we can juggle at once. 
"the people in your server are so mean! You don't even talk about loz stuff!"
It's kinda hard to relax and nerd out with your buddies when raiders are lighting your house on fire. We've been burned and we're on edge. I won't ask for anyone in the server to be excused for bad behavior, but I will ask for patience. 
Part of the reason I'm bothering to write this whole thing out in the first place is so we can stop repeating ourselves on these points. Many of the trolls we've dealt with have started out "respectfully disagreeing" with us only to turn nasty and crude. So now whenever there's a disagreement, it puts everyone on edge. 
Before we opened this server up to the public it was just a private little place for me and some friends, and we all happened to share similar beliefs so it turned into a bit of an echo chamber. Please don’t take our old conversations as representative of the current people in the server. We did talk about LoZ stuff, and we still do, but we’ve also got two general chats and a place to discuss controversial topics. And, as I already mentioned, we’re a little preoccupied with the trolling situation. 
Now that we’ve gotten all of that out of the way, here’s a non-exhaustive sampling of what we’ve been dealing with over the past few days: 
typical troll spam: inappropriate images, death threats, etc.
sleeper trolls: people who come into the server pretending to be there in good faith in order to gain access to the server, and then wreaking havoc. Several of these have been… obnoxiously “Christian”, to the point where I was in the middle of typing up a “knock it off” message when they decided to oust themselves. 
false accusations and even outright lies from people on tumblr who’ve “checked out” the server and then left. Idk why people do this. We’ve been baselessly accused of antisemitism among other things. 
vicious asks about this issue sent to tumblr blogs who have no affiliation with our server. 
I’d like to point out here that for being such a “hateful” server, none of the mods (I can’t speak for the other people in the server obviously) have ever done any of this, to anyone, nor would we. I’ve spoken about people using their (real or perceived) victim status as a cudgel to beat others with, and this is a fine example of that. You wonder why we’re trying to make a safe space? Because this is what happens when we share what we believe. You claim we have “institutional power” or whatever and yet we can’t set up and advertise a freaking discord server without people going on a witch hunt. 
I have had a few people reach out to me in kindness, and I want to let those people know that it’s really meant a lot to me. I expected trolls and some lashback but the maliciousness has been something else. I’m sorry to anyone on tumblr who’s been attacked over this, I don’t know why people are going after blogs that have no affiliation with this server, it’s disgraceful and disgusting. 
Hopefully what I’ve written here clears up some of the misunderstandings. We appreciate anyone who’s willing to hear us out rather than jumping to conclusions. Take care everyone.
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aroace-lemon · 11 months
being able to sew feels like too much power
0 notes
aroace-lemon · 11 months
My brother and I played a game once called "What's the most annoying noise on the planet" where we'd go on YouTube and try to find the most annoying noise.
It started with "revving motorcycle" and quickly burned through "baby crying" and "guy throwing up", and proceeded thusly.
I thought I'd won when I found an awful, ear-splittingly off-key and saccharine children's church song.
I'd actually lost, you see, because my brother started playing this non fucking stop. Cackling from the other room while I screeched like I was on fire.
Cut forwards a few years. We're both learning piano. He starts going to church. Really starts coming in to himself. Gets on really well with the pastor, a super chill dude in his 90's who was less "yall are burning in hell, so-and-so is evil" and more "Christians aren't allowed to hate anyone, so calm down and do some community service". That kinda guy.
Anyhow, my brother gets really good at the piano. So good that Pastor D asks him to play a song at service some time. Obviously I show up.
Can you guess the fucking song?
I almost lost my mind. Two years. Two years. He'd learned the piano and he'd remembered how much I hated it. I couldn't decide if I wanted to laugh or cry or strangle him in the parking lot. Possibly all three.
He finishes the song. We all clap. There are old folks in the front row wiping their eyes. It was all very sweet.
Then Pastor D takes up the pulpit with tears on his face and tells my brother that it was such an interesting choice. And such a beautiful song. Because it wasn't wasn't a popular choice. But he remembered singing it in his youth.
It was a sweet moment.
And Im still so fucking mad about it
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aroace-lemon · 11 months
You can only like 4 posts a day and if you even think of reblogging we're going to blow your brains out
60K notes · View notes
aroace-lemon · 11 months
i am. so normal. and so so silly :3
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aroace-lemon · 11 months
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“Inkling to Height”
A squid, a small squid
So small could fit in my palm
They squirm and writhe until a comfortable fit
I let them sleep, they need it.
7 notes · View notes
aroace-lemon · 11 months
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have a qjaiden doodle
0 notes
aroace-lemon · 1 year
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aroace-lemon · 1 year
do people actually read books while in the bathtub
how do you not get everything wet
741K notes · View notes
aroace-lemon · 1 year
ahhhhhhhh ……. so peasful (explosions) (cartoonish screaming) aaaahhh … 
27K notes · View notes
aroace-lemon · 1 year
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dragon terezi
8K notes · View notes
aroace-lemon · 1 year
it’s so funny to me that tumblr is swarmed with ads to “get skinny” like how are you going to do this on the fat people are people website
0 notes
aroace-lemon · 1 year
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my first piece of art that i'm throwing into the void. fairy
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