askeckbertanderin · 4 months
veldergrathhateblog from (x):
You HAVE to pick a favorite regent
Erin groaned. "Must we? None of them are particularly..." She finished her sentence with a grimace as Eckbert chuckled.
"Maybe Lord Mead. His antics can be rather entertaining in our proceedings. I think that's a good enough reason to pick a so-called 'favorite,' yes?"
Favorite Regent?
"None of them," Erin quickly answered, rolling her eyes as her husband leaned over, shushing her just as quickly.
"Quiet, they'll hear you. We can't let them know--"
"Do you have a favorite regent?" Erin asked him, raising an eyebrow, already doubting whatever lie Eckbert would give her. "Besides, they'd be fools to imagine themselves in your good graces with the way they scheme behind your back. Snakes, all of them."
"Not all of them, some of them--"
"Which ones, Eckbert?" Erin turned her head to him.
"Lady Orlaine hasn't been terribly bad to us."
Erin again rolled her eyes. "Lady Orlaine isn't as much of a lady as she claims to be. I've heard her chatter about when she thought I wasn't listening."
Eckbert sighed, dragging a hand down his face. "Well, I suppose the question would be easier if it was our least favorite regent."
"Dearest, why do you have that ready immediately?"
"Is it not true? As prime regent, we see a lot of him; I wouldn't mind it terribly if we saw him less."
Eckbert covered his snort. "My dear, you are a treasure. As long as I have you by my side, I know that nothing is impossible--regardless of the regents." Eckbert turned back to his scribe. "I'd say my favorite advisor is my beautiful wife, does that suffice?"
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askeckbertanderin · 4 months
Favorite Regent?
"None of them," Erin quickly answered, rolling her eyes as her husband leaned over, shushing her just as quickly.
"Quiet, they'll hear you. We can't let them know--"
"Do you have a favorite regent?" Erin asked him, raising an eyebrow, already doubting whatever lie Eckbert would give her. "Besides, they'd be fools to imagine themselves in your good graces with the way they scheme behind your back. Snakes, all of them."
"Not all of them, some of them--"
"Which ones, Eckbert?" Erin turned her head to him.
"Lady Orlaine hasn't been terribly bad to us."
Erin again rolled her eyes. "Lady Orlaine isn't as much of a lady as she claims to be. I've heard her chatter about when she thought I wasn't listening."
Eckbert sighed, dragging a hand down his face. "Well, I suppose the question would be easier if it was our least favorite regent."
"Dearest, why do you have that ready immediately?"
"Is it not true? As prime regent, we see a lot of him; I wouldn't mind it terribly if we saw him less."
Eckbert covered his snort. "My dear, you are a treasure. As long as I have you by my side, I know that nothing is impossible--regardless of the regents." Eckbert turned back to his scribe. "I'd say my favorite advisor is my beautiful wife, does that suffice?"
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askeckbertanderin · 4 months
who’s your favorite son
Eckbert rapped his fingers on the throne's armrest, leaning on the other as he regarded the courtier in front of him with disdain dripping from his features. "I hardly think that's a fair question. I love my sons equally, regardless of the trouble they might find themselves in."
The king sighed. "I hope this isn't coming up because of the tapestry incident. Jaron, saints bless his soul, has had his ups and downs recently, but just because his actions may require more... attention doesn't mean it makes it any more difficult to love him."
Eckbert looked over to where Erin sat. "Perhaps I'm not the best at showing it--and perhaps my love need not be so guarded--but they are both remarkable boys who I know will both grow into exceptional young men. I hope one day I'll see that reality," he said, taking in a tense breath; there was doubt in his eyes, but if one didn't have hope, they had nothing.
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askeckbertanderin · 3 years
i kinda want to stab you
“That’s quite an interesting sentiment, dear. I hate to disappoint you, but neither my wife nor I would care for that very much. I can’t say you’re the first one to express that thought either--or think it, I suppose,” he smiled with the grace of a man who had heard more than his fair share. 
“Unfortunately, I think you might have to take that up with Breslan, I don’t think he’s too keen on letting things like this slide,” he chuckled. 
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askeckbertanderin · 3 years
“Lord Conner, this brings me to another question then…” the King paused, putting a up finger before setting it back down, “I–wasn’t aware Lord Veldergrath was a fan of yours.”
“Lord Veldergrath? Why, he–” Conner paused, then grinned. “Why, yes, your Majesty. He certainly is a fan of mine. He just adores me, I’m surprised you only just learned this… He’s just a tad bit too prideful to be so open about it.”
“Somehow,” Eckbert paused, tilting his head at the other, “I don’t believe this. The Prime Regent following you around--like a lowly puppy? Are you sure he’s the one who’s prideful in this situation?”
[ askeckbertanderin, Eckbert ] "Sir, am I led to believe that you are going by the name Connie now? If so, I'll make an announcement at once so your chosen name will be respected." [ This is the real reason Connie poisoned him huh :pensive: ]
“Oh-- Nonono, my King, this is a misunderstanding. I do not wish to be called Connie. It’s just a-- an affectionate nickname, meant only for all of my adoring fans, you know.”
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askeckbertanderin · 3 years
Heyo! Big fan of your work by the way! Since the holiday season is coming up, what do you plan on doing for it? Is there like a ceremony you must attend or is it like a day off with your family? Seasons tidings and New Year greetings! 💓
“Hello, dear! Thank you kindly for your words! The four of us will be attending an all day ceremony to celebrate the holiday season with the citizens of Carthya. We do our best to make an appearance every year at the festival held in the center of town to make merry with our brothers and sisters--and it’s truly a sight! With the square all lit up, a decorated tree in the middle, and the singing and dancing under the stars--I truly could not ask for more.” 
He sighed, glancing off to the side with a slow nod. “It always reminds me what we’re actually fighting for--not the petty politics, not the land disputes, and certainly not the pompous parading that’s expected of us. I could not do what I do without the support of my fellow Carthyans--they may think themselves far removed from our minds, but that is only because they hold a dear place in our hearts.
 “I do hope to spend some time alone with my family, but,” he took in a breath, “the holiday times are always busy. I’m thankful to know that Erin is already baking with the boys--or rather teaching them how to lift the cookie dough while the bakers aren’t looking,” he smiled warmly. “Little treasures they are, both too young to know the bakers play along with them and their mother. “I always make it a point of mine--despite whatever trivial squabbles my regents put on my plate this season--to read one of those classic holiday tales to Darius and Jaron around the fireplace. They may bore of it now, but one day--I think they will look back on the times fondly.”
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askeckbertanderin · 3 years
“Lord Conner, this brings me to another question then...” the King paused, putting a up finger before setting it back down, “I--wasn’t aware Lord Veldergrath was a fan of yours.”
[ askeckbertanderin, Eckbert ] "Sir, am I led to believe that you are going by the name Connie now? If so, I'll make an announcement at once so your chosen name will be respected." [ This is the real reason Connie poisoned him huh :pensive: ]
“Oh-- Nonono, my King, this is a misunderstanding. I do not wish to be called Connie. It’s just a-- an affectionate nickname, meant only for all of my adoring fans, you know.”
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askeckbertanderin · 3 years
Eckbert does is catboy confirm?
“What are they asking me?” The King held the letter in his hands, reading glasses on his nose as he squinted. “Catboy? What in saint’s name is a catboy? A boy who spends his time with cats?”
“Darling, you’re reading into it too much,” Erin said, pulling her needle through her knitting work, “they must be asking you if you like cats.” “Yes, but--you have a stable boy, so it--” he ran a hand through his hair, sighing, “you know, Erin, I am reading into this too much,” he leaned over to look at her while shaking his head with a grin, “where would I be without you? I suppose I do, indeed, enjoy our little feline companions.” “We really ought to get a few, dear, I think Jaron would also be a catboy if given the chance.”
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askeckbertanderin · 3 years
'welcome to the ascendance ask blog circle have some wine' -- definitely NOT @askbevinconner
“Oh! Why thank you, man who looks suspiciously like Lord Bevin Conner, I appreciate the wine. My wife and I will be sure to enjoy this gift as it is assuredly not poisoned; a man of my court, such as yourself, would never do that, right?”
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askeckbertanderin · 3 years
hey bitches :)
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