askhow · 2 years
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Educators do their best to provide a good education to all the children. However, it can be challenging to ensure that every student is grasping the knowledge in the best way possible. Children need help outside their school environment. Due to busy schedules, parents this tutors outside the schools are the best solution. So, if you are one of the parents who are worried about their child’s education, then you must read further to know the warning signs that your child is in dire need of a tutor.
Your child is using excuses to avoid school
It is a sign when some children started making excuses like stomachache, fever, and so on. Along with this, they might say I hate school! or Do I have to go? 
The reason behind such excuses can be separation anxiety, bullying at school, and feeling of disconnection with classmates. Other than this avoiding schools occurs because of academic challenges as well.
If you notice your child making such excuses to avoid school, try to find out why and ask them why they don’t want to go to school or what makes them unhappy. By doing this you can decide whether a tutor is a solution or not.
 Poor time management
Time management is a considerable change in any student and if you have lately noticed such change in your child as well, then you should not ignore it. Sometimes we all fail to manage our time, but it is consistency that matters. Missing homework, failing to submit assignments, failing to meet deadlines, and being unable to cope with what is going on in the classroom, is a sign that they need outside help. In this situation, a tutor can help a child by guiding them in a way they can understand and learn at their pace. This will ensure a child comes back on track.
 Your child has fallen behind in class
Due to the pandemic, students fell behind by an average of months due to virtual learning. The situation may have worsened for some students, including those with learning disabilities. Even teachers struggled to make online learning more productive for students. Other factors can also cause a 
child to fall behind. There are some children who may fall behind at some point because they missed a fundamental concept. Another reason some students have a hard time is the learning style used by their teachers or the majority of their classmates. Getting your child back on track can be harder the further behind they fall. Working with an online tutor can help rebuild those essential skills and can put a child in a better position academically.
 Your lack of time
It is not always a child who goes through something that indicates a need for a tutor, but as discussed earlier that schools try their level best but a child needs help outside the school as well. This help is provided by parents, but sometimes parents lack time and cannot supervise their children. At this point in time a need for a tutor arises, who can guide and keep a track of a child’s performance, which will help him cope.
 Homework is a constant battle
For some children, homework is a constant battle to fight. Your child may even cry the moment you remind them that it's time to get his homework done. Sometimes, these homework battles could occur due to other reasons like frustrations, lack of concentration, or educational gaps. This Online tutoring offers opportunities for kids to improve their academic understanding from the comfort of their homes. A tutor can help in providing missing information, but they can offer homework time as well.
 If you suspect your child is struggling in school for grades or with attitude problems, and If you are one of those parents who wish for their children to get the best possible education and can leave no stones unturned. Then you must take help from an online tutor for your child. Get started with AskHow today itself.
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askhow · 2 years
Benefits of Online Tutoring for Schools
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Schools and the whole education system have seen drastic changes in the last few years. In this rollercoaster of a journey, every student was introduced to various challenges when it came to their studies. Classroom learning became learning at home, physical teaching became live online classes, and entering classrooms turned into turning on your devices and textbooks changed to online notes and whatnot.
Maximise student outcomes
During this whole process of change in the system, many students face problems like depression, stress, anxiety, and more, which is why their grades are declining in school. There is so much pressure already on them, but the one that affects them the most is increased anxiety in the learning environment. 
Online tutoring services like AskHow reduce this anxiety as students feel free to ask their queries one-on-one with the tutors and once they feel comfortable, they learn better.
Help Students Prepare for Tests
Due to this process of changes, many students faced the problem of preparing for tests due to many reasons like lack of student-teacher interaction, unclarity of concepts, and many more. At that time online tutoring sites like AskHow helped them solve their doubts and get good grades. Along with students, this helps schools as when students get good grades, the school flourishes. 
Interactive Instruction to Keep Students Engaged
Interaction always helps in better learning. As interactive learning methods provide students with advanced learning beyond memorisation and allow them to use knowledge practically. AskHow tutoring platform provides students with powerful-learning tools which include:
- Whiteboards
- Live chat
- Drop a question and more. 
With the help of these tools, students can easily interact with the tutors and get their doubts solved quickly.
Educators have access to student performance 
Tutors should not only provide guidance but they should also evaluate the results in order to know the progress of the student as well. Knowing the progress will help them to understand whether the student is growing or not. Through the Dashboard, tutors can easily review and proofread paper submissions and monitor student progress to help improve the instructional design.
Reduces teachers' stress
Tutoring online provides struggling students with additional support before, during, and after school hours, providing teachers with the much-needed time and energy to focus on classroom instruction as well as a better work-life balance.
Increase student support with online tutoring
By providing 24/7 online tutoring to students at no cost, we provide equitable access to personalised learning, while bolstering the resources available to teachers to provide student support. Explore with AskHow how offering 24/7 online tutoring can benefit your school.
What Is The Future Of Online Learning?
There are many reasons that schools and students are choosing online tutors for educational guidance, including the human tendency to stay up-to-date with changes that happen around them. With today's technology, everything has become digitised and the flow of information is faster than ever.
Online learning is becoming increasingly popular in this context, as smartphones and laptops have become an integral part of everyone's daily life. Guaranteed success, personalised teaching, and tutor support available all the time make online learning a significant alternative to traditional education, many schools use this method of online teaching as extra help for students. 
There is no doubt that online education is on the rise and it will not go away anytime soon. Thus, one should take advantage of it as much as possible. It is more convenient and easier for students to communicate with tutors online. With the positive attitude that students have towards online learning, the revolution is proving to be a success. To discover more about online tutoring and to understand its benefits, you can visit our site AskHow and have your doubts cleared.
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askhow · 2 years
How to develop a child's Reading Habit?
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Reading is one of the most indispensable skills that a child will learn in the earlier years. We can sum up the importance of reading by noting that it is not just about reading. When we teach our children to read, we are actually helping them to get engaged in an activity that will benefit them throughout their life. Reading not only improves our reading skills but in fact, it enhances our communication skills well. Along with this it also builds up vocabulary and helps to understand lessons in a more thorough way. 
 Why Is Reading Important?
Starting reading at an early stage can make you a better writer and speaker. Reading skills can put you ahead of everyone and will definitely help you to achieve your goals. 
Expands the mind:
For beginners. It helps to expand their mind. Reading is proven to make our minds sharper and more active than those who don't read. Along with this, reading habits can prevent Alzheimer's disease. 
Allows creative thinking:
Reading on a regular basis enables the creative side of the brain, which allows us to think creatively. When someone has creative thinking, he can look at the different perspectives of a particular thing.
Improves concentration:
By reading we can train our minds to focus properly. As reading is a mental exercise, reading frequently can improve our concentration and learning faster than those who don't read.
 However, increasing a child's reading level may seem like a difficult task. So, without any further delay, let us look at how we can inbuild a reading habit in our children. 
 Tips to inbuild a reading habit?
 Identify why they avoid reading.
First of all, to incorporate a reading habit in a child, we need to know why they ignore reading? There may be so many reasons for ignoring it like they may find it boring, some may not be motivated enough, and so on. We should try to find out all the excuses and work on them so that children can start reading. Along with this, we can read for them in the beginning and when they are capable of doing so they will do it on their own.
Find out the child’s interests:
After working on the excuses, finding a child’s ability and interest is the next thing we should focus on. We can't expect a two-year-old to understand Shakespeare's drama. Instead of making them read anything, we should know their interest and make them read that only. When they enjoy reading, they will read more automatically.
Create a reading space:
Having a reading space will also encourage children to read. A designated space will create an ambiance and motivate a child. It doesn't have to be so big or fancy, it can be just a couch or a chair in the corner of the room, but it should be comfy and have appropriate light. Comfort and cosiness help to build a habit.
Visit the library frequently:
By visiting the library regularly, a child can explore a lot of new things and can develop new interests, which will generate curiosity. Once curiosity is generated, he will definitely read about that. Trips to the library give a child a chance to develop good reading habits and to see other kids doing the same thing.
Praise them:
Appreciation is the best motivation. So every time your child reads a book you should always praise them. These little things will encourage them to read more. Along with this, we can also reward them to motivate them. It is more likely that children will repeat the behavior for which they are praised.
Children should be encouraged to get involved in reading at a young age because reading has a lifelong benefit. Furthermore, it makes them more understanding as a person as well as helps them to develop their cognitive abilities. By following the tips listed above, you can instill in your children a love of reading. After all, a good reader today will make a good leader tomorrow.
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askhow · 2 years
Recent Trends in Educational System
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Evolution is constant in this world. Every day some new changes happen. Everything is rapidly changing and growing and this is the only thing humans strive for. One major area which has seen constant change and growth is the education system. Innovative learning solutions have emerged as a result of technology; it has catalysed the advancement of the education industry. The education sector has seen many changes and development during the last two years due to the pandemic. These changes have changed the whole scenario in the field of education. 
Let's have a look at what has changed globally in the education system…
Virtual Learning
Due to COVID-19, many things changed physical offices became work from home, schools got shut and whatnot. But advancements in technology made everything easy and smooth going. We can see a perfect blend of technology and education is working so well that it might continue even after this pandemic ends. Online schools are gaining popularity as they blend conventional teaching with new technologies and digital learning resources.
Personalised Learning
The only thing that has made education more valuable is now the educational institutes have designed their curriculum in such a way that keeps in mind the strengths and weaknesses of every student so that no one will be left behind. Every student’s learning capacity is different so with the help of these new curricula their tutoring can be customised accordingly. Now rather than looking down on a weak student, educational institutes are understanding and building new ways to build those gaps. 
Social-Emotional Learning
After the pandemic, this kind of learning has become so important. Now besides focusing on the curriculum the education system has started focusing on the social and emotional needs of the students as well. Schools are trying to create a more positive learning environment for the students by including field trips, group assignments, counselling sessions, and more in their curriculum.
Concept-Based Learning
By focusing on a concept, students are able to learn a skill that will lead to a bright career in the future. Along with this, it shifts the focus from the teaching of teachers toward the learning of students. 
Blended Learning
The fusion of conventional learning and online learning is blended learning. This method is especially popular in the UK and is best known for increasing student engagement in the classroom. Students can enjoy the benefits of both worlds with this technique. As an example, students can attend face-to-face classes but submit assignments electronically. Students can revisit recorded classes if they have questions by reviewing them online. This allows them to learn more effectively. to experience both online and offline classes before deciding which suits them best.
Changes around us are unpredictable most of the time, but they are necessary as well. Thus the best way to deal with them is to face them and explore new ways to get along. Future depends on Education, therefore it becomes mandatory to provide it in the best way possible. As the latest trends are emerging in the field of education, we have to cope with them to shape the future of students. So make sure to be aware of these changes and follow them thoroughly to make your future brighter. AskHow is one of those platforms which go hand-in-hand with these latest trends in the education system. 
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askhow · 2 years
Time Management Tips For Students
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“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” So invest and plan your time accordingly. Time is a precious gift and how you spent every minute of it will decide the end result. Managing time is an important skill to learn as a student. As these years are the foundation years of everything and will definitely help you in present and in the future as well. 
Time management: why is it important?
While managing time properly, students can prioritize the tasks and can complete them on time. Students are able to plan beforehand, set aside the time they need for projects and assignments, and make better use of that time.
A student with good time management skills is more organized, more confident, and learns more effectively. It can also help students avoid problems, which can lead to stress, frustration, and poor grades.
So let's learn about some very basic but reasonable time management tips that you must know and should follow. Read ahead to understand them.
1. One thing at a time
Multitasking might seem more productive, but splitting attention between more than one task isn't a productive way to learn. Students should work on one task at a time, with their full attention to it. Focusing on one thing will help them complete it more effectively and efficiently. When a student starts everything altogether, it ends up in chaos. So manage your time accordingly and get better outcomes.
2. Begin filtering
Everyone has a lot of things to do on a particular day. But if stuck on something and don't focus on the other ones then we run out of time. This is why filtering or prioritizing help. In this make a list of each and everything you need to do in a day and then filter the important thing and complete them first.
3. Get up early
Every day we came across the line, early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy and wise. This is not merely a saying but it should be the mantra for every student.  It is a habit that will take you a long way. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day but Waking up early adds up some extra time than others and in that extra time, you can accomplish more and get more tasks done. According to researchers early morning study sessions helps you to better memorize something.
4. List your to-dos
It is always better to know what you have to do beforehand. Making a list of tasks you have to complete in a day, will definitely help you to achieve your targets. Other than this a to-do list will also help you to be  motivated once you finish the tasks one by one, mentioned in it.
5. Shorter Study Bursts
The best way to manage time is to know how lengthy the tasks are and then dividing and completing them accordingly. Along with this, you should take small breaks to recharge yourself. Trying to work on one thing for too long period can actually cause students’ minds to wander more. 
6. Eliminate Distractions
Distractions are the biggest reason for wasting time. The fewer the distractions the more the productivity. There are many distractions including mobile, social media, and so on. To focus harder you should turn off everything before you start studying. 
Time management has numerous benefits. Hopefully, you'll incorporate these tips into your daily lives. Thanks for reading. Happy studying and good luck!
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askhow · 2 years
Benefits of Chat-based Tutoring
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We can't deny the fact that technology has been the saving grace for a lot of what we have done this year. One of them is education and how students and teachers are able to communicate without actually meeting in person. There is a wide range of technologies to choose from when it comes to online learning, but one that everyone has come across is live chat.
Today’s technology has the potential to transform education, but schools aren’t using it to its full capacity. Websites, and social media, have improved the educational community. Schools are actively shifting towards technologies more than ever before.
Not only does using live chat in education work for students and teachers in the classroom, but it also has many incredible features beyond this. Here are the amazing benefits of live chat in education to help you see its full potential.
 Improves e-learning 
After the pandemic happened and learning became virtual, one of the problems that many teachers faced was the loss of efficiency. Some of the difficulties they faced were getting a student to unmute, making sure everyone else is quiet, and then getting them to ask their question too without losing time.
But Live chat makes online learning efficient as students can quickly ask questions in the chat box. This allows teachers to simply read them out and then answer them. 
 Encourage interaction with shy students 
There are many students in a class that are so shy that they can't even ask their queries. So for students like these online learning is a great alternative. With live chat, students can ask questions when they wouldn’t speak up otherwise.
They won’t feel scared to ask their question by simply popping them into a group chat. This is not only efficient, but it improves classroom participation as well. 
 A one-on-one conversation help focus
One of the benefits of live chat is that it allows us to use multiple online chat rooms at the same time. Many students can ask questions at the same time.
This allows a student to focus on one-on-one conversations during online learning, without disturbing the other students. A teacher can navigate between a private chat with one student, along with simultaneously interacting with another group.
 More engagement of parents
Every parent wants to engage in their child’s education and growth process, but it becomes difficult to be there all the time. With online learning, it has become easier for them to involve more through live chat, through which they can connect with their teacher as well.
# There are three important criteria on which chat-based tutoring works:
1. Understand the real problem:
It is difficult for one to understand facial expressions while having a chat. The only way to understand students is through their thoughts. So for this, a tutor should know what they have done so far and they can also let students solve the query in order to know their understanding of the topic. With this, a tutor can customize their own style to make a student understand a particular issue.
2. Detail your response:
One of the advantages of chat-based tutoring is the structure of the answer. This means the tutor can explain each and every step of the answer in detail. Sometimes tutor only provides a few steps and asks the students to continue in order to make them learn faster.
3.Confirm student understanding:
After providing the solution, a tutor needs to confirm whether a student understands the concept or not. If not then the tutor must explain it again. This will help both the student and the tutor to make learning easier and quicker.
If you think that live chat would be the ideal solution for your online classroom, don't forget to check out AskHow’s live chat feature which is available free of cost at any time of the day.
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askhow · 2 years
Online Tutoring VS Traditional Tutoring
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Globally, evolution has been one of the constant processes, and its most notable example has been technological advancement. On one hand, the entire world's education system is becoming technologically advanced, but on the other hand, parents sometimes worry that their child is lagging behind. Ensuring a good quality of education for a child is the biggest responsibility of a parent. A good education is a key to success in the future of a child. So, many parents go for private tutoring to ensure better results. 
Due to advancements in technology, there is visible growth in the field of online tutoring and this is because education is a basic need in today’s world.
Educating students online has become more common, but how effective are these services? Are they more effective than the traditional in-person tutoring method? Are traditional tutoring methods still more effective?
So let's have a look at online VS conventional tutoring…. 
What is Online Tutoring?
Online tutoring is a much more expanded and flexible version of the traditional way of tutoring. In this, neither teacher nor the student has to commute in order to learn as long as you have access to the internet. So, even if you are travelling, you do not need to skip a tutoring session. Online tutoring uses tools like whiteboards, e-mails, video, and audio to communicate.
 Pros of Online Tutoring…
When compared to traditional tutoring, online tutoring is far more convenient. It doesn’t require you to commute from one place to another, you just need to have access to the internet. Along with this online tutoring also provides you with a wider range of expert tutors to choose from. With AskHow you can learn from expert tutors from the comfort of your home. 
Online learning is much more cost-friendly than traditional one. It saves money and physical labour for both the students and the teachers. The study materials are provided online. There is no need to buy costly and heavy books or physically go to meet your tutor. You can do everything from the comfort of your home.
Cons of Online Tutoring…
More distractions:
In traditional tutoring, the teacher has control over the situation and can eliminate the distractions, but in online tutoring, nothing is under the control of the tutor. There are so many distractions present in online tutoring which includes, mobile phones, access to the Internet, siblings or other people in the house. 
Not suitable for hands-on skills:
Online tutoring is not unsuitable for hands-on skills but it will require so many interactive tools. These tools require more creativity to make it easy. Many students prefer traditional tutoring for hands-on skills, which is harder than online tutoring.
What is Traditional Tutoring?
In the traditional way of tutoring, both student and tutor have to meet in person in order to teach and learn. It depends on the tutor’s preference on what method of teaching and tools they will use. These methods or tools include books, and handouts or it can be modern tools as well.
 Pros of Traditional Tutoring…
Personal touch:
Nothing can beat in-personal interactions. A good personal relationship with your tutor can get you good grades. In-person communication can be very beneficial with hands-on skills where a teacher can assist and provide more personalised assistance. This type of tutoring not only helps in building relations with the tutor but with the other students present there. Being friends with like-minded people will definitely help you to grow as a person.
Connects Emotionally:
It is so important for a student to have an emotional connection with his teacher, as it will help him learn better. This connection is only possible in traditional tutoring. Along with this, if a child is shy, a private tutor can notice that and modify their teaching style accordingly. It is also easier to notice when a student is bored or distracted.
Cons of Traditional Tutoring…
The biggest drawback of traditional tutoring is that either the student or the teacher has to travel in order to complete the process. Whoever commutes has to bear the cost of travelling and along with this, it consumes a lot of time to travel to the place. 
Traditional tutoring is much more expensive than online tutoring as it includes travelling and other costs too. That's why many people are shifting towards the online mode of tutoring as it is less costly and saves travelling time.
 Online or Traditional, Which one to choose?
As both the options have their pros and cons and no one is totally perfect. So this totally depends on a child what he wants.
Discussing the different options with a child can make them less resistant. They are the ones who can choose the option that best meets their needs. 
Therefore while deciding on the best method of tutoring for yourself you need to keep all the advantages and disadvantages in mind. Nevertheless, the quality of education is affected not only by the mode of teaching but also by the skills and qualifications of tutors and students, as well as the availability of resources. After considering these points, a person should choose the model that is the most suitable for them.
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askhow · 2 years
Tips To Score A 9 In GCSE Maths
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When it comes to your GCSE exams it may be such a stressful time. You must be aware of how important these exams are, and you have probably been told many times how they are and how they are going to be the foundation of any of your future decisions. 
Scoring a good grade will definitely open up so many doors for you in the future and this can be taken as a great reason to do well in these exams. This will make you and your parents proud of yourself, what can be a better reason to achieve the best grade in your GCSE exams.
So let's have a look at how you can revise successfully so that you can get a 9 in GCSE Maths.
#1 Make a timetable:
Making a timetable and scheduling everything before only helps in dividing time for each and everything. By doing this we can do everything in time. A timetable is necessary as it gives you a sense of direction.  With so many topics to cover in maths, having a blueprint beforehand can help you organize yourself better and start your studies on the right foot.
#2 Practice:
Practice makes a man perfect. This is not just a saying but this is the mantra for studying. Maths is a combination of theory and application. We need to be acquainted with the concepts so that we can practice them. Thus we need to understand the concepts very well, to have a good grasp of the theory part. Once the theory part is done, then only start with the application of it. Solve as many questions as you can. 
#3 Take regular breaks:
Taking breaks at regular intervals is equally important as studying hard. As the human brain can only concentrate for around forty minutes continuously. This should not be ignored for getting a good grade. If we don't take a break while studying no information will be stored in the brain and we will end up learning nothing.
#4 Solve practice papers:
Maths is a subject which needs a lot of practice. The more you practice the more you learn. In order to practice your Maths skills, solve some practice papers from previous years. Obviously, these will not be as same as your current paper but these will give you an idea of what may come in your exam. You can easily find these online. It will give you an outline of the questions that can be asked in your paper. If you become a pro at solving past papers, no one can stop you from getting a 9 grade in your Maths exam.
#5 Memorise the formulas:
Maths is all about formulas and you have to thoroughly memorize them to succeed in your maths exam. The best way to learn them is to write them on a cue card and look at them often. Sometimes questions have formulas given, which have to be used but the majority of time you have to find these formulas on your own. Therefore, start taking the formulas seriously and memorizing them thoroughly.
#6 Learn from your mistakes:
After doing practice papers, make sure you got it checked. So that you can get to know about your mistakes and which parts you are lacking behind. By doing this you will be able to know which parts you have to give more time and practice more. By going over and over again through those mistakes you will ensure that you will not repeat these mistakes in the future. This is an essential part of preparing for GCSE exams.
#7 Improve your speed:
Timing is the most important thing to keep in mind while solving a maths paper. To improve your speed you should practice and train your mind to work faster. For this, you can use a timer while solving practice papers. Set a target every day to solve your practice papers in time. This will improve your speed and help you in solving your papers on time.
#8 Take proper sleep:
Sleep is as important as practicing. If your body doesn't get regular sleep for 8 hours, it will not function well and this will lead to a struggle to learn and practice for your exam. Go to 
bed early every night during and before exams, and make sure that you have a bedtime routine - such routines help us get off to sleep much more quickly, and ensure that we sleep more deeply.
 #9 Get personalized help:
For tricky subjects like maths, one-on-one help sessions can be so beneficial. One of these can be taken from online learning platforms, which provide you with help from the best tutors. They will help you solve your problems and the best part is they will guide you personally. Once you are aware of your mistakes, you and your tutor can work together to understand them better and work through them. For getting personalized help join AskHow as they have the best tutors and will guide you anytime, anywhere.
 #10 Keep a track of your progress:
Keeping a track of your progress will help you to know where you stand and how long you have to go, in order to achieve your target. You can keep a diary to measure your progress by recording your everyday success. 
 Nothing in life will come easy. You always have to put in a lot of hard work in order to achieve your targets. You can improve your maths skills by practicing the above tips with sincerity. Besides, you should have faith in yourself. You can achieve a lot with hard work, discipline, and ambition. Good luck with your exams. We'd love to see you get a 9 grade this year.
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askhow · 2 years
How does music therapy help in better learning?
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Whenever we think about music, we probably don’t immediately think about studying. Rather we probably think about fun, entertainment, parties, and dancing. But did you know that music helps you learn better?
It’s true! Music stimulates both the left and right sides of the brain at the same time, and the simultaneous stimulation of both hemispheres can help to maximize learning and memory. 
 Impact of music on the learning process…
Reduces anxiety:
Every student faces stress or anxiety during his journey of schooling years and this can rise above the normal level at the times of examination. A lot of stress leads to so many mishappenings, but with the help of music, this stress can be reduced and turn anxiety into calmness. 
When we listen to music our brain gets restarted and releases more happy hormones and reduces stress hormones which result in positive energy. 
Improves functioning of the brain:
In some studies, it is found that listening to music can positively impact a person's cognitive ability and brain function. 
The best genres that can be used for improving the functioning of the brain are…
- Classical: Science and Mathematics subjects
- Nature: Helps in retaining information
- Instrumental: Helpful while reading and writing
 Helps in focusing: 
Focus and concentration are the most important factors for learning anything but it is not possible to have the same level of concentration for every subject, so by using music we can focus better on those subjects also. As it is proven in many studies that music moves the brain to pay attention. That's why it is advised for students to learn while listening to music so that they can focus better and learn faster.
The positive mindset:
A positive mindset can do wonders, and there are many ways to achieve positivity but music in all senses has proved to be much more effective. Music can affect one’s mood and sentiments and can refresh minds. Good music can uplifts your mood in seconds.
Enhances working speed:
Working hard always results in success. When a student works harder and leaves behind laziness he will definitely achieve his goals. As music affects the brain’s connectivity which allows the mind to perform better even under extreme pressure, it will result in increased working speed.
What kind of music to avoid while studying:
As such there is nothing like bad music, but negativity depends on a person’s preferences, background, and choices. But it can be like lyrics can be distracting while reading or writing something, and on the contrary, these lyrics will help you solve your maths problem quickly. 
Some studies say that listening to music without lyrics can positively impact a person's cognitive ability and brain function. This results in better concentration and releasing of positive energy. 
In short, a stressful mind will never succeed in life, and to overcome stress and anxiety, there are so many ways but the easiest. But the most effective way is to listen to the music while doing something which needs a higher level of concentration. It has been seen that music and peaceful background noise can improve memory retention. But at the same time, many studies show that music and memory are not interlinked and that the wrong music can even affect memory retention. 
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askhow · 2 years
How to choose a perfect maths tutor for yourself?
So many students across the world find mathematics to be one of the most challenging subjects, but when it is taught correctly, this can be enjoyable and easy to understand. Students who wish to improve their maths grades as well as build their knowledge and skills can greatly benefit from online maths tutoring. It is the best method for teaching maths to kids and giving them individualized attention. 
But in this hectic world, it can be difficult to find the extra support you need. Whether you are trying to catch up on confusing concepts or get a head start on future work, it's important to find quality help. Due to limitations on mobility, scheduling of classes or anything makes this search a little more difficult. For this online tutoring for maths can be a source of learning.
As we know, finding a perfect tutor is not an easy task to do. Choosing from a wide range and choosing the best can be a lengthy process. 
But before searching for a maths tutor you will have to search for a perfect platform first. While selecting a platform, keep in mind these three things so that you can easily find a perfect fit…
Quality: The first and the foremost thing to consider while selecting a tutor should be quality. This includes checking what the platform provides. Always check that it has features other than just video chatting. Screen sharing and interactive whiteboards are some features that we should look for, as these are the basics of online learning. 
Convenience: After assuring the quality the next thing to consider is convenience. As it is one of those things which we always consider while thinking about online learning. If there will not be a feature for scheduling your sessions then there will be no reason to go for learning online. Flexibility is a great advantage of online learning so this must be available. 
Cost: It is another to consider when selecting an online tutor. There may be a huge range to choose the fees for maths tutors. But generally online tutors are more affordable than hiring private tutors. This is so because online tutoring is more convenient for both students and teachers. 
This cost varies according to the level of the student. Like a lower level, the student has to pay less compared to a higher level student. 
AskHow meets each of these three requirements or criteria for selecting a maths tutor. Here you can find expert tutors at a reasonable price along with great experience. You can schedule your session according to your time and need. The experts here use interactive whiteboards to make learning more effective. 
Once you have found the platform which fulfills all your requirements, the next step is to find the tutor. Before selecting a perfect tutor for yourself you need to ask some questions about yourself. These questions are as follows…
At what level do you need the help
First of all, you need to figure out in what topic or area you need to get help. Like you need help in the whole of geometry or a specific area like solving an algebraic expression. By doing this you will get an idea about the specifications you want from your tutor. 
What you hope to achieve from online tutoring 
After defining a broad area for the subjects now you need to figure out the main motive behind the online tutoring or what you want to achieve from this. 
Finding an online maths tutor may not be an easy task but with the help of some steps, you will be able to get your perfect tutor, which will help you to succeed in your life. With AskHow, find your perfect tutor and get guidance from the experts.
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